Written and oral reporting - Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen KU

Written and oral reporting
Guidelines for engineering students
Written communication .......................................................................................... 4
Basic steps in the writing process .................................................................. 5
Report writing: structure and content ............................................................. 6
1.2.1 Title ....................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Abstract ................................................................................................ 8
1.2.3 Table of contents .................................................................................. 9
1.2.4 Lists of tables, figures and graphs ..................................................... 10
1.2.5 Introduction ......................................................................................... 11
1.2.6 Body ................................................................................................... 12
1.2.7 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 13
1.2.8 References ......................................................................................... 14
1.2.9 Appendices ......................................................................................... 15
Report writing: language and style ............................................................... 16
1.3.1 Writing style ........................................................................................ 17
1.3.2 Written language ................................................................................ 18
1.3.3 Structure ............................................................................................. 19
1.3.4 Tables, figures and graphs ................................................................. 21
1.3.5 Symbols, formulas and equations ...................................................... 23
1.3.6 References ......................................................................................... 24
Oral communication ............................................................................................. 28
Preparing an oral presentation ..................................................................... 29
Structure and organization ........................................................................... 30
Verbal communication .................................................................................. 31
Non-verbal communication ........................................................................... 32
Written communication
Effective written communication is an essential part of each technical and
academic assignment. It enables us to disseminate findings and conclusions of our
research and to maximize its impact.
Writing a good report is difficult and time consuming. For this reason, we will be
addressing some fundamentals, tips and tricks as well as good and poor examples.
Basic steps in the writing process
Report writing: structure and content
Report writing: language and style
Basic steps in the writing process
Written communication is important and benefits from a strategic and methodical approach.
The writing process can be described in three basic steps:
Pre-writing your
Writing your
Editing and revising
your document
Brainstorm, gather and outline ideas about the
content of your report (what? and why?). It is
equally important to consider your audience at this
point (for whom?).
Select and organize the content of your report and
determine the structure of your composition.
Format your draft and finalize your report.
Proofread and if needed rearrange content and make
sure that tone, style and content are appropriate.
Correct errors in grammar and spelling and edit to
improve writing style and clarity.
Report writing: structure and content
This section covers guidelines relating to the different parts of a technical text or report.
Effective titles
Titles are designed to inform readers on the content of your work. Aim for a
title that is informative and specific to your research. Make sure that your title
clearly indicates and reflects the contents of the report.
1. Titles should be concise, descriptive and specific. Specify your topic in a
subtitle if possible.
2. Do not use abbreviations in titles.
3. The initial working title may not adequately reflect your actual type of
study. Adjust your title at the end of your project or research if possible.
Writing an
The abstract is a brief summary of the study rationale, methodology and the main
findings and conclusions of the report. Make sure to highlight in which way your
paper is making a contribution to the field.
An abstract should be self-contained. Do not copy your introduction in
your abstract. An introduction is merely introducing your paper, while the
abstract is summarizing the whole paper and its conclusions.
Although some terminology will be inevitable, ensure that your abstract is
written accessibly.
Do not include general background information in your abstract. As
abstracts should contain a limited number of words (400 or less), they
should convey the essential information found in your paper.
Do not include tables and figures in an abstract, unless stated otherwise.
Do not cite references in an abstract, unless stated otherwise.
Leave writing your abstract to the end of your project or research, as you
will have a clearer picture of your main findings and conclusions at that
Formatting a
table of contents
Table of contents
The purpose of the table of contents is to give an overview of the subject matter
and the structure of the report, so that readers can easily jump to a specific part
of the text containing the information they need. The structure of the table of
contents needs to be logical and transparent.
1. Use "Contents" as a header for the table of contents.
2. Use the correct indentation: main titles (Contents, Introduction,
Conclusion and Appendices) should be left-aligned and titles of sections
should be indented from the left margin. For each additional level, you
should set an additional indent.
3. Ensure your table of contents is structured in an orderly fashion. Make
sure that titles or headings are as significant as possible.
 Divide all subjects in subtopics, but take into account that each
subtopic could belong to only one subject of a higher level. Please
note that each subtopic should have at least one other subtopic at
the same level.
 Arrange all subtopics in a systematic manner, using a unique
 Use parallel structure for headings at the same level:
3.1.1 How is heat generated
3.1.2 Measurement of heat
3.1.3 Heat transfer
3.1.1 Heat generation
3.1.2 Heat measurement
3.1.3 Heat transfer
Limit the depth of detail in a table of contents. Three (e.g. 3.1.1) or four
(e.g. subdivisions would suffice.
2. Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings
in the text.
Lists of tables, figures and graphs
Lists of tables, figures and graphs guide readers to find the information they are
looking for in the body of the text. A list of symbols and abbreviations enables
readers to quickly find the meaning of each symbol and abbreviation. For the
author, writing and updating lists of symbols and abbreviations contributes to
systematic notation and avoidance of double use of symbols.
Lists of tables, figures, graphs, symbols, formulas and abbreviations are generally
provided after the table of contents.
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Writing a strong
An introduction should capture the audience's attention. Introductions generally
start by identifying and situating a problem in the existing literature. Next,
introductions describe how the project or research was conducted, formulate the
purpose of the research or paper and highlight in which way it is making a new
contribution to the field. Finally, the introduction indicates the main points as well
as the outline of the report. Do not forget to mention the relevance of the work
Describe the problem statement and situate the problem in its wider
context. If appropriate, the introduction defines key concepts and
explains new concepts.
Frame your research within the existing literature and refer to previous
work. Present a comprehensive yet brief literature review and cite the
sources you have used both in the text and in a reference list.
Provide a brief overview of your methodology or the procedures
Finally, indicate the outline of the report with explicit reference to the
different chapters and/or sections.
1. An introduction is more extensive and comprehensive than an abstract.
2. In the introduction references should be carefully selected and limited to those
sources that are most relevant to your research.
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The body of the text explains in detail how the study was conducted, reports key
findings and provides evidence supporting your conclusion.
Organizing the
body of the text
1. Divide the main body of the text in chapters. Chapters should follow a
logical outline and usually include the following three main parts:
methodology, results and discussion and interpretation:
 Methods: describing the project (elaboration), while explaining
the key working principle applied. The method section elaborates
on the methodology used and makes objective arguments to justify
the approach taken.
 Results: reporting results and analyses, focusing on key results
and interpretations, acknowledging limitations and implications
for the interpretation of results. The line of reasoning should be
clear and well-supported and assumptions should be justified.
 Discussion: discussing main points in relation to the problem
statement, analyzing and interpreting main findings through
consistent reasoning and argumentation, eliminating alternative
explanations and pointing to the significance of the results.
2. Check whether the body of the text is balanced. Long chapters could
perhaps be split up in smaller chapters. If you have a few short chapters,
verify whether they or not could be combined with other chapters.
chapters in
1. Subdivide chapters in sections and do so in a systematic manner. Sections
consist of associated paragraphs: lines of thought with each developing
only one main idea. Check whether ideas are equally developed in each
paragraph and that the length of your paragraphs is proportional to your
2. Ensure appropriate titles or headings. Use parallel structures for headings
at the same level, to make your text easier to understand.
3. Open each chapter with an introduction describing the procedure, main
insights developed and the outline of the chapter.
4. Close each chapter with a conclusion shortly summarizing the main
results. Indicate and explain the connection with other chapters in the body
of the text as well as what contribution the chapter has made to the whole
of the paper.
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Writing your
The main text ends with a concluding section. Remember that this section will be
read by prospective readers first, therefore it should be independent of the main
body of the text.
Recapitulate your main findings, general conclusions and contributions.
Briefly discuss your results if appropriate and provide an answer to the
problem statement.
Conclude with recommendations for improvement and/or suggestions for
further research.
1. Do not add new information to your general conclusion.
2. Relate your results to previous work, but do not include an extensive
3. Identify the limitations of the study and explain their implications for the
interpretation of the results.
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The reference section comprises a list of all sources that were cited in the text.
Compiling a
reference list
The reference list should be alphabetical according to the first author's last name.
If you use the number system, then references are listed in the order that they
have been cited in the text.
Difference with
There is a difference between a reference section and a bibliography. A
bibliography is an inventory of references you have read during a specified period.
A reference list is containing only those sources of information you have used
drafting the text and cited in the text. In a technical report, it is common to include
a reference list instead of a bibliography.
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1. Compile the reference list preferably as you write the body of the text.
2. Note that the reference list should always be accurate and complete.
3. If you are listing your references alphabetically, make sure that the first
line of your reference is at the margin and subsequent lines are indented
(e.g. 0,5 cm).
Appendices convey important but non-essential information, such as raw data, long
proofs, calculations and extensive experimental results. If they would be included
in the body of the text, these could harm the readability of the text.
Appendices should always be numbered, captioned and referred to from
the text.
2. Appendices should be clear and self-contained.
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Report writing: language and style
This section covers guidelines relating to writing style and presentation and design.
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Writing style
A scientific paper is a formal text written in an impersonal, objective, neutral and
professional way. The writing is concise with specific wordings and formulations.
The writing should be clear as well and lead to a deeper understanding of the
Writing style in
1. Avoid colloquial or informal language. Eliminate all 'filler' and needless
words. Biased language is not acceptable in academic writing.
2. Avoid personal or familiar language. Do not directly address the reader
and do not ask rhetorical questions. Remember that the use of personal
pronouns does not fit into an objective, scientific paper.
3. Avoid ambiguous, imprecise or vague words such as ‘various', 'some',
'particular', 'numerous'. Try to avoid impersonal expressions. Be clear,
concrete, specific, precise and direct. If possible, choose specific
wordings which will lead to more concise writing.
4. Do not use 'wordy' expressions either. To illustrate:
 'Since' or 'because' are easier to read than 'for the reason that' or
'owing to the fact that'.
 'Although' is easier to read than 'despite the fact that' or
'regardless of the fact that'.
 'If' is easier to read than 'in the event that'.
and contractions
1. Limit the use of abbreviations in academic writing. Explain the
abbreviations you are using.
2. Avoid contractions such as 'doesn't', 'haven't'. Always write full forms.
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Written language
Scientific papers should be written with correct grammar, spelling and
1. Write out numbers at the beginning of a sentence.
2. Spell out cardinal numbers from one to nine and ordinal numbers from
first to ninth. Numbers below 10 are usually written as words. Also write
out hundred, thousand and million in words. Please consider the following
 Write the number in numerals if numbers have been measured or
calculated, followed by a unit of measurement. Usually, a space is
inserted between the number and the unit.
 Round numbers to, for instance, two decimal places unless stated
 Percentages require numerals, except when beginning a sentence.
3. Writing correctly punctuated sentences is essential to enhance
 Do not forget punctuation.
 Make sure you are using punctuation marks correctly. Do not use
commas instead of full stops. To separate items in a list, use a
colon. Commas are used between each item (use a semicolon if
you are including the items on a separate line in the text) and end
the last item in the list with a full stop.
 Do not use excessive punctuation.
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A scientific paper or text should have a logical structure and organization.
Typically, an academic text comprises of different chapters and sections of about
equal length flowing smoothly into each other. Sections consist of associated
paragraphs that are carefully formatted in a consistent page lay-out.
1. Organize the text in paragraphs and ensure that paragraphs are more or less
evenly distributed.
2. Structure paragraphs along a topic sentence. The topic sentence
adequately describes the main idea of that paragraph. The remainder of the
paragraph then develops that idea more fully.
3. Develop a paragraph in a systematic way, for instance working from
general to specific or from theory to practice.
4. Be consistent in tense use throughout paragraphs.
5. Pay attention to transitions between and within paragraphs:
 Include transitions between paragraphs to maintain coherence.
 Link sentences within paragraphs using signal phrases, connecting
phrases as well as reference words. Paragraphs should be coherent
and presented as a whole. Possible transition words and phrases
are the following:
a. Indicating a purpose: in order to, so, so that,...
b. Indicating a reason or cause: since, because of, due to,
c. Indicating a result or an effect: consequently, therefore,
thus, hence,...
d. Indicating more information: in addition, furthermore,
besides, moreover,...
e. To compare or contrast: although, however, on the other
hand, in contrast,...
f. To summarize or conclude: in short, in sum, in
6. Avoid complex sentence structures making your text difficult to follow.
7. Use correct, simple and compound sentences. Break up long sentences
creating multiple sentences in order to improve readability.
8. Focus on one idea per sentence and emphasize the most important
element. The most important agents should be used as a subject. Avoid
using first person pronouns ('I', 'we') as well as personal experience in
academic writing.
9. Eliminate redundancies and avoid unnecessary repetition of words.
10. Never begin a sentence with conjunctions such as 'for', 'and', 'or', 'but'.
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Tenses and
Word choice
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11. Give preference to active verb forms and impersonal constructions in the
simple present:
 An abstract, as well as a method and results section are generally
written in the simple past. They are referring to what was done.
 An introduction, as well as a discussion and concluding section are
typically written in the simple present. To refer to existing
research, the present perfect is common.
12. Reduce the number of nouns and, if appropriate, try to replace nouns with
their verb form. Too many nominalizations (use of nouns instead of
verbs) may produce a text which is difficult to read.
“In this chapter it is described how
the 2D system is extended to a 3D
“The following results are obtained in
this experiment.”
“Control of heavy machines,...”
“This chapter contains the extension
from a 2D system to a 3D system.”
“The experiment yields following
“Controlling heavy machines,...”
13. Define novel or specific characters (concepts, symbols,...) on first use in
the text.
14. Choose the most specific term and always use names consistently
throughout your paper. In a technical or scientific paper clarity and
unambiguity are of utmost importance.
Tables, figures and graphs
Use tables, figures and graphs only to display main and significant results.
Tables are used to present exact values or information. To understand patterns and
relationships between multiple sets of data, a graph is usually better suited.
1. Present information only when it is of value to the reader. Each table,
figure or graph should convey interesting new information and add value
to the text.
2. Number every table, figure and graph in the sequence in which they will
be referred to.
 Tables should be numbered and captioned above the table.
 Figures and graphs should be labelled below with their number
and descriptive title.
3. Refer to every table, figure and graph included in the text by using the
present tense.
4. Ensure that each reference to tables, figures and graphs cites the
corresponding number. The text should highlight and interpret only two or
three key results shown.
5. Cite references if applicable.
6. Be consistent in font type and size.
7. Make sure column and/or row labels are clearly separated from the data,
for instance by placing them in another font type (e.g. bold). Do not forget
to include units of measurement.
8. Make sure that decimal numbers are aligned on the decimal point.
9. Keep it simple. Too much unnecessary elements and decoration, such
as horizontal and vertical rules or borders between rows and columns,
should be omitted.
10. Label axes.
11. Show parameters and units and describe the scale of every graph.
12. Make sure the center point of the graph is located at the zero point on the
horizontal (x) axis and the zero point on the vertical (y) axis. If the y-axis
is not starting at the zero point, your graph can easily mislead the reader.
13. Make sure that both the x- and the y-axis are divided into equally spaced
14. Add a legend or explanatory caption. A legend should be carefully
placed. In some cases, removing the legend and labelling the lines in a
graph directly should be possible.
15. Ensure graphs are sufficiently large and readable. Guide the reader in
interpreting the information.
16. Keep it simple. Unnecessary ornamentation, such as gridlines, tick
marks and crosses should be omitted. Try to avoid three-dimensional
graphs as well, as they are rarely clear and easy to interpret.
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17. Provide comparable graphs with the same format, size and lay-out. Include
all information you want to compare in one graph as far as possible.
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More information and useful examples through:
Zobel, J. (2004). Writing for Computer Science. New York: Springer.
Symbols, formulas and equations
1. Use standard symbols and notations consistently throughout the text.
Symbols are written in italics.
2. Define symbols on first use in the text and add units and parameters. Be
consistent in using symbols throughout the text.
3. Keep record of the symbols you are using in a (numbered) list, in order to
avoid double use of symbols. Do not mix capital and small letters.
4. Formulas and equations are cited in the text by means of an equation editor
such as MathType (i.e. the equation editor of MS Word).
5. Insert short formulas and equations in the text, long formulas and
equations are placed on a separate line in the text. Use punctuation marks.
“This yields
y = ax2 + bx + c,
where a, b and c result from (3.23).”
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Referencing is an essential part of writing any research or scientific paper. All
sources of information should be both referred to from the text and cited in the
reference section. If you do not cite references, it will be assumed that words or
ideas are your own.
KU Leuven defines plagiarism as follows: 'Plagiarism is any identical or lightlyaltered use of one's own or someone else’s work (ideas, texts, structures, images,
plans, etc.) without adequate reference to the source' (KU Leuven, 04.07.2013).
More information through http://www.kuleuven.be/plagiarism/.
Basic principles
In a text you should cite all references and all references cited within the text
should be listed in a reference list at the end of the paper or report. Unlike a
bibliography, a reference list includes only works to which you refer.
Correct referencing is twofold:
A short reference to the source within the text;
A detailed description of the source(s) used in the reference list.
Every reference, both in the text and in the reference list, needs to be correct and
complete. Essential parts of a reference in the reference list are:
 The author(s)' surname(s);
 The year of publication;
 The title of the publication;
 If necessary the name of the journal with its volume number and page
 If necessary the place of publication and the name of the publisher;
 If necessary the date of access of a website, and so forth.
Citation and
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In-text citations and references in the reference list should be consistent. Generally
speaking, there are two common referencing standards:
Referencing alphabetically;
Referencing numeric style.
method 1
In-text citations
 In the text, the author(s)' last name(s) as well as publication year should be
mentioned between brackets, separated by a comma.
 If you are including the author(s) directly in a sentence, do not forget to
include the publication year between brackets.
One author
Two authors
More than two
(Author, publication year, page number or range).
(Author 1 & Author 2, publication year, page number or
range). If there are two authors, always give both
authors' last names.
If there are three, four, five,... authors incorporate all
authors' last names in your first in-text citation.
Afterwards only repeat the first author's last name,
followed by et al.:
(Author 1 et al., publication year, page number or
If you have two sources in one parenthetical citation, they should be
listed by publication year, separated by a semi-colon.
If you have two sources by the same author in one parenthetical
citation, they should be listed chronologically (earliest comes first). The
author's last name is mentioned once followed by the different years of
If you have two sources by the same author in the same year of
publication in one parenthetical citation, they should be listed according
to the first word of the title (except from 'a(n)' or 'the'). In addition, a letter
suffix (a, b, c) is added to the year of publication of each source in
accordance with their alphabetical ranking.
If you are referring to a source included in another work, both the
secondary and the original source should be enclosed in the citation:
(Author 2, publication year in Author 1, publication year, page number or
Direct quotations
If you copy an extract from any source, be sure to use quotation marks and to
acknowledge the source. Generally speaking, there are two types of quotations:
 Quotations included in the text: mainly short quotations (i.e. less than three
lines). Quotations within the text are marked by quotation marks at the
beginning and at the end of the quotation.
 Block quotations: long quotations (i.e. three or more lines). The whole
citation is indented on the left (e.g. 0,5 cm) without quotation marks.
Pay attention
 If it is necessary to omit parts of the quotation, mark the missing part by
three dots (an ellipsis) between brackets.
 If it is necessary to add a phrase to a quotation to clarify meaning (an
interpolation), mark the extra words between square brackets.
 Every quotation is followed by a reference to the author(s)' last name(s),
the year of publication and the page number between brackets.
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Only use direct quotations when it is relevant and proves to have added
Referencing a table, figure or graph
If you copy a table, figure or graph from a source, you need to make reference to
the source by mentioning the author(s)' family name(s), publication year and the
page number (preceded by "p.").
Source: Author, publication year, p. (page number).
Reference list
The reference list describes all references cited within the text in detail. References
are listed in alphabetical order by the first author's last name.
To cite the following types of sources, a specific format is provided for referencing
in the reference list:
Author(s) (publication year). Title of the book. Place of
publication: Publisher.
Scientific journal
Author(s) (publication year). Title of the article. Name of
the journal, volume number(issue), page range.
Author(s) (exact date of publication). Title of the article.
Name of the paper, page range.
Master's thesis or
Author(s) (academic year). Title of the dissertation
[Filetype]. Place: Institution.
Congress paper
Author(s) (publication year). Title of the paper. Paper
presented on Congress of date in Place.
Author(s) (date of last update). Title of the file. [Date of
access, publisher: URL].
In the reference list:
 Two or more sources by the same author are listed by year (earliest
comes first).
 Two or more sources by the same author in the same year of
publication are listed alphabetically by title. Letter suffixes (a, b, c) are
added to the publication year according to their alphabetical ranking. The
letter suffixes are then used to order the sources in the reference list.
If you are referring to a source included in another work within the text, you
should make reference to the secondary source in your reference list (i.e. the one
you have read). Keep in mind that you should always strive to use primary sources
(i.e. the original document or source).
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method 2
In the text, cite references in consecutive numerical order between square
brackets starting with [1]. Every reference is assigned a unique number
that is used in all subsequent notations in the text and that corresponds to a
numbered reference in the reference list.
If you want to cite multiple references in one in-text citation, it is common
to mention each number between the same set of square brackets as in
In the reference list, references are listed in order of appearance
(numerical order) in the text. Each reference is preceded by its serial
number between square brackets.
Pay attention
 Be sure all references cited in the text are part of the numbered reference
list. Do not include references in the reference list that are not cited within
the text.
 Be consistent in using a particular style of citation. If you are using the
numeric style, do not list the reference list in alphabetical order.
 Be careful using unsourced information. Information must always be
verifiable and attributable to a reliable source.
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Oral communication
Strong oral communication skills are an important success factor in engineering practice. Research has
shown that engineers are spending at least one third of their
overall work time on oral discussions or presentations.
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Preparing an oral presentation
Structure and organization
Verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
Preparing an oral presentation
There are five steps in constructing an effective oral presentation:
Plan your
Formulate your
core message
Create your slides
Deliver the
Answer questions
Gather your thoughts. What is the content of my
presentation (what?), what is the purpose of the
presentation (why?) and who is my audience (for
whom?). Take into account constraints of time
(when? and how long?) and space (where?).
Determine the structure and content of your
presentation. The content should be limited to
what serves the purpose and be organized in a
way that suits the audience. Formulate the core
message and its headlines. Define the main
message you want your audience to remember
and substantiate your arguments.
Compose your presentation and create slides.
Keep in mind that each slide should convey only
one message. Limit the amount of information
on each slide and use visual aids to keep the
attention of the audience.
Master all channels and master your content.
Control your verbal and nonverbal actions.
Listen to and make sure you understand each
question. Take your time to think about your
answer and construct an answer that is brief and
to the point.
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Structure and organization
Structure of the
Below we formulate some basic guidelines for structuring an oral presentation:
1. Open the presentation and capture the audience’s attention.
2. Introduce and situate the topic of the presentation.
3. Ensure the overall structure and purpose of the presentation are clear to
the audience. Devote one slide to the presentation outline.
4. Develop a clear, coherent and compelling core message.
5. Make sure the presentation is logically organized and easily followed by
the audience.
6. Enhance the presentation with tables, figures, graphs and other visual
7. Restate the main points and provide adequate closure.
Questions and
The main considerations answering questions are the following:
1. Try to adequately handle and respond to tough questions.
2. Effectively respond when asked for clarification.
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Verbal communication
During your presentation, pay attention to your pace, volume, articulation and
1. Speak in a relaxed manner with a varied pace.
2. Speak in a clear, audible voice with appropriate volume.
3. Speak with proper articulation and pronunciation.
4. Speak in a lively, natural manner with proper intonation.
As regards language, consider the following points:
1. Take care of your language and ensure it is appropriate to the topic and
the audience.
2. Use rather formal language with few verbal fillers.
3. Adapt the presentation anticipating the audience’s background knowledge
of the topic.
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Non-verbal communication
Media, slides
and visuals
1. As a presenter, you should be able to easily handle media equipment and
respond to unexpected events.
2. Ensure that slides are readable and the amount of text on the slides is
limited. Choose a readable typeface and an appropriate font size, make
sure there is enough contrast between the colours chosen for the
background and the text or graphics.
 Follow the 7x7 rule: use no more than seven lines per slide and
seven words per line to avoid information overload.
 Maintain parallel structure and constructions in a slide.
 Limit the amount of colours and animation effects used in the
3. Slides should be functional and enhance the presentation. Images and
visuals should be relevant to your presentation.
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Try to make effective use of the space.
Physical gestures, stance and facial expressions must support the message.
Deliver a dynamic presentation and show enthusiasm.
Speak directly to, involve and interact with the audience.
Make frequent eye contact with members of the audience.
Check and practice the timing of your presentation:
1. Rehearse your presentation in order to make sure it fits within the given
time frame.
2. Ensure that all team members are participating equally or as assigned by
the instructor.
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3001 HEVERLEE, België
tel. + 32 16 32 12 01