CURRICULUM - VITAE. 1. Name : Sheel Sindhu Pandey 2. Address : Professor , Dean Faculty of Mathematical Science, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, R. D. University, Jabalpur , INDIA. E.mail : Phone : 0091-761-2607474 (Res.) : 0091-761-2603173 (Office) Mobil No. : 0091-93294-36757. 3. 4. Date of Birth Academic Qualification : 25th December, 1965. : i) B.Sc. (1985) from Vikram University, Ujjain. First Division, securing 67.72% of marks. ii) M.Sc. (1987) from Vikram University, Ujjain. First Division, securing 89.75% of marks. iii) Received Young Scientist Award 1988 from M.P. Council of Science and Technology. iv) Ph.D. (1989) from University of Sagar on my thesis entitled “A study in the Theory of Multipliers on Banach and Locally Convex Spaces” 8 Chapters. v) Received Dr. Radhakrishnan Prize from M.P. Uchcha Siksha Anudan Ayog in 1992. 5. Academic Abroad Experience : i) Worked on Research Project entitled “Harmonic Analysis and its Application” with Professor Dr. W. Moran at Flinders University of South Australia, Australia, from August - October, 1995. ii) Worked on Research Project entitled “Cohomological Problems of Banach Function Algebras” with Professor Dr. H.G. Dales at University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K., from September – December, 1997. 1 iii) Worked on Research Project “Wavelet Analysis on Locally Compact Groups and Its Applications” jointly with Professor Dr. Hans G. Feichtinger at NUHAG (Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group), Department of Mathematics, University of Vienna, AUSTRIA, for one year (1999-2000) under BOYSCAST Fellowship, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India. 6. Administrative Experience iv) Received an offer of Associate Professorship from The King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in June 2005, but not Joined. : i) Worked as Head, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and University Institute of Computer Science, R. D. University Jabalpur. ii) Working as Chairman, Board of Studies (Mathematics) R.D. University, Jabalpur. iii) Working as Chairman, Central Chairman Board of Studies (Mathematics), M.P., Bhopal iii) Working as Chairman, Examination Committee R.D. University Jabalpur. v) 7. Research Project in India Working as Coordinator for M.Sc. in Mathematics with Application in Computer Science, IGNOU. : (i) “ Theory of Multipliers in Banach and Locally Convex Spaces” Department of Science & Technology (DST) , 1995-1998, Govt of India. (ii) “Theory of Wavelet Analysis on Locally Compact Groups and its Applications.” (20022005) DST, Govt. of India. (iii) “Wavelet Analysis on Banach Spaces of Functions and Their Applications” (2007-2010) DST, Govt. of India. 2 8. Fields of Specialization : i) Abstract Harmonic Multipliers). Analysis (Theory of ii) Theory of Distributions and its Applications. iii) Wavelet Analysis on Locally Compact Groups and Its Applications. iv) History of Mathematics. 9. Research Publication : i) 33 Research Papers are published in Reputed Foreign and Indian Journals, 01 Research Paper is accepted for publication and 08 Research Papers have been communicated for publication. Books Published ii) Discrete Mathematics, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. iii) Seven Chapters on Mathematical Analysis. M.P. Hindi Granth Academy. 1998. iv) Member, Editorial Board, International Conference Proceedings entitled “Information Computing and Automation” in Three Volumes, World Scientific, 2008. 10. Teaching Experience 22 years M. Sc. and M. Phil classes. : Courses Taught: Abstract Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Topology, Measure & Integration Theory (including Haar Measure & Harr Integrals), Operator Theory, Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Theory of Distributions, Mathematical Statistics and Wavelet Analysis. 11. Research Guidance : i) Supervised Four Ph. D. Thesis on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications. ii) Supervised Seven M. Phil Dissertations on Distribution Theory, Multiplier problems and Wavelet Analysis. iii) Three students are working under my supervision on Wavelet Analysis and its Application for the Ph.D. Degree. 3 12. Membership of Academic Bodies : i) Member, Londan Mathematical Society. ii) Life Member, Indian Mathematical Society. iii) Life Member Bharat Ganit Parishad, Lucknow, INDIA. 13. Name of the Referees : i) about my work ii) Professor Dr. Hans G. Feichtinger, Chairman, NuHAG, Department of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Nordbergstrasse 15 , A- 1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA. E.mail : Professor Dr. C. Heil Department of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA. Email : iii) Professor Dr. B. L. Mishra, Ex. Dean, Faculty of Mathematical Science, R. D. University, Jabalpur, INDIA. E. mail : (SHEEL SINDHU PANDEY) 4 LIST OF CONFERENCES AND SEMINORS ATTENDED AND DELIVERED LECTURES. 1. Attended The Third Young Scientists’ Congress and presented a paper entitled “A Multiplier problem for Fourier-Jacobi Expansion in a Banach space” organized by M.P. Council of Science and Technology & Deptt. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. From 28-02-1988 to 1-03-1988. 2. Participated in an Instructional Conference on Ergodic Theory organized by the National Board for Higher Mathematics, Bombay, from 30-05-1988 to 18-06-1988. 3. Delivered an invited lecture on “ Multipliers for weighted Banach Spaces on a Locally Compact Abelian Group” at Acharya Varahmihir Memorial National Seminar on Theory Of Approximation and Its Applications organized by School of Studies In Mathematics, Vikram University, Ujjain, from 10-02-1989 to 14-02-1989. 4. Delivered an invited lecture on “ The Problem of Water Pollution Using Mathematical Models”, during a National Seminar organized by School of Studies In Mathematics Vikram University, Ujjain, from 12-02-1993 to 15-02-1993. 5. Attended Instructional Conference on Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis organized by IIT Kanpur and ISI Bangalore, from 19-6-1994 to 7-7-1994 6. Participated in the workshop on Wavelets and Applications, organized by National Board for Higher Mathematics(Deptt. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India), from 11-061997 to 21-06-1997. 7. Delivered a series of three lectures on “ Segal Algebras and Their Applications”at Deptt. of Pure Mathematics , University of Leeds, U.K., during my stay in Leeds from Sep. 1997- Dec. 1997. 8. Delivered an invited talk on “Algebra of functions with Fourier transforms in Lebesgue spaces and their applications” at Fuctional Analysis Seminar of Deptt. of Mathematics, University of Leeds, U.K. on 4-11-1997. 9. Delivered an invited talk on “Wavelet representations for Frechet spaces of distributions on a locally compact group” during a National seminar on Recent Developments in Mathematical Analysis with Applications to Industrial Problems organized by Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University, from 2-3-1998 to 5-3-1998. 10. Delivered an invited talk on “Wavelet Analysis on Banach Spaces and its Applications” at International Colloquium on Function Theory and Functional Analysis organized by Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, from 3-06-1999 to 5-06-1999. 5 11. Delivered a series of five lectures on “Wavelet Analysis on Locally Compact Groups” during my stay at Deptt. of Mathematic, University of Vienna, Wien , Austria , as BOYSCAST Fellow from March 1999 to Feb. 2000. 12. Attended the International Conference on Geometry, Analysis and Applications and delivered an invited talk on “Gabor Frames and Weak duality for Banach Spaces of Feichtinger Distributions on Locally Compact Abelian Groups organized by Banaras Hindu University, from 21-08-2000 to 24-08-2000. 13. Attended a National Conference on Recent trends in Computational Mathematics organized by Deptt. of Mathematics R.D.V.V. Jabalpur, from 12-12-2005 to 14-122005. 14. Delivered an invited lecture entitled: “Wavelet Representations for Banach Spaces of Feichtinger Distributions on Locally Compact Abelian Groups” at the conference on Analysis and Applications organized by Banaras Hindu University from 20-01-2006 to 22-01-2006. 15. Delivered a series of three lectures on “Banach algebras and their applications” in the Refresher Course organized by D.D.U University Gorakhpur from 18-12-2007 to 1912-2007. 16. Delivered an invited talk on “ Satability of Projective Gabor Frames for Coorbit spaces on Locally Compact abelian Groups” At international Conference on Mathematics of Date, Dec 31-2010 - Jan. 4 -2011, Allahabad organized by Pushpa Publishing House. (SHEEL SINDHU PANDEY) 6 LIST OF MY PUBLISHED PAPERS . 1. Multipliers for the convergence of Jacobi series in Banach spaces, Vikram Mathematical Journal, Vol. 7 (1987), 71 – 86.MR. 90 g : 40014. 2. Multipliers for weighted spaces on a locally compact abelian group, Vikram Mathematical Journal, Vol. 8 (1988), 19 - 32. MR. 92h :43010. 3. Transfer of heat in a prolate speroidal shell, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Maths, Vol. 20 (1990). 176 – 181. Zbl 0696.35069. 4. Multipliers on weighted Segal algebras and isomorphism of topological groups, Vikram Mathematical Journal, Vol. 12 (1992), 71-79. 5. Multiplier problems for Fourier-Jacobi expansions in a Banach space, Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 15, No. 2, (1994). pp. 441-450. MR.94 b : 42014. 6. Norm Preserving Multipliers on weighted Segal algebras, Kumamoto J. Maths., Vol. 8 (1995), 1 – 9. MR. 96 f : 43004. Zbl 0874.43002. 7. Approximation to a function by FA-means of its Fourier series, Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics, Vol. 17, No. 2 (1995), 187 – 193. MR. 97 b : 42006. Zbl 0987.42001. 8. Multipliers for weighted Segal algebras of Beurling type, Ganita, Vol. 42, No. 2, 1996, 1–10. Zbl 0871.43003. 9. Multipliers for the intersection of weighted Banach spaces, Pure & Applied Mathematika Science, Vol. XLVII, No 1-2, (1998), 55 - 68. 10. Weighted convolution algebras on a locally compact abelian group, Journ. of Natural & Physical Sci. Vol. 10, (1998), 83 - 89. Zbl 0973. 43003. 11. Wavelet representation of modulated spaces on locally compact abelian groups, Ganit, Vol.50, No. 2 (1999), 119 – 128. Zbl 103743003. 12. (With Prof. H.G. Dales, University of Leeds, U.K.) , Weak amenability of Segal algebras, Proc. of American Mathematical Society, Vol. 128, No.5 (2000), 14191425. Zbl 0952.43003. 13. Gabor frames and weak duality for Banach spaces of Feichtinger distributions on locally compact abelian groups,Ed. R.S.Pathak ,Proc. International Conference on Geometry, Analysis and Applications, Varanasi, India ,August 21-24, (2000),World Scientific, 315-331.(2001). Zbl 1019.42021. 14. Multipliers for Fourier-ultraspherical expansions in weighted locally convex spaces, Anal. Stiint. Univ. IASI, 2000 43-56. MR. 2002 c: 42037. Zbl 0999.42017. Compact operators on homogeneous Banach spaces of distribution on locally compact abelian groups, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol.26, No.4, (2002) 611-624. Zbl 1045.43006. 15. 7 16. Wavelet representation for coorbit spaces of Wiener-Feichtinger amalgams on locally compact groups, Ed. R. Radha, International Conf. Proc, Wavelet and Applications, Chennai, Allied Publishers,(2002) 231-249. 17. (With Prof. H.G. Feichtinger, Vienna) Error estimates for irregular sampling of band-limited distributions on a locally compact abelian group, Journal. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 279, No.2, (2003) 380-397. Zbl 1015.43001, MR 1974032. 18. (With Prof. H.G. Feichtiger, Vienna) Recovery of band-limited functions on locally compact abelian groups from irregular samples, Czech. Mathematical Journal Vol .53.No.2, (2003) 249-264. Zbl 1021.43001, 1983449. 19. Wavelet representations of fractal measures in weighted Wiener amalgam spaces, Proc. International Conf. on Wavelet analysis & Applications, Vol. 2, World Scientific (2003), 605-612. ZBL 1110.42006 20. Compactness in Wiener amalgams on locally compact groups, International Journal of Maths. & Mathematical Sciences, No.55 (2003), 3503-3517. Zbl 1034.43004, MR 2019291. 21. p-Frames for subspaces of Wiener amalgams on locally compact abelian groups, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol.1, No.4 (2003), 481-489. Zbl 1045.43002. 22. Time-Frequency localizations for modulation spaces on locally compact abelian groups, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Vol. 2, No. 2(2004), 149-164. ZBL 1079.43013, MR 2073696. 23. Restriction of Fourier transforms on Weighted Segal algebras, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,Vol. 28(2004), 867- 873. Zbl-1062.43007. 24. Frame multiresolution analysis and infinite trees in Banach spaces on locally compact abelian groups, Analysis in Theory and Application, Vol 20, NO.3(2004), 231-241. Zbl 1063.43002 25. p-frames for Banach spaces on locally compact abelian Groups, Proc. of the 6th International Progress on Wavelet Analysis and Active Media Technology , Vol.3(2005), 1071-1080. (With N.C. Pandey) Weyl-Heisenberg wavelet expansions in weighted Banach spaces, Ganit. Vol. 56, no.1, 2005, 77-85. 26. 27. Atomic decomposition of weighted coorbit spaces on manifolds, Wavelet Analysis and Applications, Eds. T. Qain, etc. , ANHA Series, Springer- Verlag 2006, 105 – 123 28. Wavelet approximation of the delta distribution in weighted Sobolev spaces, Conference Proc. of. Wavelet Analysis and Applications 2005. 29. Gabor multipliers for Banach spaces of distributions on locally compact abelian groups. Proc. of Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing Vol. I 2006 3-20. 8 30. Wavelet representations of coorbit spaces invariant under a symmetry group. Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis vol. 41, No.1 , 2006, 59-74. 31. (With Prof. H.G. Feichtinger and T.Werther, Vienna) Minimal norm interpolation in harmonic Hilbert spaces and Wiener amalgam spaces on locally compact abelian groups. Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University. Vol. 47, No. 1, 65-78 , 2007. ZBL : 1015.43003, MR 2359101. 32. Wavelet representations for Banach spaces of multipliers on locally compact abelian groups. Southeast Asian Bulletion of Mathematics. Vol. 33(2) 329-340, 2009. 33. Gabor Multipliers For Weighted Banach Spaces on Locally Compact Abelian Groups. Journal of Maths., Kyoto University. Vol. 49 (2) 235-254 , 2009.MR 2571839. 34. Frames of translates for Banach Spaces on locally compact abelian groups. (Accepted for publication, IJPAM). 35. Gabor multipliers for weighted Banach spaces on the Heisenberg Group. (Communicated for publication). 36. Multipliers of Vector-Valued Segal algebras on locally compact abelian groups. (Communicated for publication). 37. Approximation of band-limited signals by Gabor expansions in weighted modulation spaces. (Communicated for publication). 38. Projection operators on fractal measures in modulation spaces. (Communicated for publication). 39. Gelfand triple isomorphisms for weighted Banach spaces on locally compact groups. (Communicated for publication). 40. Time-frequency analysis and (Communicated for publication). 41. Time-frequency localization of Gabor transforms on locally compact abelian groups. (Communicated for publication). 42. Wavelet multipliers for weighted Banach spaces on a Mackey group. (Communicated for publication). multipliers 9 for weighted Segal algebras.