The Bylaws of the Advisory Board of the California State University Institute for Teaching
and Learning (ITL) are adopted this 8th day of October, 1994. These Bylaws shall be the
complete and sole Bylaws of the California State University Institute for Teaching and
Learning Advisory Board.
ARTICLE I Governance, Meetings, and Voting Section 1.
Governance. The California State University Institute for Teaching and
Learning shall be governed by an Advisory Board jointly responsible to the
Academic Senate and the Chancellor of the California State University.
Section 2.
Schedule of Meetings. Regular meetings of the Advisory Board normally
shall be held three times annually, fall, winter, and spring. Additional
meetings may be called at any time by any one of the following:
Either or both Co-Chairs of the Advisory Board.
The Chair of the California State University Academic Senate.
The Chancellor of the California State University.
Any four or more members of the Advisory Board.
Section 3.
Notice of Meetings.
Written notice of every regular meeting of the Advisory Board and
Board committees shall be given to each Board member at least one week
before each meeting. Written notice of any meeting shall also be given
pursuant to this subsection to any person who requests such notice in
writing. Notice may be delivered personally or by mail, including electronic
An agenda listing the matters to be considered at each meeting shall
be included in the notice of the meeting.
Section 4.
Closed sessions. The Advisory Board or Board committees may hold closed
sessions consistent with applicable provisions of Sections 89920 through
89927 of the Education Code.
Section 5.
Quorum. Attendance in person or through the aid of technology of a
majority of the qualified Board members entitled to vote at a meeting of the
Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A
meeting at which a quorum is initially present may continue business, not
withstanding the withdrawal of Board members, if any action taken is approved
by at least a majority of the required quorum for such meeting.
Section 6.
Voting Rights. Each qualified Board member shall have one vote which said
vote may not be cast by proxy.
Section 7.
Voting at Meetings. So long as a quorum is in attendance at a meeting of the
Advisory Board, all actions taken by the Board shall be by a majority vote of
those then present at the meeting, except as expressly provided by these Bylaws.
Section 8.
Conduct of Meetings. Meetings of the Advisory Board shall be guided by
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, except as provided in the Articles of
Establishment and Bylaws of the Advisory Board.
Section 1.
Members of the Advisory Board
Size, Representation, and Selection. The authorized total number of Advisory
Board members of the Institute shall be seventeen (17). The Board members shall
be drawn from the faculty, administration, and students of the University as set
forth in the Bylaws. The distribution of membership shall be as follows.
Voting Members.
Five (5) members of the Academic Senate of the California
State University appointed by the Executive Committee of the
Academic Senate.
One (1) President of a California State University campus
appointed by the Chancellor of the California State University.
One (1) Vice President for Academic Affairs or Provost of a
California State University campus appointed by the
Chancellor of the California State University.
The Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student
Affairs of the California State University (ex officio).
One (1) student appointed by the California State Student
One (1) director of a campus center for teaching and learning
appointed by the Faculty Development Council.
One (1) director of a campus center for community
engagement appointed by the Community Engagement
One appointee of the Chancellor of the CSU.
Non-Voting Ex Officio Members.
The Director of the Institute for Teaching and Learning.
The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs and
Faculty Development.
The Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Technology
Services of the California State University, or designee.
The Vice Chancellor for Human Resources of the California
State University, or designee.
The Director of the Center for Community Engagement of
the California State University, or designee.
Section 2.
Terms of Office. The terms of office of voting Board members will normally
be three years, except for the Faculty Development Council representative
(normally a two-year term) and the student representative (a one-year term).
All Board members have the possibility of reappointment. Terms of office
shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.
Section 3.
Vacancies. In the event that a member of the Advisory Board ceases to hold
office or status that qualifies that member for service on the Board, a duly
selected successor shall be requested from the individual or group who
appointed the vacating Board member. The successor shall complete the
term of office of the vacating Board member and may be reappointed.
Section 4.
Committees. The Advisory Board may act through committees as it shall
determine from time to time. Such committees shall be given such powers as
the Advisory Board shall assign, consistent with the Articles of
Establishment and the Bylaws of the Advisory Board.
ARTICLE III Officers Section 1.
Co-Chairs. The officers of the Advisory Board shall be the Co-Chairs of the
Board. The Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs
shall serve as one Co-Chair of the Board. The other Co-Chair of the Board
shall be one of the five faculty Board members appointed by the Academic
Senate of the California State University. The Faculty Co-Chair shall be
elected annually by the Board at the first meeting of the academic year and
shall hold office until a successor is elected or their term of office expires.
Section 2.
Vacancy. Should the office of the Faculty Co-Chair become vacant, the
Board will elect a replacement at its next meeting.
Section 3.
Other Officers. The advisory Board may establish and elect ad hoc officers
as the need arises. Permanent officers may be established only through the
amendment of these Bylaws.
ARTICLE IV Reports Section 1.
The Advisory Board shall present an annual report and financial statement
to the Chair of the Academic Senate and the Chancellor of the California
State University. This annual report and financial statement will normally
be prepared in the spring under the direction of the Co-Chairs and approved
by the Board at its last meeting of the academic year.
ARTICLE V Amendments Section 1.
The Bylaws may be repealed or amended or new Bylaws may be adopted by
the Advisory Board.
(Revised 3.1.2016)