FWC Division of Law Enforcement Interim Policy Memorandum IPM

FWC Division of Law Enforcement
Interim Policy Memorandum
IPM 14-09
All DLE Personnel
Colonel Calvin L. Adams, Jr.
Director, Division of Law Enforcement
September 2, 2014
Policies and Procedures for Self-Dispatch
This Interim Policy Memorandum establishes policies and procedures governing the use of the
self-dispatch functionality of the Mobile Computer Terminal (MCT). This IPM shall remain in
effect until these policies and procedures are rescinded, incorporated into an existing General
Order, or promulgated in a new General Order.
1 Policy
A. It is the policy of the FWC Division of Law Enforcement to leverage existing technology in
the MCT to use the self-dispatch functionality.
B. It is also the policy of the Division that self-dispatch will not replace the use of the radio for
the transmission of urgent or emergency traffic as defined in General Order 26.
C. It is also the policy of the Division that the main goal of self-dispatch is to move routine radio
traffic off the radio system so that emergency traffic will not be impeded.
D. It is also the policy of the Division that the status checks (10-13) will still be conducted using
the radio.
E. It is also the policy of the Division that the current instructions for self-dispatch use will be
maintained on the Mobile Computer Share Point Site located at:
F. Definitions
1) AVL – Functionality of MCT that shows the location of all MCTs that are logged on
with a valid latitude/longitude.
2) CAD – Computer Aided Dispatch Software provided by CTS America
3) MCT – Mobile Computer Terminal Software provided by CTS America
4) Self-dispatch - Functionality of the MCT that allows the user to perform functions
similar to Duty Officers in the CAD System
2 Responsibilities
A. Sworn members are responsible for ensuring that their MCTs and AVLs are working properly
while using self-dispatch. If the MCT or AVL stops working, they must switch to using the
radio for all communications with dispatch.
B. Sworn members will use self-dispatch whenever possible to replace routine radio traffic.
C. Sworn members need to confirm that any commands they enter are accepted by the system
as indicated by the pop-up above the “CAD STATUS”, in the lower right hand corner of the
D. Sworn members will ensure that all required information they enter is correct.
E. Sworn members will advise dispatch via radio as their zones change during their shifts.
F. Duty Officers will monitor the Unit Status screen, Active Calls screen, and map to be aware
of changes in officer status and created calls.
G. Duty Officers will ensure all incidents are validated whenever possible.
H. Field Supervisors will monitor radio traffic and CAD to ensure that sworn members are using
self-dispatch appropriately.
I. Duty Officer Supervisors will conduct periodic reviews to ensure that information is being
entered correctly and consistently.
3 Procedures
A. The following commands are available for use with self-dispatch
a. Setting Unit Busy
b. Setting Unit Available
c. Setting Unit Enroute to a incident
d. Setting Unit On-Scene at an incident
e. Releasing Unit from an incident
f. Creating a new incident
g. Creating a Quick Traffic and Vessel Stop
h. Closing an incident
i. Adding Notes/Persons/Vehicles/Vessels/Property to an incident
j. Logging Off-Duty
k. Mode of Transportation
l. Secondary Activities
B. The following types of calls will continue to be performed over the radio
a. Any emergency situation or when the sworn member feels the radio is the most
efficient means of communication
b. When a sworn member changes zones, he or she shall notify dispatch by radio
c. When a sworn member logs on duty for his or her assigned shift
d. When two or more sworn members are working together (10-12), they shall notify
dispatch by radio at the beginning and end of their 10-12 times.
C. When a member is working extra-duty employment at the beginning or end of his or her shift,
he or she must log off-duty and back on duty between shifts. Self-dispatch can be used during
extra-duty employment.
4 Training
A. The below power users are available to conduct any training that is necessary
a. Northwest Region – Ofc Heath Nicols
b. North Central – Lt Paul Arkin
c. Northeast – Lt Byron Smith
d. Southwest – Inv Joe Brooks
e. South A and B – Inv Steve Serphos and Ofc Brian Coffin