AR No. # - Refrigeration Suction Pressure Recommendation template version 2013a Recommendation Adjust refrigeration suction pressure set points from 24.0 psig (10.2°F) to 34.0 psig (20.5°F). This will increase system efficiency, decreasing compressor energy consumption by 20%. Annual Savings Summary Source Electrical Consumption Electrical Demand Total Quantity 251,010 344 856.7 Units Cost Savings kWh (site) kW Months / yr MMBtu $12,550 $1,719 $14,270 Implementation Cost Summary Description Implementation Cost Cost Payback $0 0.0 Facility Background The facility currently uses (insert compressor information here). During the site assessment, facility personnel explained (compressor operating conditions). (Talk about current set points). Motor information was collected for each system and is summarized in the following Motor Analysis Tool page. Technology Background Refrigerant evaporation temperature is directly related to compressor suction pressure. Compressors require less power and energy to operate if the pressure differential between suction and discharge pressure (lift) is reduced. Raising suction pressure increases refrigeration efficiency by decreasing this lift and the compression ratio (discharge pressure divided by suction pressure). Typically, 2% to 3% of refrigeration compressor energy can be saved for each degree Fahrenheit increase in suction temperature and associated suction pressure. Proposal Change the suction pressure setpoints on the refrigeration system's controllers. Completing this procedure can be done in regular working hours by maintenance personnel so that there are no implementation costs. These actions will decrease the compression ratio, reducing associated annual energy consumption by 251,010 kWh, resulting in an annual cost savings of $14,270. Notes Put any additional notes or references at the end. Things like alternative proposals, considerations, and potentials problems or side-effects should all be noted. AR No. # - Refrigeration Suction Pressure Recommendationand template version 2013a Put any additional notes or references at the end. Things like alternative proposals, considerations, potentials problems or side-effects should all be noted. Based on Unmodified Template Data Collection Insert Name Insert Name Author Insert Name Orange Team Review Insert Name Black Team Review Insert Name AR No. # - Analysis Recommendation template version 2013a Data Collected Equations Refrigeration System Data Analysis Equations Refrigerant Type Cooled Medium Target Temperature Ammonia (TT) 35.0 °F (pC) 24.0 psig 10.2 °F 24.8 °F Eq. 1) Temperature Differential (ΔT(C,P)) TT T( C , P ) Current Conditions Current Suction Pressure Set Point Current Suction Temperature Set Point Current Temperature Differential Eq. 2) Suction Temperature Increase (ΔT) (TC) (ΔTC) (N. 2) ES ICE Eq. 4) Demand Cost Savings (CSD) (pP) (TP) (ΔTP) 34.0 psig 20.5 °F 14.5 °F DS ICD (N. 1) (N. 2) Eq. 5) Cost Savings (CS) CSE CSD (Eq. 1) Incremental Cost Data Incremental Electricity Cost Incremental Demand Cost Eq. 3) Energy Cost Savings (CSE) (Eq. 1) Proposed Conditions Proposed Suction Pressure Proposed Suction Temperature Proposed Temperature Differential TP TC (N. 1) Table Equations (ICE) (ICD) $0.05000 /kWh $5.00 /kW·mo. (Rf. 1) Eq. 6) Current Demand (DC) PC tM (Rf. 1) Eq. 7) Current Energy (EC) PC t H Compressor Analysis Savings Savings Factor Suction Temperature Increase Eq. 8) Demand Savings (DS) (F%S) 2.0% /°F (N. 3) (ΔT) 10.2 °F (Eq. 2) EC T F% S Energy Savings Current Energy Energy Savings Energy Cost Savings (EC) (ES) (CSE) 1,226,400 kWh/yr. 251,010 kWh/yr. $12,550 /yr. (Rf. 2) (Rf. 2) References (Eq. 3) Rf. 1) Incremental energy costs developed in the Utility Analysis of the Site Data section. (Rf. 2) Rf. 2) Demand and energy values developed in the Compressor Summary Table on the following page. Demand Savings Current Demand Demand Savings Demand Cost Savings (DC) (DS) (CSD) 1,680.0 kW·mo. 343.8 kW·mo. $1,719 /yr. (Rf. 2) (Eq. 4) Economic Results Cost Savings Implementation Cost Payback DC T F% S Eq. 9) Energy Savings (ES) (CS) (CI) (tPB) $14,270 /yr. $0 0.0 yrs. (Eq. 5) (Rf. 3) Notes N. 1) Data collected on-site during the assessment. See analyst site report for details. N. 2) Saturated refrigerant temperature at corresponding pressure. N. 3) An industry accepted value to determine compressor energy. (2% of compressor energy saved for each degree Fahrenheit that suction temperature increases). Rf. 3) Adjusting suction pressure can be done in regular working hours by maintenance personnel so there are no implementation costs AR No. # - Analysis Recommendation template version 2013a Compressor Summary Description Rated Power Operation Operation Months Hours Input Power Current Demand Current Energy Demand Savings Energy Savings (WR) (N. 1) (tH) (N. 1) (tM) (N. 1) (PC) (N. 4) (DC) (Eq. 6) (EC) (Eq. 7) (DS) (Eq. 8) (ES) (Eq. 9) (hp) (hrs./yr.) (mo./yr.) (kW) (kW·mo.) (kWh) (kW·mo.) (kWh/yr.) Compressor No. 1 Compressor No. 2 100 100 8,760 8,760 Totals 200 12 12 70.0 70.0 140.0 840.0 840.0 1,680.0 Notes N. 4) Motor power obtained from the Motor Analysis Tool (MAT) on the previous pages. 613,200 613,200 1,226,400 171.9 171.9 343.8 125,505 125,505 251,010