CACULATING P,I CONSTANTS Kp and Ki George Younkin, P.E., Life FELLOW IEEE PI compensation is used with most industrial servos. D compensation is used when needed. An electric motor can be represented by a second order equation (1) Vm 1/ K e = 2 2 ei s + 2δω n s + ω n (1) Where: Ke= [volts/rad/sec] ω n = bandwidth of motor drive = [rad / sec ] An index of performance can be written to equate with the characteristic equation of eq.1 such that: (( K p / J ) s + ( K i / J )) (2) [s 2 + ( K p / J )s + K i / J ] Equating coefficients of eq. 1 and eq. 2 : 2δω n = Kp (3) J and Ki J Where: J= Jmotor+Jload reflected to motor= [lb − in − sec 2 ] ω n = motor drive bandwidth = rad / sec δ = damping factor It can be assumed that the drive will be well damped, thus δ = 1 ωn 2 = (4) The bandwidth should be chosen as a reasonable value of approximately 20 to 30 Hz (125 to 188 rad/sec) for industrial machines. Therefore, substituting these approximations into eq. 3 and eq. 4 yields 2ω n = Kp J K p = 2ω n J [a/rpm] and ωn 2 = Ki J K I = ω N j [a/sec/rpm] 2 and 1 EXAMPLE: An industrial machine servo has the following characteristicsJtotal at motor=0.311 lb − in − sec 2 The drive response is desired to respond with a damping factor as close to critical damping as possible making δ = 1 . The normal servo bandwidth of this industrial servo will be about 30 Hz (188 rad.sec). Therefore: K p = 2 x188 x0.311 = 118 [a/rpm] K i = 188 2 x0.311 = 11000 [a/sec/rpm] The PI compensation can be represented as- Kp s + 1 Ki K K K p s + Ki I = K p + i = = i s s s V2 t2 = ω2 = Kp Ki w2 = Ki Kp K 2 [t 2 s + 1] (Corner frequency) K i 11000 = = 94 rad / sec Kp 117 The frequency response for PI compensation is as follows: 2 = s 100 75 50 Magnitude dB, Phase-deg 25 20⋅ log( c( j ⋅ w) 180 π ) ⋅ arg( c( j ⋅ w) ) 0 25 50 75 100 1 10 3 1 .10 100 w rad/sec Magnitude Phase PI Compensation 3 4 1 .10 1 .10 5