Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference School of Mechanical Engineering 1994 A Study on Capillary Tube Flow T. N. Wong Nanyang Technological University K. T. Ooi Nanyang Technological University C. T. Khoo Matsushita Refrigeration Industries Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iracc Wong, T. N.; Ooi, K. T.; and Khoo, C. T., "A Study on Capillary Tube Flow" (1994). International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference. Paper 275. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iracc/275 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information. Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly from the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at https://engineering.purdue.edu/ Herrick/Events/orderlit.html A STUDY ON CAPILLARY TUBE FLOW C.T. KHOO Matsushita Refrigeration Industries (S) Pte Ltd 1, Bedok South Road Singapore 1646 Republic of Singapore T.N. Wong and K.T. 001 School of Mechanical and Production Engineering Nanyang Technological University Nan yang Avenue, Singapore 2263 Republic of Singapore ABSTRACT This paper studies the effects of various design parameters on the perfonnance of the capillary tube. A homogeneous two phao;;e How model was used to illustrate various etlects of the design parameters such as: tube diameter, tube roughness, tube length, degrees of sub-cooling and the refrigerant t1ow rates on capillary tube perfonnance. The validation of the prediction is confinned by comparing predicted pressure distribution and critical mass flow with available mea<;ured values. Symbol A c d e f G h M p u, X z ( :~ )F (~)r Greek J.l. v p NOMENCLATURE Description Area sonic velocity nominal pipeline diameter relative surface roughness friction factor mass velocity specific enthalpy mass now rate pressure mixture velocity mass dryness fraction (quality) axial direction or length pressure gradient due to wall friction Dimension m kglm 2s kJ/kg kgls Nlm 2 mls total pressure gradient Nslm 2 m 3/kg viscosity specific volume density kg 1m 3 Subscript f g tp liquid gas or gas plug or saturated vapour twopha<>e INTRODUCTION The capillary tube is one of the most important component in a vapour compression refrigeration system. It is specially used in small system with capacity below 10 kW. Although it is the simplest device in the refrigeration cycle, the tlow phenomena involved is not simple. Two phase refrigerant vapour and liquid usually exist in the tube and make the study more complicated. In the design of refrigeration systems, an incorrect matching of the capillary tube with the compressor and evaporator may penalise the perfonnance of the whole system. Various adiabatic capillary tube models are available in the open literature. The now parameters such as pressure drop, mass tlow rate, critical mass tlow rate and the delay of vaporisation were studied by numerous researchers. In studies of such systems, the refrigerant tlow in the capillary tube is generally divided into a single pha..o.;e sub-cooled liquid region and a two phase liquid-vapour tlow region. Visual and photographic studies on the two phase tlow patterns on the capillary tube by Mikol [1], Mikol and Dudley [2] and Koizumi and Yokoyama [3] show that the t1ow condition can be assumed as homogeneous. To model the capillary tube now, homogeneous now assumption were made by Goldstein [4], Koizumi and Yokoyama (3] and Melo [5]. 371 Recent studies on the etiects of metastable now on the capillary tube perfonnance was carried out by Li et all6,7] and Chen (8]. The model includes the etlects of the thennodynamic non-equilibrium vaporization and-relative velocity between the liquid and vapour phase. To study on the effects of new refrigerant, Wijaya [9] presented experimental test data of an adiabatic capillary tlow as the working fluid. HFC-134a using Previous study on the two phase tlow by the author [ 10] showed that the homogeneous t1ow model worked reasonable well for pipe flow of a refrigerant R 113 liquid-vapour system. This paper attempts to use a simple homogeneous two pha.<;e tlow model of [10] to study the effects of the design parameters such as, the tube diameter, the tube roughness, the tube length, the degrees sub-cooling on the perfonnance of the capillary tube. THEORETI CAL MODELLIN G In present analysis, the flow in the capillary tube is divided into a sub-cooled single phase liquid and saturated two pha.<>e flow regions. In the two phase flow region the flow is modelled by assuming one dimensional, adiabatic and thermodynamic equilibrium homogeneous tlow. Liquid tlashing arising purely from the reducing pressure. The unknown tlow parameters in the model are quality, velocity, pressure and void fraction. It is important to mention that metastable tlow phenomena are neglected in the modeL The governing equations used in describing the flow are presented below: Single phase now region For a horizontal, sub-cooled single phase flow in tube, from the conservation of momentum, the pressure drop along the tube may be expressed as: 2 -u jG dP) rvtJ ( dZ F = (I) the friction factor jean be obtained from Colebrook single pha..'>e friction factor curve, J (eld) 1 9.3 ] (2) ff= 1.14-2lol 3.7 + Reff As the sub-cooled liquid refrigerant flows along the tube, the fluid pressure drops along the line, hence the saturated temperature of the liquid decrea.;;es. The length of the single phase flow region can be determined when the saturated temperature of the liquid approaches the initial sub-cooled liquid temperature. Two phase tlow region As the saturated temperature reaches the initial sub-cooled temperature of the liquid, two phase llow situation occurred. The two phase flow is assumed a homogeneous mixture in this case. The mixture velocity of the vapour-liquid refrigerant may be . obtained from the consideration of mass conservation. It can be expressed as: M M um "'j\vm "'"A[xv~ +(1-x)v/] (3) The change of quality of the t1uid along the Lube may be derived from the conservation of energy, see eqn (4). The two-phase pressure drop along the tube can be expressed as U1e sum of the pressure drop due to tube wall friction as well as the tluid acceleration effects as shown in eqn (5). dx dZ --( ~) dZ - and - B (~~l F D = A A -e;)F + 372 D c c (4) d> dZ (5) D l dv] 1 dv 1-x)=I+G x-~+( dP dP 1 fG dP) ( dZ F=--u tv,J factor expressed by Colebro ok's equation as shown Notice that in the two phase flow region, the single phase Moody 's friction . as: defined being number ds Reynol in eqn (2) is employed, with the U.,.d !l,pv,., Re=-~ and Duklcr [ 111 mixture viscosity is defined a.~: !!,,, = 11/ I-~)+!!~~ Where ~= XV < xv,+(l -x)v1 Sonic velocity in homogeneous two phase now region A situation will reach such that the tluid velocity reaches The t1uill velocity increases in the now direction due to pressure drop. now condition or choked. the local sonic velocity, and the t1ow is said to have reached the critical a.-; the denominator or eqn (5) approaching zero, i.e The sonic velocity may be obtained from eqn (5). Choking occurs (dP!dZ)T -7 0, hence [(l-x)v1 +xv,l C= _/ ~'.J dv, (6) dv 1 -XdP- (l-x)d P led liquid region. Once the saturated condition is In the above analysis, equation (1) is applied to the single phase sub-coo are solved using a standard 4th order Runge- Kulla tlow reached, the governing equations (4) and (5) for homogeneous two pha.-;e ns (3) and (6) are computed to determine if the critical technique with a small length increment. During the computation, equatio is choked. The tube length corresponds to the choked now condition is reached. The computation terminates when the flow Moody 's single phase rriction factor with Dukler [Ill the , analysis condition is tenned the critical tube length. In the above region. mixture viscosity expression has been applied in the two phase now RESUL TS AND lliSCU SSION S Comparison with existing experimental data available experimental results by Wijaya 191 and Li et al To validate the simulation model, comparisons have been made with (7]. length. The predicted results compare reasonable well Fig 1 shows variation of critical mass now rate against the critical tube tube for both predicted and mea:mred result-; [7]. Good the along with measured data (9]. Fig 2 shows that pressure distribution agreement is shown. t1uid. The inlet pressure at the capillary tube entrance In the following analysis, refrigerant HFC-134a was used as the working the critical now condition and the computation reaches now the until is fixed at 13.27 bar, while the exit pressure is computed is terminated. Effect of tuhe diameters. various tuhe diameters. It shows a constant temperature Fig 3 shows the temperature distribution along the capillary tube with drop in temperature indicating that t11e point which sudden a by d followe distribution in the single phase liquid region and t11e occurrence of t11e vaporisation. vaporization hegins. The results show that bigger tube diameters delay As the diameter increases, lhe critical mass tlow rate Fie: 4 shows the critical ma.-;s tlow rates with various tube dimneters. mass now rate, increases in the tube diameter increase given a for t11at, increases for a given tube length. The results also show the necessary restriction for the desired now condition. the tube length. In practice, an optimum dil;lmeter is required to provide length of t11e tube available and the mass now rate. However, as depicted in Fig 4 the optimum dimneter is affected hy t11c 373 Effects of degree of sun-cooling Fig 5 shows the variation of the critical mass !low rate wiU1 various degrees of sub-cooling. The results show Utat for a given tube lengU1, a higher degree of inlet sub-cooling produces a higher mass How rate. This is because as U1e inlet suh-cooling increases, it allows the refrigerant to remain in Ule single phase liquid over a longer portion of U1e tube, Ums the two phase flow region is shorten. Thi~ illustrates U1at the restriction to the critical mass flow rate depends very much on U1e lengU1 of the two phase tlow region which is affected by U1C degree of suh-cooling. Whereas, at a given critical mass now rate an incre<t<.;e of inlet sub-cooling increases U1e critical tube lengUl. Fig 6 shows the temperature distribution along the capillary tube wiU1 various degrees of sub-cooling. The resull shows U1at Ule higher the degree of suh-cooling the later the onset of vaporisation. Clearly, the single phase liquid region is extended at a higher degree of suh-cooling. Fig 6 can be used to detennine Ule location for Ule onset of vaporization. Effects of tube roughness As shown in Fig 7, the results demonstrate Ulat for a given mass rlow rate, a decrease in tuhe roughness resulted in a longer tuhe before the chocked condition is reached. Fig 8 shows the variation of quality at the tube exit wiU1 various tuhe roughness. As indicated in U1e figure, higher tuhe roughnesses increase Ule refrigerant quality at the tube exit for a given critical tube lengUl. CONCLUSIONS The results reconfirmed Ulat a simple homogeneous flow model may be adequately used to predict U1e performance of Ule two phase capillary tube tlow. The effects on various parameters are shown. The results also show that, U1e single ph<t'ie Moody's friction factor espressed by Colebrook equation wiU1 U1e Duklcr mixture viscosity expression can he used to predict U1e tlow of two phase refrigerant Utrough capillary tuhe. It is believed that, the model, at it<-; ctuTent state, may be used to assist ilie selection of U1c capillary tube in refrigeration systems. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The auU1ors wish to iliank Mat'iushita Refrigeration Industries (S) for tJ1e support of tl1is project. Special Umnks to Mr Noriaki Okubo and Mr Khoo Chew Thong for U1eir support and suggestion. REFERENCES 1. Mikol E.P., Adiahatic single and two phase llow in small bore tubes. ASHRAE Journal (1963) Vol 5, Nov. pp.75-88 2. Mikol, E.P. and Dudley, J.C., A visual and photographic study ofthe inception of vaporization in adiabatic tlow. ASME Transactions, June (1964) pp.257-264 3. Koi:wmi H. and Yokoyama K., Characteristics of refrigerant flow in a capillary tube. ASHRAE Transactions (1980) Vol 86, Part 2. p.19-27 4. Goldstein S.D., A computer simulation method for dcscrihing two- ph<L'ic llashing tlow in small diameter tubes. ASHRAE Transactions (1981) Vol87, Part2. pp.51-60 5. Melo, C., Ferreira, R.T.S.R., Pereira,H., Modelling adiahatic capillary tubes: A critical analysis. Int. Refrigeration Conference (1992) Vol. 1 pp.113-I22 6. Li R.Y. 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European Two Phase Flow Group Meeting, Brussels, (19XX) 11 Dukler, A.E., cut!, Pressure drop and holdup in two phase now, AICHE Joumal (1964) 10(1), pp38-51 374 (Predicte d results ote/d~0.002) (dm0.838 2mm) Cose 1- 1<ood~37.78 0.005 p . 0.003 • "' ,· .]5€: 0 Meosured 9 '2: 8 16.7 OC subLoolc d ... - 6 5 ~ 0.002 Predicted 10 T<ond;48 .9 °C Theory Theory " O.OQ-4 11 5.55 OC svbcoole d Measured data: Case 1 Me(lsured doto: Cose 2 :i DC 0 L~1.5rn. J ------ 0=0.66m rn. G=3306 kg/(sm~) P;=9.67bo r. T;=-41.4 oc 2 0001 ~~--~ ~~~~-0~~~~~ 1 _6 1 .-4 1 .2 1 .0 0.8 0.6 OA -'------'--'--------L-~-'--___._____; 0.000 ":-':----:-'::--:-':::~:":----:-' 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3 2 1.6 1 .8 :2.0 2.2 1A 0.0 0.2 Tube length (rn) Tube le<>g!h (m) Compar ison of predicte d and me:Lwred pressure Fig. 2 Compnr ison of predicte d :md measured critical m:L\s flow rate Fig. I along th~ 1uhc with tube length Variatio n of mass flowrot e Variat ion of tempe rature along the tube 50 ,.--.... 1\\~-,-- ............ 40 u ' 0 '-' 30 (l) ::> ..._.. I \ I -"-~--- ()__ 0 \ ~ \ I I 0 f- 0.003 ~ 10 E (!) o> .::::., ' '--- (!) 0.004 ..-.. ........ "' \ 20 0 0.002 0 -..._ 2 (fJ 0.001 0 ::::;;: 0.000 4 3 2 0 Tube length (m) Fig. 3 --- <Il --~~--~ -10~~0----~--~--~--~ 1 mm mm mm mm do=1_0 mm do=0.6 d=0.7 doo0.8 d=0.9 ds0.6 mm d;Q.7mm d;0.8mm d;0_9mm d;::=l_Omm Fig.4 Temperature distribution along the tube 5 4 3 (m) length Tube 8 7 6 Mass flow rate at choked condition Variat ion of tempe rature along the tube 0 OC subcoole d Variation of moss flowrat e ot choked conditi on with various degrees of subcoo ling (d=0.6 mm) 5 DC subcoole d 1 0 OC subcQol~d 0.00~0 oc subcool~d oc subcoole d oc subcoole d 15 oc -:subcoolt! d 20 oc gubcool• d 0 5 0.0035 .------., u 10 0.0030 0 0.0025 -----· 40 0 (l) ()__ 0.0020 E Q f- 0.0015 ...___,___ '"::'"~:'":-----:"':---'"::'-:~-'----'-~-'--"'"--'--'-- ~0 nt ~2 QJ ~4 Q5 Q6 0~ OB 0~ 1~ ::"""~;_--- ----- -_......_ ~-- .... ~'-...----.L-~___:_' ,_ __ ' - 30 ----... '\ \ I 20 \ . '\ \ \ ~~~~~~~~~--~~'~ 10~ 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 Tube length (m) Tube length (m) Fig. S :w DC subeoole d 50 (l) ::> 0.001 0 1 5 OC subcoole d 60 Fig.6 Mass flow rate at choked condition 375 Temperature distribution along the tube Variation of moss flowrote ot choked condition 0.0035 ........ 0.0033 "' 0.0031 ......... a> 0.0029 -"' 0.0027 .2 0.0025 0 ~ 0.0023 0.0021 2i 0.0019 "'0"' 0.0017 2 0.0015 0.0013 o.oo1 b.o - \ .\l I ' \ ' ' ' \ ' \ ' '" " '' \ ' e/d=5x1 0-6 e/d=5x1 0- 4 e/d=5x1 0-3 e/d=5x1 o- 2 0.34 0.32 c .9 " \ u "' ' ' "' 0.5 Variation of quality ot choked condition 1 .0 Jg "' <f) ' " OJ ' ' ' c i':' 0 ' 1.5 2.0 ejde=5x1 0-6 e/d=5x1 O-< e/d=5x1 O-J e/d=5x1 0-2 0.22 0.20' 0.1 ~ 3.0 Tube length (m) Fig. 7 0.26' 0.24 0.18 ' -2.5 0.30 0.28 .0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 lube length (m) Mass now rate at choked condition Fig. X 376 Quality at choked condition 3.0