M U D N E TES D A AD PD E U E S R FO Am ic er an s As oc t ia io n 19 of 56 - 2016 M ed ic a s lA si a st A A M A A N N UA L C O N FERENCE SEPT. 16–19, 2 0 1 6 RESTON, VIRGIN IA American Association of Medical Assistants® nt s PROGRAM AGENDA CEU Category Codes G = General A = Administrative C = Clinical Registration Open Thursday, September 15, 7–9 pm Friday, September 16 Registration Open: 7 am–6:30 pm Continental Breakfast: 7 am First-Timers and Students Reception: 7:30–8:30 am Organ and Tissue Donation: An Insider’s Look at the Donation Continuum 8–10 am The process of organ donation begins by discussing the concept with family members or starting the procurement process with those who are already donors. Understand the types of donations that are acceptable and how recipients are chosen. Review the donation process. Identify how organ processing may be different according to the organ. Discover what criteria are used to determine whether an organ is viable. Develop resources for education and patient use. (2 GAC) Ovarian Cancer and Clinical Trials 8–10 am Learn the risk factors and treatment options for ovarian cancer, and explore new and exciting research. Understand the three phases of clinical trials, how a patient gets approved for a trial, and how an office can find trials for patients. (2 C) 2 Critical Thinking: Teaching Students How to “Think” 8–10 am Define critical thinking. Demonstrate how to teach critical thinking in the classroom using case studies and other methods. Additionally, discuss ways to teach critical thinking using course content. (2 G) Board of Trustees, Endowment Meetings: 9 am–noon Who Are Your Customers? Customer Satisfaction 10:30 am–12:30 pm A practice’s most vital asset is its patients, who double as its customers. As such, every employee must master customer service skills. Learn how to gain a better awareness of customers’ problems and needs. Know how to be cognizant of what the customers are telling you—even if they are not saying it aloud. Learn to listen effectively and how that skill is crucial for providing great service. Recognize the importance of creating guidelines so that you don’t have to think on your feet in every situation. (2 GA) The Diversity-Friendly Practice 10:30 am–12:30 pm Identify the diverse communities that medical assistants serve and how those populations might change in the future. Describe barriers to care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients, English as a second language (ESL) patients, ethnic minority groups, elderly patients, and other selected populations. Share personal experiences about how practices can create a hostile environment for some patients. Discuss ways in which medical assistants can promote a diversityfriendly practice and help ensure that all cultures, gender identities, and ethnic groups are embraced in the medical office. (2 GA) It’s All Up To You 10:30 am–12:30 pm Use case studies and role-playing to brainstorm strategies on how to resolve violated expectations, broken commitments, and bad behavior. Identify the role of student accountability and how educators can hold students culpable for their academic and career progression. (2 G) Interviewing Skills and Behavioral Interviewing 1:30–3:30 pm The most accurate predictor of future performance is past performance. Behavioral interviewing focuses on job-related experiences, behaviors, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Discuss the difference between a traditional interview and behavioral interview, the benefits of improved hiring skills, how to prepare behavioral interview questions, the steps for conducting an effective interview, and how to hire the best applicant for a position. (2 G) When an Esophagectomy Is Needed 1:30–3:30 pm Explore the esophageal anatomy and disease processes. Obtain up-to-date knowledge on treatment options and understand how the treatments are performed. Obtain resources to use in patient education. (2 AC) Cultural Diversity in the Classroom 1:30–3:30 pm Highlight the barriers that prevent academic success for some populations. Discuss how to ensure that all cultures, gender identities, and ethnic groups are embraced in the classroom and practicums. Take part in open discussion of case studies and methods to overcome hostile environments that have been encountered in the past. (2 G) AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE MAERB Forum 2–4 pm As the sponsoring organization for the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB), the AAMA hosts a session for MAERB members to discuss new and continuing accreditation projects, initiatives, and issues with directors of programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). This session is also very useful for MAERB surveyors, educators within CAAHEP accredited medical assisting programs, and educators interested in applying for CAAHEP accreditation. In addition to sharing information, MAERB invites program directors to share their thoughts and suggestions. Human Trafficking Continuing Education Board Featured Program 4–6 pm Human trafficking (i.e., modern-day slavery) exists on a global scale, including in the United States. Understand your role in identifying and assisting victims. Understand the cultural influences involved and discover the available treatment options and resources to use in patient education. (2 GA) Welcome and Awards Celebration 7:30–10 pm Welcome to the AAMA 60th Annual Conference! We lead off with this informal mix-and-mingle event, where you can rub elbows with your Board of Trustees and fellow attendees, enjoy some munchies, socialize with friends both old and new, and join in the applause for the deserving states and individuals recognized at this year’s Excel Awards. AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Saturday, September 17 Registration Open: 7 am–6 pm Continental Breakfast: 7 am Crucial End-of-Life Conversations 8–10 am Study the paradigm shift from futile care to palliative care, as well as the role of hospice in end-of-life decisions. Understand the therapeutic and gentle conversations that empower the patient to write the last chapter of their lives. Know the medical assistant’s role in helping the patient with this final journey. (2 GC) Things We Learned in Grade School 8–10 am What we learned while young is still applicable to today’s workplace. Describe the character-building principles taught to schoolchildren that were the foundation of early citizen development. Discuss how administrators can promote workplace productivity, harmony, and civility by building on these established standards. Brainstorm how to apply these principles in the workplace. (2 G) Utilizing Free Online Teaching Resources 8–10 am Discuss how to incorporate online resources into classroom education, and learn about specific materials that are in the public domain. Understand how to assign effective online resources for students to use outside the classroom. Share what you have used effectively in your classes. (2 G) Orientation of Committees: Credentials, Pages & Tellers, and Reference: 9–10 am HOD Delegate/Alternate Orientation 10:30 am–12:30 pm Join the Speaker and Vice Speaker of the House for an informative session that will help both newcomers and veteran volunteers fulfill their duties as delegates and alternates. Learn the rules of the House of Delegates (HOD), the voting process, how to present a motion, and other functions of the House. Defending Yourself from Recoupments and Audit Escalation Continuing Education Board Practice Managers Featured Program 10:30 am–12:30 pm There are different types of audits, each requiring a different set of information from providers. Focus on types of audits, what can be requested legally, the necessary documentation, and how to answer an audit request. In addition, discover what rights the practice has in defending an unfavorable decision and the steps taken to defend any billing of services the auditor deems incorrect. Evaluate resources and recommendations in preparation for a defense. (2 AG) Transgender Teens 10:30 am–12:30 pm Examine case studies and personal stories that share the inner turmoil of transgender teens at pivotal times in their lives. Understand the administrative and clinical challenges involved when a teen journeys from birth-assigned gender to desired gender. (2 GAC) Flipping the Classroom 10:30 am–12:30 pm What is a flipped classroom? Learn that and much more. Discuss the roles of the educator and the student in this methodology. Learn how to overcome barriers from students, faculty, and administration to implement the flipped classroom. Brainstorm how to apply this methodology to your own courses. (2 G) 3 PROGRAM AGENDA d e ire rat pa Requ e S n atio str i g Re FASDs Training of Trainers Workshop Thursday 8:00 am–5:00 pm The Mountain Plains Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Practice and Implementation Center (Mountain Plains PIC) is sponsoring a one-day Training of Trainers (ToT) event, cosponsored by the AAMA. The purpose of this ToT is to develop a group of trainers who are prepared to become champions for FASD training and/or prevention in the work setting. All participants will receive copies of training materials. Each participant will have an opportunity to practice and receive feedback on their training techniques. Participation Details •Participation is free. •Participants will receive 6.5 AAMA CEUs and a certificate of completion. • The AAMA is sponsoring one night of lodging at the Hyatt Regency Reston and per diem for the day of the training for each participant. • Additional travel costs will be the responsibility of each participant. •The ToT is limited to 15 participants. Note: Registration in the FASDs ToT Workshop does not include any other conference activities or meals. You must register for the conference and/or purchase meal tickets to participate in the conference. All participants must: • Have the ability to present FASD training in a workshop, webinar, clinical, or academic setting. •Be able to travel to and fully participate in the ToT. To register for the event, please contact Tobie Barton at the Mountain Plains PIC: E-mail: tbarton@casat.org Phone: 775/682-8533 4 State Leaders: 1–3 pm (This session is for state society leaders. Chapter leaders are also welcome.) Passing a Medicare Audit 1–3 pm Understand the Medicare guidelines and rules for audits of billing and medical records in order to eliminate negative audit findings. Identify where to find Medicare policies and rules, understand national coverage determination (NCD) and local coverage determination (LCD) policies and their impact, and review the appeals process. (2 GA) Nuss Procedure 1–3 pm The Nuss procedure was developed in the late 1980s to help children with a sunken chest, or pectus excavatum. This minimally invasive procedure has been refined even more since its inception. In addition to learning about pectus excavatum, study the history of the Nuss procedure, gain a basic understanding of how it is accomplished, and review other treatments for pectus excavatum. (2 C) Clinical Simulation in the Classroom 1–3 pm Examine evidence from literature on the effectiveness of simulation, as well as how to build, deliver, and evaluate a successful clinic simulation. Also, brainstorm ways to overcome barriers that arise from students, faculty, and administrators when implementing simulations. (2 G) CMA (AAMA) Knowledge Bowl Certifying Board Featured Program 3:30–5:30 pm A vast range of knowledge is required to be an effective CMA (AAMA). This popular session is “infotainment” for medical assisting, as you will have fun and learn at the same time. Compete with your colleagues to see how much you know about what you do every day! (2 GAC) Court-Proof Medical Documentation 3:30–5:30 pm Medical records form a vital part of a patient’s care, but equally critical is their use in dealing with alleged medical negligence. Identify the importance of accurate documentation and office protocols for maintaining accuracy. Understand the purpose of the patient’s chart. Obtain resources to educate staff in documentation. (2 GAC) Sports and Cardiac Kids 3:30–5:30 pm Understand the different types of pediatric cardiology diseases, as well as the symptoms, treatment options, and outcomes. Determine how exercise affects chronic and acute heart disease. Learn recommendations from cardiology experts to apply in general practice for cardiac kids. Gain more knowledge to apply to sports physicals that will prompt asking the right questions and providing the correct education for patients and parents. (2 AC) Credentials Desk Open: 5–7 pm Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: The Medical Assistant’s Role AAMA Featured Program 6–8 pm Alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases the risk of alcohol-related birth defects, including growth deficiencies, facial abnormalities, central nervous system impairment, behavioral disorders, and impaired intellectual functioning. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) is an umbrella term used to describe this range of effects that can be caused by exposure to alcohol in utero, which affects up to 5 percent of the U.S. population. Learn about the impact of FASDs across the life-span and study screening techniques to determine who is at risk for an alcohol-exposed pregnancy. Become familiar with diagnostic and treatment resources, and identify ways to improve communication with patients about their alcohol use or prenatal alcohol exposure. (2 AC) AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Sunday, September 18 Credentials Desk Open: 6:30–7:45 am Continental Breakfast: 7 am Registration Open: 7:30 am–5 pm House of Delegates: 8–9:30 am Meet the Candidates: 9:30–11:30 am Publishers Showcase: 11 am–5 pm Open to all attendees Reference Committees: Reports, Bylaws, Resolutions: 1:30–3 pm Credentials Desk Open: 5:30–6:15 pm House of Delegates Reconvenes: 6:30–10 pm Monday, September 19 Registration Open: 7 am–12:30 pm Biomedical Materials and Devices 8–10 am Explore areas of research and development that show how biomedical engineering can improve patient function and quality of life. Study findings on the aging process and why the body breaks down. Understand how materials are created to imitate body structures and resist wear. Know where to find educational resources. Learn to recognize new advancements in care resulting from scientific research. Determine how new advancements can improve patient quality of life and longevity. (2 AC) AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Re S gis epa r tra tion ate Re qu ire d Head Injury Care and Treatment 8–10 am Much media attention surrounds the subject of concussions and head injuries in children and adults. Identify what constitutes a concussion diagnosis, and find out how to gauge the severity of a concussion. Learn about treatment options and resources that medical assistants can use for patient and parent education. (2 AC) Dietary Supplements 10:30 am–12:30 pm Before your next visit to the health and nutrition store, learn the purpose of dietary supplements and understand who should take them. Know about U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals and the research conducted on supplements. Discover what effects supplements can have on patients and the warning signs of inappropriate use. (2 GC) The First Year of Life 10:30 am–12:30 pm Review evidence-based data on the importance of the perinatal and early infancy periods in a baby’s life, as well as important topics that must be discussed with parents to ensure the proper growth, development, and safety of children. Additionally, strategize the role of the medical assistant in communicating that vital information to parents and caregivers to impact the health of newborns in the future. (2 AC) Presidents Luncheon: 1:30–3:30 pm Usher in the new association year at this inaugural event and salute your state leaders during the Parade of Presidents. All conference attendees are welcome! MAERB Workshops The following workshops require a separate registration or application process. You can sign up for the Accreditation Workshop or apply to attend the Surveyor Training Workshop, even if you do not intend to register for the conference. Advance registration is required. For further information on the workshops, contact the Accreditation Department at 800/228-2262. Note: Registration in an Accreditation Workshop or Surveyor Training Workshop does not include any other conference activities or meals. You must register for the conference and/or purchase meal tickets to participate in the conference. Saturday Accreditation Workshop: 2015 Standards 8 am–5 pm To register, go to the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) website at www.maerb.org and then go to the Educators tab for registration information. This session is limited to 50 participants. Monday Surveyor Training Workshop: 2015 Standards 8 am–6 pm To apply to serve as a surveyor and attend the training, go to the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) website at www.maerb.org and then go to the Surveyors tab for application information. New surveyors will be given priority. 5 REGISTRATION INFORMATION CONFERENCE AND HOTEL INFORMATION—PLEASE READ CAREFULLY SAVE MONEY! Guests of the Hyatt Regency Reston receive a conference registration discount. You must provide your Hyatt Regency Reston reservation confirmation number upon registration to receive the discount. Members of the AAMA receive preferred rates on conference registration fees. Nonmembers can qualify for member discounts by applying for membership on or before the conference registration deadline of Aug. 19, 2016. How to Register Conference registrations must be received at the AAMA by August 19, 2016. Complete the attached form and mail it with payment (no purchase orders) to AAMA Conference Services, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1575, Chicago, IL 60606. Credit card registrations may be faxed to 312/899-1259. A confirmation will be e-mailed after your registration has been processed. Approximately two weeks prior to the conference, a registration packet—including the badge, ribbons, conference program, and preconference newsletter—will be sent to those who preregistered. If you do not register by the deadline, bring your completed registration form and register on site. Payment is required at registration, as is proof of AAMA membership (if you are registering at the member rate) and your Hyatt Regency Reston reservation confirmation number (if you are staying at the host hotel). Daily Registrations include any food functions and CE sessions offered on the day of registration. Student Daily Registrations include CE sessions and any scheduled meals. A copy of the medical assisting student’s ID (current at the time of conference) or current AAMA student membership card must accompany student registration. Accreditation Workshop Registrations include admission only to the specified workshop. This registration does not include any other conference activities or meals. Attendees must register for the conference or purchase meal tickets to participate in those activities. Note: Admission to the House of Delegates is free to AAMA members, but if you are not also a conference registrant, you must obtain an admission armband from the AAMA Registration Desk. Cancellation and Refund Policy To cancel your registration, you must notify AAMA Conference Services in writing. Cancellations received by Aug. 19, 2016, will be refunded minus a $40 nonrefundable administrative fee. Cancellations received Aug. 20–Sept. 9 will be refunded minus a $75 nonrefundable administrative fee. Absolutely no refunds will be granted after Sept. 9, 2016. Registration Types Travel Information and Things to Do Full Registrations include admission to continuing education (CE) sessions, Welcome and Awards Celebration, Publishers Showcase, continental breakfasts, and Presidents Luncheon. The Hyatt Regency Reston is located at 1800 Presidents Street in Reston, Virginia (703/7091234). Visit the hotel website at www.reston .hyatt.com for maps, driving directions, informa- 6 tion on parking, and local attractions and events. (Washington, DC, is easily accessible via the new Metro Silver Line!) A complimentary shuttle arrives at Washington Dulles International Airport at the top of each hour from 6 am to 10 pm Monday through Friday and 7 am to 10 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Go to the lower-level baggage claim and find curbs 2A and 2H for pick-up. Inquire at the hotel desk about the complimentary return shuttle service. If you choose to come in through Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, SuperShuttle service is available. For rates and reservations call 800/2583826, or book online for an AAMA group discount at this direct link: www .supershuttle.com/default.aspx?GC=DGUK2. Alternatively, you can take Metro’s Blue or Yellow Line to the Silver Line, which drops off approximately 1.5 miles from the hotel, and take a bus or a taxi from the Silver Line stop. Hotel Reservations Reservations at the Hyatt Regency Reston must be made on or before August 24, 2016. After that date, reservations will be taken on a space-available basis at the best available rate at that time. Reserve early, as the room block may fill up and additional rooms cannot be guaranteed. All registrations must be guaranteed with a credit card at the time of reservation. Room rates are $139 (single, double, triple, or quadruple occupancy) and are subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 12 percent and subject to change). To make reservations, go to https://resweb. passkey.com/go/AMMedical2016. AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Side 1 of 2 Instructions: (1) Review all the information. (2) From the Program Agenda, select the sessions you plan to attend (make sure times do not overlap). (3) Mark those sessions or special events below. (Seating at sessions cannot be guaranteed and is provided on a firstcome, first-served basis. Early arrival is recommended.) Attendance of 90 percent at each session is required to earn CEU credit. ✁ Friday, September 16 7:30–8:30 am First-Timers and Students Reception 8–10 am Saturday, September 17 Clip, photocopy both sides of this form, and send this page to AAMA Conference Services. 10:30 am–12:30 pm Flipping the Classroom Organ and Tissue Donation: An Insider’s Look at the Donation Continuum 1–3 pm State Leaders 1–3 pm Passing a Medicare Audit 8–10 am Ovarian Cancer and Clinical Trials 1–3 pm Nuss Procedure 8–10 am Critical Thinking: Teaching Students How to “Think” 1–3 pm Clinical Simulation in the Classroom 9 am–noon Board of Trustees, Endowment Meetings 3:30–5:30 pm CMA (AAMA) Knowledge Bowl 3:30–5:30 pm Court-Proof Medical Documentation 10:30 am–12:30 pm Who Are Your Customers? Customer Satisfaction 3:30–5:30 pm Sports and Cardiac Kids 10:30 am–12:30 pm The Diversity-Friendly Practice 5–7 pm Credentials Desk Open 10:30 am–12:30 pm It’s All Up To You 1:30–3:30 pm Interviewing Skills and Behavioral Interviewing 6–8 pm Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: The Medical Assistant’s Role 1:30–3:30 pm When an Esophagectomy Is Needed 1:30–3:30 pm Cultural Diversity in the Classroom 2–4 pm MAERB Forum 4–6 pm Human Trafficking 7:30–10 pm Welcome and Awards Celebration Saturday, September 17 8–10 am Crucial End-of-Life Conversations 8–10 am Things We Learned in Grade School 8–10 am Utilizing Free Online Teaching Resources 9–10 am Orientation of Committees: Credentials, Pages & Tellers, and Reference 10:30 am–12:30 pm HOD Delegate/Alternate Orientation 10:30 am–12:30 pm Defending Yourself from Recoupments and Audit Escalation 10:30 am–12:30 pm Transgender Teens AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Sunday, September 18 6:30–7:45 am Credentials Desk Open 8–9:30 am House of Delegates 9:30–11:30 am Meet the Candidates 11 am–5 pm Publishers Showcase 1:30–3 pm Reference Committees: Reports, Bylaws, Resolutions 5:30–6:15 pm Credentials Desk Open 6:30–10 pm House of Delegates Reconvenes Monday, September 19 8–10 am Biomedical Materials and Devices 8–10 am Head Injury Care and Treatment 10:30 am–12:30 pm Dietary Supplements 10:30 am–12:30 pm The First Year of Life 1:30–3:30 pm Presidents Luncheon 7 REGISTRATION FORM Side 2 of 2 Conference registrations must be received by the AAMA by Aug. 19, 2016. After that date, you must register on site. You must provide a reservation confirmation number from the Hyatt Regency Reston to receive the conference registration discount. The host hotel is Hyatt Regency Reston (HRR). Enter the HRR host hotel reservation confirmation number: _____________________________ HRR/Host Hotel Guest Not an HRR/ Host Hotel Guest AAMA Member Package $340 $400 Nonmember Package 475 575 Student Rate per Day* 45 45 Member Rate per Day* 100 135 Conference Tacs and Charms Nonmember Rate per Day* 175 275 A complimentary conference lapel tac or charm will be given to each attendee as part of their registration. You will select your tac or charm on site. Total Amount Owed: $ ________ $ ________ * If you are paying a daily rate, please check below the days you are purchasing: Friday, Sept. 16 Saturday, Sept. 17 Sunday, Sept. 18 Monday, Sept. 19 Name:___________________________________________________ Member ID:______________________ Vendor permission: I authorize the AAMA to provide the Publishers Showcase exhibitors with my name and contact information. Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP:____________________________________________________________________________ Day Phone:__________________________________Evening Phone:_________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________________________________________________ Payment Method (purchase orders not accepted). Check one: Check (number: ______ ) enclosed, made payable to AAMA in the amount of $______________________ Charge my: American Express Visa Mastercard Discover Card #:________________________________________________________ Exp. Date:_________________ Badge Ribbons Select the ribbons that are appropriate for you. They will be mailed to you with your registration packet. A limited supply of ribbons also will be available on site at the AAMA Registration Desk. Ribbons for board members, past national presidents, and Annual Conference volunteers will be available on site. Ribbons for years of membership (including national life members) will be available on site. Note: Delegates and alternates pick up their ribbons when they check in at the Credentials Desk. Ribbons for Credentials Desk volunteers, pages, and tellers will be distributed on site. Name on Card:____________________________________________________________________________ National Level Ribbons Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________ c Send the completed registration form with payment to: c American Association of Medical Assistants 20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1575 Chicago, IL 60606 Only those making payment by credit card may fax their registrations to AAMA at 312/8991259. Do not mail this form if you already have faxed it in. Note: If you have any allergies that would impact your participation in the conference, such as a food allergy (including peanut, tree nut, or shellfish), please provide the AAMA with notice of such allergies. While the AAMA will use reasonable efforts to accommodate your needs, the AAMA shall not be responsible for any injuries, damages, additional costs, or losses to you as a result of any party’s—the hotel, or any conference vendor—failure to accommodate your needs. The AAMA reserves the right to use any photograph/videography taken at any AAMA event—without further notification—within AAMA print and electronic materials, including, but not limited to, CMA Today, newsletters, the website, and in videos and social media platforms. By registering for and attending the Annual Conference, you agree to permit the AAMA to use photographs and/or video featuring your likeness at the AAMA’s sole discretion. National Strategy Team Member National Task Force Member c National Committee Member General Attendee Ribbons Educator Practitioner c Student c New CMA (AAMA) c First-Time Attendee c State President c Surveyor c CE Program Planner c c Clip, photocopy both sides of this form, and send this page to AAMA Conference Services. Shown larger than actual size. (Actual size is 7/8” in diameter.) ✁ ADDENDUM A limited number of hotel rooms have been made available at the Sheraton Reston at the AAMA group rate of $139 single or double ($149 triple, $159 quad). The hotel is less than two miles away from the Hyatt Regency Reston where the AAMA Annual Conference is hosted. There is a hotel shuttle available to/from Washington Dulles Airport as well as to/from the Sheraton to the host hotel. Reservations can be made at the Sheraton by calling 800/325-3535 and identifying the name of the group as the American Association of Medical Assistants, or by the following booking link: https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/ AmericanAssociationofMedicalAssistants The cut-off date for reserving rooms is August 24th. After the initial block has been filled, we cannot guarantee that additional rooms will be available (or if they will be available at the group rate), so please make your reservations as soon as possible. If you book within the AAMA room block at the Sheraton, you can provide your hotel room confirmation number on your conference registration form to get the host hotel discount. AAMA 60TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE 9