Laser Diodes Datasheet 660nm / 780nm Dual Wavelength Lasers Part No. Wavelength λp (nm) Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25° C) Electrical and optical characteristics (Tc=25° C) Po (mW) Topr PO VR Iop η Vop Im ɵ⊥ ɵ// I TH Max. (mW) (V) (° C) (mA) (mA)(W/A) (V) (mA)(deg)(deg) 658 7 2 75 20 27 0.72 2.3 0.13 27 8 5 782 7 2 75 18 27 0.55 1.8 0.16 32 9 5 663 7 2 85 18 24 0.7 2.3 0.25 28 10 5 785 7 2 85 15 20 0.7 1.8 0.25 32 10 5 658 7 2 80 13 18 0.9 2.2 0.15 27 8.5 5 782 7 2 80 12 17 0.85 1.8 0.17 32 10 5 658 6 2 70 35 45 0.75 2.3 0.13 37 9 5 790 7 2 70 30 45 0.5 1.9 0.26 39 11 5 Package Equivalent circuit RLD2WMFV2 RoHS Yes High radiation 4PIN frame PD RLD2WMNL2 (For Car) φ5.6mm (4PIN) (4) 780nmLD (2) 660nmLD (1) (3) RLD2WMFL3 (Operation guarantee at 80℃) Yes Yes High radiation 4PIN frame RLD2WMFR1 (Self pulsation) Yes High radiation 4PIN frame Notes : 1.Unless otherwise specified, the electrical and optical characteristics are typical values. 2.Above characteristics are typical specs. Please contact us for the custom characteristics. Multi-beam Lasers Part No. RLD2BPNK4 Absolute maximum ratings Electrical and optical characteristics Wavelength (Tc=25° C) (Tc=25° C) Number Pitch Po λp Topr PO VR Vop Im ɵ⊥ ɵ// (mW) Iop η ITH of beams (μm) Max. (nm) (V) (mA) (deg) (deg) (mW)(V) (° (mA) (mA) (W/A) C) 2 90 792 6 2 60 10 30 0.3 1.8 3 29 9.5 Package Equivalent circuit 6 RoHS Yes φ 5.6mm(4PIN ②) RLD2BPNK5 2 28 787 10 2 60 12 23 0.55 1.8 0.9 27.5 9 PD 6 φ 5.6mm(4PIN ②) (3) LD2 LD1 RLD2BPNK2 2 28 787 15 2 60 12 29 0.55 1.8 1.5 27.5 9 (4) Yes (2) (1) 10 Yes φ 5.6mm(4PIN ②) ☆RLD2BPND1 2 30 660 15 2 60 13 23 0.6 2.2 0.5 20 10 6 Yes φ 5.6mm(4PIN ②) ☆RLD4BPMP1 4 28 792 10 2 60 10 30 0.3 1.8 0.5 27 9 6 PD φ 5.6mm(6PIN) ☆RLD4BPMP2 4 28 792 15 2 60 14 25 0.55 1.7 1.3 27 9 6 (3) (6) (5) (4) (2) (1) Yes LD3 LD4 LD1 LD2 Yes φ 5.6mm(6PIN) ☆ : Under development Notes : 1.Unless otherwise specified, the electrical and optical characteristics are typical values. 2.Above characteristics are typical specs. Please contact us for the custom characteristics. c 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 1/3 2013.01 - Rev.B Laser Diodes Datasheet 660nm Lasers Part No. Wavelength λp (nm) Electrical and optical characteristics (Tc=25° C) Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25° C) Po (mW) Package Equivalent circuit RoHS Topr PO VR Iop η Vop Im ɵ⊥ ɵ// ITH Max. (mW) (V) (° C) (mA) (mA) (W/A) (V) (mA) (deg) (deg) RLD65MZT7 655 7 2 70 20 30 0.7 2.3 0.24 27 8 5 Yes φ 5.6mm RLD65MFX1 (Higher ESD) 660 7 2 80 15 21 0.85 2.3 0.15 27 9 PD (3) 5 LD (2) (1) Yes High radiation 4PIN fram RLD65MQX1 (Higher ESD) 660 10 2 70 15 21 0.85 2.3 0.15 27 9 5 Yes φ 3.5mm RLD65PZX2 (Higher ESD) 655 7 2 70 25 33 0.6 2.3 0.2 28 8.5 5 PD φ 5.6mm RLD65PZX3 (Higher ESD) 655 12 2 70 25 42 0.6 2.3 0.2 28 8.5 (3) LD Yes (2) (1) 10 Yes φ 5.6mm PD RLD65NZX2 (Higher ESD) 655 7 2 70 25 33 0.6 2.3 0.2 28 8.5 (3) 5 LD (2) Yes φ 5.6mm (1) Package Equivalent circuit Note: Unless otherwise specified, the electrical and optical characteristics are typical values. 780nm Lasers Part No. Wavelength λp (nm) Electrical and optical characteristics (Tc=25° C) Absolute maximum ratings (Tc=25° C) Po (mW) PD RLD78NZM5 793 10 2 60 11 20 0.55 1.8 1.15 28 9 6 (3) 790 4.5 2 70 25 35 0.35 1.9 0.15 37 11 3 PD φ 5.6mm (Compatible frame) RLD78MZM7 792 20 2 60 11 33 0.65 1.8 0.5 24 8.5 (3) (2) Yes LD φ 5.6mm RLD78MRA6 RoHS Topr PO VR Iop η Vop Im ɵ⊥ ɵ// ITH Max. (mW) (V) (° C) (mA) (mA) (W/A) (V) (mA) (deg) (deg) LD (1) Yes (2) (1) 15 Yes φ 5.6mm PD RLD78MFA7 790 4.5 2 85 25 35 0.35 1.9 0.15 37 11 3 (3) High radiation 4PIN frame LD (4) (2) Yes (1) Note: Unless otherwise specified, the electrical and optical characteristics are typical values. c 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2/3 2013.03 - Rev.B Laser Diodes Datasheet Packaging Specifications ■Dimensions (Unit : mm) φ5.6mm (4PIN②) 90° φ1.0min. φ1.0min. φ3.6 0.4 φ3.6 φ4.4 1.0 φ3.6 φ4.4 0.4 1.0 1.0 φ4.4 0.4 φ3.6 0.4 φ5.6mm 4PIN(Open package) 90° φ1.0min. φ1.0min. 90° Laser Chip Laser Chip 5.6 φ1.6 φ1min Cover glass φ5.6 Cover glass Laser Chip 5.6 φ1.6 φ1min Cover glass φ4.4max φ5.6mm (4PIN) 90° 1.0 φ5.6mm φ5.6 2.3 2.3 0.5min 1.2 1.2 3-0.55max 1 6.5 6.5 φ2 φ3.5 φ2.3 φ2.85 φ0.5 min. 1.2max 4-0.35 1.14 φ2.4±0.2 6 1.1 2 5 3 2 5 3-φ0.3 (2) (4) (3) (1) 6-φ0.3 4 0.25 (Emitting point:Y) 4-0.45max (3) (1) 1.6 1.6 3.4 3-0.4 (2) 1.0 1.4 1.35±0.1 Laser Chip 1.75 3.8 Optical distance Cover glass 5 0.5 6.5 -0.5 Optical distance 1.35±0.08 (1.27) 0.5 min. 1.2±0.1 0.7 0.7 Optical distance 2.4 1.6 1.5 3.2 0.4 0.6 (Emitting point:Z) 2.3±0.5 Cover glass 5.2 4.1max 3.7max 3.05 5.0 3.3 0.6 0.75 0.5 0.4 0.0 5.6 -0.025 φ1.6 φ1min. 2-R0.5min 0.22 0.82 1.5 0.62 0.4 φ5.6 (4) φ3.5mm High radiation 4PIN frame 2.7 φ1.0min. φ3.6 0.1 1.0 -0.1 4.9 2 1 (3) (1) 2-R0.5min φ4.4max. 0.1 0.4 -0.1 (4) (1) φ5.6mm (Compatible frame) 90° ±2° (2) (3) φ2 φ2 (2) (4) (1) φ5.6mm (6PIN) 4-φ0.45 φ2 (2) (3) (1) ± 1.18 0.1 Optical distance* Sub-mount 1.35±0.1 (2) (3) Optical distance 4-φ0.45 3.4 Optical distance* Sub-mount 1.18±0.1 1.2max φ1.2max 0.5max. 4-φ0.45 6.5 0.5max. 3-φ0.45 φ1.2max 0.5max 2.3 1.2 2.3 ± 0.5min 6.5 1.2 Optical distance 1.35 0.1 Laser Chip 3 1 1 30° 30° * : Please note that differences may exist depending on the part number. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the customer verify the actual specifications before usage. ■Safety VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE SEMICONDUCTOR LASER The light emitted from laser diodes, can cause retinal damage if viewed directly. Never look directly into the laser beam or through any lenses or fibers when the system is operating. For optical axis alignment or other operations, we recommend the use of an infrared-sensitive camera (ITV) or wearing protective goggles. AVOID EXPOSURE-lnvisible Laser radiation is emitted from this aperture INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION-AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM MAXIMUM OUTPUT WAVELENGTH CLASS ROHM Laser Diode This product complies with 21 CFR Part 1040.10 and 1040.11 mW nm b LASER PRODUCT 21 Saiin Mizosaki-cho. Ukyo-ku Kyoto 615-8585, Japan. The products described in this specification are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices (such as audio-visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communication device, electrical appliances, and electronic toys). If you intend to use these products or devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and malfunction of which would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments. transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance. c 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 3/3 2013.03 - Rev.B Notice Notes 1) The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2) Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifications : 3) Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semiconductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors. Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM. 4) Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein are provided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production. 5) The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information. 6) The Products are intended for use in general electronic equipment (i.e. AV/OA devices, communication, consumer systems, gaming/entertainment sets) as well as the applications indicated in this document. 7) The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant. 8) For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplified below), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems. 9) Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters. 10) ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance with the recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein. 11) ROHM has used reasonable care to ensur the accuracy of the information contained in this document. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information. 12) Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations, such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations. 13) When providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries, you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. 14) This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent of ROHM. Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us. ROHM Customer Support System © 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. R1102A