RECONFIGURABLE MULTIPLANE ECT SENSOR FOR UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE April 2008 Process Tomography Ltd., 86, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5BB United Kingdom. Phone/fax +44-1625-549021 email: IMPORTANT INFORMATION HANDLING PRECAUTIONS 1. The sensor assembly is large and heavy and should only be handled by at least 2 persons. 2. A temporary support stand has been supplied to aid assembly of the sensor. This support stand must be assembled before the sensor is removed from the wooden crate. 2. The RG174 coaxial connecting leads and their mating SMB push-fit connectors are fragile and break easily if excessive force is used. The coaxial leads must always be secured to the sensor body as described in the following text, either using cable ties, or by some other suitable method, to avoid any strain on the connectors. SENSOR ASSEMBLY Because of the bulk and weight of the sensor, great care must be taken to avoid damage to the sensor and injury to the operators when removing it from the crate for initial assembly. Please follow the detailed assembly instructions given in Appendix 1. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 ECT SENSOR DETAILS The ECT sensor is a manually-configurable 6-plane 12-electrode capacitance sensor. Each of the 6 electrode planes (of axial length 5cm) can operate as either a set of measurement electrodes or as a set of driven guard electrodes. This functionality is controlled by a set of electronic switches located on the outside of the sensor screen. The sensor is constructed on a 315mm nominal OD PVC tube having a nominal ID of 300mm with a wall thickness of 7.5mm. The sensor electrodes are enclosed within an earthed cylindrical screen, fabricated from two aluminium hemi-cylinders which are held in place by a set of circumferential steel bands. As well as securing the outer screen, the steel bands compress a set of radial clamps attached to the end rings onto onto the sensor electrode foil and the PVC tube. These should not be overtightened, otherwise the tube may distort or be damaged. A side view of the assembled sensor on its temporary stand is shown in figure 1. Figure 1.1 Side view of sensor on temporary stand Figure 1.1 shows the sensor with its external screening cylinders and end rings mounted on the PVC tube. The electronic switching modules are located on the outside of the sensor screen and the separate electrode control and display modules can also be seen.. The external screening cylinder sections are clamped onto end-ring assemblies which each contain sets of integral radial clamps which hold the end rings onto the PVC tube. The cylindical screen are held in position by two circumferential band clamps. It is possible to slide the entire sensor assembly along the tube by releasing the band clamps. The electrode assembly, formed from four flexible printed circuit foil laminates, is located on top of a thin layer of PTFE sheet wrapped around the outside of the PVC tube. Radial screening plates are used to minimise the capacitive coupling between electrodes via electric field paths outside the tube. Each set of 6 switchable electrodes and two permanantly-connected driven guard electrodes are connected via colour coded leads to a 10-way PCB connector. This connector mates with a similar connector on the multiplexer circuit board in each switching module. This switching board also contains four individual coaxial SMB connectors which connect each switching module to the ECT measurement system. There is also a 40-way ribbon connector on each switching board which connects to a common radial control ribbon. This ribbon cable is connected to a manual control module which supplies power to the switching boards and also sets the functionality of each of the electrode planes. A view of the sensor with the external screen removed, showing the radial screening plates, is shown in figure 1.2. Figure 1.2. Internal view of completed sensor showing radial screens Figure 1.2 shows the completed sensor prior to fitting the external cylindrical screens. Radial screening fins constructed from copper-clad FR4 fibreglass sheet run between each set of electrodes to minimise any capacitive coupling between them in the region outside the tube. These radial screening plates are interconnected circumferentially at 3 locations along the tube by further sets of copper-clad board, as well as at each end of the sensor. Figure 2 also shows the coloured leads and blue PCB connectors for each set of electrodes. Each electrode is connected to ground by a 1 Mohm resistor to prevent any build-up of static electric charge on the electrodes. The basic electrode configuration for the sensor is shown in figure 3, which shows 6 planes of configurable electrodes and two sets of driven guard electrodes located at each end of the sensor. There are 12 sets of electrodes which are equi-spaced around the outer wall of the PVC tube. Figure 1.3. Electrode Layout In figure 1.3, each column (1-12) contains the set of electrode planes (1 to 6) and each row (1 6) contains the sets of electrodes (1 to 12). All electrodes in one plane have the same functional configuration (measurement or driven guard). The additional sets of longer electrodes located at each end of the sensor always operate as driven guard electrodes. In practice, because of the sensor size, it was necessary to manufacture the electrode array using 4 partial electrode arrays which were then interconnected. One of the 4 electrode array sections is shown in figure 1.4. DRIVEN GUARD ELECTRODE PLANE 6 PLANE 5 PLANE 4 PLANE 3 etc. Figure 1.4. Sensor electrode foil (1 of 4) Figure 1.5. Cross-section of sensor The sensor cross-section is shown in figure 5. The electrodes are fabricated on flexible PCB material which is wrapped around the outside of the plastic tube. Radial screening fins are soldered to earthed screening tracks on the flexible PCB material. Insulated but unscreened flexible connecting leads are soldered to each set of electrodes and grouped together for each set of electrodes 1 to 12. Each set of leads is terminated in a 10-way HE14 PCB connector. These lead assemblies pass through holes cut in the external screen which is supported on the plastic tube by spacer rings located at each end of the tube. 12 metal supporting brackets are attached to the outside of the metallic screen using screws as shown in more detail in figure 1.6. The multiplexer circuit boards are mounted on the support brackets using metallic spacers and external screens are used to shield and protect the circuit boards. The sets of electrode leads pass through holes in the mounting brackets which match those in the external screen. The circuit boards are interconnected and powered by a 40-way ribbon cable and connectors. There is one minor change from that shown in figure 5 as the ribbon cable connectors attach to the sides of the multiplexer units (as shown in figures 1.1, 1.9 and 1.10) instead of to the tops of the units as shown in figures 1.5 and 1.6. The ribbon cable terminates on a control box containing a set of 6 x 4-way switches which set the functionality for each electrode plane (figure 1.8). Figure 1.6. Details of Multiplexer mounting arrangements Figure 1.7 shows a side view of the sensor showing the support arrangements for the external screen and the axial location of the multiplexer units. Figure 1.7. Side view of sensor A 40-way ribbon cable and IDC connectors runs circumferentially around the outside of each multiplexer unit and interconnects the multiplexers via IDC connectors mounted at intervals on the ribbon cable. The DAM200E unit is connected to the sensor via 4 x sets of 12 coaxial leads and SMB connectors mounted on each of the 12 multiplexer units. The connections to each of the 12 sets of electrodes are made by sets of insulated flexible leads via holes in the external screen and the multiplexer brackets. These leads are soldered directly to the electrodes on the sensor and connected to the multiplexer PCBs by plug and socket connectors. 1.2 ELECTRODE SELECTOR CONTROL UNIT Figure 1.8 Electrode control unit and monitor The electrode plane selector control module and an optional display module are shown in figure 1.8 above. There are 6 x 4-way mechanical switches which set the functionality of each of the 6 switchable electrodes by connecting each of these electrodes to one of the four output connectors on the ECT measurement system (M1, M2, DG1 or DG2). This switching is carried out by 6 sets of 4way electronic switches in each of the 12 identical multiplexer modules. The display unit monitors the control logic output to each set of electronic switches and confirms the functionality selected by the mechanical switches. Note that measurement plane 1 on the sensor is at the end of the sensor nearest to the multiplexer modules and plane 6 is at the other (remote) end of the sensor. It may be convenient to mount the electrode control unit on the sensor assembly for convenience, in which case additional brackets and clamps will be required. 1.3 SWITCHING MODULES The switching modules have four SMB coaxial connectors mounted at one end as shown in figure 9 below. These connectors allow the switching modules to be connected via coaxial leads terminated in push-fit SMB miniature coaxial connectors to the ECT measurement system. The connectors are labelled MXA, MXB, DGXA and DGXB where X is the electrode set number from 1 to 12. The connecting leads (in sets of 4) are labelled in an identical manner and are connected to the matching connectors on the switching boards. The switching boards are located and numbered sequentially anti-clockwise when viewed from the connector end of the sensor as shown in figure 1.9. Figure 1.9. View of sensor from top showing SMB connectors To avoid any chance of sideward forces on the SMB connectors, the coaxial leads must be securely clamped to the sensor body. One method is shown in figure 1.10, where the coaxial leads have been secured using cable ties at the remote ends of the switching modules. The switching modules are also interconnected by a common 40-way ribbon cable as shown in figure 1.10. The ribbon cable connectors mate with locking connectors mounted on the side of the multiplexer circuit boards. CABLE TIE CLAMP Figure 1.10. Sensor showing coaxial leads clamped to body by cable ties. There is also a connection from the multiplexer board to the set of electrodes which it controls and this (blue) connector and its set of colour-coded leads are shown in figure 1.11. Figure 1.11. Multiplexer board showing electrode connector (blue) 1.4 CONNECTION TO ECT MEASUREMENT SYSTEM The sensor is connected to the ECT system CMU using sets of 2m lengths of RG174 coaxial cables, terminated in SMB push-fit connectors. The connecting leads are harnessed into 12 groups of four and the leads are labelled as follows: M1A - M12A: M1B - M12B: DG1A - DG12A: DG1B - DG12B: Measurement plane 1 Measurement plane 2 Driven axial guard electrodes plane 1. Driven axial guard electrodes plane 2. Figure 1.10. Leads connected to DAM200E front panel connectors The coaxial connecting leads are connected to the appropriate connectors on the front of the PTL DAM200 unit as shown in figure 10. The connectors are a push-fit. Flexing of the test leads may cause some small changes in the measured inter-electrode capacitances. If this becomes a problem, following initial calibration, the sensor should be recalibrated at the low permittvity level only as described in the ECT32 software manual. 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 OVERVIEW The sensor should be assembled as described in Appendix 1. Before connecting the sensor to the ECT measurement system, consideration needs to be given to how the sensor will be calibrated, as this requires taking measurements with the sensor both empty and then filled with the test material. As the sensor must be connected to the ECT measurement system during calibration, it is preferable, to avoid any risk of the damage to the leads/connectors ensure that the sensor itself is not moved during the calibration process We therefore suggest that calibration is carried out in a vertical test rig having some means of blocking the bottom of the sensor tube, together with a receptacle located below the sensor to allow it to be emptied without moving the sensor. The following instructions assume the use of a suitable test rig of this form. 2.2 SENSOR CALIBRATION There is a large number of possible electrode configurations and each different configuration requires its own unique calibration file. The following procedure must therefore be repeated each time the electrode configuration is changed. 1. Connect the set of 4 coaxial leads from each of the 12 multiplexer units to the ECT system. Specifically: Connect the MXA leads to the appropriate Plane 1 measurement electrode connectors Connect the MXB leads to the appropriate Plane 2 Measurement electrode connectors Connect the GXA leads to the appropriate Plane 1 Guard electrode connectors Connect the GXB leads to the appropriate Plane 2 Guard electrode connectors Take care in handling the coaxial leads and connectors holding only the connectors, (not the leads) when connecting and disconnecting the test leads. 2. Switch on the Electrode selector control unit and set each electrode plane to the required configuration. Specifically: Set the 4-way switches so that at least one electrode plane is set to be connected to the M1 measurement circuits and another electrode plane is connected to the M2 measurement circuits. The remaining planes should be connected to either the DG1 or DG2 driven guard circuits. As a general rule, set electrode planes 1 to 3 to the DG1 guard circuits and set electrode planes 4 to 6 to the DG2 guard circuits when they are not being used as measurement planes. To confirm that the required electrode control configuration has been set correctly, connect the electrode display monitor unit to the spare socket on the ribbon cable. 3. Start up the ECT32 software and use it to calibrate the sensor. Calibration must be carried out as normal, first using an empty sensor and again with the sensor filled with the material to be tested. In view of the large number of possible electrode configurations, the following method is suggested to minimise effort: Decide on which electrode configurations are likely to be used and write these down as a table, eg. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3 Plane 4 Plane 5 Plane 6 DG1 DG1 M1 DG1 M1 M2 M1 M2 DG1 M2 DG2 DG2 DG2 DG2 DG2 DG2 DG2 DG2 DG1 M1 DG1 DG2 M2 DG2 With the sensor empty, calibrate the sensor for each of these configurations at the low permittivity values only and save an individual (but incomplete) calibration file for each configuration. With the sensor full, reload the appropriate calibration file for the empty sensor, calibrate at the high permittivity value only and save the new completed calibration files for each required electrode configuration. 2.3 ON-LINE MEASUREMENTS Once the calibration files have been saved, the sensor can be used for on-line measurements in the normal way, ensuring that the calibration file matches the electrode configuration in use. Some typical calibration files and test data are given in Appendix 3. APPENDIX 1 UNPACKING AND ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS A1.1 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS 1. The sensor assembly is large and heavy and should only be handled by at least 2 persons. 2. A temporary support stand has been supplied to aid assembly of the sensor. This support stand must be assembled before the sensor is removed from the crate. 2. The RG174 coaxial connecting leads and their mating connectors are fragile and break easily if excessive force is used. The coaxial leads must always be secured to the sensor body as described in the following text using the cable ties supplied, to avoid any strain on the connectors. A1.2 SUPPLIED COMPONENTS 1 Wooden crate containing: 1 off Sensor electrode assembly mounted on 30cm PVC tube with external screen (Figure 1). 1 temporary calibration phantom (stored inside tube). 1 temporary support stand. 1 Carton containing: 1 Electrode selector control unit 1 IEC Mains lead for above 1 electrode display unit 1 Long ribbon cable with 13 connectors 1 Short ribbon cable with 4 connectors 12 off Multiplexer modules with screening covers 12 sets of 4 x 2m RG174 coaxial connecting leads. 24 X M3 support pillars for securing switching modules 1 Set of documentation A1.3 UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS A1.3.1 Removal of components from wooden crate Unscrew the screws in lid of the wooden crate and remove the lid. Then remove the top layer of bubble wrap to reveal the base opf the temporary stand. Figure A1.1 Crate contents following removal of lid and bubble wrap Unscrew the 4 screws which hold the base in position and remove the stand base. Remove as much packing material as possible to reveal the stand end brackets which are secured to the crate base at at each end of the tube as shown in figure A1.2. Figure A1.2 End brackets Unscrew the 4 screws which secure the end brackets and remove the brackets. A1.3.2 Assemble the support stand Assemble the support stand by securing the end brackets to the base as shown in figure A1.1. Figure A1.3 Temporary support stand Release and remove the upper sections of the wooden clamps which secure the sensor in the crate by removing the screws in the side of the crate which secure them in position. A1.3.3 Remove sensor from crate and locate on support stand Carefully lift the sensor assembly from the wooden case (2 persons) and locate it horizontally on the support stand (figure A1.2). Figure A1.3 Sensor located on temporary stand. Carefully remove the bubblewrap from the sensor, taking care not to damage any of the sensor parts. Cutting implements should not be used as there are exposed cable harnesses on the surface of the outer screen (see figure A1.4). Remove the packing material and calibration phantom from inside the sensor tube and store the phantom safely until it is required. The sensor should now apear as shown in figure A1.4 below. Equal lengths of copper foil visible at each end of screen Figure A1.4. Sensor on support stand. A1.4 SENSOR ASSEMBLY A1.4.1 Adjust location of sensor on tube Fully loosen the 2 band clamps and slide the sensor to its required position on the pipe. Try to move all of the sensor asssembly simultaneously, including the white PTFE sleeve which is in contact with the PVC tube. If necessary, re-align the outer screen relative to the electrode foil so that equal lengths of copper foil are visible at each end of sensor as shown in figure A1.4 above. Do not rotate the outer screen relative to the sensor tube. Note that if the sensor assembly does not slide on the tube as one unit, it probably means that the band clamps are still too tight. Re-tighten the band clamps once the sensor is in the correct location. A1.4.2 Release the electrode connectors Release all of the blue PCB connectors from the sensor screen by removing the securing tapes (figure A1.5). Take care not to drop any items through the connector holes inside the sensor screen. Figure A1.5 PCB electrode connectors following removal of securing tapes. Note that there are 12 sets of 2 M3 metal pillars mounted on the external screen for securing the switching modules to the screen and that the positions for each switching module are indicated by numbers (1 - 12) on the screen. A1.4.3 Assemble switching modules onto outer screen. Unpack all of the electrode switching modules (figure A1.6) and remove the tape securing the ribbon cable latches. Note that the cover of each module is individually-labelled for use with a specific set of electrodes and that there is a matching number on the support bracket and also on the sensor screen. Figure A1.6. Electrode switching module Unscrew the (4) screen retaining screws sufficiently to allow the screens to be removed from all of the switching modules. Take care not to damage the ribbon cable retaining clamps on the ribbon cable connectors when removing the screens. Figure A1.7. Electrode switching module with screen removed. Note that there is a hole in the metal base and a matching cut-out slot in the circuit board for the sensor electrode connector. Starting with the module for electrode set 1, locate the correct position for this module on the sensor screen and pass the blue pcb connector numbered 1 and its coloured cable harness through the hole in the base of the switching module and locate the switching module on its support pillars on the sensor screen. Fix the module in position with M3 nuts or pillars until the sensor module is firmly located on the screen, but do not over-tighten the nuts. Connect the blue pcb connectors to its matching connector on the switching board and tuck any excess cable length inside the sensor screen. Repeat this procedure for each module in turn, with module numbers rising sequentially anticlockwise when viewed from the switching module SMB connector ends. At this point the sensor assembly should have the appearance shown in figure A1.8 Figure A1.8. Switching modules assembled onto sensor screen A1.4.4 Replace screens on switching modules Ensure that all of the ribbon cable securing latches clamps are in the 90 degree position and take care not to damage them in the next step. Now replace the screens on each of the switching modules by passing the slot in the side of the screen over the ribbon connector latches and sliding the slots in the covers over the screws on the base of the metal brackets. Make sure that the correctly numbered screen is used for each switching module. Once the screen is correctly located, tighten the screen retaining screws with a spanner. A1.4.5 Connect the coaxial leads to the switching modules. The next step is to connect the sets of coaxial connecting leads to the switching modules. This should be done with great care by holding the connectors, not the leads. Note that the sets of leads are colour coded and each set is labelled MXA, MXB, GXA and GXB, where X is the electrode set number (in the range 1 to 12). The sets of coaxial leads are similarly labelled. Starting with the switching module for electrode set 1, connect the set of leads for electrode set 1 (labelled M1A, M2A, G1A, G1B) to their matching connectors. The connectors are a push fit, but are fragile and must be handled with care to avoid damage. Repeat these steps for each of the 11 remaining switching modules. Once all of the coaxial leads have been connected, they should be secured to the sensor screen using either cable ties or any other similarly secure method to eliminate any chance of mechanical strain on the SMB connectors. One method is shown in figure A1.9 where the coaxial cables have been doubled back along the sensor screen and secured to it using cable ties. As the next set of operations involves rotating the sensor, a sensible precaution at this stage is to temporarily tape the remaining lengths of coaxial leads to the sensor screen to avoid them being damaged in the next few steps in the assembly process. Figure A1.9 showing coaxial cables and sensor screens A1.4.6 Connection of the control ribbon cables. First ensure that all of the latches on the sides of the switching modules are set to the open position (figure A1.10) Figure A1.10. Switching module ribbon cable connector with latches open Using the long ribbon cable (see figure A1.11 below) and starting with the switching module for electrode set 1, connect the connector marked "1" to the matching connector on the side of switching module 1. Note that the connectors are polarised and can only be inserted when they are correctly orientated. Once the connector has been made, lock the connector in position by raising the latches to the 90 degree posion. Connector 1 Figure A1.11 Long ribbon cable Pass the ribbon cable assembly over the top of module 1 and insert connector 2 into the matching connector on module 2 and lock it in position with the latches. Repeat this procedure for all of the remaining switching modules. Connect one end of the short ribbon cable (figure A1.12) to the socket on the side of the electrode selector control module. Figure A1.12. Short ribbon cable Connect the display module to the next connector on this ribbon cable and finally connect the end of the long ribbon cable to the penultimate connector on the short ribbon cable. Note that the last connector on the short ribbon cable is not used. The sensor should now ressemble that shown in figure A1.13 below. Figure A1.13. Sensor with control unit and ribbon cables. Connect the mains lead to the electrode control unit. The sensor is now ready for use as described in section 2. APPENDIX 2 TECHNICAL DATA Number of electrode sets = 12 PVC tube bore = 300mm PVC tube OD = 315mm Electrode Pitch = 82.47mm Electrode width = 76.47mm Axial guard width = 5mm Measurement electrode length = 50mm Outer driven guard electrode lengths: Plane 1 = 150mm, Plane 2 = 200mm Insulating gap widths = 1mm Radial screening fin heights 24mm Normalised electrode width = 0.927 Normalised axial guard width = 0.0485 Normalised inner wall location = 0.956 Total electrode length (including additional end regions = 660mm PTFE sheet thickness = 0.25mm APPENDIX 3 TEST RESULTS The sensor was tested using a PTL032 ECT system with the sensor horizontal and with electrode 4 at top of sensor. A temporary test phantom filled with green lentils was used to obtain the sensor full data. The sensor was tested with 3 different electrode configurations, as defined below. Electrode Configuration details: (3,4) Plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function DG2 DG2 M2 M1 DG1 DG1 Electrode Configuration details: (2,5) Plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function DG2 M2 DG2 DG1 M1 DG1 Electrode Configuration details: (1,6) Plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function M2 DG2 DG2 DG1 DG1 M1 The tests results suggest that the electronic switches result in an additional capacitance around 20fF between each electrode-pair. This fixed capacitance is removed by the normalisation algorithm. Electrode Configuration details: (3,4) Plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function DG2 DG2 M2 M1 DG1 DG1 Sensor Empty Capacitances (fF) Plane 1 Src 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cinj 596.56 601.66 588.96 596.56 588.40 599.08 596.82 597.38 586.17 591.55 582.99 12.13 62.87 59.79 60.59 59.43 61.11 62.68 60.39 58.46 57.98 60.45 39.53 38.80 38.35 38.87 40.71 39.85 37.10 36.39 38.63 31.53 33.18 32.33 34.13 35.02 31.56 29.94 31.91 29.06 30.11 30.57 32.75 31.78 28.42 29.64 27.91 29.26 30.62 31.68 29.18 29.88 27.55 30.37 31.62 31.28 31.31 29.96 33.81 34.89 33.80 37.08 42.16 39.89 59.28 62.17 597.00 11.74 7.62 12.65 11.79 14.26 20.23 20.59 8.46 65.48 62.92 63.50 63.42 64.15 65.84 63.75 61.05 60.88 63.71 42.86 41.48 41.70 41.84 43.21 43.14 40.15 39.51 42.10 35.20 35.66 35.44 36.95 37.48 35.75 33.85 35.25 32.63 33.94 34.14 36.01 35.43 32.47 33.16 31.52 33.32 34.39 35.54 33.42 33.27 30.99 34.19 35.86 35.39 34.40 32.88 38.12 39.15 36.98 40.22 46.28 43.20 62.74 65.14 28.85 9.50 17.57 15.56 17.54 23.27 16.27 24.92 10.98 -120.05 25.55 -119.47 Plane 2 Src 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cinj 601.19 597.09 590.42 594.32 582.23 594.28 600.81 598.13 583.13 595.75 585.27 14.71 595.81 Sensor full Capacitances (fF) Plane 1 Src 1 902.82 2 813.68 3 610.67 4 622.01 5 742.43 6 851.22 7 925.84 8 953.28 9 983.43 10 1047.23 11 959.59 Cinj 12.06 159.39 121.28 131.71 122.37 163.67 193.51 189.52 187.11 202.25 200.11 73.65 105.05 97.19 78.62 102.94 112.05 105.54 111.68 116.88 74.15 89.28 74.13 63.92 78.29 80.41 81.36 86.79 70.15 74.28 65.89 56.81 66.07 71.45 74.61 65.00 70.61 62.88 53.29 63.38 73.27 67.20 72.70 64.42 55.28 70.32 77.00 82.70 76.08 64.61 102.46 113.47 101.90 11.80 7.58 12.54 11.77 14.22 19.88 20.63 8.19 155.41 116.50 126.10 125.39 165.62 193.50 196.76 189.69 208.15 195.66 72.95 99.02 96.39 81.18 103.41 117.19 108.25 115.16 116.71 73.14 87.37 75.28 65.98 81.33 83.57 85.15 87.02 71.62 76.05 67.39 60.47 68.34 74.65 75.54 67.88 72.33 65.93 56.10 66.34 73.69 69.50 75.43 65.93 58.56 70.42 79.88 82.62 77.23 65.86 100.92 112.07 99.38 28.96 9.49 17.51 15.50 17.42 23.03 16.33 24.88 181.89 201.27 978.82 25.80 -119.69 Plane 2 Src 1 899.79 2 794.85 3 610.05 4 623.27 5 738.24 6 854.65 7 912.28 8 963.55 9 997.57 10 1052.81 11 947.74 Cinj 14.74 180.83 191.39 957.58 11.25 -120.31 Electrode Configuration details: (2,5) Plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function DG2 M2 DG2 DG1 M1 DG1 Sensor empty Capacitances (fF) Plane 1 Src 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cinj 597.03 601.97 589.54 600.41 590.38 596.90 596.14 591.04 581.41 588.23 579.09 11.83 63.58 60.49 61.70 60.49 61.90 63.33 60.37 58.44 57.83 60.26 40.42 40.00 39.54 39.98 41.70 40.43 37.54 36.49 38.52 32.66 34.48 33.53 35.29 35.88 32.35 30.19 31.86 30.23 31.38 31.85 33.82 32.85 29.00 29.70 29.14 30.59 31.80 33.00 29.94 30.18 28.84 31.58 33.07 32.31 31.80 31.09 35.30 36.03 34.46 38.40 43.32 40.61 12.36 7.83 12.56 11.38 14.36 19.97 20.73 8.66 66.64 63.84 64.48 64.79 65.21 66.71 64.14 60.94 60.38 63.54 43.57 42.38 42.80 43.00 44.10 43.87 40.25 39.21 41.84 35.95 36.72 36.57 38.12 38.46 36.12 33.76 35.13 33.56 35.09 35.35 37.19 36.08 32.63 33.19 32.61 34.57 35.75 36.51 34.03 33.56 32.18 35.67 37.07 36.25 34.73 34.23 39.33 40.17 37.80 41.39 47.35 44.02 30.10 9.18 17.28 14.68 16.65 23.34 16.63 23.48 60.05 62.64 595.40 25.39 -119.12 Plane 2 Src 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cinj 597.50 601.21 598.72 596.12 586.73 600.36 605.14 594.23 582.85 591.42 579.74 16.98 63.30 65.99 598.12 9.85 -120.11 Sensor full Capacitances (fF) Plane 1 Src 1 908.86 2 800.34 3 609.09 4 620.96 5 739.68 6 847.87 7 924.22 8 944.83 9 973.06 10 1045.79 11 974.07 Cinj 11.74 161.62 127.24 135.67 127.44 167.66 195.66 191.67 190.94 204.84 210.75 77.54 111.22 101.89 82.44 105.48 114.56 108.38 113.91 121.12 77.88 95.17 77.67 66.59 80.89 83.10 83.56 90.01 73.98 78.81 68.52 59.54 68.70 73.92 77.60 68.17 74.33 65.89 56.06 65.90 76.49 69.88 77.16 67.70 58.06 73.53 80.60 87.60 79.58 67.66 106.17 119.27 106.35 12.41 7.83 12.51 11.47 14.39 19.82 20.83 8.45 147.71 114.27 120.54 128.37 162.00 186.32 191.60 188.71 201.37 180.11 72.40 93.50 92.76 80.68 99.75 113.83 107.37 110.75 108.45 70.36 84.68 71.99 65.19 79.59 82.52 82.24 81.55 70.46 73.37 64.61 60.57 67.70 71.93 71.45 66.16 69.69 64.23 56.50 64.49 70.10 67.45 73.48 64.36 58.01 67.32 78.08 80.36 73.98 64.58 97.87 106.68 94.31 30.32 9.21 17.31 14.63 16.77 23.22 16.83 23.60 184.94 210.18 972.39 25.64 -119.16 Plane 2 Src 1 892.81 2 784.91 3 632.09 4 640.56 5 758.02 6 864.88 7 906.32 8 957.78 9 1002.11 10 1005.72 11 914.21 Cinj 17.39 172.47 182.96 969.82 10.57 -120.17 Electrode Configuration details: (1,6) Plane 6 5 4 3 2 1 Function M2 DG2 DG2 DG1 DG1 M1 Sensor empty Capacitances (fF) Plane 1 Src 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cinj 595.76 600.77 591.22 592.49 587.97 597.66 594.82 589.87 575.29 586.49 585.04 11.77 62.75 59.43 60.23 58.91 59.96 61.69 59.93 57.84 57.74 60.10 39.73 38.77 38.15 38.37 40.30 39.69 36.80 36.13 38.41 31.55 33.08 31.74 33.43 34.54 31.28 29.79 31.75 29.11 29.62 29.92 32.28 31.49 28.28 29.62 27.66 28.68 30.05 31.32 28.91 29.74 27.08 29.75 31.02 30.81 30.94 29.35 33.07 34.09 33.10 36.27 41.31 39.12 12.13 7.82 12.39 10.77 13.70 20.44 20.86 8.61 58.12 60.64 593.06 25.03 -118.61 Plane 2 Src 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 598.21 600.70 594.77 590.83 587.62 599.21 603.58 595.63 585.12 591.62 579.30 66.24 63.14 62.97 63.80 64.19 65.69 63.29 60.81 60.68 63.89 42.98 40.94 41.73 41.37 42.81 42.55 39.84 38.96 42.09 34.64 35.50 34.84 36.49 36.87 35.24 33.24 35.32 32.47 33.62 33.62 35.31 35.02 31.75 33.02 31.07 32.70 33.61 34.87 32.81 32.93 30.45 33.39 35.03 34.49 33.84 31.95 37.24 38.01 36.45 39.15 45.18 42.34 61.08 64.14 Cinj 17.40 30.88 9.52 20.26 13.63 16.51 20.95 17.48 22.46 10.57 -123.67 599.00 Sensor full Capacitances (fF) Plane 1 Src 1 897.38 2 764.37 3 603.79 4 615.20 5 726.05 6 844.20 7 894.30 8 917.86 9 975.41 10 1030.89 11 1007.95 Cinj 11.86 147.60 114.49 116.62 128.72 159.21 187.78 186.54 191.19 196.76 208.92 71.22 97.91 95.90 83.26 100.57 110.66 110.40 110.36 116.02 70.06 92.91 73.89 66.65 77.34 84.08 83.62 87.04 72.83 77.79 64.97 59.26 68.42 73.70 77.28 67.23 72.68 61.97 57.54 64.77 75.50 67.63 73.91 65.53 58.95 71.27 75.55 86.09 76.09 68.20 101.30 116.21 101.03 12.21 7.83 12.38 10.71 13.82 20.39 21.07 8.58 139.64 112.81 110.74 128.56 162.66 188.12 195.78 191.97 204.22 182.41 72.11 92.67 88.64 81.19 98.99 114.42 109.39 112.70 109.53 69.74 86.20 68.91 64.46 78.18 82.74 83.97 82.78 71.41 74.42 61.29 59.40 66.52 72.46 73.26 66.86 69.71 60.43 55.38 63.72 70.76 67.41 72.80 60.74 57.16 66.84 77.46 79.80 70.47 64.14 97.76 107.76 90.19 31.12 9.59 20.60 13.78 16.98 20.83 18.20 22.98 177.12 206.83 955.73 25.27 -118.85 Plane 2 Src 1 900.34 2 748.31 3 613.18 4 626.05 5 747.43 6 879.13 7 913.77 8 970.19 9 1012.78 10 1006.76 11 925.77 Cinj 17.90 175.73 185.38 976.97 11.26 -124.18 CALIBRATION DATA FOR (2,5) CONFIGURATION Calibration (fF) Stream 0 (Plane 1) Protocol (1,2) (2,3) (3,4) (4,5) (5,6) (6,7) (7,8) (8,9) (9,10) (10,11) (11,12) C low 595.12 600.66 589.48 600.03 589.01 594.85 594.06 588.93 579.92 585.21 573.66 (1,3) (2,4) (3,5) (4,6) (5,7) (6,8) (7,9) (8,10) (9,11) (10,12) (1,4) (2,5) (3,6) (4,7) (5,8) (6,9) (7,10) (8,11) (9,12) (1,5) (2,6) (3,7) (4,8) (5,9) (6,10) (7,11) (8,12) (1,6) (2,7) (3,8) (4,9) (5,10) (6,11) (7,12) (1,7) (2,8) (3,9) (4,10) (5,11) (6,12) (1,8) (2,9) (3,10) (4,11) (5,12) (1,9) (1,10) (1,11) (1,12) (2,10) (2,11) (2,12) (3,11) (3,12) (4,12) 63.68 61.07 61.18 60.41 61.93 63.39 60.58 58.75 58.29 60.42 39.86 39.99 39.82 39.95 41.48 40.37 37.51 36.52 38.30 33.01 34.86 33.49 34.87 35.68 33.06 31.40 32.12 30.16 31.90 32.17 33.77 32.91 28.75 29.89 29.70 30.59 31.40 33.97 30.01 30.67 28.80 32.28 33.29 32.89 31.14 31.17 35.61 36.60 35.15 38.28 43.30 40.30 60.31 63.08 599.08 7.84 12.64 11.41 14.43 20.03 20.74 8.67 25.02 -119.35 71.94 101.92 96.76 86.53 105.36 110.85 111.84 111.65 115.18 72.86 93.92 75.74 70.08 80.63 86.17 85.11 87.28 74.00 79.61 67.31 61.85 72.45 75.70 77.48 68.88 75.31 63.69 60.93 68.73 76.46 70.06 75.94 68.28 62.63 74.57 77.08 89.06 79.08 71.11 103.64 179.27 949.40 119.37 208.35 102.66 7.87 12.56 11.43 14.44 19.88 20.85 8.47 25.02 -119.38 1.805 2.549 2.430 2.166 2.540 2.746 2.981 3.057 3.007 2.207 2.694 2.262 2.009 2.260 2.606 2.710 2.717 2.454 2.496 2.092 1.832 2.201 2.633 2.592 2.319 2.462 2.028 1.794 2.290 2.493 2.433 2.353 2.051 1.904 2.395 2.473 2.501 2.161 2.023 2.707 2.756 2.547 2.972 3.303 1.585 Cinj low 11.94 12.44 C high 883.22 756.46 602.11 631.25 743.77 846.69 894.93 918.22 984.70 1028.47 980.16 144.48 115.34 121.37 132.96 166.60 190.04 185.66 193.80 196.93 205.55 Cinj high 11.85 12.44 C high/C low 1.484 2.269 1.259 1.889 1.021 1.984 1.052 2.201 1.263 2.690 1.423 2.998 1.506 3.065 1.559 3.298 1.698 3.379 1.757 3.402 1.709 Stream 1 (Plane 2) Protocol (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (2,4) (3,4) (3,5) (4,5) (4,6) (5,6) (5,7) (6,7) (6,8) (7,8) (7,9) (8,9) (8,10) (9,10) (9,11) (10,11) (10,12) (11,12) C low 595.00 599.09 598.87 595.78 584.86 597.78 600.37 591.43 580.89 588.75 576.88 66.77 63.51 64.65 64.62 64.99 66.78 64.21 61.15 60.45 63.57 Cinj low 16.95 30.18 C high 899.59 760.74 606.35 623.49 735.72 879.46 941.07 951.90 982.79 1063.74 932.21 153.28 130.59 125.87 131.16 173.60 197.75 193.80 193.91 209.43 201.78 Cinj high 17.40 30.38 C high/C low 1.512 2.296 1.270 2.056 1.012 1.947 1.047 2.030 1.258 2.671 1.471 2.961 1.567 3.018 1.609 3.171 1.692 3.465 1.807 3.174 1.616 (1,4) (2,5) (3,6) (4,7) (5,8) (6,9) (7,10) (8,11) (9,12) (1,5) (2,6) (3,7) (4,8) (5,9) (6,10) (7,11) (8,12) (1,6) (2,7) (3,8) (4,9) (5,10) (6,11) (7,12) (1,7) (2,8) (3,9) (4,10) (5,11) (6,12) (1,8) (2,9) (3,10) (4,11) (5,12) (1,9) (1,10) (1,11) (1,12) (2,10) (2,11) (2,12) (3,11) (3,12) (4,12) 43.43 42.54 42.02 42.17 43.47 44.16 39.88 39.89 41.79 36.55 37.35 36.47 37.18 39.09 37.11 33.60 35.75 34.30 35.84 34.54 37.74 36.62 32.35 33.78 31.79 34.63 35.36 35.65 33.91 34.34 32.73 35.87 37.03 36.98 34.66 34.80 39.28 41.04 38.86 41.78 47.56 43.93 63.44 66.39 599.74 9.21 17.27 14.70 16.62 23.29 16.59 23.32 9.73 -120.45 81.19 113.09 94.31 86.15 107.67 114.67 111.35 117.79 118.39 81.22 95.75 74.46 69.07 81.99 85.89 88.87 89.75 76.17 82.32 66.77 61.85 71.89 77.73 79.36 71.76 78.03 64.18 59.49 70.66 77.58 72.85 79.58 66.86 62.45 75.33 81.78 91.02 78.38 69.75 108.99 190.73 988.85 123.51 208.51 99.38 9.27 17.37 14.50 16.74 23.08 16.71 23.50 10.40 -120.56 1.870 2.659 2.245 2.043 2.477 2.597 2.792 2.953 2.833 2.222 2.563 2.042 1.858 2.097 2.315 2.645 2.511 2.221 2.297 1.933 1.639 1.963 2.403 2.349 2.257 2.253 1.815 1.669 2.084 2.259 2.226 2.218 1.806 1.689 2.173 2.350 2.317 1.910 1.795 2.609 2.597 2.263 3.006 3.140 1.649 APPENDIX 4 MECHANICAL DESIGN INFORMATION OVERVIEW The ECT sensor contain 6 planes of 12 sets of electrodes and is assembled on a 1.58 metre length of pvc tube of nominal ID 300mm and nominal OD of 315mm. The functionality of each of the 6 planes of electrodes is switchable between measurement plane 1, measurement plane 2, driven guard1 and driven guard 2 modes. The sensor is constructed using a number of individual copper-clad flexible epoxy laminates with the electrode patterns etched into the copper layer and interconnected by conventional soldering techniques. An external electrical screen, supported by end ring assemblies is located at each both end of the electrode arrays. The sets of electrode laminates are located on the outside of the PVC tube and the individual electrodes are connected to sets of leads which pass through holes in the external screen and connect to 12 sets of electrode switching modules mounted on the outside of the external screen. These modules each contain a set of 4 individual coaxial SMB connectors which connect to the equivalent connectors on the front panel of the PTL300E unit via sets of SMB coaxial connecting leads. The sensor external screen is formed from two sheets of aluminim formed into open halfcylinders. This screen is supported on 2 end ring asssemblies clamped onto the PVC tube. An axial section view of the sensor screen and end ring assembliy at one end of the sensor is shown in figure A4.1 and an end view of one end ring assembly is shown in figure A4.2. The end ring assemblies consist of 2 circular annular plates (one at each end of the sensor), of external diameter 384mm and internal diameter 320mm) as shown in figure A4.3. The annular plates are constructed from 3mm aluminium sheet and contain slotted holes (A) of width 4mm which are used to locate and secure 8 radial clamp segments via 4mm screws running in radial slots in the annular plates. The radial clamp segments are initially assembled to the end rings with the screws loosened and the radial segments are clamped onto the tube by running a cable tie through the recessed slots in the outer faces of the clamps and tightening it. The clamping screws are then be tightened. A cylindrical outer screen, fabricated from a thin sheet of aluminium, is placed in position around the sensor end rings and clamped onto the end ring assemblies using external band clamps. As well as shielding the sensor, the external screen also supports 12 metal brackets for the switching circuit boards. The external screen is fabricated from 1mm Aluminium sheet, rolled into 2 approximate and overlapping half-cylinders. This screen is placed around the end ring assemblies so that the ends overlap. The electrode leads and connector are fed through slots in the screen and bracket and connected to 10-way plugs on the switching boards. The screens extend over the complete length of the electrode assembly and are held in place by 2 or more metal band clamps. DETAILS OFMECHANICAL PARTS 1. Screen support end rings and clamps FIGURE A.4.1. AXIAL SECTION OF ONE END OF SENSOR FIGURE A.4.2 FIGURE A.4.3. FIGURE A.4.4 2. Cylindrical screen and mounting brackets and screens for switching modules 2.1. Circuit board support brackets (12 - off) The support brackets are shown in figures A4.5 and 6. Figure A4.5. Model of Support bracket Figure A4.5. shows a cardboard model of one support bracket. The bracket is fabricated from a sheet of 16swg aluminium sheet, which is bent into a U shape as shown above. The upper face of the bracket contains 4 holes for the circuit board support pillars and 2 holes for the pillars which support the bracket on the outer face of the cylindrical screen. It also contains a rectangular cut-out to allow the leads and connector from one set of sensor electrodes to pass through the bracket and attach to the mating connector on the multiplexer circuit board. The sides of the bracket each contain 2 x M4 captive nuts for M4 screws which hold the circuit board cover in position. The captive nuts must be located on the inside faces of the bracket sides to allow the covers to slide over the bracket sides. Figure A4.6. 2. Circuit board covers (12 - off) The circuit board covers are shown in figures A4.7 to AS4.9 FigureA4.7. Model of circuit board cover, view 1 Figure A4.8. Model of circuit board cover, view 2 A cardboard model of the circuit board cover is shown in figures A4.7 and 4.8. The cover fits over the board support bracket and is held in place by 4 x M4 screws which pass through slots S in the sides of the cover. One side of the cover (figure 3) contains a rectangular cut-out to allow access to the ribbon cable connector which connects each board to the multiplexer control unit. There are further faces at each end of the sensor. The shorter end face shown in figure 3 allows access to the SMB coaxial connectors mounted on the circuit boards while the longer end face shown in figure 4 encloses the other end of the circuit board. A detailed drawing of the cover unit is given in figure A4.9. Figure A4.9. PCB Cover details 3. Cylindrical screen (2 half-sections) Details of the cylindrical screen are given in figure A4.10. The screen sections are manufactured from 16swg aluminium sheet and each contain 6 sets of mounting holes D which match those in the circuit board brackets. There are also 6 sets of rectangular cut-outs to allow the connector lead assemblies to pass from the sensor electrodes inside the screen to the multiplexer circuit boards located outside the screen. Once the holes and cut-outs have been fabricated, the screens need processing as follows: 1. Bend down the last 10mm of one side of the screen by approximately 10 degrees as shown in figure 6. This assists sealing the 2 screen sections when they are located around the sensor. 2. The screens should be rolled so that they have an effective radius of approximately 19cm. The exact figure is not important as the final radius will be determined when the screen is assembled onto the sensor end ring supports. FigureA4.10 Details of cylindrical half-screen APPENDIX 5 DESIGN INFORMATION FOR ELECTRODE SWITCHING SYSTEM A5.1 OVERVIEW The ECT sensor is a manually-configurable 6-plane 12-electrode capacitance sensor. Each of the 6 electrode planes (of axial length 5cm) can operate as either a set of measurement electrodes or as a set of driven guard electrodes. This functionality is controlled by sets of electronic analogue switches contained in switching modules located on the outside of the sensor screen. The electronic switches are themselves controlled by a set of 6 x 4-way mechanical switches mounted on the front panel of an electrode control unit. The interface between the Mechanical switches and the electronic switches is provided by a CPLD device contained within the control unit. Figure A5.1. Electrode pattern In figure A5.1, each column (1-12) contains the set of electrode planes (1 to 6) and each row (1 6) contains the sets of electrodes (1 to 12). All electrodes in one plane have the same functional configuration (measurement or driven guard). The additional sets of longer electrodes located at each end of the sensor always operate as driven guard electrodes. (DG1 or DG2) The electrode switching is carried out by 12 multiplexer circuit boards located in individuallyscreened enclosures attached to the outside of the external screen. The electrode control is carried out by a simple switching unit. An alternative (future) option is to use a PC and digital I/O port to control the electrode functionality. The overall control system is shown in figure in figure A5.2, which shows the 12 switching circuit modules and the control unit. All of these units are interconnected by a common 40-way ribbon cable. SMB Connections to ECT system Electrode connectors (HE14-10) Ribbon cable connectors (40-way) Figure A5.2. Overall control system diagram 46 A5.2 CONTROL UNIT DETAILS The control inputs to the multiplexer are derived from a set of 6 2-pole 4-way rotary switches, one switch for each of the 6 planes. The rotary switches generate a simple 2 bit binary control sequence. A circuit diagram of the front panel switches is shown in figure A5.3. The coding details are as follows: SB SA PLANE FUNCTION LOGIC EQUATION 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 DG2 DG1 M2 M1 SB AND SA SB AND NOT SA NOT SB AND SA NOT SB AND NOT SA Driven Guard Plane 2 Driven Guard Plane 1 Measurement Electrode Plane 2 Measurement Electrode Plane 1 Each set of BCD outputs determines the state of 2 inputs to a Max7128 CPLD. AS there are 6 planes of electrodes on the sensor, 2 x 6 = 12 CPLD inputs are needed. Each set of 2 inputs determine the state of a set of 4 outputs from the CPLD device. One of the 4 outputs will have the value 0 while the other outputs have the value 1. These 4 outputs control the state of 4 DG201HS CMOS switches per electrode plane (the CMOS switch is ON when its input = 0). These switches determine which input the associated electrode is connected to (M1, M2, DG1, DG2). As there are 6 planes of electrodes on the sensor, a total of 6 x 4 = 24 CPLD outputs are needed. This functionality can be achieved using an Altera EPM7128S device which has a total of 84 pins and up to 64 I/O pins. Note that there are 6 CMOS switches for each electrode number (1 to 12), ie a total of 72 x DG201 HS switches. The circuit diagram of one switching board is shown in figure A5.4. The CPLD device is housed in a control box, containing a +15V, -15V, +5V PSU, with the 6 rotary swiches mounted on its front panel. The control box connects to the individual switching PCBs via a 40-way ribbon cable, carrying 24 control signals for the CMOS switches and +15V, -15V, +5V and 0V supply lines. The device connectivity for one set of electrodes is defined in table A5.1. 47 Figure A5.3. Circuit diagram of electrode selection control switches. 48 Figure A5.4. Circuit diagram of switching boards 49 TABLE A5.1. ELECTRODE 71218 I/O PLANE PORT 7128 PIN PLANE CONTROL INPUT PAIR INPUT INPUT 1A 1B 27 28 1 D0 D1 INPUT INPUT 2A 2B 29 30 2 D2 D3 INPUT INPUT 3A 3B 31 33 3 D4 D5 INPUT INPUT 4A 4B 34 35 4 D6 D7 INPUT INPUT 54 5B 36 37 5 D8 D9 INPUT INPUT 6A 6B 40 41 6 D10 D11 CMOS DG201HS SWITCH PIN PLANE MODE 1 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT P1DG1 P1DG2 P1M1 P1M2 75 76 74 73 IC1 16 9 8 1 DG1 DG2 M1 M2 2 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT P2DG1 P2DG2 P2M1 P2M2 70 69 68 67 IC2 16 9 8 1 DG1 DG2 M1 M2 3 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT P3DG1 P3DG2 P3M1 P3M2 64 65 63 60 IC3 16 9 8 1 DG1 DG2 M1 M2 4 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT P4DG1 P4DG2 P4M1 P4M2 61 58 56 57 IC4 16 9 8 1 DG1 DG2 M1 M2 5 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT P5DG1 P5DG2 P5M1 P5M2 54 55 52 51 IC5 16 9 8 1 DG1 DG2 M1 M2 6 OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT P6DG1 P6DG2 P6M1 P6M2 50 49 48 45 IC6 16 9 8 1 DG1 DG2 M1 M2 5V 5V 5V 5V 3,13 26,38 43,53 66,78 0V 0V 0V 0V 7,19 32,42 47,59 72,82 50