Zero Emission Propulsion System Transit Bus InformationinTechnology Solutions Demonstration Washington State Project Overview This project will develop, deploy, and test an advanced batteryelectric bus in transit service. The bus is projected to have 100mile range and be fully charged in around five hours. The bus, developed by Complete Coach Works (CCW) of Riverside, CA, with be deployed and tested with Ben Franklin Transit, of Richland, WA. CCW has branded their drive system as ZEPS, the Zero Emission Propulsion System. In order to overcome the high cost of battery buses, the demonstration bus will be remanufactured from an existing diesel bus owned by Ben Franklin Transit. The existing bus will be reconditioned to a nearly new condition complete with an allelectric powered drivetrain system. This remanufacturing process saves money compared to a new electric bus, is faster to implement, and reduces the environmental impact of retired vehicles. The bus will be Buy America compliant. Using this process, the remanufactured ZEPS bus cost about half as much as a new battery-electric bus and just 30% more than the cost of a new diesel bus. In addition, because the electric drivetrain will significantly reduce fuel, operation and maintenance costs compared to a diesel drivetrain, the ZEPS bus would save as much as $266,000 over the life of the vehicle, compared to a diesel bus according to CCW. Ben Franklin Transit will test the bus in revenue service for 10 months on a predefined route. During operation, the project partners will collect and analyze the performance and operational problems, in order to refine the vehicle and its systems. A charging station will be installed for fast charging along or near the route. CCW Zero Emission Propulsion System (ZEPS) Bus Why It’s Important Electric buses save fuel, lower greenhouse gases, and improve air quality compared to diesel buses. Using grid electricity, the ZEPS bus cuts GHG emissions by 25%, and when powered by renewable sources, eliminates 98% of GHGs. In full operation, a single ZEPS bus could eliminate 52 tons of GHG and 16,000 gallons of diesel every year. Because the ZEPS bus is based on a remanufactured vehicle rather than a new bus, the costs of the bus, and incremental costs over a new diesel bus, will be dramatically lower. Project Partners Complete Coach Works is the nation’s largest bus remanufacturing and retrofit company with over twenty five years of experience in the transportation and transit sectors. Fast Facts The bus costs about half the price of new electric buses and just 30% more than a new diesel bus. The bus has a targeted range of 100 miles, a targeted charge time of 5.5 hours, and a target equivalent of 15.8 MPG. In full operation, a ZEPS bus could eliminate 52 tons of GHG and 16,000 gallons of diesel every year. The vehicle carries a 213kwh battery pack, capable of charging at 40kw. For More Information: Two Proterra EcoRide™ BE-35 buses will be in service Andrew Papson (626) 744-5679 Ben Franklin Transit provides public transportation, vanpool, and ridesharing services to the Richland/Tri-Cities region of Washington State, carrying nearly 5 million passengers annually. CALSTART works with business, fleets, and government to develop and implement clean, efficient transportation solutions. Federal Transit Administration funds nationally significant research, development, demonstration, deployment, and evaluation projects to improve public transportation services. Project Location: Riverside, CA (manufacturing) Richland, WA (demonstration)