4-H Cat Project Record Name___________________________ Boy___ Girl___ Grade______ Birthdate_________ Address__________________________ City_______________ Zip______ County______ Club Name___________________________ Leader______________________________ Years in 4-H_________________ Years in this project____________ Date Record Started___________________ Date Record Closed__________________ Information about Your Cat My cat’s name is__________________________________________ Sex_____________ Breed____________________________________ Purebred ______ Mixed Breed______ Cat’s Age______ Year of Birth_______ Month_______ Spayed/Neutered?__________________ Weight_____________ Declawed?____________________ Vaccination Record and Dates Rabies _____________________________ Re-vaccinate Date___________________ Distemper Combo_________________________ Feline Leukemia__________________________ Bordetella_______________________________ Other___________________________________ Parasite Control Describe species and treatment, if any Internal______________________________________________________________ External______________________________________________________________ About My Pet… Describe your cat. (Is it young or old? What does it like to do? What kind of personality does it have? What makes it special? Etc…) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Describe your cat’s health. How do you keep your cat healthy? Does your cat require any special care or treatment because of its health? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Describe how you interact with your cat and how often. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Project Goals Describe what you hope to learn and do in the Cat Project this year. Include personal improvement goals (how can I grow or become better?) and skill goals (I want to learn…) Action Result Timetable Example: I want to learn about 10 cat breeds By June I want to be a better leader I will run for a club officer position At the April meeting Training Record Check the commands and tricks your cat has learned, and how well the cat obeys them. Command or Trick Almost always Sometimes Rarely or Never Uses litter box Comes when called by name Walks on leash Other Other Has your cat trained YOU to do anything for him/her? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Workshops, Clinics and Tours Describe the educational experiences you had at pet related clinics, workshops, and trips. Date Location Describe Activity Exhibit and Demonstration Record Describe the project talks or demonstrations you have participated in, or exhibits you have made about cats. Date Location Describe Activity Community Service Describe pet related service work you did. Date Location Describe Activity Expenses Use the following tables to record your expenses during this project year. Do not include costs for previously purchased supplies or other expenses. If you have more than one cat, prorate the cost and enter only the portion used by one cat. Use additional sheets if necessary. FOOD COST Date Item Description EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Cost Date Item Description Cost HEALTH CARE & VETERINARIAN COSTS Include routine check-ups, shots, surgeries, grooming, etc. Date Description Cost TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS FOR CAT Date Description Cost $________________________ LOOKING BACK Use this page to summarize your year in the Cat Project. Here are some examples of things you might want to include: Did you meet the goals that you set for yourself? What skills have you learned? How will you use this knowledge in the future? Was there anything that was harder to accomplish than you thought it would be? Describe any leadership roles you might have had and what you taught others. What were your favorite activities? I have reviewed this record with the project member and believe it to be correct. Parent Signature________________________________________ Date____________________ 4-H Leader Signature____________________________________ Date____________________