RAD - Quadel Consulting

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Project‐Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)
Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
2:00 – 3:30 PM ET
Sponsored by: Quadel Consulting & Training
Presented by:
Mr. Tracy S. Newman
Senior Program Manager
Quadel Consulting & Training, LLC
Tracy Newman, Bio
Mr. Newman is a Senior Program Manager for Quadel’s Performance Based Contract Administration (PBCA) division. He has over thirty years of experience in the affordable housing industry and has been with Quadel for over 15 years. In his current role he assists with all PBCA contractual related matters for the states of North Carolina and Indiana performance‐based consulting contracts (PBCA) in partnership with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency and Indiana Housing Community Development Authority that provide PBCA administrative services to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. These contracts provide compliance and administrative oversight for more than 900 project‐based affordable housing properties located throughout the states of North Carolina and Indiana. www.quadel.com
Tracy Newman, Bio
In addition to his current role, Mr. Newman assumed the responsibilities of the Quality Management Representative for Quadel’s PBCA Division in 2015 where he oversees Quadel’s Quality Management System (QMS) and helps direct all quality related activities related to Quadel’s ISO 9001:2008 compliance and registration. He also works closely with and collaborates on a variety of other affordable housing projects in Quadel’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Division, Quadel’s Disaster Recovery Services (DRS) Division, Quadel’s Training Division and Quadel’s Business Development Team.
Brief History What is HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)?
Brief History What is HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)?
RAD is a demonstration program developed by HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Preservation or OAHP – Now Called Office of Recapitalization (RECAP)
Brief History What is HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)?
RAD is a demonstration program developed by HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Preservation or OAHP. Now Called Office of Recapitalization (RECAP)
Designed to help PHAs and certain private Owners address the current backlog of repairs needed to the Public Housing and Affordable Housing Inventory www.quadel.com
Brief History What is HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD)?
RAD is a demonstration program developed by HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Preservation or OAHP. Now Called Office of Recapitalization (RECAP)
Designed to help PHAs and certain private Owners address the current backlog of repairs needed to the Public Housing and Affordable Housing Inventory RAD Facilitates Public/Private Investment in maintaining sustainable affordable housing
Five Things To Know About RAD Public Housing Conversions
1. RAD aids in the preservation of HUD assisted housing programs
2. The impact on the resident is minimal
3. RAD forces PHA’s to compete in the housing market
4. RAD maintains the PHA public stewardship
5. RAD is a method to obtain outside capital
Before RAD
After RAD
Properties are typically not funded at
100% in Public Housing. Section 9 platform has
become unreliable due to recent federal prorations and funding cuts.
Properties are converted from Section 9 and
placed on a more stable Section 8 rental
assistance funding program, which by law must be
renewed at expiration.
In Public Housing, PHAs cannot easily secure
private debt and/or equity capital to perform the
needed repairs or improvements.
PHAs of Pubic Housing units and Owners of
assisted housing projects can more easily borrow
money and perform the necessary rehabilitation
or repair work.
The Section 9 funding level fails to keep up with
the pace of deteriorating living conditions of
Public Housing units.
The living conditions of residents in PH are
improved due to secure Section 8 funding
platform and rent calculation methodologies
Residents cannot choose to move from the
Public Housing program without losing their
housing assistance, unless they are eligible to
receive some other form of voucher assistance.
Residents may receive a tenant-based voucher,
or similar assistance, and may choose to move
after 1 year in PBV and 2 years in PBRA without
losing their rental assistance. (Choice Mobility)
Sample Public Housing Conversion
Per Unit Monthly (PUM)
Operating Fund
Housing Assistance
Capital Fund $144
Tenant Payment
Tenant Payment
Overview of RAD Conversion Process
PHA Determines RAD Eligibility and Feasibility
PHA Enters PIC Removal Request
(30 days from CHAP issued award)
HUD Issues RAD Conversion Commitment (RCC)
PHA Submits Excel‐
Based RAD Application to HUD HQ
HUD HQ Reviews RAD Application and Requests Field Office Input on Eligibility
Commitment to Enter Into Housing Assistance Payments Contract (CHAP)
Monthly Check‐In Calls with HUD
Readiness Check; HUD Transaction Manager (TM) Assigned
PHA Submits Financial Plan to HUD for Review
(6 months)
Closing/Project Converts
HUD Multifamily Housing Asset Management and Subsidy Administration www.quadel.com
2 Components to RAD
Component 1 Transactions:
Currently Limited to PHAs converting PH Units
Highly Competitive Application Process
Cap on Number of Units Authorized to Convert
PBRA and PBV Options Available
Component 2 Transactions:
Private Owners of HUD Legacy Program Type Properties
No Competitive Application Process
No Cap on Number of Units Being Converted
PBRA and PBV Options Available
Unique Distinctions for RAD PBRA Conversion – Contract Related Items
• Initial Contract Terms
• Cap on Number of Assisted Units
• Rent Caps • Method of Adjusting Contract Rents • Utility Allowances
Initial Contract Terms
• The initial RA PBRA HAP Contract term is for 20 years.
• RAD Use Agreements require that the project be offered a renewal contract at time of expiration and also require that PHAs and Owners accept the renewal contract
Cap on Number of Assisted Units
• Cap is currently limited to 185,000 units being converted under Component 1
• There is no cap on the number of units within a project being converted to PBRA. • Only 50% of the units in a PBV project can be assisted, with exceptions for elderly, disabled, and family units receiving supportive services, or for units in single‐family buildings
Rent Caps
PBRA Rent Levels:
• 120% of the Fair Market Rent (FMR) OR
• Up to lessor of 150% of Fair Market Rent (FMR) or Market Rents if less than “Comparable Market Rents”
Generally “Comparable Market Rents” are determined by a Rent Comparability Study (RCS) completed by a State Certified and licensed appraiser in accordance with Chapter 9 of the HUD Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide, however this is not a requirement of the actual RAD application. www.quadel.com
Method of Adjusting Contract Rents
• Operating Cost Adjustment Factors(OCAF) are published in the Federal Register annually by HUD, for each state each year, and are usually effective in February of each year. • OCAFs apply for both PBRA and PBV. • Projects converted under RAD are not currently eligible to participate in HUD’s AUTO OCAF program.
• RAD rents will be inflated beginning in 2014 using HUD’s Operating Cost Adjustment Factors or OCAF’s.
Method of Adjusting Contract Rents
• PHAs and Owners request an OCAF rent increase at annual anniversary date of the HAP contract.
• OCAF Factors are applied only to the project’s Operating Costs as arrived at by subtracting any project debt service or mortgage. • Changes to contract rent are an amendment to the HAP Contract and are documented using HUD Form 92458 – Low Rent Schedule and Exhibit A to the HAP Contract.
Method of Adjusting Contract Rents
• At least 120 days prior to the HAP contract anniversary date the PHA or Owner submits the OCAF Rent Adjustment Worksheet, (HUD 9625), to their HUD Project Manager/Contract Administrator (PM/CA). • Allows time for HUD PM/CA processing, funding authorization and approval
• The HUD PM will validate the data on the HUD Form 9625 and process the OCAF Rent Adjustment.
• Once completed, the HUD PM or CA will provide the new authorized rents to the PHA or Owner with an effective date of the contract anniversary.
Method of Adjusting Contract Rents
• Upon receipt of HUD approval, the PHA or Owner will complete a gross rent (GR) change adjustment in their TRACS compliant computer software effective on the HAP contract anniversary date and transmit the GR change to TRACS. • Annual OCAF rent adjustments, after initial RAD rent determination, cannot result in rents lower than those initial rents
• Unless the decrease in rent to owner is required based on changes in the allocation of responsibility for utilities between the owner and the tenant.
Utility Allowances
• Do not complete a U/A analysis prior to RAD conversion
• PHAs and Owners of properties converting under RAD that currently receive a utility allowance will continue to use their PIH‐approved utility allowance for the first contract year after RAD conversion.
• Currently, data modeling used by PIH and certifications made by PHAs and owners are not considered acceptable methodologies when determining utility allowances under HUD’s Multifamily Housing Program
• Existing Multifamily Housing policies, which can be obtained from the property’s local HUD office, must be followed to adjust the property’s utility allowance at the first contract anniversary date after the RAD conversion
Utility Allowances
• Be aware of the notification requirements located at 24 CFR 245.405(a) and 245.410
• Leave sufficient time to satisfy these requirements when beginning a utility allowance analysis
• Failure to submit a utility allowance analysis with a rent adjustment submission may result in the submission being delayed or withheld until a utility allowance analysis is provided to HUD • Once the required documents are received, HUD may retroactively implement the rent adjustment
Utility Conversions
• Subject to HUD approval, owners of properties converting under RAD can convert utilities from owner paid to tenant paid
• If conversion to tenant paid utilities is occurring at the RAD conversion date then multifamily contract rents are determined by decreasing the PIH rents by the approved utility allowance
Utility Conversions
• If conversion to tenant paid utilities occurs after the RAD conversion date, the utility conversion must be effective at the property’s contract anniversary date
• Chapter 12, Section 5 of HUD Handbook 4350.01 describes the procedural requirements for these conversion requests
Unique Distinctions for RAD PBRA Conversion – Occupancy Related Items
• Project Waiting List
• Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
• Lease Requirements
• House Rules
• Tenant Selection Plan
• Grievance Procedures
• Pets
• Resident Rights and Participation
Waiting List
• For PBRA conversions, the PHA or Owner may use a project‐
specific or community‐based waiting list.
• The PHA or Owner retains control over the leasing of the RAD project, such as exclusively maintaining and administering the waiting list, including performing applicant eligibility determinations complying with the PHA Plan;
• Creation of waiting list to be using existing PIH Rules and may involve using a lottery system
• After Conversion, the waiting list MUST conform to HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV‐1, Change 4. www.quadel.com
Waiting List • Post Conversion waiting list must include:
• Date and Time Applicant submitted an application
• Name of head of household
• Estimated Annual Income Level (ELI, VLI LI) categories
• Identification of need for an accessible unit
• Preference Status (if applicable)
• Unit Size
Waiting List • PHAs and Owners should periodically analyze their waiting list and conduct applicant updates to ensure the list is current and up to date with qualified applicants.
• Waiting list formats can include a manual hard copy waiting list or an electronic waiting list
Sample post Conversion Waiting List www.quadel.com
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
• PHAs and Owners converting under RAD must develop the AFHMP (Form HUD 935.2A) and submit to HUD for review and approval
• The AFHMP is a requirement of the Financing Plan submission and must be approved by HUD prior to closing. • The approved AFHMP must be attached to the RAD PBRA HAP Contract as Exhibit 3 to both the RAD PBRA HAP Contract for conversions from Public Housing and the RAD PBRA HAP Contract for conversions from Moderate Rehabilitation for Private Owners
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
• Current version of Form HUD 935.2A expires 12/31/2016 so be sure to use the current version of the form!
• PHAs and Owners must describe the demographics of the project population and surrounding Housing Market Area
• Describe any residency preferences being offered
• Include an evaluation of marketing activities, staff training and tenant selection policies and procedures
• Provide list of community outreach contacts and organizations
• Include description of all media sources used for advertising www.quadel.com
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan
• Once approved, the AFHMP is good for 5 years, unless demographics or advertising media changes
• Approved AFHMP MUST be displayed in any rental office or PHA/Owner office where leasing activities are being conducted
• Retain copies of all advertising media, “cut sheets” or newspaper articles and store in an advertising folder – HUD staff may ask to review all advertising attempts during a future compliance audit or MOR. www.quadel.com
Leases & Attachments
•Must use the HUD approved model lease
•HUD 90105‐A Model Lease for Subsidized Programs
• Changes to the lease are not allowed without prior HUD approval
• Either through correction to model lease or via lease attachment/lease addendum
Required Lease Attachments
HUD‐50059, 50059‐A signed by tenant & owner
Unit Move‐in inspection signed by tenant & owner
VAWA Lease Addendum House Rules
If applicable:
Lead‐based paint disclosure form Pet rules
Owner’s live‐in aide addendum
Owner’s Police or Security Personnel addendum
Lease Modification
• Any modifications to lease from HUD HQ must be incorporated as an addendum
• Changes need due to HUD Notices or revisions to Handbook 4350.3 • Proper notice to residents is required
• At least 60 days notice to residents before end of their lease term
Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA)
• VAWA originated back in 2005
• Reauthorized under VAWA 2013
• HUD’s Proposed Final Rule for VAWA 2015
• VAWA lease addendum is a required attachment to the HUD Model lease www.quadel.com
House Rules
• Must adhere to the resident rights and participation requirements identified in Section 1.7 of PIH 2012‐32 (HA), REV‐
2 and Attachment 3 of the RAD PBRA Guide
• Resident rights and participation House Rules are required
• Owner may adopt additional rules
• Given to HUD as part of Financing Plan
• Must be reasonable in nature
• Not be too restrictive so as to infringe upon tenants’ civil rights
House Rules
• Attachment to the lease
• Do not replace the lease in any way
• Must be related to safety, care, and cleanliness of building or safety and comfort of residents
• Common areas covered:
Guest rules
Noise levels
Lobby rules
Trash removal
Tenant Selection Plans
• Must develop written policies and procedures on how applicants will be selected from waitlist
• Project Eligibility requirements
• Income limits
• Procedures for accepting applications
• Occupancy standards
• Unit Transfers
• Policies to comply with Section 504, Fair Housing Act, Civil Rights
• Policy for Opening and Closing the project’s waiting list
• Eligibility of Students
• Policies for Complying with VAWA www.quadel.com
Tenant Selection Plan
• Required TSP elements are listed in the Figure 4‐2 of the HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV‐1, Change 4
• 9 Required topics • 11 Recommended topics
• Must be made available for review and inspection by applicants and tenants
Tenant Selection Plan
•Similar to an ACOP but covers eligibility and admission, not occupancy
•HUD does not approve a project’s TSP
• Unless the PHA or Owner adopts a local or residency preference
• Modifications to the TSP may be required if the plan fails to comply with all HUD requirements
• TSPs are reviewed by HUD/PBCA reviewers during a Management and Occupancy Review (MOR)
• Annual TSP updates are not required
• Recommend PHAs and Owners review their TSPs at least annually to ensure compliance
• Must include procedures on how the plan will be updated if necessary
Tenant Selection Plan
• PHAs and Owners need a TSP in place prior to closing
• Some PH policies may transfer to TSP
• Staff need training
• Don’t wait for an MOR to find out staff isn’t doing it right
• TSP is not as comprehensive as an ACOP
• PH regulations give PHAs a lot more discretion than the 4350.3 www.quadel.com
Resident Rights and Participation
• No Rescreening of Tenants Upon Conversion
• Resident’s Right to Return
• Phase in of Tenant Rent Increases • Resident Rights and Responsibilities Brochure
Grievance Procedures
• Residents provided with notice of the specific grounds of the proposed adverse action, as well as their right to an informal hearing
• Residents have an opportunity for an informal hearing with an impartial member of the PHA or Owner’s staff within a reasonable period of time; • Residents have opportunity to be represented by another person of their choice, to ask questions of witnesses, have others make statements at the hearing, and examine any regulations and any evidence relied upon by the PHA or Owner as the basis for adverse action.
• Provide the resident with a written decision within a reasonable period of time stating the grounds for the adverse action and the evidence the Project Owner relied on as the basis for the adverse action. www.quadel.com
• Existing pets MUST BE grandfathered into to project at RAD conversion
• Can restrict households that were not in occupancy at time of RAD conversion
• If accepting pets, PHAs and Owners must develop Pet Rules
• Assistance animals are not considered pets are do not fall under same pet rules but can develop reasonable policies and procedures for assistance animals www.quadel.com
Choice Mobility
Applies to all RAD conversions unless project has received an exemption • Exemptions are granted based on first‐come, first‐served basis • PBRA – first available voucher after two years; however, PHA may also limit Choice‐Mobility to not more than 15% turnover in any year and not more than 33% of voucher turnover in any year • Assistance always remains with the project. • Mobility voucher comes from agency’s voucher turnover. www.quadel.com
Use of HUD Multifamily Housing Online Systems • HUD utilizes several online systems to track and monitor properties with PBRA HAP contracts. • PHAs and Owners are required to conform with system requirements and guidelines in all existing and subsequent HUD policies and guidance. Questions relating to HUD Multifamily Housing Online Systems should be addressed to the Multifamily Housing Helpdesk at 1‐800‐767‐7588 or via email at RealEstateMGMT@hud.gov
Obtaining a WASS ID from REAC TAC •
WASS ID is first step in gaining access to HUD’s Multifamily Online Secure Systems •
PHAs and Owners must obtain a Web Access Secure System (WASS) ID to gain access to HUD’s Multifamily Housing Online Systems such as EIV and TRACS
For further guidance and information on applying for a WASS ID, contact the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) Technical Assistance Center (TAC) team at 1‐888‐245‐4860 or REAC_TAC@hud.gov.
Previous Participation Certification /
Active Partners Performance System (APPS)
• PHAs and Owners of HUD Multifamily Housing MUST obtain HUD’s approval by submitting Form HUD‐2530. • Completed form is submitted to HUD Transaction Manager
• HUD approval required prior to execution of HAP Contract
• Future changes in ownership entities/individuals also require approval and submission of new Form HUD‐2540
• APPS Industry User Guide: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/ho
Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System • EIV for Multifamily is different than for PIH
• Must remove PIH EIV access effective on the execution date of the HAP contract
• Contact EIV Coordinator
• Must obtain access to the system within 90 days from the date the HAP contract is signed
• Must provide each tenant household with the EIV & You brochure at the time of move‐in or annual recertification • HUD Direct Distribution Center at http://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/dds/index.cfm, or by telephone at (800) 767‐7468.
EIV System Use & Security
• Must develop EIV policies and procedures to describe: • Who has access to EIV
• How EIV data is secured
• When each report is reviewed
• How staff use data in EIV reports
• Refer to HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV‐1, Change 4 and HUD Notice H 2013‐06 for additional details
EIV Penalties
• No access/not using EIV in its entirety:
• Compliance Review or MOR finding, if discovered during or outside the scope of an MOR
• 5% decrease in voucher for month following date violation found and each subsequent month until violation is cured
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) • PHAs and Owners process tenant certifications, tenant re‐
certifications, and subsidy billings using automated software that conforms to HUD specifications. • PHAs and Owners use their site software to prepare the form HUD‐50059 and 50059‐A for all tenants in the period between executing the RAD Conversion Commitment (RCC) and the HAP Contract effective date. • Must begin submitting the form HUD‐50059 and 50059‐A to TRACS beginning on the HAP Contract effective date
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) • Deadline for transmission of monthly HAP vouchers and all related electronic TRACS files supporting the monthly voucher is the 10th day of the month directly preceding the voucher payment month. • For the remainder of the first Calendar Year in which a HAP contract becomes effective, a RAD PBRA converted project will be funded through the public housing accounts at the level of public housing subsidy available to that project in that year.
• Initial Year Funding – Processing Instructions
• Initial Year Funding Tool. http://www.radresource.net/sources/public/Initial%20Year%20Funding_
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) • Funding for remaining calendar year after RAD closing comes from PIH.
• PHA or Owner will still need to voucher through TRACS with an Owner Agent Request (OARQ) Miscellaneous Accounting Request adjusting the total voucher amount to $0.00. • PHA/Owner sends the completed paper HAP voucher via fax or email to the HUD Multifamily Account Executive/Project Manager.
• HUD Multifamily Account Executive/Project Manager conducts a cursory review of the HAP voucher to ensure it is zeroed out. • HUD Multifamily Account Executive/Project Manager returns the reviewed HAP voucher to the PHA/Owner via fax or email with an accompanying memo indicating approval or needed changes. • PHA/Owner transmits the voucher in TRACS using the TRACS compliant software. www.quadel.com
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS) • TRACS use will require access and completion of Security Awareness online training • Additional information regarding TRACS is available at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/ho
Post RAD Conversion Monitoring Annual Financial Statement (AFS) Requirements • PHA and Owner entities will be required to submit financial information electronically to HUD on an annual basis in the form and substance prescribed by HUD through the internet to the Financial Assessment Subsystem
• FASS automates the submission of annual financial data for properties with HUD subsidies, grants, and/or FHA‐insured mortgages
• Multifamily Housing Industry User Guide (http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=chp01‐
Post RAD Conversion Monitoring Annual Financial Statement (AFS) Requirements • Where a PHA is the owner of multifamily project(s), PHAs are required to submit consolidated financial statements to PIH‐
REAC via FASS‐PHA. • PHA must submit separate unaudited information for each multifamily project via FASSMF. • This only applies in instances where the PHA owns the multifamily project(s) and the multifamily project(s) have the same tax identification number as the PHA.
Post RAD Conversion Monitoring Management and Occupancy Reviews
• Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs) to be conducted within 6 months of HAP contract effective date
• MORs use HUD Form 9834 • For additional guidance on what the MOR process entails, please see HUD Handbook 4350.1, Chapter 6 Project Monitoring and Servicing Manual
Post RAD Conversion Monitoring REAC Physical Inspections
• Projects must be maintained in decent, safe, sanitary condition, and in good repair • Projects converting under RAD PBRA are subject to REAC Physical Inspection protocol rather than HQS standards. • If rehabilitation is occurring at the project and the project has FHA insurance, the first inspection will not occur until the rehabilitation is complete. • If rehabilitation is being done and the project does not have FHA financing, the PHA or Owner can submit a formal written request to the local Multifamily Regional Center/Program Center to postpone the initial inspection until rehabilitation is complete.
• After the initial inspection, the schedule of subsequent physical inspections will be determined by 24 CFR Part 200 Subpart P. www.quadel.com
Post RAD Conversion Monitoring • For more information on how to prepare for a REAC inspection, see “Preparing for REAC Inspections” at: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=DOC_1
Final Discussion Items: Join HUD’s Multifamily listserv: Multifamily Housing RHIIP (Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Program) Tips at HUD.gov for important email notifications and updates on newly published HUD Multifamily forms and policy updates!
Final Discussion Items: Download and make available the following HUD Handbooks:
HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV‐1, Change 4
HUD Handbook 4350.01 HUD Multifamily Project Servicing Manual
HUD Section 8 Renewal Policy Guidebook
Management Agent Handbook 4381.5
RAD PBRA Quick Reference Guide
Additional Helpful Resources:
RAD Notices, RAD application materials, and additional
resources can be found at:
Email RAD questions to HUD at:
rad@hud.gov for RAD Component 1 Transactions
rad2@hud.gov for RAD Component 2 Transactions
Upcoming Quadel Training Opportunities
Assisted Housing Manager (AHM)
August 2‐4 ‐ Indianapolis, IN
August 9‐11 ‐ Silver Spring, MA
August 10‐12 ‐ Denver, CO
August 16‐18 ‐ Pittsburgh, PA
Low‐Income Housing Tax Credit Compliance (TaCCs) Quadel.com/taccs
August 2‐4 ‐ Pittsburgh, PA
August 16‐18 ‐ New York, NY
August 30 ‐ September 1 ‐ Tampa, FL
(NAHRO Member Discount)
Mobility Overview Webinar
October 12‐13 – Indianapolis, IN
September 21
Find Us on Social Media
Tracy Newman
Tel: (202) 809‐3178
Thank You!
Quadel Consulting & Training LLC
1200 G Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: (202) 789‐2500