FALL 2016 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Appointments begin March 28th. Check your Student Services Center. Students must meet with their academic advisor. The advisor must remove the advising hold in order for the student to register for classes. FALL 2016 IMPORTANT DATES AND TUITION INFORMATION FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 New students arrive and orientation begins. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 Mid-term grades tentatively distributed to freshmen. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 Upper-class students arrive. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 Fall Open House for prospective Students & Families. MONDAY, AUGUST 29 FALL TERM CLASSES BEGIN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Founders Day (53rd Anniversary of PittBradford) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY. (No classes. University offices closed.) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Last day to ADD or DROP a class. Last day to declare pass for credit. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Constitution Day Observed SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Fall Open House for prospective Students & Families. FRI-SUN, SEPT 30 – OCT 2 Parent/Family Weekend and Alumni Weekend. MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 Fall Holiday (no classes; offices open) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 Monday classes scheduled to meet on this day. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 Last day to WITHDRAW from a course. A “W” grade is assigned with no financial adjustment. MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 Spring term enrollment appointments begin. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Fall Open House for prospective Student & Families. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Last day to RESIGN from the University for Fall Term. Any FULL-TIME student planning to resign must start the resignation process by contacting the Dean of Student Affairs (362-7650). Part-time students must complete a Resignation Form in the Enrollment Services Office. WED.-SUN. NOV 23 - NOV 27 THANKSGIVING RECESS (No classes Wednesday through Friday; University Offices open Wednesday only.) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Last day to turn in applications for April, June and Aug. graduates. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 Last Day of Classes for Fall Term. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 Reception for December graduates 2:30PM MON.-FRI. DEC. 12-16 FINAL EXAMS begin at 8 a.m. on December 12 and end by 2 p.m. on December 16. (Note: The University will be closed from Friday, December 23 through Monday, January 2. Offices will reopen Tuesday, January 3. Spring Term 2017 classes begin Wednesday, January 4). BILLING INFORMATION ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Tuition bills are available only on-line. You will receive an e-mail (at your pitt.edu account) notifying you that your bill can be viewed online at https://my.pitt.edu. You will need your University Computer Account username and password to log in. You can pay your bill online, by mail, or in person at the Enrollment Services Office. The bill due date is the 17th of the month. You are responsible for paying your bill by the due date. A $50 late payment fee will be assessed when payment is not received by the due date. For payment plan information go to: http://www.upb.pitt.edu/paymentplan.a spx Grades and/or transcripts cannot be released nor can a student register for future terms with an outstanding account balance. STEPS TO REGISTER FOR YOUR FALL CLASSES Self-Enrollment appointments begin on March 28 and continue through April 8. After that time any student that has not already registered for their spring classes may do so. Also, students may continue to add/drop courses up until September 9. 1. Check for your Enrollment Appointment (date and time you may initially register) through your Student Center at my.pitt.edu. Appointments are assigned according to the number of credits earned. 2. Contact your faculty advisor to set up an appointment. It is mandatory that you meet with your advisor to put together a schedule of the classes you wish to register in for fall. An Advising Hold has been placed on your account and may only be removed by your advisor once you have met with them. 3. Once you have your class choices and it is the day/time of your Enrollment Appointment, you may login to my.pitt.edu and register for your classes. The following link provides step by step instructions for adding and dropping courses. https://my.pitt.edu/portal/server.pt/community/my_pitt_university_services_and_information/808/student_center 4. If a class is closed or requires instructor consent you must complete an Enrollment Form. This form is available either from your advisor or in Enrollment Services. Complete the form with your name, id number, the class you need to add and your signature. You must also obtain your advisor’s signature as well as the instructor that is giving you permission to add the class. YOU MUST TURN THIS COMPLETED FORM INTO ENROLLMENT SERVICES IN ORDER TO BE REGISTERED IN THE CLASS. If you have any obligations to the University (financial or otherwise) and it results in a hold on your account, you will not be able to register until you have resolved the issue and the hold has been removed. A STUDENT TAKING ENG 0100 NEEDS A GRADE OF C- OR BETTER BEFORE TAKING ENG 0101. A STUDENT TAKING ENG 0101 NEEDS A GRADE OF C- OR BETTER BEFORE TAKING ENG 0102. A STUDENT TAKING MATH 0097 NEEDS A GRADE OF C- OR BETTER BEFORE TAKING HIGHER LEVEL MATH COURSES. STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE ENGLISH COMPOSITION I AND II, MATHEMATICS COMPETENCIES AND FRESHMAN SEMINAR WITH A GRADE OF C- OR BETTER PRIOR TO ENROLLING IN 1300-1400 LEVEL COURSES. BUILDING AND ROOM CODES BLAIS= Blaisdell Hall FISHR= Fisher Hall HANLY=Hanley Library SFCTR-Sport and Fitness Center SWRTS=Swarts Hall CS=Ceramics Studio COURSE TYPES WEB= feature web-based instruction and interaction. Students interact with their instructors and other students through the class web site, participating in online discussions and activities. HYBRID= combines web-based interaction and some face to-face instruction or interaction. Students are required to attend scheduled meetings or classes and participate in online discussions and activities. ITV= offered via interactive television and broadcast from Bradford to another location. Internships at Pitt-Bradford An internship is a carefully planned and monitored work experience that meets specific learning goals related to an academic field of study. There should be a relationship between the practical experience gained in an internship and the academic work done in the classroom. Internships allow students to acquire hands-on, practical experience and develop key competencies and critical skills in their chosen field of study. Undergraduate students at Pitt-Bradford can earn between one and six credits for internships. No more than 6 credits of internship may be taken at any one time. A minimum of 45 on-site hours must be completed per credit hour earned. Some students elect to participate in an internship experience and not receive academic credit. Students interested in registering for internship credits for Fall Term of 2016 should contact their academic advisor or Dr. Holly J. Spittler, Office of Career Services, 220 Frame-Westerberg Commons Approval of an internship application is contingent upon satisfaction of the following requirements: Junior standing Good academic standing and meeting the requirements of the major Completion of the Academic Internship Learning Agreement Approval of the faculty intern supervisor, the student's academic advisor, the division chair and the vice president and dean of academic affairs. Undergraduate RESEARCH Opportunities! All students in their sophomore year or beyond are encouraged to consider doing directed research in their major. Such courses prove valuable for pursuing special research interests, preparing for the job market and enhancing one’s competitiveness for graduate school. Funding is available to help underwrite the costs associated with undergraduate research, including conference travel. A Summer Undergraduate Research Assistant program is also available, which includes on-campus housing and a stipend. For more information, contact Dr. Warren Fass, Director of Undergraduate Research, at 362-7577 (fass@pitt.edu); the Office of Academic Affairs; or any member of the faculty. Descriptions for Selected Fall 2016 Courses: (Descriptions for all other courses found in the Pitt-Bradford catalog) ADMJ 1447 Special Topics in Policing: Investigating Online Child Predators (3): This special topics course examines the criminal forensic tools and methods utilized to investigate cyber predators and online child pornographers. ADMJ 1448 Special Topics in Corrections (3): The advanced study of a special topic in the corrections component of the criminal justice system. Prerequisite ADMJ 0101. This course will explore the historical aspects of managing sex offenders, current theories of why sex offenders commit their crimes, and efforts being undertaken by government agencies to contain any potential risks that might be posed by sex offenders. BIOL 1450 Topics in Biology: Immunology (3): A biological study of structural and functional aspects of the immune system including but not limited to: Antigens, antibodies, cellular reactions, immunochemistry, genetic mechanisms, development of cells and cell interactions, autoimmunity, and resistance to infection. The practical application of immunological experimental advances in basic and medical science will be examined through course material. BIOL 1450 Topics in Biology: Animal Behavior (3): From fighting to foraging, migrating to mating, communicating to cooperating, Animal Behavior will take an interdisciplinary look at how animals live, thrive and survive. Beginning with the classic ethology work of Lorenz, and the comparative psychology studies of Pavlov and Skinner, the course then proceeds to consider the genetic, anatomical, and physiological bases for animal behaviors, the effect of the environment on their expression, and their evolutionary origins. We will examine the behaviors of species from across the animal kingdom including insects, snails, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and more! BIOL 1450 Topics in Biology: Microbial Biochemistry (3): This course will cover the principles and mechanism of bacterial growth. Students will learn the mechanism by which cells obtained the energy necessary for their growth, glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, the tricarboxylic and the anaplerotic cycles. An understanding of regulatory mechanism at the transcription level and necessary knowledge of the machineries involved in transcription and translation process dealing with the biosynthesis of cell building blocks will be provided. Finally, advancements made in recent years in the field by introduction of gene cloning and sequencing and by the exponential development of physical methods such as x-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance will help to understand microbial metabolism under a multidisciplinary attractive angle. CIST 1326 Digital Forensics (3): This course introduces students to the techniques and tools of computer forensics investigations. Students will receive step-by-step explanations on how to use the most popular forensic tools and understand where potential evidence can be uncovered. Topics will focus on Windows forensics and include coverage of the latest technology. Many hands-on activities are included which allow students to practice skills as they are learned. Prerequisite: CIST 0261. CIST 1327 Intrusion Detection & Incident Response (3): In this course you will learn what it takes to be prepared for that intrusion, what it takes to detect the instruction, and eradicate it. Key topics include Introduction of intrusion detection & protection, and incident response concepts, familiarity with common IPS, IDS and IR approaches and their applications, understanding of practical aspects of implementing and managing intrusion protection, detection systems, and familiarity with the operations of effective incident response processes and organizations. Prerequisite: CIST 0261. CIST 1422 Game Design & Programming (3): This is a project-oriented course on game design and game programming. Students will work to design, implement and test a three-dimensional game with interactivity, animation, sound, and networking capabilities utilizing the Unity game engine. Prerequisite: CIST 0265. EDUC 0110 Basic Skills Test Preparation: Writing (1): This course provides remediation and test taking strategies to help prepare education students for the writing basic skills test. EDUC 0111 Basic Skills Test Preparation: Reading (1): This course provides remediation and test taking strategies to help prepare education students for the reading basic skills test. EDUC 0112 Basic Skills Test Preparation: Math (1): This course provides remediation and test taking strategies to help prepare education students for the math basic skills test. ENVSTD 1450 Topics in Environmental Studies: Forestry Management: Practice & Policy (3): The goals of this course are several. First, the course will provide a basic knowledge of forest trees of the Allegheny Plateau and the varied systems of measurement. Second, the course will investigate the various benefits and values the forest eco-system provides and the interaction with society. Thirdly, the course will touch on historical and political impacts and influences of the forest eco-system on society and the converse of the same. Finally, the course should provide an understanding of the various influences on the forest eco-system and society to engage in a career of implementation and discussion on environmental and forestry issues. FIN 0250 Special Topics: Money in the Real World (3): Cross listed with ECON 0111. This course uses a series of current issues to introduce students to the study and understanding of finance and economics. Topics such as international trade, the behavior of financial markets and U.S. policy are explored from differing perspectives within the disciplines of finance and economics. GSWS 0101 Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (3): The purpose of this course is to provide an interdisciplinary overview of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies. Course content will incorporate a range of conceptual tools and methods to critically analyze the ways in which social and cultural forces shape identity. HMGT 1450 Special Topics: Advanced Special Events (3): This course explores the complex area of special event planning, including non-profit, community, corporate, wedding, religious, holiday, and other social events. The course provides students with a basis for using research as a tool to plan and organize special events. The class works towards understanding, practicing, and executing the elements of successful event planning such as budgeting, site-selection, food and beverage, design, promotions, and site logistics. This is a project-based course and requires the execution of a successful event. MGMT 1450 Topics in Management: Business Ethics (3): This course is an examination of business ethics from both an organizational and individual perspective. Students will examine the role of the socially responsible organization, as well as individual conduct in business settings. MUSIC 0109 Global Music Survey (3): An introduction to world music traditions lying outside the classical music cannon. Through hands-on demonstration, listening, reading, and concert attendance, students will gain familiarity with diverse traditions such as Indonesian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Latin American, African, and Arab music. Also studied will be the social function music fulfills in different cultures and how styles have evolved as traditions mingle and influence one another. No prior musical knowledge required. NUR 0106 Succeeding in Nursing Education (1): This course will provide opportunity for the nursing student to acquire skills necessary to successfully negotiate the educational journey to associate degree completion and state board examination. Strategies to cope with roadblocks to success will be presented in a relaxed seminar environment. Some topics to be presented include test-taking strategies, relaxation and stress management, time management and coping skills utilized to deal with family pressures. PEDC 0250 Special Topics: Archery (1): The purpose of this course is to equip students with the basic knowledge and archery skills needed, that will allow them to continue to participate in this sport once they have completed the course. PEDC 0250 Special Topics: Tai Chi (1): Tai Chi is a graceful form of exercise and commonly referred to “meditation in motion.” Our visiting Confucius Institute scholars will take you through a series of flowing movements, stretching, and deep breathing in a selfpaced exercise class. Tai chi is low impact and generally safe for any fitness level. PEP 0250 Enrichment Special Topics: Order and Chaos (1): This course examines the human quest to find order in the sometimes chaotic array of sensations that surround us: How does the world work? Why do people behave the way they do? The course will study the interplay of order and chaos within three interrelated quests: the quest to understand individual human behavior by exploring ideas about justice, gender, free will, love, and the psyche; the quest to understand how the world works by exploring ideas about language and nature; the quest to understand human social behavior by exploring ideas about cultural, social and political entities. Upon completing this course, students will be able to describe: various ways that human beings come to know the world and themselves, and the various ways in which they express that knowledge; connections and conflicts among and between different intellectual and cultural traditions. PEP 0250 Enrichment Special Topics: Just Mercy (1): This course will critically examine Bryan Stevenson’s book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption, highlighting the unique narratives of incarcerated educators and incarcerated students at a Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) FCI McKean. A portion of this course will be taught at BOP FCI McKean. PS 1354 LGBTQ Politics (3): This course explores the theory and practice of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) politics globally, examining the policy impact of legislation, litigation, and direct democracy; shifts in public opinion and media coverage; and the diffusion of international human rights norms via international law. Further, the historic development of LGBTQ rights movements, interest groups, and advocacy coalitions; the involvement of the LGBTQ community and allies in activism; and the role of out politicians will be explored. Policy-making concerning a range of LGBTQ rights issues will be examined cross-nationally: criminalization and decriminalization of homosexuality; discrimination and non-discrimination protections; hate crimes; same-sex union recognition and marriage; LGBTQ adoption and parenting; transgender, bisexual, intersex, and asexual rights; gender recognition; citizenship, immigration, and asylum; public health and aging; and youth, homelessness, education, and criminal justice. PSY 1447 Topics in Cognitive Developmental Psychology: Life-Span Development (3): This course will focus on the processes of human development from conception through the lifespan. Specifically, topics will be related to the factors that may impact the individual’s physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development from conception to early, middle, and late adulthood. Prerequisite PSY 0101. PSY 1447 Topics in Cognitive Developmental Psychology: Child and Youth Socio-emotional Development (3): This course will focus on the socio-emotional developmental processes from birth through adolescence. Specifically, topics will include attachment, socialization, self-regulation, morality, and self / identity. Pre-requisite PSY 0101. GE SCIENCE COURSES DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR THE NONMAJOR The following courses are science courses that are specifically designed for students who are not majoring in a scientific field. GE: LIFE SCIENCE COURSES: BIOL 0091 (3): Concepts of Biology: Designed for the non-major. A survey of biological concepts providing students with a good understanding of how biology relates to everyday life. BIOL 0108 (3): Plants & People: Introduction to Ethnobotany: BIOL 0112 (3): Human Biology: Designed for the non-major. General principles of genetics, biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology are illustrated with reference to normal human body functions. Topics are structured to allow the student to better appreciate contemporary issues and controversies. Three hours of lecture per week. GE: life sciences GE: PHYSICAL SCIENCE COURSES: ASTRON 0101 (3): Introduction to Astronomy: This introductory course in astronomy includes topics in light and the telescope, solar system, stars, nebulae, stellar evolution, quarks to quasars, galactic systems and cosmology. CHEM 0089 (3): Concepts of Chemistry: This course is designed for the non-major or for those students intending to take chemistry 0101 and 0102, but whose science and mathematical backgrounds are judged to be relatively weak. The course emphasizes stoichiometry (chemical calculations), chemical equations, gas laws, elementary atomic structure and periodic properties of elements. CHEM 0187 (3): Drugs and Society LEC: The course intended for non-science majors provides facts about drug sources, history, action in the body, side-effects, interactions; tolerance, abuse potential, dependency; drug delivery systems and alternatives will be covered. All major classes of drugs will be covered. CHEM 0188 (1): Drugs and Society LAB: May be taken concurrently with CHEM 0187. Students will be introduced to instrumentation used by medical chemistry and forensic scientists and will be instructed in the synthesis of drugs (e.g., aspirin). A field trip to the New York state crime lab (Olean, NY) will be scheduled ES 0112 (3): Introduction to Energy Science & Technology: This course is an interdisciplinary study which presents a general overview of how nature works and how earth and life systems, including society, are interconnected. It examines how the environment is used and abused by humans, and what individuals can do to protect and improve it for future generations, and for other living things. GEOG 0210 (3): Physical Geography: Introduction to the study of the geographical characteristics and relationships of all phenomena within the earth's physical environment. Emphasis placed on air, land and water distributions and the interactions between people and the physical environment. Academic Services The Academic Coaching and Tutoring Center offers a range of structured coaching and tutoring services to currently enrolled UPB students. These FREE services provide the extra assistance needed to achieve academic and personal success. Whether a student requires content‐specific assistance or learning services focused on test preparation and note‐taking, the ACTC is here to help! Schedule an appointment online at https://tutortrac.upb.pitt.edu Angie Wolfe, Coordinator awolfe@pitt.edu 814.362.7674 TRIO Student Support Services 231 Hanley Library TRIO SSS is a federally funded program providing individual academic planning, leadership development courses, financial literacy education, and career and graduate school planning to students who are first‐generation, income eligible, and/or have a disability. Interested students must apply to the program and be accepted in order to receive services. Contact Stacie Salerno at (814)362‐7548 or at ssalerno@pitt.edu for more information. Disability Resources and Services 202 Hanley Disability Management services – your partner in equal access Individualized support Accommodations to support any type of disability – physical, medical, psychiatric or learning Test Proctoring Assistive Technology Students access this service by scheduling an appointment with Carma Horner, clh71@ pitt.edu or 814‐362‐7609 The Academic Advising Center 218 Hanley The Academic Advising Center provides academic assistance and support to all Pitt‐Bradford students. Undeclared students will work with an Advisor in the Center for major exploration and course selection for the upcoming term. The Academic Advising Center is stocked with information and can help students with: Understanding your degree requirements Changing or declaring a major or minor Understanding academic policies and procedures Making adjustments to your schedule during the drop/add period Withdrawing from a class Developing a plan for graduation You can schedule an appointment with an advisor on line through TutorTrac at https://tutortrac.upb.pitt.edu (choose the AAC), in person, 814‐362‐7533, or email, Susan Gleason‐behan@pitt.edu , Jodi Burns‐jburns@pitt.edu or Alana Stewart stewart2@pitt.edu. Mathematics Center The Mathematics Center is located at 251 Hanley (right next to the Writing Center). Tutors in the Mathematics Center are available to help students who are having difficulty in their mathematics classes. We offer individual sessions with peer and/or faculty consultants for homework help, exam/quiz preparation, or discussion/review of exam/quiz results. Make your appointment on TutorTrac today (http://tutortrac.upb.pitt.edu) or in the Mathematics Center itself. 814‐362‐5120 Writing Center 250 Hanley Want to be a stronger writer? A better reader? Empower yourself at the Writing Center! The Writing Center has experienced faculty consultants available to assist student writers of all levels and abilities at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming and drafting to revision, editing, formatting, and achieving stylistic punch and sophistication. Common areas of focus include thesis statements, essay organization, word choice, recognizing pattern errors in grammar and punctuation, evaluating and using sources, managing in-text citations, and critical reading skills. Visit the Writing Center’s website for hours and to schedule an appointment: www.upb.pitt.edu/writingcenter ckula@pitt.edu 814‐362‐7594 wcenter@pitt.edu 814‐362‐0253 CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY ACCT 19281 ACCT 0201 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS REC SFCTR00158 R 02:30 PM-04:30 PM Kallenbach E. 0 19282 ACCT 0201 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS REC FISHR00110 R 09:30 AM-11:00 AM Mitchell D. 19283 ACCT 0201 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS REC SFCTR00158 19279 ACCT 0201 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS LEC SWRTS00207 M W 05:30 PM-06:45 PM Avey M. 4 19280 ACCT 0201 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Mitchell D. 4 25304 ACCT 0202 MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS LEC FISHR00111 3 16836 ACCT 1301 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 1 LEC FISHR00208 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Kallenbach E. 3 16837 ACCT 1304 FEDERAL INCOME TAXES LEC FISHR00111 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Kallenbach E. 3 16961 ACCT 1305 AUDITING LEC SWRTS00107 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Kallenbach E. 3 16980 ACCT 1312 INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING 3 LEC FISHR0106D M W 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Kallenbach E. 3 20658 ADMJ 0101 INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE LEC SWRTS00108 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Brougham P. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 25285 ADMJ 0101 INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE LEC SWRTS00108 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Brougham P. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29491 ADMJ 1305 MEDIA, CRIME & THE C/J SYSTEM LEC FISHR0105A M W 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Gaskew T. 3 16838 ADMJ 1320 RSRCH MTHS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE LEC SWRTS00108 M W 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Brougham P. 3 27735 ADMJ 1320 RSRCH MTHS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE LEC SWRTS00108 M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM Brougham P. 3 29208 ADMJ 1330 CRIMINAL FORENSICS 1 LEC FISHR0211A M 05:00 PM-08:00 PM Gaskew T. 3 LEC FISHR00111 M 05:00 PM-08:00 PM 3 LAB FISHR0211A W 05:00 PM-08:00 PM Gaskew T. 1 LAB FISHR00111 W 05:00 PM-08:00 PM 1 29205 ADMJ 1345 INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL CRIME LEC SWRTS00105 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Gaskew T. 3 29206 ADMJ 1370 VCTMLGY-CHLD ABUS/EXPLTD CHILD LEC FISHR00107 3 27158 ADMJ 1447 SPECIAL TOPICS IN POLICING LEC SWRTS00237 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Gaskew T. 3 29207 ADMJ 1448 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CORRECTIONS LEC SWRTS00107 3 T 09:30 AM-11:00 AM Mitchell D. T R 05:30 PM-06:45 PM 0 0 ADMJ Instructor permission required 29209 ADMJ 1331 CRIMINAL FORENSIC 1 LAB Instructor permission required INVSTG ONLINE CHILD PREDATORS Instructor permission required to enroll T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Wilcox T. R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Dombek A. AFRCNA 27083 AFRCNA 0215 MODERN AFRICAN-AMERICAN CINEMALEC WEBTBA 12:00 PM-12:00 PM Ewert K. Web course 3 GE:Arts ANTH 25286 ANTH 0105 NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN ART LEC SWRTS00161 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Stuckart J. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 19269 ANTH 1305 RELIGION AND CULTURE LEC SWRTS00207 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Stuckart J. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 26002 ART 0101 DRAWING 1 LEC BLAIS00146 3 GE:Arts 29197 ART 0102 FIGURE DRAWING LEC BLAIS00144 M W 01:00 PM-02:30 PM Lemnitzer A. 3 GE:Arts 19834 ART 0103 DIGITAL GRAPHIC DESIGN LEC BLAIS00147 T R 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Lemnitzer A. 3 GE:Arts 16890 ART 0105 WORLD ART SURVEY 1 LEC BLAIS00121 T 3 GE:Arts-Global ART T R 08:00 AM-09:30 AM Sosic S. 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Ryding M. CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY ART 23849 ART 0110 CERAMICS 1 LEC CS00100 T R 09:30 AM-11:00 AM Mormile A. 3 GE:Arts 23850 ART 0110 CERAMICS 1 LEC CS00100 T R 11:30 AM-01:00 PM Mormile A. 3 GE:Arts 27074 ART 0112 PRINTMAKING 1 LEC BLAIS00146 M 3 GE:Arts 19270 ART 0113 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING LEC BLAIS00147 T R 01:00 PM-02:30 PM Lemnitzer A. 3 GE:Arts 29196 ART 0201 PAINTING 1 LEC BLAIS00144 M W 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Lemnitzer A. 3 GE:Arts 29195 ART 0204 CONTEMPORARY PORTRAITURE LEC BLAIS00146 LEC FISHR00107 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Picklo B. 3 GE:Physical Science 20624 BIOL 0091 CONCEPTS OF BIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00111 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Yaich L. 3 GE:Life Science 17008 BIOL 0101 INTRO TO CELL & MOLECULAR BIOL LEC SWRTS00162 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Yaich L. 4 GE:Life Science 23882 BIOL 0101 INTRO TO CELL & MOLECULAR BIOL LAB FISHR0206E R 02:30 PM-05:30 PM Mulcahy M. 0 GE:Life Science 28152 BIOL 0101 INTRO TO CELL & MOLECULAR BIOL LAB FISHR0206E R 06:00 PM-09:00 PM Mulcahy M. 0 GE:Life Science 17009 BIOL 0102 INTRODUCTION TO BIODIVERSITY LEC FISHR00111 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Singh O. 4 GE:Life Science 17010 BIOL 0102 INTRODUCTION TO BIODIVERSITY LAB FISHR0206E T 02:30 PM-05:30 PM Salsgiver D. 0 GE:Life Science 23185 BIOL 0102 INTRODUCTION TO BIODIVERSITY LAB FISHR0206E T 06:00 PM-09:00 PM Salsgiver D. 0 GE:Life Science 29295 BIOL 0108 PLNTS & PEOPL: INTRO ETHNOBTNY LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Piechnik D. 3 GE:Life Sci-Global 17085 BIOL 0112 HUMAN BIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00162 3 GE:Life Science 27627 BIOL 0119 ECOLOGY & ENVIRON BIOL LAB CLB FISHR0206E 23953 BIOL 0212 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1 LEC FISHR00107 M W F 04:00 PM-04:50 PM Merwine D. 3 GE:Life Science 23954 BIOL 0212 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1 LEC FISHR00107 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Merwine D. 3 GE:Life Science 23955 BIOL 0213 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2 LEC FISHR00107 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Merwine D. 3 GE:Life Science 19852 BIOL 0217 PRINCPL OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION LEC FISHR00208 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Piechnik D. 4 GE:Life Science 19853 BIOL 0217 PRINCPL OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION LAB FISHR00110 R 11:00 AM-12:30 PM Piechnik D. 0 GE:Life Science LAB FISHR0106A R 08:30 AM-12:30 PM 0 LAB FISHR00110 R 01:00 PM-05:00 PM Piechnik D. 0 GE:Life Science LAB FISHR0106A R 01:00 PM-05:00 PM 0 23892 BIOL 0222 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 1 CLB FISHR0205A 23893 BIOL 0222 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 1 CLB FISHR0205A 23894 BIOL 0222 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 1 CLB FISHR0205A 23895 BIOL 0222 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 1 CLB FISHR0205A 23896 BIOL 0222 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 1 CLB FISHR0205A 23897 BIOL 0222 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 1 CLB FISHR0205A 5 seats reserved for IA majors, Art & Digital Art minors 05:00 PM-08:00 PM Minard R. T R 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Sosic S. 3 GE:Arts ASTRON 16846 ASTRON 0101 INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY BIOL 35 seats reserved for Biol., Health Sciences, AT, Spt. Med, Psy, BioEd. 5 seats Envstd 35seats reserved for Biol., Health Sciences, AT, Spt. Med, Psy,& BioEd. 5 seats Envstd. Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. 5 seats reserved for Environmental Studies majors. 50 seats reserved for ASN majors 25 seats reserved for Spt. Med, AT, Biol, Pre-Health & Psy. majors R 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Singh O. W 06:00 PM-09:00 PM Fedak J. 38 seats reserved for Biology, Pre-Health,majors and Biology minors. 5 Seats Envstd. All seats reserved for Biology, Pre-Health, Env. Stud. majors and Biology minors 19854 BIOL 0217 PRINCPL OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION All seats reserved for Biology, Pre-Health, Env. Stud. majors and Biology minors All seats reserved for ASN majors. 18 seats reserved for ASN majors. 18 seats reserved for ASN majors All seats reserved for Spt. Med,AT,Health & PE Biol., Pre-Health & Psy. majors T 1 GE:Life Science 02:30 PM-05:30 PM James O. 1 R 02:30 PM-05:30 PM James O. 1 T 06:00 PM-09:00 PM James O. 1 R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM James O. 1 T 09:00 AM-12:00 PM James O. 1 R 06:00 PM-09:00 PM James O. 1 CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY BIOL 23898 BIOL 0223 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 2 CLB FISHR0205A M 06:00 PM-09:00 PM James O. 1 23899 BIOL 0223 HUMAN ANAT & PHYSIOLOGY LAB 2 CLB FISHR0205A M 03:00 PM-06:00 PM James O. 1 29300 BIOL 1308 FIELD BOTANY LEC FISHR0206E M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Mulcahy M. 4 29301 BIOL 1308 FIELD BOTANY LAB FISHR0206E 0 29297 BIOL 1320 CELL BIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00107 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Yaich L. 4 29298 BIOL 1320 CELL BIOLOGY LAB FISHR0206A R 08:45 AM-12:45 PM Yaich L. 0 27405 BIOL 1450 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY LEC FISHR0206E M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Singh O. 3 29296 BIOL 1450 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY LEC FISHR0206A M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Merwine D. 3 29299 BIOL 1450 TOPICS IN BIOLOGY LEC FISHR0105D 3 16875 BIOL 1451 CAPSTONE: BIOLOGY SEM IMMUNOLOGY ANIMAL BEHAVIOR MICROBIAL BIOCHEMISTRY T 08:30 AM-12:30 PM Mulcahy M. T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Singh O. FISHR0206E M W 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 2 CE 16813 CE 0109 COMPUTER METH IN CIVIL ENGRG 1 REC FISHR00110 T 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Mattis R. 0 16812 CE 0109 COMPUTER METH IN CIVIL ENGRG 1 LEC FISHR0106D M W 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Mattis R. 3 20626 CHE 0035 INTRODUCTRY CHEMCL ENGINEERING REC FISHR0106D R 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Mattis R. 0 20625 CHE 0035 INTRODUCTRY CHEMCL ENGINEERING LEC FISHR0106D M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Mattis R. 4 20653 CHEM 0089 CONCEPTS OF CHEMISTRY LEC FISHR00107 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Draeger J. 3 GE:Physical Science 16864 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LEC SWRTS00162 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Mulcahy F. 4 GE:Physical Science 16865 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LEC FISHR00208 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Mulcahy F. 4 GE:Physical Science 16866 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A T 08:30 AM-12:30 PM Krenzel W. 0 GE:Physical Science 16867 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A T 01:00 PM-05:00 PM Krenzel W. 0 GE:Physical Science 16868 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A T 05:30 PM-09:30 PM Shires R. 0 GE:Physical Science 17007 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A R 01:00 PM-05:00 PM Krenzel W. 0 GE:Physical Science 17629 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A R 08:30 AM-12:30 PM Krenzel W. 0 GE:Physical Science 24247 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A 26014 CHEM 0101 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0212A 16983 CHEM 0102 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 LEC SWRTS00111 M W F 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Robbins A. 4 GE:Physical Science 23875 CHEM 0102 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 LAB FISHR0212E 0 GE:Physical Science 29313 CHEM 0102 GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2 LAB FISHR0212E 16869 CHEM 0103 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY LEC 16870 CHEM 0103 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 16871 CHEM 0103 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY CHE CHEM W 05:30 PM-09:30 PM Shires R. 0 GE:Physical Science 05:30 PM-09:30 PM Stitt B. 0 GE:Physical Science R 05:30 PM-09:30 PM 05:30 PM-09:30 PM 0 GE:Physical Science SWRTS00111 M 01:00 PM-03:30 PM Draeger J. 4 GE:Life or Physical Sci LAB FISHR0212E M 04:00 PM-08:00 PM Draeger J. 0 GE:Life or Physical Sci LAB FISHR0212E T 12:30 PM-04:30 PM Draeger J. 0 GE:Life or Physical Sci 20 seats reserved for ASN major 14 seats reserved for ASN major 6 seats reserved for ASN major M W CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY CHEM 27213 CHEM 0186 INTRODUCTION TO FUELS CLB FISHR0211E 16970 CHEM 0187 DRUGS AND SOCIETY 01:00 PM-05:00 PM Soriano D. 1 GE:Physical Science LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Soriano D. 3 GE:Physical Science 18168 CHEM 0187 DRUGS AND SOCIETY LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Soriano D. 3 GE:Physical Science 24510 CHEM 0188 DRUGS AND SOCIETY LAB CLB FISHR0212A R 05:15 PM-09:15 PM Shires R. 1 GE:Physical Science 30483 CHEM 0188 DRUGS AND SOCIETY LAB CLB FISHR0212E R 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Shires R. 1 GE:Physical Science 18090 CHEM 0201 INTRO TO ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY LEC FISHR0105D M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Mulcahy F. 4 18091 CHEM 0201 INTRO TO ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY LAB FISHR0211A T 08:30 AM-12:30 PM Mulcahy F. 0 16872 CHEM 0206 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 LEC FISHR00208 T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Soriano D. 3 GE:Physical Science 24511 CHEM 0207 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 LAB CLB SFCTR00158 R 01:00 PM-02:30 PM Odorisio M. 1 GE:Physical Science CLB FISHR0211E R 01:00 PM-05:00 PM 1 CLB FISHR0211E T 01:00 PM-05:00 PM Odorisio M. 1 GE:Physical Science CLB FISHR00110 T 01:00 PM-05:00 PM 1 CLB SFCTR00158 R 08:30 AM-11:00 AM Odorisio M. 1 GE:Physical Science CLB FISHR0211E R 08:30 AM-12:30 PM 1 23876 CHEM 0208 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2 LEC FISHR00208 R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Soriano D. 3 GE:Physical Science 16981 CHEM 1301 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 1 LEC FISHR0106D T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Draeger J. 4 16982 CHEM 1301 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB FISHR0211A R 12:00 PM-04:00 PM Draeger J. 0 25465 CHEM 1306 BIOCHEMISTRY LEC FISHR00207 29311 CHEM 1308 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LEC SWRTS00104 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Odorisio M. 4 29312 CHEM 1308 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LAB FISHR0211E 0 16873 CHEM 1451 CAPSTONE: CHEMISTRY SEM Web course. Web course. 24512 CHEM 0207 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 LAB 24513 CHEM 0207 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1 LAB W W W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Soriano D. 05:30 PM-09:30 PM Shires R. 3 FISHR0212A M W 12:00 PM-01:00 PM Mulcahy F. 2 CIST 17698 CIST 0161 THE TECHNOLOGY OF COMPUTING LEC SWRTS00236 T R 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Ellison R. 3 17746 CIST 0161 THE TECHNOLOGY OF COMPUTING LEC SWRTS00236 M W 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Ellison R. 3 30080 CIST 0161 THE TECHNOLOGY OF COMPUTING LEC HANGR00124 F 09:00 AM-11:30 AM Ellison S. 3 25300 CIST 0163 INTRO TO WEB PROGRAMMING LEC SWRTS00236 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Wang Y. 3 25301 CIST 0163 INTRO TO WEB PROGRAMMING LEC SWRTS00236 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Wang Y. 3 17699 CIST 0165 NETWORKING 1 LEC SWRTS00236 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Comes D. 3 23179 CIST 0165 NETWORKING 1 LEC 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Comes D. 3 17700 CIST 0262 SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION LEC SWRTS00236 M W 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Ellison S. 3 29192 CIST 1301 ADVANCED WEB DEVELOPMENT LEC SWRTS00236 02:30 PM-05:00 PM Wang Y. 3 19271 CIST 1311 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE LEC SWRTS00236 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Wang Y. 3 29190 CIST 1326 DIGITAL FORENSICS LEC HANGR00124 M W 10:00 AM-11:15 AM 3 Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. W SWRTS00236 M Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. W CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY CIST 29194 CIST 1327 INTRUSN DETCTN & INCDNT RESPON LEC HANGR00124 M W 11:30 AM-12:45 PM 3 29193 CIST 1341 LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM LEC HANGR00124 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 3 20622 CIST 1408 PROJECT MGMT IN INFOR TECHN LEC SWRTS00236 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Lewicki D. 3 29191 CIST 1422 GAME DESIGN & PROGRAMMING LEC SWRTS00236 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Callinan J. 3 23261 CIST 1451 CAPSTONE: CIS&T SEM 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Lewicki D. 3 T TBATBA CLP 27076 CLP 0206 HISPANC LITERATURE (IN ENGLSH) LEC SWRTS00108 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Evans-Corrales C 3 GE:Literature 27075 CLP 0230 MIDDLE EASTERN LITS & CULTURES LEC FISHR00207 16880 COMM 0101 INTRO TO HUMAN COMMUNICATION LEC SWRTS00162 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Salvo J. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16881 COMM 0102 SURVEY OF BROADCASTING LEC BLAIS00121 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Guterman J. 3 16908 COMM 0104 PUBLIC SPEAKING LEC BLAIS00138 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Beckes W. 3 23854 COMM 0104 PUBLIC SPEAKING LEC BLAIS00121 29699 COMM 0107 NEWS EDITING LEC BLAIS00102 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Hopkins J. 3 16883 COMM 0108 NEWSPAPER STAFF (THE SOURCE) PRA BLAIS00102 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Ziaukas T. vr 25199 COMM 0109 INTRODUCTION TO CINEMA LEC BLAIS00138 3 GE:Arts 23855 COMM 0120 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION LEC BLAIS00121 M 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Salvo J. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 16886 COMM 0201 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY LEC FISHR00207 M 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Brown M. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16884 COMM 0202 RADIO PRODUCTION LEC BLAIS00135 M W 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Guterman J. 4 LEC BLAIS00114 M W 10:40 AM-11:30 AM Guterman J. 4 20642 COMM 0210 SOCIAL MEDIA COMMUNICATION LEC BLAIS00121 25470 COMM 0215 BOLLYWOOD: POPULAR INDIAN CINE LEC BLAIS00138 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Gajanan R. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 30227 COMM 0215 BOLLYWOOD: POPULAR INDIAN CINE LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Gajanan R. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 16885 COMM 1301 ADVANCED TELEVISION PRODUCTION LEC BLAIS00135 T R 10:00 AM-11:50 AM Guterman J. 4 LEC BLAIS00114 T R 10:40 AM-11:30 AM Guterman J. 4 16887 COMM 1307 VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS LEC BLAIS00138 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Ziaukas T. 3 GE:Cultures 25200 COMM 1308 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION LEC FISHR00208 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Salvo J. 3 20913 COMM 1335 NEWSPAPER SR STAFF- THE SOURCE LEC BLAIS00102 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Ziaukas T. 3 19868 COMM 1403 CURRENT ISSUES IN MASS MEDIA LEC BLAIS00102 3 16949 ECE 0031 LINEAR CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 1 LEC FISHR0105A M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Wuersig K. 3 16950 ECE 0132 DIGITAL LOGIC LEC FISHR0105A M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Wuersig K. 3 LEC SWRTS00111 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Gajanan S. 3 GE:Economics T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Ogundayo B. 3 GE:Literature-Global COMM Must have instructor's permission to add course. M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM Salvo J. R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Salvo J. W T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Cercone P. 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Brown M. 3 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences ECE ECON 16839 ECON 0101 ECONOMICS IN THE MODERN WORLD CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY ECON 16840 ECON 0102 INTRODUCTION TO MICROECONOMICS LEC FISHR00107 16939 ECON 0102 INTRODUCTION TO MICROECONOMICS LEC WEBTBA 23885 ECON 0103 INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS LEC BLAIS00138 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Mukerjee G. 3 GE:Economics 23886 ECON 0103 INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Mukerjee G. 3 GE:Economics 25329 ECON 0111 MONEY IN THE REAL WORLD LEC SWRTS00106 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Crawford J. 3 GE:Economics 27256 ECON 0204 STATISTICAL METHODS LEC BLAIS00121 T R 12:35 PM-02:15 PM Mukerjee G. 4 GE:Computational Sciences 27257 ECON 0204 STATISTICAL METHODS LEC SWRTS00105 T R 05:30 PM-07:10 PM Mukerjee G. 4 GE:Computational Sciences 29173 ECON 1304 ECONOMETRICS & BUS FORECASTING LEC FISHR00208 T R 04:00 PM-05:40 PM Gajanan S. 4 29428 EDUC 0110 BASIC SKILLS TEST PREP: WRTNG LEC BLAIS00114 T 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Hultberg A. 1 29429 EDUC 0111 BASIC SKILLS TEST PREP: READNG LEC BLAIS00114 R 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Hultberg A. 1 29430 EDUC 0112 BASIC SKILLS TEST PREP: MATH LEC SWRTS00101 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Robbins A. 1 19861 EDUC 0204 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION LEC SWRTS00110 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Dombek D. 3 19272 EDUC 0215 ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS LEC FISHR00208 3 27277 EDUC 0220 SPECIAL EDUCATION LAW LEC SWRTS00110 T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM 3 20650 EDUC 0225 THE DEVELOPING CHILD LEC SWRTS00107 3 25429 EDUC 0235 INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN LEC SWRTS00161 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Brinda W. 3 17062 EDUC 0255 READINGS IN CHILDREN'S LITERTR LEC SWRTS00110 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Frank M. 3 GE:Second Lit. 25688 EDUC 1301 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY LEC WEBTBA 3 20648 EDUC 1302 ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES LEC SWRTS00161 16963 EDUC 1307 SECONDARY METHODS LEC SWRTS00161 T R 12:30 PM-02:15 PM Brinda W. 4 20649 EDUC 1322 SOCIAL STUDIES METHODS LEC SWRTS00110 M 3 20652 EDUC 1324 MATH METHODS FOR PRIMARY GRADE LEC SWRTS00110 18100 EDUC 1325 DEVELP OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN LEC SWRTS00110 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 20651 EDUC 1327 SCIENCE METHODS (PREK-4) LEC SWRTS00110 M 3 16874 EDUC 1330 EDUCATING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN LEC SWRTS00110 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 24069 EDUC 1332 LITRCY FNDTNS FOR PRIM GRADES LEC SWRTS00110 3 25430 EDUC 1345 EDUCATIONAL THEORIES PRACTICES LEC SWRTS00110 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Brinda W. 3 16940 EDUC 1350 EDUCATNAL PSYCH & MEASUREMENT LEC SWRTS00161 3 27266 EDUC 1451 CAPSTONE: EDUCATION SEM 17135 EDUC 1481 STUDENT TEACHING Web course. MONEY IN THE REAL WORLD Cross listed with FIN 0250 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Gajanan S. 3 GE:Economics 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Gajanan S. 3 GE:Economics EDUC Web course W T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Tessmer G. W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Dynda T. T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Gracey-Dalton M3 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Russell J. R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Gracey-Dalton M3 T W 06:30 PM-09:00 PM Russell J. 05:30 PM-08:00 PM Merry M. 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Brinda W. SWRTS00161 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Dombek D. 3 PRA SWRTS00110 12 LEC SWRTS00101 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Tessmer G. W 04:00 PM-05:45 PM Dombek D. ENG 23952 ENG 0090 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES ESL SECTION Reserved for ESL/ELL Freshmen instructor permission required. 3 CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY ENG 19836 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC FISHR00208 M W 05:30 PM-06:45 PM 3 19837 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC SWRTS00110 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 19845 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC BLAIS00121 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Newman D. 3 20125 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC BLAIS00121 M W 04:45 PM-06:00 PM Hultberg A. 3 20899 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC BLAIS00121 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Newman D. 3 20920 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC FISHR00207 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Tessmer G. 3 24239 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC SWRTS00237 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Tessmer G. 3 28103 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC BLAIS00102 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Hultberg A. 3 29199 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC BLAIS00138 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Reynolds R. 3 29765 ENG 0100 INTRO TO COLLEGE COMPOSITION LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Hultberg A. 3 16891 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC FISHR00111 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Lang M. 3 16984 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00108 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Hopkins J. 3 19843 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00107 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Tessmer G. 3 20084 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00108 T R 05:30 PM-06:45 PM 3 20092 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00108 T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Morris S. 3 23856 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00110 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Lang M. 3 24179 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC BLAIS00121 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Hopkins J. 3 24192 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00107 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Cole M. 3 26008 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC FISHR00111 3 26133 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC BLAIS00138 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Cole M. 3 27077 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00107 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Cole M. 3 29200 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00108 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Morris S. 3 29508 ENG 0101 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 LEC SWRTS00107 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM 3 18317 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC SWRTS00108 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Kula C. 3 20898 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC BLAIS00121 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Lang M. 3 23245 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC SWRTS00104 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Morris S. 3 26175 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC SWRTS00107 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Howell T. 3 28233 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC SWRTS00107 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Newman D. 3 29198 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC FISHR00111 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 30289 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC SWRTS00111 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Kula C. 3 30373 ENG 0102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 LEC BLAIS00121 3 27078 ENG 0103 INTRODUCTION TO POETRY LEC WEBTBA 25356 ENG 0105 MASTERPIECES OF WORLD LITRATUR LEC BLAIS00138 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Ogundayo B. ESL Section Reserved for ESL/ELL Freshmen instructor permission required. 15 seats reserved for ASN Web course T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Reynolds R. 12:00 PM-12:00 PM Michel D. 3 GE:Literature 3 GE:Literature CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY ENG 29166 ENG 0106 INTRODUCTION TO SHORT STORY LEC FISHR00111 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Evans-Corrales C 3 GE:Literature 23972 ENG 0215 THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE LEC BLAIS00121 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Beckes W. 27079 ENG 0219 AFRICAN-AMERICAN WRITERS LEC SWRTS00101 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Ogundayo B. 3 GE:Literature 29164 ENG 1308 20TH-CENTURY AMERICAN LIT LEC BLAIS00121 3 GE:Literature 27691 ENGR 0015 INTRODUCTION ENGINEERING ANAL LEC SWRTS00106 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Wuersig K. 3 27692 ENGR 0015 INTRODUCTION ENGINEERING ANAL LEC SWRTS00106 3 R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Howell T. 3 GE:Literature ENGR R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Wuersig K. T 03:30 PM-04:45 PM 3 FISHR00107 T 02:30 PM-03:20 PM Wuersig K. 0 FISHR00107 T 02:30 PM-03:20 PM Wuersig K. 0 LEC 16814 ENGR 0081 FRESHMAN ENGINEERING SEMINAR 1 SEM 16815 ENGR 0085 ENGINEERING SEMINAR SEM 16816 ENGR 0131 STATICS FOR CIVL & ENVRL ENGNR LEC FISHR0106D M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Mattis R. 3 16817 ENGR 0135 STATICS & MECHC OF MATERIALS 1 LEC FISHR0106D M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Mattis R. 3 LEC SWRTS00111 M W 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Schummer D. 3 GE:Political Science LEC SWRTS00207 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Kropf M. 3 GE:Physical Science 25284 FIN 0250 SPECIAL TOPICS LEC SWRTS00106 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Crawford J. 3 20638 FIN 1301 CORPORATE FINANCE LEC SWRTS00105 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Crawford J. 3 29174 FIN 1302 INVESTMENTS LEC SWRTS00237 M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM Crawford J. 3 LEC MCK00138 3 LEC SWRTS00209 M W 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Ogundayo B. 3 GE:Language/Global LEC SWRTS00106 F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Ogundayo B. 3 GE:Language/Global LEC SWRTS00209 M W 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Ogundayo B. 3 GE:Language/Global LEC SWRTS00106 3 16897 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC BLAIS00138 16898 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00111 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Asinger K. 3 16899 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00209 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Spittler H. 3 16956 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00105 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Hilton Retchless 3 16957 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00111 T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Gaskew T. 3 16958 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC FISHR00208 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Gleason S. 3 16959 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00104 T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Asinger K. 3 ENVSTD 17083 ENVSTD 0102 INTRO TO ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ES 19948 ES 0112 INTRO TO ENRGY SCIENCE & TECHN FIN MONEY IN THE REAL WORLD Cross listed with ECON 0111 VLI to UPG M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM FR 16893 FR 0101 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 1 23966 FR 0201 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH 1 F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM FS T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Gustafson M. 3 CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY FS 16962 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00111 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Coll R. 3 19863 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00107 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Sosic S. 3 24244 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC FISHR00208 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Yormick E. 3 24297 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC COMMNTBA M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Graham C. 3 25468 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC HANLY00201 3 25469 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC SWRTS00161 25849 FS 0102 FRESHMAN SEMINAR LEC FISHR00207 23941 GEOG 0101 WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY LEC WEBTBA 25791 GEOG 0101 WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY LEC SWRTS00209 M W 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Strickland A. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 25466 GEOG 0102 GEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA LEC SWRTS00161 M W 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Strickland A. 3 GE:Cultures 23888 GEOG 0210 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY LEC SWRTS00207 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Strickland A. 3 GE:Physical Science 16993 GEOL 0101 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 M W 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Frantescu A. 4 GE:Physical Science 16994 GEOL 0101 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY LAB FISHR0105A 0 GE:Physical Science LEC FISHR0106D M W 05:30 PM-06:45 PM Shea B. 3 GE:Language/Global LEC SWRTS00161 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Eckstrom S. 3 GE:Cultures 19865 HIST 0103 EUROPE IN THE 18TH CENTURY LEC SWRTS00209 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Thomas M. 3 GE:History 16943 HIST 0106 US HISTORY 1 LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 19857 HIST 0106 US HISTORY 1 LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 16841 HIST 0108 MEDIEVAL EUROPE LEC SWRTS00237 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Mulcahy R. 3 GE:History 29211 HIST 0203 RADICALISM IN THE US LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 29210 HIST 0204 THE GREAT WAR LEC SWRTS00209 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Thomas M. 3 GE:History 29213 HIST 1317 CONTEM US HISTORY 1941-PRESENT LEC SWRTS00207 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 29212 HIST 1324 ANCIENT EGYPT LEC SWRTS00209 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Thomas M. 3 GE:History-Global 27086 HMGT 0101 INTRO HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00237 M W 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Forney J. 3 16985 HMGT 0210 LGL ISS HOSPTLY/TOURISM INDUST LEC SWRTS00104 M W 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Forney J. 3 20637 HMGT 0220 FOODSERVICE MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00104 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Forney J. 3 29309 HMGT 1310 HOTEL OPERATIONS LEC SWRTS00101 M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM Forney J. 3 Class meets in Commons 218 Reserved for TRiO students T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Marcellin K. R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Sneeringer T. 3 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Gustafson M. 3 GEOG Web course. 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Baldwin C. 3 GE:Cultures-Global GEOL M 04:30 PM-07:30 PM Frantescu A. GER 20643 GER 0100 ELEMENTARY GERMAN 1 GSWS 29700 GSWS 0101 INT GNDR, SEXTY, WOMEN'S STDS HIST ITV (received from UPT) HMGT CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY HPEDU 19867 HPEDU 1310 TEACHING TEAM SPORTS LEC SFCTR00152 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Klinek M. 3 25431 HPEDU 1335 EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENT CONCEPTS LEC SFCTR00168 12:30 PM-02:15 PM Klinek M. 2 18092 HPEDU 1400 METHS TECHNG HLTH & PHYSCL ED LEC SFCTR0165C M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Klinek M. 3 18093 HPEDU 1451 CAPSTONE: HEALTH & PHYSICAL ED LEC SFCTR0165C M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Klinek M. 3 16853 HPRED 0101 INTRO TO ATHLETIC TRAINING LEC SFCTR00159 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Honeck J. 3 27217 HPRED 0102 INTRO TO EXERCISE SCIENCE LEC BLAIS00138 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Kelley M. 3 23956 HPRED 0180 SPORT SAFETY TRAINING LEC SFCTR00126 M 2 23859 HPRED 0206 EVAL AND REHAB OF ATHL INJRY 1 LEC SFCTR00159 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Honeck J. 4 18285 HPRED 0206 EVAL AND REHAB OF ATHL INJRY 1 LAB SFCTR00159 M 0 16854 HPRED 0209 PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS LEC SFCTR00158 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 19273 HPRED 0209 PERSONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS LEC SFCTR00158 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM 3 16855 HPRED 0210 THE GOVERNANCE & MGMT OF SPORT LEC SFCTR00158 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Rouff K. 3 16856 HPRED 0280 CLINICAL IN ATHLETC TRAINING 1 CLN SFCTR00147 2 16857 HPRED 1301 SPORTS MARKETING LEC SFCTR0165B T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Rouff K. 3 26304 HPRED 1302 THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES LEC SFCTR00126 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Honeck J. 4 26046 HPRED 1302 THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES LAB SFCTR00147 R 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Honeck J. 0 16860 HPRED 1306 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 1 LEC SFCTR00159 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Kelley M. 4 19381 HPRED 1306 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 1 LEC SFCTR00159 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Kelley M. 4 16896 HPRED 1306 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 1 LAB SFCTR00126 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Kelley M. 0 19383 HPRED 1306 EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 1 LAB SFCTR00126 R 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Kelley M. 0 17061 HPRED 1308 COACHING PRACTICUM PRA TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Rouff K. vr 29162 HPRED 1310 ETHICS AND LEADERSHIP IN SPORT LEC SFCTR00158 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Rouff K. 3 16861 HPRED 1380 CLINICAL IN ATHLETC TRAINING 3 CLN SFCTR0165C 10:00 AM-11:40 AM Nuhfer K. 2 16862 HPRED 1401 LEGAL LIABILITY IN SPORTS LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Rouff K. 3 16952 HPRED 1405 RES METH IN SPRTS & EXERCS SCI LEC SFCTR00158 M W F 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Kelley M. 3 29293 HPRED 1410 EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION LEC SFCTR00159 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Stark Z. 3 LEC SFCTR00126 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 3 23860 HPRED 1416 CLINICAL EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY LEC FISHR00107 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Stark Z. 3 17000 HPRED 1420 REHABILITATION MGMT & ADMIN LEC BLAIS00121 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 29294 HPRED 1435 EXERCISE ASSESSMENT LEC SFCTR00159 T R 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Stark Z. 3 29469 HPRED 1440 EXRCS PRESCRP SPECIAL POPLTN LEC SFCTR00159 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Stark Z. 3 16863 HPRED 1480 CLINICAL IN ATHLETC TRAINING 5 CLN SFCTR00147 2 T HPRED Reserved for AT majors & Athletic Coaching minors All seats reserved for AT majors Reserved for AT majors Day and Time TBA Web course. 06:00 PM-07:30 PM Kuleck J. 03:00 PM-06:00 PM Honeck J. T T T T 10:00 AM-11:40 AM 12:00 PM-01:40 PM CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY INTS 24272 INTS 0115 INTRO CHINESE CULTURE & LANG LEC FISHR00207 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Wang Y. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 29427 INTS 0115 INTRO CHINESE CULTURE & LANG LEC BLAIS00121 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Wang Y. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 30134 INTS 0115 INTRO CHINESE CULTURE & LANG LEC FISHR00107 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Wang Y. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 24132 INTS 0120 INDIA AND ITS CULTURES LEC SWRTS00162 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Gajanan R. 3 GE:Cultures-Global 25487 LNSK 0180 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEC HANLY00201 M 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Austin E. 1 25488 LNSK 0180 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEC HANLY00201 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Austin E. 1 27227 LNSK 0180 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT LEC HANLY00201 M 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Marcellin K. 1 16988 MATH 0097 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 1 LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Robbins A. 3 16989 MATH 0097 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 1 LEC SWRTS00111 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Robbins A. 3 17048 MATH 0097 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 1 LEC FISHR00207 3 28059 MATH 0097 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 1 LEC FISHR00107 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Morrison M. 3 29314 MATH 0097 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 1 LEC SWRTS00108 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Pedersen B. 3 30100 MATH 0097 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 1 LEC SWRTS00108 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Pedersen B. 3 16986 MATH 0098 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2 LEC SWRTS00110 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Ware D. 3 GE:Math Competency 16987 MATH 0098 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2 LEC FISHR00111 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Robbins A. 3 GE:Math Competency 17049 MATH 0098 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2 LEC FISHR00107 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Piccioli P. 3 GE:Math Competency 20120 MATH 0098 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2 LEC 20926 MATH 0098 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2 LEC 29315 MATH 0098 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 2 LEC 16820 MATH 0110 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS Instructor is Jane Yang Instructor is Chloe Qian LNSK Reserved for Sophomore TRiO SSS Reserved for Senior TRiO SSS Reserved for Junior TRiO SSS W MATH T R 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Binder R. Students planning to relocate to another Pitt campus should check with their advisor to verify the Math requirement. Students planning to relocate to another Pitt campus should check with their advisor to verify the Math requirement. Students planning to relocate to another Pitt campus should check with their advisor to verify the Math requirement. FISHR00207 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Morrison M. 3 GE:Math Competency FISHR00111 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Pedersen B. 3 GE:Math Competency FISHR00111 M W F 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Pedersen B. 3 GE:Math Competency LEC SWRTS00104 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Olson S. 3 GE:Math Competency 16821 MATH 0110 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Boser S. 3 GE:Math Competency 16822 MATH 0110 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS LEC FISHR0105D M W F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Ware D. 3 GE:Math Competency 16823 MATH 0132 PRECALCULUS LEC FISHR00207 M W F 12:45 PM-01:50 PM Buliga M. 4 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt 16997 MATH 0132 PRECALCULUS LEC SWRTS00161 M W F 08:00 AM-09:05 AM Buliga M. 4 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt 26117 MATH 0132 PRECALCULUS LEC FISHR0105D M W F 09:55 AM-11:00 AM Ware D. 4 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt 16824 MATH 0136 APPLIED CALCULUS LEC FISHR00207 M W F 08:45 AM-09:50 AM Kleiner H. 4 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt 16826 MATH 0140 CALCULUS 1 REC SWRTS00104 0 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt REC FISHR00110 REC FISHR0105A REC SFCTR00158 REC SWRTS00104 Students planning to relocate to another Pitt campus should check with their advisor to verify the Math requirement. Students planning to relocate to another Pitt campus should check with their advisor to verify the Math requirement. Students planning to relocate to another Pitt campus should check with their advisor to verify the Math requirement. 16827 MATH 0140 CALCULUS 1 16951 MATH 0140 CALCULUS 1 R 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Drignei M. T 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Drignei M. 0 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt R 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Drignei M. 0 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt T 01:00 PM-01:50 PM R 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Drignei M. 0 0 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY MATH 16951 MATH 0140 CALCULUS 1 REC SFCTR00158 T 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Drignei M. 0 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt 16825 MATH 0140 CALCULUS 1 LEC FISHR00107 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Drignei M. 4 GE:Comp Sci or Math Compt 16828 MATH 0150 CALCULUS 2 LEC SWRTS00161 M W F 10:55 AM-12:00 PM Buliga M. 4 16829 MATH 0201 CALCULUS 3 LEC FISHR00208 M W F 10:55 AM-12:00 PM Chen Y. 4 19982 MATH 0202 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION LEC SWRTS00110 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Drignei M. 3 29318 MATH 1318 INTRODUCTION TO ANALYSIS LEC FISHR0105D M W F 12:50 PM-01:55 PM Chen Y. 4 30464 MATH 1320 OPERATIONS RESEARCH LEC FISHR00207 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Buliga M. 3 16818 ME 0024 INTRO TO MECHANCL ENGRG DESGN LEC FISHR0106D T R 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Mattis R. 3 16819 ME 0024 INTRO TO MECHANCL ENGRG DESGN LAB FISHR00110 T 0 16942 MGMT 0110 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00237 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Mitchell D. 3 23935 MGMT 0110 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT LEC FISHR00111 3 19274 MGMT 1301 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR LEC SWRTS00104 M 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Gallagher B. 3 27085 MGMT 1304 BUSINESS LAW LEC SWRTS00108 W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Learn R. 3 29172 MGMT 1305 INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00107 T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Gallagher B. 3 GE:Global 20640 MGMT 1450 TOPICS IN MANAGEMENT LEC WEBTBA 29738 MGMT 1451 CAPSTONE: STRATEGIC MGMNT SEM ME 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Mattis R. MGMT BUSINESS ETHICS Web Course T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Mitchell D. - Gleason S. 3 SWRTS00209 T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Crawford J. 3 MILS 29007 MILS 0101 FOUNDATIONS OF OFFICERSHIP LEC SFCTR00159 T 02:30 PM-03:30 PM Marrone C. 1 GE:Physical Education 29008 MILS 0103 FOUNDATIONS OF OFFICERSHIP LAB CLB SFCTR00159 T 03:30 PM-05:00 PM Marrone C. 1 29009 MILS 0201 INDIVIDUAL LEADERSHIP STUDIES LEC SFCTR0165C T 02:30 PM-03:30 PM Marrone C. 1 29010 MILS 0203 INDIV LEADERSHIP STUDIES LAB CLB SFCTR0165C T 03:30 PM-05:00 PM Marrone C. 1 16904 MILS 1301 LEADERSHIP AND PROBLEM SOLVING LEC TBATBA T R 01:00 PM-02:30 PM Marrone C. 2 16905 MILS 1301 LEADERSHIP AND PROBLEM SOLVING LAB TBATBA R 02:30 PM-04:30 PM Marrone C. 2 16906 MILS 1401 OFFICERSHIP LEC TBATBA R 09:45 AM-11:45 AM Marrone C. 2 16907 MILS 1401 OFFICERSHIP LAB TBATBA R 02:30 PM-04:30 PM Marrone C. 2 17066 MIS 0103 COMPUTER APPLCS FOR MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00106 T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Kline W. 3 17067 MIS 0103 COMPUTER APPLCS FOR MANAGEMENT LEC SFCTR00158 3 17417 MIS 0103 COMPUTER APPLCS FOR MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00106 M W 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Lewicki D. 3 16991 MIS 0208 BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS LEC SFCTR00158 3 LEC SWRTS00162 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Taught by instructor from SBU Taught by instructors from SBU Taught by instructors from SBU Taught by instructors from SBU Class meets at SBU. Class meets at SBU. Class meets at SBU. Class meets at SBU. MIS W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Kline W. T R 11:00 AM-12:15 PM Lewicki D. MRKT 16834 MRKT 1301 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 3 CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY MRKT 16835 MRKT 1301 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING LEC SWRTS00207 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 3 29189 MRKT 1310 MARKETING THE NEW VENTURE LEC FISHR00207 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 3 29171 MRKT 1410 MARKETING RESEARCH LEC SWRTS00237 3 18094 MUSIC 0102 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC LEC BLAIS00138 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Groffman J. 29201 MUSIC 0109 GLOBAL MUSIC SURVEY LEC BLAIS00138 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Groffman J. 16964 MUSIC 0195 APPLIED MUSIC LEC TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Groffman J. 1 19987 MUSIC 0195 APPLIED MUSIC LEC TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Groffman J. 1 19988 MUSIC 0195 APPLIED MUSIC LEC TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Groffman J. 1 20189 MUSIC 0195 APPLIED MUSIC LEC TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Gabriel R. 1 24606 MUSIC 0214 VOCAL ARTS ENSEMBLE CLB BLAIS00138 M W 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Groffman J. 1 19846 MUSIC 0260 MUSIC IN FILM LEC BLAIS00138 M W 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Groffman J. 3 GE:Arts 16830 NUR 0100 TRANSITION NURSING FOR LPN'S LEC SWRTS00162 RF 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Dibble M. 2 29730 NUR 0106 SUCCEEDING IN NURSING EDUCATN LEC SWRTS00107 R 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Fiorentino L. 1 29731 NUR 0106 SUCCEEDING IN NURSING EDUCATN LEC FISHR0206A R 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Fiorentino L. 1 29732 NUR 0106 SUCCEEDING IN NURSING EDUCATN LEC FISHR0106D R 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Fiorentino L. 1 17002 NUR 0109 CLINICAL CALCULATIONS LEC FISHR00107 F 08:00 AM-08:50 AM Haley T. 1 16831 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LEC SWRTS00162 R 08:00 AM-11:00 AM Dinger M. 7 LEC SWRTS00162 R 08:00 AM-11:00 AM Dibble M. 7 LEC SWRTS00162 F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Dinger M. 7 LEC SWRTS00162 F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Dibble M. 7 LEC SWRTS00162 MT 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Haley T. 9 LEC SWRTS00162 MT 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Boser M. 9 LEC SWRTS00162 MT 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Truman J. 9 16954 NUR 1302 PROFESSIONAL NURSING CONCEPTS LEC SWRTS00257 04:00 PM-07:00 PM Perkins C. 3 16953 NUR 1401 INTRODCTN TO NURSING RESEARCH LEC SWRTS00237 16909 NUR 1402 HLTH PROMOTION/HLTH ASSESSMNT LEC SWRTS00246 M 04:00 PM-07:00 PM Haley T. 3 GE:Physical Education 17144 NUR 1404 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING LEC SFCTR00159 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Haley T. 4 GE:Global W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM MUSIC CLASSICAL GUITAR VOICE PIANO ORGAN 3 GE:Arts 3 GE:Arts-Global NUR Clinical rotations will be assigned to students 16832 NUR 0211 COMPREHENSIVE NURSING 2 Clinical rotations will be assigned to students Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. T R 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Fiorentino L. Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. Hybrid course.Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 33 hours. W 3 PEDC 24611 PEDC 0108 PHYSCL CONDG/WEIGHT TRAINING 1 CLB SFCTRTBA M W 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Brown S. 1 GE:Physical Education 24612 PEDC 0108 PHYSCL CONDG/WEIGHT TRAINING 1 CLB SFCTRTBA M W 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Brown S. 1 GE:Physical Education 24613 PEDC 0110 FITNESS SWIMMING CLB SFCTR00125 T R 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Sneeringer T. 1 GE:Physical Education CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY PEDC 24614 PEDC 0114 TENNIS CLB SFCTR00191 T 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Schenfield S. 24615 PEDC 0124 BASKETBALL CLB SFCTR00152 T R 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Moore B. 25291 PEDC 0126 VOLLEYBALL CLB SFCTR00191 M W 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Phillips C. 1 GE:Physical Education 24616 PEDC 0151 FLY FISHING CLB SFCTR00159 R 05:30 PM-07:30 PM Zandi C. 1 GE:Physical Education CLB SFCTR00159 R 05:30 PM-07:30 PM Skvarka S. 1 24617 PEDC 0152 LIVING WELL CLB SFCTR00126 F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Brown S. 1 GE:Physical Education 24618 PEDC 0152 LIVING WELL CLB SFCTR0165C 25686 PEDC 0176 CANOEING CLB TBATBA 24620 PEDC 0179 SELF DEFENSE CLB SFCTR00168 W 28143 PEDC 0250 SPECIAL TOPICS LEC SFCTR00168 T R 11:00 AM-12:00 PM 1 GE:Physical Education 29752 PEDC 0250 SPECIAL TOPICS LEC SFCTR00191 T 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Klinek M. 1 GE:Physical Education 29669 PEP 0250 ENRICHMENT SPECIAL TOPICS LEC BLAIS00138 M 10:00 AM-10:50 AM James O. 1 29670 PEP 0250 ENRICHMENT SPECIAL TOPICS LEC BLAIS00138 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Gaskew T. 1 16992 PET 0101 INTRO TO PETROLEUM INDUSTRY LEC SWRTS00237 M W 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Frantescu O. 3 GE:Physical Science 16995 PET 0102 ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY LEC FISHR0105A 3 17001 PET 0105 INTRO TO GIS AND TECHNOLOGY LEC SWRTS00106 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Frantescu O. 3 GE:Computational Sciences 18095 PET 0201 PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS CHEM LEC FISHR0105A T 01:00 PM-03:30 PM Soriano D. 3 29303 PET 0203 NATURAL GAS PROCESSING LEC SWRTS00111 W 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Kropf M. 3 29302 PET 0204 WELL LOG INTERPRETATION LEC FISHR0105A T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Frantescu O. 3 26144 PET 0206 DRILLING AND COMPLETION 2 LEC FISHR0105A M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM Frantescu O. 3 16944 PHIL 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY LEC BLAIS00138 29218 PHIL 0204 PHILOSOPHY AND PUBLIC ISSUES LEC SWRTS00108 M W 04:30 PM-05:45 PM Schummer D. 3 GE:Philosophical Inquiry 19858 PHIL 1445 ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS LEC SWRTS00237 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Schummer D. 3 GE:Philosophical Inquiry 16876 PHYS 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS 1 LEC FISHR00208 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Yousif H. 4 GE:Physical Science 16877 PHYS 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS 1 LAB FISHR0105D 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Yousif H. 0 GE:Physical Science 16878 PHYS 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS 1 LAB FISHR0105D R 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Yousif H. 0 GE:Physical Science 18275 PHYS 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS 1 LAB FISHR0105D R 01:00 PM-04:00 PM Yousif H. 0 GE:Physical Science 16879 PHYS 0201 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 1 LEC FISHR00208 M W F 12:45 PM-01:50 PM Yousif H. 4 GE:Physical Science 27423 PHYS 0202 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 2 LEC FISHR00207 T R 04:00 PM-05:45 PM Yousif H. 4 GE:Physical Science 24627 PHYS 0203 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 1 LAB CLB FISHR0105D T 1 GE:Physical Science T Canoe trip takes place Aug. 5-7. Additional fees will apply.Mandatory meeting Aug. 4th. TAI CHI Instructors are Chloe Qian and Jane Yang ARCHERY 1 GE:Physical Education 1 GE:Physical Education 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Phillips C. 1 GE:Physical Education 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Dillaman C. 1 GE:Physical Education 05:10 PM-06:10 PM Everetts S. 1 GE:Physical Education PEP ORDER AND CHAOS JUST MERCY Will also meet at FCI McKean W PET ITV to UPT. ITV to UPT Hybrid course. Exams 9/28, 11/7 & 12/7 T 04:30 PM-07:00 PM O'Brien T. PHIL T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Schummer D. 3 GE:Philosophical Inquiry PHYS T 01:00 PM-04:00 PM Yousif H. CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY PHYS 28105 PHYS 0203 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 1 LAB CLB FISHR0105D M 06:00 PM-09:00 PM Yousif H. 1 GE:Physical Science 18097 PR 0101 INTRODCTN TO PUBLIC RELATIONS LEC BLAIS00138 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Schlimm J. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29202 PR 1304 PROMOTIONAL WRITING LEC BLAIS00147 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Schlimm J. 3 29203 PR 1451 CAPSTONE: PUBLIC RELATIONS SEM BLAIS00109 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Ziaukas T. 3 PR PS 27165 PS 0102 AMERICAN POLITICAL PROCESS LEC SWRTS00209 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM 27243 PS 0110 INTRODUCTION TO INT'L AFFAIRS LEC FISHR00111 M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM de Vries-Jordan 3 GE:Political Science-Global 20707 PS 0205 LAW AND THE COURTS LEC SWRTS00162 M 29222 PS 0215 EUROPEAN POLIT & EU LEC SWRTS00110 M W 11:00 AM-12:15 PM de Vries-Jordan 3 GE:Political Science-Global 29221 PS 1319 POL PARTIES & INTEREST GROUPS LEC SWRTS00209 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 29727 PS 1354 LGBTQ POLITICS LEC SWRTS00237 M W 04:30 PM-05:45 PM de Vries-Jordan 3 GE:Political Science-Global 29223 PS 1451 CAPSTONE 2: POLITICAL SCIENCE LEC SWRTS00209 16850 PSY 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY LEC FISHR00111 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Leck K. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29291 PSY 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29410 PSY 0101 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00161 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16851 PSY 0201 STATISTICS LEC SWRTS00111 M W F 11:00 AM-12:05 PM Fass W. 4 GE:Computational Sciences 16945 PSY 0201 STATISTICS LAB SWRTS00238 W 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Fass W. 0 GE:Computational Sciences 16946 PSY 0201 STATISTICS LAB SWRTS00238 W 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Fass W. 0 GE:Computational Sciences 16947 PSY 0201 STATISTICS LAB SWRTS00238 M 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Fass W. 0 GE:Computational Sciences 19365 PSY 0201 STATISTICS LAB SWRTS00238 M 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Fass W. 0 GE:Computational Sciences 16852 PSY 0203 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00209 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Leck K. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16849 PSY 0206 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00162 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Page G. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 27167 PSY 0207 PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR IN PSY SEM SWRTS00105 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Page G. 3 27168 PSY 0265 DATA ANALYSIS & RESEARCH WRIT LEC SWRTS00238 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Fass W. 3 29224 PSY 1317 CHILD & ADOLSC PSYCHOPATHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00107 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Page G. 3 29225 PSY 1335 PSYCH OF PREJUDICE & DSCRMNTN LEC SWRTS00238 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Leck K. 3 29289 PSY 1447 TOPICS IN COGV-DEVLP PSY LEC SWRTS00101 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM 3 29290 PSY 1447 TOPICS IN COGV-DEVLP PSY LEC SWRTS00104 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM 3 16937 PSY 1452 CAPSTONE: PSYCHOLOGY SEM TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Page G. 3 16998 PSY 1452 CAPSTONE: PSYCHOLOGY SEM TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Fass W. 3 16999 PSY 1452 CAPSTONE: PSYCHOLOGY SEM TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Leck K. 3 HUMAN RIGHTS&SOCIAL JUSTICE T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Caminite M. 3 GE:Political Science 3 GE:Political Science 3 GE:Political Science 06:00 PM-08:30 PM de Vries-Jordan 3 PSY 13 seats reserved for PSY majors All seats reserved for PSY majors All seats reserved for Psy. majors All seats reserved for Psy. majors CHILD&YOUTH SOCIOEMOTIONAL DEV LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT Must have instructor's signed permission. Bring Enrollment Form to Enrollment Services to add. Must have instructor's signed permission. Bring Enrollment Form to Enrollment Services to add. Must have instructor's signed permission. Bring Enrollment Form to Enrollment Services to add. CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY RADSC 16833 RADSC 0111 BASIC HUMAN NEEDS LEC SWRTS00104 M W 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Haley T. 6 LEC SWRTS00104 M W 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Truman J. 6 LEC SWRTS00104 M W 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Boser M. 6 LEC SWRTS00104 M W 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Dinger M. 6 LEC SWRTS00104 M W 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Dibble M. 6 17309 RADSC 0111 BASIC HUMAN NEEDS LAB SWRTS00104 0 16955 RADSC 1451 CAPSTONE: RADTN SCI SEM TBATBA Class meets at BRMC F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Truman J. T R 03:00 PM-04:15 PM Burritt Capra J. 3 SOC 16843 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00111 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Klausner M. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16844 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Lawson H. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16948 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00207 T R 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Lawson H. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16960 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 M 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Klausner M. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 30124 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 06:00 PM-08:30 PM 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 23880 SOC 0201 SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER LEC SWRTS00161 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Lawson H. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29292 SOC 1301 THE FAMILY LEC SWRTS00108 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Eckstrom S. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16842 SOC 1302 SOCIALIZATION LEC SWRTS00209 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Klausner M. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16845 SOC 1310 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY LEC SWRTS00209 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Klausner M. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 19275 SOC 1311 SOCIAL WORK LEC SWRTS00162 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 17084 SOC 1451 CAPSTONE: SOCIOLOGY SEM W T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Wadlow D. SWRTS00101 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Lawson H. 3 SPAN 16895 SPAN 0101 ELEMENTARY SPANISH 1 LEC SWRTS00107 M W 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Evans-Corrales C 3 GE:Language/Global LEC SWRTS00106 LEC SWRTS00161 M W 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Evans-Corrales C 3 GE:Language/Global LEC SWRTS00106 16888 THEA 0102 THEATR PRACTCM: BASC STAGECRAF PRA BLAIS00164 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Ewert K. vr GE:Arts 16889 THEA 0103 THEATRE PRACTICUM: PERFORMANCE PRA BLAIS00164 M W F 02:00 PM-03:30 PM Ewert K. vr GE:Arts 29204 THEA 0210 MOVEMENT AND STAGE COMBAT LEC BLAIS00164 T R 10:00 AM-11:15 AM Ewert K. 3 GE:Physical Education SWRTS00101 W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Mccabe N. 3 GE:Arts 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Newman C. 3 GE:Arts 23936 SPAN 0201 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH 1 F 11:00 AM-11:50 AM Evans-Corrales C 3 GE:Language/Global F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM 3 THEA Instructor permission required. WRITNG 19848 WRITNG 0106 INTRODUCTION TO FICTN WRITING SEM 19847 WRITNG 0107 BEGINNING POETRY WRITING SEM 25271 WRITNG 0108 INTRO TO CREATIVE NONFICTION SEM 19849 WRITNG 0111 LITRY EDITING/MAGAZINE PROD 1 SEM 19850 WRITNG 0211 LITRY EDITING/MAGAZINE PROD 2 SEM SWRTS00107 M SWRTS00101 R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Maxson C. 3 GE:Arts SWRTS00101 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Mccabe N. 3 SWRTS00101 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Mccabe N. 3 CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY WRITNG 29695 WRITNG 0220 FEATURE WRITING SEM SWRTS00101 T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Greville E. 3 GE:Arts 27084 WRITNG 1302 ADVANCED FICTION WRITING SEM SWRTS00101 W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Mccabe N. 3 29167 WRITNG 1304 ADVANCED POETRY WRITING SEM 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Newman C. 3 19851 WRITNG 1311 LITRY EDITING/MAGAZINE PROD 3 SEM SWRTS00101 M SWRTS00101 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Mccabe N. 3 Online and Hybrid Courses CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY AFRCNA LEC WEBTBA 27083 AFRCNA 0215 MODERN AFRICAN-AMERICAN CINEMA 12:00 PM-12:00 PM Ewert K. 3 GE:Arts Web course BIOL 17085 BIOL 0112 HUMAN BIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00162 R 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Singh O. 3 GE:Life Science Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. CHEM 16970 CHEM 0187 DRUGS AND SOCIETY LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Soriano D. 3 GE:Physical Science LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Soriano D. 3 GE:Physical Science LEC SWRTS00236 Web course. 18168 CHEM 0187 DRUGS AND SOCIETY Web course. CIST 17699 CIST 0165 NETWORKING 1 W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Comes D. 3 Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. 23179 CIST 0165 NETWORKING 1 LEC SWRTS00236 M 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Comes D. 3 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Gajanan S. 3 GE:Economics Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. ECON 16939 ECON 0102 INTRODUCTION TO MICROECONOMICS LEC WEBTBA Web course. EDUC 25688 EDUC 1301 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Dynda T. 3 LEC WEBTBA 12:00 PM-12:00 PM Michel D. 3 GE:Literature LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Baldwin C. 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa LEC WEBTBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Rouff K. 3 LEC WEBTBA LEC SWRTS00257 Web course ENG 27078 ENG 0103 INTRODUCTION TO POETRY Web course GEOG 23941 GEOG 0101 WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY Web course. HPRED 16862 HPRED 1401 LEGAL LIABILITY IN SPORTS Web course. MGMT 20640 MGMT 1450 TOPICS IN MANAGEMENT - Gleason S. 3 04:00 PM-07:00 PM Perkins C. 3 04:00 PM-07:00 PM Haley T. 3 GE:Physical Education Web Course NUR 16954 NUR 1302 PROFESSIONAL NURSING CONCEPTS T Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. 16909 NUR 1402 HLTH PROMOTION/HLTH ASSESSMNT LEC SWRTS00246 M Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. 17144 NUR 1404 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING LEC SFCTR00159 W 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Haley T. 4 GE:Global W 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Kropf M. 3 Hybrid course.Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 33 hours. PET 29303 PET 0203 NATURAL GAS PROCESSING Hybrid course. Exams 9/28, 11/7 & 12/7 LEC SWRTS00111 Specific courses that reflect focuses on diverse groups, cultures, and social issues. CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY ADMJ 29205 ADMJ 1345 INTERNATIONAL AND GLOBAL CRIME LEC SWRTS00105 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Gaskew T. 3 29206 ADMJ 1370 VCTMLGY-CHLD ABUS/EXPLTD CHILD LEC FISHR00107 T 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Wilcox T. 3 12:00 PM-12:00 PM Ewert K. 3 GE:Arts AFRCNA LEC WEBTBA 27083 AFRCNA 0215 MODERN AFRICAN-AMERICAN CINEMA Web course ANTH 19269 ANTH 1305 RELIGION AND CULTURE LEC SWRTS00101 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Stuckart J. 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Piechnik D. 27076 CLP 0206 HISPANC LITERATURE (IN ENGLSH) LEC SWRTS00108 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Evans-Corrales 3 GE:Literature 27075 CLP 0230 MIDDLE EASTERN LITS & CULTURES LEC FISHR00207 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Ogundayo B. 3 23855 COMM 0120 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION LEC BLAIS00121 M 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa 25470 COMM 0215 BOLLYWOOD: POPULAR INDIAN CINE LEC BLAIS00138 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Gajanan R. 3 30227 COMM 0215 BOLLYWOOD: POPULAR INDIAN CINE LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Gajanan R. 3 LEC SWRTS00111 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Gajanan S. 3 GE:Economics 18100 EDUC 1325 DEVELP OF EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN LEC SWRTS00110 T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM 3 16874 EDUC 1330 EDUCATING EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN LEC SWRTS00110 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM 3 16940 EDUC 1350 EDUCATNAL PSYCH & MEASUREMENT LEC SWRTS00161 W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Brinda W. 3 27079 ENG 0219 AFRICAN-AMERICAN WRITERS LEC SWRTS00207 T R 09:30 AM-10:45 AM Ogundayo B. 3 GE:Literature 29164 ENG 1308 20TH-CENTURY AMERICAN LIT LEC BLAIS00121 LEC SWRTS00161 16943 HIST 0106 US HISTORY 1 LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 19857 HIST 0106 US HISTORY 1 LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 09:00 AM-09:50 AM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 29211 HIST 0203 RADICALISM IN THE US LEC SWRTS00207 M W F 02:00 PM-02:50 PM Frederick R. 3 GE:History 29213 HIST 1317 CONTEM US HISTORY 1941-PRESENT LEC SWRTS00207 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Frederick R. 3 GE:History LEC SWRTS00104 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Forney J. 3 BIOL 29295 BIOL 0108 PLNTS & PEOPL: INTRO ETHNOBTNY 3 GE:Life Sci-NonWest/Globa CLP COMM 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Salvo J. ECON 16839 ECON 0101 ECONOMICS IN THE MODERN WORLD EDUC ENG R 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Howell T. 3 GE:Literature GSWS 29700 GSWS 0101 INT GNDR, SEXTY, WOMEN'S STDS T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Eckstrom S. 3 HIST HMGT 20637 HMGT 0220 FOODSERVICE MANAGEMENT Specific courses that reflect focuses on diverse groups, cultures, and social issues. CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY HPRED 29469 HPRED 1440 EXRCS PRESCRP SPECIAL POPLTN LEC SFCTR00159 M W F 10:00 AM-10:50 AM 3 LEC FISHR00207 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa LEC BLAIS00121 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa 30134 INTS 0115 INTRO CHINESE CULTURE & LANG LEC FISHR00107 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa 24132 INTS 0120 INDIA AND ITS CULTURES LEC SWRTS00162 M W F 12:00 PM-12:50 PM Gajanan R. 3 GE:Cultures-NonWest/Globa 16942 MGMT 0110 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT LEC SWRTS00237 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Mitchell D. 3 23935 MGMT 0110 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT LEC FISHR00111 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Mitchell D. 3 27085 MGMT 1304 BUSINESS LAW LEC SWRTS00108 W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Learn R. 3 LEC SWRTS00162 INTS 24272 INTS 0115 INTRO CHINESE CULTURE & LANG Instructor is Jane Yang 29427 INTS 0115 INTRO CHINESE CULTURE & LANG Instructor is Chloe Qian MGMT NUR 16831 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING R 08:00 AM-11:00 AM Dibble M. 7 Dinger M. 7 F 09:00 AM-12:00 PM Dinger M. 7 Dibble M. 7 08:00 AM-11:30 AM Boser M. 0 Dibble M. 0 Dinger M. 0 Clinical rotations will be assigned to students Clinical rotations will be assigned to students Clinical rotations will be assigned to students Clinical rotations will be assigned to students 17283 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LAB TBATBA MT 23861 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING REC TBATBA 06:30 AM-02:30 PM Leslie A. 0 23862 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING REC TBATBA 06:30 AM-02:30 PM Boser M. 0 23863 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING REC TBATBA 06:30 AM-02:30 PM Dinger M. 0 23864 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING REC TBATBA 06:30 AM-02:30 PM Dinger M. 0 24405 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING REC TBATBA 06:30 AM-02:30 PM Dinger M. 0 28248 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LAB TBATBA 12:00 PM-03:45 PM Dibble M. 0 Boser M. 0 Dinger M. 0 W 08:00 AM-03:45 PM Boser M. 0 Dibble M. 0 Dinger M. 0 RF 12:15 PM-03:45 PM Boser M. 0 Dinger M. 0 Dibble M. 0 28249 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING 28250 NUR 0111 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LAB LAB TBATBA TBATBA MT Specific courses that reflect focuses on diverse groups, cultures, and social issues. CRN SUBJ/ NUM TITLE TYPE BLD/ROOM DAYS TIMES INSTRUCTOR CR GE CATEGORY NUR 16832 NUR 0211 COMPREHENSIVE NURSING 2 LEC SWRTS00162 MT 08:00 AM-12:00 PM Boser M. Clinical rotations will be assigned to students Clinical rotations will be assigned to students Clinical rotations will be assigned to students 9 Truman J. 9 Haley T. 9 23865 NUR 0211 COMPREHENSIVE NURSING 2 REC TBATBA 07:00 AM-03:00 PM Boser M. 0 23866 NUR 0211 COMPREHENSIVE NURSING 2 REC TBATBA 06:45 AM-02:45 PM Nuzzo J. 0 23867 NUR 0211 COMPREHENSIVE NURSING 2 REC TBATBA 06:45 AM-02:45 PM Perkins C. 0 25328 NUR 0211 COMPREHENSIVE NURSING 2 LAB TBATBA 12:00 AM-12:00 AM Dibble M. 0 LEC SWRTS00246 M 04:00 PM-07:00 PM Haley T. 3 GE:Physical Education PSY Clinical section for all 16909 NUR 1402 HLTH PROMOTION/HLTH ASSESSMNT Hybrid course. Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 24.75 hours. 17144 NUR 1404 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING LEC SFCTR00159 W 04:00 PM-06:30 PM Haley T. 4 GE:Global Hybrid course.Must provide 55% of instruction in a face-to-face modality.Approx. 33 hours. PHIL 29218 PHIL 0204 PHILOSOPHY AND PUBLIC ISSUES LEC SWRTS00108 M W 04:30 PM-05:45 PM Schummer D. 3 GE:Philosophical Inquiry 27165 PS 0102 AMERICAN POLITICAL PROCESS LEC SWRTS00209 27243 PS 0110 INTRODUCTION TO INT'L AFFAIRS LEC FISHR00111 29221 PS 1319 POL PARTIES & INTEREST GROUPS LEC SWRTS00209 29727 PS 1354 LGBTQ POLITICS LEC SWRTS00237 M W 04:30 PM-05:45 PM de Vries-Jordan 3 16852 PSY 0203 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00209 T R 01:00 PM-02:15 PM Leck K. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16849 PSY 0206 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY LEC SWRTS00162 M W 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Page G. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29225 PSY 1335 PSYCH OF PREJUDICE & DSCRMNTN LEC SWRTS00238 T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM Leck K. 3 16843 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00111 T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM Klausner M. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16844 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 M W F 01:00 PM-01:50 PM Lawson H. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16948 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00207 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 16960 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 M 30124 SOC 0101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY LEC SWRTS00105 23880 SOC 0201 SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER LEC SWRTS00161 M W F 03:00 PM-03:50 PM Lawson H. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 29292 SOC 1301 THE FAMILY LEC SWRTS00108 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences PS T R 02:30 PM-03:45 PM 3 GE:Political Science M W 03:00 PM-04:15 PM de Vries-Jordan 3 GE:Political Science T R 04:00 PM-05:15 PM 3 GE:Political Science PSY SOC T R 06:00 PM-07:15 PM Lawson H. 06:00 PM-08:30 PM Klausner M. W 06:00 PM-08:30 PM T R 08:00 AM-09:15 AM Eckstrom S. 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences 3 GE:Behavioral Sciences Fall Term 2016 Final Exam Schedule TIME CLASS BEGAN EXAM DATE EXAM TIME December 12, Monday NUR-0111, NUR-0211, RADSC 0111 [Swarts 0162] 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. All sections of MATH 0097 [Fisher 107] 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. MWF 11:00 a.m. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. MWF 3:00 p.m. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. M or MW 6:00 p.m. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________________ December 13, Tuesday TR TR 8:00 a.m. 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. TR 1:00 p.m. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. TR 4:00 p.m. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. T or TR 6:00 p.m. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________________ December 14, Wednesday MWF 9:00 a.m. 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. MW or MWF 1:00 p.m. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. MW or MWF 4:00 p.m. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. W 6:00 p.m. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. MW 7:30 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________________ December 15, Thursday TR 9:30 a.m. 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. TR 2:30 p.m. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. MWF R 6:00 p.m. 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. TR 7:30 p.m. _____________________________________________________________________________________ December 16, Friday MWF 8:00 a.m. 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. MWF 12:00 p.m. 10:00 - 12:00 p.m. MW or MWF 2:00 p.m. 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Final exams will be held in the regularly scheduled classroom unless otherwise noted. Please see your instructor to determine the day and time for your final if your course does not fit the grid above. Students having more than two exams on one day (excluding evening classes) may petition their instructors for assistance in rescheduling one exam at a time mutually agreeable to student and instructor. If it is not possible to reach an agreement with one of the instructors, students should contact the appropriate division chair. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENT SERVICE OFFICES ADMISSIONS First Floor, Hanley Library (814) 362-7555 or (800)872-1787 ACADEMIC ADVISING CENTER 218 Hanley Library (814) 362-7533 ACADEMIC COACHING & TUTORING CENTER 249 Hanley Library (814) 362-7674 DISABILITY RESOURCES & SERVICES 202 Hanley Library 362-7609 TRiO STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 231 Hanley Library 362-7548 MATH CENTER 251 Hanley Library 362-5120 WRITING CENTER 250 Hanley Library 814-362-0253 THE PANTHER SHOP First Floor, Frame-Westerberg Commons (814) 362-7540 Mon. thru Thurs. 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CONVENIENCE STORE Mon. thru Thurs. 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m./Sat. 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. FIRST WEEK OF THE TERM (PURCHASING BOOKS) Mon. thru Thurs. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m./Fri. 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ENROLLMENT SERVICES (Student Accounts, Registration, Student Records) The Hangar Building (814) 362-7602 FINANCIAL AID The Hangar Building (814) 362-7550 or (800) 872-1787 DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Seneca Building -2 Main St. (814) 362-5078 . STUDENT AFFAIRS Second Floor, Frame-Westerberg Commons Career Services, 220 F (814) 362-7657 Health Services & Counseling Services, 226F (814) 362-5272 Housing, 211F (814) 362-7630 Student Activities, 206F (814) 362-7654 Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs, 220F (814) 362-7650 STUDENT ID CENTER First Floor, Office of Dining Services, Frame-Westerberg Commons (814) 362-5054