In black : universities or research centers, in blue : Conferences
January 13 Cours catalyse pour activation de liaisons C-H, Janssen Val De Reuil
Host Dr Olivier Querolle
Chinese Chemical Society prize lectures in China 18-24 january 2015
First China-France Lectureship in Chemistry Award
19 january Beijing ICCAS host prof Guoqiang Yang (Chinese Chemical Society)
Ceremony for the first Award of the Chinese Chemical Society to a French chemist
20 january Nankai University Tian Jin host prof Zhou Qi Lin
22 january Shanghai Fudan university host prof Guoxin Jin
23 january Shanghai SIOC host prof Kuiling Ding
February 9-20 Pierre H. Dixneuf Invited Lectures in India
9 February 2015, IITKanpur, Host Prof Bera, ICOMC IAB representative of India
11 february 2015 , IIT Kharagpur, host Dr. Sanjib K. Patra Assistant Professor
13 february 2015, Banaras Hindu university at Varanasi, host Prof Dayashankar Pandey
16 february 2015, IIT madras , Chennai, Host Dr P Anbarasan
18 february 2015, NMSSVN College, Nagamalai, Madurai
9 march, Charles University , Prague, host Prof Petr Stepnicka
16-18 march, Hammamet Tunisia, 17 th Arab chemistry conference, chairmen M. Chaabouni,
Adel Megriche Tunisian Chemical Society
22-25 march 249th ACS National Meeting , Denver, Colorado, M. S. Broohart symposium for the Samorjai prize. Hosts Alan Goldman & Karen Goldberg
26-27 march University of North Carolina Chapel hill, host Maurice Brookhart
3-7 may Attendance as IAB member Green chemistry ISGC La Rochelle chairs François .
Jerome & Joel Barrault
28 june-2 JulyAttendance as IAB member OMCOS Sitges Advisory Board meeting
Chairman Antonio Echavarren
20-23 september 2015, invited lecturer Russia Razuvaev conference : Organometallic and
Coordination Chemistry: Achievements and Challenges, Volga river Nizhny Novgorod, chairman Gleb A. Abakumov
18-23 October Brazil : 5th Latino Americano Symposium on coordination chemistry
Co-organizer with Eduardo dos Santos of the Brazil-France bilateral seminar on
Organometallic catalysis for Green and sustainable chemistry, Angra dos Reis,
November 2 seminar at the IISc Bangalore (host Prof Prasad)
November 3 seminar at the company HPCL R & D center. Host Dr Nettem Venkateswarlu
4-7 novembre 2015 co-organisor with Prof B. M. Reddy and lecture at Indo-French seminar on “Catalysis for Green and sustainable chemistry” at IICT Hyderabad
November 9 lecture at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) hosts Dr D S Pandey & M. Dubey.
November 10 lecture at NCL Pune Host Prof C V Ramana
2015 Pacifichem, Honolulu, Hawaï, 15-20 December, 2015
15 Decembre 2015,
Lecture : within the symposium 186. Innovative Approaches in Bond-Cleavage and Bond-Forming Reactions at Late Transition-Metal Centres
18 December 2015,
Lecture within the symposium 131. Organic Reactions in Aqueous Media
Ruthenium catalyzed C-H bond functionalization in water.
Lectureship awards
-The 2014 Professor B.D. Tilak Memorial Lecture,March 5, CSIR-NCL Pune, India
By NCL Pune Director Sourav Pal
-The 2014 RSEQ Miguel Catalan Prize Lecture, October 8,Universidad de Oviedo,
By Eduardo Perris President of Inorganic division of the RSEQ
-The 2014 Lu jiaxi lectureship in Xiamen University, 1rst December, by prof Yufen ZHAO (CAS member) and Ting Bin WEN (Head Department)
Invited & Plenary lectures at international conferences
23-26 February co-organisor with prof V. Chabndrasekar of Cefipra symposium, on
“Functional Metal-organics: Applications in Materials and Catalysis” Bhubaneshwar India,
23-26 April Çukurova University in Adana, Turkey . keynote lecture at the 5th National
Catalysis Conference (NCC-5) Catalysis Society of Turkey. Chairman prof Bilgehan Güzel
16 june 2014 meeting at CNRS Paris , GDRI International program France-Russia-Italy
Chairs Rinaldo Poli & E. Shubina & M. Peruzzini
11 july : Symposium “Organometallic Chemsitry and future innovation”
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro-Ku. Host M. Akita
13-18 July International conference ICOMC 2014 Sapporo, invited lecturer.
Chairman Tamotsu Takahashi
21-25 july International conference ICCC41 singapore,, invited lecturer
Chairman Andy Hor
30 october, Plenary lecture, Nara, Symposium Shinji Murai,
Chairmen Hideo Nagashima, Masato Ito
Lectures in Foreign Universities and research centers
13 january 2014, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, host Pedro Aguirre
14 january 2014, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago de Chile, Host desmond McLeod
16 January 2014, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, host Dr Hugo Klahn
27 January, Paul Janssen lecture
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, Medicinal Chemistry Oncology ,
Turnhoutseweg 30 , Beerse, Belgique host Lieven Meerpoel
February 23 IISER Bhubaneshwar, host V. Chandrasekar
February 27 Kolkata, University of Calcutta, Host prof Dilip K Maiti
February 28 Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata, Mohanpur host Dr Debasis Koley Mandal
March 3 rd guest lecture at Osmania University Hyderabad, Chemistry Department, host Dean
Uma Vuruputuri
March 5, CSIR-NCL Pune , India, hosts NCL Director Sourav Pal
22 april university of Sanliurfa, Turkey, host Dr Prof Mahmut Ulusoy
20 may ‘GDCh Ortsgruppe’ Kaiserslautern, Germany, host prof Elke Richling
RSEQ Miguel Catalan prize lectures, Spain 1-11 october 2014
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, October 1rst, host Carlos Saa,
Universidad de Saragoza, October 3, hosts Fernando J. Lahoz, Luis Oro
Instituto de quimica organica, CSIC Madrid, October 6, Hosts José Luis Marco-Contelles and
Eduardo Junceda
Universidad de Oviedo, October 8, Host José Gimeno & Eduardo Peris
Universidad de Burgos, october 9, host Gabriel Garcia Herbosa
Universidad de Valladolid, October 10, host Pablo Espinet
Osaka university, suita campus, 23 October, host Hiroaki Sasai
Osaka university, Toyonaka campus ; 24 october, host Kazushi Mashima
University of Okayama , 31 octobre, host prof Kazuhiko Takai
China nov-dec 2014
19-22 november 2014 South China University of Technology SCUT, hosts prof Huanfeng
Jiang, Zhang Min & Biaolin Yin, 2 invited lectures nov 20 & 21.
November 24 Wuyi University, Jiangmen city, host Dr Bin LI
25 November. Wuhan University, host prof Aiwen Lei
26 November, Hunan university, Changsha, host prof Jinheng Li,
28 November, HUST university, Wuhan, host Prof. GU Yanlong
1rst December, The 2014 Lu jiaxi lectureship in Xiamen University , host prof Yufen
ZHAO (CAS member), Ting Bin WEN and Pei-Qiang Huang
3 December, Jinan University, Guangzhou, host prof Yiqun LI
2013 black 27 lectures in research centres /Universities blue 8 lectures at conferences : KIIT Bhubaneswar India , PERCH-CIC-VIII Pataya
Thailand, Moscow Volpin Symposium , EuCheMS Conference St Andrews, Plenary ISHHC
16 th Sapporo, workshop Zhengzhou, Silkcom Huatulco Mexico, MTIC XV Roorkee India.
1 February, IITK Kanpur, hosts prof . J. K. Bera , P. K. Bharadwaj
4 february, NISER Bhubaneswar, host C. Gunanathan, School of Chemical Sciences NISER
5 february, Bhubaneswar, KIIT, conference on Organometallic Chemistry and Applications
OMCA, host prof Biswabandita Kar
8 february, Dr Reddy institute of life sciences, DRILS, Hyderabad, hosts Dr Javed Iqbal &
Arya Prabhat
11 february, IICT Hyderabad , Catalysis Symposium-21, chair Prof Laksmi Kantam
12 february, IITBombay, host prof Prasenjit Ghosh
13 february, IISER Pune, host prof Srinivas Hotha
15 february, University of Goa, host Dr Keisham S. Singh
6 march 2013 , Basel Hoffmann La Roche, Host Gérard Moine
18 March 2013 National Institute of Technology Tiruchirapalli India host Dr. R. Karvembu
Via Visio conference
21 march 2013 , Universidad Burgos, Host G. Garcia Herbosa
22 march 2013 , Tarragona, hosts paolo melchiorre
27 march 2013 , LIKAT, Rostock, host Matthias Beller
30 march to 13 April 2013 China
1rst april Wuhan University, host Prof Aiwen Lei
3 april, Jiangxi Normal university, YaoHu pulpit lecture
8 april, State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the
Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences of Fuzhou, Fujian, host Prof Weiping Su
P H Dixneuf Lectures in Thailand may 1-10, 2013
May 1rst, Mahidol University, Bangkok, host Dr Ekasith Somsook
May 2nd Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, hosts Professor Dr. Her Royal Highness
Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol, Prof Somsak & Dr. Charnsak Thongsornkleeb
May 3rd, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, host Dr Sumrit Wacharasindhu
5-8 may 2013 , PERCH-CIC-VIII conference Pattaya, Chairman : Professor Vichai Reutrakul,
3-7 june , INEOS Moscow, Volpin Symposium “Modern trends in organometallic chemistry and catalysis” host Chairman Y. N. Bubnov
24-25 june university of St Andrews; Homogeneous Catalysis, A Symposium to Honour
Richard R. Schrock Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2005, organisor prof David Cole-Hamilton
30 June -4 july 20th EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry St Andrews, host chairman David Cole-Hamilton;
July 30- august 13 in japan
July 30 Tokyo Keio university, host Fumitoshi Kakiuchi
July 31 Nagoya university, host Masato Kitamura
August 3 Kyoto university, host Michinori Suginome plenary lecture,August 4-9,2013 ISHHC 16 th , Sapporo, host Prof. Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Atsushi
Fukuoka Conference Chairs, and Prof. Hiromi Yamashita, Kiyotaka Asakura, secretary
August 12, School of Science, the university of Tokyo, host Shu Kobayashi
September 10-21 China
September 12 Fudan university, host Guoxin JIN
September 13 Jiaotong university, host Zhaoguo Zhang
September 16-18, 2013 workshop Zhengzhou university, China, host Duan Zheng
October 13-17 Invited lecture
SilkCOM 2013 Symposium, Huatulco, Mexico, Host David Morales
November 29-30 China Hangzhou lectures ,
Zhejiang Sic-Tech University (ZSTU), host prof Xiaofeng WU
Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), host prof Yi-Xia JIA and ass. Prof shuping
Zhejiang University, host prof yuhong ZHANG and lu ZHAN
December 10-18 India
10 December, St Joseph college Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India, host Prof Bheeter
13-18 december 2013 IIT Roorkee, India, Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry MTIC XV, chairman prof Udai P. SINGH