Children’s Theatre Spring 2013 Application Please submit by January 31st Name: School/Year: Phone: Email: Local Address: T Shirt Size (Please Circle): S M L XL Have you volunteered with CT in the past? Yes No *Are you interested in becoming a Peer Leader If Yes, please briefly explain your interest in the position and the qualities you possessed that make you a good fit for this position. Have you been van trained during or after summer of 2012: Yes No I want to be Time Commitment: Children’s Theatre meets once a week from 8:30 to 10:00pm. You must be available starting at 9pm (this is for those who have a 6-9 class). Meetings will begin on February 7th. Our Dress Rehearsal is scheduled for the end of March and the month of April will be site visits. For weekday sites you must be available by 3:30 as most site visits will run between 4 and 5 pm. Saturday site visits will be scheduled between the hours of 11am.-3:30pm (they will not last the whole time). Please be aware of these time frames when picking a day for site visits. Volunteers are placed in troupes based on availability. *Peer Leaders are responsible for leading their troupe during site visits and checking in with the PM every week to update them on the troupe’s progress. ***Note**** NO Prior theatre experience is required for volunteers! We welcome anyone and everyone. Please list your availability. If you prefer a certain date please circle it. Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: __________________________________________ BONUS: Name three members of the Mickey Mouse Club. (Double points if you can name and identify a certain Canadian member who we all know and love) AND/OR Who is your favorite childhood star? VO LUNTEER INFORMATION SHEET NAME E-MA IL SCH O OL BUI D # G R A D YE A R MA J O R HOME A DDR ESS A R E Y OU VANT R A INED ? IF SO , WHEN? IF NO T, A R E Y OU INTE RES TE D? How did you hear about the CSC? PLEASE IND IC A TE PAS T INVOLVEMENT HERE: Fal l 09 S pri n g 10 Fal l 10 S pri n g 11 Fal l 11 S pri n g 12 AS B Afterschool Children’ s Theatre FYS OP Joining Hands Making Music MAPP Project Hope Si blings Student Studio Student Food Re scue Voices from the Mi ddle Wizar ds DI D Y O U P A R TI C IP A TE IN ANY CSC ONE- TI ME EVENTS O R AN Y NON- CSC EVENTS? PLEASE IND IC A TE WHICH EVENT: AND WHICH SEMESTE R : THAN K YO U FOR YOUR TI M E . FORMS This year, the University is requiring anyone who works with minors on or off-campus to adhere to all appropriate standards of conduct with regard to minors, their families, and each other. Program staffs at Boston University accept a legal duty to conduct their programs/activities in a manner that assures the safety and well-being of all participants. In order to assure that the University maintains a safe environment for all members of the BU community and beyond, including minor children under the age of 18, the following guidelines and standards of conduct will apply for all program/activity operators and employees. For good measure, we are now going to require all volunteers to fill out these forms: CORI Acknowledgement form – You must also bring in a state issued ID (license/passport) Release and Authorization Form Disclosure and Acknowledgement Form FCRA Summary of Rights Form- This form is for you to look over and keep. Do not return it to us. Because CT is working directly with minors, you must read these guidelines: 1. Appropriate Behavior and Boundaries with Minors: All program/activity staff, must avoid being alone with a minor, particularly in areas that are not part of the regular daily operation of the program/activity, such as vehicles and/or isolated areas or rooms on campus. If a meeting with a minor must take place in an office, keep the door open and have another staff member in the room, whenever possible. Never be alone with a child in a dorm room or a staff member’s room. Never shower or change clothes around minors, or in an area that is accessible to children. Avoid any physical contact with minors that could be misinterpreted: an occasional pat on the back, or a touch on the arm to get one’s attention is acceptable; back rubs, massages, tickling, rough-house play and caressing or intimate touching is inappropriate and unacceptable. Do not take photographs of children for personal use. If staff is given photographs of children, do not post them on social networking sites or publish them in any other form. Families must give written consent to a program/activity operator before any photographs of their child can be used or published publicly. 2. Communication with Minors: If it is necessary to take a minor aside for a private conversation relating to behavior or some other issue s/he wants to discuss, do so in full view of other people, or in the presence of a second adult. During conversation, do not disclose confidential information about yourself or seek to learn confidential information about the minor (particularly about sex, sexual orientation, and physical or emotional intimacy). Use words with care: never berate, harass, intimidate, degrade or belittle a child. Issue praise appropriately, and avoid excessive praise or criticism of any minor. Do not tell sexually-oriented or off-color jokes to or in the presence of minors. Also remember that young children interpret information in concrete ways and they typically do not understand idioms or abstract language. Using concrete language will help to avoid any misinterpretations or confusion on the part of the minor. If you suspect or have reason to believe that a child has been abused or neglected, or if a child confides in you that s/he has been abused or neglected, you must immediately report your concerns to the Program Manager and/or the Community Service Center at 617-353-4710.