APPROXIMATELY UNITARILY EQUIVALENT MORPHISMS AND INDUCTIVE LIMIT C*-ALGEBRAS Marius Dadarlat Introduction Let X be a compact metrisable space and let B be a unital C*-algebra. We prove that the ∗-homomorphisms from C(X) to B are classified up to stable approximate unitary equivalence by K-theory invariants. This result is used to obtain a classification theorem for certain real rank zero inductive limits of homogeneous C*-algebras. The classification of various classes of C*-algebras of real rank zero in terms of invariants based on K-theory presupposes a passage from algebraic objects to geometric objects (see [Ell], [Li1], [EGLP1], [EG], [BrD], [G], [Rø], [LiPh]). An underlying idea of this paper is that this passage can be done by using approximate morphisms. K-theory becomes a source of approximate morphisms thanks to the realization of K-theory in terms of asymptotic morphisms, due to A. Connes and N. Higson [CH]. The main results of the paper are Theorem A and Theorem B, below. By the universal coefficient theorem for the Kasparov KK-groups [RS], Ext(K∗ (C(X)), K∗−1 (B)) is a subgroup of KK(C(X), B). Following [Rø], we let KL(C(X), B) denote the quotient of KK(C(X), B) by the subgroup of pure extensions in Ext(K∗ (C(X)), K∗−1 (B)). If K∗ (C(X)) is isomorphic to a direct sum of cyclic groups, then KL(C(X), B) coincides with KK(C(X), B). Theorem A. Let X be a compact metrisable space. Let B be a unital C*-algebra and let ϕ, ψ : C(X) → B be two unital ∗-homomorphisms. The following assertions are equivalent. (a) [ϕ] = [ψ] in KL(C(X), B). (b) For any finite subset F ⊂ C(X) and any > 0 there exist k ∈ N, a unitary u ∈ Uk+1 (B) and points x1 , . . . , xk in X such that ku diag(ϕ(a), a(x1 ), . . . , a(xk )) u∗ − diag(ψ(a), a(x1 ), . . . , a(xk ))k < for all a ∈ F . Two ∗-homomorphisms satisfying the condition (b) of Theorem A are said to be stably unitarily equivalent. If condition (b) is satisfied without the ∗-homomorphism η(a) = diag(a(x)1 , . . . , a(xk )), then we say that ϕ and ψ are approximately unitarily equivalent. Theorem A generalizes certain results in [Li1-3] and [EGLP]. If ϕ and ψ are ∗-monomorphisms and B is a purely infinite, simple C*-algebra, then one can This research was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9303361 Typeset by AMS-TEX 1 2 drop the ∗-homomorphism η from condition (b), see Theorem 1.7. The apparition of pure extensions in this context is related to the phenomenon of quasidiagonality, see [Br], [Sa], [BrD]. The author believes that future generalizations of Theorem A should be based on Voiculescu’s noncommutative Weyl-Von Neumann theorem [V]. We use a suitable version of Theorem A for asymptotic morphisms to prove the following theorem. Theorem B. Let A, B be two simple C*-algebras of real rank zero. Suppose that A Lkn M[n,i] (C(Xn,i )), and B are inductive limits A = lim An and B = lim Bn , An = i=1 − → − → Lln Bn = i=1 M{n,i} (C(Yn,i )). Suppose that Xn,i , Yn,i are finite CW complexes, 0 K (Xn,i ) and K 0 (Yn,i ) are torsion free and supn,i {dim(Xn,i ), dim(Yn,i )} < ∞. Then A is isomorphic to B if and only if (K∗ (A), K∗ (A)+ , Σ∗ (A)) ∼ = (K∗ (B), K∗ (B)+ , Σ∗ (B)). Theorem B is proved by showing that the C*-algebras A and B are isomorphic to certain inductive limits of subhomogeneous C*-algebras with 1-dimensional spectrum that are known to be classified by ordered K-theory [Ell]. In the process we use the semiprojectivity of the dimension-drop C*-algebras proved by T. Loring [Lo-1]. In a remarkable recent paper [EG], Elliott and Gong classify the simple C*algebras of real rank zero that are inductive limits of homogeneous C*-algebras with spectrum 3-dimensional finite CW complexes. Roughly speaking, this classification result is achieved in two stages. The first stage corresponds to passing from Ktheory to homotopy and uses the connective KK-theory introduced by A. Nemethi and the author [DN]. The second stage corresponds to showing that homotopic ∗homomorphisms are stably approximately unitarily equivalent. A similar approach is taken in [G]. In this paper we show that these techniques can be combined with techniques of approximate morphisms to produce classification results for inductive limits of homogeneous C*-algebras with higher dimensional spectra. A key tool of our approach is a suspension theorem in E-theory due to T. Loring and the author [DL], (see also [D2]). The idea of using homotopies of asymptotic morphisms in the study of approximate unitary equivalence of ∗-homomorphisms appears also in [LiPh]. The study of inductive limits of matrix algebras of continuous functions was proposed by E. G. Effros [Eff]. 1. Approximately unitarily equivalent morphisms and K-theory In this section we prove Theorem A and give an application for ∗-monomorphisms from C(X) to purely infinite, simple C*-algebras. We need the following result from [EGLP]. Theorem 1.1. [EGLP] Let X be the cone over a compact metrisable space and let B be a unital C*-algebra. For any finite subset G ⊂ C(X), any > 0 and any unital ∗-homomorphism ρ : C(X) → B, there are two unital ∗-homomorphisms with finite dimensional image, η : C(X) → Ms−1 (B) and ξ : C(X) → Ms (B), such that kdiag(ρ(a), η(a)) − ξ(a)k < for all a ∈ G. The following result is implicitly contained in [EG]. 3 Theorem 1.2. Let X be a finite, connected CW complex. For any finite subset F ⊂ C(X) and any > 0, there exist r ∈ N, a unital ∗-homomorphism τ : C(X) → Mr−1 (C(X)) and a unital ∗-homomorphism µ : C(X) → Mr (C(X)) with finite dimensional image, such that kdiag(a, τ (a)) − µ(a)k < for all a ∈ F . Proof. By [DN] there exist R ∈ N and a unital ∗-homomorphism σ : C(X) → MR−1 (C(X)) such that ψ : C(X) → MR (C(X)), defined by ψ(a) = diag(a, σ(a)) is homotopic to an evaluation map a 7→ a(x0 )1R . Let Ψ : C(X) → MR (C(X × [0, 1])) be a ∗-homomorphism implementing a homotopy from ψ to the evaluation map a 7→ a(x0 )1R . Since Ψ(a)(x, 1) = a(x0 )1R for all a ∈ C(X), one can identify Ψ with a ∗-homomorphism Ψ : C(X) → MR (C(X̂)) where X̂ = X × [0, 1]/X × {1} is the cone over X. Moreover, the natural inclusion X ∼ = X × {0} ,→ X̂ induces a restriction ∗-homomorphism ρ : MR (C(X̂)) → MR (C(X)) and ψ factors as ψ = ρΨ. Set G = Ψ(F ). Since X̂ is contractible we can use Theorem 1.1 to produce unital ∗-homomorphisms η : MR (C(X̂)) → M(s−1)R (C(X)), ξ : MR (C(X̂)) → MsR (C(X)) with finite dimensional image such that kdiag(ρ(d), η(d)) − ξ(d)k < for all d ∈ G. Hence kdiag(ρΨ(a), ηΨ(a)) − ξΨ(a)k < for all a ∈ F . Set r = sR, τ (a) = diag(σ(a), ηΨ(a)) and µ(a) = ξΨ(a). Then kdiag(a, τ (a)) − µ(a)k < for all a ∈ F . Definition 1.3. A C*-algebra A is said to have property (P ), if for any finite subset F ⊂ A and any > 0, there exist r ∈ N, a ∗-homomorphism τ : A → Mr−1 (A) and a ∗-homomorphism µ : A → Mr (A) with finite dimensional image such that kdiag(τ (a), a) − µ(a)k < for all a ∈ F . It is clear that any finite dimensional C*-algebra has property (P ). Theorem 1.2 shows that if X is a finite CW complex, then C(X) has property (P ). Is is not hard to see that the class of C*-algebras with property (P ) is closed under direct sums and tensor products. For C*-algebras C, D let M ap(C, D) denote the set of all linear, contractive, completely positive maps from C to D. If G is a finite subset of C and δ > 0 we say that ϕ ∈ M ap(C, D) is δ-multiplicative on G if kϕ(ab) − ϕ(a)ϕ(b)k < δ for all a, b ∈ G. 4 Lemma 1.4. Let A be a C*-algebra with property (P ). Let > 0 and let F ⊂ A be a finite set. There are δb > 0 and a finite subset Fb ⊂ A such that if B is any unital C*-algebra and ϕ0 , ϕ1 , . . . , ϕn is a sequence of maps in M ap(A, B) such that ϕj is b is δ-multiplicative on Fb for j = 0, . . . , n, then there exist k ∈ N, a ∗-homomorphism η : A → Mk (B) with finite dimensional image and a unitary u ∈ Uk+1 (B) such that ku diag(ϕ0 (a), η(a)) u∗ − diag(ϕn (a), η(a))k < + max max a∈F 0≤j≤n−1 kϕj+1 (a) − ϕj (a)k for all a ∈ F . Proof. For given F ⊂ A and > 0, let r ∈ N, τ and µ be as in Definition 1.3. Then D = µ(A) is a finite dimensional C*-subalgebra of Mr (A). By elementary perturbation theory (see [Bra]), there is a finite subset G of D containing µ(F ) and there is δ > 0 such that whenever E is a C*-algebra and Ψ ∈ M ap(D, E) is δ-multiplicative on G, there exists a ∗-homomorphism Ψ0 : D → E satisfying kΨ0 (d) − Ψ(d)k < for all d ∈ G. For s ∈ N set ϕs,j = ϕj ⊗ ids : Ms (A) → Ms (B). It easily seen that one can b find δb > 0 and Fb ⊂ A finite such that if ϕj ∈ M ap(A, B) is δ-multiplicative on Fb then ϕr,j is δ-multiplicative on G. Since ϕr,j is δ-multiplicative on G, there is a ∗-homomorphism ψj : D → Mr (B) such that kϕr,j (d) − ψj (d)k < for all d ∈ G and j = 0, . . . , n. Define L, L0 : A → Mnr (B) by L = diag(ϕr−1,0 τ, ϕ0 , ϕr−1,1 τ, ϕ1 , . . . , ϕr−1,n−1 τ, ϕn−1 ) L0 = diag(ϕ0 , ϕr−1,0 τ, ϕ1 , ϕr−1,1 τ, . . . , ϕn−1 , ϕr−1,n−1 τ ) Note that L is unitarily equivalent to L0 . Thus there is a permutation unitary u ∈ Unr+1 (B) such that udiag((L0 , ϕn )u∗ = diag(ϕn , L). (1) Let λ = max max a∈F 0≤j≤n−1 kϕj+1 (a) − ϕj (a)k Since kϕj+1 (a) − ϕj (a)k ≤ λ for all a ∈ F (2) kdiag(ϕ0 (a), L(a)) − diag(L0 (a), ϕn (a))k ≤ max kϕj+1 (a) − ϕj (a)k = λ. j Using (1) and (2) we obtain (3) kudiag(ϕ0 (a), L(a))u∗ − diag(ϕn (a), L(a))k ≤ λ for all a ∈ F . On the other hand (4) kL(a) − diag(ϕr,0 µ(a), . . . , ϕr,n−1 µ(a))k = kdiag(ϕr,0 (τ (a) ⊕ a − µ(a)), . . . , ϕr,n−1 (τ (a) ⊕ a − µ(a)))k ≤ kτ (a) ⊕ a − µ(a)k < 5 for all a ∈ F , since ϕr,j are norm decreasing. Note that kϕr,j µ(a) − ψj µ(a)k < for all a ∈ F since µ(F ) ⊂ G and kϕr,j (d) − ψj (d)k < for all d ∈ G. This implies (5) kdiag(ϕr,0 µ(a), . . . , ϕr,n−1 µ(a)) − diag(ψ0 µ(a), . . . , ψn−1 µ(a))k < for all a ∈ F . The ∗-homomorphism defined by η = diag(ψ0 µ, . . . , ψn−1 µ) has finite dimensional image. Using (4) and (5) we obtain kL(a) − η(a)k < 2 (6) for all a ∈ F . Combining (3) and (6) we find kudiag(ϕ0 (a), η(a))u∗ − diag(ϕn (a), η(a))k < 4 + λ for all a ∈ F . Suppose that the C*-algebra A is unital. Suppose that the ∗-homomorphism µ from Definition 1.3 and the maps ϕj are unital. Then it easily seen that one can arrange for the ∗-homomorphism η to be unital. The notion of asymptotic morphism due to Connes and Higson led to a geometric realization of E-theory [CH]. Let A, B be separable C*-algebras. Roughly speaking, an asymptotic morphism from A to B is a continuous family of maps ϕt : A → B, t ∈ T = [1, ∞), which satisfies asymptotically the axioms for ∗-homomorphisms. A homotopy of asymptotic morphisms ϕt , ψt : A → B is given by an asymptotic (0) (1) morphism Φt : A → B[0, 1] such that Φt = ϕt and Φt = ψt . Here B[0, 1] denotes the C*-algebra of continous functions from the unit interval to B. The homotopy classes of asymptotic morphisms from A to B are denoted by [[A, B]] and the class of ϕt by [[ϕt ]]. Two asymptotic morphisms ϕt , ψt are said equivalent if ϕt (a)−ψt (a) → 0, as t → ∞ for all a ∈ A. Equivalent asymptotic morphisms are homotopic. In this paper we deal exclusively with asymptotic morphisms from nuclear C*-algebras. It was observed in [D] that if A is nuclear then any asymptotic morphism from A to B is equivalent to a completely positive linear asymptotic morphism. This is a consequence of the Choi-Effros theorem [CE], and it applies for homotopies of asymptotic morphisms as well. Henceforth, throughout the paper, by an asymptotic morphism we will mean a completely positive linear asymptotic morphism unless stated otherwise. Let M∞ denote the dense ∗-subalgebra of the compact operators K obtained as the union of the C*-algebras Mn . Using approximate units it is not hard to see that any asymptotic morphism from A to B ⊗ K is equivalent to an asymptotic morphism ϕt : A → B ⊗ M∞ for which there is a function α : T → N such that ϕt (A) ⊂ B ⊗ Mα(t) . The map α is called a dominating function for ϕt . This applies also to homotopies and yields a bijection [[A, B ⊗ M∞ ]] → [[A, B ⊗ K]]. We consider here only asymptotic morphisms that are dominated by functions α as above. Recall that if A is nuclear, then the Kasparov group KK(A, B) is isomorphic to [[SA, SB ⊗ K]] (see [CH]). Let X be a finite connected CW complex with base point x0 and let B be a unital C*-algebra. Then by the suspension theorem of [DL], [[C0 (X \ x0 ), B ⊗ M∞ ]] ∼ = KK(C0 (X \x0 ), B). Let ϕt : C0 (X \x0 ) → B⊗M∞ be an asymptotic morphism and let α be a dominating function for ϕt . For each t ∈ T we let ϕα t : C(X) → B ⊗Mα(t) denote the unital extension of ϕt : C0 (X \x0 ) → B ⊗Mα(t) with ϕα t (1) = 1B ⊗1α(t) . β α Note that if α(t) ≤ β(t) then ϕt = 1B ⊗ 1α(t) ϕt 1B ⊗ 1α(t) . 6 Theorem 1.5. Let X be a finite connected CW complex with base point x0 and let B be a unital C*-algebra. Let ϕt , ψt : C0 (X \ x0 ) → B ⊗ M∞ be two asymptotic morphisms. Suppose that [[ϕt ]] = [[ψt ]] in KK(C0 (X \ x0 ), B). Then for any finite set F ⊂ C(X) and any > 0 there are t0 ≥ 1 and maps α, β : [1, ∞) → N with α dominating both ϕt and ψt such that for any t ≥ t0 there exist a unitary u ∈ U (B⊗Mα(t) ⊗Mβ(t)+1 ) and a unital ∗-homomorphism η : C(X) → B⊗Mα(t) ⊗Mβ(t) with finite dimensional image such that ∗ α kudiag(ϕα t (a), η(a))u − diag(ψt (a), η(a))k < for all a ∈ F . Proof. Using the suspension theorem in E-theory of [DL], we find an asymptotic (0) (1) morphism Φt : C0 (X \ x0 ) → B[0, 1] ⊗ M∞ such that Φt = ϕt and Φt = ψt . Let α : [1, ∞) → N be a function dominating ϕt , ψt , and Φt . We are going to use e t : C(X) → Lemma 1.4 and the notation from there. We find t0 such that if Φ ∼ b e t is δ-multiplicative (B[0, 1] ⊗ M∞ ) is the unital extension of Φt , then Φ on Fb e t commutes with 1B ⊗ 1α(t) , it follows that for all t ≥ t0 . Since the image of Φ b b Φα t : C(X) → B[0, 1] ⊗ Mα(t) is δ-multiplicative on F for all t ≥ t0 . Let t ≥ t0 be fixed. By uniform continuity we can find a sequence of points s0 = 0, . . . , sn = 1 in the unit interval such that max max a∈F 0≤j≤n−1 (sj ),α kΦt (sj+1 ),α (a) − Φt (a)k < . (s ),α By applying Lemma 1.4 for the sequence of unital maps Φt j we find a unital ∗-homomorphism η with finite dimensional image and a unitary u such that ∗ α kudiag(ϕα t (a), η(a))u − diag(ψt (a), η(a))k < 2 for all a ∈ F . In the proof of Theorem A we are going to apply Theorem 1.5 for ∗-homomorphisms. Note that if ϕ : C(X) → B is a ∗-homomorphism, whose restriction to C0 (X \ x0 ) is denoted by ϕ too, then ϕα (a) = ϕ(a) + a(x0 )(1α(t) − ϕ(1)). 1.6 The Proof of Theorem A. Recall from [F] that an extension of abelian groups π 0− →K− →G− →H− →0 is called pure if its restriction to any finitely generated subgroup of H is trivial. The isomorphism classes of pure extensions form a subgroup of Ext(H, K). The universal coefficient theorem of [RS] gives an exact sequence 0− → Ext(K∗ (A), K(B)∗−1 ) − → KK(A, B) → Hom(K∗ (A), K∗ (B)) − →0 for A in a large class of separable nuclear C*-algebras and any C*-algebra B that has a countable approximate unit. The quotient of KK(A, B) by the subgroup of pure extensions in Ext(K∗ (A), K∗−1 (B)) is denoted by KL(A, B) [Rø]. The 7 subgroup of pure extensions was studied and characterized in the setting of [BDF] in [KS]. a) ⇒ b) Suppose first that X is a finite CW complex. Since K∗ (C(X)) is finitely generated any pure extension of K∗ (C(X)) is trivial, hence KL(C(X), B) = KK(C(X), B). Let X1 , . . . , Xm be the connected components of X. Let ei be the unit of C(Xi ). Using the definition of the K0 group we find R ∈ N, a ∗-homomorphism ξ : C(X) → MR (B) and a unitary v ∈ UR+1 (B) such that vdiag(ϕ(ei ), ξ(ei ))v ∗ = diag(ψ(ei ), ξ(ei )) for i = 1, . . . , m. Note that since ϕ and ψ are unital, ξ can be chosen to be unital. After replacing ϕ,ψ by vdiag(ϕ, ξ)v ∗ and diag(ψ, ξ), we may assume that ϕ(ei ) = ψ(ei ), i = 1, . . . , m. Let ϕi , ψi denote the restrictions of ϕ and ψ to C(Xi ). Then [ϕi ] = [ψi ] ∈ KK(C(Xi ), B). Let δ > 0 and let Fi = F ∩ C(Xi ). Using Theorem 1.5 for each i we find k(i) ∈ N, a ∗-homomorphism ηi : C(Xi ) → Mk(i) (B) with finite dimensional image and a unitary ui ∈ Uk(i)+1 (B) such that kui diag(ϕi (a), ηi (a))u∗i − diag(ψi (a), ηi (a))k < δ L for all a ∈ Fi . Let k = k(1) + . . . + k(m) and define η 0 : C(X) = i C(Xi ) → 0 Mk (B) by η (a1 , . . . , am ) = diag(η1 (a1 ), . . . , ηm (am )). By conjugating (ui , 1, . . . , 1) by suitable permutation unitaries we find unitaries vi ∈ Uk+1 (B) such that kvi diag(ϕi (a), η 0 (a))vi∗ − diag(ψi (a), η 0 (a))k < δ for all a ∈ Fi . Let pi = diag(ϕi (ei ), η 0 (ei )) = diag(ψi (ei ), η 0 (ei )). By chosing δ small enough we can perturb vi to unitaries wi ∈ Uk+1 (B) such that wi pi wi∗ = pi and kwi diag(ϕi (a), η 0 (a))wi∗ − diag(ψi (a), η 0 (a))k < for all a ∈ Fi , i = 1, . . . , m. Let p = 1k − η 0 (1). Let u ∈ Uk+1 (B) be the unitary w1 p1 + . . . + wm pm + diag(0, p). Fix x0 ∈ X and define η : C(X) → Mk (B) by η(a) = η 0 (a) + a(x0 )p. Then η is a unital ∗-homomorphism with finite dimensional image and kudiag(ϕ(a), η(a))u∗ − diag(ψ(a), η(a))k < for all a ∈ F . In the general case we embed X into the Hilbert cube I ω and write X = ∩ Xn , Xn = Pn × I ωn where Pn are finite CW complexes with Pn+1 ⊂ Pn × I and ωn = {n + 1, n + 2, . . .}. Let gi : I ω → I be the ith -coordinate map. By abuse of notation we let gi also denote the restrictions of gi to X and Pn . Without loss of generality we may assume that the set F in the statement of the Theorem is equal to {g1 , g2 , . . . , gn } for some n. Let now n be fixed and choose m ≥ n such that for any y ∈ Pm there is x ∈ X such that |gi (x) − gi (y)| < for i = 1, . . . , n. Let ρm : C(Pm ) → C(X) be induced by the X ,→ Pm × I ωm → Pm with the second arrow standing for the canonical projection. Consider the ∗-homomorphisms ϕρm , ψρm : C(Pm ) → B , the finite set {g1 , . . . , gn }⊂ C(Pm ) and > 0. Since the Kasparov product induces a product at the level of the KL-groups [Rø] and KL(C(Pm ), B) = KK(C(Pm ), B), it follows that the ∗-homomorphisms ϕρm , ψρm give rise to the same KK-element. By the first part of the proof we find a unital ∗homomorphism η0 : C(Pm ) → Mk (B) with finite dimensional image and a unitary u ∈ Uk+1 (B) such that kudiag(ϕρm (gi ), η0 (gi ))u∗ − diag(ψρm (gi ), η0 (gi ))k < 8 P` for i = 1, . . . , n. The map η0 can be expressed as η0 (a) = j=1 a(yj )qj with yj ∈ Pm and mutually orthogonal projections qj . The integer m was chosen so that we can find points xj ∈ X with |gi (yj ) − gi (xj )| < for i = 1, . . . , n. Define P` η : C(X) → Mk (B) by η(a) = j=1 a(xj )qj . Then kudiag(ϕ(gi ), η(gi ))u∗ − diag(ψ(gi ), η(gi ))k < 2 for i = 1, . . . , n. So far we have proven that if [ϕ] = [ψ] ∈ KL(C(X), B), then for any > 0 and F ⊂ C(X) finite, there exist k ∈ N, a unital ∗-homomorphism η : C(X) → Mk (B) with finite dimensional image and a unitary u ∈ Uk+1 (B) such that kudiag(ϕ(a), η(a))u∗ − diag(ψ(a), η(a))k < for all a ∈ F . Next we show that η can be chosen of the form η(a) = diag(a(x1 ), . . . , a(xk )) with x1 , . . . , xk ∈ X. This is done in two steps. First we note that if w ∈ Uk+r (B), ξ : C(X) → Mr (B) is a ∗-homomorphism with finite dimensional image ηb = wdiag(η, ξ)w∗ , and u b = 1 ⊕ w(u ⊕ 1r )1 ⊕ w∗ , then kb udiag(ϕ(a), ηb(a))b u∗ − diag(ψ(a), ηb(a))k < for all a ∈ F . This remark shows that we have the freedom to change η by taking direct sums and conjugating by unitaries. The proof of (a) ⇒ (b) is completed by using the following elementary Lemma: Lemma. Let η : C(X) → Mk (B) be a unital ∗-homomorphism with finite dimensional image. Then there are a unital ∗-homomorphism with finite dimensional image ξ : C(X) → Mr (B) and a unitary w ∈ Uk+r (B) such that wdiag(η, ξ)w∗ is equal to to a ∗-homomorphism of the form ηb(a) = diag(a(x1 ), . . . , a(xk+r )). Proof. There are distinct points x1 , . . . , xn in X and a partition Pn of 1k into mutually orthogonal projections p1 , . . . , pn such that η(a) = i=1 a(xi )pi for all a ∈ C(X).P The proof is done by induction after = a(x1 )p2 + Pnn. Define ξ(a) n 0 0 a(x2 )pP + a(x )p , η (a) = a(x )(p + p ) + a(x )p , ξ (a) = a(x2 )(p1 + 1 i i 1 1 2 i i i=3 i=3 n p2 ) + i=3 a(xi )pi . Then it is easily seen that diag(η, ξ) is unitarily equivalent to diag(η 0 , ξ 0 ). The formulae for η 0 and ξ 0 involves n − 1 distinct points each. (b) ⇒ (a) This is a generalization of Proposition 5.4 in [Rø]. The proof is based on an adaptation of the argument given in [Rø] and it remains valid if we replace C(X) by any C*-algebra in the class N of [RS]. To save notation set A = C(X). The first step is to show that K∗ (ϕ) = K∗ (ψ). This is standard and follows easily from b) by using functional calculus and the definition of K-theory. Therefore by the universal coefficient theorem of [RS] the difference element z = [ϕ] − [ψ] lies in the image of Ext(K∗ (A), K∗−1 (B)) in KK(A, B). It is shown in [Rø] that the element z is given by (7) π ∗ 0− → K∗ (SB) − → K∗ (E) −→ K∗ (A) − →0 where E is the C*-algebra of all pairs (f, a), where a ∈ A, f ∈ B[0, 1], f (0) = ϕ(a), f (1) = ψ(a). The map π : E → A is given by π(f, a) = a. Our aim is to show that z corresponds to a pure extension. By assumption there exist a sequence of 9 ∗-homomorphisms ηi : C(X) → Mn(i) with finite dimensional image and a sequence of unitaries ui ∈ Um(i) (B) where m(i) = 1 + n(1) + . . . + n(i), such that if ϕi = diag(ϕ, η1 , . . . , ηi ), ψi = diag(ψ, η1 , . . . , ηi ) then lim kui ϕi (a)u∗i − ψi (a)k = 0 (8) i→∞ for all a ∈ C(X). Note that K∗ (ϕi ) = K∗ (ψi ). As above we have a ”difference” extension π(i) 0− → Mm(i) (SB) − → Ei −−→ A − →0 corresponding to the pair ϕi , ψi . There is a natural embedding γi : Ei → Ei+1 , γi (f, a) = (f ⊕ ηi+1 (a), a). This yields a commutative diagram 0 −−−−→ Mm(i) (SB) y −−−−→ π(i) Ei −−−−→ γi y A −−−−→ 0 id y A π(i+1) 0 −−−−→ Mm(i+1) (SB) −−−−→ Ei+1 −−−−→ A −−−−→ 0 Taking the inductive limit of these extensions we obtain an extension π 0− → K ⊗ SB − → E∞ −−∞ →A− →0 whose KK-theory class is equal to z (by the continuity of K-theory and the five lemma). With this construction in hands, by using (8) and reasoning as in the proof of Proposition 5.4 in [Rø] one shows that if g ∈ K∗ (A) and ng = 0 for some n then there is i ≥ 1 and h ∈ K∗ (Ei ) with nh = 0 and π(i)∗ (h) = g. This shows that the group extension 0− → K∗ (B) − → K∗ (E∞ ) − → K∗ (A) − →0 is pure. We conclude that the extension (7) is pure. Another proof of (b) ⇒ (a) can be be obtained by constructing a sequence χi ∈ M ap(A, E∞ ) such that π∞ χi = idA and kχi (ab) − χi (a)χi (b)k → 0, as i → ∞, for all a, b ∈ A. This goes as follows. We may assume that there is a path of unitaries ui (s), s ∈ [0, 1], in Um(i) (B) with ui (0) = 1 and ui (1) = ui . Let σi ∈ M ap(A, Ei ) be defined by σi (a)(s) = (ui (2s)ϕi (a)ui (2s)∗ , a) ((2 − 2s)ui ϕi (a)u∗i for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1/2 + (2s − 1)ψi (a), a) for 1/2 ≤ s ≤ 1 It is not hard to see that the sequence of maps χi = γi σi has the desired properties. The sequence χi gives an approximate splitting of the extension E∞ . Then one shows as in [BrD] that the corresponding extension in K-theory is pure. Suppose that the C*-algebra B is purely infinite and simple. Then Theorem A can be modified as follows. 10 Theorem 1.7. Let X be a compact metrisable space. Let B be a purely infinite, simple, unital C*-algebra and let ϕ, ψ : C(X) → B be two unital ∗-monomorphisms. Then [[ϕ]] = [[ψ]] in KL(C(X), B) if and only if ϕ is approximately unitarily equivalent to ψ. That is, if and only if there is a sequence of unitaries un ∈ U (B) such that kun ϕ(a)u∗n − ψ(a)k → 0 for all a ∈ C(X). Proof. Fix > 0 and F ⊂ C(X) finite. Using Theorem A all we have to do is to find a unitary w0 ∈ U (B) such that kw0 ϕ(a)w0∗ − ψ(a)k < 5 for all a ∈ F . Let k ∈ N, η : C(X) → Mk (B) and u ∈ Uk+1 (B) be provided by Theorem A. Since η is unital and has finite dimensional image there exist L ∈ N, distinct points x1 , . . . , xL in X and a partition of 1k into mutually orthogonal nonzero projections p1 , . . . , pL ∈ Mk (B) such that η(a) = L X a(xi )pi i=1 for all a ∈ C(X). Define γ : C(X) → Mk+1 (B) by γ = uϕu∗ . Set q = γ(1) and qi = upi u∗ . Then uη(a)u∗ = (9) L X a(xi )qi and q + L X i=1 qi = 1k+1 . i=1 We are going to use repeatedly a result of Zhang [Zh1] asserting that a simple, purely infinite C*-algebra has real rank zero. Since γ is a monomorphism and B has real rank zero we can apply Lemma 4.1 in [EGLP] to get nonzero, mutually orthogonal projections d, d1 , . . . , dL in qMk+1 (B)q such that d + d1 + . . . + dL = q and (10) kγ(a) − dγ(a)d − L X a(xi )di k < i=1 for all a ∈ F . Similarly, there are nonzero, mutually orthogonal projections c, c1 , . . . , cL in B such that c + c1 + . . . + cL = 1 and 0 (10 ) kψ(a) − cψ(a)c − L X a(xi )ci k < i=1 for all a ∈ F . Since B is simple and purely infinite, di is equivalent to a subprojection ei of ci . Recall that two projections e and f in a C*-algebra A are called equivalent if there is a partial isometry v ∈ A such that v ∗ v = e and vv ∗ = f . The proof of Lemma 4.1 in [EGLP] shows that (10’) remains true if we replace ci by nonzero subprojections ei ≤ ci and c by e = 1k − e1 − . . . − eL . Therefore we may assume that di is equivalent to ci in Mk+1 (B). Since Mk+1 (B) is simple and purely infinite, di +qi is equivalent to a subprojection of di . Similarly ci ⊕pi is equivalent to a subprojection of ci . Actually, we can find partial isometries v, w ∈ Mk+1 (B) such that v(di + qi )v ∗ + d0i = di and w(ci ⊕ pi )w∗ + c0i = ci for some nonzero projections d0i , c0i , i = 1, . . . , L. Define Tγ : C(X) → M2k+2 (B) by ∗ Tγ (a) = diag(dγ(a)d + L X i=1 a(xi )di + L X i=1 a(xi )qi , L X i=1 a(xi )d0i ) 11 Using v one obtains a partial isometry V ∈ M2k+2 (B) with V ∗ V = 1k+1 + V V ∗ = q and such that L X ∗ (11) V Tγ (a)V = dγ(a)d + PL i=1 d0i , a(xi )di i=1 Similarly, if Tψ : C(X) → M2k+2 (B) is defined by ∗ Tψ (a) = diag(cψ(a)c + L X a(xi )ci ⊕ i=1 L X a(xi )pi , i=1 L X a(xi )c0i ) i=1 then there is a partial isometry W ∈ M2k+2 (B), W ∗ W = 1k+1 + 1B such that ∗ 0 (11 ) W Tψ (a)W = cψ(a)c + L X PL 0 i=1 ci , WW∗ = a(xi )ci . i=1 Fix a ∈ A. From (10), (11) and (10’), (11’) we obtain (12) kV ∗ γ(a)V − Tγ (a)k < (120 ) kW ∗ ψ(a)W − Tψ (a)k < On the other hand, using (10) and (10’) we obtain (13) kTγ (a) − diag(u(ϕ(a) ⊕ η(a))u∗ , L X a(xi )d0i )k < i=1 0 (13 .) kTψ (a) − diag(ψ(a) ⊕ η(a), L X a(xi )c0i )k < i=1 By construction [di ] = [ci ] and [qi ] = [pi ] in K0 (B). This implies [d0i ] = [c0i ] in K0 (B). Since these are proper projections in Mk+1 (B) we can find a unitary u0 ∈ Uk+1 (B) such that u0 d0i u∗0 = c0i for i = 1, . . . , L (see [Cu], [Zh2]). Let U = 1k+1 ⊕ u0 ∈ U2k+2 (B). Then (14) kU diag(u(ϕ(a)⊕η(a))u∗ , L X a(xi )d0i )U ∗ −diag(ψ(a)⊕η(a), i=1 L X a(xi )c0i )k < i=1 ∗ since ku(ϕ(a) ⊕ η(a))u − ψ(a) ⊕ η(a)k < . Using (13), (13’) and (14) we obtain (15.) kU Tγ (a)U ∗ − Tψ (a)k < 3 Then from (12), (12’) and (15) kU V ∗ uϕ(a)u∗ V U ∗ − W ψ(a)W ∗ k < 5. Finally if we set w0 = W ∗ U V ∗ u, then kw0 ϕ(a)w0∗ − ψ(a)k < 5 for all a ∈ F . Certain special cases of Theorem 1.7 have been previously proven in [Li1-3] and [EGLP] and the above proof uses ideas from those papers. For other applications of the asymptotic morphisms in the study of ∗-homomorphisms we refer the reader to [DL], [D1] and [LiPh]. 12 Remarks 1.8. a) By a result of T. Loring [Lo2], if X is a finite connected CW complex with base point x0 and On is a Cuntz algebra with n ≥ 4 even, then all the elements of KK(C0 (X \ x0 ), On ) are induced by ∗-homomorphisms C0 (X \ x0 ) → On . By combining this result with Theorem 1.7 we obtain a bijection between KK(C0 (X \ x0 ), On ) and the set of all approximate unitary equivalence classes of unital ∗monomorphisms from C(X) to On . b) Let Y be the dyadic solenoid and let X be the one point compactification of (Y \ y0 ) × R. Let Q(H) be the Calkin algebra. There are infinitely many unitary equivalence classes of unital ∗-monomorphisms from C(X) to Q(H). These classes are parametrized by the Brown-Douglass-Fillmore group Ext(C(X)) ∼ = KK(C0 (X \ x0 ), Q(H)) ∼ = Ext1Z (Z[1/2], Z). However, since all the extensions in Ext1Z (Z[1/2], Z) are pure, it follows that KL(C0 (X \ x0 ), Q(H)) = 0 and any two unital ∗-homomorphism from C(X) to the Calkin algebra are approximately unitarily equivalent (see [Br]). 2. Inductive limit C*-algebras Consider the following list of C*-algebras: the scalars, C; the circle algebra, C(T); the unital dimension-drop interval, defined below; and all C ∗ -algebras arising from these by forming matrix algebras and taking finite direct sums. The collection of all these C*-algebras will be denoted D. The collection of all quotients of C*b A C ∗ −algebra will be called an AD-algebra if it algebras in D will be denoted D. is isomorphic to an inductive limit of C*-algebras in D. By the non-unital dimension-drop interval we mean Im = {f ∈ C([0, 1], Mm ) | f (0) = 0, f (1) is scalar}. The unital dimension-drop interval eIm is the unitization of Im . The K-theory of Im is easily computed, K0 (Im ) = 0, K1 (Im ) ∼ = Z/m. Lemma 2.1. Let X, Y be finite, connected CW complexes and let k, m, r ∈ N. Let γ : Mk (C(X)) → P Mm (C(Y ))P be a unital ∗-homomorphism where P is a projection in Mm (C(Y )). Let ν : Mk (C(X)) → Mkr (C(X)) be a unital ∗homomorphism of the form ν(a) = diag(a, a(x1 ), . . . , a(xr−1 )), xi ∈ X. Suppose that rank(P ) > 10kr dim(Y ). Then there are ∗-homomorphisms γ0 , γ1 : Mk (C(X)) → P Mm (C(Y ))P with orthogonal images such that γ0 has finite dimensional image, γ1 factors through ν and γ is homotopic to γ0 + γ1 . If P is a trivial projections and rank(P ) is divisible by kr, then one can take γ0 = 0. Proof. The result is a consequence of Theorems 4.2.8 and 4.2.11 in [DN]. Lemma 2.2. Let H be a finite subset of C(S 2 ), let > 0 and let X be a finite, connected CW complex. There is m0 such that if m ≥ m0 , then for any unital ∗-homomorphism σ 0 : C(S 2 ) → Mm (C(X)) there exist a unital ∗-homomorphism σ : C(S 2 ) → Mm (C(X)) and a C*-subalgebra D of Mm (C(X)) isomorphic to a quotient of a direct sum of matrix algebras over C(S 1 ), such that σ 0 is homotopic to σ and dist(σ(a), D) < for all a ∈ H. Proof. If X is a product of spheres, the result appears in [EGLP1]. In particular for X = S 2 we find n and such that the unital ∗-homomorphism ν 0 : C(S 2 ) → 13 Mn (C(S 2 )), ν 0 (a) = (a, a(x0 ), . . . , a(x0 )) is homotopic to a ∗-homomorphism ν with ν(H) approximately contained to within in a circle algebra. The more general situation we consider here is reduced to the case X = S 2 by using Lemma 2.1. Indeed, by Lemma 2.1 there is m0 such that any ∗-homomorphism σ 0 : C(S 2 ) → Mm (C(X)), m ≥ m0 , is homotopic to a direct sum between a ∗-homomorphism with finite dimensional image and a ∗-homomorphism that factors through ν. Proposition 2.3. Let X be a finite, connected CW complex. Let F be a finite subset of C(X) and let > 0. Suppose that the K-theory group K0 (C(X)) is torsion free. Then there exist r ∈ N, a ∗-homomorphism η : C(X) → Mr−1 (C(X)) b with finite dimensional image and a C*-subalgebra D ⊂ Mr (C(X)) with D ∈ D such that dist(a ⊕ η(a), D) < for all a ∈ F . The ∗-homomorphism η can be chosen of the form η(a) = diag(a(x1 ), . . . , a(xr−1 ). Proof. There are c, d ≥ 0, m(i) ≥ 2 with K0 (C(X)) ∼ = Zc+1 , K1 (C(X)) ∼ = Zd ⊕ Z/m(1) ⊕ . . . ⊕ Z/m(k). Let N = c + d + k and set Bj = C0 (S 2 \ pt) if 1 ≤ j ≤ c, Bj = C0 (S 1 \ pt) if c < j ≤ c + d, Bj = Im(j−c−d) if c + d < j ≤ N , B = B1 ⊕ . . . ⊕ BN . If K1 (C(X)) is torsion free, then we consider only Bj for 1 ≤ j ≤ c + d. By construction, K∗ (C0 (X \ x0 )) is isomorphic to K∗ (B). The universal coefficient theorem of [RS] shows that C0 (X \ x0 ) is KK-equivalent to B. Using the E-theory description of KK-theory of [CH] and the suspension theorem of [DL], we find an asymptotic morphism ϕt : C0 (X \ x0 ) → B ⊗ M∞ yielding a KK-equivalence. Let χ ∈ KK(B, C0 (X \ x0 )) be such that χ[[ϕt ]] = [[idC0 (X\x0 ) ]]. The element χ can be written as χ = χ1 + . . . χN with χj ∈ KK(Bj , C0 (X \ x0 )). It is known that every element in KK(Bj , C0 (X \ x0 )) can be realized as a ∗-homomorphism Bj → C0 (X \ x0 ) ⊗ ML for a suitable integer L. [C0 (S 1 \ pt), C0 (X \ x0 ) ⊗ M∞ ] ∼ = KK(C0 (S 1 \ pt), C0 (X \ x0 )) [Ros] 2 [C0 (S \ pt), C0 (X \ x0 ) ⊗ M∞ ] ∼ = KK(C0 (S 2 \ pt), C0 (X \ x0 )) [Se], [DN] [Im , C0 (X \ x0 ) ⊗ M∞ ] ∼ = KK(Im , C0 (X \ x0 )) [DL]. It follows that there are ∗-homomorphisms ψj0 : Bj → C0 (X \ x0 ) ⊗ ML with ej → C(X) ⊗ ML be the unital extension of ψ 0 and let ψj [ψj0 ] = χj . Let ψej : B j ej ⊗ M∞ → C(X) ⊗ ML ⊗ M∞ . denote the ∗-homomorphism ψj = ψej ⊗ id∞ : B Define e ψ : ⊕N j=1 (Bj ⊗ M∞ ) → C(X) ⊗ ML ⊗ MN ⊗ M∞ , ψ(b1 , . . . , bN ) = diag(ψ1 (b1 ), . . . , ψN (bN )). Form the diagram C0 (X \ x0 ) ϕt y ej ⊗ M∞ ) ⊕j ( B γ −−−−→ C(X) ⊗ ML ⊗ MN ⊗ M∞ 14 where γ(a) = a ⊗ e for a fixed one-dimensional projection e. By construction, the above diagram commutes at the level of KK-theory. Therefore there is a homotopy of asymptotic morphisms Φt : C0 (X \ x0 ) → C(X) ⊗ ML [0, 1] ⊗ MN ⊗ M∞ with (0) (1) Φt = γ and Φt = ψϕt . Let F ⊂ C(X) and be as in the statement of Proposition 2.3. Let Fb and δb be given by Lemma 1.4. As in the proof of Theorem 1.5, let α be a dominating b b function for Φt and find t0 such that Φα t is δ-multiplicative on F for all t ≥ t0 . Now let t ≥ t0 be fixed. By increasing α(t), we may assume that the image of ϕt is α b e contained in ⊕N j=1 Bj ⊗ Mα(t) . Moreover we may assume that ϕt is δ-multiplicative on Fb. We obtain the following diagram C(X) ϕα t y γα −−−−→ C(X) ⊗ ML ⊗ MN ⊗ Mα(t) ej ⊗ Mα(t) ) ⊕j ( B where the superscript α indicates that the corresponding maps have been unitalej ⊗ Mα(t) ) is ized as described before Theorem 1.5. The restriction of ψ to ⊕j (B (0),α (1),α denoted by ψ too. Note that Φt = γ α and Φt = ψϕα t . The next step is to modify the above diagram so that ψ will become homotopic to a ∗-homomorphism b Set C = ⊕N (B ej ⊗ Mα(t) ), which factors approximately through an algebra in D. j=1 α E = C(X) ⊗ ML ⊗ MN ⊗ Mα(t) and H = ϕt (F ) (recall that t is fixed). By using Lemma 2.2 we find m, such that if γ0 : E → Mm (E) is defined by γ0 (c) = diag(c, c(x0 ), . . . , c(x0 )), with x0 ∈ X, then the ∗-homomorphism γ0 ψ is homotopic to a ∗-homomorphism σ : C → Mm (E) such that σ(H) is approximately contained, b Actually, one applies Lemma to within , in a subalgebra D of Mm (E) with D ∈ D. 2.2 for the partial ∗-homomorphisms γ0 ψj , 1 ≤ j ≤ c. Let Ψ : C → Mm (E)[0, 1] be a homotopy of ∗-homomorphisms with Ψ(0) = γ0 ψ and Ψ(1) = σ. Next we consider the path of maps Γ(s) in M ap(C(X), Mm (E)) obtained by the juxtaposition (s),α α (s) of γ0 Φt with Ψ(s) ϕα and σϕα t t . It is clear that γ0 γ is the initial point of Γ α b b are δ-multiplicative on F , it follows that and ϕ is the terminal point. Since Φα t t b Γ(s) is δ-multiplicative on Fb for each s. This enables us to use Lemma 1.4 to show that γ0 γ α is stably approximately unitarily equivalent to σϕα t . Namely, there exist S ∈ N, a ∗-homomorphism η0 : C(X) → MS−1 (Mm (E)) with finite dimensional image and a unitary u ∈ US (Mm (E)) such that ∗ α kudiag(σϕα t (a), η0 (a))u − diag(γ0 γ (a), η0 (a))k < 2 for all a ∈ F . Note that γ0 γ α is a unital ∗-homomorphism of the form a 7→ diag(a, a(x0 ), . . . , a(x0 )) = diag(a, η1 (a)). Since ϕα t (F ) ⊂ H and σ(H) is approximately contained to within in D, it follows that, for all a ∈ F , diag(a, η1 (a), η0 (a)) is approximately contained to within 3 b By using the Lemma that appears in the proof of Theoin u(D⊕image(η0 ))u∗ ∈ D. rem A, we see that η0 can be taken of the form η0 (a) = diag(a(x1 ), . . . , a(xr−1 )). Theorem 2.4. Let A be a C*-algebra of real rank zero. Suppose that A is an Lkn inductive limit A = lim i=1 M[n,i] (C(Xn,i )). Suppose that −→ (An , γm,n ), An = 15 each Xn,i is a finite connected CW complex, K0 (C(Xn,i )) is torsion free and d = supn,i {dim(Xn,i )} < ∞. Then A is isomorphic to an AD algebra. j,i Proof. Let en,i denote the unit of An,i = M[n,i] (C(Xn,i )) and let γm,n : An,i → Am,j be the partial ∗-homomorphisms of γm,n . The C*-algebras in D are semiprojective [Lo]. By Proposition 1.2 in [DL1], (see also Theorem 3.8 in [Lo]) it suffices to show that for any finite subset F ⊂ An,i and > 0, there is m ≥ n, such that for any 1 ≤ j ≤ km there exist a C*-algebra D ∈ D, and a ∗-homomorphism j,i j,i σ : D → fj Am,j fj , fj = γm,n (en,i ), such that dist(γm,n (a), σ(D)) < for all a ∈ F . By Theorem 1.4.14 in [EG] we can assume that F is weakly approximately constant to within . To simplify notation say An,i = Mk (C(X)). By Proposition 2.3 there exist r ∈ N and a unital ∗-homomorphism ν : Mk (C(X)) → Mkr (C(X)) of the form ν(a) = diag(a, a(x1 ), . . . .a(xr−1 )), and there is a unital ∗-homomorphism ξ : D → Mkr (C(X)) with D ∈ D such that dist(ν(a), ξ(D)) < for all a ∈ F . By Theorem 2.5 in [Su] and Lemma 2.3 in [EG] there is m ≥ n so that for each j, 1 ≤ j ≤ km , one of the following conditions are satisfied. (i) There is a ∗-homomorphism µ : An,i → fj Am,j fj with finite dimensional j,i (a) − µ(a)k < for all a ∈ F . image such that kγm,n j,i (ii) rank( γm,n (en,i )) = rank(fj ) = krj sj where rj > r and sj > 10d. If we are in the first case, then we are done. Thus we may assume that (ii) holds. Let η : Mk (C(X)) → Mk be an evaluation map. Define νj : Mk (C(X)) → j,i and Mkrj (C(X)), νj (a) = ν(a) ⊕ a(x0 ) ⊗ 1k(rj −r) . We apply Lemma 2.1 for γm,n νj . Hence we find a ∗-homomorphism ψj : Mkrj (C(X)) ⊕ Mk → fj Am,j fj such j,i as ∗-homomorphisms from Mk (C(X)) to fj Am,j fj , that ψj ν̂j is homotopic to γm,n where ν̂j = ν ⊕ η. Since F is approximately weakly constant to within and A has real rank zero, by Theorem 2.29 in [EG], there exist s ≥ m and a unitary u ∈ γsm (fj )As γs,m (fj ) such that j,i ku γs,m ψj νj (a) u∗ − γs,m γm,n (a)k < 70 for all a ∈ F . Define ξj : D⊕C → Mkrj (C(X))⊕Mk , ξj (d, λ) = ξ(d)⊕λ⊗1k(rj −r) ⊕ λ. The various maps that are involved here can be visualized on the diagram F −−−−→ An,i νj y j,i γm,n γs,m −−−−→ fj Am,j fj −−−−→ As ξj D ⊕ Mk −−−−→ Mrj (An,i ) ⊕ Mk Since dist(νj (a), ξj (D ⊕ C)) < for all a ∈ F , if we set σ = u(γs,m ψj ξj )u∗ then j,i dist(γs,m γm,n (a), σ(D)) < 100. This concludes the proof. In Theorem 2.4 one can allow d = ∞ under the additional assumption that A has slow dimension growth. A similar remark applies to Theorem B. 2.5 The proof of Theorem B. 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