EE 205 Coifman Homework set #5, due 5/2/05 4-2, 4-5, 4-8, 4-9, 4-13, 4-16, 4-20, 4-21, 4-23, 4-24 Meet the Operational Amplifier, its friends call it "the Op Amp" Positive power supply +V CC vO 8 Noninverting input + 7 6 5 Output + - Top Negative power supply Inverting input 1 2 vN 3 vP 4 V CC This is a real device that you can buy... made up of lots of transistors and stuff. We will be working with a few simple models of the Op Amp... I C+ iP iN + iO + - + + vP - - IC vN - - V CC + vP +V CC - vO + - vN + + iP iN iO + - iO≠iP+iN iO=IC++IC-+iP+iN 13-1 + vO EE 205 Coifman Transfer characteristic for an Op Amp vO +V CC Output voltage swing 1 vP -vN µ - V CC - Saturation noninverting input inverting input output voltage voltage gain Linear +Saturation vP vN vO µ vO=µ(vP-vN) 3 modes of operation: - saturation linear + saturation 13-2 EE 205 Coifman Model of an Ideal Op Amp operating in the linear region vP + iP + RO RI vN + + - iN iO + vO µ(vP - vN ) - R1∈[106,1012]Ω RO∈[10,100]Ω µ∈[105,108] -VCC < vO < +VCC -VCC/µ< (vP-vN) < +VCC/µ Since VCC ~ 15V; µ >> 0, (vP-vN) ≈ 0 Next, we assume µ → ∞ and arrive at the "ideal model" of the Op Amp: vP=vN iP = iN = 0 In other words (pictures?) 13-3 EE 205 Coifman i =0 +P iO Voltages vP i =0 + are +N equal vN - + vO - Now for the final piece of the puzzle: feedback. Feedback ensures (vP-vN) ≈ 0 and thus, keeps the Op Amp in the linear region. 13-4 EE 205 Coifman My friends call me an example- I’m a non-inverting Op Amp circuit vP vS + - vN iP + - iN vO + R1 R2 Feedback path K= closed loop gain (of the circuit) 13-5 vS K vO EE 205 Coifman Placing the non-inverting Op Amp circuit into a larger circuit... R1 + - vP vN vS iP iN vO + - R3 R2 RL R4 Source vS KS Noninverting amplifier (Active circuit) vP K AMP 13-6 vO Load EE 205 Coifman Now for a voltage follower RS vP i P vN iN + - vO i O vS + - RS RL 13-7 vS + - RL EE 205 Coifman And an inverting amplifier A R1 i1 + - vS iN vN vP Feedback path R2 vO - vS i2 + 13-8 K vO