Buzzer M-Codes

Buzzer M-Codes
Version 1.0
Author: Jetty
Thing: 16170
License: Creative Commons - Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike
Replicator G Codes
Set Buzzer Repetitions
Controls the number of times a “System” buzzer repeats. A system buzzer is issued on
100% Build Complete, Pause@ZPos and Safety Cutout Trigger
M213 K<repeats>
Where “repeats” ranges from 0-254. repeats = 0 disables system buzzer sounds (you
can still use M214 to issue buzzes from your gcode). repeats = N, repeats the system
buzzer N times when a system buzzer event occurs.
E.g. M213 K0 disables all system event buzzes. M213 K4 causes every system event
to repeat it’s buzzer sequence 4 times.
Buzzes the buzzer
M214 I< # buzzes> J<duration> K<repeats>
Where “# buzzes” ranges from 0-255 and indicates the number of buzzes in the buzz
sequence. When “# buzzes” = 0, any currently active buzz will be stopped. “duration” is
measured in 1/10 secs and ranges from 1 (1/10s) - 255 (25.5s). “duration” is the length
of each buzz and time between buzzes. “repeat” is the number of times the buzz
sequence is repeated and ranges from 1-255.
E.g. M214 I3 J10 K4 creates a 3 pulse buzz where each pulse is 1 second, and
repeats this sequence 4 times. M214 I0 J1 K1 stops a current buzz in progress.