Instructions for Articles with Supplementary Appendix Material The AJAE posts supplementary appendix material for published articles on the Oxford University Press (OUP) website with the links to the supplementary material appearing adjacent to the link for the article to make availability to readers convenient and reliable. While authors may still maintain their own web-based supplements, any materials to which a published article would have previously referred as “available on request” will be posted online with a link next to the published article. Thus the article to be published in the AJAE should cite the online appendix rather than simply telling readers that supplementary materials are available upon request. OUP can accommodate a wide variety of types of material including, but not limited to, detailed mathematical derivations, survey instruments, data and programs. While pdf is the preferred document format for traditional text-based appendix material, other formats may be preferred for data, programs, etc. If the supplementary appendix material consists of a single pdf file, it should bear a title page containing the following: Title: “AJAE appendix for [insert final title of accepted article here]” Authors: [List all authors of the AJAE article] Date: Note: The material contained herein is supplementary to the article named in the title and published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE). If the material is not in pdf form or consists of multiple files, a pdf file with a title page as specified above followed by a description of the supplemental appendix material file format and contents should be submitted. The appendix should follow the style guidelines for the AJAE ( in terms of section headings, typescript formatting, tables, figures, mathematical notation, and literature cited (if any). The supplementary appendix material should not contain any material that is critical to the clear communication with readers of the published article. That is, the published AJAE article should stand on its own and may still contain other appendices that provide details that remain central to the article. The supplementary appendix should not be included in the article’s reference list. The published article will contain a statement that supplementary material exists online and will provide the reader with a URL and link. To reference the supplementary appendix in the text of the article, refer to it as in the following example: “Many more regressions were run than can be included in the article. The interested reader can find them in a supplementary appendix online.” When the author of an accepted manuscript uploads the final native version of the paper (e.g., .doc, .wpd, .tex) to the Editorial Express submission web site (, the author should also upload the supplementary appendix material including the pdf file containing the title page as specified above.