RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PLOT EVERTOWN, Nr. CANONBIE DUMFRIESSHIRE An excellent residential development site with planning permission for an attractive two storey 3 or 4 bedroom dwelling with en-suites in the quiet village of Evertown. This is an attractive rural area of Dumfriesshire, close to the England/Scotland border and a short drive from the A7, making local towns, the M6 and the City of Carlisle readily accessible. The site is a paddock of approximately 1100 square metres with road frontage and mains services nearby and includes a useful timber framed barn of approximately 71 square metres. The barn presently provides stabling and storage, but subject to planning consent could provide a useful workshop, garage or numerous other uses. This is an ideal site to construct a quality family dwelling and gardens, with an outlook over agricultural land to the rear. GUIDE PRICE: £70,000 Langholm 6 miles, Carlisle 16 miles, Annan 13 miles, Canonbie 2.5 miles, Kirkpatrick Fleming (A74M) 7 miles (All distances approximate) LOCATION The site is situated in the small village of Evertown which is on the B6357 between the villages of Canonbie and Kirkpatrick Fleming for the A74(M) motorway north. The village is also just north of the England/Scotland border and close to the Eskdale valley. There is a doctor’s surgery, post office/local shop and village school in Canonbie with the local towns of longtown and Langholm providing most required facilities, with all main amenities available in the City of Carlisle plus access to the M6 motorway. DIRECTIONS For directions from Carlisle and the M6 at Junction 44, follow the A7 north through Longtown, over the River Esk and over the England/Scotland border. After the border take the second left at Canonbie and left again at the “T” junction, which will take you into Evertown. On entering the village the site will be seen on your right immediately after a white cottage. PLANNING Planning permission has been obtained dated the 13th January 2014 for the erection of a dwelling house. A copy of the planning consent and plan is available for inspection at the agent’s office or online at Dumfries & Galloway Council Ref 08/10/2013. The plans show a two storey dwelling with in-roof first floor dormer accommodation under a Welsh blue slate roof with the elevation part stone faced and part smooth rendered. On the ground floor the accommodation comprises:- entrance porch to entrance hall with staircase and leading to a side lobby and door. In addition living room, dining room or fourth bedroom, shower room, two cloaks cupboards, utility room with boiler cupboard and a good sized kitchen/breakfast room/family room with French doors to the garden. There are garden areas to the south, west and north with an access on the eastern boundary. A strip of ground leads around the neighbouring property to an existing barn. The highway boundary is to be a 0.90 metre high dry stone wall. BARN A timber framed barn with corrugated iron sheets comprising~:Main Barn Area 17’6” x 24’6” (5.4m x 7.5m) approx. Loose Box 13’6” x 24’6” (4.15m x 7.5m) approx. SERVICES Mains water, electricity and sewerage are available nearby and interested parties should make their own enquiries to the relevant provider regarding their suitability. ACCESS There is a right of way along the eastern boundary of the plot approximately as shown A to B to C on the site plan in favour of the neighbouring cottage. CULVERT There is an existing culvert crossing the site which will need to be moved or altered to facilitate construction. This culvert is shown on the site plan and may also be useful for disposal of surface water if it meets the necessary criteria. BOUNDARY The purchaser will maintain a stockproof boundary fence to the field to the rear (north and east). POST CODE The property does not a present have a postcode but based on a nearby property it is likely to be DG14 0TJ. POSSESSION Vacant possession of the property will be given upon completion of the sale, which will be by arrangement. LOCAL AUTHORITY Dumfries & Galloway Council, Council Offices, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2DD. Tel: 03033 333000. SOLICITORS McJerrow & Stevenson, 55 High Street, Lockerbie, DG11 2JJ. Tel: 01576 202123. OFFERS Offers for the property should be submitted in Scottish Legal Form to C & D Rural, 17/19 High Street, Longtown, Carlisle CA6 5UA. Those parties wishing to be informed of a closing date for offers, should notify the selling agents of their interest, as soon as possible, to ensure they are contacted. The Vendor and selling agents do, however, reserve the right to sell privately and without imposing a closing date and do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any offer. VIEWING At any time during daylight hours whilst in possession of these sale particulars. Details prepared 4th February 2014 Ref: NPH Important Notice 1. 2. 3. 4. C & D Rural for themselves and for the Vendors/Lessors of this property, give you notice that:- The mention of any appliances and or services within these particulars does not imply that they are in full and efficient working order. The particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given having taken all reasonable steps to avoid misleading or committing an offence. Nonetheless, such statements do not constitute any warranty or representation by the Vendor and are accurate only to the best of the present information and belief of the Vendor. No person in the employment of C & D Rural has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property nor is any such representation or warranty given whether by C & D Rural or the Vendors/Lessors of this property.