The Invisible God, Who is Clearly Seen How Big is the God you

Romans 1
July 21, 2013
The Invisible God, Who is Clearly Seen
Roman 1:18-25
An Acts 2 Culture: People who understand there is One Creator God who made
everything, and everyone is accountable to Him
An Acts 17 Culture: People who believe there are many gods, or even no god.
There are no absolute standards, and no ultimate accountability
Over the last 50 yrs America has moved from an Acts 2 culture to an Acts 17 culture
Sources of Knowledge about God
1. _____________ knowledge, which is assumed to be true
2. _____________ knowledge that is passed down
3. _____________ knowledge arrived at by logical deductions
Naturalistic Arguments for the Existence of God
1. The Cosmological argument: Every effect must have a __________
and matter cannot produce itself
2. The Teleological argument: The ____________ observed in the universe
demonstrate purpose and manifest a ____________
3. The Anthropological argument: There must be a source for the ___________
parts of man
The Primary Source of Knowledge about God: __________________
God has revealed Himself through:
The things He has _________, Creation
Ps 19:1; Rom 1:18-25
The ___________ of prophets and written Scripture Deut 29:29; 2 Pet 1:20-21
The ______________ of Jesus Christ
Heb 1:1-2
The Foundational Revelation about God:
God is the ____________ God.
Gen 1:1; Ps 19; Ps 33; Is 42; Job 38; Col 1:16-17; 1 Pet 4:19; Rev 4:11
Rom 1:18-25
God has made His existence evident to ____ mankind, all men are without ________.
God has revealed His __________ attributes through what He has _______.
Man has chosen to __________ the truth, and __________ the true God for a lie,
a lesser god devised by their own ______________.
God allows the foolishness of man’s rejection to ________ _____ in their lives.
How Big is the God you Worship? 1
Jer 32:17; Rev 4:11 Romans 1
July 21, 2013
Part II Missions Report
For Further Study
Our ability to trust God is directly tied to our view of God.
1) Is God able to keep His promises?
2) Does God really care about me?
Read and meditate over the following passages which speak of God as the Creator
God. How does Scripture answer the above questions?
Gen 1-2
Ex 20:11
Ps 33:6
Ps 89:11-12
Job 38-39
Amos 5:8
Is 40
Is 42:5-6
Is 45:5-9
Jer 31:35-37
Jer 33:19-22
Col 1:16-17
1 Pet 4:19
Rev 4:11
Rev 10:5-6
Rev 14:7
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