Magento Delivery Date by Amasty | User Guide

Delivery Date
Magento Extension
User Guide
Official extension page: Delivery Date
User Guide: Delivery Date
Page 1
Table of contents:
Delivery Date – General Settings………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Delivery date, time and comments field………………………………………………………………………….….17
Exceptions: Dates and Holidays………………………………………………………………………………………..19
Exceptions: Date Intervals……………………………………………………………………………………………….20
Time Intervals…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21
Extended Features…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22
Delivery Date in Different Places………………………………………………………………………………………26
Delivery Date – Confirmation Email…………………………………………………………………………………31
Delivery Date – Invoice Email………………………………………………………………………………………….32
Delivery Date – Invoice PDF……………………………………………………………………………………………33
Delivery Date – Shipment PDF………………………………………………………………………………………..34
User Guide: Delivery Date
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
You can manually switch of the
extension. If you want to pause
the extension work, please set
Enabled option to “NO”
To set up Delivery Date, please go to:
System > Configuration > Delivery
At “Disable Delivery on” field,
please choose day of the week for
which delivery won’t be available.
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
You can set up the minimal interval
for delivery. For example, we will set
3 as minimal delivery interval. In this
case the delivery won’t be available
for the same day when the order was
placed and the next 2 days. All days
and years before the order also will
be restricted.
The day, when the order has been
All dates , before the
order, are not available
for delivery
According to the minimal interval (3),
the next 2 days after the order has
been placed also restricted.
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
You can set up maximal delivery
interval, which will be available
for customers. This interval will
include the day of the order and N 1 days after the order has been
placed. For example, we have set
maximal delivery interval as 5, in
this case the delivery will be
available for the same day when
the order was placed and 4 next
The day, when the order was placed.
You can specify how many
orders a customer can make
per established time interval.
According to Maximal delivery
interval, there are only 5 days available
for delivery: today and 4 next days.
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
Apart from minimal and
maximum intervals for
all deliveries in general, you
can activate a specific
delivery interval for each
product. Add an attribute
and set a minimal amount
of days this sort of product
needs to be delivered (See
Page 12)
The day, when the order was placed.
According to Minimal delivery
interval [3], the delivery may be
available on the 4rd day, but since we
activated the Minimal Delivery by
Product feature with value 5 (See
Page 16), it will be available only on
the sixth day.
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
If we try to place the order at 15:03,
according to the Delivery day settings,
the same day delivery won’t be available
for us
It is also possible to restrict delivery for
the same day as the order was placed
after a certain time period. We will set
10:00, in this case for the orders, which
were placed after 10:00 the delivery for
the same day won’t be available. Now it
is 15:01 and it means that all orders
which will be placed can't be delivered
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
According to the Delivery Date
settings, delivery will be
available the same day and on
other days, except for the next
It is also possible to restrict
delivery for the next day as
the order was placed after a
certain time period. We will
set 6:00, in this case for the
orders, which were placed
after 6:00 the delivery for
the next day won’t be
available. Now it is 15:03 and
it means that all order s
which will be placed can't be
delivered next day.
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
You can specify how many
deliveries per day you r store
can make. After your limit is
exceeded customers will be
shown this day as unavailable
for delivery. c
It is possible to set a Time
Offset. This will be added or
subtracted (when with the
minus) to the current time.
Time Offset is applied to:
1. Minimal Delivery Interval;
2. Maximal Delivery Interval;
3. Disable Same Day Delivery
4. Disable Next Day Delivery
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
This is the way how your comment
will be displayed on the frontend. “As
is” version of the comment.
Magento Notice
It is possible to add any comment to the
delivery date.
You can also use HTML in the comment
text field.
You can choose between two types of
comment display:
1. Magento Notice
2. As is
User Guide: Delivery Date
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1. Delivery Date – General Settings
You can choose any date
format of 3 available.
The date format is used
for columns sorting on
grids: holidays and date
And for fields sorting on
the editing pages of:
holidays and date
NOTE: Date format
in no way affects the
output values ​of the date
field both on frontend and
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1.1 Custom attributes for minimal delivery interval by product
To create custom attributes for Minimal Delivery Interval by
Product, please go to admin panel -> Catalog -> Attributes ->
Manage Attributes and click ‘Add new attribute’ button.
Specify any attribute code
you like for the custom
attribute. You will need to
type this code in the
extension configuration
Select ‘Price’ for Catalog
Input Type setting.
User Guide: Delivery Date
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1.1 Custom attributes for minimal delivery interval by product
Set this option to ‘Yes’ for the
attribute specified in the
‘Minimal Delivery by
Product’ field (see page 4).
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1.1 Custom attributes for minimal delivery interval by product
Specify the desired title
and save the attribute.
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1.1 Custom attributes for minimal delivery interval by product
Assign the created attribute
to the attribute set you use
for creation of your products
in Catalog -> Attributes ->
Manage Attribute.
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1.1 Custom attributes for minimal delivery interval by product
Go to Catalog -> Manage Products -> General
Minimal Delivery Date by Product allows
you to set a minimal delivery interval for
each product, independently of general
settings for all products.
In the product settings, go to Minimal
Delivery Interval and set an amount of
days, the product's delivery needs to
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2. Delivery date, time and comments field
Delivery date field can be
Required or not. You can
change the option at any
If you enable this value for
delivery, it will be
displayed on the checkout
page as a default available
date for delivery along with
the current date.
You can include delivery
date information into any
available order document.
A note to the delivery date
Delivery date can be
displayed on different
You can choose customer
groups to display the
delivery date option to. You
can also specify shipping
methods for which the
option will be available.
It is possible to add a note to
the delivery date field.
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2. Delivery date, time and comments field
Delivery Time and
Comments Field have the
same options as the
delivery date field set. Also
you can disable/enable
Delivery Time and
Comments field.
Specify time offset relative
to current delivery time - a
time interval between
current time and the first
delivery time that can be
selected by a customer.
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3. Exceptions: Dates and Holidays
If you need to add exceptions to delivery (dates and holidays),
please go to: Sales > Delivery Date > Exceptions Dates and
The extension supports multistores, it
means that you can set delivery date
exceptions separately for each store.
Specify the year option. It is possible to
set up a specific year or set “Each
Year” if your holiday have the same
date each year.
You can only choose a specific month
or use the exception for each month.
Specify the holiday day.
Add a description for the exception. It
is will be shown only on the backend.
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4. Exceptions: Date Intervals
If you need to add exceptions to delivery (date intervals),
please go to: Sales > Delivery Date > Exceptions Date Intervals
The extension supports
multistores, it means that you can
set delivery date exceptions
separately for each store.
Let imagine that you r delivery service
won’t be working in
2013 year from November 26, to
December 2013.
In this case the delivery rule will
restrict this date interval.
As we can see on the frontend, date
interval is restricted for the delivery
User Guide: Delivery Date
Set up exact dates for the
exception. For example:
You delivery service doesn’t
work each year, each month,
from 2 to 8 dates. If you specify
such kind if rule, the delivery
won’t be available each year,
each month from dates you have
set up.
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5. Time Intervals
You can also add a new time interval manually.
To add a new time interval, please go to: Sales >
Delivery Date > Time Intervals > Add New
Time Interval
The extension supports
multistores, it means that you can
set delivery date exceptions
separately for each store.
Set up the starting time for the interval, for
example: 10:00 pm. You can input any text
here like: 10:00 ante meridiem. In this case you
will have the same view on the frontend: 10:00
ante meridiem
Set up the finishing time for the interval, for
example: 10:25 pm. You can input any text
here like: 1:00 post meridiem. In this case you
will have the same view on the frontend: 1:00
post meridiem.
Set up the interval position for sorting
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6. Time Intervals
If you need to add time intervals for delivery, please go to:
Sales > Delivery Date > Time Intervals
There are 2 options available
1. Add New Time Interval
2. Generate new time Interval
Set “Starting Time” for generator. It will be the
start point for generator and also it will be the
beginning time at the first interval
It is possible to use a generate
format, time intervals will be
generated according to this
Set “Ending Time” when the generation of time
intervals should be stopped.
It is the starting position for the first interval.
Depending on these positions, time intervals
will be sorted on the frontend.
Step for Position will influence on the
difference among intervals positions . If
you specify Starting Value for position is 1
and Step for Position is 1. Your time
intevals will have the following view: 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6.
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6. Extended Features
You can use Delivery Date in the e-mail Templates
{{var order.deliverydate(‘code’)}}
Where ‘code’
1. date
2. time
3. comment
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6. Extended Features
You can use Delivery Date in PHP code
$value = $order->deliverydate(‘code’);
Where $order is the order object
Where ‘code’
1. date
2. time
3. comment
Values of delivery date are available via Magento API with
"" method. Works both via SOAP and XMLRPC.
You can find the values by
salesOrderEntity = deliverydate
User Guide: Delivery Date
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6. Extended Features
You can allow or restrict edit delivery date to
different admin users.
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7. Delivery Date in different places
Delivery date can be shown on order grid.
Delivery date can be shown on invoice grid.
Delivery date can be shown on shipment grid.
User Guide: Delivery Date
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7. Delivery Date in different places
Delivery date can be shown on: Order
View, Invoice View, Shipment View
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7. Delivery Date in different places
Delivery date can be shown on order
view page (frontend)
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7. Delivery Date in different places
Delivery Date can be edited by admin
after the order has been placed.
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7. Delivery Date in different places
Delivery Date can be
edited by admin user
when he/she creates a
new order from admin
To display the settings
on the order creation
page remember to
select the appropriate
field in general delivery
date settings: System>Configuration>Delivery Date
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8. Delivery Date – Confirmation e-mail
User Guide: Delivery Date
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9. Delivery Date – Invoice e-mail
User Guide: Delivery Date
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10. Delivery Date – Invoice PDF
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11. Delivery Date – Shipment PDF
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Thank you!
Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us at:
Your feedback is absolutely welcome!
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