EE 3CL4, §6 1 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example EE3CL4: Introduction to Linear Control Systems Section 6: Design of Lead and Lag Controllers using Root Locus Tim Davidson McMaster University Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Winter 2016 EE 3CL4, §6 2 / 63 Outline Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors 1 Compensators 2 Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example 3 Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights 4 Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example 5 Prop. vs Lead vs Lag 6 Concluding Insights EE 3CL4, §6 4 / 63 Compensators Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors • Early in the course we provided some useful guidelines regarding the relationships between the pole positions of a system and certain aspects of its performance • Using root locus techniques, we have seen how the pole positions of a closed loop can be adjusted by varying a parameter Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • What happens if we are unable to obtain that performance that we want by doing this? • Ask ourselves whether this is really the performance that we want • Ask whether we can change the system, say by buying different components • seek to compensate for the undesirable aspects of the process EE 3CL4, §6 5 / 63 Tim Davidson Cascade compensation Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Usually, the plant is a physical process • If commands and measurements are made electrically, compensator is often an electric circuit • General form of the compensator is Q Kc M (s + zi ) Gc (s) = Qn i=1 j=1 (s + pj ) • Therefore, the cascade compensator adds open loop poles and open loop zeros • These will change the shape of the root locus EE 3CL4, §6 6 / 63 Compensator design Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus • Where should we put new poles and zeros to achieve desired performance? • That is the art of compensator design • We will consider first order compensators of the form Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Gc (s) = Kc (s + z) K̃c (1 + s/z) = , (s + p) (1 + s/p) where K̃c = Kc z/p • with the pole −p in the left half plane • and the zero, −z in the left half plane, too • For reasons that will soon become clear • when |z| < |p|: phase lead network • when |z| > |p|: phase lag network EE 3CL4, §6 8 / 63 Lead compensation Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Kc (s + z) (s + p) with |z| < |p|. That is, zero closer to origin than pole Gc (s) = Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Let p = 1/τp and z = 1/(αlead τp ). Since z < p, αlead > 1. Define K̃c = Kc z/p = Kc /αlead . Then Gc (s) = K̃c (1 + αlead τp s) Kc (s + z) = (s + p) (1 + τp s) EE 3CL4, §6 9 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lead compensation With |z| < |p|, αlead > 1, Gc (s) = Kc (s+z) (s+p) = K̃c (1+αlead τp s) (1+τp s) • Frequency response: Gc (jω) = K̃c (1 + jωαlead τp ) (1 + jωτp ) • Bode diagram (in the figure, K1 = K̃c ) Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Between ω = z and ω = p, |Gc (jω)| ≈ K̃c ωαlead τp • What kind of operator has a frequency response with magnitude proportional to ω? Differentiator • Note that the phase is positive. Hence “phase lead” EE 3CL4, §6 10 / 63 Tim Davidson A passive phase lead network Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Homework: Show that characteristic V2 (s) V1 (s) has the phase lead EE 3CL4, §6 11 / 63 Tim Davidson Active lead and lag networks Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Here’s an example of an active network architecture. EE 3CL4, §6 12 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Principles of Lead design via Root Locus • The compensator adds poles and zeros to the P(s) in the root locus procedure. • Hence we can change the shape of the root locus. • If we can capture desirable performance in terms of positions of closed loop poles • then compensator design problem reduces to: • changing the shape of the root locus so that these desired closed-loop pole positions appear on the root locus • finding the gain that places the closed-loop pole positions at their desired positions • What tools do we have to do this? • Phase criterion and magnitude criterion, respectively EE 3CL4, §6 13 / 63 Root Locus Principles Tim Davidson Compensators • The point s0 is on the root locus of P(s) if 1 + KP(s0 ) = 0. Lead compensation • In first order compensator design with G(s) = Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example and Gc = Kc (s+z) (s+p) , QM (s+z) Qi=1 (s+zi ) n (s+p) j=1 (s+pj ) and K = Kc KG . We will restrict attention to the case of K > 0 • Phase cond. s0 is on root locus if ∠P(s0 ) = 180◦ + k 360◦ : M X (angle from −zi to s0 ) − i=1 n X (angle from −pj to s0 ) j=1 + (angle from −z to s0 ) − (angle from −p to s0 ) Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights we have P(s) = Q (s+zi ) KG M Qn i=1 j=1 (s+pj ) = 180◦ + k 360◦ • Mag. cond. If s0 satisfies phase condition, the gain that puts a closed-loop pole at s0 is K = 1/|P(s0 )|: Qn (dist from −p to s0 ) j=1 (dist from −pj to s0 ) K = QM × (dist from −zi to s0 ) (dist from −z to s0 ) i=1 EE 3CL4, §6 14 / 63 RL design: Basic procedure Tim Davidson 1 Translate design specifications into desired positions of dominant poles 2 Sketch root locus of uncompensated system to see if desired positions can be achieved Cascade compensation and steady-state errors 3 If not, choose the positions of the pole and zero of the compensator so that the desired positions lie on the root locus (phase criterion), if that is possible Lag Compensation 4 Evaluate the gain required to put the poles there (magnitude criterion) 5 Evaluate the total system gain so that the steady-state error constants can be determined 6 If the steady state error constants are not satisfactory, repeat Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights This procedure enables relatively straightforward design of systems with specifications in terms of rise time, settling time, and overshoot; i.e., the transient response. For systems with steady-state error specifications, Bode (and Nyquist) methods may be more straightforward (later) EE 3CL4, §6 15 / 63 Lead Comp. example Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights 1 Consider a case with G(s) = s(s+2) and H(s) = 1. Design a lead compensator to achieve: • damping coefficient ζ ≈ 0.45 and • velocity error constant Kv = lims→0 sGc (s)G(s) > 20 • swift transient response (small settling time) What to do? • Can we achieve this with proportional control? • If not we will attempt lead control EE 3CL4, §6 16 / 63 Attempt prop. control Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Sketch root locus of 1 s(s+2) −1 • Sketch rays of angle cos (0.45) ≈ 60◦ to neg. real axis • Are there intersections? Yes • If so, what is the corresponding value of K = KP KG ? K = d1 d2 = 5 • Does that K generate a large enough velocity error const.? No, Kv = 2.5 :( • Do the closed-loop poles have responses that decay quickly? No, Ts ≈ 4s EE 3CL4, §6 17 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Prop. control, step response EE 3CL4, §6 18 / 63 Tim Davidson Lead compensated design Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Plot poles of G(s). Where should the closed-loop poles be? cos−1 (0.45) ≈ 60◦ • Note that the settling time is not specified; it only needs to be small. This provides design flexibility. • However, we need a large Kv which will require large gain. Need desired positions far from open loop poles. • Let’s start with desired roots at −4 ± j8 √ • This pair has Ts = 1s and ωn = 42 + 82 ≈ 8.9 EE 3CL4, §6 19 / 63 Tim Davidson Lead Comp. example Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Now where to put the zero and pole? (Centroid denoted ca ) • Rule of thumb: put zero under desired root, or just to the left • Determine position of the pole using angle criterion X X angles from OL zeros − angles from OL poles = 180◦ ∼ 90 − (116 + 104 + θp ) = 180 =⇒ θp ≈ 50 • Hence pole at −p ≈ −10.86 EE 3CL4, §6 20 / 63 Tim Davidson Lead Comp. example Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Gain of compensated system: d1 d2 dp Prod. dist. from open-loop poles = Prod. dist. from open-loop zeros dz 8.94(8.25)(10.54) ≈ ≈ 97.1 8 • Hence compensated open loop: Gc (s)G(s) = 97.1(s+4) s(s+2)(s+10.86) • Velocity constant: Kv = lims→0 sGc (s)G(s) ≈ 17.9 :( EE 3CL4, §6 21 / 63 What to do now? Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • We tried hard, but did not achieve the design specs • Let’s go back and re-examine our choices • Zero position of compensator was chosen via rule of thumb • Can we do better? Yes, but two parameter design becomes trickier. • What were other choices that we made? • We chose desired poles to be of magnitude ωn ≈ 8.9 • We could choose them to be further away (faster transient response) • By how much? • Show that when desired poles have ωn = 10 as well as the required ζ ≈ 0.45, then the choice of z ≈ 4.47, p ≈ 12.5 and KC ≈ 125 results in Kv ≈ 22.3 EE 3CL4, §6 22 / 63 Tim Davidson Root Locus, new lead comp. Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Centroid denoted ca EE 3CL4, §6 23 / 63 New lead comp. Tim Davidson Prop.-contr. Lead contr. 5 125(s+4.47) (s+12.5) OL TF, GC (s)G(s) 5 s(s+2) 125(s+4.47) 1 (s+12.5) s(s+2) Y (s) R(s) 5 s(s+2)+5 125(s+4.47) s(s+2)(s+12.5)+125(s+4.47) CL poles −1 ± j2 −4.47 ± j8.94, −5.59 CL zeros ∞, ∞ −4.47, ∞, ∞ Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Controller, GC (s) CL TF, CL TF, again 5 s2 +2s+5 131(1+0.013s) s2 +8.94s+100 − 1.71 s+5.59 Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Complex conjugate poles still dominate • Closed-loop zero at -4.47 (which is also an open-loop zero) reduces impact of closed-loop pole at -5.59; see also slide 48 of Section 3: Fundamentals of Feedback EE 3CL4, §6 24 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights New lead comp., ramp response EE 3CL4, §6 25 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights New lead comp., ramp response, detail EE 3CL4, §6 26 / 63 Tim Davidson New lead comp., step response Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Note faster settling time than prop. controlled loop, However, the CL zero has increased the overshoot a little Perhaps we should go back and re-design for ζ ≈ 0.40 in order to better control the overshoot EE 3CL4, §6 27 / 63 Tim Davidson Outcomes Compensators • Root locus approach to phase lead design was Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights reasonably successful in terms of putting dominant poles in desired positions; e.g., in terms of ζ and ωn • We did this by positioning the pole and zero of the lead compensator so as to change the shape of the root locus • However, root locus approach does not provide independent control over steady-state error constants (details upcoming) • That said, since lead compensators reduce the DC gain (they resemble differentiators), they are not normally used to control steady-state error. • The goal of our lag compensator design will be to increase the steady-state error constants, without moving the other poles too far EE 3CL4, §6 29 / 63 Tim Davidson Cascade compensation Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Throughout this lecture, and all the discussion on cascade compensation, we will consider the case in which H(s) = 1. • We will consider first order compensators of the form Gc (s) = K (s + z) (s + p) with the pole, −p, and the zero, −z, both in the left half plane • when |z| < |p|: phase lead network • when |z| > |p|: phase lag network EE 3CL4, §6 30 / 63 Steady-state errors Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights If closed loop stable, steady state error for input R(s): ess = lim e(t) = lim s t→∞ Let G(s) = Q KG i (s+zi ) Q j (s+pj ) s→0 R(s) 1 + GC (s)G(s) and consider GC (s) = KC (s+z) (s+p) • Consider the case in which G(s) is a type-0 system. • Steady state error due to a step r (t) = Au(t): ess = 1+KAposn , where Q KC z KG i zi Q Kposn = GC (0)G(0) = p j pj • Note that for a lead compensator, z/p < 1, • So lead compensation may degrade steady-state error performance EE 3CL4, §6 31 / 63 Steady-state error Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Now, consider the case in which G(s) is a type-1 Q system, G(s) = KGQ i (s+zi ) s j (s+pj ) • Steady-state error due to a ramp r (t) = At: ess = A/Kv , where the velocity constant is Q KC z KG i zi Q Kv = lim sGc (s)G(s) = p s→0 j pj • Once again, lead compensation may degrade steady-state error performance • Is there a way to increase the value of these error constants while leaving the closed loop poles in essentially the same place as they were in an uncompensated system? Perhaps |z| > |p|? EE 3CL4, §6 33 / 63 Lag compensation Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Kc (s + z) (s + p) with |z| > |p|. That is, pole closer to origin than zero Gc (s) = Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Let z = 1/τz and p = 1/(αlag τz ). Since z > p, αlag > 1. Define K̃c = Kc z/p = Kc αlag . Then Gc (s) = K̃c (1 + τz s) Kc (s + z) = (s + p) (1 + αlag τz s) EE 3CL4, §6 34 / 63 Frequency response Tim Davidson Compensators Gc (jω) = Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights K̃C (1 + jωτz ) (1 + jωαlag τz ) Magnitude • Low frequency gain: K̃C • Corner freq. in denominator at ωp = p = 1/(αlag τz ) • Corner freq. in numerator at ωz = z = 1/τz • ωp < ωz • High frequency gain: K̃C /αlag = KC Phase • φ(ω) = atan(ωτz ) − atan(αlag ωτz ) • At low frequency: φ(ω) = 0 • At high frequency: φ(ω) = 0 • In between: negative, with max. lag at ω = √ zp EE 3CL4, §6 35 / 63 Tim Davidson Bode Diagram, with K̃c = 1 Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Note integrative characteristic EE 3CL4, §6 36 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights A passive phase lag network EE 3CL4, §6 37 / 63 Tim Davidson Active lead and lag networks Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Here’s an example of an active network architecture. EE 3CL4, §6 38 / 63 Lag compensator design Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus • Lag compensator: Gc (s) = Kc s+z s+p . with |z| > |p|. • Recall position error constant for compensated type-0 system and velocity error constant for compensated type-1 system: Q Q KC z KG i zi KC z KG i zi Q Q Kposn = , Kv = p p j pj j pj where in the latter case the product in the denominator is over the non-zero poles. Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Design Principles • We don’t try to reshape the uncompensated root locus. • We just try to increase the value of the desired error constant by a factor αlag = z/p without moving the poles (well not much) • Reshaping was the goal of lead compensator design EE 3CL4, §6 39 / 63 Tim Davidson Lag compensator design Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Design principles: • Don’t reshape the root locus • Adding the open loop pole and zero from the compensator should only result in a small change to the angle criterion for any point on the uncompensated root locus • Angles from compensator pole and zero to any point on the locus must be similar • Pole and zero must be close together • Increase value of error constant: • Want to have a large value for αlag = z/p. • How can that happen if z and p are close together? • Only if z and p are both small, i.e., close to the origin EE 3CL4, §6 40 / 63 Lag comp. design via Root Locus Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus 1 2 Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors 3 Lag Compensation 5 4 Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights 6 Obtain the root locus of uncompensated system From transient performance specs, locate suitable dominant pole positions on that locus Obtain the loop gain for these points, K = KP KG ; hence the (closed-loop) steady-state error constant Calculate the necessary increase. Hence αlag = z/p Place pole and zero close to the origin (with respect to desired pole positions), with z = αlag p. Typically, choose z and p so that their angles to desired poles differ by less than 1◦ . Set KC = KP What if there is nothing suitable at step 2? • Perhaps do lead compensation first, • then lag compensation on lead compensated plant. i.e., design a lead-lag compensator EE 3CL4, §6 41 / 63 Tim Davidson Example Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights 1 Let’s consider, again, the case with G(s) = s(s+2) . Design a lag compensator to achieve damping coefficient ζ ≈ 0.45 and velocity error constant Kv > 20 Note: we will get a different closed loop from our lead design. First step, obtain uncompensated root locus, and locate desired dominant pole locations EE 3CL4, §6 42 / 63 Example Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Gain required to put closed loop poles in desired position = prod. distances from open loop poles • That is, K = 2.242 = 5. Therefore KP = K /KG = 5 • Velocity error const: Kv ,unc = lims→0 sKP G(s) = K /2 = 2.5 • The increase required is 20/2.5 = 8 • That implies must choose p = z/8, where z is chosen to be close to the origin with respect to dominant closed-loop poles EE 3CL4, §6 43 / 63 Tim Davidson Example Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Let’s choose z = 0.1. Hence, p = 1/80. EE 3CL4, §6 44 / 63 Example Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Root locus of lag comp’d system with GC (s) = • • • • KC (s+0.1) (s+1/80) ’s: closed-loop poles for prop.-control with KP = 5 ×’s: open-loop poles of lag comp’d system ◦: OL zero of lag comp’d system; also a CL zero 4’s: Closed-loop poles for lag-control with KC = 5 EE 3CL4, §6 45 / 63 Example Tim Davidson Prop.-contr. Lag contr. 5 5(s+0.1) (s+1/80) OL TF, GC (s)G(s) 5 s(s+2) 5(s+0.1) 1 (s+1/80) s(s+2) Y (s) R(s) 5 s(s+2)+5 5(s+0.1) s(s+2)(s+1/80)+5(s+0.1) CL poles −1 ± j2 −0.955 ± j1.979, −0.104 CL zeros ∞, ∞ −0.1, ∞, ∞ Compensators Lead compensation Controller, GC (s) Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example CL TF, CL TF, again 5 s2 +2s+5 4.999(1+7×10−4 s) s2 +1.909s+4.827 + −0.004 s+0.104 Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • Complex conjugate poles still dominate • Closed-loop zero at -0.1 (which is also an open-loop zero) reduces impact of closed-loop pole at -0.104; see also slide 48 of Section 3: Fundamentals of Feedback EE 3CL4, §6 46 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Ramp response EE 3CL4, §6 47 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Ramp response, detail EE 3CL4, §6 48 / 63 Tim Davidson Step response Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Note longer settling time of lag controlled loop, and slight increase in overshoot, due to CL zero EE 3CL4, §6 50 / 63 Design Comparisons Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation For given example: G(s) = Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights GC (s) 1 s(s+2) , ζ ≈ 0.45, Kv ≥ 20. Prop.-contr. Lead contr. Lag contr. 5 125(s+4.47) (s+12.5) 5(s+0.1) (s+1/80) 4.999(1+7×10−4 s) s2 +1.909s+4.827 Y (s) R(s) 5 s2 +2s+5 131(1+0.013s) s2 +8.94s+100 CL poles −1 ± j2 −4.47 ± j8.94, −5.59 −0.955 ± j1.979, −0.104 CL zeros ∞, ∞ −4.47, ∞, ∞ −0.1, ∞, ∞ 0.4 0.045 0.05 1/Kv − 1.71 s+5.59 + −0.004 s+0.104 • Lag design retains similar CL poles to prop. design, plus a “slow” pole • CL poles of lead design quite different • Lead and lag meet Kv specification (1/Kv = ess,ramp ) EE 3CL4, §6 51 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Ramp response EE 3CL4, §6 52 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Ramp response, detail EE 3CL4, §6 53 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Step response EE 3CL4, §6 54 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Step response, detail EE 3CL4, §6 55 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Anything else to consider? EE 3CL4, §6 56 / 63 Anything else to consider? Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation With H(s) = 1, Y (s) = Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights E(s) = Gc (s)G(s) G(s) R(s) + Td (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) Gc (s)G(s) − N(s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) 1 G(s) R(s) − Td (s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) Gc (s)G(s) + N(s) 1 + Gc (s)G(s) EE 3CL4, §6 57 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Response to step disturbance EE 3CL4, §6 58 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Response to step disturbance, detail early EE 3CL4, §6 59 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Response to step disturbance, detail late Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Homework: Show that ess for a step disturbance is 0.2, 0.0225 and 0.025 for prop., lead, lag, resp. EE 3CL4, §6 60 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Error due to Gaussian sensor noise EE 3CL4, §6 61 / 63 Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights Bode diagram of GC (s)G(s)/(1 + GC (s)G(s)) EE 3CL4, §6 63 / 63 Insights Tim Davidson Compensators Lead compensation Design via Root Locus Lead Compensator example Cascade compensation and steady-state errors Lag Compensation • If we would like to improve the transient performance of a closed loop • We can try to place the dominant closed-loop poles in desired positions • One approach to doing that is lead compensator design • However, that typically requires the use of an amplifier in the compensator, and hence requires a power supply • Broadening of bandwidth improves transient performance but exposes loop to noise Design via Root Locus Lag compensator example Prop. vs Lead vs Lag Concluding Insights • If we would like to improve the steady-state error performance of a closed loop without changing the dominant transient features too much • We can consider designing a lag compensator to provide the required gain • However, that typically produces a “weak” slow pole that slows the decay to steady state