FY17 Program Grant Schedule Month of Event Grants Due Date

We are happy to announce we are continuing with the MWR Program Grants! The intent for these grants is to
support creative and innovative recreation programs with funds that go directly to support programs and
services that positively impact your MWR customers. Grants will be due 2 months prior to the month of the
event with CNIC responses back the month before. The grant deadlines are in the chart below. Please note
that September grants will be issued for events occurring through Labor Day weekend only, and resume for the
next fiscal year on 1 October. The attached CNIC N9 Grant Form FY17 (rev 25 July 16) will be used for all HQ
grant requests.
Month of Event
FY17 Program Grant Schedule
Grants Due Date:
CNIC Response By:
1 August
1 September
1 October
1 November
1 December
2 January
1 February
1 March
1 April
1 May
1 June
1 July
mid August
mid September
mid October
mid November
mid December
mid January
mid February
mid March
mid April
mid May
mid June
mid July
After Action Reports with Back-up Documentation is Due 30 Days after Event Date.
Send to: rec_prgm_grants@navy.mil
The MWR Program Grants maximum will remain at $5,000 per program so we can support the greatest number
of events possible. The focus is on off-setting costs for new and dynamic programs, with grant funds excluded
from profit-generating events. Equipment-only grant requests can be considered if additional funding becomes
General Info:
- Grants must be requested prior to the due date, not to exceed $5,000 per event.
- Events must be open to All Hands, with the exception of Liberty events.
- Grants can no longer be used to fund staffing and labor.
- Grants for family programming are encouraged, but for events exclusive to Child and Youth Programs, requests
are handled via Region CYPs.
- If profits are earned on pre-approved grant events from fees/sales/revenue, reimbursement amount will be
adjusted to break-even when the grant after action is processed.
- Recurring events will be evaluated and approved based on funds availability. We encourage submittals of
diverse and creative programs. New and innovative activities will be funded first.
- Event expenses can include equipment, supplies, décor, contracted services, entertainment, leisure skill
instruction, equipment rental, etc., and reimbursements exclude internal MWR rentals.
- Support of Command Events is excluded from the grant program.
GRANT NEWS 17 (con’t)
10% Rule:
- Prizes/food/giveaways are limited to 10% of the grant total (following UFM guidelines). Items given away
include shirts, souvenir cups, event bags, glowsticks/jewelry, plastic eggs, etc. This also pertains to contracted
vendors who give food such as snocones, popcorn, and cotton candy.
- Grants will cover Artist/Entertainer fees and production expenses only.
- Fireworks are excluded.
- If grant funds are awarded to cover entertainment at a fee-based event (ex., magic show at Easter Brunch), a
free option must be offered so all have opportunity to enjoy entertainment provided by grant funds. In this
example, MWR will offer free access to those not purchasing the brunch meal.
Tickets and Tours:
- For trips: admission fees and entry ticket expenses are excluded, as is lodging expenses except for trip leaders
on travel orders. This includes sightseeing tours, theme parks, white water rafting, bowling games/shoes,
rollerskating or ice skating admission/rental, paintball, movie/theater, sporting events, museums etc.
How to Submit a Grant: Fill in the top half of the CNIC N9 Grant Form FY17 (rev 25 July 16) and return to
rec_prgm_grants@navy.mil with your site Manager and Region signature showing approval (one grant per email, please). Must include details of expense categories, i.e., equipment $xx, entertainment $xx, supplies $xx.,
and ensure all boxes are completed. The approval will be sent back with HQ signature. Within 30 days after the
event, Part II of the signed Grant form must be submitted as the After Action Report (AAR). Please fill in a brief
summary recapping the event, any income, attendance, and what was purchased with costs. Matching receipts
and backup documentation must be included when submitting the AAR for reimbursement. Receipts need to be
legible and add up to the exact amount listed on your AAR. Back-up documentation should include credit card
receipts, mess req, and paid invoices for all charges to include internal costs.
Liberty Video Game Reimbursement Program:
We are excited to be able to continue to support the Liberty Program with video game reimbursements. Once a
purchase has been made a reimbursement request must be submitted within 30 days of purchase. Please use
the same CNIC N9 Grant Form FY17 (rev 25 July 16), but only complete Part 1 to include signatures for Site
Manager and Regional Representative. Submit receipts with the signed form to CNIC for reimbursement
processing. Pre-approval does not need to be given for Liberty Video Games only.