Forces, Fields and Energy Course Outcome Summary Course Information Project Type Organization Developers Course Number Instructional Level Instructional Area Department Total Credits Aligned Course WTCS - Wisconsin Technical College System William Caplan, MATC Madison 10-806-182 Associate Degree Physics Natural Science 3 Description Forces, Fields and Energy offer an in-depth study of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, electric and magnetic field theory, electric circuits and electronics. The course also includes a brief introduction to kinematics, dynamics, work and energy so that they can be applied to electric and magnetic systems. The course concludes with an introduction to wave optics and the wave/particle duality of light and subatomic particles. Target Population This course is designed specifically to serve the needs of students in Madison Area Technical College's Electron Microscopy program. Prerequisites A course in algebra and introductory trigonometry A basic chemistry course Competencies 1. 2. Demonstrate safety procedures and protocols in the laboratory You will demonstrate your competence: 1.a. by submitting completed of lab activities Your performance will be successful when: 1.a. you explain the use of safety equipment in the laboratory 1.b. you locate the safety equipment in the laboratory 1.c. you locate the emergency exit foute from the laboratory 1.d. you apply safety procedures in handling high voltages Apply the concepts of kinematics You will demonstrate your competence: 2.a. through completion of homework 2.b. through completion of quizzes and exams 2.c. through completion of lab activities 2.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 2.a. you distinguish between displacement, distance, velocity, speed, acceleration and 3. 4. 5. time 2.b. you solve problems involving displacement, velocity, acceleration and time 2.c. you show the steps used to solve problems 2.d. you include correct units of measure in your answer Apply the laws of dynamics You will demonstrate your competence: 3.a. through completion of homework 3.b. through completion of lab activities 3.c. through completion of quizzes and exams 3.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 3.a. you apply Newton's laws of motion 3.b. you draw an accurate free body diagram representing forces in a problem 3.c. you use free body diagrams to solve for unknowns 3.d. you solve circular motion problems 3.e. you show the steps used to solve problems 3.f. you include correct units of measure in your answer Apply the concepts of work, energy and power You will demonstrate your competence: 4.a. through completion of homework 4.b. through completion of lab activities 4.c. through completion of quizzes and exams 4.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 4.a. you distinguish between work, energy, kinetic energy, potential energy and power 4.b. you solve problems involving work 4.c. you solve problems involving power 4.d. you solve problems involving potential, and kinetic energy and the conservation of energy 4.e. you apply energy principles to electrostatic and electrodynamic systems 4.f. you show the steps used to solve problems 4.g. you include correct units of measure in your answer Apply principles of electrostatics You will demonstrate your competence: 5.a. through completion of homework 5.b. through completion of lab activities 5.c. through completion of quizzes and exams 5.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 5.a. you solve Coulomb's law problems 5.b. you analyze electric fields 5.c. you apply electric fields to electron beam deflection 5.d. you differentiate between conductors, insulators and semi-conductors 5.e. you apply concepts of electric potential and electric potential energy 6. 7. 8. 9. 5.f. you show the steps used to solve problems 5.g. you include correct units of measure in your answers Apply principles of electric current You will demonstrate your competence: 6.a. through completion of homework 6.b. through completion of lab activities 6.c. through completion of quizzes and exams 6.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 6.a. you explain the flow of charge 6.b. you explain the functioning of circuit elements 6.c. you apply Ohm's law 6.d. you apply Kirchoff's laws 6.e. you analyze circuits 6.f. you solve problems involving electric power 6.g. you interpret circuit diagrams to build and analyze circuits 6.h. you show the steps used to solve problems 6.i. you include correct units of measure in your answers Analyze magnetic fields You will demonstrate your competence: 7.a. through completion of homework 7.b. through completion of lab activities 7.c. through completion of quizzes and exams 7.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 7.a. you explain magnetic fields and their source 7.b. you apply magnetic force laws 7.c. you summarize magnetic force law applications 7.d. you apply magnetic fields to electron beam deflection 7.e. you apply principles of induction 7.f. you explain the functioning of inductors, transformers and generators 7.g. you show the steps used to solve problems 7.h. you include the correct units of measure in your answers Use electronic measurement devices You will demonstrate your competence: 8.a. through completion of lab activities 8.b. through completion of quizzes and exams 8.c. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 8.a. you use a multimeter to measure current in AC and DC circuits 8.b. you use a multimeter to measure voltage in AC and DC circuits 8.c. you use an oscilloscope to analyze electric signals and circuits Analyze electronic systems You will demonstrate your competence: 10. 9.a. through completion of homework 9.b. through completion of lab activities 9.c. through completion of quizzes and exams 9.d. with the use of a scientific calculator Your performance will be successful when: 9.a. you explain the functioning of doped semi-conductors and p-n junctions 9.b. you explain the application and functioning of a diode 9.c. you summarize the application and functioning of a field effect transistor 9.d. you build and analyze AC to DC converters 9.e. you use circuit diagrams to construct electronic circuits Analyze wave optics You will demonstrate your competence: 10.a. with the use of a scientific calculator 10.b. through completion of homework 10.c. through completion of lab activities 10.d. through completion of quizzes and exams Your performance will be successful when: 10.a. you solve problems involving frequency, wavelength, wave speed and amplitude 10.b. you determine characteristics of electromagnetic waves 10.c. you explain wave and particle properties of light and electrons 10.d. you calculate the deBroglie wavelength of an electron 10.e. you analyze interference patterns 10.f. you analyze diffraction gratings 10.g. you show the steps used to solve problems 10.h. you include the correct units of measure in your answers