Discharge Planning From Day One South King Care Transitions Conference Des Moines, Washington June 5, 2014 • Qualis Health is one of the nation’s leading healthcare consulting organizations, partnering with our clients across the country to improve care for millions of Americans every day • Serving as the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for Idaho and Washington • QIOs: the largest federal network dedicated to improving health quality at the community level 2 Healthcare organizations have come to recognize that making decisions regarding next levels of care and giving discharge instructions to patients in the last few hours before their discharge is not effective… 3 Today’s Objectives In this session we will hear how two healthcare systems took this concern to heart and recognized the need to start discharge planning as soon as patients are admitted. Participants will gain insight into their journeys to improve this situation and explore ways in which these techniques might be incorporated into their settings. 4 Delayed Discharge Planning • Does not allow the next care providers to obtain information or be adequately prepared to receive the patient • Patients and caregivers are not ready for their transitions • Lengthy, detailed instructions as patients are heading out the door often are missed or confused 5 Influencing Factors • Shorter hospital lengths of stay • Rapid work-up of patients with multiple tests and procedures • Multiple providers interacting with patients • Patients being discharged “sicker” than in the past • Components of the discharge more complex 6 Health Literacy The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions 7 Factors Limiting Health Literacy • • • • • • Challenged by sickness Feelings of vulnerability Too much medical jargon Too many pieces of information Very stressful situation Too much happening at once 8 Sound like the last hour before a patient is discharged? 9 Community Panel Stephanie Mudd RN MSM CCM Manager Care Management TG/AH/MBCH Tacoma General Hospital MultiCare Health System Tacoma, WA Kim Barwell, RN MN ACM System Manager Care Management Franciscan Health System Tacoma, WA 10 Stephanie Mudd RN MSM CCM Manager Care Management TG/AH/MBCH Tacoma General Hospital MultiCare Health System 11 Achieving Smooth Patient Flow: Discharge by Noon June 5, 2014 Methodology & Strategies • Lean • Multidisciplinary Team • Daily Huddle and Rounds Our Multi-disciplinary Team MIS Physician Care Managers Nursing Pharmacist Therapy Dietary Chaplain Social Work Service Quality Culture/ People Cost Throughput Target 1st 26 Weeks of 2014 ACTUAL DISCHARGES ______________ DATE:___________________ Room MRN EDD MD CM RN DC ORDER TIME WHERE/HOW ACTUAL DC TIME REASONS FOR DISCHARGE DELAY *Reason for late or delayed written DC order (after 1000) *Reason for pt leaving after 1200 if order written before 1000 Check the following that are true. Points Age 80 or older 1 No funding source 1 More than 4 Chronic Conditions 1 Active Behavioral / psychiatric health issue 1 Six or more prescribed medications 1 Two or more hospitalizations within the past 6 months 1 Readmitted within 30 days 1 Inadequate support system 1 Low health literacy Documented history of non adherence to the therapeutic regimen 1 Require assistance with ADL's 1 Substance / ETOH abuse 1 CM / MSW / Physician determination 6 1 Take the sum of the points and enter the total Score Low 0 to 2 Medium 2 to 4 High 5 to 6 Intensive above 6 Care Management Strategies for Risk of Readmissions Intensive Risk High Risk 1. Care Conference 1. Care Conference Recommended 2. Evaluate SNF vs HH 2. Evaluate SNF vs HH 3. Referrals 3. Referrals to consider Palliative Palliative MSW MSW Pharmacy Med Rec Community Referrals Community Referrals HF Clinic, RCCP, COPD Focus, Pulmonary Clinic etc 4. Follow up appoitment with PCP Goal: Appointment within 2 days HF Clinic, RCCP, COPD Focus, Pulmonary Clinic etc 4. Follow up appointment made with PCP Goal: Appointment within 2 to 4 days 5. CM Discharge Summary Completed 5. CM Discharge Summary Completed Medium Risk Low Risk 1. SNF vs HH 1. SNF vs HH 2. Community Referrals 2. Community Referrals HF Clinic, RCCP, COPD Focus, Pulmonary Clinic etc 3. Follow up appointment made by patient unless cognitivaly impaired Goal : Appointment within 5-7 day 4. CM Discharge Summary suggested HF Clinic, RCCP, COPD Focus, Pulmonary Clinic etc 3. PCP appointment made by patient Goal: Appointment within 7 - 10 days 4. CM No Discharge Summary Required What are the key take away messages? • It is all about the patient • Safety • Discharge planning begins at admission • Open & frequent communication • Collaboration between disciplines Average Patient Discharge Time by TG Unit: 6R 6R draft Target 6R Trend 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 6R 5R 1:00 PM 12:00 PM target: 12:00p Mar-14 Feb-14 Jan-14 Dec-13 Nov-13 Oct-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Jul-13 Jun-13 May-13 Apr-13 Mar-13 Feb-13 Jan-13 11:00 AM better performance Source: QlikView-Inpatient Performance A great Hockey player skates to where the puck is going to be. Wayne Gretzky Thank you! References • Abraham, J., & Reddy, M.C. (2010). Challenges to interdepartmental coordination of patient transfers: A workflow perspective. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 79(2), 112-122. • Optimizing patient flow: Moving patients smoothly through acute care settings. IHI Innovation series white paper, 2003. • Martinson, J. (2014). Improving care transitions: The Pierce County pilot project. WSMA Foundation for Health Care Improvement. • Young, Terry, McCLean. (2009). Some challenges facing LEAN THINKING in healthcare. International Journal for Quality in Healthcare, 21(5), 309-310. • An Evidence-Based Review and Training Resource on Smooth Patient Flow. (2012). University of Tasmania. Kim Barwell, RN MN ACM System Manager Care Management Franciscan Health System 28 Discussion and Questions 29 Next Steps • Discussion regarding what is currently taking place in your organization to begin discharging planning earlier in the care process • Consider changes that might be made to encourage earlier planning • Contact others to obtain information on “best practices” 30 Thanks Again to our Panel Stephanie Mudd RN MSM CCM Manager, Care Management TG/AH/MBCH Tacoma General Hospital MultiCare Health System Tacoma, WA Kim Barwell, RN MN ACM System Manager, Care Management Franciscan Health System Tacoma, WA 31 Questions? Carol Higgins, OTR (Ret.), CPHQ Qualis Health carolh@qualishealth.org 206-288-2454 For more information: www.QualisHealthMedicare.org/Transitions This material was prepared by Qualis Health, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Idaho and Washington, under a contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. WA-C8-QH-1417-06-14 32