4/2/2013 Chapter 12: Electrical Properties Learning Objectives... • How are electrical conductance and resistance characterized? • What are the physical phenomena that distinguish conductors, semiconductors, and insulators? • For metals, how is conductivity affected by imperfections, deformation, and temperature? • For semiconductors, how is conductivity affected by imperfections, impurities (doping) F i d h i d i i ff db i f i i i i (d i ) and Temperature? Relevant Reading for this Lecture... • Pages 483-541 1 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION V I A L resistance (Ohms) V = I R • Ohm's Law: voltage drop (volts) current (amps) A e- (cross sect. area) Cross‐sectional Area I V L • Resistivity, and Conductivity, : these terms are independent of sample geometry or shape this equation is another form of Ohm's Law (recall normalization with ) RA resistivity (Ohm‐m) L • Resistance: L L R A A conductivity (Ohm‐m)‐1 nq e e e I More about this later 2 1 4/2/2013 Electrical Properties • Which will have the greater resistance? 2 D R1 2 D 2 2 2D R2 2D 2 2 8 D 2 R1 D2 8 • Analogous to flow of water in a pipe • Resistance depends on sample geometry and size. Chapter 12 - 3 3 Electrical Conductivity: Comparison (at room temperature!) Material • Metals Silver Copper Aluminum Iron (Ohm‐m)‐1 6.8 x 107 6.0 x 107 3.8 x 107 1.0 x 107 (Ohm‐m)‐1 Material • Ceramics 10 Soda lime glass Soda-lime 10-10 -9 10 Concrete 10-13 Alumina (Al2O3) conductors • Semiconductors Silicon Germanium GaAs 4.0 x 10-4 2.2 x 10 0 1.0 x 10-6 • Polymers Polystyrene Polyethylene <10 10-13 -15 10 – 10-17 insulators semiconductors 4 2 4/2/2013 EX: CONDUCTIVITY PROBLEM e- Cu wire - 100m I = 2.5A + V What is the minimum diameter (D) of the Cu wire so that V < 1.5V? 100m < 1.5V L V R 2.5A A I 2 D 7 ‐1 6.07 x 10 (Ohm‐m) 4 Solve to get D > 1.88 mm 5 Pauli Exclusion Principle gives rise to energy bands Figure 12.2 in Callister Quantum Mechanics states that no two electrons can occupy the same state same state 6 http://www.aps.org/p ublications/apsnews/2 00701/images/Wolfga ng_Pauli_1.jpg Electrons not accompanying the same state h Energy‐level diagram for a hypothetical Nɑ4 molecule. The four shared, outer orbital electrons are “split” into four slightly different energy levels (the Pauli exclusion principle). 3 4/2/2013 Metals are good conductors since their valence band is only partially filled. Adapted from Fig. 12.3, Callister & Rethwisch 4e. 7 Know this! Metal e.g., Cu Metal e.g., Mg Semiconductor Insulator >2eV <2eV Adapted from Fig. 12.4, Callister & Rethwisch 4e. Ef = Fermi energy. This is the boundary between the filled and unfilled energy levels. For electrons to conduct, they must move to where there are unfilled energy levels. 4 4/2/2013 CONDUCTION & ELECTRON TRANSPORT nq • Metals: e + Only those e‐ that can get into the empty energy levels can “conduct” ne = # of e‐ qe = Charge of e‐ e = e‐ mobility Cu is like this. Energy Mg is like this. empty band GAP partly filled valence band filled band filled states the cases at right for metals show that nearby energy states are accessible by th thermal fluctuations l fl t ti e per m3 net e- flow Energy • Energy States: e ‘My level’ – highest filled state empty band filled states s ‐‐ Thermal energy puts many electrons into a higher energy state. a higher energy state. - Fermi filled valence band filled band http://www.bayarea.net/~kins/ AboutMe/GIFs/Fermi_2.jpg 9 ENERGY STATES: INSULATORS AND SEMICONDUCTORS • Semiconductors: ‐Higher energy states are not g p accessible due to band gap. Energy empty band filled sta ates GAP 10 filled valence band filled band wide band gap (> 2 eV) ‐Higher energy states separated by a smaller gap. Energy Engineered material: Gaps are tunable – more to come… empty band ? GAP filled states • Insulators: filled valence band filled band narrow band gap (< 2 eV) 5 4/2/2013 Insulators: A parallel‐plate capacitor involves an insulator, or dielectric, between two metal electrodes. The charge density buildup at the capacitor surface is related to the dielectric constant of the material E, Electric field strength (V/m) A D okE D, charge density (C/m2) k, dielectric constant (material property) l o electric permittivity in vacuum, constant, 8.9x10‐ constant, 8.9x 0 12C/(Vm) = C = Q/V→C= A/l k charge Capacitance 11 o Q A C C V l electric permittivity Note your text uses r for k voltage Dielectric Constants & Strength Dielectric constant r 60 Hz 1 MHz Dielectric strength (V/mil)* • Ceramics Titanate ceramics Mica Soda-lime glass Porcelain --6.9 6.0 15 – 10,000 5.4 – 8.7 6.9 6.0 50 – 300 1000 – 2000 250 40 – 400 • Polymers Polystyrene Polyethylene 2.6 2.3 2.6 2.3 500 – 700 450 – 500 * 0.001 in = 1 mil 12 6 4/2/2013 METALS: RESISTIVITY VS T, IMPURITIES • Imperfections increase resistivity 6 (10-8 Ohm-m) Resistivity, R ‐ grain boundaries ‐ dislocations ‐ impurity atoms ‐ vacancies 5 4 3 2 1 0 2a 3.3 These act to scatter electrons so that they take a less direct path, thus . i t%N [1 a(T T )] o rt i i t%N at%N a is temperature coefficient of a 6 resistivity, o is intrinsic (no impurity) 2 1 . 1 2 1. + + u resistivity C Cu ed Ni m r o at% 2 def 1 . • Resistivity • +1 Cu u C increases with: re” Why???? “Pu ‐ temperature ‐ wt% impurity -200 -100 0 T (°C) ‐ %Cold Work + Cu Adapted from Fig. 18.8, Callister 6e. (Fig. 18.8 adapted from J.O. Linde, Ann. Physik 5, p. 219 (1932); and C.A. Wert and R.M. Thomson, Physics of Solids, 2nd ed., McGraw‐Hill Book Company, New York, 1970.) 13 Variation in electrical resistivity with composition for various copper alloys with small levels of elemental additions (at T = 20°C). Aci 1 ci A – composition independent constant ci – concentration of impurities p 14 7 4/2/2013 PURE SEMICONDUCTORS: CONDUCTIVITY VS T • Data for Pure Silicon: Energy ‐ increases with T ‐ opposite to metals 104 103 102 101 electrons can cross filled gap at valence higher T band filled band material Si Ge GaP CdS pure p (undoped) 10-2 50 100 GAP filled states electrical l t i l conductivity, d ti it (Ohm-m)-1 100 10-1 empty band ? 1000 T(K) Adapted from Fig. 19.15, Callister 5e. (Fig. 19.15 adapted from G.L. Pearson and J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 75, p. 865, 1949.) band gap (eV) 1.11 0.67 2.25 2.40 Selected values from Table 18.2, Callister 6e. 15 CONDUCTION IN TERMS OF ELECTRON AND HOLE MIGRATION Light (shown), heat, some input of energy some input of energy is required to excite e‐ from valence band to conduction band leaving a positively charged hole behind. Conduction can be either by negative carriers, y g , electrons (n‐type) and/or positive carriers, holes (p‐type). Electrons move towards (+) potential and holes move to (‐) potential • Electrical Conductivity given by: ## holes/m holes/m3 n q e p q h electron mobility hole mobility # electrons/m3 charge of e‐ 16 8 4/2/2013 In class problem What fraction of the conductivity of intrinsic silicon at room temperature is due to (a) electrons and (b) holes? nq n q e p q h e e e per m3 ne = # of e‐ qe = Charge of e‐ e = e‐ mobility Here n = p From Table 12.3, =0.736 From Table 12.3, = 0.263 17 oe Eg 2 kT Arrhenius equation; Why 2? Produce two charge carriers – electron and hole Eg 1 Determining the activation energy for conduction oe 2k T ln ln o 18 Eg 1 2k T y B mx 9 4/2/2013 INTRINSIC VS EXTRINSIC CONDUCTION • Intrinsic semiconductors: # of thermally generated electrons = # of holes (broken bonds) • Extrinsic Extrinsic semiconductors: Impurities are added to the semiconductors: Impurities are added to the semiconductor that contribute additional electrons or holes. Doping = intentional impurities • Si is the primary material in semiconductors – Large band gap (1.1 eV); allows Si to operate at warmer temperatures (150oC) – Can form a native oxide, SiO2, for insulating barriers (important in fabrication) • Si can be made into large (12 inch dia.), high purity, single crystal ingots. • Doping of Si – Si has 4 outer shell electrons (group IV) – n‐type: Phosphorous, arsenic (group V), donate extra electron – p‐type: boron (group III) for Si 19 n‐type 4 valence electrons of As allow it to bond like Si, but the fifth electron is left orbiting As site – the energy to release the fifth electron into the CB is small n e e 20 10 4/2/2013 p‐type • Boron has only 3 valance electrons. When it substitutes for a Si atoms, one of its bonds has a missing electron (hole) • Hole tunnels around, and can be liberated by thermal vibration of Si atoms, from the B site into the VB. 21 p e h p‐type n‐type ?‐type ?‐type 22 11 4/2/2013 Why 2? Produce two charge carriers – electron and hole Why the increase? Arrhenius plot of electrical conductivity for an n‐type semiconductor over a wide temperature range. At low temperatures (high 1/T), the material is extrinsic. At high temperatures (low 1/T), the material is intrinsic. In between is the exhaustion range, in which all “extra electrons” have been promoted to the to the why? 23 In class problem Calculate the conductivity for the saturation range of silica doped with 10‐ppb boron. The calculated density of B atoms/m3 is also the density of electron holes in this p‐type semiconductor at saturation. 10/109 = 10 ‐8 Hence solve for n Hence solve for n n = 10‐8 X 6.02x1023 atoms B 10.81 g B X 2.33x106 g/m3 Si = 1.30 x1021 amu B Density of Si Using this equation σ=nqµ h and the data from Table 12.3: (q is the magnitude of electron h d h d f bl ( h d f l charge which equals 0.16 x 10‐18 C) σ = nqµh = (1.30 x 1021 m‐3)(0.16 x 10‐18 C) (0.05 m‐2/V‐s) 24 = 10.4 Ω‐1 m‐1 12 4/2/2013 Compound Semiconductors Group III‐V and II‐V compounds nominally have the inc lend structure and are intrinsic the Zinc Blend structure and are intrinsic semiconductors. Can be doped, like Si, to change conduction (extrinsic) MX Compounds: Group III 3+ valence, Group V 5+ valence – avg. of 4+ valence per atom // Group II 2+ valence, Group VI 6+ valence – avg. 4+ valence per atom Applications: • Solar cells • Light emitting diodes (occurs with electron‐hole recombination) • Higher operation speeds, etc. 25 IC DEVICES: P‐N RECTIFYING JUNCTION • Allows flow of electrons in one direction only (e.g., useful to convert alternating current to direct current). • Results: p-type type +p + + + + ‐ No applied potential: no net current flow. ‐ Forward bias: carriers flow through p‐type and n‐type regions; holes and electrons recombine at p‐n junction; current flows p‐n junction; current flows. ‐ Reverse bias: carriers flow away from p‐n junction; carrier conc. greatly reduced at junction; little current flow. 26 + p-type + n-type n type - - - - + - n-type ++- - +- p-type - ++ + + + n-type - - - - + 14 13 4/2/2013 P‐N Rectifying Junction 27 Light Emitting Diode (LED) http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/led.htm/printable Band gap determines wavelength (color) of light emitted http://spie.org/Images/Graphics/Newsroom/Importe d/0695/0695_fig4.jpg 28 14 4/2/2013 Compare three light bulbs. Conventional incandescent (tungsten filament) Bulb is hot to the touch, most of the electricity is lost as heat. Short life (few months?) Compact fluorescent (CFL’s) Bulb is warm, but not hot, less heat loss Longer life (many months – 2 years) LED’s E t Extremely l efficient, ffi i t littl little or no conversion i off electricity l t i it to t heat. h t Very long life – decades. Many LED’s made in the 70’s & 80’s are still working! 29 The Transistor • Invented by Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain in 1948. Nobel prize in 1956. • A three terminal device that acts like a simple “on‐off” switch (logic control). – The basis of Integrated Circuits (IC) The basis of Integrated Circuits (IC) technology – Computers, cell phones, automotive control, etc. Circa 1948 today • When voltage (potential) is applied to the “gate”, current flows between the “source” and the “drain”. On/off switch – logic switch, go/no go ~ tens of nanometers (1000X smaller than diameter of your hair) 30 15 4/2/2013 SUMMARY • Electrical conductivity and resistivity 31 are: ‐ material parameters, i.e. properties. ‐ independent of geometry. • Electrical resistance is: ‐ a geometry and material dependent parameter. • Conductors, semiconductors, and insulators... ‐ each is different, depending on whether there are accessible energy states for conducting electrons. • For metals, conductivity is increased by ‐ reducing deformation ‐ reducing imperfections reducing imperfections ‐ decreasing temperature. • For pure semiconductors, conductivity is increased by ‐ increasing temperature ‐ doping (e.g., adding B to Si (p‐type) or P to Si (n‐type). Transistors are logic based devices Metals: Influence of Temperature and Impurities on Resistivity • Presence of imperfections increases resistivity • Resistivity 5 increases with: 4 3 d 2 i 1 0 32 These act to scatter electrons so that they t k a less take l di directt path. th 6 (10 0 -8 Ohm-m) Re esistivity, -- grain boundaries -- dislocations -- impurity atoms -- vacancies -- temperature -- wt% impurity -- %CW t -200 -100 0 T (°C) Adapted from Fig. 12.8, Callister & Rethwisch 4e. (Fig. 12.8 adapted from J.O. Linde, Ann. Physik 5, p. 219 (1932); and C.A. Wert and R.M. Thomson, Physics of Solids, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1970.) = thermal + impurity + deformation 32 16