17 normal faults occur parallel to the river within the project area

normal faults occur parallel to the river within the project area. This is evidenced
by normal faulted blocks parallel to the river. Recent movement on these faults
is not evident as the faults are well healed and often have late white bull quartz
veining along the fault structure.
Faults, bedding and fractures in the CHPP area are in the following
stereonets (Figure 13-18).
Figure 13 Equal area plot of S0S1 poles.
Equal area plot of S0S1 poles, girdle is light line.
Figure 14 Equal area plot of S0S1 planes.
Equal area plot of S0S1 planes. Mean is dark line and girdle is light line.
Figure 15 Equal area plot of fault poles.
Equal area plot of fault poles.
Figure 16 Equal area plot of fault planes.
Equal area plot for fault planes.
calculated girdle.
Dark line indicates planes and light line is
Figure 17 Equal area plot of fracture poles.
Equal area plot of fracture poles.
Figure 18 Equal area plot of fracture planes.
Equal area plot for fracture planes. Dark line is mean planes and light line is
calculated girdle.
Summary and Recommendations
Geological mapping within the CCHP area showed three separate units of
the Omineca belt rocks. The majority of the site, and where much of the
proposed future work is intended, is comprised of a basement Proterozoic or
possibly Paleozoic medium grained, competent paragneiss containing
segregations of quartz-feldspar interlayered with biotite and chlorite. This
paragneiss displays metamorphic deformation parallel to bedding, striking northeast to north-west with gentle dips less than 25 degrees. An Early to Mid
Jurassic, Nelson suite or Rossland Group diorite intrudes the paragneiss on the
properties east end. It comprises approximately 25% of the CCHP map area.
The diorite contains quartz-feldspar-magnetite with accessory amphibole. In one
zone near the highway, altered diorite was found to contain up to 1% fine,
euhedral pyrite. Other than recent faulting, the diorite is massive, has subvertical contacts and is lacking in general structural deformation. An Early to Mid
Jurassic, Nelson suite or Rossland Group granite occurs as a minor constituent
on the site, mainly as small dykes and fault/fracture fills. The granite is comprised
of quartz and k-spar with traces of calcite and fine cubic pyrite (1%).
A large normal fault occurs along the map area on the Kettle River (Fault
A), with smaller, related normal faults parallel the river. The faults are generally
well healed with late stage, intrusive related, quartz veining. Overall, rocks in the
CCHP area are competent and well healed with ubiquitous late stage bull, quartz
veining or granitic dyking. Most of the faulting and fracturing on the site was
similarly healed, with no evidence of recent strong deformation or movement.
The authors recommend a thorough professional investigation of the
potential for metal leaching and acid rock drainage from the diorite on the east
end of the site area (Poling, 2005). These rocks contain up to 1% pyrite and in
some locations have moderate to strong hematization.
It is also recommended that the old waterway tunnel and excavated channel
be closed and filled to address public safety concerns. Closure of the tunnel
would be in accordance with Securing of Openings Section 10.6.5. in the Health,
Safety and Reclamation Codes for Mines in British Columbia. This tunnel was
not previously used for mining, however, the Health, Safety and Reclamation
Codes for Mines in British Columbia is a an appropriate standard to follow.
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