Support Frame STB Product List This product list includes all parts necessary for most applications. For parts required for special applications, please refer to the MEVA price list. Dimensions are in centimetres (cm) unless another measure is shown. stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany Anchor loop ........................................................................................ 36 Anchoring auxiliary ............................................................................ 38 Articulated flange nut ....................................................................... 37 Base extension ................................................................................... 29 Base extension 300/200 ...................................................................... 26 Bolt-on coupler 48/M14 .................................................................... 39 Brace bracket SK 150.......................................................................... 37 Brace SRL............................................................................................. 34 Clamping device for stop end bracket SB 110 .................................. 30 Counter plate ..................................................................................... 38 Coupling nut....................................................................................... 37 Cross beam 300................................................................................... 27 Cross brace STB ................................................................................... 31 Fixing screw 35/DW15 ........................................................................ 29 Flange nut 100.................................................................................... 37 Flange screw ....................................................................................... 27 Height extension 150 ......................................................................... 28 Hexagonal nut ................................................................................... 38 Joint coupler 48/48 SW 22 ................................................................. 39 M alignment rails ............................................................................... 34 M alignment rail 44............................................................................ 27 Positioning support SK....................................................................... 33 Push-pull props R................................................................................ 34 Reversible coupling for push-pull props ........................................... 36 Rigid coupler 48/48 ........................................................................... 39 Scaffold tube ...................................................................................... 38 Stop end bracket SB 110 .................................................................... 30 Support frame STB 300 ...................................................................... 26 Support frame STB 450 ...................................................................... 28 Swivel-joint coupler 48/48 ................................................................ 39 Swivel-type castor 2 tons ................................................................... 32 Swivel-type castor 6 tons (10 tons).................................................... 32 Tie rod DW .......................................................................................... 36 Triplex SB ............................................................................................ 35 Trolley spindle 48/70 .......................................................................... 32 Trolley waler ....................................................................................... 31 Tube connector 48.............................................................................. 39 Twin channel ...................................................................................... 29 Wheel adapter for trolley waler ....................................................... 32 STB-25 STB Contents Support frame STB 300 Sturdy steel construction, coated; height 3,00 m. To brace single-sided wall formwork up to a pouring height of 3,30 m. A spindle allows to set the formwork plumb. Base extension 300/200 Coated; supplements the support frame STB 300 for special applications, which require a detailed planning and static calculation by MEVA engineers Support frame STB 300 Ref. No. Description / Application m² kg 29-402-62 Support frame STB 300 168,0 29-402-64 Base extension 300/200 53,0 Base extension 300/200 13,5 50 20 199 307 5,5 7,1 35 Lifting eye, max. 1,0 ton 23,1 STB-26 182 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 7 117 Wedge coupler Ø 48 mm Support Frame STB Ref. No. Description / Application 29-403-05 Cross beam 300 M alignment rail 44 Galvanized. In connection with support frames STB 300 it is used as a tie-beam to transfer the load from the support frame into the anchoring loops. 29-401-02 M alignment rail 44, galvanized 6,3 Flange screw Galvanized, with Dywidag thread Ø 15 mm. To attach accessories to the multi-function profiles, e.g. alignment rails, cross braces, cross beams 300, formwork-prop connectors, etc. 29-401-10 Flange screw 18 1,1 29-401-12 Flange screw 28 1,2 Cross beam 300 Coated; links formwork in vertical position and support frames with flange screws. Allows to build transport units. Welded-in nuts guarantee a support frame spacing adapted to MEVA wall formwork systems. kg 60,0 M alignment rail 44 STB Cross beam 300 m² 10 300 135 125 135 125 25 60 180 DW 15 15 5 44 25 3 5 60 6 15 6 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 3 Flange screw 18 Ø 10 17,8 4,8 10 DW 15 STB-27 Support frame STB 450 Sturdy steel construction, coated, height 4,50 m. To brace single-sided wall formwork up to a pouring height of 5,00 m. A spindle allows to set the formwork plumb. Height extension 150 Coated, height 1,50 m. To extend the support frame STB 450 by 1,50 m (one or several times). Pouring heights of 7,50 m (or higher) also require Triplex SB braces and base extensions. The necessary connecting devices (bolts M20x50 and locking nuts M20 as well as bolts M30x150 and locking nuts M30) are included in the delivery. Ref. No. Description / Application m² kg 29-406-00 Support frame STB 450 824,0 29-406-10 Height extension 150 119,0 Support frame STB 450 5 18,5 111 Height extension 150 Ø 31 mm 22 64 Stacking device 3,2 71 Stacking device 150 72 Stacking device 31 28 69 8 x Ø 23 mm Guard-railing posts can be attached here 19 36 Stacking device 15 12 111 10 222,5 20 236 8 x Ø 23 mm STB-28 4 x Ø 17 mm stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 455 29 Ø 17 mm Support Frame STB Ref. No. Description / Application 29-406-20 Base extension Twin channel Coated; is used with support frame STB 450 and transfers the load from the support frame into the anchor bars. 29-406-30 Twin channel 245/22 148,0 29-406-35 Twin channel 80/22 49,0 29-406-38 Twin channel 80/12 22,5 Fixing screw 35/DW15 Galvanized; to attach a support frame to the tie holes of panels in horizontal position. A flange nut 100 or the articulated flange nut 15/120 is required. 29-401-20 Fixing screw 35/DW15 Base extension Coated; is used for the one-time or multiple backward extension of support frame STB 450 and for the attachment of Triplex SB braces. kg 40,0 0,6 Twin channel STB Base extension m² Approx. 40 Ø 31 mm 5 21 132,5 2 x Ø 25 mm 245 22 5 21 154 20 80 22 Ø5 15 4 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany Fixing screw 35/DW15 DW 15 80 12 0,5 35 STB-29 Stop end bracket SB 110 Coated; to form stop ends when the pouring height exceeds 4,00 m; the maximum wall thickness is 1,10 m. A clamping device for stop end brackets SB 110 (or alternately a tie rod DW 15 with a length of 45 cm) is required to attach the stop end bracket SB 110 to the support frame. Clamping device for stop end bracket SB 110 Coated; to connect the stop end bracket SB 110 to the support frame. A flange nut 100 or an articulated flange nut 15/120 is also required. Stop end bracket SB 110 Ref. No. Description / Application m² 29-406-40 Stop end bracket SB 110 29-406-60 Clamping device for stop end bracket SB 110 kg 198,0 1,4 Clamping device for stop end bracket SB 110 190 78 17 15 DW 15 14 11 21 33,3 2,6 26 12 3 0,7 40 40 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 2 x Ø 25 mm 3 6 250 STB-30 Support Frame STB Cross brace STB Coated; to support the inside corner area of a single-sided wall formwork; dimensions 137 x 137 cm. Welded-in DW-threaded nuts to attach 2 or 3 support frames STB 300 or STB 450. Flange screws are required to attach the cross brace to the formwork and the support frame to the cross brace. Ref. No. Description / Application m² kg 29-406-70 Cross brace STB 92,0 Trolley waler Coated; for a fast support frame transport when a crane cannot be used. The trolley waler is attached to the support frame units. Wheel adaptors, trolley spindles and castors are required. Please observe the trolley waler instructions. 29-403-70 Trolley waler 76,0 STB Trolley waler Cross brace STB 237 137 12 3 130 ,7 5,5 20 11 20 137 130 16,5 61 160 137,2 125 2,9 6,5 89,5 6,5 3 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 10 5 5 24,6 STB-31 Ref. No. Description / Application 29-403-75 Wheel adapter for trolly spindle Trolley spindle 48/70 Galvanized; to raise or lower the support frame units when attaching the swivel-type castors 29-403-80 Trolley spindle 48/70 7,4 Swivel-type castor 2 tons Suited for the wheel adapter for the troller waler. Load capacity 2 tons; with slide bearing; total height 305 mm; plate size 175 x 140 mm; screw hole spacing 140 x 105 mm; drill hole Ø 14 mm; cantilever 75 mm. 29-306-50 Swivel-type castor 2 tons 8,3 29-306-75 Swivel-type castor 6 tons 22,1 29-306-90 Swivel-type castor 10 tons 80,0 Wheel adapter for trolley waler Galvanized; to install swivel-type castors of 2 tons and 6 tons Swivel-type castor 6 tons (10 tons) Load capacity 6 tons; with ball bearing; total height 330 mm; plate size 225 x 200 mm, screw hole spacing 210 x 200 mm, drill hole Ø 18 mm, cantilever 85 mm (load capacity 10 tons; with ball bearing; total height 430 mm; plate size 400 x 300 mm, screw hole spacing 340 x 240 mm, drill hole Ø 26 mm, cantilever 110 mm) Trolley spindle 48/70 kg 12,0 Swivel-type castor 30,5 (20) [43] Wheel adapter for trolley waler m² 24 1 4,2 6 75,2 20, 14 6 Numbers in parentheses refer to the swivel-type castor (6) or [10] tons. 14 5,2 6,4 11,5 6,5 9 16 STB-32 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 14 (11) [30] 10,5 (8)[24] 18 28 21 10,5 17,5 (14) [40] 14 (10,5) [34] Support Frame STB Brace bracket SK 150 Coated; to form stop ends for foundation slabs with a maximum thickness of 1,50 m. Braces SRL 120 or SRL 170 must be ordered separately. Positioning support SK Coated; permits the exact levelling and positioning of stop ends when used with the brace bracket SK 150, even on a sloped surface Description / Application m² kg 29-403-50 Brace bracket SK 150 38,0 29-403-55 Positioning support SK 4,1 Positioning support SK Flange nut 100 STB Brace bracket SK 150 Ref. No. 14 Pin 16/200 with cotter pin 4 mm ° 10 .1 ax M Threadbar DW 15 150 Head bolt 16/90 with cotter pin 4 mm 25 Screw M16 x 220 mm Nut M16 2 x washer B-17 14 21 5 4 x Ø 22 mm 19 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 107 5 145 Hollow profile 6 x 2 (Wall thickness 2 mm) 16,1 13,5 67,5 STB-33 Brace SRL Galvanized; consists of a righ-hand and a left-hand spindle as well as a revolving centre part. The brace is delivered without foot plate and formwork-prop connector. Ref. No. Description / Application 29-108-80 Brace SRL 120 (90–150) 8,3 29-108-90 Brace SRL 170 (120–220) 10,5 Push-pull props R Galvanized; torsion-resistant and impact-resistant. They are used to align and brace wall formwork. Foot plates and connecting accessories must be ordered separately. 29-109-80 Push-pull prop R 460 (340–520) 35,8 M alignment rails Galvanized; they are used to stiffen the panel joints for crane ganging, to bridge problem areas, for alignment in the case of length compensation and for forming stop ends (with column clamp). The alignment rails are attached to the formwork with flange screws. 29-402-38 M alignment rail 450 reinforced 29-402-40 M alignment rail 450 Braces SRL m² kg 159,0 84,0 Push-pull props R Adjustment range 90–150 Adjustment range 340–520 Adjustment range 120–220 463,5 22,5 486 10 Ø 25 mm 14 20 430 450 2,7 STB-34 Ø 20 mm 5 3 5 10 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 6 3 6 M alignment rails Support Frame STB Triplex SB Galvanized; together with the base extension it provides the required additional support for concreting heights of 7,50 m (or higher). For details see the Triplex Technical Instruction Manual. Ref. No. Description / Application m² kg 29-407-00 Triplex SB 630 29-407-15 Triplex SB 300 right 71,0 29-407-17 Triplex SB 300 left 71,0 29-407-30 Triplex intermediate piece SB 50 15,0 29-407-35 Triplex intermediate piece SB 100 22,0 29-407-40 Triplex intermediate piece SB 200 37,0 29-407-45 Triplex intermediate piece SB 300 52,0 29-407-25 Top unit 73 left, black spindle, without screws 19,0 29-407-20 Top unit 73 right, silver spindle, with screws 19,0 140,0 Triplex SB 630 50 Top unit 73 right (centering tube) 200 STB Intermediate piece SB 50 Intermediate piece SB 200 Adjustment range 580–680 6 x Ø 17 mm Triplex SB 300 right Intermediate piece SB 300 Intermediate piece SB 300 300 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany Top unit 73 right (centering tube) 300 Triplex SB 300 left Intermediate piece SB 300 Top unit 73 left Top unit 73 left 300 STB-35 Tie rod DW Uncoated; not weldable; with Dywidag thread; DIN 18216. To transfer the load from the support frame into the floor slab or foundation. Ø 15: admissible load capacity 90 kN Ø 20: admissible load capacity 160 kN Ø 26,5: admissible load capacity 250 kN Ref. No. Description / Application m² kg 29-900-76 Tie rod DW 15/45 0,6 29-900-80 Tie rod DW 15/90 1,3 29-900-97 Tie rod DW 20/120 3,0 29-900-75 Tie rod DW 26,5/80 3,6 Anchor loop Uncoated; not weldable; with Dywidag thread; DIN 18216. To transfer the load from the support frame into the floor slab or foundation. Ø 15: adm. load capacity 2 x 90 kN = 180 kN Ø 20: adm. load capacity 2 x 160 kN = 320 kN 29-001-20 Anchor loop 15 2,4 29-001-25 Anchor loop 20 4,5 Reversible coupling for push-pull props To connect braces to vertical alignment rails 29-401-74 Reversible coupling for push-pull props 2,0 Tie rod DW Tie rod DW 15: L = 45 / 90 Tie rod DW 20: L = 120 Tie rod DW 26,5: L = 80 Anchor loop Reversible coupling for push-pull props Ø 18,5 mm 17,5 9,5 Approx. 35 6 4 45 ° Ø 22 mm Ø 18,5 mm 12 22,5 Approx. 35 Approx. 25 STB-36 DW 15 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany 23 6 DW 15 Support Frame STB Articulated flange nut Forged; galvanized; DIN 18216; with Dywidag thread Ø 15 mm (20 mm); plate Ø 120 mm (140 mm); max. inclination 10°; spanner width 27 mm (36 mm); max. load capacity 90 kN (160 kN) Ref. No. Description / Application 29-900-10 Articulated flange nut 15/120 1,8 29-900-05 Articulated flange nut 20/140 2,4 Flange nut 100 Forged; galvanized; DIN 18216; with Dywidag thread Ø 15 mm; plate Ø 100 mm; spanner width 27 mm; max. load capacity 90 kN 29-900-20 Flange nut 100 0,7 Coupling nut With Dywidag thread; DIN 18216. To connect tie rods to the anchor loop when length extension is necessary. Admissible load in kN and spanner width (SW) in mm: Ø 15: 90 kN, SW 30 Ø 20: 160 kN, SW 36 Ø 26,5: 250 kN, SW 46 29-900-55 Coupling nut 15 0,2 29-900-50 Coupling nut 20 0,7 29-900-56 Coupling nut 26,5 1,4 Articulated flange nut 15/120 m² kg Coupling nut Ø 12 STB 7,6 DW 15: L = 10,5 DW 20: L = 11 DW 26,5 L = 13 SW 27 SW 30 SW 36 SW 46 1,5 Ø 10 4,8 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany Flange nut 100 STB-37 Anchoring auxiliary Facilitates the placing of ties at 45° into the supporting structure when support frames are used Hexagonal nut Forged; with Dywidag thread; DIN 18216. To tie the anchors in the bottom slab and at the support frame; is used with a counter plate to increase the pull-out resistance. Admissible load in kN and spanner width (SW) in mm: Ø 15: 90 kN, SW 30 Ø 20: 160 kN, SW 36 Ø 26,5: 250 kN, SW 46 Counter plate Galvanized; is used together with the hexagonal nut to anchor the support frame. Hole Ø 25 or 38 mm. Scaffold tube Galvanized; to reinforce large-size units of support frames or climbing systems for crane ganging Anchoring auxiliary Ref. No. Description / Application m² kg 29-001-50 Anchoring auxiliary 15 STB 0,5 29-001-55 Anchoring auxiliary 20 STB 0,5 29-001-60 Anchoring auxiliary 26,5 STB 0,5 29-900-60 Hexagonal nut 15 0,2 29-900-61 Hexagonal nut 20 0,5 29-900-58 Hexagonal nut 26,5 0,5 29-900-35 Counter plate 120 x 120 x 20 / 25 2,1 29-900-30 Counter plate 120 x 120 x 20 / 38 2,1 29-412-23 Scaffold tube 48/200 9,4 29-412-26 Scaffold tube 48/300 14,1 29-412-27 Scaffold tube 48/400 18,8 Counter plate 30 10 DW 20: Ø 25 mm DW 26,5: Ø 38 mm 12 5 10 0,4 10 2 x Ø 25 mm 2 x Ø 30 mm 12 Ø 24 mm (DW 15) Ø 32 mm (DW 20) Ø 40 mm (DW 26,5) 48,3 SW 36 SW 46 0,4 L L = 200, 300 and 400 STB-38 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany Scaffold tube Hexagonal nut DW 20: L=6 DW 26,5: L = 8 2 Ø 32 mm (DW 15) Ø 24 mm (DW 20) Ø 32 mm (DW 26,5) Support Frame STB Ref. No. Description / Application 29-412-50 Rigid coupler 48/48 1,1 Swivel-joint coupler 48/48 Galvanized; to connect 2 scaffold tubes with Ø 48,3 mm at any angle 29-412-52 Swivel-joint coupler 48/48 1,2 Bolt-on coupler 48/M14 Galvanized; permits the attachment of scaffold tubes with Ø 48,3 mm to support frames, climbing brackets, etc. 40-080-70 Bolt-on coupler 48/M14 1,0 Joint coupler 48/48 SW 22 Galvanized; to attach scaffold tubes with Ø 48,3 mm at tube joints; is used together with a tube connector 48 29-412-55 Joint coupler 48/48 SW 22 1,4 Tube connector 48 Galvanized; supplement for joint coupler 48/48. Is used to reinforce the joint of 2 tubes. 29-412-57 Tube connector 48 1,1 Rigid coupler 48/48 Galvanized; to connect 2 scaffold tubes with Ø 48,3 mm at an angle of 90° (spanner width 22 mm) Swivel-joint coupler 48/48 kg Bolt-on coupler 48/M14 STB Rigid coupler 48/48 m² Tube connector 48 stb-pdv-gb.pdf St. 26/03/10 Printed in Germany Joint coupler 48/48 SW 22 STB-39 Headquarters MEVA Schalungs-Systeme GmbH Industriestraße 5 D-72221 Haiterbach Tel. +49 7456 692-01 Fax +49 7456 692-66 E-Mail - Sales & Services - Engineering - Research & Development - Production - Special engineering - Cleaning, Repair, Regeneration - MEVA Training Center Logistic Centers A-Pfaffstätten, Tel. 02252 209000 D-Berlin, Tel. 03375 9030-0 D-Haiterbach, Tel. 07456 692-01 D-Hannover, Tel. 0511 94993-0 H-Budapest, Tel. 01 2722222 RO-Bucuresti, Tel. 021 3169882 RUS-Moskva, Tel. 495 7813737 UK-Tamworth, Tel. 01827 60217 USA-Springfield, Tel. 937 3280022 MEVA International A-Pfaffstätten, Tel. 02252 20900-0 AUS-Adelaide, Tel. 07 3807 4377 B-Kruibeke, Tel. 03 250 11 11 BG-Sofia, Tel. 02 9898277 CDN-Toronto, Tel. 905 8576037 CH-Seon, Tel. 062 7697100 CZ-Praha, Tel. 283 085333 F-Champs-sur-Marne, Tel. 01 64621060 F-Sarreguemines, Tel. 0387 959938 H-Budapest, Tel. 01 2722222 HR-Bestovje, Tel. 01 3323666 IND-Mumbai, Tel. 022 27563430 IR-Tehran, Tel. 021 2292 5998 IRL-Dublin, Tel. 01 4505409 IS-Reykjavík, Tel. 0544 4490 KSA-Jeddah, Tel. 02 683 8347 LT-Kaunas, Tel. 0687 31533 N-Oslo, Tel. 067 154200 NL-Gouda, Tel. 0182 570770 PA-Panama City, Tel. 507 2372222 PL-Bialystok, Tel. 085 6768159 RO-Bucuresti, Tel. 0 21 3169882 RUS-Moskva, Tel. 495 7813737 RUS-Sankt-Peterburg, Tel. 812 3320188 SGP-Singapore, Tel. 67354459 SK-Bratislava, Tel. 0911 897502 SLO-Petrovce, Tel. 03 7131500 SRB-Beograd, Tel. 011 2310346 SYR-Damascus, Tel. 011 5324500 UAE-Dubai, Tel. 04 3411180 UK-Tamworth, Tel. 01827 60217 USA-Springfield, Tel. 937 3280022