,/ ,rn '-'/ fhe Ocess , ?hpr rurd l 'to ; Ith ffil j*fi,,:f*:r*#ffiff,::rii l ) t'2 -""*"" *1I;;Tiil'ifl""l'ffi,IlTi*31:.;,tr"Hr.d ,r' where ?r ;:::""",::T,ll:*.,u " ^,,* ".,." "-i#tlii;i*r*t'i'ffie ,,,',11.':, 2,14.2 uor.,o^,, Th. distrr^-- ."uor, for sro; -sre*". rill._.*easured poinr,. r,o.i.orffi#. ,,.^^ r;::*" #::"#: . it .nu", ', r1e dishn":T'-il'J'#''r?i il'*r', "oo..poraioe,;:X.ff,;1nffiffi;: , The srope correcrion, D = {}l-;2 ?' :::1 =; - t- i .r, !L. n1'" :i-it -!l,rt'" ,; ;ii,i\;J,,:,,, _ = wftere z = dirrerenc ,---1 !"_ - Fig. 224 -5 2.2< , ;:"0',';;,.0.. "?r,l.l",ilrn"el';fi"c ;1*:;x*;{i;ffi1 "ruerrerrns) ," ff***fi*;#n***r"** l, c 52 Surueying co=P-ur!9 t where Po = standard pull P - pull applied during measurement A = areaof cross-section of the tape (in cm2) E = modulus of elasticity of taPe = 2.1 x lOs N/mm2 for steel = 1.54 x 10s N/mm2 for invar I = measured length (in m) if the applied pull is more than the standard pull, pull is less than the standard pull' and negative, if the applied Tension correction is positive, 2.14.4 Correction for TemPerafure Thetapelengthchangesduetochangesinthetemperaturewhiletakingthe needs to be made measurements. The teriperature correction C, which, therefore, is given by: Ct=q(T^-TOL where 7* = mean temperature during measurement Io = temperature of standardisation a = coefficient of thermal expansion of material = 0.0000035/oC for steel = 0.0000001221"C fot invat L = measured length (in m) Thecorrectionispositive,ifthetemperatureduringmeasurementismorethan measurement is the standard temperature, and negative, if the temperature during less than the temperature at which the tape was standardized' 2.14.5 Sag Correction when the tape is stretched between two points, it takes the form of catenary more and the (assumed to be a parabola). consequently, the measured length is given by: is Cru correction is applied. The sag correction c*--@:!J =y* 24P' 24P' IftherearezequalSpanspertapelength,thecorrectionpertaPelengthisgiven by co=nry# 24P' 24P'=vrl^:t:t' (wt)zt tft =-*,= -----;-24n"F 24n'P Horizonht, where &asa,sient ra, = weigh,t of tape per metre length - --"r _the W = total weight of the tape p = pull applied (in N) ,r_ = *u length of tape suspended betvveen = Iength ir m" op" = n/1 (in Sag correction is always negative. m) two supports 2.74.6 Reduction to Mean Sea Level The length of a line measured at an altitud e of h metres above mean *"1,I"r."l Gt. always more as compared to- the on the mean sea level (m.s.l.) surfaJe. ft ,"lJrrirv ,r reducing distances to .o"'o.i"y* II il -rl ;.rfi length;;;.J " # ii:ry:-lii:HiH i_ *;;; ;;l-, ui"'-to The correction denoted O, R :li: I c*=ftr 1 R there is the radius of the earth. The correction is always subtractive. 2.14.7 Combining In actual practice, J Fig.2.25 Corrections the above correction, based -ri"rting, on the length recorded, are combined bv addition. "f nut rtri"try ,n"r1o be combined ii:l "*"rr, :l,i::HffiTilil:'ta*'""h1Ji{'JJ;:'il;x?jt1,:l::i,,rrer.,owingUnit sag correction c = Unit slope correction D = Unit temperature correction = c Tlue length = Z Recorded length _ /-, Then L=Ii (t + a) (t + b)(t + c) ;HHILj,.:#f ;ilff ,T#,Il";ff ;,:i;J:,-ffi Zl{"u?"***o L=Ll(l+a+b+c) [*#:l " the correctio, ;t; {:":r'"i,1"t,1,*,n recorded,and combined 2.74.8 Normal Tension The pull or tension whic.tr, when applied to a tape suspended in the air, the correction due to pull equarises and ,", ,ffir#j, no.rnut rension. 54 Surveying For one tape length, q=P=p and Since, c*= r Yl 24P2 Cp = C.u (P-Po)l _Wzl - --AE ,4? The value of P may be calculated by trial and error' !::rd:.::..:.'.a,..,i::.i.:::.. A line was measured with a steel tape which was exactly 30 m $&6n''pte at a temperature o{ 2o'c and a pull of 10 kg. The measured "'o pull applied length was 1650 m. The temperature during measurement was 3O'C and the kg. Find the true length of the line, if the cross-sectional area of the^tape was ofLxpansion of the material of the tape per'C is 3'5 x 10and modulus of elasticity ol the material of tape is 2'1 x 10o kg/cm'' *"J ts 0.025 cmZ. The coefficient Solution Correction to be applied are: (1) correction for temperature and (2) correction for pull. (1) Correction for temPerature: '' =i!':;?',:'- 20) 1650 = 0.05775 m (+ve) (2) Correction for pull: c,=9;{l r (ls - 10) x 2.1x 0.025 1650 106 = 0.157101 m (+ve) True length of the line = 1650 + 0.O5775 + 0.157101 = 1650.2'l'4831 m' The downhill end ol a 30 m tape is held 90 cm too low' What is the horizontal distance measured? Solution Correction for sloPe = hzlzL = Q.il2Tz x = 0.0135 m Hence, the horizontal distance = 30 - 0.0135 =29.9865 m 30) Horizontal ;'200Nft ,L: lJ'^? Il,iT:,;;i:ii,"Jf3"ilT:": rei,,,eishiJil;;EtTH",L,ff Solution tape ends. correction for sag Horizontal distance = Ss ^leasurement :ro" unoer a purr ol f [i"":?,lI:,#lg w'lr= z+F x 1oo)/(24 = !(30), = 0.09375 m x eoo)z) = 100 _ 0.09375 = 99.90A5 m. 2.75 rr6u. ur rerr of the chain boundaries. Ii as.shown in Fig. 2.26 areca,ed "rfu.rr..^li tvpes types of offsers: offc.ro. /1r p".p"nii"ui#'"ill"1lt;#6 n- ' are, frl offsets. (z) oblique offsets. Th". ur" t*o Perpendicular offset B FU. 2.75.7 perpendicular When the Iareral me: rine, rhe 2.26 Offsets Offsets "'r;;;#::W:';:";r:::i::r,ri::::rs 2.75.2 Ohligue are ar right angres to rhe chajn Offsets When the lateral meas rine, the or perpendicutar offsets and ro ffi;'#.J;:3':;;:;"W:.iil:"* nor at right angres ro the chain are used ro .n.It tt" ,""r.*, i;;#il ;hese :ners of buildings -:^r...16r t,ure more accurately' Limiting Length of offset _2'1s.8 The offset should not wiil be *o;;;;":r be loo long. otherw,r.l r.l" error produced by rong offsets ur' ,."r.u"y a"s*a]r,plPer' The limiting length depenil;;;;r;'factors, such ,r,rr'";;i;"'# #ii"""J.:fj:':s, Effict of emor d.ue rras oeen"lala'irr,lr'0" t maximum ".."' inl"yi,,g Let p bt !:"",r"n l?r PD on, ln",i'i,,.T; ffiT,,.Tffi "1, *, dire*ion Xiil:T,,.j5.7 fi Surueying / and paper a is the error rnade in laying the offset will be CP, in.t"ua';;7;'i":" r"'"'j::: of CP i'a."rr,g ,i; ;lr"#"d of ptoning is I cm = ,t,,lno ground' This, whea plotted Gie' 2'27)'.T,tri' ,r,. priri ilJiirpr*"a on uy bv PrP, perpendicula. ,r;J;il; ,o _lsina ".t of accuracy in plorring ll]imir 0.025 cm fu$" rclrr rhe scate = = o'025 or l=O.O25Scoseca the limiting length of -^Therefore, offset is.0.025 S cosecafbr an error of ainlayingthe offset and the disptace_ poinr .;;;; perpendicutar I_nr^ol Irne Prp, on paper will be PrPz - Cpt - _ n /_"T:,r" Fig.2.27 Error in direction of B offset Cp, = 1- / cpl a Combined effect of in direction and length Let p be a point from ;;;',;;; ;; rn. in"urur"J rrrr,r.. .r rhe ofr.set dir""ri"r;;';'ii$.\.rr.,.il;;;",iil or the orfset and o""o.u"r,, '"tr" "r orr"u;rg u" r cm = s ,,. ir,", rhe roral :r::r where an orfset pc is raid..on cP, is / and the error in ;:;:i:"ff|t pp,p, _ 96. due to angular erto\- Prp, = / sin a and it ufroriO Jo equal to displacement drle to the linear error, prp - l/r Assuming angle The_ displacement 4P Fr tI' PPr=1Qppr=tEF,p, t/r also a,so lt^jyi, of 0.025 cm, then tilttrl or paper n :r;,:1",::: accuracy in ptorting is (1/S) = g.s25 t=(0.025/.,!T)rS also .,1/ sin a/S 0.025 = or lPt /,, /r | /, I l',' ta/' t-.-/ = "E(ttr) =",lil sin a Corresponding displacernent on l- --ti,/ t=e.025/o)Scoseca r..ig ?28 _/_ c I I I i 1 rine ,--fi,ain n- --- -B Error in directiort anct length af offset 2.15.4 Taking Horizontal lleasurement Offsets t, ".f a point where rhe offset is ro be ok:n 2.29). Ther"ua", iorll" end of^(Fre the rape at the point p Iow_er swings off the tape in an"rd;;;;l: arc with p shown in Fig.-izi.-it" 3,1[ lentre,-as oj 3:::T11n_'Tging tape on trre crrain dicutar from p. a, way is also called swing offset. Sl ;";"; Tape \ riJ flffi:t:.::':,,^",r,Jr""i"i:i";:l#: - - V. - L _ .,,*[__chain "n"ii"ill;Tff"; 2.15.5 Establishing perpendicular The most common :_+s c *",r,"i:.ffi:J m rine "______7 z.2g mg. Taking offsets to a Chain Une fi:Ti:dffiH:"Lffffi:1il ff is the point from which Ji":;,lffi # Jl; a p".'p"ra"i"ri#,1'r" o" erected. erruurli'u the chain AB at 3 rinks, poinr E on from i. ff; i:jl[ Hil:;liP "T,fl[ cP is the desired ti"'o' ,rrr?""ri'i"i,n ti"',],.,, "trin.rint, I'in 4 chain rink rrori i andr u, ,t" with c ,d::fiil;".inrersecting At-rg. Examptc 2.9 ;ffiil# ji ; the previous ,n"rir".onsrrucred. ;*Chaintine 2.80 B Establishing perpenclicular to a chain line An offset is laid 4" out rhl";rx: fr *imu{*{i#I;ir,;, (i) tn rhe direction (ii) ln the f:9,to the tochain line' -.._ directon snEU,vr perpendicular the chain Solution line. (i) Displacement of the point on ground parallel to chain line =/sina =8sin4o The scale of plan is 6 m to -" I = 0.558 cm cm Displacement of the point on plan = / stn a =EIq = o'oe3 cm ;m* d{; 58 Surueying (ii) Displacement of the point on ground perpendicular to the chain rine =/(l_cosa) =8(l_cos4o) = 0.01948 cm Displacement of the point on plan /(1 = - c.os a) s o'019+8 6 = 0.003 cm ,',"fr,ry4 raid ;g,1,;j,,r1i{,11,.. 3. our rrom irs u," Solution I or Find.tl.re lim.iting length of an offser so that the disptacement of rhe orrset was ? ?'f. i,lJ"lii:ff,i:tSJ#"1,#',,"Jff:: "'' sin alS = 0.025 l=O.O25Scosec3o = 0.025 x 10 x cosec = 4.78 m -..gt . sources or error 3o Fing the.maximum length of an otfset so that the displacement oo". n:l i:'*#,ffi :["31"t:3,I:;l"i#'"ll5, *,,,:Liiil fl?f, of 1 in 30 and the scale used is i cm 25 m. = solution The dispracement of point on the ground from both sources of error =ar r _30.. =Et ^^ The scale of plotting is 25 m = 1 cm The displacemenr of point on paper rhen or *" - ;g+ "^ = 0.025 l=13.259m. Hence, the maximum length of offset should be 13.25g m. r., ]ff"iTj:"tiT:'J: g3s",[J:,"j,"jl,Ti:1f:i:"""J::,"Lil which the offset shourd be measured so that the maximum displacement of point on paper from both the sources of error be the same. Solution or Of I I sin a=! sin 5" = llr r=COSSCS" = 11.47 Hence, the offset must be measured with an accuracy of about r in rr.47 m. Hoizontal Measurement 59 r ;::t,r. 2.76 The chain survey work is recorded in a book known as field book. It is of 200 mm x 120 mm size. The pages of the field book can have either a red line or two blue lines 12.5 - 15 mm apart ruled down the middle of each page. The field work is commenced at the bottom of the page and worked upwards as shown in Fig. 2.31. Following details are recorded in the field book on the commencement of a chain line. Fig.2.31 1. Name or number of the chain line. 2. Name or number of the station. 3. The symbol denoting the station mark. 4. The direction of other survey lines at the stations. 5. The initial chainage (generally zero) enclosed in the symbol. ?/aA To facilitate reference, no line is commenced on the same page that contains a finish of another Iine. Booking the Data In recording measurements as they are being taken in the field, the notekeeper should ensure that every measurement that should be recorded is taken and that every measurement taken is recorded. Every linear measurement should be recorded in such a way that the last digit will indicate the degree of precision with which the measurement was made. The following points shiuld be observed while booking the data. N Surveying 1. Chainage is written in the central colurnn. 2. chaiuage of the stations may be enclosed in a circle or ellipse. 3. Objects are sketched along the sides of the chain line. 4. Offsets are written close to the object. 5. Chainage of corners of the object are also eiltered. 6. when features like road, fence, lake, etc. cross the chain line, the chainage of intersection is entered and the direction of the feature is sketched. 7. oblique offsets are written along with dimension line in the direction of the offset. 2.17 The measurement of distances consists of chaining and making offsets. During measurements, it is practically impossible to set out all the chain lines in a straightforward method because of a variety of obstructions to chaini'g and ranging in the field. The difficulties can be overcome by running perpendicular and parallel lines or by running a few additional lines and measiring angles by some instrument. The scope of the chapter limits the solution of the problems involving only the essential equipments used in chain surveying. To find the best and rapid solution, the surveyor should have a good knowledge- of geometric and trigonometric principles. The obstacies may be <tivided into trvo classes. Those which do not obstruct the ranging (view) like ponds, river:s and falr in the category of obstacres to tneasurement. The others are those which we cannot see across, i.e. both the chaining and ranging are obstructed, e.g. houses, stacks, etc., and are known as obstacle.t to alignment only a few solutions have been discussed here and many more can be developed by the surveyor himself, depending upon the fielct conditions and method resorted to. 2.17.1 Obstacles to Measurement First method (F;g. 2"32) Let ABCD be a chain line obstructed by a pond. The problem consists in finding out the distance BC. Two ofTsets BE a:nd CF of equal length are made at B and C and chaining is done along EF. The work is then continued from point C. Seconrl method (Fig" Z.SS) Let DAB be a chain line obstructed by a river. Lay offAC of any convenient length, perpendicular to the requirecl distance,4g and lay off DC perpendicular to BC. Then, AB = ,qdUO. Third method (Fig. Z.S4) Let AB be a chain line obstrucred by a river. Assume a point 1 anywhere in line with the required distance AB. Take a point Il in such a way that HJ = HI and HK = I1B. Establish t in the iine AH and at the same time in the line JI( produced. Then Di cr-----i i:'-....-l-\--_\\ l rF I - ; \\.\\\ \)11lt / .,t/,4/ ;Z)t/t/ :1 Bl -----.-)E I AI Fig.2.32 KL = AB. I t I i I Hoizontal Measurement Fis. 2.33 2.17.2 6l Fig. 2.34 Otrstacles to Nignment Let DE be a chain line obstructed by a house. First mcthod (Fig. z.ss) Assume a point c arbitrarily. Make EC = DC = CA. Then AB = DE. cB and. second, method, (Fig. 2.s6) Estabrish a point F at equal distances from D and E at any convenient distance. Make F/1 rG. Th"n D:E (HG = x DF)/HF. = , /fih' il'lllV v/ *,- t.., \, E H'r---7'G ,' \ )'(0 AF Fig.2..35 ,/ \,, ,\/ "/ Fig.2.ts6 A chain line ABC crosses a river at 90. as shown in Fig.2.S7. B an!_C are two points located at the near anO tar Oants, respectively. AB = 57.79 m, BD =100 m and LABD 90". The *11olu magnetic bearing (w.c.B.) of c and A taken al D are 30" and = 120., respectir"rv. "ii"r" rino the width of the river. ExawpLe - Z..tS , Solution V/.C.B. of C at D = 30o WC.B. of AatD=!2Oo ZADC=120-30o=90" 62 SurueYing Fig.2'37 Consider triangles BCD arrd BDA ZCBD=ZABD=90" IBCD = ZBDA, arrd Z-BDC = IBAD triangles' Hence, triangles BCD and BDA ate similar BC _BD ED_AN or =%- =W BC Hence, width of river Frunpl,e 2.74 ., ing the obstacle. Th" = = ti3.22 m 173'22 m' in Fig' 2'38' A big pond obstructs the chain line ab as shown circumvent,"""rred on the lett of the line ab for ; il; li*u, am. was measured on b;;il';i'i *ut sor .m' Similarly' them'lineb and / are in the same 1'100 m' Points the right of the line uO *"not" length was are 502 m and 548 m, respectively. Find bm oland ri"r" straight line. Lengths "r'in" the distance ab. Solution Consider tr\angle alm Let 5O2m b 548m llma = a (am)z+(lm)2-@lt cos d= Z(am)(lm) '(1100)2 + (1050)2 =ffi - (901;2 = 0.6497 Fig.2.3B In triangle abm (ab)z or = (bm)z + (a*)2 - 2 (am) (bm) cos a x 548 x 0'6497 = (548)2 + (1100)2 - 2 x 1100 ab = 852-b6 m- i..$,|#r,, 1t:t::l tiejef Horizontal Measurement 63 cros3ing. a lver at risht ansres cur ts banks ;1;ffiffi;;ffiJ'":"fl*:i"1" following operation was *:yr'i l'n i t, i" ##Yff # ;tif?[ carried out. A 60 m long line BE was paraltel ro the river. Line CE was extended D and mid-noinr F nr p:=Tp ^"::::T::ghty rffi;.li,i,ji,T;,!lj.;i"-a'""ff,,i""1 FG EF. Line lTll-T*i^,:"":_r^r-:L_"$ll;d"I DG was extenoeJt" .= .riii" vey line ABC at H. GH and HB "r" were;";;;; and found to be 40 m and g0 Find the width of the river. ,, ,""p;;;;il" Solution Given BE =gQ m, BH = 80 m and HG =40 m GD=39=60m HD=HG+GD =40+60=100m ' Consider similar triangles CHD and CBE CBICH =BE|HD or CBI(CB + BII) = BE\(HG + GD) i.e. CBI(CB + 80) = 6Ot(40 + 60) _ 0.6 CB =0.6 (CB + 80) CB (l - 0.6) = g6 1 6.6 CB=39x0.6/0.4 =4910.4 = Fig.2.39 120 m obstacre, a 200 m rons _6- ;ll""HT;_"":iTll'::1:,r:l an ; "::, :i#1"" ::',::i l^?* :il;i ^ t, "i'J',I"#; il::! f, ?"?;:if,,e":y*"11";:f1^u^olg,:'li:,i"""'J"1iil:tri?"f,?""?f " ff jff ff the obstiucted X;:'ffi Also determine :1""?:,"?;,^*^",Fi;#;ffi#;;,#.'j:lllffi length. Solution Refer to Fig. 2.40. "'ffi 'f,Tfl .lI1,?,;L'$:.L:,I iff From ABCD, CD = gg sec 60" x sec 60" =400m = 200 From A,BCE, CE BC sec 45o = = 200 x sec 45o and Fig.2.40 = 292.94 m BC = BC tan 200 x 45o tan 45. = 200 m. lir][fi;rri;l;:n s: fifuh[lf{ffi!::: CE, set our i{ at ifii! angleJ irr io; ;; are ""JiirJ;,i, 64 Suruaying respectively. Determine the lengrths cD and cE so that.o and E may be on - the prolon_ gation of A8. lf the chainage ot a is 1OO m; find the chainage ot O. Solution From ABCD (Fig.2.4l) cD =*3€06 =#s. = 173.205 m From ABCE ce=#" =#0. = 195'81 m BP=lCDz-BC|z = [(t73.20r2 _ $50)2)yz =86.602 m Chainage of D=chainage of B+BD = 100 + 86.602 = 186.602 m. i:t; :ai,.:.1:i:::'*;1::,rr...ii:.Tiii:rl,r!t.Irfi!i.i ii:'dl!* Fig.2.47 A- river is flowing from west to east. For determining rha:n,^. &.r^ -^:-rOf ^, the fiVef, tWO pgints A and B afe SeleCted 100 m. eginr ::ll.:1"1j:l_0p11?."9.18: {is on the northern bank are observed to fhe width On the S'Uthefn west wards. rhe bearinss ar a tree c be 40. ano sao",-iesp";tir"ry Calculate the width of the river. ;i;," A Solution In A,ABC (Fig.2.a2) ICAB=90o-40o=50o ICBA = 340'- 270" =70o ZACB = tB}" - (ICAB + Z.CBA) = l80o _ (50. + 70.) By sine rule - 60. #fu=#=#fu AC ='l4ii!Jq: srn 60" = and BC = loo x 0.e396 0.966 44ii4,iq - 76.60 srn 60" 0.966 = 88.455 m Width of the river = AC sin 50o = 108.50 sin 50o = 83.116 m width of the river = BC sin 70o = 88.455 x sin = 83.116 m. Width of the river = 83.116 m. F---loom___+j Fis.2.42 108.50 m 70o and B. Hotizantal filtaeurement 6 2.1 Explain how a chain is tested and adjusted in the field. 2.2 Bnefly describe the process of chaining. 2.3 Describe the various methods of chaining on a slope along with their advantages and disadvantages. 2.4 Describe the following with sketches: (i) Line ranger (ii) Optical square (iii) Prism square(iv) Clinometer 2.5 Differentiate betwean the following terms: (i) Base line and check line (ii) Main station and tie station (iii) Chainage and offset (iv) Cumulative and compensating errors 2.6 Explain the following terms: normal tension, hypotenusal allowance, cumulative error, and ranging. Explain the various sources and nature of errors in chain survey. 2.8 Describe the various tape corrections with sketches. 2.9 The area of a plan of an old map plotted to a scale of 10 m to 1 cm measures 100.2 cm2 as measured by a planimeter. The plan is found to have shrunk so that line originally l0 cm long now measures 9i cm. Further, the 20 m chain used was 8 em too short. Find the true area of survey. 2i fAn* 105.6438 acresl 2.10 An area actually measures 0.8094 hectares. How much will it measure in m2 by a 30.48 m chain which was 20.32 cm too short at the start and 60.96 cm too long at the end of the survey? lAns.7987.L5 mzl 2.ll The area of a piece of a land which had been surveyed with a chain was calculated to be 9562 m2. Of this, 8935 m2 was the total area of the triangles and 627 m2 was the area included between chain lines and the boundary. The 30 m chain used was found 0.05 m too long, and the 30 m tape used for measuring offsets was found 0.03 m too short from their nominal lengths. Calculate the correct area of the land. [Ans. 9590.5 m2] 2.12 A line was measured with a 30 m long steel tape, standardized at 15oC, with a pull of 100 N. Find the correction per tape length, if the temperature at the time of measurement was 20'C and the pull exerted was 160 N. Weight of I cm3 of steel = 0.0786 N Weight of tape 213 =8N Modulus of elasticity = 2.lO x 105 N/mm2 Coefficient of expansion of tape/oC = 7.1 x l}a [Ans. 0.49 mm] The distance between two points P and Q measured along a slope is 250 m. Find the horizontal distance between P and Q, if (a) the angle of slope is 10", (b) the slope is I in 4.5, and 66 Surueying (c) the difference in elevation is 35 m. fAns. 246.20 m.244.04 m.247.53 m] 2.14 Calculate up to five decimar praces, the sag correction for a r00 m tape weighing 13.0 N. It is used under a pul of 90 N and in four equal spans of 25 m each. [Azs. 0.00543i m] 2.15 To what precision would you measure the offsets, if the plan of the survey is to be plorted to a scale of (i) 1 cm = 1m and (ii) 1 cm 10 m. = / [Ans.2.5 cm, 25 cm] ' rzed under no pull at 15'c. The tape has cross-sectional area of 3.75 mm2. one-half of the line is measured at temperature of 20oC and the other half at 26oC and the tape is stretched with apul of 22kg,find the corrected total length, given that the coefficient of expansion is tz x 10{ per oC weight of 1 cm3 of steel = 7.7504 g and E 2.ll x t06 tgl"-r. ' If = [Ans. 2000.384 m] 2.17 a-steeltape is 30 m rong between the end graduations at a temperature of 15"c when it is laid horizontally on the ground. Its sectional area equals 0.065 cm2, total weighr is 15.g N and the coefficient of expansion being 11.5 x 10-6 per oC. The tape is stretched on two supports 30 m apart and is also supported in the middle, the three supports being at the same level. calculate the actual length between tt e ena graduatiJns under the following conditions: temperature = 25"C, pulr on tL" tup" 100 N, and = E = 2.It x 105 N/mm2. fAns. 29.991 m] 2.18 A base line measured with a steel tape gives an approximate length of 1000 m. Compute the correct length of the base line at mean sea lever when the pull at the standardization equals 15 kg.,The applied pull is 23 kg.^The cross-sectionar area of tape is 0.0645 cm2 and z 2.ri x 106 = kg/cm2. Temperatures e and To aie 35.C and 15.C, respectively. The difference in level of the two ends of base line is 2 m. Radius of earth, R = 6400 km. Elevation of base line above mean sea level = 1000 m. 2.t9 , uiSr'#if :l::# Thethree bays of a base line were measured o, as 30.084, 29-973 and 25.233 m, under respective pults of z7 and 5 kg, temperatures of 12, 13o and 17'C and differences of level of supports of 0.3' 0.7 and 0.7 m. If the tape was standardized on the flat at a temperature of l5'c under a pull of 4.5 kg, what are the lengths of the bays? 30 m of tape is exactly 1 kg with steel at g300 kg/m2. The coefficient of expansion is 0.000011 per oc and the modulus of elasticity E=2.L x rOs i.i/mm2. [Ans. 30.057 m, 29.94O m and 25.194 m) 2.20 A steel tape was exactly 30 m long at 1g"c when supported throughout it,s length under a pull of 8 kg. A line was measured with a tape under a pull of 12 kg and found to be 1602 m. The mean temperature o*ing measurement was 26'C. Assuming the tape was supported at every 30 m, carcurate of the line, given cross-sectional oi the tape .l:ngtr= 0.04 cm'. weight of 1 cubic cm is 0-0077 kg, coefficient of thermar expansion, {z = 0.000012 C, E = 2.1 x Lff fAns. t6OZ.22 ml *"rT: *u kglcmz. Hoizontal Measurement 67 2.21 A line measured with a steer tape which was exactry 30 m at a temperature of 20'c and a pull of 10 kg. The measured length was 1650 m. The temperature during measurement was 30oc and a pull applied was 15 kg. Find the true length of the line, if the cross sectional area of the tape was 0.025 cmz. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the material of the tape per "c is 3.5 x 106 and the modulus of elasticity of the material of tape is 2.1 x 106 kglcm2. [Ans. 27.776g m) 2'22 A steel tape of 30 m nominal length was suspended between two supports to measure the rength of a line. The measured length on a slope bf 4o 25' is 29.8605 m. The mean temperature during the ireasurement was 15oc and the pull applied was r20 N. If the standard rength of the rape is 30.008 m at 27"c at the standard pull of 50 N, calcuhG the corrected horizontal length- Take the weight of tape 0.16 N/m" it's cross = sectional area = 2.75 mm2, coefficient o1tfr".rrrut expansion 1.2 x 10-;;;;;; = and E = Z.O5 x 106 N/mm2. [Ans. 29.]7002 ml 2.23 The slope distance between two stations A and B of elevations 1572.25 m and 4260.46 m, corrected for meteororogical conditions is 33449.215 m. Determine sea level distance, R = 6370 km. fAns. 33332.7g9 m) 2.1 In chain surveying, field work is limited to (a) linear measurements only (b) angular measurements only (c) both linear and angular measurements (d) none of the above 2.2 The accuracy of measurement in chain surveying, (a) length of the offset (b) scale of the plotting (c) importance of the features (d) general layout of the chain lines 2.3 Chain survey 2.4 ,< 2.6 does not depend upon is well adopted for (a) small surveys in open ground (b) small surveys with ups and downs (c) large area with simple details (d) large area with crowded details In a metric chain, number of links per metre can be (a) 2 (b) s (c) 8 (d) Cross-staff is used for (a) setting out right angles (c) both (a) and (b) 10 (b) measuring horizontal angles (d) measuring the bearing oi lin", In chain surveying, perpendiculars to the chain line are set oui ty (a) a theodolite @) a prismatic compass (c) a clinometer (d) an optical ,qru." 68 Surueying 2.7 Ranging is defined as (a) measuring the distance f,rom starting point (b) establishing intermediate points on a chain line (c) the distance between end points (d) a point on chain line 2.8 Chainage in chain survey means (a) the distance between end stations (b) the perpendicular distance of the object from (c) the distance of the object along the chain rine the chain line from the zero end of the chain (d) any disrance measured by chain in field 2.9 Main stations in chain survey are the points (a) lying in the area enclosed by survey lines (b) connected by main sorrey lines (c) on main survey lines to cover the rocal details (d) on main survey lines to check the accuracy of the survey work 2.10 Oblique offsets are used to (a) locate broken boundaries (b) locate boundary lines of property (c) check the accuracy of tne plottea work in chain survey (d) plot the chainage 2'll which of the following methods results horizontal distance on rough grounds: (a) (c) chaining in higher accuracy for measuring @) raping tacheometr z'rz wn**""rr.rlrorizonrar am*""(1],i,io:[]nt, h,ls, it is berter measure the distance by to (a) stepping down slope (c) both of the-above @) stepping up slope (dj suspending tape in air 2.13 The maximum tolerances in aZOrn 30 m chain are (a) t2 mm tg *"ra (b) t: mm +5 mm (c) t5 .n- *, (d) t8 mm +5 mm pickrp 2il rh";";;;Tatementls). (i) A metric chain is 30 m long (ii) A metric chain is 20 m lon! (a) (i) is correct (b) Gi) is correct (c) both (i) and (ii) are corecr uotr, are wrong 2'15 Prolongation of a chain rine across iaj anobstruction in cha-in survey is done (a) making angular observations (b) drawing perpendiculars with a chain (c) solution of triangle (d) ail of the above (e) onty (a) and (b) Hotizontal Measuremenf 69 2.16 while measuring a line between two stations A and B intervened by raised ground, (a) the vision gets obstructed (b) the chaining gets obsrructed (c) vision and chaining both get obstructed (d) none of the above a 2.17 A well-conditioned triangle should not have angles more than (a) 30' 2.18 Offsets are (b) 120. (c) 45' (d) 60" (a) short measurements from the chain line (b) ties or check lines which are perpendicular to the chain line (c) chain lines which go out of alignment (d) both (a) and (b) 2.19 The correction to be applied to each 30 m chain length along slope is ,/ Yo (a) 30 (1 (c) 30 (1 - sec cos a) m a) m (b) 30 (sec a- 1) m (d) 30 (cos a _ l) m A-tape of length / and weight w N/m is suspended at its end with a pull of P newtons. The required sag correction is 1a) twztzupz 1a1 Pw3tz+r, @) p*ztz4pz 2.21 Compensating or accidental errors are proportional to (d) lw2t24p (u) L,,, (b) L1t3 (d) uL @) L 2.22 Check lines (proof lines) in chain surveying are essentially required (a) to plot the chain line (b) to plot the offsets (c) to indicate the correctness of the survey work (d) to increase the efficiency of the surveyor 2.23 Perpendicularity of an offset may be judged by eye if the length of the offset is less than (a)5m (b)10m (c)15m (d)20m 2.24 which of the following instruments is generally used for base line measurement? (a) Chain (c) Steel tape @) Metallic tape (d) Invar tape 2.25 Invar tape is made of an alloy of (a) copper and steel (b) brass and nickel (c) brass and steel (d) steel and nickel 2.26 The length of a chain is measured from the (a) centre of one handle to the centre of other handle (b) outside of one handle to the outside of other handle (c) outside of one handle to the inside of other handle (d) inside of one handle to the inside of other handle 2.27 The angle of intersection of the two plain mirrors of the optical is (a) 30' (b) 45. (c) 60' (d) 90' square 7O Surueying 2.28 which of the folrowing angres can be set out with the help of French cross-staff? 2.29 lt (a) 45. only (c) borh of the above by @) 90. only (d) any angle the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted (a) straightening the links (b) rgmoving one or more small circurar rings and by placing bigger rlngs (c) closing the joints of the rings, if opened (d) all of the above 2.30 lt the length of a chain is found to be too long on testing, it can adjusted by (a) closing the opened joints of rings (b) reshaping elongated links (c) removing one or more circular rings (d) replacing the worn out rings (e) all of the above 2.31 The position of a point can be fixed accurately by (a) cross-staff @) optical square (c) clinometer (d) perpendicular be offset 2.32 Figure 2.43 shows one of the brass tallies of a 30 m chain. The distance of this tally from the nearest end of the chain is (a) 5m (b) 10 m (c) 15 m (d) 20 m 2'33 which of the following is an obstacle to chaining but not to r^\ )"/ 1) ranging? (a) (c) River Building @) Hiilock 2.34 A building is an obstacle to Fig. 2.43 (d) None of the above (a) chaining but not to ranging (b) ranging but not ro chaining (c) both chaining and ranging (d) neither chaining nor ranging 2.35 which of the forowing is not used in measuring perpendicular offsets? (a) Line ranger (b) Tape (c) Optical square (d) Cross-staff 2.36 During chaining arong a straight rine with a 20 mchain, the leader of the party has 4 arrows in his hand while the foilower has 6. Distance of the follower from the starting point is (a) 4 chains (b) 6 chains (c) g chains (d) lZ chains 2'37 The main difference between an optical square and a prism square is (a) the difference in the principle of working (b) that an optical square is more accurate than a prism square Hoizontal Measurement 71 (c) that no adjustment is required in a prism square since the angle between the reflecting surfaces cannot be changed (d) all of the above 2.38 The allowable length of an offset depends upon the (a) degree of accuracy required (b) method of setting out the perpendicular (c) scale of plotting (d) all of the above and nature of ground 2.39 Normal tension is that pull which (a) is used at the time of standardizing the tape (b) (c) (d) neutralizes the effect due to sag makes the correction due to sag equal to zero makes the correction due to pull equal to zero 2.40 The correction for sag is (a) always additive (b) always subtractive (c) always zero (d) sometimes additive and sometimes subtractive 2.41 The permissible error in chaining for measurement with a chain on rough or hilly ground is (a) 1 in 100 (b) 1 in 250 (c) I in 500 (d) 1 htzL (O zh2lL 2.42 Corrcction for slope is given by 61 nznr g) htL (c) in 1000 2.43 The required slope correction for a length of 30 m, along a gradicnt of 1 in 20 is (a) 3.75 cm (b) 0.375 cm (c) 27.5 cm (d) 2.75 cm 2.44 lf the length of a chain line along a slope of a is l, the required slope correction is (a) 2l cot2 a/2 (b) 2l sinz al2 (c) I tanz al2 (d) I 2.45 Match the following (I) Correction for standard length cosz atT (A) C" = LCll (II) Correction for (IV) (V) Sag correction =' ;{o t (C) C, = u (T^ - T)L @) q" = \f tl24 Pz Reduction to m.s.l. (E)Cn=LhlR (VI) Normal tension trtr=: tension (III) Correction for temperature where (B) Cp .L =measured length, O.2O4w,lAE {P-Po C = correction applied, and / = nominal length of tape (a) (b) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D, V-E, I-C, II_D, IIT_B, IV_A. V_F, VI-F VT_E 72 Surueying (c) I-B, II-A, III-F, (d) none of the above IV-C, V-E, VI-D 2.46 For setting out an offset at an angle of 45' with a chain line, the instrument used is (a) an optical square (b) an open cross-staff (c) a French cross-staff (d) a prism square 2.47 A pair of slots at right angles to each other are provided in (a) cross-staff (b) arrow (c) ranging rod (d) offset rod 2.48 The limiting length of an offset does not depend upon (a) accuracy of the work (b) method of setting out perpendicular (c) scale of plotring (d) the number of features to be surveyed 2.49 Pick up the correct statement. (a) The cost of making a horizontal measurement decreases with an increase in the desired precision. (b) A base line may be measured with a precision of 1 in 106 (c) Tie stations are generally located on the intersection of two main survey lines (d) Base line is a line lying at the base of the area to be surveyed by a chain 2.50 Pick up the correct statement(s). (i) offset is the distance from the foot of an object to the chain line (ii) Perpendicular offsets may have infinite length (a) only (i) is correct (b) only (ii) is correct (c) both (i) and (ii) are correct (d) none of the above is correct 2.51 Pick up the correct statement. (a) A revenue chain is 66 ft long. (b) Gunter devised the invar tape. (c) A tally is used to facilitate observation in an optical square. (d) A brass ring is provided at every metre length in a metric chain. 2.52 While testing a chain, a tension of 80 N is applied at the ends of (a) 20 m chain (b) 30 m chain (c) both (a) and (b) a (d) Gunter,s chain 2.53 Pick up the correct statement. (a) Invar is an alloy of sreel (36Vo) and fickel (64Vo) (b) A steel tape is soft and easily deforms as compared to invar tape. (c) Metallic tape is made by weaving linen with brass wires. (d) Steel tapes can be used comfortably in grounds with weeds and vegetation. 2.54 Pick up the correct statement. (a) A ranging rod is provided with a stout open ring recessed hook. (b) An offset cannot be laid with a French cross-staff. Horizontal Measurement 73 (c) Optical square and cross-staff are used for the same purpose. (d) clinometer is used to measure the directions of survey lines in chain survey. 2.55 Pick up the correct statement(s). ' (i) In the process of chaining, the leader inserts the arrows and the follower picks them up. (ii) A leader follows the instructions of the follower. a) only (i) is correct. (b) only (ii) is correct. (c) both (i) and (ii) are correct. (d) none of the above is correct. Pick up the incorrect statement. (a) It is easy to measure distance down the slopes. (b) Incorrect plumbing, while measuring distances on slopes, is a cumulative error- (c) Sag correction is a cumulative error. (d) Incorrect holding of chain at arrow is a compensating error. 2.57 Pick up the correct statement. (a) Sag correction may be positive or negative. (b) The limiting length of an offset is independent of the scale of plotting. (c) Error due to laying of the direction of offset is negligible. (d) The slope correction is always subtractive. 2.58 Pick up the correct statement(s). (i) The length of the offsets in a chain survey is always limited to reduce error in plotted work. (ii) Perpendicular offsets are used for filling in details. (a) only (i) is correct. (b) only (ii) is correct. (c) both (i) and (ii) are correct. (d) none of the above is correcr. 2.59 Pick up the correct statement(s). (i) Optical square is better than a prism square. (ii) In both the optical and prism squares, the principle of operation is same. (a) only (i) is correct. (b) only (ii) is correct. (c) both (i) and (ii) are correct. (d) none of the above is correct. 2.60 which of the following is the most precise instrument for measuring horizontal distances. (a) Chain (b) Tape (c) Tacheometer (d) Tellurometer 2.61 Two mirrors are used for offsetting in (a) cross-staff (c) miner's dial (b) optical square (d) prismitic compass 2.62 What is the angle between two plane mirrors of an optical (a) 30" (b) 60' (c) 45" 2.63 The object of chain and cross-staff survey is to 1. locate the boundaries of an area. 2. plot the figure to a scale. square? (d) 90. 74 Surueying 3. find the area of the plot. 4. find the reduced levels of the plot. Which of the above statements is/are correct? (d) 4 alone (a) 1,2,3 and4 (b) 1,2, and 3 (c) 1 and 2 2.64 Which of the following instruments have both horizon glass and index glass? 2. Line ranger 4. Pedometer 1. Optical square 3. Box sextant Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) 2,3, and 4 (b) 1, 3, and 4 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 2 and 4 only 2.65 What is the slope correction for a length of 30.0 m along a gradient of 1 in 2O? (d) 0.0375 cm (c) 0.375 cm (c) 37.5 m (a) 3.75 cm 2.66 A 30 m metric chain is found to be 10 cm too short throughout a measurement. If the distance measured is recorded as 300 m, what is the actual distance? (d) 310.0 m (c) 299.0 m (b) 301.0 m (a) 300.1 m 2.67 A 20 m chain was found to be 10 cm too long after chaining a distance ' of 2000 m. If was found to be 18 cm too long at the end of the day's work after chaining a total distance of 4000 m. What is the true distance if the chain was correct before the commencement of the day's work? (d) 4038 m (C) 3981 m (b) 4019 m (a) 3962 m to Objectiae-type Questions 2.3 (a) 2.2 (d) 2.t (a) 2.9 (b) 2.7 (b) 2.8 (c) z.ts (d) 2.r3 (c) 2.14 (c) Answers (c) 2.2s (d) 2.31 (d) 2.37 (c) 2.43 (a) 249 (b) 2.55 (c) 2.61 (b) 2.19 2.67 (b) 2.20 2.26 2.32 2.38 2.44 2.50 2.s6 2.62 (a) (b) (a) (d) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a) 2.27 (b) 2.33 (a) 2.39 (b) 2.45 (a) 2.51 (d) 2.s7 (d) 2.63 (b) 2.21 2.4 (b) 2.10 (b) 2.t6 (a) 2.22 (c) 2.28 (c) 2.34 (c) 2.40 (b) 2.46 {c) 2.52 (c) 2.58 (c) 2.64 (a) (a) Z.rt (c) 2.t7 (b) 2.23 (c) 2.29 (a) 2.35 (a) 2.4t (b) 2.47 (d) 2.53 (c) 2.s9 (b) 2.6s (d) 2.5 2.6 (d) 2.t2 (a) 2.18 (d) 2.24 (d) 2.30 (e) 2.36 (b) 2.42 (a) 2.48 (d) 2.54 (c) 2.60 (d) 2.66 (c)