Poweer Electroniccs Prof. B. B G. Fernan ndes Department Off Electrical E Engineeringg India an Institute of Technoloogy, Bombaay Lecturee No – 12 Let me recapitulate r whatever w I did d in my laast class. Wee discussed, full wave reectification uusing centre tap p transformeer. We found d that and th hat 1 diode cconducts at a time. 1 dioode conductts at a time and d voltage ratting of the diode d is twiice the peakk value of tthe secondarry voltage oof the transform mer. See, wh hy am I say ying, 1 diodee conducts aat a time? Inn other conffigurations, there may be more than 1 device co onducting att a time. Seee, these aree the issues that have tto be discussed d or these are a to be tak ken into acccount while calculating the efficienncy. See, 1 ddiode conducts at a time. So, S the voltaage across th he diode is oof the order of 1.5 voltss or so depennding upon thee power ratin ng. So, if th he input volltage itself iis low, moree than 1, if the 2 diodees are conductin ng, 3 volts is i the drop across a the diiodes, so thee input voltaage is high thhat 1.5 voltss or 3 volts may y be insignifficant value. So, it is all a depends on o the inputt value inputt value of thee voltage annd the numbeer of devices that are com ming in the main path of the po ower flow. The secondd 1 is a ccommon catthode configuraation. We fo ound that dio ode whose anode a potenttial is maxim mum, will coonduct. The third point in common c ano ode configurration, diode whose cathoode potentiaal is least willl conduct. (Refer Sllide Time: 2:58) d bridge, sin ngle phased bridge, we found that 2 diodes coonduct at a time. Then in uncontrolled Voltage rating of th he diode is peak p of the input voltagge. See, jusst the oppossite. In full wave c tap traansformer; 1 diode condducts at a tim me, voltage rrating is twicce the rectificattion using a centre 1 peak of the t secondarry voltage, whereas w heree, 1 2 diodess are connectting at a tim me. Voltage rrating of the dio ode is peak of o the input voltage. v (Refer Sllide Time: 3:29) We also discussed 2 configurattions in sing gle phase seemi converteer. In case 1 shown heere, 2 thryristorrs are in the same leg an nd 2 diodes are a in the saame leg. Alppha to pi, T1 and D2 condducts. From pi to pi plus allpha, D2 and d D3 conduccts. When thhese 2 diodess conduct, vvoltage appliied to the load is 0. Sourcee does not supply s poweer to the loaad. When freeewheeling diode, D2 D3 are conductin ng, source does d not supp ply power to o the load. S Source suppllies power oonly when T1 and D2 are co onducting, in n the positivee half. wer, even in the t negative half when T 4 and D3 coonduct from ppi plus alphaa to 2 A sourcee supply pow pi and frrom 2 pi to 2 pi plus alpha, a again D2 and D3 conduct. Looad current is unidirectiional, whereas, source current flows on nly from alph ha to pi, in thhe positive hhalf and from m pi plus alppha to 2 pi, it is a almost a square s wave. me a currentt, if I assumee the load cu urrent to be a constant annd ripple freee, source cuurrent If I assum is going to be a squ uare wave. So, S what con nclusion didd we draw inn the last cllass? Conduuction period fo or thyristors is pi minus alpha radian ns. So, as alppha increasees, we foundd that the durration for which h thyristor conducts c alsso reduces, whereas, w thee conductionn period forr diode is pii plus alpha. Ass alpha increeases, condu uction the du uration for w which the diiode conduccts also increeases. So in oth her words, average a curreent rating off the thyristoors is less coompared to tthat of diodee, for any valuee of alpha otther than 0. The T average current becoomes same oonly when alpha is 0. 2 (Refer Sllide Time: 6:12) In the casse 2, second d case, we haave 2 thyristo ors forming a common ccathode conffiguration. So, we have alm most a symm metrical conffiguration. Thyristor T andd diode in 1 leg, even inn another leeg we have ano other thyristo or and a diod de. Again in n the positivee half, at alppha T1 and D2 are at alphha T1 is triggerred, from alp pha to pi, T1 and D2 conduct. Sourcce supplies power to the load, at pii plus alpha D3 and D4 are triggered. So, S what hap ppens from ppi to pi pluss alpha? Wee have a com mmon anode co onfiguration here and 2 uncontrolleed devices, rremember, w whereas we have a com mmon cathode configuration c n, but then both b are con ntrolled devicces. So till yyou triggeredd them, theyy as if or they arre in forward d blocking mode, m they block b the volltage. Since wee have 2 unccontrolled deevices formiing a commoon anode coonfiguration, the diode w whose cathode potential p is least l will staart conductin ng. So, D4 sttarts conducting at omegga t is equal to pi plus. So therefore, t fro om pi to pi plus p alpha, current c free w wheels throuugh T1, load and D4. So, again from 2 pi p to 2 pi plu us alpha, cu urrent free wheels w througgh T3 and D2. So, wavee forms of ooutput voltage, the source current c are the same. Only O thing iss the devicee, all the deevices conduuct or duration for which th he device con nduct is the same. Averaage value off the output vvoltage, we ffound that is allways positiv ve. It is giv ven by Vm pi p into 1 pluus cos alpha,, where alphha is a trigggering angle. It can take a value anywheere from 0 to o pi radians. When it is i 0, it is equ uivalent to uncontrolled u bridge, wheen it is pi is eequal to alphha, output vooltage is 0. sorrry when th he trigger angle a alpha is equal too pi, outputt voltage is 0. What is the displacem ment factor? Or the displacement an ngle is the anngle betweenn the fundam mental compoonent of the in nput voltage and the fun ndamental co omponent off the sourcee current. W We found thaat this angle forr half controllled bridge or o a semi con ntrolled briddge is alpha bby 2. So, dissplacement ffactor is cos minus m alphaa by 2. Thiis minus siign indicatees that pow wer factor iis lagging, sorry displacem ment factor is i lagging. So, how do we turn off either T1 or T3? So, T1 is turnedd off by turnning on T3. S So, when wee turn on T3, a negative liine voltage, input voltaage appears across T1 aand in turn,, it turns offf the 3 conductin ng thyristor.. Hence the name, n line commutated c convertor bbecause the iinput line vooltage itself is used u to turn off o the condu ucting thyrisstor. Hence tthe name, linne commutatted convertoor. So, how many pulsees are there in 1 cycle, from 0 to 2 pi? There is 1 pulse ffrom alpha tto pi, p from pi p plus alph ha to 2 pi. So, S there aree 2 pulses inn 1 cycle. S So thereforee, this another pulse convertorr is also kno own as 2 pu ulse converto or. I have too show som mething for yyou. So, heree is a single ph hase uncontro olled bridge. (Refer Sllide Time: 11:08) There aree 4 terminalss. These 2 arre inputs, positive DC buus and negattive DC bus.. Current ratiing is 25 amperres, 600 volts. When I am a saying 25 amperes, iit can carry 25 amperes of current aand it can block 600 volts. So input voltage, v theo oretically, peak value should not eexceed 600 vvolts. These aree all ideal vaalues, theoreetical values. 4 (Refer Sllide Time: 11:56) Here is a high curren nt, high volttage thyristo or. See the ssize, it can ccarry 400 am mperes and iit can block 2 KV. K Cathod de anode, it is i generally mounted onn a heat sinkk and this w was a gate siignal, wire for wire to supp ply the gate current. Seee the size off the cross ssection area of the condductor y the gate cu urrent, very thin. t So, veryy small curreent that is reequired to tuurn on that is ussed to supply an SCR. See the cro oss section area a of the conductor c thhat is used tto that is ussed in the foor the cathode circuit. c The main n power flow ws in this con nductor wheereas, a smalll current floowing througgh the gate. IIt can carry theeoretically, as a per the ratting, 400 am mperes and itt can block 2 KV. So, yoou can use inn any circuit, wherein w that voltage doees not exceeed 2 KV at any given iinstant. Thesse are theoretical values bu ut this the values v that sh hould be tak ken into accoount while ddesigning, w we will discuuss at the appro opriate time, all this issues, we will discuss. d What is another a issuee we discusssed? Let me discuss RLE E load and ccurrent is conntinuous. I ssaid if the curreent is contin nuous, wheth her the load is RLE or not, alpha m minimum caan be 0. In other words, diiode starts co onducting, diode d that is coming in thhe forward ppath or in thiis bridge. 5 (Refer Sllide Time: 13 3:54) If I have an uncontro olled bridge, diode D1 an nd D2 will sttart conductiing in positivve 0 crossingg and if I have,, since I havee thyristor here, I can triigger this thyyristor at alppha is equal tto 0, indepenndent of the loaad. If curren nt is continuo ous remember, thyristor can be triggger at alpha is equal to 00. But then, wh hat happens to the curreent? Whether current is increasing oor decreasinng or how thhat is possible?? Take for example, th he equivalen nt circuit w when T1 andd D2 are coonducting, soo the equivalen nt circuit is given heree. Source, we w have a ssource, T1 iis a short circuit when it is conductin ng, R, L and d E, D2, back k to source. Current is i continuous, so this is the t path, KV VL has to hoold good. Soo, KVL givess Vi is equall to R into i plu us L di by dtt plus E. So therefore, dii by dt is Vi minus E miinus Ri dividded by L. Soo, if I neglect R, R it is given n by V minuss E divided by b L. So, di by dt is possitive when tthe instantanneous value of the input vo oltage is high her than E. So S remembeer, I might have said yess, if the current is us, thyristorr can be trigg gered at the positive 0 crrossing. Thaat does not m mean that di by dt continuou is positiv ve. So, firstt thing that comes to my mind iss when the positive off D1 and D2 are conductin ng, when I say s that, I caan assume th hat current m may be increaasing or in oother words, di by dt is posiitive. It is no ot necessarily y true. or that matteer, even if the load is RL L or RLE, di by dt need nnot be positiive or If the loaad is, even fo it is not positive, p thee moment yo ou trigger thee thyristors. It all depennds on the vvalue of L, itt also depends on E. So, in this case wee found that till omega t is equal to sine inversee E divided bby Vi, E is greaater than Vi. So, cathode potential neeed not be, s o, di by dt is always, di by dt is neggative till this reegion. 6 See the wave w form, voltage, v the current. c I miight have tri ggered, the current is floowing, di byy dt is decreasin ng. So, at th his instant it starts increaasing, of couurse, providded R is 0. If R is finite, it is beyond this t region, beyond this point, curreent starts inccreasing. Cuurrent increaases again aat this point, ag gain, Vi minu us E divided d L, they aree equal. So, di by dt is 0 that meanns this peak starts decreasin ng. So curren nt is, how th he current is flowing eveen though maagnitude of Vi is less thaan E? It is becaause of L di by b dt and L di d by dt is neegative, di bby dt is negattive, current is decreasinng. (Refer Sllide Time: 18:04) (Refer Slide S Time: 18:10) 1 blem starts, what w happen ns when the current disccontinuous? If the curreent is continnuous, The prob you do not n need to know k the typ pe of load. You Y can triggger the thyriistor wherevver you wannt. So, 7 di by dt is positive or o negative, depends on n instantaneoous value off E and the load param meters. And, wheen the devicces are condu ucting, inputt voltage is ssame as the output voltaage or V0 is same as Vi and d if the freew wheeling diodes are cond ducting, outpput voltage iis 0. We do nnot need to kknow the type of o load at alll, if the curreent is continu uous. The prob blem starts when w the load d is discontin nuous. Thinngs are not veery straight forward, listten to me carefu fully. 1 assum mption that I am making g is assume that i becom mes 0 after ppi. I am assuuming it, see, neeed not be, current c may become b 0 an nywhere. Seee it attends a peak valuee here and it starts decreasin ng. If I havee a high valu ue of E, it cu urrent may bbecome 0 m much before pi. It is all, what you need d to find out is we need to know the value v of L, E and R. (Refer Sllide Time: 19 9:54) uming that current c becom mes 0 after pi. p Positive L di by dt sshould be eqqual to negattive L I am assu di by dt and a equate th he areas or solve s the diffferential equuation and yoou can find oout where exxactly the or you can find out the point at which thee current beccomes 0. 8 (Refer Sllide Time: 19 9:58) So, at alp pha which is higher than n sin inverse E divided byy Vi Vm, I am m triggeringg T1. (Refer Sllide Time: 20 0:17) The mom ment I am triggering t T1, they startt conductingg, T1 and D2 starts connducting. Soource supplies power to thee load and sttarts flowing g. What happpens at omegga t is equal to pi plus? IIn the f a coommon cathoode configurration. So, om mega upper half, we have a diode and a thyristor forming t is equaal to pi pluss, D3 gets or o anode po otential of B is higher than the pootential of A A. So immediattely, D3 starrts conducting, T1 turnss off. In thee lower halff, T4 is not triggered. Itt gets triggered d only at pi plus p alpha. Till then, this is in the bloocking modee. 9 So, curreent start flow wing through h the load, D2, D3. In otther words, lload is freew wheeling thrrough D2, D3. Source S curren nt is 0, sourcce current so orry source current is 0,, source currrent is 0 andd load voltage is i also 0. Iff the current is continuo ous, D2 and D3 would haave continueed to conduct till you trigg ger T4. The moment T4 starts, the moment m youu trigger T4, T4, D3 starts conductingg and source su upplies pow wer. Unfortu unately, in this t case, cuurrent has bbecome 0, m much beforee you trigger T4. So, what happens now? What is the load, wh hat is the volltage appeariing across thhe load? Listten to me, if the load was, if the load is i passive, there is no ccurrent, so thhere is no vooltage. Since, we have con nsidered load d to be RLE, voltage app pearing acrosss the load iss E. So, the iinstance from m the current becoming b thee 0, till you trigger t the otther thyristor, that is T4, voltage applied to the looad is E. See heere, somewh here at this in nstant curren nt has becom me 0, next thyyristor triggeering is onlyy at pi plus alph ha. So, from m this instantt to pi plus alpha, voltagge appearingg across thee load is E. At pi plus alph ha, you trigg ger T4, T4 D3 starts condu ucting. Voltaage applied to the load iis again the input voltage, is i a sinusoid dal. oad current, unidirection nal, source current, c sorryy, source currrent is 0 herre, it shouldd have See the lo been, this is the sourrce current wave w form. So, you shoould be extreemely carefu ful while draawing the load voltage v wav ve form when n the thyristo or is, when tthe current is discontinuuous. You neeed to know thee type of loaad. If the cu urrent is con ntinuous, youu do not neeed to know the type of load, because the load volltage is eith her the inputt voltage or 0. It depennds on whethher thyristorrs are ng or the freeewheeling mode. m conductin (Refer Sllide Time: 25 5:00) Now we discussed case c 1 and case 2, 2 diifferent conffigurations. 2 thyristorss in 1 leg annd in another second s case second case is 1 thyristo or and 1 diodde in 1 leg, oother then gaama being noot the same. What is the difference betw ween these 2? 2 What is tthe differencce between tthese 2 bridgges or when do you prefer?? or what I saaid, both aree line comm mutated convertors, line vvoltage is ussed to turn off the t conductin ng thyristor. 10 Rememb ber, I discusssed this poiint in the while w the divvided whilee discussing the devicess that device sh hould be com mpletely turn ned off befo ore it is forw ward biased aagain. I repeeat, device shhould attain its blocking mo ode before itt is forward biased againn. What happpens in casee 1? At omegga t is p plus, D3 start s conductting. In the positive p half, f, omega t is equal to pi pplus, in the ssense, equal to pi positive half h end set pi, at omegaa t pi plus, D3 starts condducting, indeependent of the instant w where you trigg ger T1. Wheth her alpha is 0 or alpha is pi by 2, alp lpha approacches pi, it dooes not matteer. At omega t is i equal to pi plus, D3 tak kes over from m T1. What hap ppens in casse 2? We haave a comm mon annual cconfigurationn. In lower hhalf, assumee that alpha app proaches pi. (Refer Sllide Time: 27 7:24) gger T1. In the positivee half, prior to T1 triggeering, So, someewhere nearring pi, you want to trig current was w flowing through D2 and T3. In the positivee half, sincee alpha is appproaching ppi, so entire po ositive half, T3 and D2 were w conductting. So, loaad voltage iss 0, current w was freewheeeling through T3 and D2, source currrent is 0, alll most the eentire part oof positive hhalf. At om mega t hes pi, you want to triigger T1. You Y have appplied a gatte signal too T1, somew where approach approxim mately when approximattely near to pi. p T1 tries tto turn on. S So, potential of A is sam me the cathode potential. p A small posittive voltage appears accross T3, sorrry, a small negative vooltage appears across a T3, beecause potenttial of B is slightly s higheer, slightly less than potential of A. I will reepeat, I mad de a when you y trigger th he T1, potenntial, cathodde potential of T3 is sam me as potential of A. Alphaa is approach hing pi. We find that, yoou know, pottential of A is approachiing 0, same as the t potentiall of B is also o approachin ng 0. At omeega t is equaal to pi, both are 0. So, as you approach h the negativ ve 0 crossing g, voltage ap ppearing acrross, the maggnitude of vvoltage appeearing across T3 also reduces. A smaall negative voltage is appearing aacross T3. T The device iis, in principall, it is reversse biased. Tiime to turn off, o I said, ddevice is nonn ideal. It haas, it will takke its own timee to turn offf. Basically, thyristors arre slow devices. As it ttries to turn off at omegga t is 11 equal to pi p plus, agaiin a positive voltage app pears across iit, isn’t it? A At omega t iss equal to pi plus, what hap ppens? Poten ntial of B is higher h than potential off A. We mighht have trigggered T3 justt near the negattive 0 crossin ng. 0:38) (Refer Sllide Time: 30 vice is tryinng to turn ooff. At that instant, maay be, A negatiive voltage appeared accross T3, dev instantan neous value of o the input voltage beccome 0, omeega t is equaal to pi plus and immediiately after thatt potential off B becomes higher than n potential off A. A positiive voltage aappears across T3. Unfortun nately, it may y so happen that T3 may not have atttained a posiitive blockinng capabilityy. So, it waas trying to turn off, som me current was flowing, current was increasing, immediatelyy it is started geetting forwarrd biased. So o therefore, T3 continuess to conductt, T1 cannot tturn on. … IIt was trying to, T3 was try ying to turn off because you have trriggered T1, T1 was tryinng to turn oon, T3 was tryin ng to turn offf. But then, as a it was turn ning off, it w was getting fforward biassed. So, somee sort of a commutation faiilure we hav ve here. Thyrristor does nnot turn off, sso it continuues to conducct. T1 does nott turn off. So, S what did happen from fr 0 to p i till 0 to aalpha wheree that alphaa was approach hing pi? Currrent was flow wing through h T3 and D2. 12 (Refer Sllide Time: 32 2:29) At omega t was apprroaching pi, you triggereed T1 and I ttold you thaat T4 did not turn off. We had some sorrt of a comm mutation faillure there an nd again it sstarts conduccting in the entire half ccycle. Now, T3 and D4 startts conducting g at omega t is equal pi pplus, becausse in the low wer half we hhave a common anode conffiguration. D4 immediateely starts coonducting. T This was tryiing to turn ooff, it did not tu urn off. It co ontinues to co onduct, so we w have a powering modde now. There is power flowss through T3,3 load, D4 an nd source. Soo the entire nnegative enttire pi radianns, D3 and D4 conduct. See the voltage wave form, we have ann uncontrolleed rectificatiion. May be,, as if I have on nly a single diode, condu ucting for th he entire pi rradians and here, outputt voltage is 00. So, this wavee form is sim milar to thatt of half waave rectifier. Half wave rectifier, sim milar to thatt of a half wav ve rectifier. We W had a so ource, 1 diod de coming iin series andd a resistive load or I haave 1 source, 1 diode, freeewheeling diode d and loaad. If I hav e that sort oof a configuuration, I geet this wave form. I will rep peat, if I hav ve a source, 1 diode and the load or ssource, 1 dioode and a freeewheeling ddiode and the load, l I get th his sort of a wave form. This is nothhing but a haalf wave recctification. H Hence the namee, half wave effect. So, in n case 2 we have half w waving effectt which is noot there in caase 1. So remem mber, whateever, there are a certain ad dvantages orr disadvantaages, nothingg like, this iis the perfect system and this t is a bad d system, no. Out here, in case 1, thhe average ccurrent ratinng for alpha no ot equal to 0 is not the same or th he conductioon period foor the devices not the ssame, whereas in this case,, conduction n period, con nduction durration for alll the devicess is the samee. But a is apprroaching pi, we have hallf waving efffect, whereas, this effectt is totally abbsent. then, as alpha So, certain plus pointts, certain minus m points. That is the w way the life is all about.. We have ceertain nts, certain minus m pointss. There is nothing n like, this is the pperfect systeem and this iis the plus poin totally a useless u systeem. In naturee, some of nature, n in natture, we do nnot have such a system. 13 Let us seee, let us solv ve some prob blems. We will w start from m simple prroblems thenn we will inccrease the comp plexity. May y be, will if you y try to so olve this probblem, you m may be able to appreciate this subject more. m 6:20) (Refer Sllide Time: 36 A simplle problem here, halff wave recttification, hhalf wave ccontrolled rrectification, the freewheeeling diode. I have put th he thyristor, 1 thyristor, 1 diode or L LE load. Thee problem saays L is large. The T momentt when I say y L is large, first f thing thhat should coome to your m mind is currrent is continuou us and someeone says th hat L is largee, you can ssafely assum me that curreent is continnuous, because we w know thaat the curren nt cannot chaange instanttaneously. Soo, L is very large. First of all L is very y large, so caan safely asssume, the current is conttinuous. Thee moment cuurrent continnuous, I am tellling you, pro oblem solving is going to be very simple, beccause, I knoow that when the thyristor is conductin ng, output voltage v is saame as the innput voltagee. The freew wheeling dioode is conductin ng, output vo oltage is 0. The T problem m starts whenn the currentt is discontinnuous. So fortun nately, L is current c is con ntinuously here. h So, the problem is, find the value of alpha, what should bee the trigger angle if the average value of i is 100 amperes? The averagee value of i is 100 amperes, how do I so olve that problem? I willl plot the inpput voltage w which is a sinnusoid, this is the value of E, this 20 vo olts. Input iss 230 volts, 50 hertz singgle phase suupply. So, thhis peak is arround 230 into root 2, is of the order off, may be 325 5 volts. E is 20 volts, so somewhere here. L is larg ge, E is very y small, R is also very y small, so there are veery good chhances of cuurrent becoming g continuou us, because as a this value of E com mes down, thhe duration available foor the current to o increase, di d by dt also increases. Iss only whenn instantaneoous value of the input vooltage is higherr than E, cu urrent starts increasing. Let us assuume that thyyristor is triiggered at aalpha. Current is i continuou us, do not wo orry, so the moment yoou trigger at alpha, inputt voltage apppears across th he load. At alpha you have h triggerred, input vooltage is sam me as the ooutput voltagge or output vo oltage is sam me as input voltage. v 14 At omega t is equal to pi plus, since the load is inductive, current continuous to flow. But then, the moment instantaneous value of the input voltage is becoming negative, the freewheeling diode starts conducting, because you cannot have a positive voltage appearing across the diode, because beyond pi, this potential is higher than this potential. If T conducts, this potential is same as this potential. So, a positive voltage appears across diode, not possible, so diode starts conducting, turns of the thyristor T. So, in the entire negative half, since the current is continuous, current D conducts. See, I have if there was no diode here, thyristor would have continued to conduct. Beyond pi, a negative voltage appeared across the pi, decay would have been faster. So, current would have become 0 somewhere in between pi to 2 pi. So, I have achieved, what I did here? I have connected a freewheeling diode, voltage appearing across the load beyond pi is 0. So, the forcing function is 0, current decays slowly. Second is, I have used a very large inductor, so current continuous to conduct and that too very slowly. What happens in the positive half from 0 to pi? If I had a diode replacing the thyristor, it would have started conducting at omega t is equal to 0 plus. In the second cycle or at steady state in the positive 0 crossing, main diode would have started conducting. Since the current is continuous, you can trigger the thyristor at omega t is equal to 0 plus and when as soon as I trigger the thyristor, in the positive half, now a negative voltage appears across D and diode turns off. So, till you trigger the thyristor, source voltage does not appear across diode, because we have an open circuit here. We have an open circuit across the thyristor, because you have not triggered the thyristor, we have an open circuit here. So, at steady state current is continuous. From pi to 2 pi freewheeling diode was conducting, it continues to conduct till you trigger the thyristor even in the positive half. You can trigger at omega t is equal to pi, omega t is equal to 0 plus, you can trigger it. So, till you trigger the thyristor, diode, freewheeling diode continuous to conduct even in the positive half. Remember this, because we have an open circuit there, T does not conduct, it is not triggered. So, source voltage does not appear across the diode, because we have an open circuit, remember. Do not make a mistake while drawing the wave form. If your wave forms are correct then you need to find out just the average value of it, you have to integrate it. Anyone can do, even an eleventh standard or twelfth standard student can do. The first thing is you need to understand, the how the circuit works? Draw the wave forms, having drawn the wave forms correctly, you are through, you are done. Let me tell you 1 thing, answer, you may, you can afford to make a mistake while integrating. As a teacher, I may not deduct any marks if you make a mistake while integrating. But then, since the, because it is not a mathematics, course on mathematics, it is a course on power electronics. Fine, you may, you can make a mistake. You can afford to make a mistake. I may try to overlook that. But the, since, it is the course on power electronics, I would expect you to draw the correct wave form. If the wave form is correct, I know that student knows the subject. He must have made a silly mistake in a hurry, he might have made a mistake while integrating, is pardonable. So, try to the first point is, draw the wave form, try to understand the functionalities, how the circuit works. The second is, draw the correct wave forms, you are done, problem. 15 So, diode continuous to conduct, so at steady state, N cycles are over, from 0 to alpha, D1 was conducting, from alpha to pi, thyristor starts conducting and N pi to N pi plus 1 alpha, D1 continues to conduct. When the source supplies power? Source supplies power only when thyristor mean thyristor is conducted. So, thyristor conducts from alpha to pi. So, there is only 1 pulse in 1 cycle. Even output voltage also, there is only 1 pulse in 1 cycle. So half wave rectifier, they also known as single pulse convertor or 1 pulse convertor. So before solving, we try to see the source current wave form. The moment diode starts conducting, source current instantaneously become 0. When the thyristor is conducting, the load current is same as source current, it is. So, at the moment thyristor is triggered, diode turns off. Whatever the current that is flowing through the diode, starts flowing through the thyristor. So instantaneously, it jumps to the load current, increases, follows this load current, reaches a peak then starts coming at pi at pi, omega t is equal to pi plus, D starts conducting. Immediately T1 turns off. This is because I am assuming, in the beginning of my course I told that let us neglect the source inductance. If you take the source inductance into account, what happens, we will see sometime later. Let us not worry now. So, source supplies power in only in 1 cycle. There is only 1 pulse per cycle. Input is a sinusoid, appears sinusoid, current is a non sinusoid. But then, it supplies only between alpha to pi. There is only 1 pulse. So, if I try to take the Fourier series of this wave form, it has an average component. In other words, A0 plus the sigma AN into cos omega t plus BN into sin omega t. So, if find that if A0 is finite, it has an average component. Average component is nothing but a DC component. So, I am drawing a DC component from the source. I will repeat I am drawing a DC component from the source. What happens when I draw a DC component from the source? After all, this current has to come from transmission lines, transformers, secondary, it as to flow from a secondary transformers, what happens? We will discuss this point in detail. I will solve a very interesting problem sometime later. A very interesting problem: putting a diode across the transformer or putting a diode in the secondary of the transformer. Apart from the average component, it has other frequency components also. Write as Fourier series, A0 plus AN cos omega t sigma plus BN sin omega t. you will find that it has other frequency component also. Only the fundamental component that D1 sin omega t is responsible for power transfers, because input is odd function that is some sin omega t. So, source current which a component of a source current whose frequency is same as omega and sinusoidal is responsible for power transfer. The remaining higher frequency components flow in the transformer, secondary transmission lines. The effect of higher frequency components, this higher frequency components are also know as harmonics, hence forth I will say the higher frequency components has harmonics. These are nothing but the higher frequency components which are present in the source current will definitely affect the source and other circuits. The effect of harmonics on other circuits, we will discuss in detail sometime later. So we found that now let us solve this problem, source current flows from alpha to pi, load current is continuous, increases, decreases. How do I solve? 16 (Refer Sllide Time: 51:32) Said, aveerage value of o current iss average voltage appliedd to the loadd minus E ddivided by R R. Are you with h me? Averaage value of current depeends on the difference bbetween the average vallue of the outpu ut voltage minus E. In otther words, V average iss equal to i aaverage into R plus E. L di by dt averag ge is 0. It is only y RE and V average willl determine the current fflowing in thhe circuit, w will determinne the average value v of thee current. So o, average vaalue of i is aaverage volttage across R divided bby the value of R. R Value of R is given by b 0.01 ohmss. So, averagge voltage accross R becoomes 1 volt, since the valuee of i is 100 amperes. a (Refer Sllide Time: 53 3:05) 17 This is the equation, V average is equal to i average into R plus E. So therefore, V average is 21 volts. Isn’t it? E is 20, i average into R is 1. Therefore, E average is 20. So, what is the average value of the output voltage? 0 to alpha it is 0, alpha to 2 alpha to pi, it is Vm sin omega t and pi to 2 pi, it is 0. So 0 to pi, alpha to pi, Vm sin omega d omega dt, Vm is 230 into root 2, 1 plus cos alpha. So, alpha you get it as 53 degrees. Alpha is equal to 53 degrees. So by solving this problem, I have brought out various issues. 1 is in a half wave rectifier or single pulse converter, average value of the source current is finite. In other words, we are drawing a DC component from the source, also there are high frequency component in the source current. Effect of DC, effect of high frequency component in the source, we will discuss sometime later. If there is a controlled device here, freewheeling diode conducts even in the positive half cycle, if the current is continuous, remember. If the current is continuous, freewheeling diode conducts even in the positive half till you trigger the thyristor, because till you trigger the thyristor, source voltage does not appear across the diode. So, if the current is continuous is only when the thyristor is conducting, input voltage is applied to the load and for the entire remaining entire duration, voltage applied to the load is 0. Thank you. 18