CHAPTER 7 Directional Couplers Stephen Jon Blank and Charles Buntschuh I. Definitions and Basic Properties A directional coupler as treated here is a passive, reciprocal four-port coupler in which power incident on one port, the input, is split between two other ports, the coupled and through-ports, and little or no power emerges from the fourth, isolated, port. With the ports numbered as in Figure 1, with the scattering matrix [1, 2] configured as S -- Sll 821 831 841 821 822 832 842 and with P1 as the input power and the coupling is defined by 831 832 333 343 841 842 843 , 844 (1) Pi as the power out of the i th port, P3 C= - 1 0 1 O g p 1 = -201oglS311 I= -101og~ (dB), (2) (dB), (3) the isolation by Handbook of Microwave Technology, Volume I P. = -201oglS411 199 Copyright © 1995 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 200 Blank and Buntschuh Pl Input P2 Through - Pl Input -" P4 Isolated P2 Through " P3 Coupled X " P4 Isolated P3 Coupled Figure I. Two common symbols for directional couplers and power flow conventions. Reprinted with permission from David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, © 1990 Addison-Wesley Publishing. and the direct transmission by P2 T = - 10log P1 20 log IS21l (dB). (4) The directivity is the power out the isolated port relative to the coupled power and is defined by P4 D = I - C = - 10 log P3 15411 20 log iS311 (riB). (5) In an ideal directional coupler, no power is delivered to port 4 and D = I = oo. This port numbering is commonly used for waveguide couplers. Other numbering systems are also used. Frequently, on coupled-line couplers, the coupled, isolated, and through-arms are numbered 2, 3, and 4, respectively. By proper choice of the phase references, we have S21--543 ~--a, 5 3 1 - - ~ e jO, and $42 = / 3 e j6, where a and /3 are real and 0 and ~b are phase constants. An ideal lossless directional coupler is perfectly matched and has infinite directivity: Sii = 0, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, $41 = $32 = 0, and a 2 + /3 2 = 1. Two common choices for 0 and ~b are (1) symmetric coupler, 0 = ~b = rr/2, and (2) antisymmetric coupler, 0 = 0, ~b = 7r. The scattering matrix of an ideal, symmetric 3-dB coupler, called a quadrature hybrid, is, at its center frequency, 0 S= -j - 1 0 1 -j 0 0 - 1 -~ -1 0 0 -j 0 -1 -j (6) 0 whereas that of an ideal antisymmetric 3-dB coupler, called a magic-T or 201 7. Directional Couplers f // / I I ,-"/(~i p/ll I J Figure 2. Waveguide magic T. Adapted with permission from Peter A, Rizzi, Microwave Engineering: Passive Circuits, © 1987 Prentice-Hall, Inc. rat-race hybrid, is 1 s = 0 -j _j 0 -j 0 -j 0 o o j -j 0 j -j • (7) 0 A waveguide magic T is a classic example of an antisymmetric 3-dB directional coupler. From Figure 2, it is seen to be a combination of Eand H-plane Ts. If a TE10-mode wave is incident at port 1, there are waves of equal magnitude and waves phase coupled to ports 2 and 3, and no power is coupled to port 4; incident at port 4, the waves are coupled to ports 2 and 3 with equal magnitude but of opposite phase, and no power is coupled to port-1. Magic Ts are available with an isolation of 30 dB or greater and a coupling balance of 0.1 dB or less over the waveguide bandwidth. In this chapter we divide directional couplers into three categories: (1) waveguide aperture, (2) coupled-line, and (3) branch-line couplers. 2. Waveguide Aperture Couplers This class of couplers depends on the electromagnetic properties of one or more apertures cut into the common wall between two waveguides. 202 Blank and Buntschuh Among this class are the Bethe-hole [3, 4], the multihole [5-7], the Riblet short-slot [8, 9], the Schwinger reversed-phase [10], and the Moreno crossguide [10] couplers. Bethe-Hole Coupler A single small hole in the common broadwall between two rectangular waveguides, a Bethe-hole, can provide directional coupling [3]. The two guides of a Bethe-hole may be either parallel or skewed (Figure 3). For the parallel-guide TE10-mode case, with a circular hole of radius r 0 and an offset s of the hole from the guide sidewall, the scattering amplitudes IS311 and 1S411 are given by IS311 = F( f )r 3 (8a) IS411 - - n ( f ) r 3, (8b) where F ( f ) and B(f), the forward and backward wave intrinsic amplitudes, are functions of frequency, but are assumed to be independent of the hole radius, and are given by F(f) = 2 10120 ab t - ~ sin2 a 3Z20 sin2 a + f12a2 cos2 __a (9a) B(f) = 27rfZ10 [ 2E 0 rrs ab - ~ sin2 a + 4~o [ 3Z2o ~sin2 7rs a "17.2 f12a2 COS2 '?'/"S a ) (9b) ® ® ® Figure 3. Bethe-hole directional coupler. (a) Parallel guides. (b) Skewed guides. Reprinted with permission from David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, © 1990 Addison-Wesley Publishing. 7. Directional Couplers 20~ where /x0 ,c-2a, / c - ~ Zlo = EO , and ,8= c 1- Solving Equation (9a) for s, for F(f) = 0, yields the hole offset for backward coupling to port 4 and isolation to port 3: a s = sin - 1 -- (10) "Jr _1 f 2 It should be noted that real values of s can be obtained only for a restricted range of frequencies, f/fc = 1 to V~-, as shown in Figure 4. °5i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i .. .. .......i.............i........................i.............. .. .. .. .. ..!............i... . . . . . . . . 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.2 0.15 ..... 0.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0.05 - .... 0 i 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... i J t J 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Normalized Frequency - f/fc Figure 4. Hole offset s / a vs normalized frequency f / f c for ideally directive Bethe-hole couplers. 204 Blank and Buntschuh The offset s determines the isolation to port 3. The hole radius r 0 determines the coupling to port 4 and can be found for a given frequency, offset, and coupling from 1/3 10-(c/2o) t- 0 -- (11) IB(f)l For example, Figure 5 shows r 0 as a function of C for values from 10 to 30 dB for WR-90 waveguide, with a = 2.286 cm, b - 1.016 cm, f = 8.75 GHz, and s = 0.909 cm. The coupling and directivity as a function of frequency of a Bethe-hole coupler in the same guide with r 0 = 0.431 cm are shown in Figure 6. It is possible to find values for s to give forward coupling to port 3 by solving Equation (9b) for I B ( f ) l - 0. Values of s/a as a function of the 0.65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . o.e L i . . 0.55 o . . . .................... 0 . 5 ~. . . . . . . . . . . i ................. 0.45 ; 0.4- . ........... . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . 0.35 0.3 ~ . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 L , 10 ..................... r 15 - 20 Coupling ................. j 25 30 - dB s - 0 . 9 0 9 , f - 8 . 7 5 GHz Figure 5. Hole radius vs coupling for Bethe-hole couplers with backward wave coupling. 7. Directional Couplers 205 • -5 -10 15 ,',', "10 I 20 •~ 25 ~ 3o "OI~t~t,.-35 ~- ....................... " . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..... .c:: 0o -40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -45 -50 ..... -55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -60 L 7 ................. i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : i............................. , ................................ i 9 10 11 Frequency - GHz 8-0.909 cm, ro,,0.431 cm Figure 6. Coupling and directivity vs frequency for a single-hole Bethe-hole coupler. normalized frequency for forward coupling are shown in Figure 4. This case is generally of less practical interest as it requires coupling holes relatively close to the guide sidewall. The hole may be on the centerline of the skewed Bethe-hole coupler, s = a/2, and the angle 0 may be adjusted for isolation at port 3. The skewed geometry, however, is often a fabrication and packaging disadvantage [3]. Multihole Waveguide Couplers The narrow-band directivity performance of the single-hole coupler is evident from Figure 6. High directivity over a much greater bandwidth can be obtained using an array of coupling holes offset s from the centerline and spaced one-quarter wavelength apart at the center frequency f0 Blank and Buntschuh 206 ® Figure 7. Multihole broadwall waveguide coupler. (Figure 7). With this arrangement, the forward-coupled-wave contributions from each hole are added in phase at port 3, whereas the backward wave contributions cancel at port 4. The cancellations occur essentially pairwise from the holes, so it shall be assumed that the total number of holes, N + 1, is even and that the distribution of hole radii is symmetric, i.e., r, = rN_ n. The coupling and directivity responses are given by N C(f) = -20log F(f) Ern3 (12) n=0 N D ( f ) = - 2 0 l o g B( f ) E r3ne-jn~d~f) - C( f ), (13) n=0 where F ( f ) and B ( f ) are given by Equation (9), G is the hole diameters, and d ( f ) is the ratio of guide wavelengths at f0 and f: 2 _f2 d(f) = ~f f z _ f2 • (14) The design problem is to find the values of rn which achieve a specified minimum directivity, Dm, over a specified bandwidth (f~, f2). It is usual to synthesize the directivity response with either a binomial or a Chebychev design. 207 7. Directional Couplers Binomial Design For a specified coupling, minimum directivity, and bandwidth, N is obtained from Om N = - 20 log Icos 011 ' (15) where 01 = ~d(fl) = ~- (fa -fg fz_f2 7T 0 2 - - 77" - - 01 "-- - ~ - - d ( f 2 ) . Alternatively, given N, Equation (15) can be used to find fl and f2. The values of the hole radii rn, n = O, 1 . . . ( N - 1)/2, are given by 1/3 lO-C/2°Cn rn "-- N N , (16) IF(fo)lEfn 0 where Cn N~ (N- n)!n! For example, with C = 20 dB, D m = 40 dB, f0 = 8.75 GHz, f l = 8.24 GHz, and f2 = 9.3 GHz in a WR-90 waveguide with s = a / 4 , we obtain N = 3, r 0 = 3.16 mm, and r 1 4.55 mm. Inserting these binomial values for r n into Equations (12) and (13), the coupling, C b ( f ) , and directivity, D b ( f ) , responses are obtained, as shown in Figure 8. The directivity, D b ( f ) , deviates from an ideal, maximally flat binomial response due to the effects of the F ( f ) and B ( f ) terms. Examination of the D b ( f ) response shows that the lower frequency for D m = 40 dB is 8.0 GHz, not 8.24 G H z as calculated for an ideal binomial response. Furthermore, if D m is reduced to 38.5 dB, a bandwidth from f l = 7.5 G H z to f2 = 9.35 GHz is obtained. The corresponding ideal binomial response, with F ( f ) , B ( f ) = 1, is shown in Figure 9. = Blank and Buntschuh 208 -lUJ"___ ................................................... i ............................................................................................................................ \ •,=, -2o ~ / Coupling __--~ ._> - 3 0 - ........................ "¢.... 0 Directivity .c: o L) Binomial -40 ~ .................... .......................................7L Chebychev -50 - ...... - 6 0 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 8 9 10 Frequency - GHz WR-90 Guide, f 0 - 8 . 7 5 GHz Figure 8. Performance of four-hole binomial and Chebychev couplers. Chebychev Design A Chebychev n = 0, 1 . . . response (N - 1)/2, can be from N = cosh- 1 obtained by c a l c u l a t i n g N and [ 10o.o 1 c o s h - 1( s e c rn, (17) 01) and k rn ~ w h e r e 01 "- 2",r ( Jo -~ "rrd(f l)/2, COS[(N -- 2 n ) [ ~ ] T N ( S e c 02 --- "IT" -- 01, 10-(C+D,,)/20 k= [F(fo) I 01 COS 0 ) dO , (18) 7. D i r e c t i o n a l 209 Couplers ' i -10 2O Binomial m " ........ . . . . .... "O I ->' ._> -30 - Chebychev a L,. -40 - 50 -60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ~ ........ t................................................i J 8 9 10 11 Frequency - GHz WR-90 F i g u r e 9. Guide, f0-8.75 GHz Ideal d i r e c t i v i t y vs f r e q u e n c y f o r ideal f o u r - h o l e b i n o m i a l and C h e b y c h e v couplers. and TN = c o s ( N cos- 1( sec 01 COS O) ) = N t h order Chebychev polynomial of argument sec 0 a cos 0. An ideal Chebychev response gives the optimum compromise between directivity and bandwidth. That is, for a specified directivity, it gives the maximum bandwidth; alternatively, for a specified bandwidth, it gives the maximum directivity. However, due to the F ( f ) , B ( f ) terms, the actual response is only approximately Chebychev. For example, with C = 20 dB, O m -- 40 dB, and f0 = 8.75 GHz in a WR-90 guide with s = a / 4 and N = 3, values of r 0 = 3.25 m m and r I = 4.51 m m are obtained from Equation 18. For an ideal Chebychev response, bandwidth values of f l = 8.0 G H z and f2 = 9.6 GHz are obtained. Inserting these Chebychev values for rn into Equations (12) and (13), the coupling C t ( f ) and directivity D t ( f ) responses, including the F ( f ) 210 Blank and Buntschuh and B(f) terms, are obtained as shown in Figure 8. The calculated directivity response, D t ( f ) , provides a somewhat greater bandwidth than the corresponding Chebychev response shown in Figure 9. For this example the lower frequency of a 40-dB bandwidth, calculated from Dt(f), is 7.5 GHz, versus 8.0 GHz with an ideal Chebychev response. The coupling response of the binomial and Chebychev designs are nearly identical and are close to the ideal responses shown. Optimum Design The Bethe theory, upon which the above analysis and design techniques are based, is only approximate in that it assumes that the forward and backward wave responses, F(f) and B(f), are independent of hole size. It also assumes an infinitely thin common wall. Cohn [4] extended this theory to include the important effects of finite hole size and finite wall thickness. Levy [5-7] further refined and modified the theory to a point at which there is now available a rigorously accurate method of analysis. Levy's theory deals with the practically significant case of a double row of coupling apertures offset from the centerline and accounts for the effects of mutual coupling between the apertures in such a configuration. These highly sophisticated analysis methods notwithstanding, there still remains the question of optimizing the design of a multihole coupler, i.e., of finding the design that optimizes the performance of a coupler according to some defined criteria. This question has been approached via numerical search methods. In this approach, the design variables, which are the hole radii, are represented by a vector p = (r 0, r l , . . . , rn). The desired directivity response is specified by the function Odes(f) , and the actual directivity response by D(f, p). The response D ( f , p) can be made to account rigorously for the very complicated effects of mutual coupling, intrinsic coupling, hole size, wall thickness, finite conductivity, and dielectric loss. An error function, e(p), is defined as the normed difference between the actual and the desired responses, i.e., e( p) - Il D ( f (11 II) represents , p) - Odes(f) 11. The norm symbol some numerical measure of a varying function. A typical choice of norm is the maximum norm, giving e(p) = max ] D ( f , p ) - D0es(f)]. (20) fl<f<f2 An optimum design, p*, is achieved when e(p*) is less than some specified value. The mathematics literature [11] contains many ingenious methods that can be used to search in the space of vectors p to find the 21 I 7. Directional Couplers ® Figure 10. Riblet short-slot coupler. Reproduced with permission from David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, © 1990 Addison-Wesley Publishing. optimum, p*. The mathematical statement of the problem is min e ( p ) ~ p*. p This approach has been applied to the optimum design of multihole couplers and other microwave circuits and components and has achieved significant improvements to designs based on closed form, analytic methods [11, 12]. Riblet Short-Slot Coupler The Riblet short-slot coupler [8] (Figure 10) consists of two waveguides with a common sidewall. Continuous coupling takes place in the region in which part of the common sidewall has been removed. A comprehensive theory for such continuous coupling has been developed by Miller [9]. For the case of the configuration in Figure 10, both the even TEl0 and the odd TE20 modes are excited and can be utilized to cause cancellation at the isolated port and addition at the coupled port. The overall width of the interaction region is made less than 2a to prevent propagation of the undesired TE30 mode. The Riblet short-slot coupler is commonly designed to provide 3-dB coupling. Schwinger Reversed-Phase Coupler The Schwinger reversed-phase coupler [10], as depicted in Figure 11, consists of two thin slots spaced A/4 apart at the center frequency. This 212 Blank and Buntschuh ® $ ...- T -d ® ® $ Figure II. Schwinger reversed-phase coupler. Reproduced with permission from David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, © 1990 Addison-Wesley Publishing. results in coupling in the backward wave direction and isolation in the forward direction. Directivity is practically independent of frequency, whereas coupling is very frequency sensitive, the opposite of the multihole coupler discussed under multihole waveguide couplers. Moreno Crossed-Guide Coupler The Moreno crossed-guide coupler [10] consists of two waveguides at right angles, with coupling provided by two apertures in the common broad wall of the guides (Figure 12). The two apertures are on opposite sides of the waveguide centerline, placed so that they are at diagonally opposite corners of a square of side l, with l = A/4 at the design center frequency. This results in coupling to the port to the left of the input port and isolation of the port to the right. Both the coupling and the directivity are ® Figure 12. Moreno cross-guide coupler. Reproduced with permission from David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, © 1990 Addison-Wesley Publishing. 213 7. Directional Couplers frequency dependent. The apertures are usually crossed slots in order to provide tight coupling. 3. Coupled-Line Couplers Two parallel transmission lines in close proximity, sharing a common ground plane, have directional coupling properties. The simplest, basic coupler consists of two identical straight lines of common length, uniform cross-section, and homogeneous dielectric, with each of the four ports terminating in a resistance, Z 0, as illustrated in Figure 13. (Note the change in port numbering from that used for waveguides, above.) Two orthogonal TEM modes may propagate: the even mode, excited by equal voltage drives on the two lines, E A = E B , and the odd mode, excited by opposite voltage drives, E A = - E B. The coupling properties, with drive at a single port, are obtained by superposition of the even and odd modes. The coupler is completely described by three parameters: ga ]' --- even-mode characteristic impedance Z°e "- -~A ,EA = E B VA ] = odd-mode characteristic impedance Zo° = -~A ,EA=--EB l 0 = 2 r r f ~ = electrical length of coupler, /]p Figure 13. Coupled-line coupler. i/14 Blankand Buntschuh where f is the frequency, Up = c / ~ r is the wave phase velocity, and e r is the medium relative dielectric constant. The impedance level of the coupler is (21) Z k = ~/ZoeZoo. When Z k = Z o the coupler is perfectly matched and has infinite directivity. The scattering matrix of the ideal matched, lossless coupler is, using the port numbering of Figure 13, 0 S ~-~ 821 0 841 821 0 841 0 0 841 0 821 841 0 821 0 (22) where 821 = j k sin 0 ¢1 -- k 2 cos 0 + j sin 0 V/1 - (23) = direct wave voltage, (24) k 2 - 841 - = coupled wave voltage v/1 - k 2 cos 0 + j sin 0 and k - Z0e - Z0o = voltage coupling coefficient at midband, 0 = ~-/2. Zoe + Zoo (25) Note that 8 2 1 / 8 4 1 ~-- j k sin 0/V/1 - k 2 is pure imaginary, meaning that the direct and coupled waves are in phase quadrature at all frequencies and couplings. Figure 14 shows the coupling response in decibels for several values of k, normalized to the midband coupling and to a unit center frequency. This pattern repeats, ad infinitum, as frequency increases. The bandwidth over which the coupling remains within a specified tolerance can be increased by cascading two or more couplers end to end to form a multisection coupler. For example, Figure 15 shows the coupling responses and phase differences for symmetrical and asymmetrical threesection 10-dB couplers, specified to have 0.5-dB coupling ripple. Note that symmetrical couplers, in which the coupling decreases symmetrically from the center to the ends, have (N + 1)/2 ripples and retain the 90 ° quadrature property of the single section couplers, whereas asymmetrical cou- 7. Directional Couplers 215 L . . . . . -1 -! , i . . . . . . . . !. . . . . . ... .... -2 30 dB Mid-band Coupling -3 "o t- . -4 .JO E . . . . . . . , . , -5 O i.,4tO . i .................... i........... i ................ -6 ! -7 > CI -8 ," -9 o -10 -11 : i -12 -,3 f -14 .... i -15 0 0.2 0.4 . . . . . . . i ..... : ......... ;. . . . . . . . . . i i i , 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 : ........ i. . . . i 1.4 1.6 1.8 Normalized Frequency Figure 14. Coupling responses of idealized coupled-line couplers. 180 -9 Coupling -10 - 135 -11 90 -12 -45 o~ c- -13 0 o -14 rn I hase Difference o ~ 8 *._ -45 a(D u) ..E: --90 -15 -16 - \ -17 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 I 1.4 I 1.6 I 1.8 a_ -135 -180 2 Normalized Frequency Figure 15. Responses of symmetrical and asymmetrical three-section, 0.2-dB-ripple, coupled-line couplers. 216 Blank and Buntschuh piers, in which the coupling decreases from one end to the other, have N ripples and are not quadrature couplers, but have a greater equal-ripple bandwidth. Continuously tapered couplers have a high-pass coupling response; i.e., the coupling is theoretically fiat to infinite frequency, and the lowfrequency cutoff is determined by the total coupler length. The following references provide prescriptions for coupling variation along the length for various multisection and tapered couplers, which may be applied to any of the coupler types described in this section: stepped asymmetrical [13], stepped asymmetrical [14-16], tapered asymmetrical [17], and tapered symmetrical [18-20]. If the dielectric medium is not homogeneous, as in microstrip and many other multilayer planar structures, the propagation is no longer pure TEM, with the consequence that the line is dispersive, and the pattern of Figure 14 does not repeat with increasing frequency. Nevertheless, in most practical cases, at low enough frequencies, the deviation from TEM is slightmcalled quasi-TEMmand dispersion is ignored. The even and odd modes are still orthogonal, i.e., not coupled, but they will have different phase velocities and effective dielectric constants, with the result that when superposed they do not cancel to provide a perfect match and directivity. Also, because of this, multisection and tapered non-TEM couplers generally do not perform very well over large bandwidths, and each proposed case must be studied individually. uI _ .__ ~ f -. S41-Direct coupling . -10 -20 -30 -40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Frequency - GHz Figure 16. Wideband responses of a 10-dB microstrip coupler on 0.020-in. alumina, centered at I GHz. 7. Directional Couplers 217 T h e s c a t t e r i n g p a r a m e t e r s of the i n h o m o g e n e o u s dielectric c o u p l e r are J( e2 -- 1)sin 0 e all - - - j(Z2o - 1)sin 0 o - m 4Z e COS 0 e q- 2 j ( z e2 + 1)sin 0 e 4z o cos 0 o + 2 j ( z o2 + 1)sin 0 o (26) j ( Z e2 -- 1)sin S21 -- 0e j ( Z o2 + 4 z e COS 0 e + 2 j ( Z e2 + 1)sin -- 1)sin 0 o 4 z o cos 0 o + 2 j ( z o2 + 1)sin 0 o 0e (27) 2Z e 531 = 2z o m 4 Ze COS 0 e "{- 2 j ( Z e2 -F 1 )sin 0 e 4Zo COS 0 o + 2 j ( z o2 + 1)sin 0 o (28) 2Z e 541 2z o 4 z e c o s 0 e -t- 2 j ( z e2 + 1 )sin 0 e + 4Zo cos 0 o + 2 j ( Z o2 + 1)sin 0 o ' (29) w h e r e z e -- Zoe/Zo, z o - " Z o o / Z 0 are n o r m a l i z e d i m p e d a n c e s a n d w h e r e 0 e - - ~ol/vpe a n d 0 o = a~I/vpo are the electrical l e n g t h s of e a c h m o d e . W e still have Z k = 1/ZoeZoo a n d k = (Z0e -- Z o o ) / ( Z o e + Zoo) , b u t the coupler is not m a t c h e d for any Z k , a n d the m a x i m u m coupling, which occurs C12 II C0 j ¢0 Figure 17. Coupled-line interelectrode capacitances A o) I-w.-I. I-w- #/i/ill/i/////ill/ill//, b I t'w-I'~'ffw'l ± h) .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.:. b) j/ / I / l l I / l + i i l l t l l l l l l ~wobw~ j) h L, ;;. ;"-. :," . ," ;. ;.-. ;.;. ;J •ii}iiii}].ii ii./.iiii.iiiiii].iiiiiii.ii}ii../ii.i.]]iiiiiii 2ill'il)lTIJliiJl21il'll'l c) Y/ill//i/ill/ill//////, ~llllJ vllllA i/ill///ill/i////ill/// k) ZiiiT--;;iiii i iT: "llllllllllllllllillii 4 d) Z/i/I//Ill///////Ill/h m m) I/i/i/i/ill//////////// ........................../......./... ......................... ......................~.......~.......... ..............~ .........~..... ,'///////I/////i///////i ////I////ll//ll///////l @ @ ......-,...... ;.], ;'], ;..,.......-,... "////////I/i/I/i///i///, "I////II//I///////////I, "/I////////H/I////////, f) o) II/////I/I///IIII////// I////I/I//////////////; I/////I///I///////////I Y//I////I/////I///////, ...........-.................... t///IllI//I/llllll/lll/. Figure 18. Common coupled-line coupler cross-sections. (A) Homogeneous dielectrics of the relative dielectric constant Er. (a) Edge-coupled stripline, t -0 [11], and coupled rectangular bars, t > 0, [21]. (b) Offset-coupled striplines [22]. (c) Broadside-coupled stripline [23]. (d) Vertical broadside-coupled stripline [24]. (e) Coupled round rods [25]. (f) Slot-coupled stripline [26]. (g) Reentrant coupled lines [27]. (B)Inhomogeneous dielectrics. (h) Microstrip coupled lines [11]. (i) Interdigitated (Lange) coupler [28]. (j)Microstrip with dielectric overlay [29]. (k)Coplanar waveguide coupler [30]. (I)Coupled slotlines [30]. (m) Microstrip reentrant coupler [31]. (n) Broadside-coupled suspended substrate lines [32]. (o) Double-registered edge-coupled suspended substrate lines [33]. (p) Edge-coupled suspended substrate coupler [34]. 7. Directional Couplers 219 w/b vs coupling for Zk = 48, 50, 52 ohms, Er = 1.0, 2.2 a 1.6 Zk = 48 : 14 .......................... • 1.2 .0 !................... !....................................... ........................................................................................ .................................... IE r = 1 . 0 ~5--0 s2 .................... .......................... ! ......... ......... i ...................................... !.................................. 1 = i ...................................... i .................................................... 08 ! ............................ ................................... Z ...... i. . . . . ! ...... k=48 ............................. ~ ~ ~ ....................; 52.i. - - n Er= 2.2 0.6 ...................................................................................... ~ .................................... i .................................... i ..............................!........... ~................................................. 0.4 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 40 Coupling - dB b s/b vs coupling for Zk = 48, 50, 52 ohms, 1.0, 2.2 Er = 10 I -_ ' 1 ,., 0.1 "~ 52 ! ! ! 15 20 25 . ! 0.01 0.001 0.0001 5 10 30 40 50 Coupling - dB Figure 19. Edge-coupled stripline parameters for Z k - - 4 8 , 50, and 52 ~, and for e r - 1 . 0 , (a) w / b vs coupling. (b) s/b vs coupling. and 2.2. 220 Blank and Buntschuh w/h vs coupling for s/h = .0375, .0725, .135 Zo = 50 ohms, E r = 2.2 0.8 '- 0.6 0.4 .0375 i 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40 Coupling - dB Wo/h vs c o u p l i n g for s/h = .0375, . 0 7 2 5 , . 135 Z o = 50 o h m s , E r = 2.2 1.8 - 1.6 1.4 1.2 ¢- 1 0.8 0.6 - 0.4 s/ .0375- ~ ~ ~ 0 0 5 10 15 20 Coupling -dB Figure 20. Offset-coupled stripline parameters for s / h = 0.0375, 0.0725, and O. 135, for Z 0 = 50 /),, and for Er = 2.2. (a) w/h vs coupling. (b) Wo/h vs coupling. 7. Directional Couplers 221 w/h vs coupling for Z k = 48, 50, 52 ohms, E r -- 10.0; Eel f for 5 0 - o h m s 7.5 1.2 Eeff - e ~ _ 0.8 6.5 0.6 6 0.4 5.5 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 I I I I 30 35 40 45 5 50 Coupling - d B b ~ vs coupling for z k = 48, 50, 52 ohms, f'r =" I 0 . 0 m "ID I ~, 10 ............ I .~ • :: 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 s/h Figure 21. Microstrip coupled line parameters for Z k - 48, 50, and 52 ~ and for ~r - I0. (a) w/h and Eeff for 50 II vs coupling (b) s/fl vs coupling. 222 Blank and B u n t s c h u h w/h vs coupling for Z k = 48, 50, 52 ohms, Er ,,= 10.0; E~f for 50 ohms 0.2 6.5 0.15 : ..........~ z~ = 48-~ ~50---0.1 5.5 ........ 0.05 _ 0 0 1 I I I I I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 4.5 9 10 Coupling - d B s/bvscoupling for 7_k = 48, 50, 52 ohms, b Er= 10.0 ~::::..::::::i:::::::::::::::i:-: .......................... 4 ............................................i = I !!!i!!i! !!! :!i!:!!!iii.!i!: :!:!i !!i!i ! !!!!!!!!! ! !i!! !i !i! ii:::i!!:!i!!!i!!!.::::i:i!:ii!!:::~,::::::,,::,:,i : :!! .........................~-......................................... i.......................................... i ............................... 4...........................................i ............................... i .......... ; .............. ....:................................. i ....................................... ~ O.01 -52 .................~...................................... ~........................................ 4............................................. i............................................ i .................................... i • .......... ................................. ~ .............. ~ _ : : : : : - ~ .............================================== ........................................ ~............................................. ~ ...................................... i .............................................. ~............................................. ~................................... 0,001 0 1 2 3 l ~ 4 5 L 6 7 8 9 10 Coupling - dB Figure 22. Interdigitated coupled line parameters for Z k = 48, 50, and 52 D, and for ~r - and ~eff for 50 D, vs coupling. (b) s / h vs coupling. 10. (a) w/h 7. Directional Couplers 223 when ( 0 e -t-" 00)/2 = rr/2, is slightly less than k, due to the reflection and directivity losses. Figure 16 shows the computed coupling response of a typical 10-dB coupler on alumina, including the effects of unequal mode velocities and dispersion. The design problem is to determine the physical dimensions of a desired coupler type for a given Z~ and k (or Z0e and Zoo) and dielectric constant e r. This is a formidable mathematical problem, even for the simplest geometries. Typically, for TEM and quasi-TEM formulations, the capacitances per unit length between the two lines and from each to the ground, (Figure 17) are calculated from electrostatics, and the even- Z12 Q f --- ~/4 ® Z12 Z1 ;./4---- - - - M4----Z2 Z1 . Figure 23. Planarbranch-line coupler topology. Figure 24. Waveguide branch-guide coupler. ® Blank and Buntschuh 224 and odd-mode impedances determined from the relations 1 Z0e = 1 vpCo Z0o -- vp(Co + 2C12 ) . (30) There are numerous computer programs commercially available which compute the impedances and effective dielectric constants for virtually any arbitrary cross-sectional geometry. Also, the popular microwave C A D / C A E packages have routines for both synthesis (dimensions from impedances) and analysis (impedances from dimensions) for stripline and microstrip lines. Coupled-line geometries which have been treated in the literature and for which some design data or formulas have been published are shown in Figure 18. Space precludes reproducing design data for all of them. Data for the four most common and important configurations are given in Figures 19 through 22, for specific values of the dielectric constant. All curves are for the zero-thickness approximation. Those for edge-coupled stripline and the microstrip lines are plotted for 0 ! ! i ~ 0 i -10 20 - 9 0 ~, 3O - 40 L ......................... i.............................................. i....................................................... i 180 ...................................................................................................................... 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Normalized Frequency Figure 2.5. Coupler performance for a two-branch, 50-,0,, 3-dB branch-line hybrid. 7. DirectionalCouplers 225 = 48, 50, and 52 f~, to provide a rough indication of the sensitivity of 50-~ couplers to variations in the parameters. The data for offset-coupled 50-f~ stripline couplers are given for three useful ratios of spacer thickness to ground plane spacing. Zk 4. Branch-Line, Branch-Guide, and Rat-Race Couplers Branch-line and branch-guide couplers are formed by coupling two main transmission lines together with two or more quarter-wavelength-long transmission lines, spaced by quarter-wavelengths along the coupled lines. For branch-line couplers, i.e., coax and planar configurations, the coupling lines are shunt connected, as illustrated for a three-branch coupler in Figure 23. The branches of a waveguide branch-guide coupler are normally series connected to the main line with E-plane Is, as sketched in Figure 24, also for a three-branch coupler. O- ~ Direct ~~=1- iO -10 ~, "~ ~ ~ 1 1 " $41"'s°lati°n / / ReturnI ° ~ ~ I u'J =o -2o -90 a -30 - 40 L J J 0.2 0.4 0.6 ........... .........i.................... i.............................i........................~ - 180 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 NormalizedFrequency Figure26. Couplerperformancefor atwo-branch,50-~, 10-dBbranch-linecoupler. Blank and Buntschuh 226 The coupling value and the matching conditions uniquely determine the impedances of the branches and interconnects of two-branch couplers. For three or more branches, the additional degrees of freedom are used to increase the coupling bandwidth. Branch-line and -guide couplers have a much narrower band than coupled-line or waveguide couplers of the same number of sections or holes. Moreover, the impedance ranges involved are rather large, such that branch-line couplers of more than three sections or either branch-line or branch-guide couplers looser than 10 dB become impractical. Consequently, branch-line and -guide couplers find their widest use in tight-coupling applications, especially as 3-dB hybrids, in which coupled lines and multihole waveguide couplers become difficult to fabricate because of the narrow gaps or large holes required. Branch-Line Couplers Figures 25 through 28 show the computed responses for two-branch 3- and 10-dB couplers and three-branch Butterworth and Chebychev 3-dB hy- 0 i 0 $31"~Coupling jj $21- Direct $11- Return loss ! ............................................ -10 ~i ............... , $4~- Isolation ! ¢/) G) IZI -o -20 -90 .......................................................... ~= <D o )$21 i . i - 30 .............................~........ . . . . . . . . i ............................................... 1 i i - 40 ..............i...............J........ .. J 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 . . . . . . . . . . . J...................................... J...................................... i.......................... u - 18 0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Normalized Frequency Butterworth Response Figure 27. Coupler performance for a three-branch 50-~,, 3-dB Butterworth branch-line hybrid. 7. Directional Couplers 227 brids. Note that the couplers are bandwidth limited in coupling, match, and directivity by about the same amount. Although branch-line couplers are not quadrature at all frequencies, the phase difference between the coupled and the direct arms is within 2° over the useful bandwidth, which is close enough for most applications. The two-branch 3-dB hybrids have a useful bandwidth of about 10%; three-branch Butterworth couplers have about 30% and Chebychev designs have over 50%, although the coupling imbalance is as great as 1.4 dB at midband. Young [35] has given a formulation to design couplers with two to eight branches, in which the impedances for three or more branches are determined by an optimization procedure. Levy and Lind [36] have given tables of immitances for couplers of three to nine branches, derived by exact synthesis for maximally flat responses and almost exact for Chebychev, characteristics. The branch and main line impedances are plotted in Figure 29 as a function of the coupling for two- and three-branch couplers, from References [35] and [36], and for 50-~ shunt-branch couplers for impedances up to 200 ~. / S21 - Direct -10 ¢/) 20 -90 D -30 - _40 L 0.2 J 0.4 0.6 l 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 l ..... 1.6 -J - 1 8 0 1.8 Normalized Frequency Chebychev Response Figure 28. Coupler performance for a three-branch, 50-~,, 3-dB Chebychev branch-line hybrid. 228 Blank and B u n t s c h u h 200 / 180 i Z 1 - 3 Branch 'Butterworth ' Chebychev 160 140 Z 1 - 2 Branch E 120 tO I 1/1 ® 100 0 Z 2 - 3 Branch c " "lO ,-, E 80 Chebychev ~ 60 nch ..................................................................... Butterworth 40 .................i 20 - 2 Branch .................................................................. ~......................................... .......................................................................................................................... i Z12 - 3 Branch Zl 2 Chebychev I_ 2 4 6 8 10 12 Coupling - dB Figure 29. Impedances for t w o - and three-branch, 50-D,, branchline couplers vs coupling. Branch-Guide Couplers In a waveguide, the impedance values required for each branch are determined by the guide heights, h i . It is often convenient to maintain the main line impedance, Z 0, in the main and coupled lines. This requires three or more coupling branches. Both coupling and directivity are frequency sensitive. To obtain tight coupling and high directivity over a wide frequency band, more than three branches may be required, and 10 or more branch designs are not uncommon. The design problem is to choose the branch line impedances, as determined by the h i , in order to achieve the required coupling and directivity over a specified frequency band. Designs based on binomial and Chebychev distributions are given by Lormer and Crompton [37], Patterson [38], and Levy [39]. T-junction effects are accounted for in these references. Improvements in bandwidth performance can be achieved by using the main and coupled line impedances as design variables. Young has considered this case in Reference [39], and further improvements in performance are presented in References [36] and [40]. 7. Directional Couplers 229 q) ® xt ® ..... ~, _',"f ® \ Z3 Figure 30. Planar rat-race coupler topology. Adapted with permission from Peter A. Rizzi, Microwave Engineering: Passive Circuits, © 1987 Prentice-Hall, Inc. 0 90 S42 S12= S21 -10 "o - 2 0 .......... ...... ~ - 9 0 -30 - --180 ~S42- ~$12 -40 L 0.2 i l 0.4 J 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 J - 270 1.8 Normalized Frequency Figure 31. Coupler performance for a 3-dB, 50-~, conventional rat-race hybrid. o~ ¢b a 230 Blank and Buntschuh Rat-Race Couplers A rat-race coupler, or hybrid ring, consists of a 1 ~1 wavelength ring-shaped transmission line with four feed lines entering radially at points spaced as shown in Figure 30, in which the ports are numbered such that the scattering matrix of a 3-dB hybrid, at midband, is given by Equation (7). The feed lines are shunt connected in planar transmission media and normally series connected in a waveguide, although waveguide and coax rings are rarely implemented. Figure 31 shows the principal responses of a conventional 50-f~, 3-dB rat-race coupler in which Z 1 = Z 2 = Z 3 = 70.7 l~. For input into port 1, the power splits between port 2 and port 3, with port 4 isolated. The outputs are in phase at midband, and the phase difference deviates by several degrees at the edges of the useful bandwidth. For input at port 2, the power splits between port 1 and port 4, with port 3 isolated. At midband the phase difference between outputs is 180°, again with several degrees of variation over the useful bandwidth. The isolations, $41 and 90 S21 S31 -10 )S31- ~S21 S22 ¢/) a) Sll "o -20 .... - 3 o - -90 ................... i ..... •- ......... i i L_.............. i ..................~............................... .................i . . . . . . . 0.2 - 180 i i -40 =o a 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 i.... 1.4 ..... 1.6 ~ - 270 1.8 Normalized Frequency Figure 32. Coupler performance for a 3-dB, 50-~, modified rat-race hybrid. 7. Directional Couplers 231 $32 , are not shown in the figure; they are both similar to the port 1 return lOSS, Sll. The useful bandwidth, over which the isolation and return loss are better than 20 dB and the coupling imbalance better than 1 dB, is about 30%. The coupling, defined here by $21 = $12, may be varied by appropriately altering the ring segment impedances Z 1 and Z 2. As the coupling is made looser, the bandwidth with regard to return loss, isolation, and coupling deviation increases slightly, but the directivity bandwidth decreases substantially. For instance, for a conventional rat-race coupler in which the 3A segment has a uniform impedance, Z 3 = Z 1 [41], a 10-dB coupler has a bandwidth of about 34% for a 1-dB coupling deviation and > 20 dB of isolation, whereas the bandwidth for 20 dB of directivity is only 14%. Agrawal and Mikucki [42] have analyzed a modified design, with Z 3 = Z 2, in which the coupling and isolation bandwidths are significantly broadened at the expense of relatively low directivity across the band. Figure 32 shows the characteristics of such a modified 10-dB rat-race coupler. Figure 33 provides the impedances for the ring segments vs the coupling for 50-12 rat-race couplers of both types. 200 = 180 i 160 ...................... i + ! i Conventional . . . . . . . . . . ~ .............. Z3 = Z1 ~ ~ ..............................4 I / 140 ...........................................i............. t E ¢- + 0 Ioj N 120 ] z, ....Z .................. i . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,'~ ........... N i. // . . Modified . . i .......................... , 100 80 j Z 2 - Conventional 60 ModifiedZ3= Z 2 J - ~' i 10 12 4O 2 4 6 8 14 16 Coupling- dB Figure 33. Impedances for conventional and modified 50-,Q rat-race couplers. 232 Blank and Buntschuh The broadbanding technique of March [43] replaces the 3A segment with a 3-dB, h/4-coupled line coupler of impedance Z1, with normally coupled and direct ports shorted to the ground. This scheme provides a 3-dB hybrid with a 1-dB imbalance bandwidth of almost 3.5:1, 20 dB of return loss over 40%, and isolation always greater than 24 dB. Although this coupler has excellent performance, it is rarely used due to its difficult construction. Ashoka [44] has described a deft technique for extending the practically achievable ranges of coupling and bandwidth of both branch-line and rat-race couplers by using impedance and admittance inverters in place of extremely high- and low-transmission line impedances. 5. Developments The design of basic microwave directional couplers is a mature field, such that most work has concentrated on refined mathematical analyses or reports of new couplers of novel structure or materials, which fall outside the scope of this chapter. One area, however, does deserve mention. With the steady growth in monolithic microwave integrated circuit technology, there has been concomitant interest in achieving the tight coupling and reduced size of microstrip-type couplers. Tight coupling is being achieved via multilayer couplers, i.e., couplers as in Figure 18h, but with one strip on top of the other, separated by another dielectric layer. Prouty and Schwarz [45], Tran and Nguyen [46], and Tsai and Gupta [47] provide much useful design information as well as a rich list of references. At the lower microwave frequencies, substantial size reduction can be achieved by employing lumped elements to some extent. Vogel [48] is an excellent starting point for applying this technique. References [1] R. E. Collin, Foundations of Microwave Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966. [2] D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 1990. [3] H. A. Bethe, Theory of diffraction by small holes, Phys. Rev., Vol. 66, pp. 163-182, 1944. [4] S. B. Cohn, Microwave coupling by large apertures, Proc. IRE., Vol. 40, pp. 697-699, 1952. [5] R. Levy, Directional couplers, in Advances in Microwaves (L. Young, ed.), Vol. 1. New York: Academic Press, 1966. [6] R. Levy, Analysis and synthesis of waveguide multiaperture directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-16, pp. 995-1006, Dec. 1968. [7] R. Levy, Improved single and multiaperture waveguide coupling theory, including explanation of mutual interaction, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-28, pp. 331-338, Apr. 1980. 7. Directional Couplers 233 [8] H. J. Riblet, The short-slot hybrid junction, Proc. IRE., Vol. 40, pp. 180-184, Feb. 1952. [9] S. E. Miller, Coupled wave theory and waveguide applications, Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol. 33, pp. 661-719, May 1954. [10] T. N. Anderson, Directional coupler design nomograms, Microwave J., Vol. 2, pp. 34-38, May 1959. [11] K. C. Gupta, R. Garg, and R. Chadha, Computer-Aided Design of Microwave Circuits. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1981. [12] S. J. Blank, An algorithm for the empirical optimization of antenna arrays, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Vol. AP-31, pp. 685-689, July 1983. [13] R. Levy, Tables for asymmetric multi-element coupled-transmission-line directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-12, pp. 275-279, May 1964. [14] E. G. Cristal and L. Young, Theory and tables of optimum symmetrical TEM-mode coupled-transmission-line directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-13, pp. 544-558, Sept. 1965. [15] P. P. Toulios and A. C. Todd, Synthesis of TEM-mode directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-13, pp. 536-544, Sept. 1965. [16] J. P. Shelton and J. A. Mosko, Synthesis and design of wide-band, equal-ripple TEM directional couplers and fixed phase shifters, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-14, pp. 462-473, Oct. 1966. [17] F. Arndt, Tables for asymmetric Chebyshev high-pass TEM-mode directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-18, pp. 633-638, Sept. 1970. [18] C. P. Tresselt, The design and construction of broadband, high-directivity, 90-degree couplers using nonuniform line techniques, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-14, pp. 647-656, Dec. 1966. [19] D. W. Kammler, The design of discrete N-section and continuously tapered symmetrical microwave TEM directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-17, pp. 577-590, Aug. 1969. [20] G. Saulich, A new approach in the computation of ultrahigh degree equal-ripple polynomials for 90°-coupler synthesis, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-29, pp. 132-135, Feb. 1981. [21] W. Getsinger, Coupled rectangular bars between parallel plates, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-10, pp. 65-72, Jan. 1962. [22] J. P. Shelton, Jr., Impedances of offset parallel-coupled strip transmission lines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-14, pp. 7-14, Jan. 1966. [23] S. B. Cohn, Characteristic impedances of broadside-coupled strip transmission lines, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-8, pp. 633-637, Nov. 1960. [24] S. Yamamoto, T. Azakami, and K. Itakura, Slit-coupled strip transmission lines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 14, pp. 524-553, Nov. 1966. [25] S. Roslonice, An improved algorithm for the computer-aided design of coupled slab lines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-37, pp. 258-261, Jan. 1989. [26] J. H. Cloete, Rectangular bars coupled through a finite-thickness slot, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-32, pp. 39-45, Jan. 1984. [27] S. B. Cohn, Re-entrant cross-section and wideband 3-dB hybrid coupler, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-11, pp. 254-258, July 1963. [28] R. M. Osmani, Synthesis of Lange couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-29, pp. 168-170, Feb. 1981. [29] L. Su, T. Itoh, and J. Rivera, Design of an overlay directional coupler by a full-wave analysis, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-31, pp. 1017-1022, Dec. 1983. 2]4 Blank and Buntschuh [30] K. Gupta, R. Garg, and I. Bahl, Microstrip Lines and Slotlines, Sect. 8.6. Dedham, MA: Artech House, 1986. [31] A. Pavio and S. Sutton, A microstrip re-entrant mode quadrature coupler for hybrid and monolithic circuit applications, Proc. IEEE Int. Microwave Symp. pp. 573-576, 1990. [32] I. Bahl and P. Bhartia, Characteristics of inhomogeneous broadside-coupled striplines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-28, pp. 529-535, June 1980. [33] S. Koul and B. Bhat, Broadside, edge-coupled symmetric strip transmission lines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-30, pp. 1874-1880, Nov. 1982. [34] M. Horno and F. Medina, Multilayer planar structures for high directivity directional coupler design, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-34, pp. 1442-1448, Dec. 1986. [35] L. Young, Branch guide directional couplers, Proc. Natl. Electr. Conf., Vol. 12, pp. 723-732, 1956; L. Young, Synchronous branch guide couplers for low and high power applications, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-10, pp. 459-475, Nov. 1962. [36] R. Levy and L. Lind, Synthesis of symmetrical branch-guide directional couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-16, pp. 80-89, Feb. 1968. [37] P. D. Lormer and J. W. Crompton, A new form of hybrid junction for microwave frequencies, IEE Proc., Vol. B104, pp. 261-264, May 1957. [38] K. G. Patterson, A method for accurate design of broadband multibranch waveguide couplers, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-7, pp. 466-473, Oct. 1959. [39] R. Levy, A guide to the practical application of Chebyshev functions to the design of microwave components, IEE Proc., Vol. C106, pp. 193-199, June 1959. [40] R. Levy, Zolotarev branch-guide couplers, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-21, pp. 95-99, Feb. 1973. [41] C. Pon, Hybrid-ring directional coupler for arbitrary power divisions, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-9, pp. 529-535, Nov. 1961. [42] A. Agrawal and G. Mikucki, A printed-circuit hybrid-ring directional coupler for arbitrary power divisions, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-34, pp. 1401-1407, Dec. 1986. [43] S. March, A wideband stripline hybrid ring, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-16, p. 361, June 1968. [44] H. Ashoka, Practical realization of difficult microstrip line hybrid couplers and power dividers, IEEE Int. Microwave Symp., pp. 273-276, 1992. [45] M. D. Prouty and S. E. Schwarz, Hybrid couplers in bilevel microstrip, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-41, pp. 1939-1944, Nov. 1993. [46] M. Tran and C. Nguyen, Modified broadside-coupled microstrip lines suitable for MIC and MMIC applications and a new class of broadside-coupled band-pass filters, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-41, pp. 1336-1342, Aug. 1993. [47] C.-M. Tsai and K. C. Gupta, A generalized model for coupled lines and its application to two-layer planar circuits, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-41, pp. 2190-2199, Dec. 1992. [48] R. W. Vogel, Analysis and design of lumped- and lumped-distributed-element directional couplers for MIC and MMIC applications, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-40, pp. 253-262, Feb. 1992.