A Lock on Ease of Maintenance and Durability

GridLock Glass System
Series 2100GL
Snap-in Glass Block
Individual glass blocks simply lock in place
A Lock on Ease of Maintenance and Durability...
With EXTECH’s Gridlock™ Glass System (patent pending), glass walls and screens become the least of your
maintenance worries. Nearly unbreakable 2” thick solid glass blocks combined with a high-degree of visual
clarity provide unmatched durability and attractiveness. “Snap-in blocks” simplify both installation and
maintenance. Superior graffiti resistance protects against vandalism, simple pressure wash cleaning is all you
need for upkeep; nearly zero maintenance. Numerous framing patterns and finishes let you create attractive
walls and screens that lock in long term performance!
GridLock Glass
System Series 2100GL
Snap-in Glass Block
The fastest way to install and repair a
glass block wall
• Solid glass blocks (2” thickness) are
practically unbreakable
• Anodized or painted rigid aluminum
framing, provides unmatched durability
and vandal resistance
• Glass offers superior graffiti resistance
• Nearly zero maintenance- simple pressure
wash cleaning
• No ledges to collect dirt and debris
• Unlike mortared systems, joints will not
deteriorate, effloresce, build-up dirt or
• Fully gasketed joints
Attractive and Smart
• Provides high degree of visual clarity for
safety and security
• Outstanding light transmission
• Creative Art-in-Transit opportunities. (i.e.
unlimited framing colors, etched or back
screened glass blocks)
• Optional bond patterns available
Flexible and Durable
• Light-weight, pre-fabricated aluminum
frames are easily and quickly installed
versus traditional mortar or heavy preglazed systems
• No exposed fasteners
• Individual 8”x 8” (nominal) glass block units
simply snapped and permanently “locked”
into place
• Can be adapted to various existing
opening sizes
• Capable of long structural spans
• Simple block “snap-in to replace”
eliminates need to remove sealants or
Aluminum framing in a
variety of available finishes
Steel tension rods
Fully gasketed
perimeter front
and back
Flexible detents
lock glass block
into place
Section Through a Typical Aluminum Muntin
Backed by EXTECH’s more than
20 years of engineering glass
block and cellular polycarbonate
Call 800.500.8083
or visit
200 Bridge Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15223
T: 800-500-8083 F: 800.500.8012