EE 4900: Fundamentals of Sensor Design 1 Lecture 2 Basics of Sensing: Sensor Characteristics EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor System Example 2 Glucose Meter (monitor blood sugar level for diabetic patients) Tiny blood drop Test Strip Thermistor Meter Control, Working and Reference Electrodes Amperometry Circuit fc = 100 Hz Test Strip Glucose -> Glucose Oxidase -> Ions -> Change in Current (3 μA) EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik 3 Sensor Characteristics -Output Format -Transfer Function -Calibration -Accuracy -Resolution - Hysteresis -Nonlinearity -Saturation -Output Impedance -Dynamic Characteristics -Environmental Factors EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Output Format 4 Example: Accelerometer Output of a Single Sphere Wheel Robot Sensor system may produce a set of output electrical characteristics such as voltage, current, charge, frequency, amplitude, phase, polarity, specific shape, time delay, and/or digital number or code. EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Output Format 5 Example: Tactile Sensor Array EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Output Format 6 Example: Gyroscope Output EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Output Format 7 Example: Analog Output to PWM Output Goal: Take sensor input and control the servo (direction of motion on a Robotic Arm) More Examples of Sensor Output Electrical Characteristics EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Transfer Function 8 Transfer function describes the input (stimulus, s) and output (response, S) of a sensor system Transfer function can be represented as table of values, a graph, formula or a solution of equation Example: Pressure Sensor Example: CO2 Sensor EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Transfer Function 9 More Examples Transfer Function Inverse Transfer Function (to determine the coefficients) EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Transfer Function Model and Function Approximations Common Functions: Linear S A Bs Common Functions: Log Input (Stimulus) Y intercept Slope=Sensitivity Output (Response) 10 S A B ln s se SA B Inverse Transfer Function S A Bs S A B ln s EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Transfer Function 11 Model and Function Approximations Common Functions: Power Common Functions: Polynomial S A Bs s k S a2 s 2 b2 s c2 k s A2 S 2 B2 S C2 SA B S a3 s 3 b3 s 2 c3 s d 3 s A3 S 3 B2 S 2 C2 S D3 S a3 s 3 b3 s 2 c3 s d 3 EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Sensitivity 12 Nonlinear Transfer Function has different sensitivity at different intervals Use Linear Piecewise Approximation and Spline Interpolation to estimate sensitivity Linear Piecewise Approximation Sensitivity=first derivative of the transfer function Si bi si where, ∆si = small increment of input ∆Si = small increment in output EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Sensitivity 13 Spline Interpolation: Example and Matlab's Curve Fitting tool EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Calibration 14 If the sensor's specified over a broader range than what is required, we need to calibrate the sensor system Either the model of the transfer function or a good approximation has to be known before calibration Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2. 2.3 Fig. 2.4: Calibration of thermistor: (a) grinding, (b) trimming of reference resistor, (c) calculation of transfer function EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Accuracy 15 Accuracy is very important as it represents highest deviation from the ideal value at the input Error tolerance (the output can change regardless of manufacturer's specification!) EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Accuracy 16 Example: Laser Displacement Sensor: Spec: 1mV/1mm, Observation: 10.5 mV for 10 mm, 5% error Accuracy can be represented as 1) Directly in terms of the measured value (e.g. tolerance of 0.15 deg C of a temperature sensor) 2) As % of the input span (e.g. flow rate: 3000 foot per minute with 3% accuracy 3) As % of the measured signal 4) In terms of the output signal (e.g. digital LSB) EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik Sensor Characteristics: Output Impedance 17 In order to connect the sensor to the interface circuit, it is important to know the output impedance, Zout Sensor with current output should have very high Zout Sensor with voltage output should have very low Zout Sensor with voltage output Sensor with current output EE 4900 Fundamentals of Sensor Design Suketu Naik