PRODUCERS OF DECKING AND SEALER PRODUCTS SINCE 1923 Etch-Off Efflorescence Remover Technical Data Description Desert Brand Etch-Off Efflorescence Remover represents a Color in Clear to light amber breakthrough in safe acid cleaning. Desert Brand Etch-Off Efflorescence container: Remover is a low odor, low fuming, zero VOC, biodegradable product Zero used for surface preparation before the application of paints, stains and VOC : sealers. Suggested Uses Desert Brand Etch-Off is used to clean and prepare concrete, brick, Mexican Saltillo tile, grout, interlocking pavers, stucco, and natural stone before applying paints, stains or sealers. Desert Brand Etch-Off removes the white, chalky deposits found on concrete and masonry surfaces known as efflorescence. Laboratory testing has also shown that Desert Brand Etch-Off safely removes efflorescence from factory-applied fiber cement products. Solids: 22% Density: 8.66-8.76 lbs/gallon pH: 0.1 to 1 Viscosity: Thin Odor: Negligible Storage: Cool dry place between 50º and 100ºF. Product Features Desert Brand Etch-Off is a safe, eco-friendly, biodegradable alternative for concrete etching. Unlike muriatic or phosphoric acid concrete etchers, Desert Brand Etch-Off will not harm plants and other Shelf Life: vegetation and virtually eliminates the toxic fumes and potential acid burns of other concrete etching products. Desert Brand Etch-Off is a Packaging: blend of biodegradable cleaning agents and acid found in many fruits and vegetables, and is extremely water soluble. 2 years 1 gallon and 5 gallons Application Apply Desert Brand Etch-Off Efflorescence Remover to either fresh (7 to 28 days old) or aged, bare concrete or masonry surface using the following instructions. First, wet the surface thoroughly with water and let water soak into pores. Then, liberally apply Desert Brand Etch-Off to the substrate using a Hudson Sprayer. Do not apply in direct sunlight. Keep the surface moist for approximately 1/2 hour and then allow the product to dry completely. This will allow the Desert Brand Etch-Off to completely react. The surface will turn completely white as the Desert Brand Etch-Off dries. To remove the Desert Brand Etch-Off, use a high pressure washer. If a high pressure washer is unavailable, wet the area and rinse with a hose while scrubbing with a stiff nylon brush. Pressure wash or rinse the area completely until the surface pH is 7 and the surface has a texture of 120 grit sandpaper. The surface may require 2 treatments until desired etching is achieved. Surface must be completely dry, wait at least 24 hours, and free of dust before applying Desert Brand sealers or coatings. For use on fiber cement products, apply liberally to the surface. Keep the surface wet and allow Desert Brand Etch-Off to work for approximately 10 minutes. Rinse surface, oven dry and apply coating per manufacturer instructions. Coverage One gallon of Desert Brand Etch-Off will cover approximately 100 to 500 square feet of bare concrete and 50 to 400 square feet of paver tiles. Coverage rates will depend on surface porosity. Cleaning of Equipment Equipment and hands may be cleaned with mild liquid detergent and water. Disposal of any unused material must comply with Local, State, and Federal regulations. Precautions Read entire label before using. As a precaution, wear rubber gloves and eye protection. Desert Brand Etch-Off could freeze below 50ºF. Containers should be kept in a cool, dry space between 50º and 100ºF. Desert Brand Etch-Off is incompatible with chlorine bleach and ammonia. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: HILL BROTHERS CHEMICAL CO. Hill Brothers Branch Offices: TB148 2/14 So. California (800) 438-8515 No. California (800) 257-1920 Phoenix (888) 866-2210 1675 North Main Street, Orange, CA 92867 Tucson (520) 795-9351 Salt Lake City (800) 336-3911 (800) 994-8801 International Sales (800) 821-7234 The information in this technical bulletin is based on data obtained by our own research and is considered accurate. However, no warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of these data, the results to be obtained from the use thereof, or that any such use will not infringe any patent. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own tests to determine the suitability thereof for his particular purpose. Sales specifications, although current at time of publication, are subject to change due to process improvements. For latest product specifications, contact our nearest sales office.