Integrated Chemistry

Integrated Chemistry-Physics 2014/2015
Course Syllabus –Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Kieffer, Mrs. Lash
Course Description: Integrated Chemistry-Physics is an introductory, laboratory-based CORE 40 course in
which students explore fundamental chemistry and physics principles. Students enrolled in this course examine,
through the process of scientific inquiry, the structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, forces,
motion, electricity, and the interactions between energy and matter. Working in a laboratory environment,
students investigate the basics of chemistry and physics in solving real-world problems that may have personal
or social consequences beyond the classroom. This course is based on Indiana's Integrated Chemistry-Physics
Academic Standards. Students in need of a more conceptual introduction to either Chemistry or Physics should
consider this course.
Lessons and common assessments for this course have been developed collaboratively using best practice as a
guide and Indiana State Standards as a framework. Students will be expected to complete formative evaluations
around 10 weeks into the term and a final summative exam at the end of the semester. The formative test is
designed primarily to guide instruction, giving the teacher a measuring stick of the student’s understanding of
the essential outcomes of the course content. The final exam is summative in nature and will be worth 20% of
the student’s overall grade while the semester work will be worth 80%.
Essential Outcomes:
Students will understand and explain:
1. The fundamental concepts of scientific inquiry.
2. The basic principles of motion.
3. The basic principles of the forces in nature.
4. The interactions between energy and matter.
5. The basic principles of electrical circuits.
6. Basic structural and physical properties of matter
7. The distinction between chemical and physical changes in matter
8. Chemical reactions and factors affecting reaction rates.
9. How a variety of biological, chemical, and physical phenomena can be explained by changes in the
arrangement and motion of atoms and molecules.
Expectations of Student Work:
If a student should happen to be absent, it is that student’s responsibility to make-up any missed work
(notes, worksheets, labs, etc).
Copying another student’s work, dishonesty on quizzes/tests, or misbehavior during laboratory session
will all result in a ‘0’ for your grade on that task.
Course Content:
Chemistry (Fall)
The Nature of Science
Classification of Matter
Properties of Atoms and the Periodic Table
Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions
Chemical Bonds
Chemical Reactions
Physics (Spring)
Energy and Motion
Electricity & Energy Resources
Student Assessment:
Student grades will be figured with the following method
18 week Grade:
Laboratory Assignments
Semester Grade: 18 Week Grade (80%) + Final Exam (20%)
Grading Policy:
- Absolutely NO late work will be accepted.
If you have any questions I can be reached
via email (
CHS Grade
Required Daily Materials:
Basic function scientific calculator, writing utensil, ICP Binder (will be provided – USE IT!)
Textbook Information:
“Physical Science” by Glencoe
Textbook Website =
Mrs. Ewing’s My Big Campus - “ICP Semester 1 Ewing”
Auto-approve code = wnwhwm22
 Go to, Login
 Click on Groups on the left-hand side
 In the orange box, click Find a Group
 On the top right, click on the blue box that says Join By Code
 Type in our class code and My Big Campus will automatically add you to our class group
Homework Hotline Information:
There is a free homework hotline available that provides math and science homework help to students Sunday
through Thursday from 7pm-10pm (Eastern Daylight Time). The hotline number is 1-877-ASK ROSE or
online at
Mrs. Ewing’s Mission Statement:
Your success is my number one objective. I want all students who come into my classroom to appreciate the beauty and
function of science. This room will be a safe, productive learning environment. We will work together for the success of all.
Classroom Expectations:
You are expected to conduct yourself as a mature high school student with common sense, courtesy, and good taste. Any
conduct which results in the disruption of normal classroom activities will not be permitted, and appropriate disciplinary action
will be taken.
1. Respect:
a. Respect each other
b. Respect the teacher
c. Respect the classroom and all Carroll High School materials
a. Complete all assignments
b. Don’t waste time
c. Do your own work
d. Come in for help when needed
Readiness to Learn:
a. Be in your seat and ready before the bell rings & begin working on posted task
b. Make the people around you better
c. Learn from correcting your mistakes
Corridor Pass Policy:
Each student will be issued THREE bathroom passes per semester (18 weeks). This amounts to 6 passes per year. Please be sure
to use these in emergency cases only (not as a disruption to class), ask permission & sign out at the door when you exit. I WILL
**Specific guidelines for dress codes, tardiness, language, misconduct,
and detentions may be found in the Student Handbook.**
Laboratory Safety:
1. Take all lab work very seriously. All written and verbal instructions must be followed to maintain a safe environment for
yourself and others.
2. Only perform teacher-authorized experiments. Never open cabinets/drawers, or operate sinks/gas without permission.
3. Wear safety equipment as instructed.
4. Know the locations of all safety equipment in the room.
5. Report ANY accident, injury, or broken equipment to teacher immediately.
6. NO EATING or DRINKING during labs (this includes gum chewing).
Food is prohibited in this room unless given permission. Water bottles must not be in the proximity of lab stations.
Chemical and biological hazards exist.
7. Keep your work area clean, dry, and throw all refuse in appropriate containers. Follow all guidelines for lab clean-up.
8. Breaking any of the above guidelines will result in disciplinary action, removal from the lab environment, and potentially
receiving a “0” on the lab.
 Our Procedures 
PROCEDURE: a process; a sequence of steps to be followed; a way of doing something.
 In this class, we will have a procedure or process for almost everything we do.
 Some procedures you will learn in the first few days of school and others you will learn later.
Entering the classroom
When I come into the classroom, I will ___________ take my seat and begin working on the problem on the
____________________. If I finish before Mrs. Ewing is ready to begin, I will either (a) look over
______________________, (b) _______________ chat with someone else who is finished, or (c) ___________.
Exiting the classroom
Before the bell rings, I will
(a) __________________ in my seat
(b) _________________ for Mrs. Ewing to say, “Have a great day!”
(c) get up and say, “__________________!”
(d) leave the classroom.
Finding the answer to “What are we doing today?”
Mrs. Ewing will always have the _____________________ posted __________________.
Getting attention
When we are in small groups and Mrs. Ewing needs to get our attention, she will turn the lights ______ then _______ again.
This means I need to
(a) stop talking ______________________
(b) __________________ the __________________
(c) _________________ wait for instruction.
Getting up during class
I realize that I need to take care of matters such as sharpening my pencil, getting a calculator, etc. BEFORE class
_____________. If, however, I need to get up during class, I will quietly raise my hand and wait to be _________________.
When I don’t understand or I need help
I will visit Mrs. Ewing before or after school. She _______________ to help me. Sometimes, I will even bring her
__________________. (I enjoy any kind of chocolate!)
Participating during class
When I have something to contribute to the class discussion, I will quietly ________________________ and wait to be
called on. When Mrs. Ewing calls on me for my ______________, I will do my _______________ to provide
_____________________ input.
Heading for all papers
Name and _________________ will go in the upper right-hand corner.
Kristy Ewing
1st Hour
Paper Fringe
Before turning in an assignment, I will make sure all perforated __________________ are removed and disposed of
Emergency routes
Emergency routes are posted by the door.
We will be routinely practicing these throughout the school year.
**All emergency exits (drill or not) are SILENT**