Quiz Randomization and Question Library

Quiz Randomization and Question Library
Desire 2 Learn Reference Guide
Mercy College of Ohio
Building a Question Library
Upon entering your course click the Quiz tab
Then click the Question Library button
In the pull-down menu, choose Section
And then click the Go button
Type your new Section Name
Your name should include some designation
to let you know that it is a “bank” or “library”
of questions, as well as the chapter or quiz number.
Ex: Bank - Quiz 5
If you have 1 point questions, and 5 point questions, it would be wise
to make 2 banks for “Quiz 5” in the library and label as such.
Click the Save button
Quiz Randomization and Question Library (Continued)
Click a section folder to add questions to it
Or click the Pencil to edit the folder’s name
Upon entering a section folder, choose
a question type (such as Multiple Choice)
from the pull-down menu and click Go
Note the Import button. You can import
questions you’ve already input into normal
quizzes. This will keep you from typing
questions over again.
You may also import questions in bulk using a .CSV spreadsheet.
See the D2L Advanced Topic Guide on CSV Bulk Quiz Question Upload. You will find additional guides in the
“FACULTY HELP” box on the D2L Homepage, under Advanced Tutorials.
Quiz Randomization and Question Library (Continued)
Randomize Answer Options
This page shows an example of inputting a Multiple Choice Question. For maximum randomization, choose to also
randomize the answer options. (If you bulk loaded questions from a CSV file, you can edit your questions within D2L to
turn on this feature.)
Give this question a Point value
Enter your Question text
Click Randomize options
Avoid phrases like “All of the above”
or “B and C are correct”
Should you need additional answer choices beyond the
spaces provided, click the Add Option button
Choice “A”
Choice “B”
Choice “C”
Choice “D”
Select the “correct” answer by weighting
the choice at 100
Press the Save and New button to start the next question
Quiz Randomization and Question Library (Continued)
Loading the Quiz
Upon creating a New Quiz in D2L,
click the Layout/Questions tab
Then click the Add/Edit Questions button
In the pull-down menu, choose Random Section
And then click the Go button
Give your Random Section a Section Name.
We strongly suggest calling it Random Section
or “Random Section – 5pt Questions”.
Click the Save button
Quiz Randomization and Question Library (Continued)
Click the Random Section folder
to import questions into it.
Click the Import button
Import Source: Existing Collection
Source Collection: Question Library
Select your question bank from the
Source Selection pull-down menu
Select the questions you want to include.
Click Save when finished.
Quiz Randomization and Question Library (Continued)
Type the number of questions you
want to appear for each student.
If you have 30 questions, and want all
30 to appear, type 30 in this box.
If you have 100 questions and want
25 questions selected at random, type
25 in this box. Each student in the
class will receive a different set of
questions on their quiz.
Type how many points each question
will be worth. This will over-write any
point values you entered on each
individual question.
If you have 1 point questions, and 5
point questions, it would be wise to
make 2 banks in the library and 2
random sections in the quiz.
Questions can be edited here later.
Note that if you edit a question, you
will be asked to save it both in the quiz
and in the Library. Save in both places.
Click the Save button when finished.
Click Back to Quiz Layout
Once in the Quiz Layout page, you
can continue by adding another
Random Section (if you wish) or
add individual Long Answer
questions for student essays. Long
Answer questions added outside of
the Random Section Folder will not
be randomized, but will appear
below your random multiple choice