Lecture Notes A. La Rosa APPLIED OPTICS _________________________________________________________________________________ Effects of polarization on the reflected wave Ref: The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol-I, Section 33-6 Z Plane of incidence Plane of interface Fig. 1 Y Y -1 b -1 B a A i i X i Air 1 Glass X i Air 1 Glass Fig. 2 Reflection and refraction with s-polarized radiation Fig. 3 Reflection and refraction with p-polarized radiation E perpendicular to the plane of incidence E parallel to the plane of incidence Transverse Electric (TE) radiation also called s- polarized radiation Transverse Magnetic ™ radiation, also called p- polarized radiation a: Amplitude of the refracted wave b: Amplitude of the reflected wave A: Amplitude of the refracted wave B: Amplitude of the r reflected wave 2 2 Objective: To figure out the reflection coefficients b and B as a function of the angles of incidence and refraction Principle: The currents that are generated in the glass produce two waves a) They produce the reflected wave b) If there were no currents generated in the glass, the incident wave would continue straight into the glass; i.e. producing a field of unit amplitude, which would go along the dotted line as shown in the figure. This field is not observed. Therefore the currents generated in the glass must produce a field of amplitude -1 that moves along the dotted line. Using these principles we will find the reflection coefficients In figure 2: A field of amplitude b is radiated by the motion of charges inside the glass which are responding to a field a inside the glass. Therefore it is plausible to assume that, b is proportional to a. (1) In figure 3: Except for the polarization of the fields, this figure is identical to Fig. 2. Can we say then that the ratio B/A is the same as b/a? The answer is no. The reason is because in Figure 3 the direction of the polarizations (of the reflected and transmitted waves) are not parallel to each other. How to find B/A? To find a proper relationship between B/A and b/a let’s take a look at Fig 4. Notice only the component of A along the direction SN is effective in generating the reflected wave. Such a component is A cos(). The figure also reveals that, = ( i + r). Accordingly, B b A cos (i r ) a (attained from Fig. 2 and Fig. 4) (2) Y -1 B N 90o S SN = MN cos N’ i R M r A M’ i X Only its component along SN is effective in generating the reflected wave. 1 Fig. 4 Reflection and refraction from p-polarized radiation. On the other hand, in both cases it happens that the oscillations of charges in the glass generate a field of amplitude -1 (so that when added to the incident field of amplitude 1 both will cancel out). In Figure-5 we notice that the component of A along the PR direction is the effective component in generating a transmitted wave along the dotted line. That component is A cos(). The figure also reveals that, =( i - r). Accordingly -1 -1 A cos (i r ) a (from Fig. 2 and Fig. 5) (3) From (2) and (3) we eliminate the ratio a/A and obtain, cos (i r ) B cos (i r ) b Verification of the formula: Notice when i r 90 o expression (4) gives B=0, as expected (Brewster condition). No reflected p-polarized reflected wave. (4) Y -1 Q PR = PQ cos B R i A Q’ r P’ P i X Only its component along PR is effective in generating a transmitted wave of amplitude -1 Fig. 5 2 2 Finding the reflection coefficients b and B . Expression (4) so far can give us only the ratio of the reflection coefficients. To find each coefficient individually we resort to the conservation of energy. The energy in each wave (incident, reflected, or transmitted) is proportional to the corresponding amplitude. In figure 2: Conservation of energy implies that, the energy of the transmitted wave (5) 2 must be proportional to 1 - b . [Whatever coefficient that must have been included in front of the (amplitude)2 it will be the same for the incident and reflected waves, since both are in the same medium. For that reason the energy of the transmitted wave is simply proportional 2 to 1 - b ] In figure 3: Conservation of energy implies that, the energy of the transmitted wave (6) 2 must be proportional to 1 - B . Notice that the constant of proportionality in (5) and (6) must be the same. 2 2 [Basically, we are saying that the same positive constant h plays in 1 = b + h a and 1 = 2 2 B + hA ] On the other hand, the ratio of the energies of the transmitted waves in 2 Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 must be equal to a / A (7) 2 From (5), (6), and (7), 1 b 2 1 B 2 a A 2 (8) 2 Using (3), A cos (i r ) a , and (4), 1 b 1 cos (i r ) B , in expression (8) one obtains, cos (i r ) b 2 cos (i r ) b cos (i r ) 2 cos 2 (i r ) 1 b cos 2 (i r ) cos 2 (i r ) b 2 1 cos 2 (i r ) b cos 2 (i r ) b 2 2 2 sin 2 (i r ) sin 2 (i r ) b sin 2 (i r ) b sin 2 (i r ) 2 Using (4), cos (i r ) B , one obtains, cos (i r ) b 2 (9) B cos 2 (i r ) sin 2 (i r ) cos 2 (i r ) sin 2 (i r ) B tan 2 (i r ) tan 2 (i r ) 2 2 (10) (4) in (2) gives, A B 1 a bcos (i r ) cos (i r ) (5)