Location: Attleboro Enterprises, Inc. 284 John L. Dietsch Blvd. North

April 26, 2016 Guardianship and its Alternatives
In-Home Supports
May 3, 2016 Successful Employment
Demystifying Social Security
May 10, 2016 Caring for the Caregiver
Positive Behavioral Supports
For program details, please click on the titles above
Program time for all sessions is 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Light dinner will be provided
Location: Attleboro Enterprises, Inc.
284 John L. Dietsch Blvd. North Attleboro, MA
To register for any or all sessions, please
Follow this link
Contact The Family Support Center at The Arc of Bristol County;
contact your Family Support Coordinator or
Kelly Ware 508-226-1445 x 3200 kware@arcnbc.org
Presenting Sponsor
Program Details
April 26, 2016
Guardianship and its Alternatives
Are you thinking of pursuing Guardianship? Veronica Kane, ESQ and Special Needs Attorney with the Special
Needs Law Group of Massachusetts will discuss Guardianship and other options; Power of Attorney,
Representative Payee, and Special Needs Trust. Veronica will review the application process for Guardianship:
Clinical Team Report, different types of Guardianship, who can be a Guardian, and duties of a Guardian.
In-Home Supports
 Are you caring for a loved one at home?
Do you plan on having your loved one continue to live with you in the years to come?
 Did you know that in-home supports may be available to you should you chose that option?
 Are you wondering about subsidized housing or section 8 vouchers and how you could get
someone on a list for financial assistance to live independently?
Come to the In-Home Supports Training to hear more about some of the supports that may be available!
May 3, 2016
Successful Employment
Many transitioning students and their families identify work as a short or long term goal after leaving the school
system. This session aims to assist families in understanding employment related services available to their
transitioning young adult. This session will feature speakers from the Department of Developmental Services
(DDS), Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) and Attleboro Enterprises, Inc. (AEI). Each presenter
will outline the potential services their agency provides to assist young people in becoming successfully
Demystifying Social Security
Presenter Kim Thacker is a Benefits Specialist with Statewide Employment Services of the Massachusetts
Rehabilitation Commission (MRC). In this session, Kim will give a general overview of the Social Security
disability and health benefit programs for Massachusetts. Kim will explain how benefits are impacted when a
young person goes to work. This session will provide practical, hands-on information about work incentives and
will offer ways to maximize options when going to work.
May 10, 2016
Caring for the Caregiver
No one is immune to life’s challenges, but some are more resilient than others to the unavoidable changes that
follow such events. After swimming the rough seas of grief and change upon the 1998 loss of her husband and
son, Debbie Ludovico was curious as to why some people are able pick-up and move on after a tragedy, while
others get stuck. A student of Choice Theory and a really good therapist, Debbie became a believer that with a
few mindful changes to any lifestyle, anxiety and depression can be eased so transitions become more
manageable, even enjoyable. Debbie earned a Master's degree in Counseling, specializing in transitional
counseling, from Rhode Island College and is currently the Department Head/educator for the Wachusett
Regional High School Partnership Program in Holden, MA. She promises to bring her positive outlook and
cheerleading enthusiasm, along with her rich stories and Survivor Support Toolbox full of simple strategies.
Positive Behavioral Supports
Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) is a proactive, comprehensive, and systemic continuum of support designed to
provide opportunities to anyone with a disability to achieve social, behavioral, and learning success. The goal of
PBS is to increase independence, to increase employment, and decrease behaviors that interfere with a
person’s independence and enjoyment of life. PBS has become a buzz phrase in education and adult
services. What does it mean for transitioning students and their families? Kerri Kell, a certified Behavior
Clinician will provide an overview of PBS and talk about ways families can introduce proactive strategies based on
PBS for seamless support of loved ones.