Rejoiced over the birth of Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him), Muslims worldwide seizes such a marvelous opportunity to engulf their souls
and hearts with a fragrance of his biography and a glimpse of his guidance he has brought to mankind.
When we ponder Prophet's Mohamed life, we discover two significant
aspects of his personality: The human aspect and the prophetic aspect,
as Allah says in the holy Qur'an: " Say (O Mohamed): I am only a man
like you. It has been revealed to me" (18: 110).
To understand that he was sent as a mercy to mankind, we have to look
at the status of women under his guidance and founding of family upon
affection and compassion, and glorification of sanctuaries in Islam.
This issue contains a few items in commemoration of such a blessed anniversary of the Prophet's birthday which yields, in hearts of Muslims and
the unbiased in the world, all feelings of affection, faith, role model.
In celebration of the Prophet's birthday, the United Arab Emirates marks
this blessed occasion with affection and belonging.
The United Arab Emirates, government and people, celebrates this
praiseworthy event so that the coming generations can grasp the status
of the last Prophet (PBUH).
Manar Al Islam
Feb 2012
Monthly Islamic
& Cultural Magazine
United Arab Emirates
General Authority for Islamic Affairs & Endowments
Editor in Chief
Established in 1394 AH (1974 AD)
Issued on 1st day of every lunar month
By the General Authority of Islamic Affairs &
Dr. Ahmed Al Mousa
Editorial Board
Maisara Al Hibir
Abdul Mu,en Da,as
Hajar Al Awadhi
Naama Al Shaibani
Amna Al Mansori
The United Arab Emirates
All correspondence to be addressed to:
P.O.Box 2922 Abu Dhabi. U.A.E
Tel. +971 2 6143 666 - Fax: +971 2 6212484
Art Director
Fida'a Al Najjari
Editing &
Proof Reading
Mohammad Jamal Masri
Arabic Into English
Mouhiddine Addoum
Is it permissible to read the Qur'an just by looking at it
without uttering the words?
Reciting the holy Qur'an without uttering the words (without
moving the tongue) does not legally achieve the actual recital whether it is performed by only looking at the Sacred Book of Qur'an or
not. However, it is allowed for people who are in a state of major
ritual impurity to look at words printed in a copy of the Qur'an without uttering words and s/he being rewarded for this deed. During
the obligatory or supererogatory prayers, the recital of the Qur'an
should be done at least by moving the tongue and it is much better
to read the Qur'an in a recitation that is only loud enough for you to
hear yourself (in other words, you can hear everything that you are
saying). The Muslim scholar, Imam Malik (may Allah's mercy be upon
his soul) said in his Book 'Al Mudawwana': 'Reading the Qur'an in the
prayers is invalid until it is performed by moving the tongue'.
Ibn Arafa quoted by the writer of the Book "Taj and Ikleel" 'Crown
& Wreath': 'Reading the Qur'an without uttering words is invalid'.
Ibn Qassim said: 'He who moves his tongue in silence while reading
the holy Qur'an, his reading is valid even he makes his ears listen to
utterance of his words'.
Allah knows best.
The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments unveiled a documentary highlighting its most outstanding activities
since its foundation to present
day in Arabic and English. The
documentary is one of the latest
publications of the GAIAE.
The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
celebrated the annual anniversary
of the birth of Prophet Mohamed
(PBUH) in the mosque of Sheikh
Mohamed bin Zayed in Abu Dhabi.
The ceremony was attended by
HE Dr Hamdan Moslem Al Mazrouei, the GAIAE's chairman, HE
Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi, the
GAIAE's Director General, HE Dr
Farouk Hamada, the religious advisor at the Crown Prince Court of
Abu Dhabi, their Excellencies the
executive directors of the GAIAE,
and a number of scholars and
members of diplomatic corps and a
huge crowd of audience who came
to the mosque in large numbers.
The ceremony started with recital
of some verses of the holy Qur'an,
followed by a speech delivered
by Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi,
in which he extended the deepest congratulations to HH Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the
UAE President, may Allah protect
him, HH Sheikh Mohamed bin
Rashed Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of
Dubai, their brothers, their Highnesses, members of the Supreme
Council, Rulers of Emirates, and
the General HH Sheikh Mohamed
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown
Prince of Abu Dhabi, the Deputy
of the Supreme Commander of
the UAE Armed Forces and UAE
nationals. He then prayed to Allah, the Almighty, to have mercy
upon the soul of the founder of the
UAE and maker of its history, the
late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al
Speaking of such a glorious anniversary, Dr Al Kaabi cast light on
the merits and traits of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in his mercy and
compassion towards the women,
children, and persons with special
needs mentioning some of examples of the prophet's blessed life in
this field.
In his speech on this occasion,
he emphasized that the GAIAE
has born on its burden the responsibility of implementing the astute
UAE leadership vision in implanting the values of mercy, tolerance,
and affection within the UAE society. He went on to add that the
GAIAE is a leading authority in
raising the social awareness in
conformity with the tolerant teachings of Islam that understands
reality and considers future and
spreads noble values through Friday sermons, mosque lectures,
preaching plan, lectures and conferences in schools, universities,
societal institutions, radio and TV
broadcasts and Qur'an memorization centres with the aim of preparing a generation religiously aware
on the basis of moderation, mercy,
purification, tolerance, and affection. This generation would fulfill
its duty in building this nation and
preserve its acquisitions and accomplishments.
speeches offered by scholars who
dealt with other aspects of life of
the Prophet between his companions, his blessed family and people. Sheikh Abdurrahman Amoura
requested the audience to set the
Prophet's companions an example
to be followed who, by the grace
of Allah, were bestowed with the
Prophet, who brought them from
the pit of darkness into the beacon
of light and installed in their souls
and hearts affection and mercy.
'How much we need today to
promote our love for Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) so as to be blessed
with safety and compassion in our
societies', he concluded.
Omar Al Dari', master's student
at Mohamed V University-Abu
Dhabi branch, delivered a highly
eloquent speech which was about
the Qur'anic verse: "Certainly a
Messenger has come to you from
among yourselves; grievous to
him is your falling into distress,
excessively solicitous respecting
you; to the believers (he is) compassionate". (9:128).
He went on to say: ' We should
stick by the breezes of Prophet
Mohamed (pbuh) guidance if we
want to be raised high and be
blessed with love for our people
and country in our hearts'. In conclusion of his speech, He supplicated to Allah, to return such occasion accompanied with safety,
tranquility, to our leadership, our
beloved country, and the entire
Muslim nation.
Sheikh Mohamed Abdurrahman
had talked about the status of poetry in the era of the Prophet and
the respective Islamic epochs and
to the Muslim scholars after he recited a poem which attracted the
attendees' attention.
The ceremony ended with a
speech delivered by Sheikh Ahmed
Motawi', on behalf of Imams, in
which he spoke about human features of the Prophet's personality
affirming the necessity of raising
the coming generations to learn
his fragrant biography in all stages
of his call to Allah, the exalted so
that they can set the Prophet an
example in all his merits.
The ceremony was presented
by Nassir AL Yamahi, master's researcher at Mohamed V University.
Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi,
the GAIAE's Director General,
said: ' Since HH Sheikh Khalifa
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE
President, may Allah protect him,
issued the Law No. 34 for 2006
relating to the establishment of
the General Authority of Islamic
Affairs and Endowments, the
cavalcade of progress is heading towards constant excellence
and development thanks to the
relentless support extended by
the judicious UAE leadership'.
He further said that the film
would shed light on the GAIAE's
the Official Fatwa Centre, unification of radio and television
broadcasting of Friday's speech
which is aired from one Emirate
to another, the completion of the
unified Adhan (call to prayer)
project and campaigns entitled'
Our Mosques are Landmarks
of our Civilisation' which would
raise public's awareness on
the importance of treating the
mosques in a civilised manner and the initiative of standardizing electronic screens in
Feb 2012
Toll free number Service (8002422) available from 8
AM to 8 PM during office hours in three languages:
Arabic - English - Urdu.
Ifta' SMS Service number (2535) of not more than
two hundred characters for each sms available from
8 AM to 8 PM during office hours.
The Reliable Guide Service 24/7 via the GAIAE's
website: www.awqaf.ae
In summary: Reading the
holy Qur'an without uttering the words (without moving the tongue) does not
legally achieve the de facto
reading whether it is performed by only looking at
the holy Qur'an or not. However, reading the Qur'an in
heart is granted reward by
Allah, the Exalted.
Is it permissible for the worshipper who prays by himself to be patted on his shoulder to be the leader in the
It is permissible for the one who finds someone praying alone to
pat on his shoulder to be the leader in the prayer so that the latter
be attentive that some one is praying behind him and then could
include the former in his supplication. The prayer of the former is
valid whether or not he draws attention of the leader in the prayer.
Accordingly, the one who is led in the prayer is rewarded like that of
the prayer in congregation just by being led in the prayer even if he
does not draw the attention of the leader in the prayer.
Sheikh Al Kharshi (may Allah have his mercy upon his soul) said:'
whoever finds some one praying and intends to be led in the prayer,
he got the reward of being led in the prayer compared with the
leader in the prayer of which the intention of being the leader in the
prayer is not a requirement for the validity of his prayer as well as
being the leader in the prayer'. However the intention of being the
leader in the prayer in congregation is a prerequisite of the validity of
the prayer such as the Friday's prayer that the Imam must have prior
intention of leading the prayer before standing up for prayer.
In summary: It is permissible for the one who finds
someone praying alone to
pat on his shoulder to be
the leader in the prayer so
that the latter be attentive
that some one is praying
behind him and then could
include the former in his
Feb 2012
Ahmed Amin
Syed Bilal Ahmed
Opinions expressed in this
magazine are those of the
authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the editors
and the publisher.
Dear Reader: This magazine contains verses from the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith
of the Prophet (PBUH). It is therefore necessary you treat it with utmost respect.
Implementing the prudent UAE
leadership commitment to abiding
by the rulings and principles of the
religion of Islam in the cavalcade
of relief, charitable and humanitarian operations conducted by
the UAE Red Crescent Authority
inside and outside of the country,
the Red Crescent addressed a
number of religious queries to the
Official Fatwa Centre in the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and
The religious committee replied
all questions, most of which were
of contemporary nature. They
were analyzed in due form by
the religious committee and were
highly appreciated by the RCA.
A meeting was held with the
committee under the chairmanship
of HE Dr Hamdan Al Mazrouei,
the GAIAE's chairman and HE
Dr Mohamed Al Falahi, Secretary
General of the UAE Red Crescent
Authority. Many officials from both
sides also attended the meeting.
At the outset of the meeting, HE
Dr Hamdan Al Mazrouei hailed the
relentless support spearheaded
by the astute UAE leadership in
supporting the relief, charitable
and humanitarian efforts that the
UAE is heading as represented by
the RCA which acts in full adherence to the principles of the Islamic Shari’a (Islamic law).
Dr Farouk Hamada, the religious
advisor at the Crown Prince Court
and chairman of the GAIAE's religious committee, read out the
questions that were received from
the RCA and their corresponding
Fatawa (religious opinions). They
dealt with expenses incurred by
fundraising operations, including
collection, expenditure, administrative transfer to beneficiaries inside and outside the country and
duties, in addition to other projects such as fast-breaking Zakat,
sponsoring the faster with food,
giving out slaughter animals, the
endowment, charity bank account
and the orphan sponsorship.
A discussion followed by the religious committee which dwelt upon
some questions raised by persons
in charge within the RCA to clarify
some issues that face them. For
their part, the RCA officials requested clarifications about the
objectives of Fatawa that were issued by the committee.
One pending issue is the request of the religious committee
for more time to further study the
matter of the benefactor's intention as represented by the RCA in
delivery of charity.
At the end of the meeting, HE Dr
Mohamed Al Falahi, the Secretary
General of the RCA, commended
the juristic vision and the contemporary scientific reasoning performed
by the religious committee in order
to enlighten the RAC's path in its
relief, charitable and humanitarian
operations as inspired by the principles of the religion of Islam.
Feb 2012
The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments
celebrated the annual anniversary
of the birth of Prophet Mohamed
(PBUH) in the mosque of Sheikh
Mohamed bin Zayed in Abu Dhabi.
The ceremony was attended by
HE Dr Hamdan Moslem Al Mazrouei, the GAIAE's chairman, HE
Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi, the
GAIAE's Director General, HE Dr
Farouk Hamada, the religious advisor at the Crown Prince Court of
Abu Dhabi, their Excellencies the
executive directors of the GAIAE,
and a number of scholars and
members of diplomatic corps and a
huge crowd of audience who came
to the mosque in large numbers.
The ceremony started with recital
of some verses of the holy Qur'an,
followed by a speech delivered
by Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi,
in which he extended the deepest congratulations to HH Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the
UAE President, may Allah protect
him, HH Sheikh Mohamed bin
Rashed Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of
Dubai, their brothers, their Highnesses, members of the Supreme
Council, Rulers of Emirates, and
the General HH Sheikh Mohamed
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown
Prince of Abu Dhabi, the Deputy
of the Supreme Commander of
the UAE Armed Forces and UAE
nationals. He then prayed to Allah, the Almighty, to have mercy
upon the soul of the founder of the
UAE and maker of its history, the
late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al
Speaking of such a glorious anniversary, Dr Al Kaabi cast light on
the merits and traits of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in his mercy and
compassion towards the women,
children, and persons with special
needs mentioning some of examples of the prophet's blessed life in
this field.
In his speech on this occasion,
he emphasized that the GAIAE
has born on its burden the responsibility of implementing the astute
UAE leadership vision in implanting the values of mercy, tolerance,
and affection within the UAE society. He went on to add that the
GAIAE is a leading authority in
raising the social awareness in
conformity with the tolerant teachings of Islam that understands
reality and considers future and
spreads noble values through Friday sermons, mosque lectures,
preaching plan, lectures and conferences in schools, universities,
societal institutions, radio and TV
broadcasts and Qur'an memorization centres with the aim of preparing a generation religiously aware
on the basis of moderation, mercy,
purification, tolerance, and affection. This generation would fulfill
its duty in building this nation and
preserve its acquisitions and accomplishments.
speeches offered by scholars who
The General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments unveiled a documentary highlighting its most outstanding activities
since its foundation to present
day in Arabic and English. The
documentary is one of the latest
publications of the GAIAE.
dealt with other aspects of life of
the Prophet between his companions, his blessed family and people. Sheikh Abdurrahman Amoura
requested the audience to set the
Prophet's companions an example
to be followed who, by the grace
of Allah, were bestowed with the
Prophet, who brought them from
the pit of darkness into the beacon
of light and installed in their souls
and hearts affection and mercy.
'How much we need today to
promote our love for Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) so as to be blessed
with safety and compassion in our
societies', he concluded.
Omar Al Dari', master's student
at Mohamed V University-Abu
Dhabi branch, delivered a highly
eloquent speech which was about
the Qur'anic verse: "Certainly a
Messenger has come to you from
among yourselves; grievous to
him is your falling into distress,
excessively solicitous respecting
you; to the believers (he is) compassionate". (9:128).
He went on to say: ' We should
stick by the breezes of Prophet
Mohamed (pbuh) guidance if we
want to be raised high and be
blessed with love for our people
and country in our hearts'. In conclusion of his speech, He supplicated to Allah, to return such occasion accompanied with safety,
tranquility, to our leadership, our
beloved country, and the entire
Muslim nation.
Sheikh Mohamed Abdurrahman
had talked about the status of poetry in the era of the Prophet and
the respective Islamic epochs and
to the Muslim scholars after he recited a poem which attracted the
attendees' attention.
The ceremony ended with a
speech delivered by Sheikh Ahmed
Motawi', on behalf of Imams, in
which he spoke about human features of the Prophet's personality
affirming the necessity of raising
the coming generations to learn
his fragrant biography in all stages
of his call to Allah, the exalted so
that they can set the Prophet an
example in all his merits.
The ceremony was presented
by Nassir AL Yamahi, master's researcher at Mohamed V University.
Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi,
the GAIAE's Director General,
said: ' Since HH Sheikh Khalifa
bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the UAE
President, may Allah protect him,
issued the Law No. 34 for 2006
relating to the establishment of
the General Authority of Islamic
Affairs and Endowments, the
cavalcade of progress is heading towards constant excellence
and development thanks to the
relentless support extended by
the judicious UAE leadership'.
He further said that the film
would shed light on the GAIAE's
the Official Fatwa Centre, unification of radio and television
broadcasting of Friday's speech
which is aired from one Emirate
to another, the completion of the
unified Adhan (call to prayer)
project and campaigns entitled'
Our Mosques are Landmarks
of our Civilisation' which would
raise public's awareness on
the importance of treating the
mosques in a civilised manner and the initiative of standardizing electronic screens in
Feb 2012
In line with its policy to care
for Waqf through promoting
its services in cavalcade of
fostering civilisational, economic and social headway,
the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments signed a contract with
the East Coast Contracting Company (ECCC) at its
premises in Abu Dhabi with
the aim of constructing Waqf
building in the area of Al Sharia in Fujeirah for a cost of
AED 10 m.
HE Dr Mohamed Matar Al
kaabi, the GAIAE's Director
General, said that the Authority is keen to implement
the directives of the astute
UAE leadership to promote
waqf through developing its
mechanisms and establishing
methods commensurate with
the modern economy and the
outstanding renaissance that
the UAE is witnessing.
On this occasion, Dr Al
Kaabi commended the un-
limited support of HH Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
the UAE President, may Allah
protect him, Vice-president
HH Mohamed bin Rashed
Al Maktoum, Prime Minister,
Ruler of Dubai, Their Highnesses Members of the Supreme Council, Ruler of the
Emirates, and HH Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
the Crown Prince of Abu
Dhabi, and Deputy of the
Supreme Commander of the
UAE Armed Forces. He also
praised the care extended by
HH Sheikh Hamad bin Mohamed Al Sharqi, Member of
the Supreme Council and Ruler of Fujeirah in the GAIAE's
projects and achievements.
"The signature of the contract falls within the scope of
waqf building construction
process across the country. It
is also a part of the GAIAE's
strategic plan approved by the
Cabinet, mentioning that the
Authority is moving forward
into implementing its programs to raise public awareness on the importance of
contributing to Waqf due to its
benefit for both the donor and
society", added Dr Mohamed
Matar Al Kaabi.
It is noteworthy that Al Khayr
Waqf building is made up of
one ground floor, seven storyes and one roof as per asbuilt drawings. Into this respect, the concluded contract
stipulates that the second party (ECCC) shall undertake to
construct the project in compliance with terms, conditions
and specifications agreed
upon by the two contracting
A survey conducted by the
Emirates Centre for Strategic
Studies and Research (ECSSR) found that 81% of customers were satisfied with the
services provided by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs
and Endowments (GAIAE). The
survey included six categories
of customers: mosque-goers,
Hajj and Umrah operators, pilgrims, benefactors and donors,
Waqf real estate lessees, and
Fatwa seekers.
'This survey falls within the
GAIAE's strategic plan for
2011-2013 as approved by the
Cabinet aiming at investigating
the customers' views, boosting the level of performance,
developing the quality of services offered to the public and
promoting the standards of outstanding performance', said HE
Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi,
the GAIAE's Director General.
The poll outcomes relied on
a study targeting 1200 persons
for feedback on the GAIAE's
services in 2011. Their response to the opinion poll was
95.4%. The pilgrims and Umrah operators expressed their
satisfaction with 81.7%, benefactors and donors with 81.1%,
while the pilgrims were satisfied to 81% and 80.7% for the
According to the survey,
83.5% were satisfied at the
services offered by the GAIAIE through the Official Fatwa
Centre and 89.02% affirmed
that they trusted the religious
opinions they had received
via SMS, whereas 80.8% via
phone. The GAIAE's website
achieved higher percentage by
91.7% due to easy access to its
services via the GAIAE's website.
The survey also revealed that
8 out of 10 persons expressed
having received clear and
straightforward religious opinions and 90.8% were pleased
with the time between the request and receipt of Fatawa via
84.8% of the target audience
were satisfied with the role
played by the GAIAE in taking
care of the mosques, whereas
the overall satisfaction of the
GAIAE's services by different
categories of customers stood
at 81%.
Dr Al Kaabi attributed this
marvelous percentage of customers' satisfaction to the unlimited support extended by the
prudent UAE leadership and
the efforts exerted by the GAIAE personnel.
Dr Al Kaabi expressed his
deep appreciation and thanks
to the ECSSR for their attempts in conducting this study.
"ECSSR is the competent entity in such cases in the UAE
due to its worldwide renowned
reputation and status" ,he concluded.
Feb 2012
Dr Mohamed Matar Al Kaabi,
the GAIAIE's Director General,
received Sheikh Ahmed bin Al
Sheikh Abdullah, the Chairman
of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Ethiopia and delegation accompanying him that
has recently visited the UAE.
This visit came within the
framework of exchanging views
on a number of issues of mutual
interest, such as enhancing the
interfaith peaceful coexistence,
and strengthening the values of
tolerance and moderation.
At the outset of the visit, Dr Al
Kaabi welcomed Mr. Al Sheikh
and explained to him the values
and principles that the GAIAE is
accomplishing under the patron-
age and leadership of HH Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the
UAE President, may Allah protect him, who has boosted the
methodology of moderation and
religious tolerance within the
UAE society, in addition to the
human cooperation in various
fields, such as in culture, charity
and relief operations.
For his part, Mr. Al Sheikh Ab-
Dr Mohamed Matar al Kaabi, the
GAIAE's Director General, stated that the GAIAE is planning to
maximize the religious lectures in
mosques as the religious publications department is currently working preparing the second edition
of 'Mosque Lectures' which would
contain new issues were not incorporated in the first one. He also
added that the GAIAE approved
a study program which would establish daily lessons in the country' mosques instead of delivering
three lectures a week. He further
stated that the lectures would
dwell upon simple and clear issues
and ideas and would not exceed
ten minutes at the latest. These
lectures would revolve around the
holy Qur'an, the Sunnah of the
prophet (PBUH), interpretation of
the Qur'an, Hadith and ethics and
many other matters of Islamic culture, and social, national and human values.
Dr Al Kaabi mentioned that
the GAIAE published, within the
framework of boosting the moder-
dullah commended the outstanding development achieved by the
GAIAE in managing the religious
affairs as well as using modern
techniques by the scholars in
the official Fatwa centre in communication with the customers
and enquirers, examining the
authenticity of Fatwa (religious
opinions), documenting and publishing them in different websites
for broader knowledge sharing.
The delegation praised the
methodology of preparing the
Friday Sermon as well as the
daily preaching plan during the
year. They also appreciated
the architectural development
of mosques in the UAE and the
care they recteive to be globally
recognized landmarks and oasis
of faith for cementing religious
values in society.
At the end of the visit, Mr. Al
Sheikh Ahmed discussed with Dr
Al Kaabi the best ways of benefitting from the GAIAE's experience in the religious affair and
means for future cooperation between the two friendly countries
and peoples.
ate Islamic culture in UAE society,
a number of booklets that contain
simplified religious rulings about
the purity, and acts of worship as
per the Maliki jurisprudence; the
school of the Islamic Jurisprudence adopted by the UAE.
He made clear that the GAIAE
was so keen, as per its strategic
plan, to give much importance to
the Qur'an memorization centres
which would have a great benefit
for both society and nation. He
further mentioned that the Qur'an
Implementing the GAIAE's
strategic plan relating to the
management of operational
health and safety and seeking to set up an effective
internal system to manage
crises and disasters by ensuring security and safety
within the building, the GAIAE's branch in Ajman held,
in coordination with the
Civil Defense Department,
evacuation training course
aiming at raising the branch
personnel awareness on
handling fire incidents.
Mr. Obeid Hamad Al Zaabi, the Director of Ajman
Branch, said that the branch
memorization centres are on increase to reach around 55, whilst
the number of learning sessions
in mosques, within Qur'an memorization programs, is more than
400. The overall number of students enrolled in the centres and
learning sessions is more than
22.000 students of both genres.
Strengthening the role of these
centres and being a place of attraction for students, the GAIAE is
trying to diversify the activities to
include holding an annual compe-
personnel had been given
information about the evacuation plan, types and necessary information needed
in the evacuation order, categories of top priority, in addition to clarifications on the
spots of gathering as well as
the preventive measures for
the staff of the building.
The staff were distributed
into four main groups: First
Aid, Reception, Fire-Fighters
and Evacuation team, in addition to other three teams:
Communication, Media, and
Gathering Spot. Each team
was briefed on its tasks and
tition of the Qur'an memorization,
earmarking awards, organizing
religious lectures and ceremonies
and honouring the winners at the
end of each session.
centres and religious institutes
are keen to achieve excellence
in memorizing the Qur'an at the
quantitative and qualitative levels
in order to build a complete Muslim personality distinctive in understanding, reciting and memorizing
the Qur'an", he concluded.
Feb 2012
Toll free number Service (8002422) available from 8
AM to 8 PM during office hours in three languages:
Arabic - English - Urdu.
Ifta' SMS Service number (2535) of not more than
two hundred characters for each sms available from
8 AM to 8 PM during office hours.
The Reliable Guide Service 24/7 via the GAIAE's
website: www.awqaf.ae
Is it permissible to read the Qur'an just by looking at it
without uttering the words?
Reciting the holy Qur'an without uttering the words (without
moving the tongue) does not legally achieve the actual recital whether it is performed by only looking at the Sacred Book of Qur'an or
not. However, it is allowed for people who are in a state of major
ritual impurity to look at words printed in a copy of the Qur'an without uttering words and s/he being rewarded for this deed. During
the obligatory or supererogatory prayers, the recital of the Qur'an
should be done at least by moving the tongue and it is much better
to read the Qur'an in a recitation that is only loud enough for you to
hear yourself (in other words, you can hear everything that you are
saying). The Muslim scholar, Imam Malik (may Allah's mercy be upon
his soul) said in his Book 'Al Mudawwana': 'Reading the Qur'an in the
prayers is invalid until it is performed by moving the tongue'.
Ibn Arafa quoted by the writer of the Book "Taj and Ikleel" 'Crown
& Wreath': 'Reading the Qur'an without uttering words is invalid'.
Ibn Qassim said: 'He who moves his tongue in silence while reading
the holy Qur'an, his reading is valid even he makes his ears listen to
utterance of his words'.
Allah knows best.
In summary: Reading the
holy Qur'an without uttering the words (without moving the tongue) does not
legally achieve the de facto
reading whether it is performed by only looking at
the holy Qur'an or not. However, reading the Qur'an in
heart is granted reward by
Allah, the Exalted.
Is it permissible for the worshipper who prays by himself to be patted on his shoulder to be the leader in the
It is permissible for the one who finds someone praying alone to
pat on his shoulder to be the leader in the prayer so that the latter
be attentive that some one is praying behind him and then could
include the former in his supplication. The prayer of the former is
valid whether or not he draws attention of the leader in the prayer.
Accordingly, the one who is led in the prayer is rewarded like that of
the prayer in congregation just by being led in the prayer even if he
does not draw the attention of the leader in the prayer.
Sheikh Al Kharshi (may Allah have his mercy upon his soul) said:'
whoever finds some one praying and intends to be led in the prayer,
he got the reward of being led in the prayer compared with the
leader in the prayer of which the intention of being the leader in the
prayer is not a requirement for the validity of his prayer as well as
being the leader in the prayer'. However the intention of being the
leader in the prayer in congregation is a prerequisite of the validity of
the prayer such as the Friday's prayer that the Imam must have prior
intention of leading the prayer before standing up for prayer.
In summary: It is permissible for the one who finds
someone praying alone to
pat on his shoulder to be
the leader in the prayer so
that the latter be attentive
that some one is praying
behind him and then could
include the former in his
Feb 2012
In summary: If you decoded
software and used some
programs without having
the prior permission from
the corporation, then you
have to repent to Allah, the
Almighty, and pay all due
fees to the Corp and not
come back to do such a vile
deed again.
I used to decode software with the aim of learning. But
later, I discovered that I infringed upon the software copyright. Then I paid due fees to the owner of the software via
internet, could you please tell me what I was doing is a violation against others' property even though I paid the fees
to the corporation?
The act of decoding softwares is a violation since those who decided to code the softwares aim to not let people use them without
paying fees, and the act of violating against peoples' property is not
permissible at all. The Muslim scholar Al Nafrawi (may Allah's mercy
be upon him) said: ' It is of complete invalidity to infringe upon the
other's property without their permission'. If you decoded the software and used some programs without having the prior permission
from the corporation, you have to repent to Allah, the Most High,
and pay all due fees to the Corp and not come back to do such a vile
deed again until you take the Corp's prior permission and abide by
its terms. Allah knows best.
if I give the obligatory donation of money required at the
end of every lunar year (Zakat upon money) in the month
of Safar and during the same month I buy a land to build
a house before the end of the month of Safar and before I
give almsgiving. Shall the almsgiving be cancelled because
I used the money or shall I pay Zakat (almsgiving) as of the
first day of Safar?
In summary: It is safer to
pay Zakat for fear of the
completion of the year.
You do not have to pay Zakat till the completion of the year. For
instance if the day in which you give almsgiving is the half of the
month, then you do not have to pay Zakat for what you used before
even if you do not remember the day in which you often pay Zakat
during the month. It is not duty upon you to give almsgiving on the
first day of the month, but you have to try hard to designate the day
in which the almsgiving is obligatory, and then remember which day
you bought the house before or after the completion of the year. If
you bought the house before the completion of the year, then you do
not have to pay Zakat in contrast with the day after the completion
of the year.
If the month in which the one who pays Zakat has entered, and
he does not know the day he often gives almsgiving he then has to
pay Zakat to meet his obligation and he does not have to use the
money until he gives Zakat just to be legally on the safe side. There
is a consensus among the Muslim scholars that one should not use
the money of Zakat before the completion of the year with the aim of
averting giving alms. It is safer to pay Zakat for fear of the completion of the year.
Q: What should the one who killed an animal unintentionally do to be granted Allah's forgiveness?
A: According to what you said in your query, you do not accumulate a sin as long as you did not kill the animal on purpose. In Sunnah
Ibn Majjah, it has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huarriara
(may Allah be pleased with him) that Prophet Mohamed (may Allah
bless him and grant him peace) said: 'Verily, Allah, the Most High,
has forgiven my Ummah (my followers) for their unintentional mistakes and their forgetfulness and that which they do under duress".
The scholar Al Qortobi (may God rest his soul) said in his Book (The
Understanding):' They are not sinned out of these things and there is
no disagreement that the sin shall be forgiven in such cases'.
If the animal that you mistakenly killed is owned by someone, then
you have to pay the price of the animal to its owner otherwise it is
regarded as an act of killing the animal aimlessly. It is legally known
that it is not allowed in Islam to kill the animal without having a purpose behind its killing and so is the act of torturing.
In summary: If you did not
have the intention to kill the
animal, you do not accumulate a sin. However if the
animal is owned by someone, then you have to pay
its price to its owner unless
it is regarded as if you killed
Everyday when I wake up or go to bed I read, thanks to
Allah, the prophetic remembrances such as praying for the
Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and seeking Allah's forgiveness
while I still lie on the bed and my body is half naked. Is that
permissible according to the Islamic Shari' a (Islamic Law)?
Reading the prophetic sayings and the holy Qur'an do not require
covering all body parts and performing the ritual purification of the
body compared with the prayer which requires veiling almost all body
parts and body purification from impurities. Narrated by Aisha (may
Allah be pleased with her) reported that: "The Prophet Mohamed
(PBUH) used to remember Allah in all his doings" [Sahih Muslim].
The scholar Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali (may Allah rest him in peace)
said in his Book' Jami'a Al Oloum and Al Hikam'(The Compendium
of Sciences and Provisions) explaining the above-mentioned Hadith:
[Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) used to remember Allah while he is standing, walking, sitting and lying whether he is pure or impure].
It is detestable to reveal the Aurah (private parts of body) in privacy without any reasonable purpose. The scholar Al Durrir (may
Allah rest his soul in peace) said in his Book ' Al Sharho Al Kabir': 'it is
recommendable for man and woman who are not in state of prayer
to cover their bodies in privacy for the reverence of the presence of
the angels'. It is unlikable to unveil the body parts with no purpose.
There is no doubt that performing body purification (body purification from ritual impurities) and beautifying the self with finest clothes
with the aim of remembering Allah, the Most Glorious, is more virtuous and more adorable.
In summary: Reading the
prophetic sayings and
the holy Qur'an do not
require covering all body
parts and performing the
ritual purification of the
body compared with the
prayer which requires veiling almost all body parts
and body purification from
ritual impurities.
Feb 2012
What is the Islamic ruling on whistling? Does it bring
about devils?
In summary: The Islamic
ruling of whistling can
change according to the
way it is utilized. It becomes
permissible to use whistle
in all matters that are
regarded extremely necessary such as warning devices and many other things.
It can be detestable if there
is no reason behind its use.
Whistling can sometimes
be forbidden if it includes
meanings of worship or it is
used to stop the virtue.
The Islamic ruling of whistling can change according to the way
it is utilized. It becomes permissible to use whistle in all matters
that are regarded extremely necessary such as warning devices and
many other things.
The act of whistling can be detestable if there is no reason behind
its use. In this respect, the scholar Ibn Moflih (may Allah's mercy be
upon his soul) said in his Book ' Adab Al Shari'a' (The Religious Morals): ' Sheikh Abdelkader (may Allah rest his soul in peace) said: It is
detestable to whistle'.
Whistling can be sometimes forbidden if it includes meanings of
worship or it is used to prevent the virtue, as Allah, the Exalted, says
in His revelation: "Their Salat ( the prayer) at the House (of
Allah i.e. the Ka'ba at Mecca) was nothing but whistling and
clapping of hands"(Al-Anfal:35).
The Muslim scholar Al Khazin (may Allah rest him in peace) said in
his explanation of the aforementioned Qur'anic verse: ' The word Al
moka'a in language is whistling'. Ibn Abbas said: The Quraish tribe
used to circumambulate round the Ka'ba naked, whistling and clapping. Mojahid said:' There was a group of people of the family of
Abdo Aldar used to prevent Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) from performing the circumambulation round the Ka'ba and mock him and put
their fingers in their mouths and start to whistle'.
There is no crystal clear evidence mentions that whistling brings
about devils, but it is better for the Muslim to keep his mouth from
whistling whether he is alone or with a group of people. Moreover,
the act of whistling contradicts the moral discipline that the Muslim
should have.
In summary: Whoever is in
state of minor ritual impurity after the first Tasleema
(salutation) his prayer is
What is the ruling of some one spoiled his prayer by having minor ritual impurity after the first Tasleema (salutation)?
Whoever is in a state of minor ritual impurity after the first Tasleema (salutation), his prayer is valid because the second salutation
is Sunnah and it is regarded as not a part of prayer compared with
the first which is an essential pillar in the prayer. Sheikh Al Hattab
said in his book ' Mawahib Al Jaleel': He said in Al Tiraz: If the worshipper causes minor ritual impurity after he saluted the first salutation, his prayer shall not be nullified'.
Is it permissible for women to pray in public places such
as in parks and in open space before men in case there is no
prayer place for women?
yes, it is permissible for women to pray in a public place such as
public parks if they find no place designated for women. It is also
vitally essential that the prayer place has to be clean and free of any
impurity and women have to wear decent clothes and pray in the
right place. Among the characteristics that Allah, the Most High, has
bestowed upon this Umah "Nation" that He has made for them the
whole earth a mosque they can pray wherever they are. In Sahih Al
Bukhari, it has been narrated on the authority of Jabber bin Abdullah
(may Allah be pleased with both of them) that Prophet Mohamed
(PBUH) said: "I was given five things which were not given to any
amongst the prophets before me; the whole earth has been made
a place for me and so, when the time of prayer is on for any one
of my followers, he can pray wherever he is". Dear sister! It is very
important to abide by the terms of the validity of prayer and find an
appropriate place to perform the prayers.
In summary: It is allowed
for women to choose a
proper suitable place in a
public park where they can
We always say the following expression in the morning
and evening remembrances:" I am pleased with Allah as my
Lord, Islam as my religion, and Mohamed (pbuh) as Prophet
and Messenger of Allah". What do we mean by the word"
Lord", is it the meaning of divinity of the Creator who created people and is wholly capable of doing whatever He wills
in His Universe and wholly sovereign upon the affairs of His
Servants either they are Muslims or non-Muslims?
The aforementioned Hadith is narrated by Muslim in his Book
via Al Abbas bin Abdulmotalib (may Allah be pleased with him), who
heard Prophet Mohamed (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)
saying:" Whoever is pleased with Allah as a Lord, Islam as a religion
and Mohamed as Allah's prophet and messenger, he surely tastes the
flavour of faith". The meaning of the word' Lord' is Allah, the Most
High, who has created all people; believers, non-believers and taken
care of them thanks to His vast blessings and mercy. In this respect,
the Muslim scholar Al Baghawi (may Allah have His mercy upon his
soul) said in his explanation of the Hadith: ' The Lord of all creation
and that exists and Jinn, the word the Lord means that Allah is the
Master and it has other meanings such as educating His servants and
bringing them up on the righteous path for He is the Master of all
Creation and the Lord who teaches His servants'.
In summary: The meaning
of the word 'Lord' is Allah,
the Almighty, who has created all people, Jinn and all
that exists; believers and
non-believers. He is the one
who brought them up by Allah's blessing and care.
Imam Al Nawawi (may Allah rest his soul in peace) said in his
explanation of the Hadith mentioned in Sahih Muslim:' The writer
of the book 'Al Tahreer'(may Allah have mercy upon his soul) said
Feb 2012
the meaning of pleasure of something is that I am satisfied with it
and sufficient with it and I do not ask for more. The meaning of the
Hadith that the believer has to ask nobody except Allah and follow
the path of righteousness (the path of true religion of Islam) and do
what is in accordance with the prophetic Sunnah. The believer who
accumulates all these noble characteristics, surely he will feel the
sweetness of faith in his heart'.
In summary: Circumambulation of the woman round
the Ka'ba while her feet are
visible is valid whether she
remembers to veil her feet
or not. Though she has to
cover her feet during the
circumambulation and so
does in the prayer.
When my wife and I were performing the Umrah (minor
pilgrimage to Mecca), my wife forgot to wear socks, then
she tried to hide her feet under Abaya (a long black piece
of clothing worn by Muslim women). So, what is the Islamic
ruling in such a case and what could the ruling be if she utterly forgot to remember to put socks on?
If the woman reveals her feet during the circumambulation round
the Ka'ba (the Holy House); her circumambulation is valid even
though she has to cover her feet. If she circumambulated and her
feet are visible, her circumambulation shall not be nullified whether
she remembers to hide her feet or not. The ruling of covering one's
parts of the body while circumambulating round the Ka'ba is like that
of the prayer. If she forgot to cover her feet in the prayer, her prayer
is valid because the Aurah (the parts of a woman that are required
to be hidden) of the woman starts from the navel to the knees and
if her feet appear while performing the prayer, she could repeat the
prayer at the prayer time, as Khalil says: ' She repeated her prayer
due to appearance of her breast and parts of her body'.
In summary: mentioning
the name of Mohamed
(pbuh) in the prayers is
more virtuous and more appropriate than mentioning
to him without saying his
name as per the expression
that he (pbuh) has taught
us to say in the prayers.
Is it highly regarded with deep reverence to say O Allah,
send your blessings and peace upon our master Mohamed
than saying O Allah, have your blessings and peace upon
him without mentioning his name?
Praying for the prophet Mohamed (may Allah bless him and grant
him peace) is of great reward and outstanding merit whether his
name is mentioned or it is just referred to his pronoun.
It is more virtuous and appropriate to mention his name Mohamed
(PBUH) rather than his pronoun. Proving this, it is the expression that
Prophet Mohamed (may Allah bless him and grant him) has taught
us to say in the prayers. Narrated by Al Bukhari that Abdurrahman
bin Layla said: I met Kaab in Ajza and he said to me: Shall I give you
a gift? The prophet Mohamed (PBUH) came to us and we told him:
O Messenger of Allah, we have been taught to greet you, but how
could we pray for you. He replied: "Say, O Allah bless Mohamed and
the family of Mohamed as You blessed Ibrahim (Abraham) and the
family of Ibrahim for You are Praiseworthy, and the Most Glorious, O
Allah, give your blessings to Mohamed and the family of Mohamed
as You gave blessings to Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim for You
are Praiseworthy and the Most Glorious".
What is the Islamic ruling of uttering words of cursing?
The teachings of Islam have warned and urged us from uttering
swearwords because the good characters of the Muslim prevented
him from falling into the quagmire of such a vile habit. In Sunan Al
Tirmidhi, narrated Abdullah bin Massoud (may Allah be pleased with
him) that Prophet Mohamed (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) said:" A believer is not a defamer, nor a curser, nor coarse
nor obscene".
In Sahih Al Bukhari, it was narrated on the authority of Anass bin
Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: ' Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was neither an abuser nor a curser nor obscene'.
The prophet Mohamed (PBUH) warned us of speaking offensive
language, as it was narrated on the authority of Ibn Abass (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man cursed the wind in the Prophet's
presence, and the Prophet told him:" Do not curse the wind for it is
under command. If any one curses a thing which does not deserve
it, the curse will return on himself".
The Muslim is undoubtedly required of keeping his mouth pure
from all forms of defaming and cursing.
Allah, the Almighty, has enjoined us to say good and warned us
of following Satan's insinuations, saying:" And say to My slaves
(i.e. the true believers of Islamic Monotheism) that they
should (only) say those words that are the best. (Because)
Shaitan (Satan) verily, sows a state of conflict and disagreements among them. Surely, Shaitan (Satan) is to man a
plain enemy"(Al-Isra': 53). The Muslim scholar, Al Shaarawi (may
Allah's mercy be upon his soul) said in his explanation of the abovementioned verse (Say words that are the best) meaning of the word
the best is to say good'. Accordingly, whoever utters bad words must
seek Allah's forgiveness and try hard to get rid of such a nasty habit
and keep his mouth moist with good speech.
Is it permissible to slaughter unable-to-walk sevenmonth-old sheep?
In summary: It is not fitting
for the Muslim to curse
and abuse people and that
keeping oneself away from
speaking obscene language
is a legal requirement and
ethical principle.
In summary: it is admissible to slaughter a small
a sheep that is unable to
walk and to eat from its
meat after it is slaughtered
according to religious ritual
It is permissible to slaughter a small sheep that is unable to walk
and it is also permissible to eat from its meat after it is legally slaughtered according to Islamic Shari'a (Islamic Law). In this respect,
Sheikh Al Kharbashi (may Allah's blessings and mercy be upon his
soul) said in his explanation of this issue:' It is allowed for the Muslim
to eat a sheep that is legally slaughtered, immolated or butchered.
Feb 2012