Leuk Daek Program narrative FY13-15 KB

Leuk Daek Area Development Programme
World Vision Cambodia
Leuk Daek Area Development Programme Design FY13-FY15
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Table of Contents
1 Programme summary
1.1 Programme profile
2 Design methodology
3 Context for child well-being
3.1 Environmental context
3.2 Social Context
3.3 Political Context
4 Child well-being status
4.1 Children enjoy good health
4.2 Children are educated for life
4.3 Children love God and their neighbour
4.4 Children are cared for, protected and participating
5 Programme rationale
5.1 Strategic importance
6 Programme description
6.1 Programme goal and outcomes
6.2 Programme approach
7 Programme transition
7.1 Management of the Transition process
8 Learning and knowledge management strategy
8.1 Baseline Study
8.2 Knowledge management and learning
8.3 Programme evaluation
9 General implementation strategy
10 Management and administration
10.1 National office capacity
10.2 Programme structure
11 References
12 Appendices
Leuk Daek Area Development Programme Design FY13-FY15
6 6 8 10 10 10 15 16 16 17 19 19 20 20 24 24 25 30 32 35 35 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 40 Page 2
List of acronyms
Agriculture Cooperative
Agriculture Cooperative for Sustainable community economic development
Area Development Programme
ADP team leader forum
Acquire immune deficiency syndrome
Action Learn Network
Annual Progress Report
Anti retrovirus
Birth Day Bound Back
Commune Committee for Disaster Management
Cambodian Development Health Survey
Cambodian Development Mission for Disability
Commune Investment Plan
Community Lead Total Sanitation
Child Monitoring System
Child Protection Network
Child Sponsorship management project
Citizen Voice of Action
Child Well Being Outcome
District Committee for Disaster Management
Design Monitoring and Evaluation
District of Education
Focus Group Discussion
Food and Nutrition livelihood
Fiscal Year
Health Centre
Health Equity Fund Committee
Household Survey
Indirect Project Cost
Integrated Programming Model
Indicator Tracking Table
Knowledge Skill and Attitude
Labour Distribution Report
Learning for transformational
Mobilizing Community for Child Protection
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Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition
Micro finance Institutes
Ministry of Education youth and Sport
Most significant Change/ story of Change
Non Government Organization
National Office
National Policy Management
Opportunity Infection
Operations Monitoring Officer
Office Operation Cost Allocation
People and Culture
Partnership Budget and Actual System
Project Coordinator
Provincial Department of Agriculture
Program Design Document
Performance development management
People Living with HIV
Program Management Information System
Post Natal Care
Plan of Action
Registered Children
Register Children Families
Student Council
Share Direct project cost
Sexual exploitation
Self Help Group
Support Office
School Support Committee
Sponsorship Tracking Enhancement Program
Sector Technical Officer
Transformational Development
Transformational Development Facilitator
Transformational Development Facilitator team leader
United Nation
Village Development Committee
Vision Fund Cambodia
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Village Health Support Group
Water and Sanitation Hygiene
Water Festival Card
World Health Organization
World Vision Cambodia
World Vision United States
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Programme summary
1.1 Programme profile
National Office Name
Programme Name
Programme Goal
Programme Outcomes
World Vision Cambodia
Leuk Daek Area Development Program
Children are healthy, completed quality basic education and live in
Outcome #1 To contribute to the transformation of Registered Children, their
families, communities and sponsors.
Outcome #2 All children, pregnant and lactating women are healthy, well
nourished, and protected from preventable diseases.
Outcome #3 Children in target commune especially poor and poorest students
completed quality basic education.
Programme Impact Area Population
Male 6,440
Female 6,508
Boy 3,863
Girl 4,040
Male 4,000
Female 6,508
Boy 1,738 (project estimated number of male births in 2013-15 based
on ministry of planning data)
Girl 2,080 (project estimated number of girl births in 2013-15 based
on ministry of planning data)
Programme Direct Participants for education Male 1,267 (994 ID Poor1&2 people, 84 teachers, 95 SSCs members,
and 94 AC members )
Programme Direct Participants for MCHN
1,631 (1,180 ID Poor1&2, 62 teachers, 13 SSCs members, 376 AC
Boy 3,029 [(Statistic student in school 2,432 (poor boys 241) and poor
boys in community 597]
Estimated Duration of Programme life
Programme Phase
Programme Phase Budget
Anticipated Funding Source(s)
Girl 2,469 [(Statistic student in schools 1,936(poor girls 293) and poor
girls in community 533)]
15 years (FY01-FY15)
Phase 3 ( Transition phase)
933,500 USD (3yrs)
Source #1 -Type of funding Sponsorship
-Grant funding for MCCP project funded by FEC/PNS funding.
- Grant funding for ACSCED project funded by World Vision
Registered Children Numbers
Current Number of RC 2,500 RCs, 48% of boys and 52% girl
Estimated number of RC for Year 1 2,500 RCs (FY13)
Year 2 2,000 RCs (FY14)
Year 3 1,000 RCs (FY15)
Support Office Name
National Office review of PDD:
Review date
Reviewer’s name and title
National Office approval/agree of PDD: Approval
Approvers name and title
Date Design Document first Submitted to SO
World Vision United Sates
Please see attached review tools
12 July 2012( Should be updated whoever send last)
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Support Office review of PDD:
Review date
Reviewer’s name and title
Support Office approval of PDD:
Approval date
Approvers name and title
Estimated Start Date of this Phase
1st October 2013
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Design methodology
A mid-term evaluation of Leuk Daek ADP was conducted and completed in July 2011 by
an external consultant with support from NO staffs and line management to measure the
effectiveness and efficiency of the program.
To prepare for the process of re-design for transition, ADP staffs (05 PCs, 01 ADP
manager and 03 TDFs) reviewed the evaluation and attended redesign training on 19-23
September 2011 and sector workshop on 24-28 October 2011 at Phnom Penh city. ADP
staffs learned on how to process re-design with community and also key partners. Before
ADP staffs conducted meeting with community, they conducted the IPM self assessment
review tool on 08 November 2011 and subsequently developed a plan of action which
they implemented .within the design process like inviting children to share their needs and
recommendations. ADP staffs also prepared key messages box and shared key
results of evaluation with the community. The messages helped community
members to know where they are and what they intend to improve in the next three
By using participatory approach, community shared their ideas to put in re-design; they
raised and prioritized hot issues, which form the basis for selecting projects in the
transition phase.
We conducted three community workshops in the three target communes: in Preak Dech
commune on 22-24 November 2011, Peam Rang commune on 13-15 December 2011 and
Khbop Atav commune on 20-22 December 2011. There were 117 persons participated in
the workshop. They were:one District of Education officer, 2 Commune Council
members, 10 village leaders, 3 Self Help Group representatives, 11 Village Development
Committee members, 5 HC staffs, 29 youths, 17 school teachers, 3 church leaders, 17
Village Health Support Groups, and 19 Agriculture Cooperative leaders. Besides
community people, WVC staffs also participated such as operations manager, ADP
manager, zonal health, technical officer for economic and agriculture, education,
transformational development facilitators, transformational development team leader, and
project coordinators
To verify community needs, ADP staffs invited key partners and stakeholders to review
community’s plan. There were 38 persons who participated such as one Chief of
Provincial Department of Education, Sports and Youth, one Deputy of Director of
Provincial Health Department, one Vice-District Governor, 2 Operational District
Officers, 3 Health Centre staffs, 3 commune leaders, one District Agriculture Officer, one
from the District of Education, one District of Hydrology Officer, 7 youths, 4 school
teachers, 10 villager leaders and 3 AC leaders.
Afterwards, key partners such as DOE staffs and also HC staffs developed solution tree on
10 February 2012. After solution tree meeting, partners and staffs came up with draft logframe. Two projects were established in response to the issues of community besides of
sponsorship project such as Health and Nutrition and Education Projects. Other sectors
such as disaster and agriculture, community decided to integrate into education project
because the same root causes. For example, child dropout of school, the main root cause
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is family’s income that is not enough to support children go to school, so community
decided to integrate to education project.
To make sure the log-frame aligned with secondary strategy of WVC, ADP manager, PCs
and TDFTL attended design workshop on 20-24 February 2012 at Phnom Penh city. Then,
through face to face review on log-frame and also through email, ADP got result for
program log-frame and submitted to line management and also SO to approval.
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Context for child well-being
3.1 Environmental context
Leuk Daek district has natural resources such as lowland forest with tall trees in amount
of 14,512 hectares and rivers, lakes, and canals in amount of 8,194 hectares. These are
potential resources for fish to grow and it also brings water for doing farming. Moreover,
community people could catch fish for food and also for selling. However some human
actions have affected the climate. The spread out of gas and other industrial pollutants
from garment factory and also from Vietnam has polluted the waters. Land erosion on the
river banks has also been observed. Other climate changes have intensified natural
disasters that have affected the province and this district as well such as drought and flood.
The recent flood damaged and destroyed household assets, livestock, crops and killed
human lives and animals. To cope with these, WVC and local authority formed structure
both at district and commune level to respond to the disaster by building the capacity of
committee members. Existing structure, by supporting from WVC, conducted awareness
to community on danger sign, preparedness plan and also responded plan for all kinds of
disaster to safe for people including children.
Lowland forest, river and also canal are potential resource that community could benefit
from these. However, there are many challenges like community destroyed lowland forest
to be firewood and sell for income. Community also has an illegal fishing by using materials
that are not allowed by the law. So it reduces the fish from time to time. Moreover,
community dropped garbage improperly including garbage tangible and also liquid. Those
affected to hygiene, health and lost beauty of village compound. In addition, community has
used much pesticide that affected to multi-biology and polluted the environment. There
have been structure of disaster committee, but their capacity is still limited, especially they
have not enough funding to respond when disaster happened.
3.2 Social Context
The population in Leuk Daek district is 55,633 persons including 18,539 females, 17,735
males, 9,481boys and 9,878 girls. The density of population is 185 persons/square metres.
90.24% are farmers; their income is depended on agriculture products. Besides agriculture
products, community earned income through fishing, garment factory worker, and also
government staffs. Buddhist religion is 95 %, Christian 4% and Tao 1%. Currently, Leuk
Daek ADP has 2,500 RCs.
3.2.1 Most Vulnerable Groups
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Disabled persons, widows, children under 5 years old from poor families, pregnant
women, PLHIVs, and those who are categorized as Poor 1 & 2 by the government are
identified as vulnerable people. They have neither intention nor ability to access the
services of health centre because they are engrossed with working or finding work to earn
daily income to support their families every day. They focused less on protecting
themselves and preventing illnesses. They did not also keep their children in school longer
due to their limited family economic capacities. These groups earn small incomes and are
at high risk in facing health and education problems. Most children born to poor families
do not get fully immunized because their parents are more concerned with day to day
survival rather than bringing their children to the Health Centers for immunization. Most
children who are malnourished have parents who did not breastfeed them during the first
six months nor gave them the proper nutritious complementary foods nor did they have
enough nutritious food to feed them. Some of children, they did not stay longer in school
because they were forced to stop studying to work for income generation. However,
previous time, ADP supported poor children in nourished food like soybean and most of
them improved nutrition status. Poor students were supported like study materials and
they also were took care by teacher when they went to school because ADP always
aware to school teacher to treat then as same as other.
The children who drop out of school are mostly from vulnerable families whose parents
do not value education much because they spend all their time working in order to meet
their most basic need for food. Hence they allow their children to migrate for work. For
example, children dropped out school to work at garment factory in local area and also go
to Phnom Penh city. Not having much education and skills, the children sometimes fall into
unsafe situations where their safety and health are placed at risk. This is why that they
spend much money when they get sick.
3.2.2 Civil Society
Civil Society Status:
Lately the government through the Provincial Agriculture Department has promoted the
formation of agricultural cooperatives which actually allows for cooperatives that are not
only focused on agricultural activities. Seeing this as a way to contribute to building
economic resilience the ADP has availed of this opportunity. Agriculture cooperative (AC)
was established by the Provincial Agriculture Department of Kandal with support by ADP.
ADP staffs and agriculture officers worked together to complete all steps of forming from
step one to five. Step 1 is to orient the AC concept. Step 2, disseminate royal degree to
community and let them know what is community, how can it sustain, how does
government support on that. Through this step, community understood and consider for
becoming to be AC member. Step 3 is to draft by-law.
In step 4, community who wanted to become member of AC, they came together and
vote to select the best leaders to lead the AC. This is the way that ADP leads community
people to apply democracy by using their choice. Leaders of AC are called board
members. They worked together to implement the business plan of AC through assembly
meeting. In the by-law of AC, there is no someone making decision without agreement
from other members even he/she is chairman. The benefit of AC will be shared to
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members and keep some for community development. They also decided to use reserve
fund for supporting poor child education and any emergency response of their members.
Besides implementer as board member, AC has monitoring committee to monitor the
performance of AC board to ensure they have worked in the right ways. AC is not only
an idea of WVC concept to establish it, but also government structure that it wanted to
engage community people to be a group which is easy to support them rather than
individual household.
Before ADP staffs and PDA officers worked to establish AC, all members of AC came
from self help group (SHG). SHG is a group from 10-20 members who worked together
for saving money, loan to members and also shared any agriculture technique to member
to improve how to grow the rice and also corn. Moreover, they met each other every
month to share their concern and solve the problem together. It is very helpful for them
to make a good relationship. SHG is an initiative of WVC staffs that wanted them to be
Health Equity Fund Committee is a group that initiated by ADP staffs under fully support
of district governor to mobilize community resource to support the vulnerable people
when they got sick and have no ability to pay for health service. Recently, this committee
at district level is recognized by district governor, district monk leader and also
operational district. The structure is allowed the monk to be chairman because monk is
able to mobilize community resource through religious activities. In addition, committee
have built their capacity to manage the resource with transparency. These are the ways
that vulnerable are focused through mobilizing community themselves to help each other.
Table: Agencies working in the programme impact area
Organisation or
Agriculture Cooperative
Leuk Daek district
Vision Fund Cambodia
National Office with
School Support
Primary school in Leuk
Local Churches
Leuk Daek
Amret, microfinance
Leuk Daek branch
Kredit, microfinance
Leuk Daek branch
Leuk Daek Area Development Programme Design FY13-FY15
members to be a group for
doing business in the area of
Support loan to the
including WV community
transparent program budget
and child monitoring for
education and strengthen
spiritual development for
community of faith.
To provide a wide range of
financial services for low
income people as well as
micro, small and medium
enterprises-while at the
same time achieving a high
level of financial and social
To be a reliable and well
Start and End
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Organisation or
Leuk Daek branch
Leuk Daek branch
AMK Cambodia
Leuk Daek branch
Cambodian Development
Mission for Disability
Office base in Phnom
The Cambodia Trust
Office base in Phnom
Office base in Phnom
known financial institution
that provides diverse and
innovative financial solutions
to communities, serving and
protecting our clients while
maintaining organizational
commitment to the poor.
To provide micro, small and
medium entrepreneurs with
the wherewithal to manage
their financial resources
efficiently and by doing so
to improve the quality of
their lives.
To provide sustainable
access to financial services
for rural communities and
To help large numbers of
poor people to improve
their livelihood options
through the delivery of
microfinance services.
Is working towards an
inclusive, barrier-free and
rights-based society for
people with disabilities.
functional skills.
Provide reproductive and
sexual health services.
Start and End
World Vision History in the Area
Leuk Daek ADP is one of four ADPs in the Kandal Province operations area. It was the
second ADP in Kandal operations to start with child sponsorship management project in
2002 and now Leuk Daek ADP has 2,500 RCs funded by WV USA.
Leuk Daek ADP started its Assessment Phase in April 2000; its first 5-year design was
from October 2002 to September 2007 and its second implementation phase was from
October 2008-Sepetmber 2012. Currently, the program covers 3 communes with 10
villages include 4,338 families with total 20,851 people (10,548 females) who are direct
Around 2007 the ADP reduced the number of households to align with the parameters of
WVC’s new ADP model, which aims to deepen TD and facilitate greater community
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empowerment as emphasized in WV Cambodia’s current National Strategy. As the result,
starting from FY 2010, Leuk Daek worked with only 03 communes, 10 villages and 3,998
families with total population equal to 17,853 (10,388 females) for the remaining years of
the ADP life span.
In the first design, the program has worked in health and nutrition, food and water
security, and sponsorship. Besides these three projects, ADP has integrated Mobilizing
Communities for Child Protection Project (MCCP) in 3 target villages since October 2006
up to the present with technical support from the Peace and Justice Program. This project
has been working within communities (youth, adult, children and local authority) and
utilised a number of techniques including conscientization and social mobilisation for ongoing community engagement on child protection issues to ensure child is safe from sexual
exploitation, abuse, and child labour. There have been many successes and challenges. The
main learning was lack of empowerment. It seemed efforts were insufficient to
strengthen/build capacity of small/existing group to be development actors in their
community, which would be the key to sustainability and ownership.
However, the programme was still struggling to empower the village development actors
that coincided in the redesign to increase sustainability and impact. The ADP moved
towards supporting and forming community groups and working with existing group who
will be able to manage activities themselves in the future, as opposed to primarily working
with government structures (VDC, CDC etc). This change is in line with WVCs ADP
ministry new model in term of ADP structure, staffing, planning, budgeting, reporting and
monitoring that we moved from a predominantly needs-based service delivery approach
to a community empowerment approach.
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3.3 Political Context
Community development is the primary responsibility of duty bearers, in this case the
local authority of Leuk Daek District. Some of their responsibilities and roles are to
mobilize other resources both internal and external and also seek good cooperation from
outsiders including private sector and other NGOs in order to respond to community
needs and challenges. For example, they mobilized resource for supporting canal
renovation, culvert construction, repair school building, playground, and also encouraged
community people to construct household latrine in the target areas. Moreover, when the
flood and other kind of disasters happened, local authority helped community especially
vulnerable such as supported food, small amount of money and also settlers. Any issue
related to child issue, community’s conflict are solved by local authority to make fair for
community by following the law/royal degree. However, the capacities of local authorities
is still limited in spreading information widely and providing public services towards
ensuring safe migration, preventing or stopping child labour and gambling and also prevent
school drop outs. Mainly, their capacity and focus is ensuring security of populace.
While Besides this, the commune council consists of many party members who involved in
development tasks. So that, this make democracy environment in term of participation
together for improving living condition of people in community. However, the members
from dominant party seem to dominate and influence on other members from other party
in term of decision making on some particular development activities.
National Committee for sub-national Democratic Development (NCDD) through
supported from UN agency like UNDP have recently been more aggressive in supporting
the Cambodia mandate on decentralisation, which actually empowers local level
authorities to implement development activities. Recently, the Commune Council has
been authorized to use commune funding allocated from the national government to
respond to community development needs. When they decided to use commune fund,
they identified community needs and developed the village development plan.
Despite their increasing power and expanding role, the Commune Council has limited
budget to do as needed. Local authority did less for software such as on creating
community awareness on laws and other information, which affects them. They continue
to depend on outsiders like NGOs especially for child protection, health awareness and
interventions on improving child education. Local author also focused much on their role
especially role in the party because they are dependent on the party to hold their position.
For example, when NGOs invited for the meeting, they often joined, but if it is conflicted
with party meeting, they rejected NGOs activity even the NGOs already scheduled with
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The focus by local authority on providing hardware rather than build community capacities
is driven by the need to stay in power because physical and material assets are tangible
assets and can be displayed to validate their leadership. The communities want and need
information such as budget from the Ministry of Education to support school
development. Community want to see a view green of school compound and also improve
the quality of education, but school teachers explained them that education sector has not
budget to support that need. Moreover, community do not have access to information on
the services and the quality of those services required of health center personnel, so
health centre staffs do not provide good service for poor/vulnerable. Health Centre staffs
always blame them when they go to the center for health services or they say that HC do
not have enough materials to support that service, but when their party members come to
visit, they could provide as needed. In the ways to improve the health service, ADP run
role as initiator to work with OD and HC chief to build capacity of HC staffs to have skill
for taking care/cure community when they went to get the service. Up to now, the
number of clients has increased because the service is improved through the training.
Besides this, HCMC is a group to give constructive feedback to HC staffs. Actually, most
feedback is considered and acted upon. For example, community compliant about working
time of HC staffs is very short time per day (4 hours in the morning), but now it was
improved and community could access service 24 hours per day because HC staffs
arranged staffs to keep in routine work. Most of community people certified the HC
Second, related to partisan politics, local authorities intend to benefit party members and
families. For example, when flood happened, material supports are provided to their party
members first even with commune funds.
This political dynamic therefore requires the ADP to prioritize building and sustaining
community capacities to advocate for them in ways that are culturally acceptable so that
duty bearers hold themselves accountable to their constituents.
Child well-being status
4.1 Children enjoy good health
4.1.1 Status
Referred to the child growth monitoring report (compared weight for age) from project,
it illustrated that there was only 12% out of 581 children U2 who are malnourished in
December 2011. Thus, 88% of children are well nourished. Based on JUMSTART
evaluation 2012, it showed that for national level chronic malnutrition (stunting) is 31.3%,
underweight is 23.7%. Wasting is 7.7%. According to the result of ADP evaluation in 2011, 90% of children under one year old got
full immunization through good quality of outreach service of health center. Compared to
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the national target of only 80%, so that it is good result for protecting children from
infection. The full immunization children could avoid from 7 kinds of disease such as
tuberculosis, hepatitis B, measles, polio, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria diseases.
In order to reduce mortality rate of children, diarrhea management is considered critical.
Evaluation result showed that only 15.5% of children with diarrhea were managed
correctly. The use of Oral Rehydration Therapy was low (23%) with many households
giving a pill or syrup as treatment instead. They used medicines to treat the children when
they got diarrhea because they could access the private clinic. Evaluation 2011 results
revealed 91% of households drank boiled water and washed their hands before having
meal. Environment around their houses was kept clean by burying garbage and taking
other steps to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. Health staffs reported a notable
reduction in dengue fever and some other diseases.
Maternal and child health and nutrition project (MCHN) has worked with health centre
and also village health support group (VHSG). Both HC staffs and VHSGs had improved
capacity and knowledge to support health activities. The report illustrated that HC staffs
and its services were much improved and 83.5% of the population were satisfied or very
satisfied with services because ADP has important input in terms of improving knowledge,
staff attitudes and management through the HC Management Committee under closely
cooperation with local authority.
4.1.2 Analysis
Children were protected in some kinds of vaccination because mother more understood
on important of immunization. Mothers have changed behaviour to take care their
children; especially they applied as technical of health message. Remaining areas for
improvement in the HC were speed and availability of services, and poor attitudes from a
minority of staff, so community could access health service when they need. Outreach
services had greatly improved accessibility, particularly for immunisation, anti-natal care
and post natal care, so community could access health service both at HC location and
also at village level. Moreover, program impacted area has high commitment from most
VHSGs to advise for health message in community, so community could access health
information through them. Up to now, health system is being strengthened; health centre
service is a bit improvement as HC staffs are available most of time a day. HCMC is a
committee that could help to improve the health service through the meeting by raising up
any concerns of community to solve together. However, for some of vulnerable people,
they did not focus much on health care, so their health conditions are not good. The ADP
will continue to implement MCHN to sustain the gains made and to improve those areas
that still showed poor outcomes.
4.2 Children are educated for life
4.2.1 Status
Education performance indicators have improved as community understood and valued
education because they decided to send their children to go to school at the proper
school-age. Actually, there were over 90% of younger children attending school through
evaluation report 2011. Children of poor families attended school at proper school-age.
Only 5.5% of students dropped out of school while only 11.6% of school students repeat
class in primary grade; still these children’s future will be affected for life because they do
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not have enough capacity to earn income through their education. However the
performance is alarmingly low with lower secondary – only 46.3% completed Grade 9.
However the school environment has improved, thus encouraging children to go to school
because their school compound is green and clean. The quality of education has improved
to a certain degree, at least in primary school because teachers’ capacities have been
enhanced through ADP support. They could use students centre approach to teach
students and make them easy to understand. Because of education quality, students could
read and calculate number as their grade. The ADP also initiated and coordinated with
DOE to improve the library management by conducting the library skills training to all
librarians including how to motivate and direct children’s reading activities.
Youth and children’s capacities have been built through peace road club curriculum. They
developed skills for emotional management and constructive relationships. In addition,
they also learned on how to analyse the situation that can make them vulnerable and how
to protect themselves when those situations arise.
4.2.2 Analysis
The migration of young students for work is a concern because they dropped out school
from 14 years old. They could not complete the basis education, so their abilities are not
enough for earning income. They will lose opportunity for business because knowledge is
low. They will therefore use their labour instead of their knowledge and end up earning
very low and seasonal incomes. Unsafe migration is also a concern because they are too
young, they are easy to be influenced by bad persons to do anything against the law and
they also could be exploited by others.
While primary education indicators have improved, it is not so with lower-secondary
school. The ineffective school management system of class teachers affects the quality of
teaching. Some teachers are not well prepared to teach and there is poor monitoring of
teachers. This contributes to school drop outs. While the Ministry of Education Youth
and Sport has launched a national education policy to achieve education for all by 2015,
there has not been much support to teachers in terms of pay. With very low salaries,
teachers have had to look to other income earning activities to support their families. So
this problem affected to their performance on teaching children in compliance with
student-centre and child friendly school methodology. The culture of reading was still a
concern because some students did not involve in library activities. Library facilities are
not enough for children, some school shared library space with school office, so students
do not feel confident to join because they are afraid of teachers.
SSC is an existing group to support the school development but only around 50% of SSCs
are functioning well based on community reflection. They could not assist school as
needed because their capacity is limited and they also have many works to do in
community and thus cannot commit to do SSC activities. This is an unhealthy state
because SSC is seen to be one of the community mechanisms to sustain the quality of
teaching and learning outcomes and good performance in enrolment, completion and
transition rates.
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4.3 Children love God and their neighbour
4.3.1 Status
In Leuk Daek area there is only one main church and some home based churches. The
church leaders played important role to share the kingdom of God to members on
Sunday. Children get to learn more about the teachings and the values of the Kingdom of
God during Christmas celebration. On other occasions such as, Annual Progress Report
writing and Water Festival Card, they get to see ADP staffs modeling Christian spirituality
such as when staff lead participants to pray to God. Children also learn how to develop
positive relationships when they joined the events of sponsorship project that they played
the funny game and enjoyed together. Moreover, children learn respect, a sharing attitude
and openness to other opinions when they join the children club. Some mothers reported
that their children have changed attitude to be polite after they got training from ADP
staffs. The culture of caring are promoted through ADP staffs. For example, peer support
team went to the house of students who did not attend school regularly and then
encouraged their friend to re-schooling. In the children and youth club, members set up
the vision. It leads children to have their own vision.
4.3.2 Analysis
While there are very few Christians in Leuk Daek ADP area and they can sometimes be
discriminated against, many community members respect the Christian faith especially as
they see good values, attitudes and behaviour being demonstrated by the staffs. ADP took
initiative to partner with local churches/home church and relevant religious groups as the
means to promote the sense of caring and loving for their children including RCs. Violence
in the family is reducing because community understood more on the law through
program interventions.
4.4 Children are cared for, protected and participating
4.4.1 Status
In the responding to prevention, protection and restoration approach in child protection
program. Leuk Daek has been integrating a non-sponsorship funded sector project named
Mobilizing Community for Child Protection (MCCP). The Child Protection Network
(CPN) was formed to respond all kinds of child abuse, especially child sexual and
exploitation. There was no case without taking action with law procedure. In addition,
Cambodian government created the structure in commune level to respond for women
and children affair. They were able to support the women and children issue when case
happened because they were equipped capacity through government and also WVC.
Child sexual abuse and exploitation is associated with many issues such as poverty and
unemployment; most of the project partners were not engaged with livelihood activities.
To sustain their involvement, the project should consider linking them to other economic
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Moreover, children are cared because parents were oriented about the parenting skill and
they understood on child rights. Parents also aware the child issue by parent group which
formed by the project.
Besides, children and youth understood on child rights and child protection. They have
skill to protect themselves to avoid from abuse. They were equipped capacity to analyse
who should trust on and who are taking risk for children. Children and youth played
important role in order to aware their friends on risk related to child abuse.
The ADP has been instrumental in promoting birth certificates through the Birthday
Bounce Back (BBB) and other project actions. Today parents have fully realized the value
of such a document.
Youth always raised up their need through village development plan when commune
council came to the village to set up the plan within community. Commune council
consolidate all the needs including children and youth need to do the budget plan for using
the commune fund. The fund is allocated by government.
4.4.2 Analysis
While there are existing mechanisms to protect children and care for those whose rights
have been violated, the functioning and capacity of these groups remain limited due to
turn-over of members and the limited commitment of some members. A case in point is
when children age 14 years old and up dropped out of school to work, the local authority
could not respond on that issue. Some members only report to the village and commune
chiefs when abuses are committed although there are other authorities and agencies that
as well those should respond to such cases such as the police officer. There are some
concerns of the sustainability of the Child Protection Network (CPN) and youth groups.
Some of problems the groups were faced with lost members are financial and time
constraints, irregular meetings, and limited capacity. It appears that the youth groups
could carry on some activities after the project is phased out, but the CPN could not.
Some CPN members didn’t know about their roles and responsibilities and were not
active. Some groups also didn’t have regular meetings in recent months.
Programme rationale
5.1 Strategic importance
5.1.1 Programme selection
There were significant achievements and good impact indicated from the evaluation in
2011 and from overall observation by both World Vision staff and community members
and authorities. These are highlighted elsewhere in the report.
However there are areas that need to be addressed during the transition period. In education, while enrolment rate for all school-­‐aged children has gone high and completion rate at Grade 6 already acceptable, completion rate for Grade 9 is still very low at 46.3% therefore education is still prioritized. Like in almost all of Cambodia including even urban centers, malnutrition still persists and access to clean and safe drinking water is still low. Thus health and nutrition with WASH is likewise prioritized. Leuk Daek Area Development Programme Design FY13-FY15
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The focus will be on strengthening the capacities of stakeholders and community partners
to sustain the positive gains made towards CWB. Networks will be enhanced so that
community groups will have access to more resources from government and other civil
society groups including private sector to help them lead and manage their groups and
implement activities that will benefit their families and communities.Thus the ADP will
strengthen the capacities of existing government structures such as the Health Centre
Management Committee and SSCs is to address problems and availability of services (with
health for HC to deliver services particularly at night and weekends, and in relation to
emergencies and births). Wider feedback from the community and VHSG (including
possibly community meetings), out of hours contact arrangements and possible
partnership with some private health providers could be considered by this committee.
5.1.2 Contribution to local strategic priorities
According to decentralization and sub-decentralization approach of government of
Cambodia, commune must have own planning that called commune investment plan (CIP).
The commune plan must involve from key persons, community and also children, thus the
plan is responded to the needs of community. ADP is an actor that contributes to
government approach. ADP always involved in commune investment plan through meeting
and supporting gaps in their investments. ADP staffs always conducted community need
with village leaders and village leaders raised to commune level, thus ADP plan is in
harmony with the commune plan. With the design process phase 3 resulting from the
input of community representatives, the local authorities, health centre, school, church,
youth club, and RC families, the program redesign is really contributing towards achieving
the outcomes in commune and also district plans.
Referred to 05 years development plan of district council (page 10-11), program design is
contributing to economic development that increase the rice/corn yield production,
reducing of animal disease. For social sector, ADP design is contributing to the complete
basic education, reducing mortality rate of mothers and children, strengthen health service
to provide immunization to all children, improve accessing health service for community
people, improve hygiene in community through using latrine and safe water. In addition,
MCCP is contributing to violence reduction in the community.
5.1.3 Importance to community and partner priorities
With the design process using a highly participatory approach whereby communities and
other partners analyzed the causes of each issue and to plan corresponding actions, we
are confident that the re-design addresses the priorities of our partner communities and
other stakeholders. There are 2 main priorities issues identified as the real problems and
need of poor in community. The first priority is related to maternal and child health
including sanitation issues through integrated community lead total sanitation (CLTS) and
the second issue is related to education and economic productivity. These specific
priorities have been integrated into each specific project design.
To ensure program remains responsive to community’s issues and priorities, the ADP
staffs will work closely with local authority and existing groups such as ACs, SSC, YC/CC,
and local Church as partner to mobilize resources and network with other NGOs and
other stakeholders to sustain the development gains that have been made.
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In addition, the program was recommended in order to overcome all these complicated
problems. The programme contributes to achieve the development priorities of the local
communities and partners by including the community issues based into program redesign
through facilitating them to identify root cause of problems as issue to be address and
identify internal and external resources to respond to the issues.
5.1.4 Contribution to WV strategic priorities
Currently WVC is focusing on two main issues, because of the particular context of
Cambodia. The first is Health and Nutrition because of high rates of child malnutrition still
persists in the country. 39.9% of children are stunted (chronically malnourished). Acute
malnutrition (wasting) has increased to 10.9%; such a rate is categorized by WHO as a
serious emergency. Underweight among children under 5 remains stagnant at 28%.
Cambodia remains one of 33 alarming or extremely alarming countries in the world in
terms of hunger and under nutrition. The effects of malnutrition on the individual,
community and society are irreversible and far-reaching: poor brain development, poor
school performance, poor productivity and a burden to society.
Second is Education. Children's learning outcomes remain low due to shortages of school
facilities, and also library facilities, textbooks and learning resource materials, qualified and
competent teachers and the limited engagement of the community in support to their
children's education, according to the MoEYS. National net enrolment rate at the lower
secondary level is only 31.9 % while at the higher secondary level it is a dismal 19.4%.
There is still disparity between girls and boys, with fewer girls completing high school.
WV Cambodia National Strategy provided this strategic focus. While WVC has
incorporated all four Child Well-being Aspirations into the national strategy, WVC wants
to see focus on child health and nutrition and education.
In responding to WVC strategy, Leuk Daek program has designed to empower children
and community and transform structure and system. The program created space for local
authority, health centres, school directors, and the vulnerable poor communities to have
dialogue for common issues addressing that will lead to change government structure and
systems by integrating the concept of advocacy like citizen voice action (CVA) to lead
community and children to raise up what they need to request for support from local
authority. In addition, the program integrated community into village development plan
(VDP) and also commune investment plan (CIP) to responding to Youth and Children
Clubs as social issue activities raising for prevention, protection and restoration for
children. In the VDP and CIP, community are empowered to share what they need to
develop their village and commune. Their need are raised up and prioritized by commune
council to use the fund from government. Leuk Daek program also supports community
need as to support CIP. To reach this program, ADP staffs will change from previous
intervention approach and process to focus more on community empowerment approach.
And shift from “implementer/practitioner” toward “facilitator” by partnering at all levels
with community and government institutions to transform systems and structures toward
sustained CWBO.
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5.1.5 Learning from previous programme experience
Community and local authority closely support each other; it is good way to mobilize
them to participate in development activities. In addition, building capacity of AC, it is the
process to promote ownership and sustainability in their development process. Increasing
participation of the poor and vulnerable in development activities strongly contributes to
promote transparency of relevant stakeholders, especially government agencies.
Registered children and families play important roles in supporting their communities’
development. The program integrated RCs and RC families (RCF) into the above projects
to ensure physical and mental care including education, health and nutrition as well as child
participation in development activities by facilitating them into RC clubs and RC families
However, community behaviour change on health, education, and agriculture technique
and child protection as well are still a concern. For example, for mothers who have
children under 05 years old, they understood on health message, but they did not apply it
all, so child health is still concern. ADP will work with existing group like VHSG to consult
one by one to the person who identified did not apply as technical of health. ADP will also
work closely with local authority to educate them from time to time and encourage them
to apply by address any concern as real case. Community valued more on education, they
knew that education can help their child to be better life, but in reality earning an income
is top priority so even children are made to work to contribute to family income because
daily food, that needs to feed their families member. One more thing, parents have loaned
from middle man and company, they must paying back and need more money from time
to time to pay for interest and principle why parents is still asked children to stop studying
and go to work. Community also used much pesticide on agriculture products that
affected to health and is also costly. Parents knew on child rights, but they forced their
child to assist them in farming when they study. Below is key lessoned learns from
evaluation and also reflection.
Table: Lessons learned
Learning, finding or conclusions
From Assessment, Evaluation or other sources
Application to this programme
Sustainability of ACs still limited
Build capacity of AC leaders to ensure they have
enough capacity and are able to lead ACs after the
ADP ends.
Focus on capacity building on agriculture to individual
Set up agriculture extension workers to continuing
the agriculture technique for villager.
Community got debt issue.
Working with local authority to aware community
people on debt issue and encourage them to save.
Health Centre Management Committee’ capacity is
still limited
Build Capacity to HCMC to deal with issue related
to health issue.
Number of Post Partum Women accessed to health
service is still limited .
Cooperated with HC staffs and VHSGs to provide
knowledge on dangerous of PNC.
Health Equity Fund Committee (HEFC) is not
functioned well.
Work with local authority and OD to build
capacity for HEFC.
District Education Office (DEO) monitors to school
teachers is still limited.
Work with DOE to set clear plan for monitoring
on school teacher’s performance.
School Support Committee’s Capacity is still limited.
Cooperate with DOE and school master to build
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Learning, finding or conclusions
From Assessment, Evaluation or other sources
Application to this programme
capacity for SSC.
Student Council’s (SC) capacity is still limited.
Work with school master to build capacity for SC
to assist on child drop out of school.
Applying Child Monitoring Standard is still limited
Simplify CMS will be full applied.
RC shortfall is concern in program
Work with community to monitor RC .
Child Protection Network (CPN) is the key partner
for community mobilizing for child protection
Build capacity for CPN
Youth club is the agency to transform parents
behaviour and child
Increase raising awareness on child abuse, child
labour and domestic violence among children and
Youth and children’s capacity club is still limited
Build Capacity for youth and children
Programme description
6.1 Programme goal and outcomes
6.1.1 Programme Goal
Program goal is “Children are healthy, completed quality basic education and live in
peace”. There are five projects (Three projects are funded by WVUS such as sponsorship
project, maternal and child and nutrition project and also education project. Two projects
more are integrated such as MCCP and ACSCED project with grant funding) that will be
working together to achieve the program goal. The projects work for improving health
and nutrition by including the community hygiene, strengthening the education system to
improve quality of education and reducing the child drop out of school by integrating
agriculture technique for student’s parents to do farming for support child education. The
project also strengthens the capacity of AC to be functioned for helping the community in
addressing on market issue and improve quality of agriculture product. Child protection is
integrated into program through sector project to ensure children are protected and
cared for.
6.1.2 Programme outcomes
Outcome 1: To contribute to the transformation of registered children, their families,
communities and sponsors.
Description: RCs and their families will be confident to work with sponsorship team in
assisting to development work. They know clearly what the benefit of sponsorship
program for them and also community. They will also know why WVC phases out from
the area and no conflict for all sponsorship process.
Outcome 2: All children, pregnant and lactating women are healthy, well nourished, and
protected from preventable diseases.
Description: In the next three years, program wants to see all children under 2 years old
are healthy. The children will be more taken care of as parents apply the health technique.
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All pregnant women could access health service both antenatal care and also post natal
care. They could prepare the family planning themselves for getting the new children. The
lactating women will take care of her children by providing the breast feeding and also
nutritious food. For all children under one year old, they will get full immunization.
Outcome 3: Children in target commune especially poor and poorest students
completed quality basic education.
Description: In the next three years, program wants to see the increasing completed
basis education of children rate especially poor 1 and poor 2. Program also wants to
increase the income generation through community small group and agriculture technique.
Community will also have enough abilities to cope with disaster.
Outcome 4: To reduce the vulnerability of Cambodian girls and boys to sex trafficking,
commercial sexual exploitation, sexual assault, and sexual abuse–deemed child SEA for the
purposes of this program to improve the overall capacity of the Cambodian government
and civil society to prevent child SEA, protect children, and restore child victim-survivors
of SEA.
Description: Program under integrated from MCCP project plans to achieve through
strategy of preventing new cases and addressing the root causes of sexual abuse,
exploitation, and trafficking, ensuring the protection of victim-survivors through legal and
social means, and restoring victim-survivors to their communities through direct provision
of quality aftercare services. The specific strategies for how WV plans to achieve these
aims are elaborated to strengthen the functionality and responsiveness of existing civil
society and local government structures and mechanisms that prevent and respond to
child SEA, Victims/survivors of SEA (new or reintegrated) are protected from further
abuse, exploitation, and/or repeat trauma in the community; and also to facilitate
restorative care and, as appropriate, community transition and reintegration for child
victim survivors of SEA.
6.2 Programme approach
6.2.1 General programme approach
Program aims to see the community sustainability development by working with
community small groups like ACs and also existing structure in order to improve child
well being outcome. Program staffs will build capacity and coaching them to ensure they
are able to deal with community issue and able to advocate to local authority for achieving
their dream/vision. Community mobilizing for solidarity and unity will be utilized for all
project activities. The program is kept building good relationship and networking among
groups and stakeholders. The program takes partnership principles and the participatory
approach seriously. Program desires to see community leaders and local authorities
performing key roles in the program. TD approach is used in this design implementation.
ADP staffs are model to community as God witness and they must change their behaviour
first to follow as God model. The change can be humble attitude, willing to help
poor/vulnerable and soft word. ADP staffs build good relationship with community people,
in that time, ADP staffs also conscientize them and lead them to see the good and bad
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attitude/behaviour for their live. ADP staffs encourage them to change bad habit and do
any activities to reach their dream especially to reach child well being outcome. In the
implementation, ADP staffs also coaches them and lead them to reflect what they do and
set plan for improving.
As the WV Development Program Approach proposes, the program will strengthen
partnerships with program stakeholders and facilitate more collaboration and coordination
between community groups and government authorities and agencies as well as other
entities. Program staffs will play role as connector to connect community to network with
other institutes and they will support each other. Capacity building is an important
approach to help community to change to positive deviance.
VDP and CIP are really important for community development after program phasing out.
Thus program staffs will work with Commune Council to integrate community needs
especially children’s need into that plan. Program staffs will also build capacity to partners
on how to do the plan and advocate for priority need. Another way is for community
groups to be able to access resources from other institutions for example, access loan
from Vision Fund and other MFIs and they are also able to pay back with profitable.
Moreover, community mobilization will be used for community development to increase
the ownership of community people.
Soft advocacy will also be used for the program to learn and apply according to the
experience. Program looks for the possible situation to create suitable space for
community and local authority or government agencies to have dialogue to deal with the
critical issues encountered in community.
6.2.2 Programme partners
Parent: They are resource persons to monitor/follow up children status such as
education and health problem. They could encourage their children to study hard in term
of reading, writing, do home work and send their children to do medical check-up in case
child at serious illness. Moreover, RCs are allowed to participate in sponsorship activities
if those RC parents well understood on sponsorship and the importance of sponsorship
for development in their community. Therefore, program will keep providing sponsorship
awareness to let all RCs parents to value on education and health to keep them know
about consent agreement between ADP and parents that is to let children go to school
and taking care children.
District Education Officer: They are an important key partner to assist the program
direction for education approach to complete the basis education of children. They also
could provide the data for progressing the education and advises for change if needed.
They could also monitor the school performance and provide teacher training to improve
the quality of education.
School Directors: They are key important partners to improve the quality of education
sector. They could manage the school teachers to provide general teaching to children at
school by following Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (MoEYS) curriculum, and
guideline. They could manage the school to promote children to study hard and enjoy
playing in school. It encourages children to go to school. They could promote the child to
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strongly involve in education. They actively educate the children related to education, child
protection, hygiene and sanitation. Sponsorship staffs could collaborate with them in child
monitoring for responding to the child education concern.
School Support Committee: They are multiple persons who come from local
authority, and potential person in community. They are willing to assist in developing the
school. They could mobilize the community to share the fund and also labour to develop
the school. They also could engage other partner to help the school like NGOs and
private sectors. They could help programs staffs in mobilizing and monitoring school
development and also assist to address the issue related to education.
Operational District: They could provide the technical for HC staffs and also VHSGs in
term of health. They also assist the program in planning and monitoring to HC staffs to
provide the quality of health service at HC located and outreach. In term of administrative
work, they could also assist program staffs to reduce that work by consult on easy ways
like phone except any important works.
Health center: In general health center staffs will provide health care services to local
community people. That service could assist the program staffs to improve the child well
being especially on children enjoys good health. They also support ADP in providing
medical checkup for RCs during APR and WFC.
AC: Partnering to improve solidarity improving condition of the poor 1 and poor 2 by
conducted saving, meeting, sharing lessons learned. They also facilitate their members to
do the business that allowed by PDoA and earn income for their member. They also assist
to the program for engaging community as group to be easy for developing and decision
making. They also assist program for contributing profit for community development
through bylaw setting.
Youth Club: its group facilitate with community especially children club, and CPN for
community awareness, training on child individual safety, child prevention, child abuse, and
domestic violent deduction. They are also agent to transform community especially for
violence parents and brick worker parents to concentrate on children education.
Local authorities: They play an important role to create opportunity for program staffs
to mobilize and empower the community people especially the poor/poorest people, AC
member and children to join the development process and to be able to manage by their
own development activities. Program aims to get involvement from local authority as they
are partner for community development. Additionally, their role is to manage and support
community small group for sustainable development.
Vision Fund: This institute will provide loan to community people to run their business.
Particularly, VFC will provide the knowledge to clients on how to make their business plan
and the way of operating successful business, especially PLHA in target areas. It
contributes to program activities that just only provide technical to community people.
Thus, community could get technical from program staffs and could do business through
accessing loan.
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CREDIT: To be a reliable and well known financial institution that provides diverse and
innovative financial solutions to communities, serving and protecting our clients while
maintaining organizational sustainability with a commitment to the poor.
ACLEDA: To provide micro, small and medium entrepreneurs with the wherewithal to
manage their financial resources efficiently and by doing so to improve the quality of their
AMRET: To provide a wide range of financial services for low income people as well as
micro, small and medium enterprises - while at the same time achieving a high level of
financial and social performance.
AMK: To help large numbers of poor people to improve their livelihood options through
the delivery of appropriate and viable microfinance services.
PRASAS: To provide sustainable access to financial services for rural communities and
6.2.3 Child Sponsorship
Child Sponsorship Management Project (CSMP) will integrate work plan with other
projects and ensure they are strongly focused on child well-being to ensure children
especially RCs participate in program activities implemented by various project staffs in the
aim to benefit directly or indirectly to RCs since ADP integration plan made and
monitoring tool provided. ID card scanner and simplify CMS will also help to achieve this.
The CSM Project will identify or prioritise activities that would increase participation and
benefit to children. All program staffs will also help to monitor RCs in term of
participation, health care, child protection and education while conducting meeting/training
in community. Moreover, the project will also conduct sponsorship awareness by using
IEC materials through community refresher meeting, ID card scanner orientation, and
both semi and annual reflection to assure community on-going support and go along the
way together on sponsorship journey. Regarding the RC mapping the project cooperated
with ADP staffs to identify RC families for program activities response. RCs monitoring
still needed and conducted by TDFs according to Child Monitoring Standard. All child
participation and benefit are collected and entered into Sponsorship Tracking
Enhancement Program (STEP) system. STEP has recorded child data which could be
accessible by sponsors or support office.
The CSMP encourage increasing participation of community people including RCs and
families by strengthening capacity of potential key partners in term of information sharing
to community people, and playing role dealing with difficult RC families in relation to the
development anticipation, health promotion, and child protection. Moreover, project will
follow up with community small groups through cooperation with ADP staffs to ensure
those groups have function to monitor and follow up RCs in any special circumstance. In
case of those need support in the field of building capacity on monitoring process,
sponsorship team will provide training or refresher to them. Significantly, Sponsorship
team also play role to awake RC parents to follow up on RC education and health issues
which primarily caring and protection for their children during home visit.
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The factor that contribute to effect the implementation of child sponsorship is that
program has good cooperation with local authorities and potential community partners
and ADP staffs through integration work plan and RC mapping which staffs could respond
to RCs monitoring and families participation that has the priority activities contributed to
achieve goal and child well-being gradually. Through this, program could provide
information clearly to RCs parent and also community people on why project close.
6.2.4 Programme integration
In order to achieve the program goal, there are three projects which are designed through
sponsorship funding from WVUS. There are sponsorship project, maternal and child
health and nutrition project, education project which integrates agriculture and economic
development and also disaster risk reduction including preparedness and emergency
response. In education project already integrated activities to achieve the common goal.
For example, in outcome 1 is to empower community people especially poor and poorest
families to value quality of education while outcome 3 is to improve family income of the
poor and poorest to support children education. So, poor 1 &2 are encouraged to use
their income through producing the agriculture products and also saving to support child
education. They are also promoted to value more on education for their children and
send children to go to school regularly. In output 3.4 is to encourage CCDM/DCDM to
mobilize resources for disaster management. Thus, community especially poor 1 & 2 are
ready to respond to all kinds of disaster and resilient in the future, because if they produce
the agriculture products without considering on disaster, so disaster could destroy their
Maternal and child health and nutrition in output 1.2 is to strengthen community group
and partners to lead and practise on good hygiene and sanitation while output 2.1 of
education is to improve school facility through SCs/SSC. It helps each other because
community understood on sanitation and hygiene is not only working in village but also
working in school as well. Thus school children could aware on hygiene at school through
output of maternal and child health and nutrition project. The school compound will be
cleaned through this integration.
In the overall of MCHN is to improve the health of mothers and children, so the children
could have a good foundation of their health. For example, children could protect from
07kinds of diseases through vaccination. They also grow normally through their mother
applying health approach to feed the children. Thus, their brain is grown and they will be
easy to understand for getting knowledge when they are schooling. It helps children to
stay longer in education and contributes to complete the basic education for education
Moreover, sponsorship project is main project that could build relationship between
sponsors and RCs, which encourages sponsors to support fund for project. It could help
to education and MCHN project to have enough funding for implementing the project
activities. In addition, sponsorship project is not only working for funding, but also working
for community development. For instant, community could know the important of
sponsorship, how sponsor fund is used, and why project is phasing out. When community
especially RCs and their families understood on sponsorship operation, they could allow
children to join the sponsorship program. ADP staffs could work in community without
conflict because they understand on how to use the fund.
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Education project could assist to sponsorship project when project wants to
monitor/follow up RCs at school because our partners as teachers could help on this.
Through STEP, it could help development project to know where situation of progress
through sponsorship data. For example, STEP could share the education that drop school
temporary, so project education could use this data to respond and reflection with
Some non-sponsorship funded projects are integrated in the ADP. Community
mobilization for child protection (MCCP) is integrated to the program to achieve the
program goal that states children living in peace. MCCP is strengthening to child
protection network (CPN) which participates from local authority, police officers, health
centre staffs, school teachers and also parents. Moreover, children and youth are key
partners to raise awareness on children protection. They could help to educate their
friends both in and out of school to be safe. They also assist in development of activities
such as they join in VDP and also join monthly meeting of CC. Thus, they could raise up
their need to seek support from local authority.
Education project could work with youth club of MCCP to encourage youth club
members to stay in school and study heard.
In term of improving the income generation in education project, when poor 1 and poor 2
get sick they also could access health service free of charge because MCHN project in
output 2.2 is to promote health equity fund committees (HEFC) to mobilize resources to
support and monitor health services accessing of Poor 1+2 and PLHIVs families.
In addition, Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods (FNL)is integrated to to support food for
PLHIV. Thus, children and parents who live with HIV could improve the nutrition and also
improve the quality of live because they will support from project to access OI/ARV at
health centre location. However this food support phases out in January 2013. The FNL
will intensify networking with local authorities to continue support for PLHIV and also
promote savings among the groups.
ACSCED project is integrated to the program for assisting economic development. Some
activities are the same with new propose activities of education project. In the design logframe, ADP discussed with ACSCED project manager and came with an agreement to set
activities in education log-frame because ACSCED project coordinator is assigned two
ADPs, so that staff concerns the workload. ACSCED just cooperates to work together in
village, but not be goal owner. ACSCED is designed for engaging all ACs in WVC to
network in national level. ACs are strengthened at national level by capacity building,
exposure visit and also share lesson learn. ACSCED also a connector from local level to
higher level especially connect to ministry of agriculture to align with guideline and also
royal degree of Cambodia.
Programme transition
Transition Decision with Rationale
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WVC leadership – the Operations Director in consultation with the Operations Manager,
affirmed by the Senior Leadership Team members and communicated to the ADP- made
the decision to transition Leuk Daek ADP for phase out not only to honour the project
life which has been agreed upon with the SO but also because the ADP has shown much
progress towards its objectives around food security, health and nutrition and mobilizing
communities on child protection as well as around community capacity. Good feedback
reports of Leuk Daek ADP have been received from its many visitors and from WVC
leaders visiting it and interacting with community members and staff. Finally WVC
leadership’s initial decision for the ADP phase out was validated by the findings of the
2011 evaluation. Phasing out the ADP has also given WVC the opportunity to grow new
ADPs in other areas in the country with great needs on CWB.
Positive impact has been shown in many areas relating to CWB. In terms of economic
livelihoods, 47% reported an increase in income compared to 19% reporting a decrease in
income. On health, both measles (93.1%) and full immunization coverage (97.7%) was
higher than for all of Kandal province. Brestfeeding within one hour of birth was high
(89.1%) while exclusive breastfeeding was still low. Incidence of diarrhea dropped down to
15.5%, demonstrating impact from the work of VHSGs and the many training conducted in
communities on health and hygiene. While access to potable water is still low, there was
clear evidence that environmental sanitation has improved overall with community people
building more latrines and cleaning and improving their surroundings.
On education, transition rate has increased from 81% in 2004 to 88.4%; completion rate
for Grade 6 is now at 87.7% and the enrolment rate for all school-aged children previously
at 25% is now at 72%. The reasons for these huge changes were identified as
improvements in the school environment, the annual campaign for enrolment carried out
by local authorities and World Vision,
In terms of community structures and their growing capacities:
• Community resources mobilization – youth groups could play role in raising resources
and are capable to lead their own group for child protection activities. Child
Protection Committee at Commune level is willing to protect children. There was no
reported on child sexual abuse in the previous year. According to the survey of MCCP
2007, 63.4 percent of respondents reported that the safety of children in the
community was much better and there was increased action to protect children from
sexual abuse and exploitation during the four years of the project implementation.
• They have clear structure with acknowledgement from the authorities with
role/responsibility. The Agriculture Cooperative (AC) in each commune was officially
formed and registered by the Provincial Department of Agriculture in line with the
Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery. The AC leaders in boards and monitoring
committee have ability to manage their group members with less support from ADP
staff. In addition, the relevant departments of the government (at district and provincial
levels) showed their commitment and willingness to provide support including capacity
building through training, coaching and also some materials for agriculture purpose.
Structures of Water Management Committees are functioning strong. The performed
well in managing and maintain the water in the canal, the farmers have sufficient water
for farming. For instance, 8 cannels had been renovated for their using. Agriculture
productivity increased because of good accessibility of water irrigation, the farmers
could grow crops from 2 to 3 times per year. They were provided agriculture
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technical skill, and they are understood and applied and as result they got high yield.
Based on the result from Program Evaluation, rice yield increased 45.3%. Moreover,
they have local market for their products.
Health Centre service improved – The report illustrated that HC staffs and its services
were much improved and 83.5% of the population were satisfied or very satisfied with
services of health center. The health center staff standby at the health center 24 hours
to provide services any time as needed from the community because of at each health
center have professional physicians and adequate materials. Beside, the HCMCs of
each health center are strong in addressing on any concern related to health services
and the behaviour of staff to make better.
SSC – the members of SSCs of all the twelve primaries and lower secondary school
are actively to mobilize the community resources to support school sector in term of
raising fund to repair the school building. The SSC are the key people that play role in
promote education value. 99% of children were enrolled at school.
Community sustainability is an ultimate goal of Leuk Daek ADP. In last redesign, program
focused more on forming and also establishing community small groups to be legal groups.
In this design, program discussed with key community people to increase their
accountabilities both human and also financial resource. In the previous time, program got
significant progress that lead community group to earn more income through income
generation, agriculture products increased. Community also shared both cost and labour
to support the project activities, it showed that community has increased ownership to
respond with their own development. Community also changed behaviour in tern of taking
care for children and also focused more on child education. This is a good seed to lead
community for sustainability.
7.1 Management of the Transition process
7.1.1 Community transition process
In the design community and key partners were invited to join and share concept for
design especially ADP staffs shared message box that let community to know when ADP
will be ended program. Key products were raised by community, so they already knew
what they will do in this phase with ADP to be sustained. There are 21 products were
raised up as minute of community workshop. Moreover, on 07-08 June 2012, ADP staffs
conducted transition table with key community again as program learned from other
ADPs in ALN for transition. The transition discussed clearly in what kind of activities that
ADP and community will share to implement the project. In addition, community and key
partners also set up ITT with project and indicate to achieve ITT together. This is the way
for empowering them to decide on what they need.
In the products there are mostly existing activities, so that ADP will build more capacity to
the group who have worked to improve those activities. They will be independent to
implement on their plan. Moreover, their plan benefited to them and also community
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group, not benefit for other members. ADP staffs will play role in coaching and leading
them on job training and also training through project activities.
Moreover, ADP staffs especially TDFs team will prepare detailed plan for transition with
community (appendix F). Transition and communication plan are attached in appendix E.
7.1.2 Human Resources Management
ADP will follow staffs transition plan base on the Human Resources Management –
National Policy Manual NSM 11 to 11.4 of staff recruitment and staffs transfer. ADP
manager will discuss with line management and P& C officers to choose the option below
referring to staff performance and decision making.
Option I: Staffs are eligible for direct transfer to new ADP at the same grade/level
and position, if they have good Performance Development Management (PDM) score and
Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA).
Option II: ADP manager will work with Line Management and P&C officer to
discuss on how to redundant staffs and also transfer eligible staffs to a new role.
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7.1.3 Asset disposal
All assets and equipment belong to ADP office will follow the National policy of asset
transfer and disposal. A committee will be formed to discuss and evaluate the quality of
asset and submit to the line management for approval.
1. The cost of asset >$0 to <$499.
2. The cost of asset >$500 to <$5,000
3. The cost of asset >$ 5000
After approval from Line Management, ADP has three options for transfer to other
partners’ relevant.
Option I: Will transfer to other ADP needy
Option II: Will transfer to community in target areas.
Option III: Will transfer to the government/ local authorities/partners
7.1.4 Documentation process
Sponsorship document
The retention and/or disposal of sponsorship documents will follow the National
Sponsorship policy. The project staffs fully checks the completeness of documents of each
RC before transfer to Operations Office for 3 months after closure. They will then be
archived or destroyed as required by policy.
Program document
All document of ADP’s life worked (soft and hard copy) will keep be kept at the
Operations level for evaluation and audit when ADP closed.
Financial document
Refer to the National Manual of Finance Policy, ADP will keep all documents that relevant
to financial. It will be transferred and keep at Operation for future reference as per audit
7.1.5 Preliminary Assessment of risk
As shown in the transition rationale:
there are no significant gaps in CWB
much positive impact has been evidenced
a foundation for sound disaster management especially to floods, drought and
insect infestation has been laid with capacities of committees for disaster
management continuing to be strengthened
Clear orientation was given to authorities and communities on the project phaseout and there was high participation in the re-design process which also involved
phase-out plans.
Furthermore, there is no actual or potential significant public transition of intention
to transition nor is there an organized opposition to the transition decision.
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1. There will be ongoing and more detailed discussions with stakeholders and
community partners on specific mechanics of phase-out. We will facilitate very
clear transition planning with community.
2. The ADP will have very clear detailed discussions with RCs and their families
about the purpose of project phase out and its process.
3. There was clearly stated in the Informed Consent Agreement during their
(RCs) first registered into our program that WVC does not promise to
provide the direct benefit to the individual RC. Generally, their WVC will use
the resources to provide common benefit to our community as a whole.
4. As per the MOU, the current Leuk Daek ADP office will be handed over to the
health center.
5. Process of handover of all assets will involve all partners to ensure
transparency and accountability.
6. A closing ceremony will be conducted to have acknowledgement from all
stakeholders and government authorities.
7. Project closure report will be done 6 months prior to project phase out.
Learning and knowledge management strategy
8.1 Baseline Study
The baseline data is very important to make direction of the program, what is program
trying to achieve. The baseline data can be found from two main sources. Firstly, the ADP
tries to use the secondary data as much as possible from any availability and validity
sources such as WVC national baseline 2011, JUMSTART evaluation 2012, ADP evaluation
report 2011, MoEYS statistic, Cambodia Demographic Health Survey report 2010
(CDHS), MCCP evaluation 2011, Leuk Daek district data, DEO data, OD data and also
AO data in order to complete the indicator tracking table of each project. Secondly, ADP
staffs will conduct baseline survey if indicators data of projects are still missing. There are
two ways for conducting the baseline survey. It can be FGD or HHS. It depends on the
program/project indicator type. Project coordinators under support by ADP staffs will be
the main responsible person to look for the data, else will participate in required tasks
such as data collection team during the HHS or FGD data collection process, particularly
ADP manager will participate in management support. Moreover, OMO, DME and
relevant STOs will provide technical support–design sampling framework, design
questionnaire, train to data collection team, and data analysis to ADP in order to
successfully conduct the baseline survey.
In the first year of project implementation, ADP and project staffs will conduct baseline
survey after the program design is approved by the line management and support office.
The data from those sources will be used and put into the project indicator tracking table,
and it will be contributed to the program indicator tracking table within the outcome
level. It is the starting point for program/project to move forward for implementation.
Moreover, the baseline result will be shared to the community member, local authorities,
and key stakeholders to understand about their community situation as well as looking for
support and partnering with them to achieve the program target.
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Data collection process is required, then following the DME budget guidelines to budget
accordingly. The approximate budget needed to conduct a baseline data collection process
is $1,300, and this cost for running baseline survey will depend on reality of ADP or
project baseline requirement.
8.2 Knowledge management and learning
Learning process
WV is a learning organization by creating a space for staffs and partners to learn from the
best practice and also challenges. To follow this model, the program is also created the
opportunities for learning amongst the program staffs and the community partners for
learning and sharing achievements and challenges including experiences. The opportunity
of staffs and community for learning together such as ADP staffs are fairly equipped with
monitoring, regular learning, community reflection workshops, ADP learning days through
staffs meeting, PC networks, Development tools reflection among TDF team, TDFTL and
ADPTLF. By providing these learning events, staffs have multiple intelligences in term of
the ability to identify strong and weakness of oneself; discover an appropriate approach to
fit with ADP context. Staffs are provided as well the opportunity to exchange experience
with one another as the mean of sharing and applying within community to mobilize them
on how to use their local resources in order to respond to their issues and needs. For
instance, ALN for transition’s ADP could provide the opportunity to ADP staffs to
exploring and exchanging best practices and challenges by reflecting to what has set in
SMART goal and see the real practice in the field.
Through story of change, it could help community to learn and follow to practice at their
families for improving the life condition. Community reflection, community exposure visit,
and AC meeting, semi and annual reflection, monthly meeting, and network are equipped
capacity both staffs and also community key partners. The occasions provided the abilities
to grow in their thinking and analyzing skills. Their participation and learning session within
the program have added fruitful fertilizer to promote their behavior change and life
transform in term of learning and accepting the change in individual and family through
MSC/SC. In addition, it promotes to respect to other because we are still learning, no one
higher than one, but we can learn together. Staffs and community open heart to share and
receive other constructive feedbacks and advices of others. Such leaning process is also
contributed to promote democratic for decision making through planning, implementation
and monitoring by sharing responsibility that led to achieve their visioning of future
sustaining plan.
Knowledge management:
WVC creates the data base to store the documents through support from IT department.
In Lotus Note, it can install data for project and program documents over the life of ADP
that called “Projdocs”. Thus semi-annual, annual reports, Programme Design Document
(PDD), budget are stored at it. Otherwise, sources of learning, for example, the Action
Learning Network (ALN) minutes, ADPTL forum, strategy management and the updates
information are stored on the LEAP database and the Cambodian Bulletin Board.
Besides of these, WVC will apply Program Monitoring Information System (PMIS) to all
ADPs to improve the management of information. Therefore, the ADP equipped capacity
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to use the system and are ready to apply these tools after getting approval from senior
leadership team and SO. STEP is also used to generate information from sponsor team
and also ADP staffs to see the situation of sponsorship at program area. For instance:
On other hand, software of document we could store in system of computer, but some
information will be kept at the community level because it is hard copy. For example, AC
meeting minutes, instruction and guide note document, community small proposals and
groups’ by law, roles and responsibility, group structure, visioning and mission. All the data
and information are accessible all levels.
8.3 Programme evaluation
In the next three year for transition phase, Leuk Daek ADP will conduct evaluation in the
third year (FY15) in quarter 3 to evaluate the community progress and ownership toward
child well being. Program will work closely with DME team to prepare ToR for detail
evaluation activities. There are two data are collected both quantitative data and also
qualitative data. The evaluation will do HHS to interview beneficiaries to find the
quantitative data for evaluating the indicators of project. FGD and KII will be used to
select the qualitative data from community group and also key partners. The method of
evaluation will be prepared by an external consultant. The consultant will be goal owner
to ensure quality of evaluation result. Consult will also use her/his own team for hold the
evaluation process through support from ADP manager and also ADP staffs if need.
Besides of this, DME team will assist ADP team to do supervise the technical support for
conducting the ToR for evaluation. DME will also involve all the process of evaluation with
ADP manager and also consultant to ensure evaluation are on the right ways and also
reach to expect result.
In the ToR processing, community and also key partners will be invited to set purpose of
ToR, what progress/result do they expect to see? Then when evaluation resulted,
consultant will show the evaluation result to community and keys partners under
cooperate with ADP team. Community has a space for discussing with consultant when
they suspect/doubt. After that meeting, the final evaluation report will be issued by
consultant and sign on if need.
Community and also WVC could use the evaluation result to reflect the performance for
program implementation. It would be lesson learn for other ADP to reflect on.
Community could use the key finding to continue for next implementation after ADP end.
The indicators of project will be evaluated and reach to the program result in the level
According the budget guideline of DME for budgeting on external evaluation, there are
27,140 USD will be budgeted in budget template.
General implementation strategy
Base on the result from community both commune and also district level, there are three
projects are identified to implement for next three years. There are sponsorship project,
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maternal and child and nutrition project and also education project which integrated
agriculture and HEA.
Implementation Strategy of Programme
Phase 1
Financial Year
Phase 3
Maternal and
Child health and
Food and Water
Phase 2
10 Management and administration
10.1 National office capacity
World Vision Cambodia national office has experienced support technical officers and
managers who will provide technical support for each project. The Program Quality &
LEAP Department will provide technical support for program team regarding LEAP
process for the project/program re/design, monitoring, and evaluation processes. The
Learning for Transformation trainer team will provide the Learning for Transformation
(LFT) training/refresher training to the project staff and TDFs for the effective work with
the community so as to empower them to participate in the development program. The
Operations Director and country Director will provide support through line management
for the program implementation. Meanwhile, the MCCP project in particular will be
strongly supported by the MCCP Project Team, based in the national office.
In the next three years, there are three projects created. Sponsorship management
project will use STEP at ADP level, so ADP needs support from sponsorship operation to
use it on effective ways. Moreover, RCs will be monitored by ADP staffs and also
community small group will be identified to monitor RCs with accurate data to use in
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Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition is integrated WASH to contribute for achieving
the project goal. Thus, project coordinator for MCHN will seek support from technical
officers from Health and Nutrition and WASH program to implement the activities.
Education project is integrated agriculture and economic development and also HEA, thus
project staffs will seek support from those technical officers to implement the project
10.2 Programme structure
Referred to new focus of WVC, Leuk Daek program designed to align with that. There
are three projects are identified to respond with community needed. The structure of
program staffs also discussed to manage that project. Leuk Daek ADP also discussed with
WVC line management to set up the new structure. The structure is promoted to staffs
to work together for achieving the program goal. For example, TDFs are a goal owner to
mobilize community and also select community to be partner with project. After that,
project get the request from community through facilitation by TDFs, project coordinator
will implement the activities as PoA. Then TDFs as working at assigned village, they
continue to encourage beneficiaries who benefited from project activities to apply what
they have been learnt. The impact is coming from TDFs mobilize community by partner
with community members; project coordinator will implement the activities under
umbrella management from ADP manager.
In term of monitoring in child sponsorship, all positions are required to work together for
benefiting to RCs in role of monitor for RCs presence and select them to be beneficiaries.
CMS is applied and all positions are assigned to do this.
Table: Roles and responsibilities:
Position with the
Position within
their organisation
Responsibilities within the Programme
ADP manager
He/she is reported to
Operation Manager
ADP manager will lead and manage an ADP team to ensure
effectiveness and efficiency of holistic development
contributing to sustainable community transformation
especially the vulnerable and children’s live.
Project Coordinator
for Sponsorship
He/she is reported to
ADP manager
Project coordinator will assist the ADP manager in
planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating on
sector project that is contributing to program outcome in
a coordinated way and ensures the project promotes
quality, empowering and sustainable development, in close
collaboration with TDFs and community partners.
TDF team Leader
He/she is reported to
ADP manager
TDF team Leader will coach and support TDFs in playing
their facilitation role for transformational development
through empowering communities, reflecting and learning
from one another in order to support the overall goal of
ADP team and assist ADP Manager in ensuring the
provision of quality services to Transformation
Development in target communities through TDFs.
Admin and Finance
He/she is reported to
ADP manager
To provide financial, administrative and clerical support to
staff and manager of ADP so they can give primary focus to
facilitating community development processes.
for MCHN
for Education
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Position with the
Position within
their organisation
Responsibilities within the Programme
He/she is reported to
TDF team leader
To facilitate and maintain strong community relationships,
participation and empowering processes as World Vision
walks alongside children, families and communities in a
journey of transformational development.
He is reported to
Admin and Finance
To provide the transportation for staffs and also visitors
and also transport any materials to support staffs
11 References
- Mr. Ly Sokha, district council, Five years development plan of Leuk Daek district
council 2011-2014.
- Mr. Tony Posnett, program evaluation 2011.
- Statistic of Leuk Daek program area by ADP staffs 2012.
- Ms. Touch Sophea, MCCP project evaluation 2011.
12 Appendices
- Appendix A: Program log-frame included ITT, PoA of projects
- Appendix B : Budget (Consolidated Programme Budget and Individual Project,
Budgets, Project structure and staffing (Organisational Chart)
- Appendix C: IPM Self-Review Tool and Action Plan
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