Calculations of γZ corrections Carl E. Carlson William and Mary γZ box(ing) workshop, Dec. 16-17, 2013, JLab Our relevant papers • “Contributions from γZ box diagrams to parity violating elastic ep scattering,” Rislow & Carlson, Phys.Rev. D83 (2011) 113007 • “Resonance Region Structure Functions and Parity Violating Deep Inelastic Scattering,” Carlson & Rislow, Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 073002 • “Modification of electromagnetic structure functions for the γZ-box diagram,” Rislow & Carlson, Phys.Rev. D88 (2013) 013018 2 Weak Charge of the Proton • QwP extracted from parity-violating, ep scattering: e • AP V = + e AP V Z p • R L L Lowest order diagrams and result: g Ae p R GF p Q2 QpW = 4⇡↵ 2 g Vp Lowest order definition of QwP : Qp,LO = W e p 4gA gV = 1 3 4 sin2 ✓W One-loop result e e Z Z Z Z + W W _ f f + W Z W + + W p p J Z QpW = (1 + p J Z ⇢+ p p J J e) 1 W 4 sin2 ✓W + 4 J 0 e J 3=J Z+2 sin2 W J + ⇤W W + ⇤ZZ + ⇤ Z Running Weinberg Angle (Czarnecki and Marciano) Running Weinberg Angle (Czarnecki Marciano) Running Weinberg Angle (Czarnecki andand Marciano) Running Weinberg Angle (Czarnecki and Marciano) + + + + … + + + + … + + + + … Only “Pinched” Part Only “Pinched” Part Degrassi and Sirlin, PRD 46, Only “Pinched” Part Degrassi and Sirlin, PRD 46, 3104 (1992) Degrassi3104 and Sirlin, (1992)PRD 46, 3104 (1992) 5 5 5 5 Running Weinberg Angle Running Weinberg Angle Czarnecki and Marciano Running Erler and Langacker Int. J. Mod. Phys. A15, 2365 (2000) Particle Data Group (2012) 6 6 Q2 dependent uncertainties associated with the predicted corrections were folded into the systematic error of each (PRL 99,122003 (2007)) point. The effects of varying the maximum Q2 or θ of the data included in the fit, or varying the dipole mass in the strange form-factors, were studied and found to be small relative to the fit uncertainty above Q2 ∼0.25 (GeV/c)2 . 0.18 In O 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 p 2 0.3 #! This Experiment Data Rotated to the Forward-Angle Limit !$$$$HAPPEX ! "$$$SAMPLE $$$PVA4 %$$$G0 ! SM (prediction) 0.17 C1u + C1d 0.4 2 A/A 0 ! Q W " Q B(Q , =0) Weak Extrapolation Weak ChargeCharge Extrapolation 0.2 0.12 -0.70 ! 0.1 # 0.0 0.0 ! " 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Q 2 [GeV] 2 7 0.5 0.6 FIG. 3. The co constants C1u The more horiz 7 straint on the more vertical (b isting Q2 < 0.6 : • Definition: 𝜸Z Box γZ Box γZ Box • Definition: γZ Box • Definition: Definition: • Unlike WW and ZZ boxes, the γZ box cannot be analyzed using pQCD. • • Unlike WWthe andγZZZ boxes, thebe γZanalyzed box cannot be analyzed • Unlike WW and ZZ boxes, box cannot using pQCD. pQCD. W and ZZ boxes, the γZ box cannot be analyzed using • For WW or ZZ boxes, two heavy propagators enough to ensure contributing momenta are big. Calculate w/pQCD. Here, one heavy propagator not enough. Low momenta in11 loop, perturbative calculation unreliable.: 11 8 𝜸Z Box • Box γZγZBox Gorchtein andHorowitz Horowitz (PRL 102, 091806 (2009)) had • Gorchtein and (PRL 102, 091806 (2009)) had insight • Gorchtein and Horowitz (PRL 102, 091806 (2009)) had insight insight to calculate the amplitude dispersively to calculate the amplitude dispersively to calculate the amplitude dispersively • OpticalTheorem theorem, • Optical • Optical Theorem 9 13 13 𝜸Z γZγZBox equations Box Equations Equations Box • Imaginary Part: •• Imaginary Part: Imaginary part • Dispersion Relations: Dispersion relations, •• Dispersion Relations: 14 14 10 𝜸ZγZγZBox equations Box Equations Box Equations •• Imaginary Part: Imaginary Part: Imaginary part Equations • Structure Functions must be modeled. • •• Dispersion Relations: Dispersion Relations: Dispersion relations, Structure Functions must be modeled. Labels proton current. Labels proton current. 1614 11 Vector Boxes The Vector Box plots Plots Vector box Hall et al. Carlson and Rislow Gorchtein et al. PRD 88, 013011 (2013) PRD 83, 113007 (2011) PRC 84, 015502 (2011) • • Differences come from the treatment of the 19 Differences come from the treatment of the structure functions structure functions. 13 Us Carlson and Rislow Analysis divided up the energy regions and modified the •• WeWesplit the energy regions and modified the structure structure functions. functions. W (GeV) Capella et al. CTEQ (Phys. Lett. B 337, 358 (1994)) 2.5 (PRD 82, 074024 (2010)) (modified) Christy and Bosted (PRC 81, 055213 (2010)) (modified) 8 14 Q2 (GeV)2 20 Evaluation in scaling region Evaluation of Scaling Region • Calculateddirectly directlyusing usingPDFs PDFs • Calculated • We use CTEQ • • We use CTEQ • Alternative –Alternative Hall et al. use ABM11 (PRD 86, 054009 (2012)) • Hall et al. use ABM11 (PRD 86, 054009 (2012)) 22 15 Evaluation in resonance region • Evaluation of Resonance Region Evaluation of Resonance Region All later calculations modify Christy-Bosted electromagnetic fits.modify (May Christy also useBosted MAID.) • All later calculations electromagnetic • All later calculations modify Christy Bosted electromagnetic fits. fits. has 7 resonances a smooth background CBfit7fit have 7 resonances and a smooth background • CB• fitCB has resonances and aand smooth background • • • Resonances modified bybycorrective Resonances modified corrective ratio: • Resonances modified by corrective ratio:ratio: ; 16 ; 23 23 Rislow and Carlson Vector Cres Vector C res Rislow and Carlson Vector Cres • Definition of structure functions: • Definition of structure functions: Definition of structure functions: • • • Cres inCres terms of helicity amplitudes: in terms of helicity amplitudes: • Cres in terms of helicity amplitudes: 24 24 17 Rislow and Carlson C Rislow and Carlson Vector res Cres Vector CVector res • We•constructed helicityhelicity amplitudes using SU(6) We constructed amplitudes using wave SU(6) wave functions: functions: We constructed helicity amplitudes using SU(6) wave functions: • = = Phenomenological constraints used to fit A and B: •• Phenomenological constraints used to fit Atoand • Phenomenological constraints used fit AB:and B: = -1 for Q = 0Q2 = 0 -12 for =+1 for +1 2 high forQhigh Q2 25 18 25 Cres for D13(1520) forDD13(1520) (1520) CCresresfor 13 • SU(6) wave function forfor (1520): SU(6) wave function proton: • • SU(6) wave function for DD1313 (1520): Spatial Spatial Flavor Flavor Spin Spin • Helicity Amplitudes: Helicity amplitudes • • Helicity Amplitudes: 28 28 19 Cres for D13(1520) Cres forfor D13D(1520) Cres 13(1520) • • •A and B relations forfor Dfor (1520): 13D AAand BBrelations and relations D(1520): 13(1520): 13 • Λ found by comparing amplitudes to MAID: • •Λ found by by comparing amplitudes to MAID: Λ found comparing amplitudes to MAID: 29 20 29 Our vector C res Rislow and Carlson Vector C res 30 21 R & C Background Correction Rislow and Carlson Background Correction Rislow and Carlson Background Correction Rislow and Carlson Background Correction • In limit where all light quarks (u, d,d,s) s)s)are are equally likely: •In• • limit Inlimit limit where all light quarks (u, are equally likely: In where all light quarks (u, d, equally likely: where all light quarks (u, d, s) are equally likely: • Invalence valence quark limit (dand and u’s): • • valence In quark limit (d 222u’s): In valence quark limit (d and u’s): • In quark limit (d and 2 u’s): • Wetook took their average thecorrection: correction: took their average asasthe the correction: • • We We their average as • We took their average as the correction: 31 22 3131 Alternative resonance analysis Christy andand Bosted Modification Christy Bosted Modification • Isospin rotate neutron amplitudes: • Isospin rotate neutron amplitudes: • Isospin rotate neutron amplitudes: • Rewrite neutral current • Rewrite neutral current: • Rewrite neutral current: 23 • • C calculated using PDG photoproduction data Cres calculated using PDG photoproduction data • GHRM used PDG data at Q = 0, dropped relative Q res 2 2 dependence. • 2 Can also use MAID to obtain neutron amplitudes, at all Q . 24 CresCresEffect onγZ γZ Effect on Box Box • • • •Solid: Solid: Constituent Quark Model Carlsonand andRislow Rislow Constituent Quark Model ofof Carlson • Blue: PDG (used by Gorchtein et al. and Hall et al.) Blue: PDG (used by Gorchtein et al. and Hall et al.) • Red: MAID (Eur.Phys.J.ST 198, 141 (2011)) Red:– MAID 198,Resonance 141 (2011)) Green: (Eur.Phys.J.ST MAID without Roper 39 – Green: MAID without Roper Resonance 25 Axial Box Analyses Axial Box Calculations Axial Box Calculations Blunden et al. Carlson and Rislow PRL 107, 081801 (2011) PRD 88, 013018 (2013) 27 46 Comments on A 𝜸 ☐Z • The ☐𝜸ZV ≈ 0.005 just discussed compares to ☐𝜸Z ≈ 0.0051 quoted on “old days”. Pure coincidence. This was just for ☐𝜸ZA. • ☐𝜸ZA can be calculated anew. With the DR treatment there are no logs to guess arguments of. A Z ( E) • = 2 E dE E >0 E 2 E2 Im A Z (E ) Notes • • • Not zero at threshold The E’ makes high energies important 𝜸Z Most of result comes from scaling region for F3 , where it can be obtained reliably 28 Current Axial Box Results Axial Box Calculations Blunden et al. Carlson and Rislow PRL 107, 081801 (2011) PRD 88, 013018 (2013) 46 29 Sameand split ofAnalysis regions Carlson Rislow • We split the energy regions and modified the structure functions. W (GeV) 2 CTEQ (modified) CTEQ (PRD 82, 074024 (2010)) Christy and Bosted (PRC 81, 055213 (2010)) (modified) 8 30 Q2 (GeV)2 47 • Evaluationof of Axial Axial Structure Function Evaluation Structure Function Scaling Region: region • Scaling • W, low Q , • High High W, Low Q : 2 2 CTEQ 48 31 • • Resonance Region: Blunden et al. use Lalakulich et al. (PRD74,014009) for F3 • Fewer resonances than the Christy Bosted fit: fits for D13(1520), P11(1440), P33(1232), and S11(1535) • Resonance Region: • – Blunden et al. use Lalakulich et al. (PRD 74, 014009) We continue modifying the Christy Bosted fit. – We continue modifying the Christy Bosted fit. 32 Rislow & Carlson Axial Cres Rislow and Carlson Axial Cres 50 33 Rislow and Carlson Background Correction R & C Background Correction • Smooth Background. Smooth background • •• Average Average5/3. 5/3 51 34 Axial Box Contributions Axial Box Contributions Blunden et al. Carlson and Rislow PRL 107, 081801 (2011) PRD 88, 013018 (2013) (Overall results already given) 35 53 Summary • • • • • The world is saved (almost), regarding the 𝜸Z corr. to QWeak. • For goal of 1% or better measurement of QWeak (P2 at Mesa), energy is about 1/6 of JLab experiment, and corrections and error in ☐𝜸ZV scale with energy. • Would like to improve ☐𝜸ZA but believe this is very manageable I.e., ☐𝜸ZV now calculated. About (8.1±1.4)% of QWp at Eelec=1.165 GeV. Proportional to Eelec. ☐𝜸ZA also now calculated w/o guesswork on logs About (6.3±0.6%) of QWp at Eelec threshold. Small dependence on Eelec. 36 are nofofthe thebox boxdiadia- tree tree level, level, when when higher-order higher-order radiative radiative corrections corrections are heleading-order leading-order neglected. neglected. ver, additional Interference exchange wever, additional Interference between between photon photon and and Z-boson Z-bosonPV edtotocalculate calculatea a produces produces an an experimentally experimentally observable observable parity-violating parity-violating kprocesses. processes.AA asymmetry asymmetryAAPVPV ininthe the scattering scattering of of longitudinally longitudinally polarduced bybyMo roduced Mo ized izedelectrons electrons on on an an unpolarized unpolarized target target [14]. [14]. It can be one-photon ve corrections expressed ininterms ofofthe ative corrections With expressed termsexchange, theabove above quantities quantities as as ephoton photoninindiadia22 Born Born Born Born Born # " # G Q A % A % A # " # G Q A % A R L F R L F E M E M A Born ! Born approximation, pproximation, p !!! p !!! ! " AA ! ! " !! 22 ! 2 ; (6) PV PV '*#GEp %&#G &#GMp$ ( ##RR%%##LL 4() 22'*#G 4() dependencetoto Ep$$ % dependence ould notethat thatifif where ld note where where nthethecombined combined !! ; Born ! "2g Born ! "2gee &GZ G! Born e e*G ZZ G Born wouldfactor factor *G G A )]d)] would ! "2g ; A AA Ep Ep M ! "2gA Mp Mp Ep A EE M Mp Mp AA Ep !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! asymmetries. qq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ymmetries. ToTo Born e 2 ZZ !! Born e 2 ymmetries, one &#1 % &$#1 " * A ! 2g GAAG GMp mmetries, one AA A ! 2gVV &#1 % &$#1 " * $$G Mp mation two%%"1 $$ ation forfortwo"1 % e % 2 e 2#1%%&$tan &$tan2 ; (7) e presentLetter. Letter. **!! 11%%2#1 ; (7) present 2 2 electromaghetheelectromagolating asymme- and "#1" "4sin 4sin22%%W$=2, $=2, ggeeA ! ! "1=2 "1=2 are are the andwhere wheregge eV!!"#1 ating asymmethe W V A isdescribed describedinina a electron electroncoupling couplingconstants constantsfrom from Eq. Eq. (1). (1). omagneticform form Let usus now now consider consider the the case case when when electron-proton electron-proton magnetic Let [Fig.1(b)] 1(b)]isis scattering scatteringisiscaused caused by by the the exchange exchange of of more more than than one non[Fig. one photon.Neglecting Neglectingthe theelectron electronmass, mass, the the electron-nucleon electron-nucleon photon. scattering amplitude amplitude can can be be presented presented in in the the form form descattering described by three complex scalar invariants; see also [1,3]: (1) scribed 37 by three complex scalar invariants; see also [1,3]: (1) Post summary: A • change [Fig. 1(c)]. This mechanism of 2! ! Z interference soft by experimental cuts. 0 same 2order !2 ! contributes to sthe observed asymmetry atG the 2 fixed Q nal correction at E #*; Q $ ! ! #1 " 4sin %W $F1;2p "O""# F1;2n " F ; (4) 1;2 as the !Z box discussed in Ref. [10]; it comes in ring angle, reaching a few G0A #*; Q2 $ ! us to take a closer look at the weak (Weinberg) angle and the urements thatmixing require high G!E #Q2 $ % +G0E #*; Q2 $ +G #*; Q $; May also have 2-photon exchange 0 A 2 denote contributions to the neutral weak implications of two-photon strange (and heavier) quarks. Other combinalectron scattering. The posfactors used, namely, GE ! F1 " ion of this are type also has been ! F1Ref. % F[9]), & ! Q2 =#4M2 $. , e.g., but neither 2 , where alysis factor has beenisdone so far. orm where G!M #Q2 $ and G!E #Q2 $ are the usual electric form factors that parametrize matri nucleon electromagnetic current, and the order O#)$ from multiphoton exchange a by the quantities +G0M , +G0E , and G0A . essions for parity-violating EquippedPwith H Ythe S I corrected C A L Rexpression EVIEW eralized GZA #Q2form $ ! factors, "&3 GAand #Q2 $ % "s; (5) PRL 94, 212301 (2005) s using the formalism of electromagnetic amplitudes, it is straightforw the two-photon-exchange the formula for the parity-violating asymme %1#"1$ for protons (neutrons) and "s stands ! matic correction to parityelectromagnetic form factors GE;M includes with realtheparts of their box cont ge-quark contribution. The isovector axial properly two-photon ring asymmetry at a level of 0 0 2 generalized versions Re!G ". Two additional terms, A E;M M is normalized Q ! 0 to the neutron asymmetry takes the form kinematics, which isat comwhence, 2 • 0 perimental constraints of the and A from interference between FIG. (a),(b) Diagrams of the Born approximation, (c) two-the axial-like A ,1. arise 2 0 % Ain0 his asymmetry. exchange, andtwo-photon-exchange (d) A theE !Z scattering GF Qphoton %box AMfor%elastic AA e-p %A terms in the and ; M amplitude A —At tree level, parity viola- p a !!!standard model of electroweak interactions. Corresponding APV !" p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! 0diagrams 2 0 2 Z-boson exchange, used by interference of the are implied. 4() cross-box 2 *jG j % &jG j % 2 &#1 % &$#1 " *2 $G Re#G0 $ 1(4)$23.00 rmulas Ep Mp Mp Ap © 2005 American Physical Society for ABorn of Eq. (7) where for AE;M;A 212301-1 are obtained from the The corresponding formulas E;M;A A0A # 2geV !1 $212301-2 ""GZA Re!G0Ap " q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A0M # %2geA "!1 $ ""!1 % #2 "GZM Re!G0Ap ": 38 (11) The two-photon-exchange correction reduces the magnitude of both the denominator and the numerator of Eq. (10) by several percent, leading to partial cancellation of the effect for the asymmetry and increasing the magnitude of APV compared to its Born value. The correction is both Q2 and # dependent. It is increastoward scattering to angles (small #), there arebackward effectiveelectron modifications electromagnetic sm of Fig. 1(c), a I.e.,ing above 1%. Quantitatively, a 1% increase in the ich the two pho- andreaching G , plus a new e.m.toform factor,exchange here called GAin’ M magnitude of A due two-photon results PV uark. The photon about the same percentage decrease in the magnitude of the integral is sepa- Calculated (estimated) mid-last-decade, using the gauge1.03 t is treated sepa2 2 Q = 2 GeV eorem, while the 2 2 Q = 5 GeV GPDs to describe 2 2 Q = 9 GeV by a nucleon. The 1.02 Ds as in Ref. [3], fraction) and Q2 n elastic nucleon 1.01 ions of inclusive s not extended to n its present form 1 hich corresponds 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1 0.6 ε 2 %u < M . The o restricts fourFIG. 3 (color online). and Q2 me, evolution of94, two-photon-exchange Reference: Afanasev PRL 212301 (2005). 2 M . correction to parity-violating asymmetry for several values of 2 n in Figs. 2 and 3 (dashed curve), and 9 GeV2 Q2 # 2 GeV2 (solid curve), 5 GeV 39 two-photon exusing a partonic ized form factors Refs. [3,7], and ader of the main plot • APV(1γ+2γ)/APV(1γ) • • GE