The Gang Gang Gazette - North Ainslie Primary School

The Gang Gang Gazette
Week 3, Term 3 (05 August 2016)
Principal: Tania Collis
Deputy Principals: Rikkie Klootwijk and Daniel Breen
Executive Teachers: Deborah Lowrey and Kate Stear
P & C President: Nicola Gibson
Board Parent Representatives: Emma McMahon, Allison Foster, Naomi Lee
Upcoming Events
School Satisfaction Survey
Northside Zone Athletics
1/2 Incursion’ Then and Now’
Senior Assembly Hosted by 3/4B & 3/4E
Preschool Photos (Group 1)
School Photos(except IEC)
Preschool (Group 2) and IEC Photos
Year 5 Combined Band at Campbell Primary School
Junior Assembly Hosted by 1/2A & 1/2SP
Trivia Night (Senior Hall)
Notes Home
 School Photo note
 Northside Athletics Carnival
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 9 August, 6.00pm
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 9 August, 7.30pm
Fiesta meeting Tuesday 16
August, 7.30pm
(See also P & C News)
Tuesday August 9th – Monday August 29th
Thursday 11th August
Friday 12th August (1:40pm – 3pm)
Friday 12th August, 12 noon
Tuesday 16th August
Wednesday 17th August
Thursday 18th August
Friday 19th August (9:15am-12:50pm)
Friday 19th August, 12 noon
Friday 19th August, 6:30pm
Dear Families and Friends,
Welcome to the Gang Gang Gazette
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition to name the
newsletter. We had a wonderful variety of ideas which reflected
our school. The finalists included:
 North Ainslie News – Ayesha W
 Awesome Acorn News – Nicky L
 Bulletin Brilliant (with a French pronounciation) – 1/2B
 The Communiqué – Annabel L
The students and staff voted, finally settling on the entry from
Joseph L, ‘The Gang Gang Gazette’. Joseph’s entry recognises the
cockatoo on our school emblem and provides us with a great
catchy name. Our lovely French teacher, Madame Hamilton also
pointed out the original meaning of "gang" in Middle English
was 'a set of things or people which go together'. This certainly
echoes our school and the attributes and attitudes of the PYP.
At North Ainslie we strive to be
5 August 2016
Units of Inquiry
Over the last couple of weeks, we have all been starting our Unit of Inquiry on the transdisciplinary
theme of ‘Where we are in place and time’. The focus has been different for each of our year level but
the key concepts and ideas overlap. Our 1/2 students shared some photos from their provocation at
assembly today. They started the unit dressed up and learning about school 100 years ago. We saw
pictures of old games, old clothes, and students trying writing with a quill. What a fun and informative
way to start their unit. Our older students have been focusing on Australian History and sharing photos
and clips from the past. They too have been learning important concepts from the provocation and
lessons planned by their teachers. Later in the gazette you will see some great photos and sharing from
the 1/2s. 5/6 have also shared some writing from their “Big Write”.
Student Led Conference Week
Student led conferences will take place in week 7 (29 August – 2 September). Please keep an eye out for
notes from your child’s teacher letting you know when their conferences will be held. We all love to
share our learning through these conferences and they are an important part of working together on
your child’s learning journey.
Carbon Challenge
I am very excited that we are part of this year’s Carbon Challenge. Our packs have started arriving and
will be given out on Monday to those who registered before 5pm on August 3. If you registered after
that time, you will be receiving an email from ACTSMART. Here is a message from Kim who visited us
last week.
It’s week one of the challenge and a great time to start the Feeling Seedy Challenge! Use the pot and
seeds provided to complete this challenge. Keep it watered and you’ll be well on the way to having some
tasty herbs for a delicious recipe. Heater Savvy and Peg It Out challenges run for the entire month. How
many days can you keep your heater between 18-20 degrees and avoid your dryer? You can also keep
track by using the stickers provided on the poster. For your school to win the Grand Prize, it’s all about
getting the most emission savings! Complete as many additional challenges as you can. Scroll through
and have a look – there are probably a few that you can easily do. Don’t forget! Individual prizes are
available for submitting a story/video on the challenge! Visit for terms and
conditions. You can still register to join the challenge but unfortunately you will not receive a kit as
stocks have run out due to the large number of entrants this year. Don’t forget to share a picture of your
#HerbGarden on the Actsmart-Canberra Facebook page!
P and C
Make sure you read the P and C news. We would love to have you join us for the upcoming Trivia Night
and you are always welcome at meetings. The next one is on 9th August followed by a planning
meeting for the Fiesta the week after.
Tania Collis
At North Ainslie we strive to be
5 August 2016
Year 1/2 Provocation ‘In the Past’ Tuesday 26 July
Today we did a rotation on things in the olden days. We did toys with Mrs
Amato and then we did clothing with Fiona. The one I liked the most was
the old-fashioned classroom with Miss Bush where I wrote with a quill pen.
Bella 1/2A
Today we did lots of exciting things. First our class played with toys. Then
we went to Fiona’s class and looked at clothing. My favourite was Miss
Bush. She showed us how to behave in an old fashioned classroom and
told us the rules. Then we went to Miss Green. She taught us how to play
elastics. In Mrs Mears class she told us about the transport they had in
the olden days. Tamara 1/2A
Transportation by Mithas
Marbles by Jay
Labelled diagram by Isla
At North Ainslie we strive to be
5 August 2016
5/6 News
5/6 DJ participates in the Big Write. Within the Big Write students focus on the content of their writing
and are given quiet time with music to create writing styles of their choice. It is designed to develop the
students ability to utilise linguistic devices and foster the development of their writers voice. Rose M
composed this exquisite piece in response to the below picture when asked to focus on description of
Hang in There
As I sat on the porch of my house I gazed at the orange and yellow
sunset illuminating a silent sky. I watched as the trees stopped
whispering, the crickets stopped their musical rhapsody’s and
everything was quiet. This was my time, I got out my violin from
under my blanket which was keeping me warm and I sipped
my hot chocolate. I put my mug down and took a deep breath in,
my cat Ladybug sat beside me, and I started to play. The words fell
out of my mouth and onto the music notes that my violin played. I
knew that no one could hear except me, but being cut off from the rest of the world is lonely and my
sweet cherry water songs keep me intact and in the company of music.
Year 5/6 Australian School Climate and School Identification Measurement Tool
(ASCSIMT) survey
This school is continually interested in gaining information that will assist in school planning and making
decisions on an informed basis. To this end, the school in partnership with the Australian National
University and the ACT Education Directorate is surveying staff, students and parents/carers. ANU is
administering the survey on behalf of the ACT Education Directorate (EDU) and will be involved in data
analysis and reporting of the findings to schools and the EDU in a way that ensures the anonymity of
students. At this point in time the year 5 and 6 survey is not being used for research purposes by the
ANU; however, it will be used by the school to monitor school performance and identify areas for
improvement. If this changes a separate letter seeking parental consent for the ANU to use the
information for research purposes will be sent to parents/carers. Details about how your information is
stored and used are available in the EDU Privacy Policy (available at
The aim is to gather information about the school’s social climate, day-to-day experiences, the
strengths of the school, and the future challenges. This survey will take place this term (Term 3, 2016).
You will receive an e-mail from the school with a link to the survey and students will complete the
survey at school. We hope to be able to discuss the findings of the survey with you at a future time and
feel that gathering this information annually is important in ensuring the quality of the relational and
wellbeing climate of the school for staff, students and parents/carers.
At North Ainslie we strive to be
5 August 2016
NAPS at Interschool Skiing Blurb by Max H
Last week I got to ski for NAPS in an interschools ski X event.
Skie x is like an obstacle course with banked turns, jumps and lots of snow.
There were about 90 other kids there from Canberra and NSW, including me and
another boy called Archie from North Ainslie.
In my opinion, the best part was going down for the first time.
At that time, you just feel free to go anywhere you want to.
I just hope that next year, more kids from North Ainslie come, so that we can try
to make it to a higher round!
ACT Primary Schools Carbon Challenge 1-31 August 2016
The ACT Primary Schools Carbon Challenge has officially begun!
Week one is a great time to start the Feeling Seedy Challenge!
Use the pot and seeds provided to complete this challenge. Keep it watered and you’ll be well on the
way to having some tasty herbs for a delicious recipe.
Haven't received your kit? Don't panic!..due to overwhelming popularity there is a delay getting kits out
to schools. We're hoping for delivery later this week.
If you haven’t already registered and still want to, FREE kits are only available if you register before 5pm
on the 3rd of August. You can still register to participate after this date but unfortunately you will not
receive a kit.
Don’t forget! Individual prizes are available for submitting a story/video on the challenge! Visit for terms and conditions.
Heater Savvy and Peg It Out challenges run for the entire month. How many days can you keep your
heater between 18-20 degrees and avoid your dryer? Kids can keep track by using the stickers provided
on their poster.
For our school to win the Grand Prize, it’s all about getting the most emission savings! Complete as
many additional challenges as you can. Scroll through and have a look – there is probably a few that you
can easily do.
Don’t forget to share a picture of your #HerbGarden on the Actsmart-Canberra Facebook page!
At North Ainslie we strive to be
5 August 2016
P & C News
North Ainslie Trivia Night
19 August 2015, 6:30pm for a 7pm start
NAPS School Hall, $15 per ticket
It is time to form a team, book a table and plan a costume of a Star from the Silver Screen! Although
costumes are not mandatory, there are best dressed prizes for individuals and table! The night will
include all the favourite fun events and a range of Trivia questions on different categories.
Wood fired Pizza’s will be for sale on the night from the HeHub’s oven, please BYO snacks and drinks
and glasses. The evening is for parents, carers and friends of North Ainslie (babies are welcome).
Book your table of 8-10 by emailing . Prize for the **best table name**!!
The NAPS Trivia Team :)
P&C Meeting - 7:30pm, Tuesday 9 August 2016 at the school
Parents and carers of children attending North Ainslie Primary School are warmly invited to the next
P&C meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9 August 2016. Entry is via the front of the school. Please email with agenda items by Thursday 4 August 2016.
We look forward to meeting new faces and old ones too. The more the merrier!
Cath Zasiadczyk (P&C Secretary)
Meetings are held Tuesday 7:30pm, Week 4 and Week 8. The 2016 Fiesta is in SPRING!
Term 3 School Banking Competition – The Dollarmites
have discovered Prize Lights in the Outback sky.
School bankers who make 3 or more deposits in Term 3 have a
chance to win one of the Star saver prizes, including camping kits, instant cameras and magazine
packs. See the poster in the front office area or look out for a flyer in your bank book.
There is also an additional entry for bankers online at:
Good luck from the Dollarmites.
At North Ainslie we strive to be
5 August 2016
All week - Recess
A selection from the following:
Apple slinky
Fruit of the da
Peas “n”corn cup
Apple & cinnamon muffin $0.50
All week - Lunch
Vegie sticks
Vegemite sandwich(V)
Tex Mex toasted wrap
Soy milk (VG)
Fruit of the day
Baked potato with cheese, salsa
Milk bottle
Tuna & cheese toasted sandwich
Daily lunch Special- $3.00
Chicken Noodle Soup (DF,GF)
Smoothies $2.00
Pasta bolognaise(V)
Whenever possible, the Canteen uses produce grown and harvested by our students in the school's HeHub garden. In our garden we have tomato, pumpkin and herbs . These go regularly into canteen salad
wraps along with any other vegies that are ripe for picking.
At North Ainslie we strive to be