Special resistors Book page 84 – 87 Syllabus2.12 – 2.13 ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Multiple-choice quiz ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 What am I? LDR, LED or thermistor? ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Starter LDR’s and thermistors are both types of resistor which can change their resistances. What change in conditions do you think might cause each to change its resistance? ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Aim • Describe how resistance varies with conditions for LDR’s and thermistors, and how this can be investigated experimentally Key words • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) 조명 의존형 저항기 - diode • Thermistor 서미스터, 저항기 • Conditions 상태 , 조건 ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 How do street lights automatically switch on and off? The big picture Have you ever wondered? ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 What is a diode? A diode is a component made from a semiconducting material such as silicon. Diodes have the unique property of only allowing current to pass through them in one direction. The arrowhead on the symbol shows the direction of current flow. Some diodes emit light when they conduct electricity. These are called Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). LDRs LEDs and Thermistors ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 diode and its symbol LDRs: light and resistance The resistance of a light dependent resistor (LDR) is not fixed. It is dependent on the intensity of incident light. An LDR has a high resistance in the dark but a low resistance in the light. LDR symbol resistance (k) The graph shows how the resistance of an LDR decreases as the light intensity increases. light intensity This means that LDRs can be used in light sensing circuits, because their output is dependent on the light conditions. ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Thermistors: temperature and resistance The resistance of a thermistor varies depending on temperature. It has a high resistance when cold but a low resistance when hot. thermistor symbol resistance (k) This is unusual, as resistance normally increases with increasing temperature. temperature (°C) Thermistors are useful in the sensor circuits of a thermostat, as their output varies with temperature fluctuations. ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 LDR Task You have: - 1 LDR - An ammeter - Power packs and wires - 3 pieces of paper of known thickness I have 3 pieces of paper of unknown thickness. You need to tell me: Easy: How the resistance of an LDR changes with light level Harder: The thicknesses of my pieces of paper ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Thermistor Task You have: - 1 Thermistor - An ammeter - Power packs and wires - 3 containers of water at known temperatures I have a glass of water of unknown temperature. You need to tell me: Easy: How the resistance of a thermistor changes with temperature Harder: The temperature of my water. ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Thermistors and LDRs can work as Sensors: A sensor is a component that allows a physical quantity to change its resistance and hence control the amount of current flowing in a circuit. A Light Dependent Resistor/ LDR: Its resistance decreases as the light intensity increases. (The higher the illumination, the higher the current A Temperature Dependent Resistor /Thermistor: Its resistance decreases as the temperature increases. (The higher the temperature, the higher the current). In this circuit, the LDR can work as In this circuit, the thermistor can work a lightmeter. The higher the as a thermometer. The higher the ammeter reading, the higher the ©cgrahamphysics.com ammeter reading, the higher the 2016 illumination. temperature. Summary • Thermistors have a resistance that decreases with increasing temperature • Resistance of an LDR decreases as greater levels of light fall on it. ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Plenary: Resistance of LDR and thermistor 1. Match the follow electrical symbols for components with their names: cell power supply filament lamp switch fixed resistor voltmeter V 2. Draw the symbols for the following components: a) LDR b) variable resistor c) thermistor d) ammeter A 3. As the intensity (brightness) of the light increases, the resistance of increases / decreases the LDR _________________ 4. As the temperature increases, the resistance of the thermistor increases / decreases _________________. ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Resistor quiz ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 which bulb will light up (notice the position of the diodes). Circuit 1 A B C ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 answer Circuit 1 A & B only A B C ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 which bulb will light up (notice the position of the diodes). Circuit 2 A B C ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 answer Circuit 2 None of them A B C ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 which bulb will light up (notice the position of the diodes). Circuit 3 A B C ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 answer Circuit 3 A & C only A B C ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016 Key words • LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) – A type of variable resistor that is sensitive to light intensity. As light intensity increases, its resistance decreases • Diode – A resistor that only allows current to flow through it in one direction • Thermistor – A type of variable resistor that is sensitive to temperature. As temperature increases, its resistance decreases • Conditions – an event will happen if some other thing is taken place. If temperature increases (condition) then resistance will decrease (thing taken place) ©cgrahamphysics.com 2016