Introduction to Geiger Counters A Geiger counter (Geiger

Introduction to Geiger Counters
A Geiger counter (Geiger-Muller tube) is a device used for the detection and
measurement of all types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Basically
it consists of a pair of electrodes surrounded by a gas. The electrodes have a high
voltage across them. The gas used is usually Helium or Argon. When radiation
enters the tube it can ionize the gas. The ions (and electrons) are attracted to the
electrodes and an electric current is produced. A scaler counts the current pulses,
and one obtains a ”count” whenever radiation ionizes the gas.
The apparatus consists of two parts, the tube and the (counter + power supply).
The Geiger-Mueller tube is usually cylindrical, with a wire down the center. The
(counter + power supply) have voltage controls and timer options. A high voltage is
established across the cylinder and the wire as shown in the figure.
When ionizing radiation such as an alpha, beta or gamma particle enters the tube,
it can ionize some of the gas molecules in the tube. From these ionized atoms, an
electron is knocked out of the atom, and the remaining atom is positively charged.
The high voltage in the tube produces an electric field inside the tube. The electrons
that were knocked out of the atom are attracted to the positive electrode, and the
positively charged ions are attracted to the negative electrode. This produces a pulse
of current in the wires connecting the electrodes, and this pulse is counted. After
the pulse is counted, the charged ions become neutralized, and the Geiger counter is
ready to record another pulse. In order for the Geiger counter tube to restore itself
quickly to its original state after radiation has entered, a gas is added to the tube.
For proper use of the Geiger counter, one must have the appropriate voltage across
the electrodes. If the voltage is too low, the electric field in the tube is too weak to
cause a current pulse. If the voltage is too high, the tube will undergo continuous
discharge, and the tube can be damaged. Usually the manufacture recommends the
correct voltage to use for the tube. Larger tubes require larger voltages to produce
the necessary electric fields inside the tube. In class we will do an experiment to
determine the proper operating voltage. First we will place a radioactive isotope in
from of the Geiger-Mueller tube. Then, we will slowly vary the voltage across the
tube and measure the counting rate. In the figure I have inclded a graph of what we
might expect to see when the voltage is increased across the tube.
For low voltages, no counts are recorded. This is because the electric field is too
weak for even one pulse to be recorded. As the voltage is increased, eventually one
obtains a counting rate. The voltage at which the G-M tube just begins to count
is called the starting potential. The counting rate quickly rises as the voltage is
increased. For our equipment, the rise is so fast, that the graph looks like a ”step”
potential. After the quick rise, the counting rate levels off. This range of voltages is
termed the ”plateau” region. Eventually, the voltage becomes too high and we have
continuous discharge. The threshold voltage is the voltage where the plateau region
begins. Proper operation is when the voltage is in the plateau region of the curve. For
best operation, the voltage should be selected fairly close to the threshold voltage,
and within the first 1/4 of the way into the plateau region. A rule we follow with
the G-M tubes in our lab is the following: for the larger tubes to set the operating
voltage about 75 Volts above the starting potential; for the smaller tubes to set the
operating voltage about 50 volts above the starting potential.
In the plateau region the graph of counting rate vs. voltage is in general not
completely flat. The plateau is not a perfect plateau. In fact, the slope of the curve
in the plateau region is a measure of the quality of the G-M tube. For a good G-M
tube, the plateau region should rise at a rate less than 10 percent per 100 volts. That
is, for a change of 100 volts, (∆counting rate)/(average counting rate) should be less
than 0.1. An excellent tube could have the plateau slope as low as 3 percent per 100
Efficiency of the Geiger-counter:
The efficiency of a detector is given by the ratio of the (number of particles of
radiation detected)/(number of particles of radiation emitted):
number of particles of radiation detected
number of particles of radiation emitted
This definition for the efficiency of a detector is also used for our other detectors.
In class we will measure the efficiency of our Geiger counter system and find that
it is quite small. The reason that the efficiency is small for a G-M tube is that a
gas is used to absorb the energy. A gas is not very dense, so most of the radiation
passes right through the tube. Unless alpha particles are very energetic, they will be
absorbed in the cylinder that encloses the gas and never even make it into the G-M
tube. If beta particles enter the tube they have the best chance to cause ionization.
Gamma particles themselves have a very small chance of ionizing the gas in the tube.
Gamma particles are detected when they scatter an electron in the metal cylinder
around the gas into the tube. So although the Geiger counter can detect all three
types of radiation, it is most efficient for beta particles and not very efficient for
gamma particles. Our scintillation detectors will prove to be much more efficient for
detecting specific radiation.
Some of the advantages of using a Geiger Counter are:
1. They are relatively inexpensive
2. They are durable and easily portable
3. They can detect all types of radiation
Some of the disadvantages of using a Geiger Counter are:
1. They cannot differentiate which type of radiation is being detected.
2. They cannot be used to determine the exact energy of the detected radiation
3. They have a very low efficiency
Resolving time (Dead time)
After a count has been recorded, it takes the G-M tube a certain amount of time
to reset itself to be ready to record the next count. The resolving time or ”dead
time”, T, of a detector is the time it takes for the detector to ”reset” itself. Since the
detector is ”not operating” while it is being reset, the measured activity is not the
true activity of the sample. If the counting rate is high, then the effect of dead time
is very important.
In our experiments in Phy432L, we will estimate the dead time by examining
the discharge pulse of the tube. If there is time, we can also examine the series of
times between successive Geiger Counter pulses. This is somewhat different than
the conventional methods used in other student labs which don’t have the capability
to examine the discharge or measure the time between successive pulses. Below, I
discuss the conventional method for both correcting for dead time and measuring it.
Correcting for the Resolving time:
We define the following variables:
T = the resolving time or dead time of the detector
tr = the real time that the detector is operating. This is the actual time that the
detector is on. It is our counting time. tr does not depend on the dead time of the
detector, but on how long we actually record counts.
tl = the live time that the detector is operating. This is the time that the detector is
able to record counts. tl depends on the dead time of the detector.
C = the total number of counts that we record.
n = the measured counting rate, n = C/tr
N = the true counting rate, N = C/tl
Note that the ratio n/N is equal to:
This means that the fraction of the counts that we record is the ratio of the ”live
time” to the ”real time”. This ratio is the fraction of the time that the detector is
able to record counts. The key relationship we need is between the real time, live
time, and dead time. To a good approximation, the live time is equal to the real time
minus C times the dead time T :
tl = tr − CT
This is true since CT is the total time that the detector is unable to record counts
during the counting time tr . We can solve for N in terms of n and T by combining
the two equations above. First divide the second equation by tr :
= 1 − nT
From the first equation, we see that the left side is equal to n/N :
= 1 − nT
Solving for N, we obtain the equation:
1 − nT
This is the equation we need to determine the true counting rate from the measured
one. Notice that N is always larger than n. Also note that the product nT is the
key parameter in determining by how much the true counting rate increases from the
measured counting rate. For small values of the nT, the product nT (unitless) is the
fractional increase that N is of n. For values of nT < 0.01 dead time is not important,
and are less than a 1% effect. Dead time changes the measured value for the counting
rate by 5% when nT = 0.05. The product nT is small when either the counting rate
n is small, or the deat time T is small.
Measuring the Resolving Time
We can get an estimate of the resolving time of our detector by performing the
following measurements, called the ”two source” method for estimating detector dead
time. First we determine the counting rate with one source alone, call this counting
rate n1 . Then we add a second source next to the first one and determine the counting
rate with both sources together. Call this counting rate n12 . Finally, we take away
source 1 and measure the counting rate with source 2 alone. We call this counting
rate n2 .
You might think that the measured counting times n12 should equal n1 plus n2 .
If there were no dead time this would be true. However, with dead time, n12 is less
than the sum of n1 + n2 . This is because with both sources present the detector is
”dead” more often than when the sources are being counted alone. The true counting
times do add up:
N12 = N1 + N2
since these are the counting rates corrected for dead time. Substituting the expressions for the measured counting times into the above equation gives:
1 − n12 T
1 − n1 T
1 − n2 T
An approximate solution to these equations is given by
n1 + n2 − n12
2n1 n2
You can imagine the difficulties in obtaining a precise value for T using the ”two
source” method. One needs to be very careful that the positions of source 1 and 2
with respect to the detector alone is the same as the positions of these sources when
they are measured together. Also, since n12 is not much smaller than n1 + n2 , one
needs to measure all three quantities very accurately.
For this one needs many counts,
since the relative statistical error equals 1/ Ntot , where Ntot is the total number of
counts. For sufficient accuracy one needs to use an active source for a long time. The
values that we usually obtain in our experiments range from 100 to 500µsec. The
dead time of the G-M tube is also available from the manufacturer, and are between
100 and 300µsec. As the G-M tube ages, the dead time can increase. Although dead
time will not play a big role in our experiments, one always needs to consider it and
make the appropriate corrections.
T ≈