Community Services Coordination Network Developmental

Community Services Coordination Network
Developmental Services Ontario – South West Region
A. Overview
The Community Services Coordination Network (CSCN) is a not-for-profit charitable
organization funded by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry
of Children and Youth Services.
The primary mandate of CSCN is to coordinate access to various services and supports for
individuals who have a developmental disability, and for children and adolescents with complex
needs, that may require a response from more than one service provider.
In November 2010, CSCN was appointed to deliver the functions of Developmental Services
Ontario - South West Region. This new initiative expanded the CSCN geographic area of
service. CSCN is inviting applications for Board membership from interested, qualified
individuals who reside or are employed in one of the following geographic areas: Bruce County,
Chatham-Kent, Elgin County, Grey County, Huron County, London-Middlesex, Oxford County,
Perth County, Sarnia-Lambton, or Windsor-Essex.
B. Governance Framework
The Board of Directors of CSCN is comprised of twelve (12) members with a cross section of
legal, social services, education, business management, public relations and financial
experience. The roles, responsibilities, authority and accountability of the Board of Directors are
outlined in legislation, Letters Patent, Bylaws and Governance Policies and Procedures. The
primary functions of the Board of Directors of CSCN are as follows:
Planning Function
Define the organizational vision, mission and values within which the board expects the
organization to operate.
Develop and approve a strategic plan identifying priorities, goals and objectives for the
Carry out the strategic priorities in compliance with governance policies that the board
has already approved.
Policy Function
Develop, implement and monitor governance policies and procedures.
Delegate authority to the Executive Director for the formulation and compliance of
operational policy and hold the Executive Director accountable for the overall
effectiveness of operational policy and procedures.
Performance Monitoring Function
Select and support the Executive Director, who has been delegated responsibility for
managing the organization.
Review and regularly evaluate the performance of the Executive Director against the
achievement of specific outcomes.
Approve annual operating and capital budgets.
Seek and secure sufficient resources for the organization to adequately finance its
Account to the public and to funders for the performance and resources of the
organization, including through an annual audit.
Performance Management Function
Regularly review the overall quality of services to ensure that they are responsive
to the needs of individuals, families and communities.
Represent the organization and its services to the community.
Review the performance of the Board of Directors on an annual basis.
The term of a board member is three (3) years and a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms
may be served.
All board members are required to participate in an orientation process. Board development
opportunities are provided on a regular basis.
The Board of Directors of CSCN meets a minimum of ten (10) times a year. Board meetings
are held in London. Board members may participate in-person, by teleconference or by videoconference. Typically, board meetings are 2.5 hours in length but vary from time-to-time.
C. Board Member Eligibility Criteria
Potential applicants for the Board of Directors of Community Services Coordination Network
must meet the following eligibility criteria as specified in legislation and the governing
documents of CSCN.
Directors must be at least 18 years old.
Endorse the mission, vision and values of CSCN.
Reside or be employed in the geographic area that CSCN serves.
Undischarged bankrupts are not eligible to serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
Individuals or family members currently served by CSCN or on a priority waiting list for
service are not eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.
Board members or employees of community agencies currently funded by the Ministry of
Community and Social Services to provide developmental services, and/or the Ministry of
Children and Youth Services to provide children’s services, are not eligible to serve on the
Board of Directors.
D. Conditions of Application
The conditions of appointment to the Board of Directors of Community Services Coordination
Network include the following expectations.
Commit to a minimum of 10 to 15 hours per month to perform board and
committee duties.
Be able to attend monthly meetings in London or participate by teleconference or videoconference.
Fulfill the requirements and responsibilities of a board member as outlined in legislation,
bylaws and governance policies of CSCN.
Obtain a Police Reference Check for the Vulnerable Sector.
Sign a Confidentiality Agreement and Declaration of Conflict of Interest.
E. Application Process
To apply to the Board of Directors interested individuals are required to complete an application
and attach a resume or brief biographical sketch. Applications may be submitted by email or
mail to:
Paul Willoughby
Board of Directors
Community Services Coordination Network
171 Queen’s Avenue, Suite 750
London, Ontario N6A 5J7
Or by electronic mail to:
Liz Prendergast
Executive Director
Community Services Coordination Network
F. Further Information
Applicants requiring additional information may contact Liz Prendergast, Executive Director,
CSCN at (519) 438-4783 or 1-877-480-2726, ext. 118 or by email: