Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Principles of virtual work A. Hlod CASA Center for Analysis, Scientific Computing and Applications Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 21-June-2006 /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Outline 1 Introduction 2 Work and energy Work and potential energy of the internal forces Work and potential energy of the applied loading Virtual work 3 Principle of virtual work 4 Principle of complementarity virtual work 5 Conclusions /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Formulation of principle of virtual work Sum of works of the internal and external forces done by virtual displacements is zero −δWi − δWe = 0. Virtual displacements are infinitesimal change in the position coordinates of a system such that the constraints remain satisfied. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Example standard way To find a relation between W and P we need to solve the system of 8 equations P = F11 F 22 = F21 F32 = F31 F42 = F41 F11 = F41 F42 = F22 F = F31 21 F31 + F41 + F32 + F42 = W and get W = 4P. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Example principle of virtual work From the principle of virtual work, −δWi −δWe = W δz−PδV = 0. Geometrically admissible virtual displacements δV and δz are related according to δV = 4δz. Thus, W = 4P. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Work & energy. Elastic extension of a bar Z N̄ = −N = − σx dA = −σx A A /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Work & energy. Elastic extension of a bar Internal work done in a differential element dx is −σx dx Adx = −σx dx dV with the strain dx = d(du/dx) and the volume element dV = Adx. The total work of the bar is Z L Z x Wi = − σx dx Adx. 0 0 Using the Hooke’s law σx = Ex we obtain Z Wi = − L Z A 0 0 x 1 Ex dx dx = − 2 Z 0 L AE2x dx. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Work of the internal forces in 3D Consider a parallelepiped (dxdydz). Then the work during the strain increment dx , dy ,...,dγyz would be (σx dx + σy dy + ... + τyz dγyz )dxdydz. The stress tensor σij and the strain tensor ij are σx τxy σij = τxz τxy σy τyz x γxy /2 γxz /2 τxz y γyz /2 . τyz , ij = γxy /2 γxz /2 γyz /2 z σz /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Work of the internal forces in 3D Then the work for the whole body of volume V becomes Z Z Wi = − V Z (σx dx + σy dy + ... + τyz dγyz )dxdydz = Z Z σij dij dV = − σ T ddV , (0,0,...,0) Z ij = − V (x ,y ,...,γyz ) 0 V 0 where σ = [σx , σy , σz , τxy , τxz , τyz ]T and = [x , y , z , γxy , γxz , γyz ]T . /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Using the Hooke’s law σij = Eijkl kl we arrive at Z Z 1 1 Wi = − Eijkl ij kl dV = − T EdV = 2 V 2 V Z Z 1 1 σij ij dV = − σ T dV . = − 2 V 2 V Next we introduce the strain energy density as U0 () = 1 T E = G 211 + 222 + 233 + 2 ν 1 2 2 2 (11 + 22 + 33 )2 + (γ12 + γ13 + γ23 ) 1 − 2ν 2 which is a positive definite function. The total strain energy is Z Ui = −Wi = U0 ()dV . V /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Complementarity strain energy density Complementarity strain energy density is U0∗ = σij ij − U0 (). In case of Hooke’s law 1 1 1 U0∗ (σ) = σ T − σ T = σ T E−1 σ = (σ11 + σ22 + σ33 )2 + 2 2 2E 2 2 2 (σ12 + σ13 + σ23 − σ11 σ22 − σ22 σ33 − σ22 σ33 ) With a linear material law U0 = 1 1 T E = σ T E−1 σ = U0∗ 2 2 /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work The complementarity strain energy is Z Z 1 ∗ ∗ Ui = U0 (σ)dV = σ T E−1 σdV . 2 V V The complementarity work of the internal forces is given by Z Z σij Z Z σ Wi∗ = − ij dσij dV = − dσdV . V V /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Extension of a bar The external work performed until the final configuration uF is reached Z u F We = N̄du. 0 If the displacement is proportional to the load u = k N̄ we have Z uF We = Z N̄du = 0 0 uF 1 uF2 1 u du = = N¯F uF . k 2 k 2 /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work External work The external work done by the prescribed forces p̄i , p̄Vi is Z ui Z We = ui Z Z p̄i dui dS + Sp 0 V 0 p̄Vi dui dV . For linear material 1 We = 2 Z 1 p̄i ui dS + 2 Sp Z V p̄Vi ui dV . /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Complementarity external work The complementarity external work is Z Z pi We∗ = ūi dpi dS Su 0 For linear material We∗ 1 = 2 Z pi ūi dS. Su /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Energy for loading Energy of external forces Z Z ui Z Z Ue = − p̄i dui dS − Sp 0 V ui 0 p̄Vi dui dV . Complementarity energy of external forces Z Z ui ∗ Ue = − pi ūi dS. Su 0 /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Internal&external virtual work The internal virtual work is given by Z σij δij dV , δWi = − V and the external virtual work is Z Z δWe = p̄i δui dS + p̄Vi δui dV , Sp V where δui are the virtual displacements. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Internal&external complementarity virtual work The internal complementarity virtual work is given by Z δWi∗ = − ij δσij dV , V and the external virtual work is Z ∗ δWe = ūi δpi dS. Su /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of virtual work (1) The principle of virtual work can be derived form the equations of equilibrium and vice versa. The condition of equilibrium for a solid body under the prescribed body forces is σij,j + p̄Vi = 0 in V . The force boundary conditions are given on the part of the surface Sp pi = p̄i on Sp where pi = σij aj . On the other part of the boundary Su (S = Su ∪ Sp ) displacements are prescribed. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications (1) (2) Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of virtual work (2) Next we multiply (1) and (2) by the virtual displacement δui and integrate the first relation over V and the second one over Sp . Z Z − (σij,j + p̄Vi )δui dV + (pi − p̄i )δui dS = 0. (3) V Sp The virtual displacements are kinematically admissible if the displacements ûi = ui + δui satisfy the geometric boundary conditions (ui = ûi on Su ), δui = 0 on Su . /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of virtual work (3) We use the Gauss integral theorem to receive Z Z Z σij,j δui dV = pi δui dS − σij δui,j dV . V S From the definition of Sp we have Z Z Z pi δui dS = pi δui dS − Sp S pi δui dS. V Sp pi δui dS = 0, (6) Su where δij = 1/2δ(ui,j + uj,i ). (5) Su We substitute (4) and (5) into (3) Z Z Z Z σij δij dV − p̄Vi δui dV − p̄i δui dS − V (4) V /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of virtual work (4) Because the variations are kinematically admissible δui = 0 on Su which gives us Z Z Z σij δij dV − p̄Vi δui dV − p̄i δui dS = 0 (7) V V Sp or in terms of internal and external virtual work −δWi − δWe = 0. (8) (7) or (8) are called the principle of virtual work. This principle is also known as the principle of virtual displacements. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of complementarity virtual work (1) We start from the local kinematic conditions ij = 1 (ui,j + uj,i ) in V 2 (9) and ui = ūi on Su . (10) Multiply (9) by a virtual stress field δσij and integrate over the volume. Multiply (10) by the virtual force δpi and integrate over the surface Su . The sum of two gives Z Z (ij − ui,j )δσij dV − (ūi − ui )δpi dS = 0. (11) V Su /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of complementarity virtual work (2) Here we introduced the concept of statically admissible stresses σˆij = σij + δσij which satisfy the equilibrium equations in V and static boundary conditions on Sp . Then, it follows that δσij,j = 0 in V , (12) δpi = 0 on Sp . (13) Using the Gauss integral theorem, (12), (13) and δpj = ai δσij we get Z Z ui δpi dS = Su ui,j δσij dV . V /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Principle of complementarity virtual work (3) By combining (11) and (8) we receive Z Z ij δσij dV − ūi δpi dS = 0, V Su or in terms of external and internal complementary virtual work −δWi∗ − δWe∗ = 0. (7) or (8) are called the principle of complementary virtual work. This is also known as the principle of virtual stresses and as the principle of virtual forces. /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Introduction Work and energy Principle of virtual work Principle of complementarity virtual work Conclusions Work and potential energy of the internal forces Work and potential energy of the applied loading Principle of virtual work Principle of complementary virtual work /centre for analysis, scientific computing and applications Conclusions