AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES Capacity Efficiency Safety STRATEGIC PLAN FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES 2014-2018 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 CONTENTS 1. 1.1. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4. 4.1. 4.2 4.3 4.4 Page 2 of 171 Foreword by Member (ANS) Executive Summary 9 Introduction 11 Background 11 Global and Regional Harmonization 12 ANS Strategic Plan - India 13 Aim and Objective 14 Scope 15 Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities 15 Strategic Overview 18 Situational analysis 18 Growth Drivers 21 Air Traffic Forecast 22 External Factors 25 Planning Considerations 26 Introduction 26 Guiding Principles 27 Strategic Vision 27 Performance Based ATM 27 Planning Methodology 32 Planning Guidance – GANP & APSAP 33 Planning Horizon 40 Air Traffic Management 42 Introduction 42 General Principles 43 Strategy for the Implementation of 45 Performance Objectives En-route Operations 45 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 8. 8.1 8.2 Page 3 of 171 TMA Operations Airspace Management Airspace Concept- Indian Context Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Communication ,Navigation and Surveillance Introduction Analysis of Current Situation Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives Consideration of Block 1 Modules: SWIM Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Meteorology Introduction Current requirements for MET Future Requirements for MET ATM in support of MET Current Situation Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Aeronautical Information Management Introduction Expected Benefits of AIM Analysis of Current Situation Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Airport Operations Introduction Aerodrome Operations 49 54 59 62 65 65 67 69 81 84 86 86 87 88 90 92 94 94 95 95 97 98 98 99 101 101 102 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 12. Appendix A Appendix B Page 4 of 171 APSAP Recommendations Analysis of Current Situation Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Demand and Capacity Management Introduction Demand and Capacity Management ATFM in India Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Human Resource Management Introduction Analysis of Current Situation Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives Development of R&D Capability Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Safety Management Introduction Regional Air Safety Group State Safety Program Analysis of Current Situation Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives Alignment With ASBU & APSAP Summary of ANS Strategic Plan Operational Objectives Air Traffic statistics Relationship between ANS Plan ,ASBU and APSAP 103 105 107 110 112 112 112 114 116 117 117 122 125 128 129 130 130 132 133 135 136 136 137 141 145 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Page 5 of 171 Relationship between Global Plan Initiatives and ASBU CNS AND PBN ROAD MAPS Avionics Equipage Requirements based on the ANS Plan Performance Framework for ANS India’s sub-regional Initiatives Glossary of acronyms List of Reference Documents 147 149 156 160 162 165 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES MISSION "To achieve highest standards of safety and quality in air traffic services by providing state of-the-art infrastructure for total customer satisfaction” VISION "To be a world-class organization by providing leadership in air navigation services and making India a major hub in Asia Pacific region by 2016." Page 6 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY Page 7 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Page 8 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Air Space and Air Traffic Management infrastructure is a critical component for ensuring a safe and sustained growth of the Air Transport sector. It is more and beyond physical infrastructure. Deployment of equipment relating to CNS (Communication Navigation and Surveillance) and Air Traffic Management Systems forms the basis of a superstructure involving people, technology and procedures to deliver optimum level of services without compromising safety. Technology being a dynamic variable, the equipment and systems of the air navigation services and the underlying technology has to match with the progress in airborne technology. This is a dynamic process. Therefore there is a need for constant up gradation of the systems and the equipment that are the part of Air Navigation Services. India has experienced a sustained growth in civil aviation in the last decade. It is expected that, as India progresses economically, civil aviation sector will continue on the positive growth trajectory. The magnitude of growth that is expected will create significant pressures on air traffic management in India to which ad hoc responses will not suffice. Long term solutions will require a new way of thinking with a fresh approach. It is also necessary that the organizational focus should not only be on technology and equipment, but also on people and training. Air navigation services (ANS) in India are provided by Airport Authority of India (AAI).AAI has responded proactively and in a holistic manner to meet the challenges of rapid growth in Indian aviation. The AAI air navigation system master plan envisages significant investments in modernization of airport infrastructure, up gradation of Communication Navigation Surveillance (CNS), Air Traffic Management and Meteorological Equipment, enhancing manpower and training infrastructure and harmonization with global initiatives and regional air navigation plans. The Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) of Government of India (GOI), has recognized the critical role of Air Navigation Infrastructure towards augmenting and supporting the growth of Indian Civil Aviation sector. Page 9 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Excerpts from Twelfth Five Year Plan “ The current Indian ATM system provides safe and efficient ATM services today and implementation of the strategies will take full account of air traffic in entire Indian airspace (both continental & oceanic). The document recognizes the need for implementation of changes to the ATM system to consider the needs of all airspace users by applying sound safety management principles and cost benefit analysis. The vision for the Indian civil aviation industry for the 12th Plan period is: “To propel India among the top five civil aviation markets in the world by providing access to safe, secure and affordable air services to everyone through an appropriate regulatory framework and by developing world class infrastructure facilities” In order to facilitate this significant growth potential, India will need more airports, higher capacity, supporting infrastructure, finance and human resources. All this would require progressive and positive fiscal regime and policies and collaborative approach between the government and industry.” The ANS Planning section in collaboration with stakeholders has updated the Strategic ANS Plan over the near, medium and long terms. The ATM planning issues and strategies addressed by this document take into account the issues and strategies addressed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept, the Global Air Navigation Plan and the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan, and have been applied to the Indian operational context. The ANS Strategic Plan is the first step towards evolution to a future air traffic management (ATM) system in India that is performance-based, meets ATM community expectations, is cost-efficient and is globally harmonized. This version of the plan is the result of collaborative efforts by ATM stakeholders, driven by an appreciation of the many interdependencies within the ATM system. Page 10 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background The civil aviation sector in India has experienced a phenomenal growth of air traffic in the last decade. To facilitate and aid an unconstrained growth of the Indian aviation industry, associated infrastructure needs to be developed. The growth also demands that investment requirements have to address the existing capacity constraints in various airports and airspaces but also should address requirements in the context of growth scenario forecast for the next decade and thereafter to ensure that the growth in air traffic is managed safely and efficiently. There is also a constant need to bring in cutting edge technology and the associated best practices of the industry in order to make Indian Civil Aviation sector globally competitive. The Ministry of Civil Aviation (MOCA) constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Shri Ajay Prasad, for formulating the next generation ANS master plan to enhance capacity and safety levels. The committee submitted its report in 2008. The committee interacted with various stakeholders like airline representatives including IATA, Private Aerodrome Operators, IAF/MOD, IMD and AAI and had detailed discussions to understand their perception and concerns. The committee also interacted with experts from ICAO, representative of India in ICAO, DGCA, Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), aircraft manufacturers and networking solutions providers. The committee submitted their report in March 2008 to the Ministry of Civil Aviation. Based largely on the Ajay Prasad Committee Report and adopting the guiding principles of Global ATM Operational Concept and the Global Air Navigation Plan, AAI formulated and published the ATM Strategic Plan in three Volumes in September 2008. The ATM Strategic Plan is designed to ensure that India remains at the forefront in improving air traffic management, the wider air transport domain and the national interest. Those Page 11 of 171 Version 1.0 PROJECT NAME ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 opportunities include not only the exploitation of the substantial benefits of present and emerging communication, navigation, and surveillance capabilities, but also the consideration of new regulatory and institutional arrangements, and changes to procedures and practices across the ATM domain, both in the air and on the ground. 1.2. Global and Regional Harmonization Needs 1.2.1. The Global Air Navigation Plan To support a globally harmonized air navigation system, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has developed the fourth edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan ( Doc 9750 ) - GANP to provide clear guidance on the guiding operational targets and supporting technologies, avionics, procedures, standards and regulatory approvals needed to realize them. The GANP additionally establishes a framework for incremental implementations based on the specific operational profiles and traffic densities of each State. This is accomplished through the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs), a consensus-driven framework which forms the basis of the revised GANP. The ASBUs are organized in five-year increments starting in 2013 and continuing through 2028 and beyond. On this basis, the revised GANP represents a rolling, fifteen–year strategic methodology which leverages existing technologies and anticipates future developments based on State/Industry agreed operational objectives. This will enable sound investment strategies and help to generate the required commitment to the Plan from States, equipment manufacturers, operators and service providers. The updated GANP - edition 4 was endorsed by the Air Navigation Council of ICAO during the 38th Assembly in October 2013. 1.2.2. The Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan Asia Pacific Region is the fastest growing aviation market in the world. Appropriately ICAO Asia Pacific office, in 2011, constituted the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Planning Group Page 12 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 (APSAPG) to develop a regional air navigation plan to achieve seamless ATM environment throughout the Asia Pacific Region, in a time bound manner. The GANP and the ASBU Block zero modules were considered by the group while formulating the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan (APSAP). The objective of the APSAP is to facilitate Asia Pacific Seamless ATM operations, by developing and deploying ATM solutions capable of ensuring safety and efficiency of air transport throughout the Asia Pacific region. The Plan provides a framework for a transition to a Seamless ATM environment, in order to meet future performance requirements. This plan lays down a road map for APAC States to address the requirement for action plans and to guide Asia/Pacific administrations in their ATM planning. APANPIRG/24 in 2013, endorsed, the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan (APSAP) submitted by APSAPG and recommended that States should adopt the APSAP recommendations for updating their national plans. 1.3. ANS Strategic Plan – India This edition of ANS Strategic Plan is updated based on the ICAO GANP, APAC Seamless ATM Plan and the Twelfth Five Year Plan of GOI. As part of the commitment for providing an ATM system that meets ATM community expectations, the Plan reflects global trends in ATM strategic planning including the introduction of performance-based ATM concepts, integration of the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) and alignment with Asia Pacific regional plan of ICAO. As in the previous edition, this edition identifies concepts and strategies to achieve a long-term (10+ years) desirable future as described in the Operational Concept and ASBU. It also describes implementation strategies, and identifies potential operating scenarios for the near, medium and long term. Development of the Indian ATM Strategic Plan and its complementary documents is an evolutionary process. Whilst the ATM Strategic Plan has been designed to ‘stand the test of Page 13 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 time’, it will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant to the national interest, government policy and all stakeholders’ strategic objectives. The need of the hour is to efficiently utilize the existing resources and at the same time commission the planned infrastructure in a timely manner. In addition, a collaborative effort must be initiated involving all the stakeholders concerned to chalk out a framework detailing the measures, the Indian aviation sector needs to pursue in the next five to ten years. This framework would act as a platform to scale new heights and make India one of the leaders in the global aviation industry. The framework would require prioritization of various issues on the basis of importance (high, normal or low). This would ensure a focused approach to understand the root cause of the issue and to address the same by taking necessary remedial actions. The framework would also emphasize on the time lines for leveraging the opportunities abound in the sector. The ANS Strategic Plan is an effort in formulating a framework for an important component of the Indian Civil Aviation sector, viz., the Air Navigation Services. 1.4. Aim & Objective The Strategic Plan aims to provide leadership and direction to the ATM community in India on the future capabilities and technologies required to deliver an ATM system that is responsive to all airspace users, is capable of ensuring a safe, economic, efficient and environmentally sustainable system that accommodates ever growing demand (both domestic and international), is globally interoperable, and satisfies national interests including defense and security. In order to meet the demands arising due to rapid growth in air traffic on and around the airport, a most scientific and rational “gate to gate” approach has been adopted as a fundamental direction to ensure safety, regularity and efficiency through strategic planning and implementation of various capacity enhancement measures commensurately. Page 14 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The objective of this document is to develop an efficient ATM system that will satisfy the demand and expectations of all users of the airspace and industry stakeholders to the maximum possible extent. The Strategic Plan describes ‘what’ needs to be done and the roadmap to achieve the strategic objectives. The ATM Strategic Plan is not intended to contradict or overrule policy or programs of stakeholders. Rather, it is intended to publish a common vision that all stakeholders can work towards harmoniously. While the primary focus of the ANS Plan is on the short-term (the next four years) our planning horizon also looks into the ASBU Block 1 timeframe (2018 to 2023). 1.5. Scope The ANS Strategic Plan is applicable to Indian Continental airspace and adjoining oceanic airspace delegated to India for providing Air Navigation Services, and includes the short-and medium-term implementations of the systems in support of the air navigation services between 2014 and 2018. The long-term initiatives required for the evolution to a global ATM system, as shown in the Global ATM Operational Concept and the Block 1-3 modules of ASBU will be added to this Plan as they are developed and approved. The ANS Plan will be updated every five years coinciding with the ASBU Block time frames. 1.6. Stakeholder roles and responsibilities The Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854) defines ATM Community as comprising of the aerodrome community, the airspace providers, the airspace users, the ATM service providers, the ATM support industry, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the regulatory authorities and States. The objective of ANS Strategic Plan is to facilitate creation of harmonized, integrated and efficient ATM environment in India which enables the ATM community to achieve individual organizational objectives and as well as collective system benefits. Page 15 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The ATM Community stakeholders including service providers, regulators, airspace users and manufacturers will increasingly experience increased levels of interaction as new, modernized ATM operations are implemented. The highly integrated nature of capabilities covered by the ANS Strategic Plan objectives requires a significant level of coordination and cooperation among all stakeholders. Working together is essential for achieving harmonization and interoperability. The ANS Strategic Plan describes ATM operational objectives along with enabling communications, navigation and surveillance (CNS) road maps. The implementation of CNS systems will be planned with realistic lead times. This will enable necessary national regulations to be identified, allowing for the development of adequate action plans and, if needed, investment in new facilities and/or infrastructure by all stakeholders. For the participating airspace users, this constitutes a basis as a planning tool for resource management, capital investment, training as well as potential reorganization, at the proper time. Page 16 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 CIVIL AVIATION IN INDIA-A STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Page 17 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 2. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 2.1. Situational Analysis The Indian civil airspace as assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) extends from Kuala Lumpur and Yangon in the east to Pakistan and Muscat in the west over 2.8 million square nautical miles, which includes the continental airspace (1.0575 million sq. NM), the airspace over territorial waters and over an extended international oceanic airspace (1.75 million sq. NM) . Over 60% of India’s airspace comprises of oceanic airspace over the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. The airspace is divided into four primary Flight Information Regions (FIR) at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, with a sub-FIR at Guwahati. FIGURE 1: INDIAN AND NEIGHBOURING FIRS Page 18 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Economic Growth India is one of the fastest growing economies of the world with an average GDP growth of over 8 percent in last decade (see figure 2). Economic development in India picked up pace post liberalization prompting multinational companies to expand their operations and presence in the country leading to a rapidly expanding air transport network. India is poised to become one of the most significant aviation markets over the next decade. FIGURE 2: INDIA’S GDP GROWTH There is a strong correlation between the gross domestic product (GDP) and the aviation industry. As a country’s per capita GDP grows, so does its residents’ desire and ability to afford travel, and this desire in turn fuels the demand for aircraft. As India aims to sustain a long-term above average GDP growth, it is expected to have a profound impact on commercial aviation. For India to sustain its economic growth story it has to strengthen its infrastructure sector and in particular, critically improve its transportation infrastructure. Aviation is an important part of national infrastructure and one of the prime movers for economic growth and an important strategic element of employment generation. Page 19 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Potential for Growth Global business and tourism rely heavily on air transport. It facilitates world trade and helps to increase access to international markets and allows globalization of production. According to a recent report by the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), the total value of goods transported by air represents 35% of the world trade. With increasing liberalization across the world in emerging economies, trade is expected to increase at an accelerated rate with India, China and other emerging countries giving further boost to the commercial aviation sector in these countries. There is a large untapped potential for growth in the Indian aviation industry due to the fact that access to aviation is still a dream for nearly 99.5 percent of its large population, nearly 40 percent of which is the upwardly mobile middle class. Indian airports handled about 170 million passengers and about two million tons of cargo last year. Putting a perspective, compare the figure to Indian Railways which carries over 20 million passengers a day and over thousand million tons of freight a year, which shows the enormous potential of Civil Aviation in India. With the right policies and a sustained focus on quality, cost and passenger interest, India would be well placed to achieve its vision of becoming the third largest aviation market by 2030. India’s strategic geographic location between Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, combined with its huge domestic market provide it with some of the key building blocks to support the development of a vibrant aviation market. Aviation Infrastructure Development Initiatives The Indian aviation sector witnessed unprecedented growth over the last decade. The growth story has been about increased passenger/ cargo traffic and addition of new destinations translating into increased fleet sizes of airlines operating in the country. Robust growth has led to continual and increased investments into the expansion and modernization of airport infrastructure. Opening up of airport infrastructure to the private sector has been instrumental in developing state-of-the-art infrastructure and complementing traffic growth. As a result of the airport modernization projects undertaken by Airports Page 20 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Authority of India over the last few years, capacity has been augmented at major non-metro airports across the country. The government of India is keen to encourage air connectivity to move beyond the large metropolitan cities to Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns across the country. At present 36% of domestic capacity is deployed on connecting just the six largest cities to each other. With increased demand emanating from smaller cities and remote regions it is imperative that suitable infrastructure is put in place to handle growth. This expansion will not only add a much needed boost to the industry, but also increase the viability of new trends like low cost airports and airlines in the country. All this will have a multiplier effect in terms of higher growth of local economic activities, tourism and employment. As changing demographic trends and a global economy continue to impact business, society, and personal lives, the pace of change in the Indian aviation sector is expected to accelerate. 2.2. Growth drivers The factors contributing to the air traffic growth can be broadly classified into economic and policy factors. Entry of low cost carriers, higher house hold incomes, strong economic growth, increased FDI inflows, surging tourist inflow, increased cargo movement and supporting government policies are the major drivers for the growth of aviation sector in India. Economic factors Liberalization and economic reforms undertaken by the government Expansion of industries in consonance with economic reforms Emergence of service sector as a major contributor to Indian economy Average GDP growth of around 8% during the last decade Increase in inbound and outbound tourists and medical tourism Over 300 million strong middle class with disposable incomes Emergence of low cost carriers (LCC) Page 21 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The organized retail boom that would require the need for timely delivery thus contributing to the growth in the air cargo segment Corporate investment in private jets and air charter services Policy Environment • Modernization and setting up new airports across country • Improvement in Air navigation infrastructure • City side development of non-metro airports • Providing international airport status to major tier I and tier II cities • Open sky policy • Permission to acquire new aircrafts • Permission of private operators to operate on international sectors • Encouraging private investments in airlines and airport infrastructure • Facilitative foreign direct investment norms • Liberal bilateral service agreements • Emphasis on development through PPP mode Simply going by the market size, the Indian civil aviation industry is amongst the top 10 in the world with a size of around USD 16 billion. The Asia Pacific region along with other emerging economies of Latin America and Eastern Europe are projected to lead the growth of the global aviation sector in the next few decades. Steady economic development of China and India would lead to higher spending power and increased need to travel. With one third of the world's population residing in these two nations, there is a huge untapped potential. 2.3. Air Traffic Forecast Traffic forecasts have a special role in planning the implementation of ANS systems. The forecasts represent the demand for future ATM. The plans developed from this work then specify the infrastructure and arrangements which will supply the required level of ATS. Page 22 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 2.3.1. APAC Regional Traffic Forecast A uniform strategy has been adopted by ICAO for the purpose of preparing traffic forecasts in support of the regional planning process. This involves the establishment of a small group of forecasting experts in each of the ICAO regions. Each traffic forecasting group (TFG) will provide the corresponding Planning and Implementation Regional Group (PIRG) with forecasts of aircraft movements within homogenous ATM areas and along major international traffic flows. The latest report of the APAC-TFG is included in the Asia/Pacific FASID at Part II General Planning Aspects .The traffic forecast values for the major traffic flows across the Asia/Pacific region is included in the latest APAC-TFG (draft) report ( 2012) including: Forecasts of Transpacific and Intra-Asia/Pacific Traffic to the Year 2032 Forecasts for Major City-Pairs of Intra-Asia/Pacific and Transpacific to the Year 2016 Analysis of FIR Data The ANS Strategic Plan has taken into consideration the relevant traffic forecast from the APA –TFG for this plan. 2.3.2. Indian Traffic Forecast FIGURE 3: AIR TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS (SOURCE: DGCA INDIA) Page 23 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 During the 11th five year plan period the country experienced an average 10% growth of air traffic. (Table 1 below). The 12th five year plan period anticipates that the domestic and international passenger throughput to grow at an average annual rate of about 12 per cent and 8 per cent respectively. Similarly, the domestic and international cargo is projected to grow at a rate of 12 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. (Source; 12th Five Year Plan, GOI). Over the past 10 years the number of passengers handled by Indian airports has grown from 49 million in FY2004 to 169 million in FY2014. Total aircraft movements in India over this 10 year period increased at a compound annual growth rate of 9.1% to reach just over 1.5 million arriving and departing services in the 12 months ended 31-Mar-2014 (Figure 3). Center for Aviation (CAPA) projects that by FY2023 arriving and departing movements will have more than doubled again to 3.8 million. (Source: CAPA report). Domestic traffic is expected to expand by 4‐6% in FY14.Buoyant international traffic is projected to grow at 10‐12%, twice the pace of domestic. Capacity expansion during the year ahead is likely to be around 10%, largely driven by LCCs. (Source- CAPA India – May 2014). YEAR ARRIVALS AND OVERFLIGHTS TOTAL GROWTH DEPARTURES 2007-2008 1307629 120537 1428166 - 2008-2009 1305920 178760 1484680 4% 2009-2010 1330892 183831 1514723 2% 2010-2011 1393762 207271 1601033 5.7% 2011-2012 1544646 209401 1754047 9.6% 2012-2013 1479328 239503 1718831 -2% TABLE 1: TRAFFIC GROWTH 2007-08 TO 2012-2013 (AIR TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS)-(SOURCE AAI) Appendix A shows the growth of Indian Aviation through passenger numbers, aircraft movements, freight growth and also shows the top ten airports by aircraft movements. Page 24 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 2.4. External Factors The Indian market is severely underserved with less than 3% of its population utilizing the air route. The growing passenger numbers and a burgeoning middle class indicate the possibility of healthy passenger load factors (PLFs) for all airlines in the future. Experts believe that the strong market growth rate coupled with the expansion of infrastructure will help the sector to grow rapidly. The external factors that affect the growth of civil aviation in India are: a. Cost of Aviation Fuel: India imports most of the ATF and the variable cost of fuel accounts for the largest component of operating cost for an airline. A stable geo political environment resulting in a stable fuel price regime will be of great benefit to the operation and growth of aviation in India. b. A strong policy framework towards infrastructure creation will be necessary for airlines to make commitments towards growth. c. As environmental factors assume global importance, laws and policies related to environment protection would play an increasing role in Civil Aviation operations affecting both airlines as well as airports. d. Growth of alternative modes of transport also affects the overall health of the sector. Short haul flights are affected by development of good quality highways and fast speed trains. e. Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Policies of the Government of India as well as State Governments radically affects the growth of infrastructure facilities specially airports. f. Promotion of India as a tourist destination will impact the international passenger traffic to India. Page 25 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 3. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. ICAO global ATM operational concept (Doc 9854) and ASBU present the ICAO vision of an integrated, harmonized and globally interoperable ATM system. The planning horizon is up to and beyond 2028. While the operational concept is visionary and even challenging, many of the current practices and processes will continue to exist through the planning horizon. 3.1.2. The operational concept describes the manner in which the ATM system will deliver services and benefits to airspace users. It also details how ATM will act directly on the flight trajectory of a manned or unmanned vehicle during all phases of flight, and the interaction of that flight trajectory with any hazard. Within the ICAO Operational Concept there is provision for scalability and adaptability, so that the circumstances relating to individual States and Regions can be accommodated, or so that implementation timing can be adapted to the level of need. 3.1.3. The Indian Operational Concept has fully encompassed the ICAO Concept and other expanded areas that are of particular relevance to India. ATM Operational Concept Airspace Organization & Management Aerodrome operations Demand and capacity balancing Traffic synchronization Airspace user operations Conflict management ATM service delivery management Page 26 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 3.2. Guiding principles 3.2.1. ICAO vision for future ATM system which is driven by the need to meet the expectations of the ATM community and enabled by the appropriate technologies has been taken as the guiding principles for developing this document. 3.3. Guiding Principle Enhanced safety Increased system capacity and optimized use of airport capacity Reduced delays Reduced flight operating costs Reduced fuel consumption and emissions More efficient use of airspace, more flexibility and reduced separations More dynamic flight planning and better accommodation of optimum flight profiles Reduced controller workload/increased productivity Strategic Vision 3.3.1. The evolution of the Indian ATM system is driven by the needs of the airspace user community and enabled by the appropriate technologies and procedures, in a framework of global harmonization. The ATM strategic plan has been developed in accordance with the ICAO Global ATM Operational concept (Doc 9854), Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750) including the Aviation System Block Upgrades and ICAO Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan. 3.3.2. ICAO ASBU block upgrades and APSAP recommendations constitute the basis for ANS Strategic plan in India. The ANS Strategic Plan enables a gradual shift from topdown planning to more bottom-up and pragmatic implementation actions. 3.4. Performance based ATM 3.4.1. Key Performance Areas The air navigation system is increasingly being discussed in terms of performance, as corporatization and a more structured regulatory environment place increasing pressure on accountability. At the highest levels, performance relates to political and socio-economic expectations of society and/or the aviation community. The Page 27 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 measures necessary to meet these expectations should govern the design of the system. These general ATM expectations are relative to the effective operation of the ATM system by the entire aviation community. These expectations are used in performance management as the framework for Key Performance Areas (KPA) as listed below: Key Performance Areas KPA - 01 Access and Equity KPA – 02 Capacity KPA – 03 Cost Effectiveness KPA – 04 Efficiency KPA – 05 Environment KPA – 06 Flexibility KPA – 07 Global Interoperability KPA – 08 Participation by ATM Community KPA – 09 Predictability KPA – 10 Safety KPA - 11 Security TABLE 2: KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS 3.4.2. Performance Objectives The performance objectives are defined in qualitative terms and may include a desired or required trend for a performance indicator. The performance objectives as described below have been derived from expectations of the Indian ATM community. The objectives shown in Table 1 are set against each key performance area but, as is the case across the ATM Strategic Plan, they should not be considered Page 28 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 in isolation rather as part of an integrated system. Each ATM community member shall have to establish further internal performance objectives. KPA Strategic Performance Objectives Access and Equity Capacity To provide sufficient capacity to meet airspace user demands at all times including To enable all airspace users equitable access to all airspace and ATM resources. peak times while minimizing restrictions on traffic flow. To increase overall capacity to cater future growth, along with corresponding increases in efficiency, flexibility and predictability, while ensuring safety and giving due consideration to the environment. To ensure that ATM system is resilient to service disruption and the resulting temporary loss of capacity. Cost To ensure a cost effective service delivery to all airspace users consistently Effectiveness Efficiency To enable all airspace users to operate as efficiently as possible while ensuring cost-effectiveness of gate-to-gate flight operations from a single-flight perspective. Environment To use new ATM technologies, systems, capabilities and procedures for the protection of the environment by considering noise, gaseous emissions and other environmental issues at global, regional and local levels. Flexibility To increase the responsiveness of the ATM system, and its services and processes, to real-time changes permitting airspace users to exploit operational opportunities as they occur. Page 29 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 • Global To ensure that Indian ATM operations are compliant with ICAO CNS/ATM plans and global interoperability requirements; Interoperability • To provide a seamless service to the user at all times and operate on the basis of uniformity throughout Indian and the adjacent FIRs. To enable interoperability between the different elements (aircraft, airport and ATM systems) together with their seamless integration, development and upgrading to new technology Participation by ATM Community Predictability To ensure that the ATM community has a continuous involvement in the planning and, where appropriate, implementation and operation of the ATM system. To provide consistent and dependable levels of performance to airspace users as they develop and operate their schedules. Safety To ensure that uniform safety standards and safety management practices are applied systematically to the ATM system and an open reporting culture is demonstrated in ATM community To improve safety levels by ensuring that the rate of ATM-induced serious or risk bearing incidents is continually decreasing. Security To establish effective mechanisms and procedures so that the ATM system, as well as ATM-related information, is protected against security threats To balance the needs of the members of the ATM community who may require access to the system, with the need to protect the ATM system To improve the effectiveness of existing, and determine new, mechanisms, criteria and structures to enhance civil-military co-operation and co-ordination in the event of threats to aircraft or threats using aircraft TABLE 3 – KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS – PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Page 30 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The ATM system is based on the provision of integrated services. However, to better describe how these services will be delivered, seven concept components, together with their expected key conceptual changes, are described briefly below in Indian perspective Operational Concept Description Component Airspace Organization Establishes airspace structures that equitably accommodate the different and Management types of air activity, volume of traffic and differing levels of service. Aerodrome Operations Enables the efficient use of the capacity of the aerodrome airside infrastructure. Demand and Capacity Establishes maximum system capacity and optimal flow by minimising conflicting user needs and optimisation of system performance in the Balancing presence of imposed constraints. Traffic Use of integrated and automated assistance to manage surface movements, Synchronization departure, arrival and en-route flights to ensure an optimum traffic flow. Airspace User The development of the ATM system and aircraft capabilities, based on Operations global standards, will ensure global interoperability of ATM systems and airspace user operations. The degree to which benefits and incentives can be realized may continue to differ with respect to the types of users. Conflict Management Undertake the limitation, to an acceptable level of risk of collision between aircraft and hazards. ATM Service Delivery Services to be delivered by the ATM service delivery system will be Management established on an on-request basis subject to ATM system design. ATM system design will be determined by collaborative decision making and system-wide safety and business cases. Page 31 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Information Establishes an environment for all stages of flight where information can be Management shared between all stakeholders. TABLE 4 –OPERATIONAL CONCEPT COMPONENTS 3.5. Planning Methodology 3.5.1. The ANS planning directorate identified salient features of Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan, the Global Air Navigation Plan and the ASBU elements, specifically concentrating on the modules in the Block Zero time horizon. 3.5.2. A study of the current and foreseen fleet of aircraft and their capabilities, the forecast traffic figures and ATM System infrastructure, including human resource availability and requirements, was conducted. The analysis of the collected data revealed “gaps” in the foreseen results. The ASBU methodology was assessed with respect to these gaps in order to identify those that would provide the operational improvements required to meet the performance objectives in Indian Airspace, taking into account the regional harmonization perspective. 3.5.3. All of the activities listed in the performance objectives will be designed based on strategies, concepts, action plan models and roadmaps that may be shared in order to align the national ANS roadmap with the main objective of maximising interoperability and transparency. 3.5.4. Planning of all the activities should ensure an efficient use of resources, avoiding duplicated or unnecessary activities or tasks. Planning must also encourage the optimisation of human resources, financial savings, and the use of electronic media. 3.5.5. Based on the Strategic Plan detailed work Programme (action plans) to achieve each objective will be developed specifying timelines, responsible parties and status of implementation by the concerned directorates. Additionally, the action plans should enable a mechanism to consider detailed information about the activities required for implementation, the means to provide feedback on the progress made through an annual reporting process, which will help the management to prioritize the required actions and support. Page 32 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 3.5.6. The development of action plans is based on the experience gained and lessons learned during the previous cycle of the CNS/ATM implementation process. Additionally, this Strategic Plan is aimed at moving towards regional harmonisation , taking advantage of infrastructure capacity building and making full use of existing regional coordination and cooperation. 3.6. Planning Guidance - GANP and APSAP 3.6.1. Global Air Navigation Plan ( GANP) Based on the ICAO Assembly directive, under the concept of “One Sky” for international air navigation, ICAO has developed the ASBU methodology, as a set of air traffic management (ATM) solutions or upgrades, taking advantage of existing equipage and establishing a transition plan and ensuring global interoperability. The ASBU methodology has formed the basis of the fourth edition of the GANP. The fourth edition of ICAO’s Global Air Navigation Plan1 (Doc 9750) represents a rolling fifteen-year strategy to guide complementary and sector-wide air transport improvements over the period 2013 to 2028. The GANP leverages existing technologies and anticipates future developments based on State- and industry-agreed operational objectives, offering a long-term vision that will assist ICAO, States and industry to ensure continuity and harmonization among their modernization programmes. The GANP explores the need for more integrated aviation planning at both the regional and State level, and addresses required solutions by introducing a consensus‐driven Aviation System Block Upgrade (ASBU) methodology. The GANP identifies issues to be addressed in the near term alongside financial aspects of aviation system modernization, and the increasing importance of collaboration and partnership as aviation recognizes and addresses the multidisciplinary challenges that lay ahead. The fourth edition of the GANP encourages States to map their individual or regional modernization programmes against the harmonized GANP by providing Page 33 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 far greater certainty of investment. The GANP requires active collaboration among States through the ICAO planning and implementation regional groups (PIRGs) in order to coordinate initiatives within the applicable regional air navigation plans. In order to realize specific operational improvements, the GANP also provides required tools for States and regions to develop comprehensive business cases analyses. The GANP, together with other high-level plans such as the companion Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP, Doc 10004), will assist ICAO Regions, subregions and States to establish their priorities through to 2028. The GANP outlines ICAO’s ten key civil aviation policy principles that will guide global, regional and State air navigation planning. FIGURE 4 – ASBU BLOCK UPGRADES Page 34 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 FIGURE 5 –ASBU BLOCK TIMELINES The ASBUs provide a systems engineering modernization strategy for international air navigation, comprising a series of modules across four performance improvement areas and four blocks. Each block represents the target availability timeline for a group of operational improvements — both technological and procedural — that will eventually realize a fully-harmonized global air navigation system. The technologies and procedures for each block are organized according to modules that are based on the specific performance improvement area to which they relate. Block 0 (“block zero”) features modules characterized by operational improvements which have already been developed and implemented in many parts of the world today. It therefore has a near-term implementation period of 2013– 2018, where 2013 refers to the availability of all components of its particular performance modules and 2018 the target implementation deadline. It is important to realize that not all States will need to implement each and every module. ICAO will be working with States, in particular through the PIRGs, to help determine exactly which capabilities States should have in place based on their unique operational requirements. The modules that make up the ASBU methodology from Block 0 to Block 3 are numerous and often highly inter-related. A module thread is associated with a specific performance improvement area. Some of the modules in each consecutive block feature the same thread acronym, indicating that they are elements of the same performance Page 35 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 improvement area as it progresses toward its target. Every module within the ASBU methodology serves to progress towards one of the four target performance improvement areas. An ASBU designates a set of improvements that can be implemented globally from a defined point in time to enhance the performance of the ATM system. There are four components of a block upgrade. They are: Module, Thread, Block and Performance Improvement Areas (PIA). Module – is a deployable package (performance) or capability. A module will offer an understandable performance benefit, related to a change in operations, supported by procedures, technology, regulations/standards as necessary, and a business case. A module will be also characterized by the operating environment within which it may be applied. The date allocated to a module in a block is that of the initial operating capability (IOC). Thread – describes the evolution of a given capability through the successive block upgrades, from basic to more advanced capability and associated performance, while representing key aspects of the global ATM concept Block – is made up of modules that when combined enable significant improvements and provide access to benefits. Blocks introduce a form of date segmentation in five year intervals. Performance improvement area (PIA) – sets of modules in each block are grouped to provide operational and performance objectives in relation to the environment to which they apply, thus forming an executive view of the intended evolution. The PIAs facilitate comparison of ongoing program. The four PIAs are as follows: a) Airport operations; b) Globally interoperable systems and data – through globally interoperable systemwide information management; c) Optimum capacity and flexible flights – through global collaborative ATM; and Page 36 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 d) Efficient flight paths – through trajectory-based operations. Figure 4 illustrates the relationships between the modules, threads, blocks, and PIAs. Figure 6 explains the concept of the thread. FIGURE 6 In Figure 6, the modules under each block carry the same module number indicating that they are a part of the same thread. Note that each block includes a target date reference for its availability. Each of the modules that form the Blocks must meet a readiness review that includes the availability of standards (to include performance standards, approvals, and advisory/guidance documents, etc.), avionics, infrastructure, ground automation and other enabling capabilities. Although the GANP is global in scope, it is not expected that all ASBU modules will be applied worldwide. Some of the ASBU modules contained in the GANP are specialised packages that must be applied wherever there are specific operational requirements or corresponding benefits. Page 37 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 It is recognized that Blocks 0 and 1 represent the most mature of the modules. Blocks 2 and 3 provide the necessary vision to ensure that earlier implementations are on the path to the future. The ANS strategic plan has extensively considered and selected applicable ASBU Block 0 modules and Block 1 modules that will be required for meeting the Indian ATM operational objectives, and to be implemented in a time bound manner. The ANS Strategic plan provides linkages to respective ASBU modules at the end of each chapter. 3.6.2. Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan (APSAP) Elements Considering that the APAC region is experiencing robust growth in air traffic and is poised to become the largest aviation market in the next two decades, Asia Pacific PIRG (APANPIRG), proactively formed the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Planning Group (APSAPG) in 2011. The APSAPG was tasked with coming up with a time bound action plan for developing a seamless ATM environment across APAC region. The APSAPG submitted the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan (APSAP) to APANPIRG in 2013, which was duly endorsed. APSAP considered three major areas of Seamless ATM Principles, involving People (human performance), Facilities (physical equipment), and Technology and Information. In accordance with the expectations, the APSAPG developed the following performance objectives to facilitate Seamless ATM operations: a) Preferred Aerodrome/Airspace and Route Specifications (PARS); and b) Preferred ATM Service Levels (PASL). The PARS/PASL introduced two Performance Objectives, which incorporate system expectations, such as general performance-oriented requirements. Each performance objective is composed of a list of expectations of different aspects of the aviation system. Page 38 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The PARS and PASL are expected to be implemented in two phases, Phase I by 12 November 2015 and Phase II by 08 November 2018. Recognizing the economic and environmental costs associated with delay of system improvement using technologies available today, Phase I was considered to be the earliest date possible for ASBU elements and other non-ASBU elements, which mainly involved procedural changes and human training. The PARS contain the expectations for airspace and ATS routes, including aircraft equipage to facilitate Seamless ATM operation, and is therefore a matter for the State regulator or the airspace authority, and is of primary interest to airspace planners, flight procedure designers and aircraft operators. The PASL contain the expectations for Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP), and is therefore a matter for the State regulator or the ATS authority. The PASL is of primary interest to ANSPs and aircraft operators. The PARS and PASL together form the foundation of Seamless ATM development, and as such should be enabled by national regulations, rules and policies wherever applicable to enable a harmonized effort by all stakeholders. APSAP categorized the eighteen modules of ASBU Block 0 for regional implementation. The allocation of priority was based on factors including its importance in promoting Seamless ATM (Priority 1 = critical upgrade, Priority 2 = recommended upgrade, Priority 3 = may not be universally implemented). Out of the eighteen (18) modules of Block 0, APSAP considered six modules of “critical” category, they are B0-FRTO, BO-FICE, B0-DATM, B0-NOPS, B0-TBO and B0-ASUR. APSAP categorized nine Block 0 modules as “recommended” for States to implement. They are B0- CDO, B0-RSEQ, B0- CCO, B0-APTA, B0-ACDM, B0ASEP, B0-ACAS, B0-SNET and BO- AMET. In addition APSAP also considered regional elements such as Aerodrome Capacity Analysis, Page 39 of 171 Aerodrome Certification, Civil-Military Cooperation, Airspace Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Classification, ATC Separation standards for uniform application across APAC region. The ANS Strategic plan has considered both phases of APSAP for implementation. The linkage between ASBU modules, APSAP elements and ANS Plan operational objectives has been provided at the end of each chapter. 3.7. Planning Horizon 3.7.1. Taking guidance from GANP Block time frames and APSAP phases , the ANS Strategic Plan is described in the following time frames: a. Short Term - From 2014 to 2015 ( coinciding with APSAP Phase I ) b. Medium Term – From 2016 to 2018 ( coinciding with APSAP Phase II and ASBU Block 0 time frame ) c. Long Term - From 2018 to 2023 (coinciding with ASBU Block 1 time frame ) 3.7.2. The ANS strategic plan recognizes that ATM, the integrated management of air traffic and airspace, must provide collaborative, seamless services supported by communications, navigation and surveillance in a system-wide environment that generates and manages information through the use of technology. 3.7.3. It should be noted that the different specialties (CNS, AIS, MET, AGA/AOP) developed in this Plan support ATM development and, in turn, constitute per-se an integrated, indivisible system. The Plan also addresses issues that are relevant to all the planning elements, namely: a. Development of human resources and competence management (see Chapter 10); and b. Safety management – SMS (see Chapter 11). Page 40 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Page 41 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 4. AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT 4.1. Introduction 4.1.1. According to the Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (GATMOC), the general objective of Air Traffic Management (ATM) is to achieve a global, interoperational air traffic management system for all users during all flight phases, that meets the agreed levels of safety, provides optimum operations, is environmental sustainable, and meets national security requirements. 4.1.2. The future system must evolve from the current system so as to, in as much as possible, meets the needs of the users, according to clearly established operational requirements. The process of evolution involves migration and integration which are the most difficult institutional issues for an Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP). 4.1.3. The Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan (APSAP) has firmly advocated the concept of Seamless ATM and airspace. The principles of Seamless ATM are : Airspace boundaries and divisions should not restrict the development of the airspace structure. Planning should be coordinated between adjacent areas in order to achieve a seamless airspace, in which the user does not perceive any division. The airspace should be free of operational discontinuities and inconsistencies, and should be organized in such a way as to accommodate the requirements of the different types of users. The migration between areas should be seamless to users at all times. 4.1.4. Human factors and training aspects are taken under consideration in all ANS improvement modules. 4.1.5. The evolution of ATM has been carefully planned to avoid the degradation of the performance of the existing system. The safety level attained to date must be preserved during the transition, as a minimum, gradually improving air navigation efficiency. Aircraft avionics requirements have also been considered to achieve a successful transition to new systems and procedures. Page 42 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 4.1.6. ATM evolution during the short and medium-term will enhance the performance of Indian airspace and air traffic management through a dynamic approach by sharing of information between all participating stakeholders. A seamless interaction between the airspace structure, ATS routes and airports will provide optimum system-wide performance benefiting all stakeholders in civil aviation. 4.1.7. Greater accuracy and reliability of shared information will enhance confidence in the operational processes thereby enhancing efficiency and capacity. Experience in the successful application of the concept will support further development of improvements at the tactical and operational levels. 4.1.8. The improved efficiency of the ATM operation will also benefit those areas where the need for capacity is not yet regarded as a current issue. An important objective of the short and medium-term plan is to achieve the same level of flexibility throughout Indian ATM network and ATS units. 4.2. General Principles 4.2.1. From an operational perspective, the key attributes of the ATM Evolution are: i. a dynamic airspace structure together with four layer concept – upper ACC, lower ACC, approach and tower; ii. collaborative processes & procedures to support flexible management of airspace; iii. an integrated approach to airspace, flow and capacity management; iv. a strong airports interface commensurate with airspace structure and ATC procedure; v. enhanced processes to support effective civil/military cooperation; vi. demand capacity management through demand and capacity balancing, traffic synchronization and constraint management; vii. processes and repositories to support collection and sharing of accurate data, between all stakeholders; viii. dynamic management of trajectories through CDM; and Page 43 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 ix. Processes to support performance monitoring and taking mid-course corrections when needed. 4.2.2. The ATM evolution has been planned taking into account the ASBU Block 0 modules and the Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan Phase 1 and Phase 2 elements that could be applied in the short and medium term. ATM performance objectives, in addition to the requirements for the implementation of ATM improvements, determine the implementation dates of planned improvements, as well as the performance objectives and the main tasks related to the implementation of the initiatives. 4.2.3. The Asia pacific Seamless ATM plan does not use the terms ‘continental’, ‘remote’ and ‘oceanic’ to refer to an assumed geographical application area, as many Asia/Pacific States have islands or archipelagos that can support a higher density of Communications, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) systems than in a purely ‘oceanic’ environment. In accordance with the principles of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Concept of Operations (CONOPS), the Seamless Plan defines airspace categories according to its CNS capability or potential capability: Category R: remote en-route airspace within Air Traffic Services (ATS) communications and surveillance coverage dependent on a third-party Communication Service Provider (CSP); or Category S: serviced (or potentially serviced) en-route airspace – by direct (not dependent on a CSP) ATS communications and surveillance; or Category T: terminal operations serviced by direct ATS communications and surveillance. 4.2.4. The ANS Strategic Plan has adopted the above classification of airspace for describing ATM Operational objectives. 4.2.5. Advanced Ground ATM automation (with integrated processing of surveillance and flight data) systems and Controller decision support tools are essential to enhance Page 44 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 controller performance efficiency and also to enhance safety levels in ATM operations. Various Safety Nets and decision support tools have been implemented at all airports and ATS units. As the need for automatic coordination increases between ATS centers, there will be a need for ensuring interoperability between ground ATS automation systems within the country and also with adjacent States. Also the need for traffic flow management across many States will need a relook into the interoperability and information sharing capacity of ATS automation systems. 4.3. Strategy for the implementation of performance objectives 4.3.1. ATM Planning is based on seven aspects as listed below: a) En-route airspace operations optimisation b) TMA airspace structure and operations optimisation c) Implementation of PBN – En-route and TMA d) Flexible use of the airspace e) ATFM implementation f) Improvement of ATM situational awareness 4.4. En-route operations 4.4.1. The evolution of ATM for en-route operations has been taken into account the ASBU Block 0 modules applicable along with the APSAP elements and is planned in order to permit optimum airspace management and organization. 4.4.2. PBN implementation for en-route operations The PBN concept specifies RNAV and RNP system performance requirements in terms of accuracy, integrity, availability, continuity and functionality needed for the proposed operations in the context of a particular Airspace Concept, when supported by the appropriate navigation infrastructure. In that context, the PBN concept represents a shift from sensor-based to performance-based navigation. Page 45 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 PBN provides a list of navigation specifications that have applicability to one or more types of airspace (terminal, en-route, and remote/oceanic) and is only one of several enablers (Surveillance, Communications and Air Traffic Management) of an airspace concept. As with all changes to the ANS infrastructure, PBN will be implemented, where feasible, based on a positive business case. India will continue the transition to a PBN environment with ground-based navigation aids providing only a back-up capability. It is envisaged that “Four Dimensional-Trajectory Based Operations--4D TBOs” will exist in the long-term supporting the transition to full gate-to-gate management. Terminal airspace redesigns will consider future technologies and design an airspace system that is flexible enough to be able to adjust for future TBOs with minimal effort. PBN implementation in India will exploit the use of advanced aircraft navigation capabilities, which, combined with the air navigation system infrastructure, will permit airspace optimization, including the ATS route network. Thus, it will promote an ATS routing environment that meets the needs of airspace users, reducing the workload of controllers and pilots and aircraft concentration in certain parts of the airspace that may generate congestion on the system. All Category R and S upper controlled airspace, and Category T airspace supporting high density aerodromes will be designated as non-exclusive or exclusive PBN airspace as appropriate. This is to allow operational priority for PBN approved aircraft, harmonised specifications and to take into account off-track events such as weather deviations, with priority implementation for high density FIRs. Note: Non-exclusive means that non-PBN aircraft may enter the airspace, but may be accorded a lower priority than PBN aircraft, except for State aircraft. All ATS routes will be designated with a navigation performance specification to define the CNS/ATM operational environment. The ATS route navigation performance specification selected will be harmonised and utilise the least stringent requirement needed to support the intended operation. When obstacle clearance or Page 46 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 ATC separation requirements demand, a more stringent navigation specification may be selected. ATS routes will be established in accordance with the following PBN specifications: a) Category R airspace – RNP 4, RNP 10 (RNAV 10) (other acceptable navigation specifications – RNP 2 oceanic); and b) Category S airspace –RNAV 2 or RNP 2 (other acceptable navigation specifications – RNAV 5). Short term: Taking into account the growth of air traffic in oceanic airspaces, India and adjacent participating countries in the Oceanic airspace of Bay of Bengal-Indian Ocean- Arabian Sea Corridor will progressively move towards reduced horizontal separation on the existing RNP 10 routes. In the short term no changes are expected in the existing airspace structure over oceanic airspace. Nevertheless, India as a leading contributor to the Arabian Sea Indian Ocean ATS Coordination Group (ASIOACG) will continue to work towards establishing RNP-10 (RNAV10) route structure in oceanic routes of the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. In the continental airspace, RNAV-5 city pair routes are being implemented. Establishing RNAV-2 routes is also being explored. In the short term all the major airports in India will be connected with RNAV -5 city pair routes. Medium term: It is expected that RNP-4 will be implemented in the Bay of Bengal-Indian Ocean- Arabian Sea Corridor, using ADS/CPDLC, in order to permit the use of a 30-NM lateral and longitudinal separation. This implementation will depend on the increased participation of the aircraft fleet operating in these airspaces for using data link services (ADS-C/CPDLC). India will support creation of exclusive airspaces for suitably equipped aircraft to progressively move towards reduced horizontal separation standards. Page 47 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 During this phase, it is expected that RNP-2 will be implemented in selected continental airspaces, using mandatory GNSS, taking into account that the ground infrastructure will not support RNAV applications. It will be necessary to establish a back-up system for GNSS and to develop contingency procedures in case of GNSS failure. The implementation of RNP-2 will facilitate the implementation of PBN in airspaces with no ATS surveillance service. All en-route controlled airspace will be designated as being exclusive PBN airspace with mandatory carriage of GNSS utilizing RNP navigation specifications, except for State aircraft. Such implementation mandates will be harmonized with adjacent airspace. ATS routes should be established in accordance with the following PBN specification: a. Category R and S airspace – RNP 2. 4.4.3. Situational awareness and en-route avionics requirements The use of ADS-C and CPDLC in oceanic airspaces will foster the necessary conditions for using 30-NM horizontal separation minima in the Bay of BengalIndian Ocean- Arabian Sea Corridor. In the continental airspace, the use of enhanced surveillance techniques (RADAR, ADS-B and/or multi-lateration) will help reduce horizontal separation minima, enhance safety, increase capacity, and improve the cost-effectiveness of flights. These benefits may be achieved by providing surveillance in areas that lack primary or secondary radar when so warranted by cost-benefit analyses. In airspaces where radar is used, improved surveillance may help enhance the quality and reliability of surveillance information both on the ground and in the air. A consistent cost-benefit analysis will be conducted to determine if, when the time comes, PSR and/or SSR systems should be replaced by ADS-B systems or multi-lateration. It is expected that the number of ADS-B equipped and certified aircraft will increase in the domestic airspace, leading to increased use of ADS-B surveillance data for ATS at airports with stand-Alone ADS-B facility. India will consider ADS-B Page 48 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 equipage mandate after due consideration of different existing and intended mandates in APAC region and in consultation with all stakeholders. All the Ground ATS automation systems will be provided relevant surveillance sensor information to effectively provide Air Traffic Services in the areas of their responsibility. The ATS automation systems will be capable of integrating the sensor information to provide controllers accurate and reliable air traffic data. The gradual implementation of ATS inter-facility data communication (AIDC) will enhance airspace safety and reduce coordination errors between ATS units. The implementation of ATS surveillance systems should take into account the corresponding automation aspects, mainly with respect to the need for harmonization and interoperability between the systems applied. 4.5. TMA operations 4.5.1. The evolution of air traffic management in terminal areas shall be harmonized with the evolution of ATM for en-route operations, providing for a harmonious and integrated ATM system. 4.5.2. The evolution of ATM for TMA operations takes into account the ASBU Block 0 modules applicable, and will be planned so as to permit an optimum airspace management and organization. 4.5.3. The TMA structure optimization is supplementary to the optimization of the routes, through the use of approach procedures, SIDs, STARs, based on PBN, the application of TMA design and management techniques, and the functional integration of ground and airborne systems. 4.5.4. As regards situational awareness and implementation of data link applications, the close relationship between the implementation of enhanced surveillance techniques (ADS-B and/or MLAT) and the use of data link applications is also taken into account. 4.5.5. There are many factors that should be taken into account when planning the requirements for a TMA air navigation service infrastructure. In addition to traffic volume, consideration should be given to other factors, such as: number and location Page 49 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 of aerodromes, traffic characteristics, terrain, airspace restrictions, meteorological conditions, etc. Therefore, a thorough analysis of each particular TMA will be carried out to determine, in coordination with the users, the requirements for the implementation of the corresponding air navigation services. 4.5.6. TMA structure optimization TMA airspace structure optimization will be achieved through the following measures: a. PBN implementation, which includes the implementation of SIDs and STARs with RNP and/or RNAV, and RNP approach procedures; b. Implementation of continuous descent operations (CDO) and continuous climb operations (CCO); c. The functional integration of ground and airborne systems; and d. The use of improved design and management techniques. 4.5.7. Implementation of PBN for TMA operations TMA operations have specific characteristics, taking into account the separation minima applicable between aircraft, and between aircraft and obstacles. This also involves the diversity of aircraft, including low-performance aircraft that carry out arrival and departure procedures on the same path as, or close to the paths of, highperformance aircraft. India has already developed a national PBN implementation plan, based on the APAC PBN Roadmap. The road map envisages harmonization of aircraft separation criteria and the applicable RNAV and/or RNP criteria, in order to avoid the need for multiple approvals for intra- and inter-regional operations. The efficiency of TMA operations in a PBN environment depends on aerodrome design and management and runway operations, taking into account that any air traffic flow increase in TMA operations shall be absorbed by airport infrastructure. Short term Page 50 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 All international high density aerodromes will have RNAV 1 (ATS surveillance environment) or RNP 1 (ATS surveillance and non-ATS surveillance environments) SID/STAR taking into account the availability of ATS surveillance service and adequate ground-based navigation infrastructure, permitting DME/DME and DME/DME/IRS operations. During this phase, operations with equipped and non-equipped aircraft will be permitted. In environments with no ATS surveillance service and/or where there is no adequate navigation infrastructure on the ground, RNP-1 based procedures will be applied, provided there is an adequate percentage of approved aircraft. Nevertheless, operations with approved and non-approved aircraft will be permitted in these TMAs once the corresponding operational benefits are verified. The implementation of overlay procedures and exclusive RNP procedures will depend on air traffic complexity and density. The PBN road map takes into account the APSAP recommendations on access to high density aerodromes. Where practical, all high density aerodromes with instrument runways serving airplanes will have (ASBU Priority 2): a) precision approaches; or b) Approaches with Vertical Guidance (APV), either RNP APCH with Barometric Vertical Navigation (Baro–VNAV) or augmented GNSS (SBAS or GBAS); or c) if an APV is not practical, straight-in RNP APCH with Lateral Navigation (LNAV). It is also planned that RNP with Mandatory Clearance approach procedures (RNP AR APCH) will be applied at airports in which obvious operational benefits can be obtained, based on the existence of significant obstacles. PBN for TMA operations will be designed in order to facilitate flight procedures that provide most efficient trajectory during approach of an aircraft to the destination aerodrome. Recognizing environmental benefits and operations Page 51 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 efficiency, with the aim to ensure safety the PBN roadmap will include continuous descent operations (CDO) implementation. CCO and CDO operations will be considered for implementation at all medium to low density international aerodromes after analysis, based on a performance-based approach (ASBU Block 0 Module – B0-CDO- APSAP Priority 2). Medium term During this phase, it is expected that the implementation of RNAV or RNP-1 applications at selected TMAs will be extended depending on ground infrastructure and aircraft navigation capacity. At more complex TMAs, RNAV or RNP-1 equipment will be mandatory (exclusionary airspace). At less complex TMAs, equipped and non-equipped aircraft will still be admitted. RNP 0.3 arrival/departure, approach and/or en-route transiting procedures will be considered at high density aerodromes with rotary wing operations. All international aerodromes will have RNAV 1 (ATS surveillance environment) or RNP 1 (ATS surveillance and non-ATS surveillance environments) SID/STAR. Note: the Asia/Pacific PBN Plan Version 3 required RNAV 1 SID/STAR for 50% of international airports by 2010 and 75% by 2012 (priority should be given to airports with RNP Approach); and RNAV 1 or RNP 1 SID/STAR for 100% of international airports and 70% of busy domestic airports where there are operational benefits by 2016. Where practical, all aerodromes with instrument runways serving aircraft will have (ASBU Priority 2): a) precision approaches; or b) APV, either RNP APCH with Barometric Vertical Navigation (Baro– VNAV) or augmented GNSS (SBAS or GBAS); or Page 52 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 c) when an APV is not practical, straight-in RNP APCH with LNAV 4.5.8. Functional integration of ground and airborne systems: The optimization of TMA efficiency will depend on a maximum use of automation. Likewise, aircraft will be increasingly equipped with time of arrival calculation. Thus, functional integration of ground and onboard systems will enable identification of times of arrival at specific fixes. These schedules should help in the landing sequencing process, allowing aircraft to remain close to their preferred 4D path, contributing to the application of one of the components of the ATM Operational Concept, which is Air Traffic Synchronization. 4.5.9. Use of improved design and management techniques TMA restructuring will be carried out taking into account: a. Validating the proposed airspace structure; b. Assessing the impact of PBN implementation, including RNAV and/or RNP SID and STAR procedures, and FMS-based arrival procedures, using ATC simulations as needed; c. Ensuring a favorable cost-benefit ratio; and d. Optimizing sectorisation so as to provide seamless service for air space users and achieving workload balance. 4.5.10. Situational awareness and avionics applications for TMA In addition to the considerations contained in the section on en-route operations, which also apply to TMA operations, the following aspects also should be considered for the implementation of ATS surveillance services and avionics applications in the TMA. The implementation of surveillance systems (ADS-B and/or multilateration) at the TMAs will provide the conditions required for the integration of en-route and TMA operations. Page 53 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The use of ATS surveillance systems (SSR, ADS-B and/or multilateration) will permit the use of RNAV-based navigation specifications, taking into account that surveillance will permit flight monitoring for the detection of any path deviation. Thus, it will be possible to include in TMA operations those users that would not be approved for RNP operations. The implementation of improved surveillance systems will facilitate the operation of aircraft not approved for RNAV/RNP, taking into account that the controller will be able to vector them to the final approach. The implementation of CPDLC in the TMA is not expected, taking into account the characteristics of ATC intervention in these airspaces. 4.5.11. It should be noted that not all TMA users might be equipped with required avionics systems, since there is a still significant number of low performance aircraft that continue to operate and might not be capable of being properly equipped. In that case, procedures must be developed to allow non-equipped aircraft to fly, unless air traffic density warrants the use of exclusionary airspaces. 4.6. Air Space Management This part of the Plan includes aspects contributing towards efficiency and capability applicable to airspace management. 4.6.1. Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) FUA is intended to enable the adaptable and flexible management of airspace providing improved access to restricted airspace as a resource, increased ATM capacity to meet forecast growth in air traffic, support for the transition to user preferred trajectory. FUA is based on the following guidelines: i. Airspace allocation shall be of temporary nature as ‘Temporary Segregated Areas’ or ‘Temporary Reserved Areas’ as per the actual needs. Page 54 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 ii. Defense airspace will automatically remain available for use by civil users after the completion of special defense activities for which the airspace was temporarily segregated/reserved; except that certain airspace will be earmarked as exclusive military usage area on permanent basis for strategic/training use with the flexibility that it can be used by other users on availability with no specific lead time requirement. iii. Effective co-ordination between Civil and Military shall be maintained. Approximately 35% of India’s airspace is not available for use by civilian operators. In the case of the Delhi FIR this increases to 70%. This restriction imposes the need to operate more circuitous routings, increasing fuel burn, costs and emissions. In 2012 the Ministries of Civil Aviation and Defense reached an agreement to progressively introduce FUA. In order to expand the level of cooperation, a National High-Level Airspace Policy Body (HLAPB) has been established to asses/reassess the national airspace usage requirements of various stakeholders and establishes flexible airspace use structures and the introduction of procedures for the allocation of airspace. This body consists of representatives from the regulator (DGCA), ANSP, Defense Authorities, Indian Space Research Organization, Airlines. The Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation will be the Chairman of the body. Airspace Review team (ART) ART will be established by HLAPB to carryout annual review of airspace utilization of airspace allocated to each stakeholder. ART shall formulate guidelines for collection of airspace use data, collect such data regularly, analyze the same and submit to HLAPB along with suggestions/recommendations for review and consideration for annual allocation. The body will carry out a review of various Military Areas to identify and assess actual needs for the civil and the military activities for allocation of airspace. Page 55 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Airspace Management Cell (AMC): AMCs are joint civil/military airspace management focal-points which have the authority to carry out Airspace use requirement within the framework of the airspace structures, priority rules and negotiation procedures as laid down by the national HLAPB. AMCs will collect and analyze all airspace requests. After coordination AMCs will promulgate the airspace allocation as an Airspace Use Plan (AUP) and changes thereto in Updated Airspace Use Plan (UUP). AMC will be established in each FIR for effective coordination between Civil and Military. Only one single Military unit will coordinate with Civil ATC on all aviation related matters through establishment of single Military Liaison unit instead of multiple military entities coordinating with Civil ATC units. Implementation of Conditional Routes Conditional routes as per the following two categories will be implemented and promulgated for use through NOTAM. Conditional routes will be of two categories: Conditional route I that can be flight planned during specified periods/levels as published in AIP/NOTAM Conditional route II that may be dynamically planned subject to civil/military coordination and availability. FUA operating procedures and working practices will deliver the concept of FUA at three levels: Level 1- strategic – the long-term, strategic definition and review of national airspace usage; Level 2- pre-tactical – the day-to-day airspace allocation according to user requirements; and Level 3- tactical – the real-time allocation/reallocation and usage of airspace resources through CDM. Page 56 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 The optimum, balanced and equitable use of airspace by civil and military users, facilitated by strategic coordination and dynamic interaction, will permit the establishment of optimum flight paths, while reducing the operating cost of airspace users. 4.6.2. Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) Air Traffic Flow Management has relied heavily on the tactical application of holding, speed control and radar vectoring. It has been supported by limited strategic management through slot allocation. Terminal Flow Control measures will be implemented at busy terminal approach areas and airports which are capacity constrained. The demand will be balanced with the capacity through strategic slot management process and dynamic ( tactical) flow control measures. Necessary ATM traffic management tools and decision support tools such as Arrival Manager (AMAN) will be integrated with ATM automation system to provide integrated strategic and tactical ATM solutions. Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU) will be established to dynamically asses the airspace situation and capacity optimization taking into consideration various constraints such as airspace/ airport situation, weather conditions, traffic congestion, that affect the smooth flow of traffic throughout the Indian FIRs. Mitigating measures and alternate actions to avoid congestion and delay both in the terminal and enroute airspace and airports will be achieved through Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) processes involving all stakeholders 4.6.3. Addressing Environmental Issues As the aviation industry grows, the impact of air traffic operations on the global atmosphere becomes increasingly important in addition to the local effects of noise and air quality. The measures to control/minimize the environmental impact due to aviation emissions need to be implemented on priority. In particular, by Page 57 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 optimization of cruising levels and routes, and through implementation of continuous descent arrivals/approaches, and continuous climb departures. It is expected that improvements in ATM system and procedure would help reduce aviation fuel burn, thereby mitigating the effect of increased traffic on global aircraft engine emissions. Efficient ATC procedures based on PBN exploiting the airborne capabilities of the aircraft, ATS route optimisation and user preferred direct routings to reduce flying time and fuel burnt and enhanced runway access to avoid holdings and minimise delays will be implemented. 4.6.4. Initial Integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft ( RPAS) into segregated Airspace– ASBU Block 1 Module – B1-RPAS The Block 1 Modules usher in some of the most promising new concepts and capabilities supporting the future ATM System, namely: Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE); Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO); System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) and the integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs) into non-segregated airspace. India is witnessing a rapid growth of operation of RPAS (popularly known as “drones”) for various commercial, military and recreational purposes. It is foreseen that in the midterm horizon integration of RPAS in the segregated areas for safe and efficient air traffic flow will be a major challenge in India. In the long term for integration of RPAS into non-segregated areas seamlessly, more study will be required. Accepting a large number of RPAS into the ATM system seamlessly, efficiently and safely, poses many challenges even in segregated airspace. Their speed, maneuverability, climb rate, and other performance characteristics, together with their avionic system equipage can differ substantially from conventional aircraft. Experience of RPAS operations and their interaction with the ATM system to date Page 58 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 indicates that, currently, they are unable to comply with many standard, routine ATM procedures. While this has not prevented RPAS operations, it has limited their integration into the ATM system thus far. Safety is the number one priority. International regulations and standards require that any new system, procedure or operation that has an impact on the safety of ATM operations must be subject to a risk assessment and mitigation process to support its safe introduction and operation. The safe integration of RPAS into the ATM system with other airspace users is subject to standard safety management system (SMS) principles. RPAS are classified as aircraft and therefore should comply with the rules for flying, certifying, and equipping aircraft. A key factor in safely integrating RPAS in nonsegregated airspace is their ability to act and respond in an equivalent way to manned aircraft. The Ground ATM automation systems also need to be updated to include and accept many characteristics of the RPAS flight plan which are different from the normal flight plan parameters. The ANS Strategic Plan takes note of the need for evolutionary changes and the need for appropriate technological and procedural responses. 4.7. AIRSPACE CONCEPT- INDIAN CONTEXT 4.7.1. An “airspace concept” may be viewed as a general vision or master plan for a particular airspace. Based on particular principles, an airspace concept is geared towards specific objectives. Strategic objectives drive the general vision of the airspace concept. These objectives are usually identified by airspace users, air traffic management (ATM), airports as well as environmental and government policy. It is the function of the airspace concept and the concept of operations to respond to these requirements. The Page 59 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 strategic objectives which most commonly drive airspace concept are safety, capacity, efficiency, access, and the environment. 4.7.2. Navigation is one of several enablers of an airspace concept. Communications, ATS Surveillance and ATM are also essential elements of an airspace concept. 4.7.3. With a view to enhance capacity, efficiency and to a large extent mitigate adverse environmental effects, while maintaining safety, Indian airspace is being reorganized as follows. 4.7.4. Harmonization of upper airspace classification will be as follows: a. Category R controlled airspace– Class A; and b. Category S controlled airspace– Class A, or if there are high level general aviation or military VFR operations: Class B or C. The entire Indian airspace consisting of four FIRs with 12 ACCs will be amalgamated into 4 ACCs initially and finally into 2 centers. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai will be the 4 main En-route centers for the provision of enroute control service. The airspace within the jurisdiction of these centers will be reorganized to establish multiple en-route sectors of appropriate lateral jurisdiction based on the flow of traffic and complexities. All the four centers will be equipped with similar level of ATM automation and CNS infrastructure. One centre will serve as a back –up to the other centre in the event of disaster or complete breakdown. Entire airspace will have overlapping surveillance cover through radar, ADS-B, Multilateration combined with matching seamless air-ground communication to facilitate efficient air traffic management. The surveillance data from Radar/ADS-B/Multilateration will be networked and electronically processed with relevant flight data from the Flight data processor to provide an integrated track data output correlated with flight plan so as to enable application of uniform radar separation throughout the FIRs. Dynamic Page 60 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 consolidation and deconsolidation of sectors will be facilitated with supporting communication capabilities. The sectorization plan is based on four layer concepts of Tower, Approach, Lower ACC and Upper ACC with vertical jurisdiction: Tower – Aerodrome Traffic Circuit; Approach –GND to F140; Buffer – F145 Lower ACC – F150 to F250; Buffer – F255 Upper ACC – F260 to F460. The lower area control sectors will be functional only at operational airports which are connected by multiple ATS routes and complexities of air traffic so demand to enhance the Safety and operational efficiency to support Approach control operations. The Upper Area Harmonization (UAH) project has been completed at Chennai FIR in 2012. The UAH Projects for Kolkata FIR is planned in 2014 and for Delhi and Mumbai FIRs in 2015 (Refer the map below). Page 61 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 4.8. Alignment with ASBU and APSAP 4.8.1. As regards to the ATM area the ASBU Block 0 Modules considered for this plan are as follows: PIA1 : B0-RSEQ, B0-APTA, B0-SURF, B0-ACDM PIA2: B0-AMET PIA 3 : B0-FRTO, B0-NOPS, B0-ASUR and B0-SNET PIA 4: B0-CDO, B0-TBO and B0-CCO. 4.8.2. Following table shows the mapping between ATM Operational Objectives and ASBU Block 0 Modules: Page 62 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 ATM OPERATIONAL ASBU OBJECTIVE BLOCK 0 APSAP PHASES MODULE Optimization of the en- B0-FRTO PASL I / II route airspace structure TMA airspace structure B0-CDO and B0-CCO; PASL I /II optimization Implementation of RNP B0-APTA; PASL I / II approaches, Flexible use of airspace B0-FRTO; PASL I / II ATFM implementation B0-RSEQ, B0-ACDM and PASL I / II B0- NOPS Improve ATM situational B0-SURF, B0-ASUR and PARS I / II awareness, B0-SNET Airspace restructuring BO-FRTO, B0-TBO, BO- PASL I / II OPFL ATC Separation B0-ASEP, B0-ACAS, B0- PASL I / II SNET, B0-TBO Page 63 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 COMMUNICATION , NAVIGATION AND SURVEILLANCE Page 64 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 5. COMMUNICATION, NAVIGATION AND SURVEILLANCE (CNS) 5.1.Introduction 5.1.1. India will continue to modernize the CNS infrastructure to accommodate future technology advances and associated customer requirements. When implementing CNS systems, the ATM operational requirements described earlier in this Plan will be given due consideration. 5.1.2. In view of the requirements derived from the implementation of the ATM Operational Concept, AAI will consider planning improvements to, and the strengthening of, aeronautical communication, navigation and surveillance services, taking into account ASBU Block 0 modules. 5.1.3. The transition to new CNS systems will be based on improvements in ATM and accompanied by technical, procedural and structural changes that will provide benefits to ATM and to users. The transition will also be carefully planned so as to avoid degradation in system performance. 5.1.4. While change in the system will be evolutionary, the design for the future must provide a well-understood, manageable, cost-effective sequence of improvements that keep pace with user needs and culminates in a system meeting the safety, capacity, and efficiency, regulatory and environmental demands. 5.1.5. Communications is an integral element of navigation, surveillance and ATM initiatives. While communication system in aviation will continue to be focused on voice, there will be a significant increase in the use of data link with the benefit of high speed, high integrity data transfers and reduced frequency congestion and improved message clarity. The use of UHF and HF voice communications will decline. However voice communications, primarily digital and analog VHF, will remain an efficient method of achieving Direct Controller Pilot Communication Page 65 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 (DCPC). The use of Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) will continue to expand in oceanic and remote applications. systems contemplated in this plan respond to short- and mediumterm expectations of the ATM operational requirements in India. Accordingly, this plan has taken into account the following communication systems: Aeronautical message handling system (AMHS); ATS inter-facility data communication (AIDC ); Controller/pilot data link communications (CPDLC); Data link automatic terminal information service (D-ATIS); Voice meteorological information for aircraft in flight (VOLMET) and data link (D-VOLMET); Pre-Departure clearance (PDC) through ACARS ; Future Telecommunication Infrastructure (FTI) ; and Aeronautical Telecommunications network (ATN). 5.1.6. Navigation function of navigation systems is to support en-route, terminal, approach and landing operations and surface movements. navigation systems contemplated in this plan respond to short- and mediumterm operational requirements. In this respect, this plan for navigation systems has taken into account the ground navigation infrastructure and the GNSS requirements concerning the operations foreseen in the PBN Roadmap. 5.1.7. Surveillance 5.1.8. ATC surveillance systems enable air traffic controllers to provide a safe, efficient and orderly movement of air traffic, both in the air and on the ground. Surveillance provides situational awareness to enable the application of reduced aircraft separation minima as compared to those required for procedural control. 5.1.9. Today’s surveillance technology includes Primary and Secondary Radar, Airport Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (ASMGCS), Page 66 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), Multilateration and video sensors, as well as related surveillance fusion processing. 5.1.10. The three classes of surveillance are: a. Independent Non-Cooperative Surveillance which includes PSR and ASDE. b. Independent Cooperative Surveillance which includes SSR and MLAT. c. Dependent Cooperative Surveillance which includes ADS-B. 5.1.11. There is a transition underway from independent to dependent surveillance. The Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and APSAP have both strongly emphasized the need for States to implement ADS-B. India has aggressively pursued a strategy of implementing ADS-B to supplement the Radar coverage areas and eventually to provide surveillance using ADS-B as a primary system. 5.1.12. The surveillance systems contemplated in this plan respond to short- and medium-term operational requirements. Accordingly, this plan considers the following: ADS-B; ADS-C; MLAT; SSR; and The integration of the aforementioned. 5.2. Analysis of the current situation (2014) 5.2.1. The current communication, navigation and surveillance services situation in support of air navigation is described below, as per information provided in APAC FASID WD Part IV - CNS tables. 5.2.2. Communications – fixed service Page 67 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 AFTN service: The circuits have been fully implemented. However, and given their average life cycle, maintenance of the existing centers is a significant problem. AMHS service: India as per the commitment to support Global Air Navigation Plan and the global plan initiatives of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has implemented the AMHS system in year 2011 and first connectivity was established with Singapore. India has now commissioned another circuit with Nepal. The regular exchange of messages between Mumbai and Kathmandu has commenced from June 2014. Operational trials are underway to establish other international links with countries like China, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh which will enable the complete operationalization of the AMHS network in Asia/Pacific region. plan transfer AIDC: It is being implemented in many ACCs across India and also with adjacent ACCs of neighboring States. mobile service VHF: Services have been implemented as indicated in FASID, ensuring coverage in most of the selected areas. Additional deployment for ensuring adequate VHF coverage to all the planned ATS units, based on the Upper Airspace Harmonization Plans is underway. HF: It is mainly provided in oceanic areas of Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata FIRs and Delhi FIR. D-ATIS: Implemented at 48 airports across the country. CPDLC: Service implemented at all FIRs, for FANS 1/A equipped aircraft. Clearance Delivery: Implemented in Mumbai, Delhi terminal area/aerodrome. D- VOLMET: Implemented. Page 68 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 5.2.3. Navigation Radio aids: All conventional radio navigation aid systems (NDB, VOR, DME and ILS) have been implemented and fully installed pursuant to operational requirements for radio navigation aids as contained in Table CNS 3 and associated charts of Part IV of the FASID. Regarding NDBs, a deactivation process is underway, starting with those stations where the NDB is installed next to a VOR/DME. navigation infrastructure in India can support VOR/DME (RNAV-5), DME-DME (RNAV-1) navigation specification. is being implemented in continental airspaces for en-route, terminal area and NPA operations. 5.2.4. Surveillance systems: Conventional surveillance systems (PSR and SSR) have been implemented and installed according to FASID Table CNS 4A (surveillance system). data exchange: Radar data integration has been completed in Chennai, Nagpur, Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and efforts are underway at other ACC Centers and major stations. ADS-B and MLAT: 21 ADS-B ground stations are installed and ADS-B surveillance data is being integrated with ATS automation systems. Six airports are equipped with ASMGCS. Additional ASMGCS systems are being procured for weather critical airports. Service provided at Mumbai, Chennai , Kolkata and Delhi FIRs for FANS-1/A equipped aircraft 5.3.Strategy for the implementation of performance objectives 5.3.1. CNS infrastructure augmentation, replacement and operationalization shall be based on a harmonized strategy, with action plans and consistent timetables, taking into account operational requirements and the corresponding cost-benefit analyses, Page 69 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 comparing the current structure with the improvements to be achieved when the new systems are implemented. Consideration should also be given to analyzing the existence of two or more technologies to meet the same operational requirement. 5.3.2. Planning has been based on four aspects, as listed below: o aeronautical fixed service o aeronautical mobile service and mobile satellite service o navigation systems and o surveillance service 5.3.3. Communications communications roadmap has three roadmaps: a) air-ground data link communication; b) ground-ground communications; and c) air-ground voice communications. The ANS Strategic Plan has noted the APAC regional Aeronautical Mobile Services (Communication) strategy as described below. The communication road map has been devised with due consideration to regional harmonization. AMS Strategy- APAC Provision of Aeronautical Mobile (R) Service in the ASIA/PAC Region will be guided by following strategy: channel spacing of 25 kHz will continue to be operational specification; VHF voice service, backed by CPDLC and HF will be the primary communication medium for transcontinental traffic; and a combination of CPDLC and HF voice will be the communication medium for oceanic traffic; requirement for basic voice communication will continue, supplemented by data-link Flight Information Service (DFIS) applications including DVOLMET, D-ATIS and PDC to significantly reduce pressure on VHF spectrum congestion; and Page 70 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 band 136 – 137 MHz will be used exclusively for the air-ground VHF data-link application. the ASBU Block 0 timeframe, existing communication systems such as the Very High Frequency (VHF) Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS), will continue to be operational. The VHF ACARS will be transitioned to VHF Digital Link (VDL) - Mode 2 providing higher bandwidth, since VHF channels have become limited. In the Block 1 timeframe, VHF ACARS will be phased-out giving way to VDL-Mode 2, which has been defined and standardized by ICAO to provide more capacity and faster speed (31.5 kbps). the short-term, the Very High Frequency (VHF) and High Frequency (HF) terrestrial radio communications infrastructure will be upgraded for performance improvement. Remote Centre Air-Ground communication (RCAG) will be augmented and/or replaced by remote operation of switches and multiple frequencies will be used instead of single frequency for covering remote areas by using cross-coupling technology. While there will be a trend to move towards more data link communications for many functions, it is anticipated that voice communication is expected to be needed for a long time in the future. communication system is capable of supporting future Air Traffic Services (ATS) by providing clear, timely air-air and air-ground voice communications with coverage commensurate with the operations conducted in the area. Two-way Air -Ground Communication at all operational airports will be ensured for the provision of Aerodrome control, Approach control and Area control centers. Complete VHF coverage shall be available throughout the lateral and vertical limits of ACC sectors throughout the continental airspace. Complete VHF coverage throughout the ACCs from 10000 ft and above shall be ensured to ensure positive ATC throughout the FIRs. Page 71 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Overlapping VHF coverage in ACC (en-route) sectors shall be made available to ensure positive control and to effect dynamic sectorisation. VHF networking and retransmission capabilities shall be available to support dynamic consolidation / deconsolidation of sectors Data-link communications such as CPDLC will be primary means of communication in oceanic airspace outside VHF voice coverage. HF voice communication will continue to be used as a backup in this airspace. The utilisation of data-link techniques will grow rapidly enabling improvements to existing air/ground communications, supporting new surveillance services and progressing towards the more fully integrated communication capabilities proposed under the ATN. Air/ground traffic will progressively move from voice services to data-link communications such for PDC, AIDC, ATIS and VOLMET. The Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN) will gradually be replaced by the Aeronautical Message Handling System (AMHS), supported by the introduction of Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) capabilities for ground-to-ground communications. In the medium-term, ATN facilities will be progressively introduced. Internet protocol [TCP/IP] will be assessed for implementation, ahead of a longer term transition to a new communications protocol. AMHS and ATN data link communication services will be introduced to eventually replace the existing FANS-1/A systems. fixed service AMHS: AMHS is a modern electronic messaging system used to transfer and deliver ground to ground data such as flight plans, NOTAM and weather information amongst the members of the global air traffic control community. It is a replacement technology for the AFTN which is now technically obsolete. AMHS is the new ICAO standard for the exchange of aeronautical messages Page 72 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 over the global Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) based on ITU-T X.400 standards. AMHS will ensure global address compatibility. Furthermore, AMHS with their Communication Centers will serve as day-to-day data distribution operation coordination between States for message non-delivery. AMHS implementation replaces the legacy AFTN connectivity which could cater to only small textual messages. The AMHS facility provides global messaging similar to e-mails wherein binary attachments containing aeronautical maps, weather charts, digital NOTAM etc. can be exchanged. AMHS technology is the enabler for graphical depiction of aeronautical data through the automation system thereby enhancing the performance and efficiency of the Air Traffic Services. India is one of the pioneers in the AMHS implementation in APAC region and is proactively pursuing the transition from AFTN to AMHS in close collaboration with adjacent States. services for the ATFM: Necessary efforts to implement communication services that effectively support ATFM will be implemented. All the ATS Automation systems operational in India are capable of AIDC exchange. Implementation of AIDC message exchange is in progress among ACC centers. AIDC Trials are also being carried out with adjacent ACC centers of neighboring countries. APSAP has identified AIDC as “critical” for seamless ATM in APAC region. India will aim to operationalize AIDC among all ACC centers within India by end of 2015. Aeronautical mobile service VHF – Need for Progressing to 8.33 KHz. Presently, the band 117.975 – 137 MHz is extensively used for VHF air/ground voice communications employing 25 kHz and/or 8.33 kHz globally. Page 73 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 In the Asia Pacific Region, VHF channel using 25 kHz spacing is employed for frequency assignments. India is implementing Upper Area Harmonization to provide seamless, enhanced and continuous VHF coverage over the entire Indian airspace. The success of the plan is fully dependent on provision of adequate VHF frequencies for Area Control operation. AAI is installing over 400 number of VHF transmitters/receivers across India to meet the VHF requirement. Since the geographical separation for co-channel VHF assignments for Area Control function is very large, while meeting the frequency requirement for Upper Area Sectorization, frequency congestion is identified on account of acute shortage of VHF frequencies with current 25 KHz channel spacing. India is looking at implementation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing in a limited form, i.e. for upper airspace services initially, to ease the present frequency constraints. However, India is aware of the constraint of airborne equipment to have backward compatibility so that international aircraft can operate utilizing 25 kHz and/or 8.33 kHz channel spacing without having to install multiple equipment in the region. ICAO’s Asia and Pacific Office is responsible for the development of frequency plans for member states and for coordinating aeronautical frequency assignments across countries that could be affected by such assignments in the region. Therefore, such a consideration with regard to harmonized frequency assignment planning and equipment standards in the APAC Region need regional agreement to suit local demand patterns as well as approval and support by ICAO APAC office. India is permitting SATVOICE in place of one HF. In the oceanic airspace, SATVOICE is also provided as a back – up at Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai for seamless and interoperable communications. It is also proposed to Page 74 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 provide SATVOICE at 8 other ATS centers to provide routine and emergency use communications including disaster management. VDL Mode – 2: The VHF Digital Link is a means of sending data information between the aircraft and the ground stations. The VDL Mode 2 is the widely accepted version of VDL. Examples of the type of messages that it can transmit include pre-departure clearance, digital automated terminal information service (DATIS), Terminal Weather Information for Pilots (TWIP), or taxi clearances. It is expected that in the Block 1 time frame VHF Data link with automated ATC Supporting Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) will be the primary means of air-ground communication. India will initially implement VDL-M2 on selected routes in Upper Airspace. Depending on the experience, India plans to extend VDL M2 on all Upper Airspace routes in a gradual, phased manner. Implementation of a national network of VHF data link ground stations meeting the requirements of the ICAO standards for the VHF Digital link (VDL) Mode-2 will also be planned in the long term. HF: HF voice will be solely retained as a backup to VHF and data link. Development of HF data link (HFDL) and its standardization by ICAO has opened up avenues for its use as the primary means of Communication between ground stations and aircraft in the oceanic air space. AAI will appropriately upgrade the HF technology as and when the requirements arise. Protection of the radio frequency spectrum: India has noted the discussions on the radio frequency spectrum management and will proactively make all necessary efforts to ensure the protection and proper use of the radio frequency spectrum assigned to aviation for radio communication services. Page 75 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 5.3.4. Navigation Navigation infrastructure in India is primarily ground based Nav-aids such as NDB, VOR/DME and ILS. ANS Plan has taken in to account the “Navigation Strategy For The Asia/Pacific Region” as stated below. a. Convert from terrestrial-based instrument flight procedures to PBN operations in accordance with the Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Plan; b. retain ILS as an ICAO standard system for as long as it is operationally acceptable and economically beneficial; c. implement GNSS with augmentation (GBAS preferred) as required for APV and precision approach or RNP operations where it is operationally and economically beneficial; d. implement the use of APV operation in accordance with the Asia/Pacific Seamless ATM Plan; e. rationalize terrestrial navigation aids, retaining a minimum network of terrestrial aids necessary to maintain safety of aircraft operations; f. protect all the Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service (ARNS) frequencies; and g. ensure civil-military interoperability. transition from ground based navigation to satellite based navigation is being planned in a progressive manner, it is essential to maintain ground based systems to support the current and immediate future operational needs. The following strategy for deployment of nav. aids ensures meeting the current operational needs and smooth transition to satellite navigation. Ground based navigation using VORs and NDBs will continue to be used. CVORs will be replaced by DVORs and NDBs will be phased out from ATS route structure and only be retained at remote aerodromes as homing facility and for carrying out NDB based non-precision approaches Page 76 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 VOR/DME: During the period defined in the plan, as part of the transition to the GNSS, VOR/DME systems will be maintained in selected TMAs, gradually starting the deactivation of en-route VOR systems. VOR/DME at all operational airports to support terminal control functions and en-route functions will be available. Network of VORs/DMEs will be maintained as backup to provide RNAV 5 coverage in case of satellite system outage till second GNSS system becomes available. DME/DME: Taking into account en route PBN and TMA implementation, as well as the use of DME/DME navigation as a back-up to the GNSS system, the current DME systems coverage will be maintained and, if necessary, studies will be carried out permitting the coverage extension of selected airspaces. Extensive DME / DME coverage will be ensured to support PBN implementation in the near and midterm applications. ILS: It is foreseen that, within the planning period, ILS systems will remain operative. Precision approach landing system ILS is currently available at 50 airports. ILS will be installed at all airports where scheduled flights operate. GLS: As a part of extended GNSS initiatives, Airports Authority of India and Honeywell International Inc. are working together towards implementation of first Ground based Augmentation System at Chennai airport. This is being taken up as a pilot project and based upon its success Airports Authority of India will evaluate the requirement of GBAS systems for other Indian airports. GBAS systemes may be considered at other terrain constrained airports where ILS installation is not feasible. trial support systems: Requirements of in-flight and ground trial elements so as to be prepared for a PBN environment will be assessed and augmented whenever necessary. based Navigation using GNSS with aircraft-based augmentations will be applicable for enroute flying. Use of existing satellite navigation systems with Page 77 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 augmentation (GBAS/SBAS) will be implemented for operation in various phases of flights, as appropriate, (departure, enroute, arrival). – India’s SBAS System GAGAN stands for “GPS AIDED GEO AUGMENTED NAVIGATION” . The system has been implemented in 2013 to support enroute navigation, PBN procedures and approach procedures with vertical guidance without ILS (APV). With implementation of GAGAN, India will be able to provide APV 1.0 services (Baro V-NAV / SBAS) in order to meet the ICAO resolution of Approach with vertical guidance to each runway ends to increase safety, enhance efficiency and capacity. States within the APAC Region can take the advantage from GAGAN Signalin-Space to enhance the availability of approaches with vertical guidance for aircraft using SBAS avionics. This flexibility provides benefits when conventional aids are out of service due system failures or for maintenance. Such approaches can be designed for runways with or without conventional approaches, thus providing benefits to PBN-capable aircraft, encouraging equipage and supporting the planning for decommissioning of some conventional aids. GAGAN would enable Indian sub-continent to meet international obligations for Performance Based Navigation (PBN). Shared benefit will be possible, if states within the region harmonise the resources that will redefine the navigation of the future leading to increased airspace capacity, reduced separation, increased fuel efficiency, reduced emission, meeting the objectives of seamless Air Traffic Management AAI has adopted the following implementation strategy for progressive implementation of GAGAN services over India: runways equipped with ILS: other end of runways can be operated using GAGAN procedures similar to ILS so as to provide APV 1.0. GAGAN Page 78 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 approaches will also serve as an alternate to ILS, when ILS becomes unserviceable or under maintenance. runways not equipped with ILS or at terrain constrained airports where ILS installation is not practicable, GAGAN approaches will be developed and to be provided. small airports where only few aircraft movement exist or at new airports where traffic density is expected to be less than 10 movements during the peak hour, GAGAN approaches will meet the requirements without installing ILS which in turn will save expenditure and will give benefit to the airlines/operators. is also planned to issue an Advisory circular to Domestic Airlines/Aircraft Operators on its intent to mandate GAGAN-SBAS Receivers within the time frame of two years from the date of commissioning/ certification of GAGAN. procedures will support continuity of airport operations in the event of ILS outage due to natural calamities/ disaster. These procedures will be implemented at other airports also where terrain conditions do not permit ILS. centered performance based navigation will replace ground base navigation system leading to increased capacity and enhanced efficiency through reductions in separation minima, bringing benefits to aircraft operators equipped to meet performance requirements. medium term will also see the phasing out of a substantial portion of the current ground-based navigation infrastructure including Non-Directional Beacon (NDBs), conventional VHF Omni-directional Range (CVOR). In general, only components needed to support GNSS will be retained. At the end of the medium term, some phasing out of the instrument Landing System (ILS) will also be considered by GNSS/GAGAN based approaches. 5.3.5. Surveillance – Airspace Page 79 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Secondary surveillance radars are used worldwide to track aircraft and provide independent cooperative surveillance. In the Block 0 time period, they continue to be the means for surveillance while aircraft are being equipped with ADSB. In the Block 1 timeframe, ADS-B will become the primary mode of surveillance backed up by secondary surveillance radars. Fused ADS-B and radar data will be able to provide updates of aircraft position information every second. India will continue to deploy and augment non-cooperative surveillance (PSR) at all TMAs and sensitive airports. Independent Terminal Approach radar (S-Band PSR co-located MSSR) will be implemented at all high density traffic terminal approach control areas to ensure continuity and availability of radar data and to support application of reduced separation minima (3NM / 2.5 NM), multiple runway operations so as to enhance capacity and safety. Multiple overlapping radar cover will be provided at high traffic density areas to serve as a back-up and to ensure uninterrupted radar surveillance during planned outage for maintenance and to apply reduced separation minima. Surveillance using multi-lateration technique will be explored at select TMAs to augment radar coverage, specifically in approach areas. Integration of surveillance information will increase reliability and extent of coverage, thus increasing safety in critical areas. Airspace The main means of surveillance will continue to be collaborative surveillance in the form of SSR radars, extensively used in TMA and en-route services, and Mode S in high-density TMAs. However, at sensitive and critical areas PSR will be maintained and/or augmented for operational reasons. The use of ADS-B (ES Mode S receivers) and MLAT will start providing enroute and terminal area surveillance as required; strengthening surveillance in Page 80 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 areas covered by SSR Modes A/C and S. The medium term will also see installation of Mode S terminal and route radars. ADS-B (ES Mode S) will be gradually implemented on the ground to cover en-route and terminal areas. Introduction of ADS-B technology as surveillance equipment in terminal areas, smaller aerodromes, en-route continental airspace and on aerodrome surfaces will be continued in a phased manner while encouraging aircraft equipage by providing operational incentives in the form of service priority. High density traffic areas will be covered by multiple radars to ensure continuous radar cover and also to serve as back-up radar system to meet the planned outage for maintenance and exigencies. Wide Area Muli-lateration (WAM) will be a focus area for application at remote areas where radar installation may not be feasible. AAI will implement WAM in a phased manner to augment surveillance coverage areas at remote airports, such as North East India and Himalayan airports. Oceanic airspace: ADS-C/CPDLC Systems are in operation at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai FIRs. Networking: All surveillance sensors including Radars, ADS-B and WAM will be networked so that entire continental airspace is covered under radar surveillance and seamless radar separation is achievable. Networked radar data will be available at all appropriate ACC’s and other ATS units. Ground surveillance ASMGCS with SMR, ADS-B and Multilateration has been installed and operational at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Bengaluru airport and will also be installed at other major airports which experience low visibility conditions and traffic movements exceed more than 10 per hour. 5.4. Block 1 Modules under consideration – B1-SWIM- Future Telecommunication Infrastructure (FTI) Page 81 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 5.4.1. Information Management Service (IMS) or SWIM was presented at the ANC-12 as the future for global Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS). This recommendation is based on the assumption that a global IP network using IPv6 should be ready by approximately 2020 for SWIM functions to be implemented. 5.4.2. IMS/SWIM is considered an environment that has to be incorporated into existing AFS infrastructure before its functions can be optimized. This means the SWIM functions and associated services or messages have to be identified for integration and upgrade. The first step is to develop the SWIM Operational Concept, then identify associated message/service for integration/upgrade. 5.4.3. Asia/Pacific region also is required to plan and implement a dynamic IP network to support the future SWIM environment as well as enhance AFS such as Regional Directory Service and Extended AMHS service as specified in ICAO Doc 9880/9896. Based on the Decision of APANPIRG/24, the Common Regional Virtual Private Network (CRV) project has started in December 2013 to study the Common Regional Network in APAC Region. India is one of the pioneer members of the study group. 5.4.4. ASBU Block 1 Module B1-SWIM describes implementation of system wide information-management (SWIM) services (application and infrastructure) creating the aviation intranet based on standard data models and internet based protocols ensuring interoperability. 5.4.5. SWIM represents a complete change in paradigm of information management along its full life cycle and across the whole ATM system. SWIM aims to provide ATM information users with relevant information at the right time. The SWIM concept envisages all participating ATM system users such as ANSPs, airlines, Airports, Flow management specialists, military, ATC etc. sharing the most relevant ATM information dynamically. SWIM will result in a more cost and time efficient exchange of information. Page 82 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 5.4.6. ICAO “Global Plan Initiatives-22” (GPI-22) under Global Air Navigation Plan (Doc 9750) envisions and supports for a wholly dependable and reliable communications infrastructure to support such a dynamic ATM communications. With Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP 4th edition), such initiative will support the technological roadmap, facilitation in turn B0- FICE and B0-NOPS and enabling VOIP and B1-SWIM. 5.4.7. In order to align with this Global Plan Initiative, India plans to introduce a single, secure and robust ground/ground communications network infrastructure based on IP-VPN (Virtual Private Network) using commercially available Multi-Protocol Label switching (MPLS) based network. 5.4.8. This strategic framework planned by India is aimed at taking advantage of advanced technologies, services and products offered by the telecommunication industry. The proposed communication network infrastructure will help to overcome the current limitations viz. limited bandwidth, multiple and fragmented networks, heterogeneity of equipment’s and service providers, security threats, different technologies, half circuit arrangements & lackadaisical support etc. 5.4.9. The proposed Pan-India MPLS network will provide enhanced efficiency and capacity to support various communication and surveillance services to meet increasing ATM requirements. 5.4.10. The MPLS network will provide a robust cloud on which communication services shall be provided using IP based VCCS and IP Radio and surveillance services shall be provided by RADAR, MSSR, Multilateration and ADS-B. 5.4.11. The IP network shall enable Indian airspace to function as a seamless space continuum to facilitate effective and efficient air traffic services. The network shall also facilitate effective restructuring of airspace by enabling reduction of ACCs from 11 to initially 4 and finally 2 within India. 5.4.12. The proposed common IP-MPLS based pan- India network is expected to facilitate easy integration with the planned Common Regional Virtual Private Network Page 83 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 (CRV) dedicated to the Asia-Pacific Region. The overall objective is aimed at efficient communication network infrastructure for providing the desired services with the performance and interoperability required for aviation safety levels at a minimum cost. 5.4.13. The project will be implemented in phases over the next five to seven years. The availability of Pan-Indian communication infrastructure will form the basis of dynamic information management leading to SWIM. 5.5.Alignment with ASBU 5.5.1. Of the ASBU Block 0 modules under consideration, the CNS area contributes to PIA1 : B0-RSEQ, B0-APTA, B0-SURF, B0-ACDM PIA2: B0-FICE PIA 3 : B0-FRTO, B0-NOPS, B0-ASUR and B0-SNET PIA 4: B0-CDO, B0-TBO and B0-CCO 5.5.2. Following are the CNS Elements contributing with ASBU Block 0 modules : Page 84 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 CNS Operational Objective CNS Elements ASBU Block 0 Module APSAP Phases Aeronautical AIDC B0-FICE PARS I / II AMHS B1-SWIM PARS I/ II ATN B1-SWIM Fixed Service Aeronautical Mobile Services VHF PASL I / II HF CPDLC B0-TBO PASL I / II VDL M2 B0-TBO PASL I / II DME B0-APTA, B0-FRTO PASL I / II ILS B0-APTA PARS I / II GLS B0-APTA PARS I / II PBN B0-APTA,B0-CDO, ACARS Navigation VOR NDB BO- PASL I / II CCO Surveillance PSR SSR , MODE-S Page 85 of 171 PASL I / II ADS-C B0-FRTO PASL I / II ADS-B B0-SURF, B0-ASUR PARS I / II Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 6. METEOROLOGY 6.1.Introduction 6.1.1. The International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) provisions for aeronautical meteorological (MET) information, required to support air traffic management (ATM), including air traffic services (ATS), airspace management (ASM) and air traffic flow management (ATFM), are expressed in terms of international standards and recommended practices (SARPs) in Annex 3 – Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation. These global MET provisions are supplemented by regional operational requirements, which are determined by regional air navigation agreement and published in regional air navigation plans, e.g., Asia and Pacific (APAC) regional air navigation plan (Doc 9673), Part VI – MET. 6.1.2. The overall strategic direction for development and implementation of ICAO provisions for MET information is provided by the Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854) and the 2013-2028 Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) (Doc 9750), ensuring MET information and MET service is developed and implemented to support the transition to an integrated and collaborative ATM system. 6.1.3. MET is represented by the ASBU MET (AMET) modules in the performance improvement area titled “globally interoperable systems and data”. MET will also be a key enabler to operational improvements through the future system-wide information management (SWIM) environment. ASBU modules in Block 0 represent existing capabilities for implementation over the next five years (e.g., B0-AMET), while Block 1, 2 and 3 modules represent improvements commencing in 2018, 2023 and 2028 (e.g., B1-AMET and B3-AMET). 6.1.4. Aeronautical meteorology (MET) is a thread running through the performance improvement area titled “globally interoperable systems and data”. Through system-wide information management (SWIM), meteorological information will Page 86 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 be a key enabler to the realization of the global ATM operational concept. The MET modules can be summarized as follows: a) Module B0-AMET: Meteorological information supporting enhanced operational efficiency and safety. Global, regional and local meteorological information provided by world area forecast centres, volcanic ash advisory centres, tropical cyclone advisory centres, aerodrome meteorological offices and meteorological watch offices in support of flexible airspace management, improved situational awareness and collaborative decision making and dynamically optimized flight trajectory planning. b) Module B1-AMET: Enhanced operational decisions through integrate meteorological information (planning and near term service). Meteorological information supporting automated decision process or aids involving: meteorological information meteorological translation, ATM impact conversion and ATM decision support c) Module B3-AMET: Enhanced operational decisions through integrate meteorological information (near‐term and immediate service). Meteorological information supporting both air and ground automated decision support aids fo implementing weather mitigation strategies. 6.1.5. The APAC Seamless ATM Plan V1.0, developed by the APAC Seamless ATM Planning Group (APSAPG) as a regional implementation plan intended to facilitate APAC Seamless ATM operations, recognizes B0-AMET as a recommended ASBU upgrade in the APAC region. 6.2.Current requirements for MET in support of ATM 6.2.1. In accordance with the GANP and ASBU module B0-AMET, 2018 is the target implementation deadline for the current provisions for MET information (i.e., the Annex 3 SARPs and regional operational requirements). Therefore, over the next 4 years, depending on operational requirements, implementation of global, Page 87 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 regional and local MET information provided by world area forecast centres, volcanic ash advisory centres, tropical cyclone advisory centres, aerodrome meteorological offices and meteorological watch offices will be necessary to support flexible airspace management, improved situational awareness and collaborative decision making, and dynamically optimized flight trajectory planning. 6.2.2. The regional strategy adopted in the APAC Seamless ATM Plan is expected to be implemented in two phases: Phase I and Phase II. With respect to the current provisions for MET information identified in ASBU module B0-AMET, Phase I of the APAC Seamless ATM Plan (expected implementation by 12 November 2015) requires that: all high density aerodromes should provide MET forecasts, aerodrome warnings and alerts that support efficient terminal operations ; and ATM systems should be supported by implementation of appropriate MET information reporting systems, providing, inter-alia, observations, forecasts, warnings and alerts. 6.3.Future requirements for MET in support of ATM 6.3.1. Future requirements for MET information in support of the air traffic system will be guided by the operational concepts in Doc 9854, the GANP framework and ASBU methodology (e.g., provision of MET information will be an integrated function of the ATM system, tailored to meet ATM requirements in terms of content, format and timeliness). 6.3.2. The medium-term strategies for operational improvements in the ASBU methodology include B1-AMET: Enhanced Operational Decisions through Integrated Meteorological Information (Planning and Near-term Service); implementation expected from 2018 onwards, which will require MET information supporting automated decision processes or aids involving: MET information, MET translation, ATM impact conversion and ATM decision Page 88 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 support. This module also acknowledges the need for space weather information services in support of safe and efficient international air navigation. 6.3.3. B1-AMET (and B1-DATM: Service Improvement through Integration of all Digital ATM Information) promotes the establishment of standards for global exchange of MET information. The first evolutionary step in the provision of MET information to support integration includes the exchange of OPMET information (specifically METAR, SPECI, TAF and SIGMET) in a digital form (XML/GML), accompanied by the appropriate metadata, in accordance with the globally interoperable information exchange model. These developments were designed to foster the future system wide information management (SWIM) environment, which would include MET, aeronautical and flight information, amongst others. 6.3.4. The next steps are to make it standard practice for States to exchange such OPMET information in digital form. It is expected that a significant portion of current MET products would transition to supporting digital information exchange within SWIM. In addition, there would be an increased reliance on the automated relay of MET information to and from aircraft, including enhanced aircraft-based MET reporting capabilities (supporting B2-SWIM: Enabling Airborne Participation in Collaborative ATM through SWIM). 6.3.5. In the longer-term, B3-AMET: Enhanced Operational Decisions through Integrated Meteorological Information (Near-term and Immediate Service); intended to be available for implementation in 2028, aims to enhance global ATM decision making in the face of hazardous MET conditions through: a. tactical avoidance of hazardous MET conditions in especially the 0-20 minute timeframe; b. greater use of aircraft based capabilities to detect MET parameters (e.g. turbulence, winds, and humidity); and Page 89 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 c. Display of MET information to enhance situational awareness. This module also promotes further the establishment of standards for the global exchange of MET information. 6.3.6. Integration of meteorological information into ATM, airspace user systems and decision support tools will continue to be improved. The effect of meteorological conditions will be progressively mitigated, not only through the implementation of better all-weather capabilities on the ground and in the air, but through better use of meteorological data and information to increase predictability and reliability. 6.3.7. Sub-regional exchange of MET information: India will consider and support the possibilities for sub-regional exchange of MET information and associated agreements that facilitate ATM operations particularly over busy routes that overlap different FIRs. 6.4.ATM in support of MET : 6.4.1. Currently, Annex 3 contains provisions that require air-reports of prescribed MET elements or conditions observed by aircraft on international air routes to be recorded, reported and exchanged between specified units. 6.4.2. Supporting the implementation of these provisions, Phase I of the APAC Seamless ATM Plan requires that, in addition to being supported by implementation of appropriate MET information, ATM systems should also provide information to MET authorities or offices where required. 6.4.3. The Seamless ATM Plan, specifies a number of elements of meteorological support for the Preferred ATM Service Levels (PASL), which are planned to be implemented in 2 phases; Phase I by 12 November 2015, and Phase II by 8 November 2018. 6.4.4. Potential MET-ATM work areas arising from the Seamless ATM Plan include: Page 90 of 171 meteorological data supporting airport capacity analysis (NOV 2015); Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 • meteorological data (principally wind at specific altitudes) supporting design of Continuous Climb Operations (CCO) procedures that require segregation from Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) (NOV 2015); • meteorological data (altimetry, pressure gradient and temperature) supporting Baro VNAV procedures if these are used (NOV 2015) ; • meteorological data supporting Arrival and Departure Management processes (AMAN/DMAN) (NOV 2015); • AMET for high density aerodromes, such as short-term very regular forecasting of weather information including wind, visibility, cloud base, precipitation, special weather phenomena, etc., customized to suit the aerodrome and terminal airspace operation (NOV 2015); • meteorological data to support ATFM/CDM within high density FIRs (NOV 2015); all FIRs (NOV 2018); • meteorological reporting systems that support ATM – observations, forecasts, warnings and alerts – such as weather radar data integrated into the ATC aircraft situation display (the reporting systems can be 2-way providing data back to meteorological offices) (NOV 2015); and • meteorological data to support the determination of nominal aircraft capacity for all terminal ATC Sectors (NOV 2018) 6.4.5. The ATFM framework is expected to be finalized for adoption by APANPIRG/26 in September 2015. A number of elements that will require MET support for implementation of ATFM are: Prediction and monitoring tools, including weather prediction; CDM tools including information exchange; Analysis tools for data analysis and reporting; Terminal and aerodrome operations including wind monitoring 6.4.6. The Regional Framework for Collaborative ATFM is expected to develop and implement a regional network of sub-Regional distributed or “virtual” ATFM Page 91 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 networks, which will require the definition of standardized ATFM message formats communications protocols to ensure interoperability within and between sub-Regional networks. MET information provided to support ATFM networks will require similar standardization. Given the pressing need for sub-Regional ATFM implementation in the Asia/Pacific Region, there may be a need for standardized digital MET data exchange before the finalization of global standards. 6.5.Analysis of Current Situation in India 6.5.1. Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) provides Aviation Meteorological Services for safety, regularity, and efficiency of International air navigation in accordance with the provisions of Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) section – Air Space and Air Traffic Management series M Part I, dated 12th November, 2012 and regional air navigation agreements in this regard. Note: DGCA is Designated Meteorological Authority for provision of Meteorological Services for international air navigation over the Indian Territory; including international waters and other areas outside the territory of India in accordance with regional air navigation agreement. 6.5.2. IMD provides a crucial service to the national and international civil aviation sector in fulfilment of the requirements prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the Director General of Civil Aviation of India (DGCA). 6.5.3. These services are provided through 18 Aerodrome Meteorological Offices (AMO) and 54 Aeronautical Meteorological Stations (AMS) located at various national and international airports of the country. 6.5.4. Aerodrome Meteorological Offices functioning at Mumbai , Kolkata , Delhi and Chennai airports also serve as Meteorological Watch Offices (MWOs) catering to flights in respective Flight Information Regions (FIR). One ICAO designated Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre (TCAC) is also functioning at New Delhi. It is Page 92 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 this center’s responsibility to monitor the development of tropical cyclones in its area of responsibility, using geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data, radar data and other meteorological information and provide advisory information on tropical cyclones to the Meteorological Watch Offices in India and neighboring countries. 6.5.5. The guidelines for meteorological service to aviation in India are given in “Manual on Procedures for Meteorological Services for Aviation in India” published by Central Aviation Meteorological Division (CAMD). It is essentially the Annex 3, incorporating national practices also. The Aviation Weather Code Book, also published by CAMD closely resembles “Manual on Codes- WMO No.306”. These two publications are updated and revised from time to time in order to incorporate all the amendments and changes by WMO and ICAO. 6.5.6. The meteorological information for the use of aviation activities are: Current weather observations (METAR/ SPECI, MET REPORT/ SPECIAL) Forecasts (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF), Area/ Local Forecast, Route Forecast, Take-off and Landing (TREND) Forecast) Warnings (Aerodrome warnings, Warning for Light Aircrafts, Wind shear warnings, SIGMET) Climatology (Climatology of aerodromes, Climatological summary, Climatology of upper wind and temperature). 6.5.7. World Area Forecast System World Area Forecast System (WAFS) products are being utilised for briefing all the international flights. 6.5.8. Information Dissemination The briefing and documentation to the operators is provided either through manual or automated means. The web based information dissemination system known as On-line Briefing System (OLBS) of IMD is being maintained by the meteorological Page 93 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 offices functioning at the international airports at Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi, through which the registered users can directly download the forecast products as desired. 6.6.Strategy for the implementation of performance objectives 6.6.1. Planning of meteorological systems in support of ATM has been done taking into account current MET deficiencies identified by the ICAO Regional Office, the work program of the different ICAO panels and operational groups, changes introduced to SARPS and the provisions contained in Doc. 9750 - Global Air Navigation Plan. 6.6.2. IMD shall ensure compliance with the requirements of the World Meteorological Organization in respect of qualifications and training of meteorological personnel providing service for international air navigation. 6.6.3. AAI, as the ANS provider and IMD will closely collaborate with each other to achieve and implement the ATM operational objectives described in this document, with emphasis on ASBU Block 0 modules. 6.7.Alignment with ASBU MET Operational ASBU Block 0 Module APSAP Phase Objective provide MET forecasts, B0- AMET aerodrome warnings and alerts that support efficient terminal operations PASL I / II Implementation of B0-AMET, B0-DATM; PASL I / II appropriate MET PARS I / II information reporting systems, providing, inter-alia, observations Page 94 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 7. AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (AIM) 7.1.Introduction 7.1.1. The 36th Session of the ICAO Assembly recognized that to satisfy new requirements arising from the Global ATM Operational Concept, aeronautical information service (AIS) should transit to the broader concept of aeronautical information management. 7.1.2. AIM is the integrated management of aeronautical information services through the provision and exchange of quality-assured digital aeronautical data. This provision and exchange of data ensures the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international air navigation. 7.1.3. APSAP Recommendations: Block 0 Module B0-DATM Digital Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) is one of the “critical” modules identified by APSAP as essential for Seamless ATM implementation. is one of the foundation elements that supports other aspects of ASBU, and as such requires a high priority. A key strategy activity during Block 0 may include the development of the System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) concept of operations to support the next phase of AIM development and integration within the future SWIM framework. systems should be supported by digitally-based AIM systems (using Aeronautical Information Exchange Model version 5.1 or later) through implementation of Phase 1 and 2 of the AIS-AIM Roadmap in adherence with ICAO and regional AIM planning and guidance material (ASBU Priority 1). systems should be supported by complete implementation of AIM Phase 3. 7.1.4. The AIS to AIM transition roadmap envisages the transition from the supply of predetermined products to the management of data from which Aeronautical Page 95 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Information in its entirety can be extracted and subsequently customized in a variety of ways to serve future ATM needs. 7.1.5. This challenge will be met by the transition to AIM. AIM will be responsible for both the content (including formats, timeliness, collection, checking, distribution, etc.) and the proper management of the data (storage, consistency between databases, interfacing with other systems, etc.). 7.1.6. AIM will manage data on the basis of the System Wide Information Management (SWIM) concept which is a globally all-encompassing, structured but open approach to data management. Progressive implementation of the SWIM principles in AIM is in fact AIM’s evolution to IM, or Information Management that is fully SWIM based and which is the ultimate goal. 7.1.7. User applications are an important new element of the concept. AIM will ensure that user applications can access data immediately and from any location, including aircraft in flight or on the ground, where appropriate connectivity is available. The role of user applications is to transform data into aeronautical information, customized to the specific requirements of a given user at a given time. User applications for self-briefing, flight planning, operational control, CDM and inflight use (e.g. Electronic Flight Bag - EFB, 4D displays for taxiing) can be envisaged among others. These applications will also be system independent, scalable and will cover the needs of a broad spectrum of aeronautical information users. 7.1.8. In AIM, the frontier between textual and graphical formats will dissolve. Only data of the required quality will be managed and made available, and it will be the role of the applications to select and then intelligently use and if required display information in whichever format (textual or graphical) is the most appropriate and as requested by the user. 7.1.9. AIM will be able to meet users’ needs on several levels. It will be a significant driver of the transition also on the user side. It will offer superior data service and Page 96 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 total flexibility for users via the user applications concept. It will also retain the ability to offer traditional AIS products to users who have yet to make the transition (AIS is one component of AIM). 7.1.10. AIM is a concept for managing the content of aeronautical data and the data itself, providing quality assured data to user applications for the benefit of all aviation stakeholders. Its open standards and common data exchange models will ensure platform independence and Interoperability. 7.1.11. Appropriate rules and procedures will need to be developed to ensure that all data sources meet the AIM requirements for data quality. 7.2.Expected Benefits 7.2.1. AIM will bring benefits to all parts of the ATM system by enabling the provision of aeronautical data of the required quality, accessible by all users (human as well as systems) at all times. As such, it will especially contribute to: – Timely and accurate aeronautical data of the appropriate scope is essential for the safe use of modern ATM and navigation techniques. performance – AIM is an essential enabler for concepts like CDM and enhanced airspace management. Efficiency – The interaction of all elements of gate-to-gate activities will be harmonized to efficiently exploit the full capacity of airports and airspace. User Applications – A basic tenet of the AIM concept is the provision of aeronautical data of the required quality in standard format, without prejudice as to how the data will be used. Specific rules and procedures for ATM and aircraft operation will ensure proper usage. and interoperability of systems –AIM acts in the direction of improved uniformity and interoperability both on a regional level, and on a global scale. Page 97 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 effectiveness - AIM offers a cost effective, uniform data management environment meeting the needs of all users in an open and interoperable networked system. 7.3.Analysis of the current situation ( 2014) 7.3.1. Aeronautical information service (excluding publication of Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC)) is provided by Airports Authority of India (AAI). AIC is published by DGCA. The provision of AIS is governed under the provisions of Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) Section 4– Aerodrome Standards and Air Traffic Services Series X Part II, dated 12th November 2009. 7.3.2. The AIS to AIM Transition table published by ICAO regional office, Bangkok, provides the present status of the AIS to AIM transition process of APAC States. India provides updated information to ICAO regional office regarding the AIS to AIM transition. 7.3.3. India has implemented all Phase 1 elements plus more than half of the Phase 2 elements of the AIS to AIM transition process including P-11 - Electronic AIP. 7.3.4. The Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication (e-AIP) was developed in 2013 and is currently available on the AAI internet website ( 7.3.5. For development of the electronic Aerodrome Mapping Data Base (e-AMDB), a discussion on integration and use of the current airport’s database between airport operators, stakeholders and related organizations will be carried out. Furthermore, plans to implement the electronic terrain and obstacle data and weather information will be initiated in 2015. All developed AIM systems will be integrated and in operational trial in 2015 and full migration to the digital environment will be ready from the year 2016. 7.4.. Strategy for the implementation of performance objectives 7.4.1. The purpose of the Aeronautical Information Management Strategy is: Page 98 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 “To achieve a uniform and efficient aeronautical information management structure, based on system wide information management, to support all phases of flight.” 7.4.2. India will continue to progress on the AIS to AIM transition process in accordance with the regional guidelines. 7.4.3. India has also noted the progress of the ICAO AIS-AIM SG meetings, the subsequent expected changes in Annex 15 and the expected publication of PANSAIM. 7.4.4. India will progressively modify the strategy of AIS to AIM transition and progress towards SWIM in close collaboration with APAC regional States. 7.5.Alignment with ASBU 7.5.1. Of the ASBU Block 0 modules taken under consideration, the AIM area contributes to PIA 2 module B0-DATM and PIA 3 module B0-AMET. 7.5.2. The ASBU Block 1 modules considered are B1-DATM, B1-AMET and B1-SWIM. 7.5.3. The alignment of ASBU and APSAP elements with the operational objectives are as shown below: ATM Operational ASBU Block 0 Module APSAP Element Objective AIS to AIM B0- DATM , B1-DATM PASL I/II Provision of Met B0- AMET , B1-AMET PARS I/II services System Wide B1-SWIM Information Management Page 99 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 WORLD CLASS AIRPORTS Page 100 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 8. AIRPORT OPERATIONS- AERODROMES AND GROUND AIDS / AERODROME OPERATIONAL PLANNING (AGA/AOP) 8.1.Introduction 8.1.1. Airport infrastructure, which was exclusively owned and managed by the AAI until recently, was opened up for private sector participation. Currently airports in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, and Nagpur are working under the PublicPrivate Partnership (PPP) model. 8.1.2. The next phase of growth in Indian aviation would come from tier 2 and tier 3 cities. These cities remain largely untapped and harbor huge potential for air travel as there is growing desire and need for this segment to travel within as well as outside India for work and leisure. The low cost carriers ( LCC) such as Spice jet, Indigo and the new entrant Air Asia are looking to tap this segment of new potential fliers and connect the tier 2 and tier 3 cities. 8.1.3. Strong demand would drive the next phase of growth as the airlines will look to augment their capacities and add to their fleet sizes while airports are equipped to handle the increased traffic flow and narrow body aircrafts. 8.1.4. Air Cargo represents about 10% of the Airline Industries’ revenue. About 35% of the value of goods traded internationally is transported by Air. Transport and logistics industries are closely related so far as growth and development of economy is concerned. Thus with a boom in economic activity, demand for transport & logistics is sure to be in demand. Further with the globalization and present trends of international marketing boom in the industry it is expected to boost the cargo traffic both in Urban and Rural-urban areas. 8.1.5. Ministry of Civil Aviation had setup a working group to study the Air Cargo Logistics in India and had released the report in May 2012. The report envisages that there is strong relationship between growth in international trade and logistics infrastructure. During the year 2013-14, all operational airports taken together so far as freight is concerned, maintained 2 million MT mark (1.4 MT international Page 101 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 and 0.8 million MT domestic); specifically freight handled was 2279.12 thousand tonnes which indicates an increase of 4% over the previous year. At a growth rate of 5% by 2017-18, it is forecast to touch 2796 thousand MT and at a growth rate of 8.2% beyond 2017-18, it is forecast to touch 4142 thousand MT by 2022-23. 8.1.6. Airports Authority of India has drawn plans to develop 24 domestic cargo terminals throughout the country. AAI is implementing Government’s plan for development of Air cargo facilities throughout the country and development of national logistics network for faster movement / transport of cargo goods. 8.2.Aerodrome Operations 8.2.1. The principal challenge to aerodrome operators will be to provide sufficient aerodrome capacity, while the challenge to the ATM system will be to ensure that all available capacity is fully and efficiently utilized. As aerodromes are a focal point in the ATM system, it is important that aerodrome operators work with other stakeholders to ensure that ground capacity does not become the system constraint. 8.2.2. A key element will be to improve surface traffic management to reduce delays on movement and maneuvering areas and enhance safety, efficiency and situational awareness by implementing airport collaborative decision making (A-CDM) through sharing surface operations data among the different stakeholders at the airport. 8.2.3. Airports capacity will also be managed by the allocation of aircraft movement slots to ensure that runway capacity is not exceeded and availability of aircraft parking stand is ensured through collaborative decision making. When one or more of the design components are inadequate to support the desired operational capacity of the aerodrome, ATM procedures, standards and infrastructure will be provided to compensate for the operational inadequacies. 8.2.4. Runways are typically the capacity bottleneck of aerodromes but aircraft parking stands, baggage sorting and transfer facilities, aprons and passenger security Page 102 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 screening points operating close to or over capacity are becoming choke points as well, especially at hub airports. 8.2.5. A-CDM promises to alleviate congestion but the close collaboration between airport management and other stakeholders such as its shareholder, ATM and airlines is essential to a coordinated development of the capacity of the regional air transport network in the long-term. 8.2.6. Aerodrome operations are a key component for Seamless ATM, especially in regard to infrastructure and operational efficiencies. The collaborative interaction of various stakeholders is important to ensure that aerodrome operations, facilities and equipment are suitable for all aircraft operators. Aerodrome operators require the airspace, ATM, aerodrome and aircraft operations to be cohesive and interoperable. This includes not only the aerodrome movement areas but the terminal and ancillary services, which may include border protection, fuel, baggage and passenger facilitation, which need to be aware of the interaction of their services with the aircraft operations. 8.3.APSAP Recommendations 8.3.1. Short, medium and long term aerodrome planning needs to take into account the seamless system so that capital investment is aligned to ATM operational efficiencies. Aerodrome development and airline changes are catalysts for changes driven by the aerodrome operator, but there is a need to ensure enroute and terminal ATS efficiencies are not impacted or lost, due to poor aerodrome infrastructure and operations. A saving in aircraft flight time can easily be eroded by lack of gates, poor taxiway-runway interface and inadequate terminal facilities. 8.3.2. Stakeholder involvement and infrastructure changes needs to be coordinated to maximize the efficiencies from a systemic approach to aerodrome, airspace, air traffic management and aircraft operations 8.3.3. Preferred Aerodrome/Airspace and Route Specifications (PARS) Phase I (expected implementation by 12 November 2015) Page 103 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 All high density international aerodromes (100,000 scheduled movements per annum or more) should: a) provide an appropriate apron management service in order to regulate entry of aircraft into and coordinate exit of aircraft from the apron; b) have appropriate ATM coordination (including meetings and agreements) related to: i. airport development and maintenance planning; ii. coordination with local authorities regarding environmental, noise abatement, and obstacles; ATM/PBN procedures for the aerodrome; c) conduct regular airport capacity analysis, which included a detailed assessment of passenger, airport gate, apron, taxiway and runway capacity; d) and provide electronic surface movement guidance and control. All high density aerodromes should operate an A-CDM system serving the MTF and busiest city pairs, with priority implementation for the busiest Asia/Pacific Aerodromes (ASBU Priority 2). Phase II (expected implementation by 08 November 2018) Where practicable, all high density aerodromes should provide the following infrastructure and facilities to optimize runway capacity: a) additional runway(s) with adequate separation between runway centerlines for parallel independent operations; b) parallel taxiways, rapid exit taxiways at optimal locations to minimize runway occupancy times and entry/exit taxiways; c) rapid exit taxiway indicator lights (distance to go information to the nearest rapid exit taxiway on the runway); d) twin parallel taxiways to separate arrivals and departures; e) perimeter taxiways to avoid runway crossings; f) taxiway centerline lighting systems; Page 104 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 g) adequate maneuvering area signage (to expedite aircraft movement); h) holding bays; i) additional apron space in contact stands for quick turnarounds; j) short length or tailored runways to segregate low speed aircraft; k) taxi bots or towing systems, preferably controlled by pilots, to ensure efficiency and the optimal fuel loading for departure; and l) Advanced visual docking guidance systems. All high density aerodromes should have a declared airport terminal and runway capacity based on a capacity and efficiency analysis, to ensure the maximum possible efficiency of aircraft and passenger movement. 8.4.Analysis of the current situation ( June 2014) 8.4.1. Aerodrome Certification 36th Session of the ICAO Assembly in September 2007, resolved that States undertake Certification of Aerodromes as part of the obligations of States to ensure aerodrome adequacy for the safe aircraft operations at aerodrome. Aerodromes certification is a standard included in Annex 14 since 2003. Aerodrome certification is an essential means to ensure aerodrome safety and enhance efficiency. 38th Assembly resolved that States should take necessary measures, including the allocation of adequate resources, to improve the level of implementation of aerodrome certification, including SMS at aerodromes. of 21 international aerodromes in India, 18 aerodromes have current certification and for the other 3 aerodromes the certification process is in progress. 8.4.2. Aerodrome Capacity fully supports the need for Aerodrome Capacity analysis and declarations. India has declared aerodrome handling capacity (peak) for the six major airports as below. Page 105 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Sl No Airport Rwy Configuration Declared(Peak) Remarks Capacity 1 Delhi 2/3 Parallel 75 Runways 2 Mumbai Cross Runway 38 MAX DEP 45 MAX ARR 37 MAX DEP 30 MAX ARR 24 3 Chennai Single Runway 29 MAX DEP 25 MAX ARR 20 4 Bangalore Single Runway 30 MAX DEP 19 MAX ARR 17 5 Kolkata Dependent Parallel 30 Runway 6 Hyderabad Single Runway MAX DEP 20 MAX ARR 20 30 MAX DEP 20 MAX ARR 20 AAI intends to roll out ATFM Phase I implementation from 2014. Initially a baseline model of aerodrome capacity as declared above might suffice to arrive at demand capacity balancing measures. As the process matures it is expected that more precise aerodrome capacity figures taking into account met conditions, availability of aerodrome and CNS infrastructure etc., will be required to arrive at more refined DCB scenarios. will undertake a more exhaustive aerodrome capacity analysis for all high and medium density aerodromes to support implementation of ATFM. 8.4.3. Apron Management AAI as the ANS provider provides Apron Management service as part of Aerodrome Control Service and Surface Movement Control Service at all aerodromes in India. data from DGCA India shows that as on 2014 total number of aircraft in India is around 1650, out of which scheduled airlines comprising both passenger Page 106 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 and cargo carriers that operate in the Indian skies have a total fleet of over 405 aircraft. The ANS Strategic Plan has also noted various industry reports on the intended aircraft orders ( up to the order of around 700 aircraft in the next ten years ) as committed by different scheduled airlines from India. Both Boeing and Airbus have indicated in their projections a healthy growth in terms of number of aircraft that will be required by Indian carriers in the next 15 years. as the major airport operator will plan augmenting the apron capacity gradually to meet the industry requirements. 8.4.4. A-CDM Initiatives A-CDM has been implemented in Delhi airport since 2013. has developed A- CDM software module indigenously and the same is being put to operational trials at Mumbai airport. On successful trails, AAI intends to extend the A-CDM platform to other airports in a phased manner. ATFM implementation in India will integrate A-CDM to provide ‘gate-togate” traffic flow management capability. 8.5.Strategy for the implementation of performance objectives 8.5.1. All possible efforts will be made to ensure that operational aerodromes have required physical characteristics and operational procedures corresponding to ICAO standards and recommended methods (SARPS). 8.5.2. The optimization of TMA air space structure with the PBN implementation requires necessary measures that ensure an effective control with respect to obstacles in proximity area of the aerodromes, taking into account the minima separation applicable between aircrafts and obstacles. 8.5.3. As first reference to these critical elements, the identification of aerodromes located near to operational saturation, followed by actions required to improve this capacity in terms of differentiation of these limits through the application of the best practices in the existing infrastructure, and, if necessary, in modified infrastructure, are interpreted as a necessary requirement. Page 107 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 8.5.4. Other external conditions to aerodrome operation that should be coordinated with responsible local Committees are the limitation of operations due to noise level, to the use of ground and to bird hazard, as well as the cancelation of operations due to adverse climatic conditions, that affect or limit the required optimization. 8.5.5. Planning has been based on the following areas: a) Quality and availability of aeronautical data ; b) Aerodrome certification ; c) Improvement of physical and operational characteristics of the aerodrome; and d) Runway safety. 8.5.6. Quality and availability of aeronautical data order to achieve more efficient aerodrome operations and reduce the risk of aviation accidents, the quality and availability of aeronautical data must be assured through updates. provides necessary details regularly for updating the information contained in the APAC Basic Navigation Plan, Vol. II FASID, Table AOP1 regarding 21 international aerodromes. The Aeronautical Information Management road map ensures quality of aeronautical data. 8.5.7. Aerodrome certification process of aerodromes is a mandatory requirement to improve safety in aerodromes and to establish an effective oversight. is important to guarantee the quality of the installations and services of the Aerodrome through a process of continuous training of the personnel involved in airport operations. India as the regulator is the responsible agency for aerodrome certification in India. AAI, as the major airport operator, will ensure that the certification of airports under its authority. 8.5.8. Improvement of physical and operational characteristics of the aerodrome Page 108 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 recommendations of APSAP for Phase I and Phase II will be considered in the improvement of physical and operational characteristics of aerodromes. Consideration will also be given to the capacity constraints at critical aerodromes which affect ATFM. order to establish a balance between demand and capacity, aerodrome operators , including AAI, will evaluate aerodrome capacities to enable air space users to be able to determine when, where and how to carry out operations to meet their business objectives. The capacity determination will also take care of the conflicting needs with respect to air space and aerodrome capacity. capacity obtained through the aforementioned strategies relates to the installed infrastructure and its utilization, based on current demand. In addition aerodrome capacity will also be assessed based on saturation or near saturation conditions under projected traffic conditions. will undertake capacity assessment studies regularly at all AAI airports on a regular basis and initiate necessary infrastructure augmentation when deemed necessary. 8.5.9. Runway safety safety issues have been recognized as a worldwide safety concern for years. Prevention of runway incursions has become a priority area. has strong commitment to prevent runway incursions and has taken many initiatives for prevention of runway incursions such as improving aerodrome signage, markings, procedures, training and regulations and also safe guarding against human errors. Runway Safety Teams have been established at all aerodromes to develop action plan for runway safety, advise management as appropriate on potential runway incursion issues and recommend strategies for hazard removal and mitigation of the residual risk. Page 109 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS) are operational at six busiest aerodromes of India which helped in timely detection of runway incursions . safety of aircraft operations with respect to conditions that cause runway excursions, may largely depend on pavement surface conditions, their behaviour under different weather conditions, and their use. These characteristics are: friction on paved surfaces covered by snow or ice or water, surface drainage capacity, and rubber contamination. as the ANS provider, in close collaboration with the airport operators, will ensure the identification and management of such conditions to keep them within acceptable levels. AAI will also ensure proper dissemination of these operating conditions to users, authorities. 8.6. Alignment with ASBU 8.6.1. Of the ASBU Block 0 modules under consideration, the AGA area contributes to PIA 1 modules B0-15, B0-80 and BO-75 and PIA 2 module B0-30. 8.6.2. Alignment of ASBU Modules and APSAP Elements Page 110 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 AOP Operational ASBU Objective Module Quality and availability of aeronautical data B0-DATM Block 0 APSAP Element PARS I Aerodrome certification, PARS I Improvement of physical and operational characteristics of the aerodrome PARS I A-CDM Initiatives B0-ACDM PARS I and PASL I Apron Management B0-SURF PARS I Aerodrome Capacity B0-RSEQ PARS I and PASL I Runway safety B0-SURF PARS I Safe and Efficient Surface Operations Page 111 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 9. DEMAND AND CAPACITY MANAGEMENT 9.1.Introduction 9.1.1. A rapidly expanding air transport network calls for construction of new airports while expanding and modernizing existing ones. Going forward, proliferation of smaller airports in tier 1 and tier 2 cities would call for increased collaboration between these smaller airports and the bigger airports in metro cities. Many of these airports would feed passengers and cargo to the airports at metro cities, in a hub and spoke concept. Increased collaboration can help run these smaller airports economically as they can leverage resources, technology, and investments made in a major metro airport. 9.1.2. The predominant domestic air traffic flow, presently, is from and to the Metro airports. As the traffic from such Tier II and Tier III airports increases in the coming days, the characteristics of air traffic flow will undergo a gradual change. There will be increased pressure on the resources of Metro airports. Consequently, it is expected a skewed demand and capacity air traffic scenario will exist at certain times, at certain “hot spots” in the Indian ATM environment. 9.1.3. Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) is a proven ATM measure to balance demand and capacity of air traffic. It is applied locally at a place where the demand exceeds capacity, but with a system wide view, understanding the ripple effects of restrictions on the overall air traffic flow. 9.2.Demand and Capacity Management 9.2.1. Demand and capacity balancing will allow airspace users to optimize their participation in the ATM system while mitigating conflicting needs for airspace and aerodrome capacity through collaborative usage of decision-support tools to ensure most efficient use of airspace resources, equitable access for all airspace users, accommodate user preferences and ensure that demand on an airspace resource will not exceed its capacity. Page 112 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 9.2.2. The system will endeavor to remove constraints wherever possible, and minimize the effect of constraints through management and modification of trajectories where removal is not possible. Where constraints are unavoidable, the earliest possible notice will be given to those affected. The intent is that any modifications will be the minimum required to avert any conflict, meet runway capacity requirements. 9.2.3. Demand and Capacity Management aims at maximizing the ATM system capacity whilst minimizing the effects of constraints. Optimal balancing of capacity and demand will be achieved through CDM (between ANSPs, aerodrome operators, air space users, meteorological information provider, etc), supported by SWIM taking into account airspace and aerodrome limitations and uncontrollable events (e.g. adverse weather, ATM system failure, aircraft emergency). 9.2.4. Traffic synchronisation will ensure safe, orderly, expeditious and integrated flow of traffic during all phases of flight. Implementation envisages a transition in traffic management from today’s emphasis on tactically adjusting demand to fixed capacity towards a more strategic and collaborative approach to match capacity, rather than constrain and demand. The nature of tactical flow management will be more dynamic and adaptive to operate to finer capacity and time limits and responsively cope with real-time events. 9.2.5. Demand and Capacity Assessment Processes and tools to identify, collect, analyse, validate and distribute demand and capacity data to produce an accurate picture of the capacity, constraints and demand patterns through all phases of flight will be developed. 9.2.6. The ATM system capacity will be determined based on: a. Number of runways b. Number of runway exit taxiways c. Runway Occupancy time d. terminal capacity e. surveillance data Page 113 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 f. weather conditions g. airspace structure h. Applicable minimum separation in terminal airspace 9.2.7. Major bottlenecks in the overall ATM system, viz., trends in delay, diversions, holding will help in identifying the causes of capacity and demand imbalance. Existing tactical traffic management processes and systems will be improved upon through re-sectorisation, improved utilisation of existing runway and taxiway resources to fill performance gaps. Reduction in constraints on demand and delivering more efficient and expeditious traffic synchronisation will be achieved by optimisation of SIDs, STARs and implementation of continuous descent approaches by optimising existing airborne (GNSS) and ground CNS capabilities. 9.3.AIR TRAFFIC FLOW MANAGEMENT IN INDIA 9.3.1. An efficient ATM system should be flexible to enhance the capacity to meet the demand in an efficient manner without adverse impact on SAFETY and in a very cost effective manner for the airspace users. Keeping in view the current and future growth of traffic and to ensure Safe and efficient flow of traffic through various airports and airspace, Airports Authority of India has taken initiatives to implement Central Air Traffic Flow Management system integrating various stakeholders in the system to programme various operational constraints strategically and tactically in such a way that the demand and capacity are optimally balanced through Collaborative Decision making process. 9.3.2. The C- ATFM System will balance demand and capacity in Indian airspace and airports for most efficient operations that will include both international and domestic traffic. 9.3.3. ATFM project will be undertaken in three phases. 1 : ATFM for six metro airports In the first phase six major airports (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad) will be provided strategic and pre-tactical demand Page 114 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 predictions to determine periods of excess demand compared to the available capacity. C-ATFM also will provide capabilities to model and implement Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs) to smooth the demand to the available capacity via Ground Delay Programs. TMIs are shared with aircraft operators as an integral part of the CDM process. For periods of significant, unexpected capacity reductions, Ground Stop TMIs will also be modelled and implemented. Once a TMI is implemented, CATFM will provide updated demand predictions to monitor TMI performance. Updated predictions are driven by tactical flight data updates from the automation systems as well as flight specific updates provided by aircraft operators. Aircraft Operators are provided capabilities to perform schedule management adjustments (e.g., slot substitutions) to optimize their operations consistent with the available capacity determined by AAI and the constraints of the TMI. 2: Nationwide implementation at all airports and Indian continental airspace. In phase 2 of the project a nationwide ATFM system covering all airports to support ATFM/CDM for airspace programs and arrivals into airports throughout India will be implemented. Future functionality of the proposed ATFM system will be driven by customer needs and advances in ATFM. Hence some key functional enhancements for including departure programs of additional airport and airspace flow programs to complement the proposed airport arrival programs in phase 1 may be taken up during phase 2. A passive web portal access shall be made available to the neighbouring States to have an increased situational awareness of the ATFM in India. Web is an important part of the enhanced ATFM system, as it allows Airline/aerodrome Page 115 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 operators and ATS Units, access to information about TMIs. AOs will be able to view flight details and manage their own ATC slots during a TMI. ATS Units, Airline and aerodrome operators will be able to view all flights arriving and departing from their aerodrome. 3: Integrating with international ATFM according to ICAO regional ATFM plan of Asia Pacific region. : ICAO regional office has set up an ATFM steering Group (ATFMSG) to develop the concept for regional ATFM in APAC region. India is a leading member of the ATFMSG. The evolution of C-ATFM system in the third phase will be planned to harmonize with the recommendations of ATFMSG. project implementation will progress as defined in terms of timelines as below: Near term- 2014-2016 Midterm- 2016-2018 Long term- 2018-2023 9.4.Alignment with ASBU and APSAP 9.4.1. Implementation of ATFM is an enabler for optimum utilization of available ATM resources. ATFM provision, in no way, should be a substitute for efforts towards achieving ATM operational objectives described in this document. Therefore the provision of ATFM in India is indirectly dependent on all the ASBU Block 0 modules and APSAP elements. The direct relationship, however, is made to B0NOPS, which is a “critical” ASBU Priority 1 element in the APSAP. Page 116 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 10.HUMAN RESOURCE AND COMPETENCE MANAGEMENT 10.1. Introduction 10.1.1. In view of the new requirements derived from the implementation of the ATM Operational Concept, holistic planning the development of Human Resources and Competence Management, will be given prime importance. 10.1.2. Efficient functioning of Air Navigation system demands a collaborative integration of human resources, information, technology, facilities and services with the support of communications, navigation and surveillance. The provision of ATM services will depend on the performance of individuals and the development of new competencies, making possible their interrelationship with the operational and technical environment. 10.1.3. Each system is developed, maintained and operated by human beings that continue to be the most flexible and critical element to manage threats and errors in ATM operations. For a seamless service delivery that will be the requirement of future, a highly competent and multidisciplinary team will be needed to perform its functions in the new operational scenario. To achieve this, the members of this team must receive a uniform and high quality level of training. 10.1.4. The role of the individual and his contribution to the Air Navigation System will keep evolving according to the changes presented in the Operational Concepts and the structure of the system. The proper provision of air navigation services will depend on the management of the competencies of technical and operational personnel, as well as on their availability in sufficient numbers to cover the different services. It will also demand a redefinition of the profile of the personnel required for the system. 10.1.5. In the past, the evolution of aeronautical technologies has been gradual and, to a large extent, Civil Aviation Training Centers (CATCs) and instructors have been able to face the challenges of change, even though they did not always have refined training methodologies and instruments available. However, the new ATM systems Page 117 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 are based on many new concepts, and their implementation represents an even bigger challenge. 10.1.6. The planning of personnel competence management for the implementation of the components of the ATM Operational Concept shall take into account the specific requirements of all the implementation activity of the different areas that make up this document. The development and implementation of the expertise of human resources, the guidelines, standards, methods and the tools for human error management, the friendly use of the new technology and operational training will be the basis for ATM success 10.1.7. The Challenges of New Concepts: The introduction of these new concepts within the ATM system will make planning a critical element and its efficient development will have a big impact on all aeronautical personnel, including the managerial levels. That is why competence management is one of the key issues for a successful transition. As a result of the introduction of the components of the ATM Operational Concept, new aeronautical disciplines will emerge. From the point of view of human resource planning, it will be necessary to redistribute and train personnel. The need for a seamless integration of human resources to the management of safety in the design and implementation of new ATM systems and in operational training has been clearly identified. 10.1.8. HR Considerations by ICAO 10.1.9. The Global ATM Operational Concept (Doc 9854) states: Humans will play an essential and, where necessary, central role in the global ATM system. Humans are responsible for managing the system, monitoring its performance and intervening, when necessary, to ensure the desired system outcome. Due consideration to human factors must be given in all aspects of the system. Page 118 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 10.1.10. The AN-Conf/12 emphasized the importance of human performance considerations by endorsing Recommendation 6/4, which called for the integration of human performance as an essential element for the implementation of ASBU modules and in the planning and design phase of new systems and technologies, as part of a safety management approach. 10.1.11. ICAO Annex 15 - Article 3.7.4 also has mentioned: “The competencies and the associated knowledge, skills and abilities required for each function shall be identified, and personnel assigned to perform those functions shall be appropriately trained. Processes shall be in place to ensure that personnel possess the competencies required to perform specific assigned functions. Appropriate records shall be maintained so that the qualifications of personnel can be confirmed. Initial and periodic assessments shall be established that require personnel to demonstrate the required competencies. Periodic assessments of personnel shall be used as a means to detect and correct shortfalls”. 10.1.12. APSAP Recommendations: The role of the human is especially important in delivering high quality and consistent services supporting Seamless ATM. Therefore it is crucial to ensure that, training and licensing requirements are developed using a competency-based framework, fatigue-related risk is managed appropriately, and safety data, including the reporting of hazards, is collected, analysed and acted upon within ATM systems that support Seamless ATM. One of the more important human performance aspects in order to deliver a consistent, harmonised and efficient service is ATC training, to change from a procedural mind set to one that used the tactical delivery of services based on ATS surveillance and automated safety nets (airborne and ground). Moving from reliance on paper-based flight progress strips to an electronic equivalent connected to the ATS surveillance Flight Data Processing Page 119 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 System (FDPS) or direct data inputs to the Aircraft Situation Display (ASD) support this paradigm shift. Controllers need to be trained on the application of tactical separation, including the use of positive control techniques, such as vectoring and speed control when conflict pairs approach minimum separation. In this regard, it is important that managers facilitate a modern operating environment in terms of air safety incidents and human factors, so personnel are confident using the full capability provided by the CNS facilities. A critical human performance issue is the training of ANSP management and regulators in human performance issues. These decisionmakers had an important influence on outcomes in terms of supporting the right environment for Seamless ATM activities, whether that is providing financial resources, or establishing high-level policies and procedures. A key component of Seamless ATM is the ability of controllers to operate, and have confidence in, a new operating environment. The appropriate use of ATC simulators to enhance their learning experience is an essential part of the necessary training. In planning to deliver Seamless ATM services, it is assumed that each State and aircraft operator will comply with the English language proficiency requirements in accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices. 10.1.13. ICAO-Next Generation Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Initiative In 2009, ICAO launched the Next Generation Aviation Professionals (NGAP) initiative to ensure that a sufficient number of qualified and competent aviation professionals are available to manage the future international aviation transport system. Air traffic management (ATM), however, is exacting, stressful and emotionally charged, as hundreds of lives are bundled into the blips and dots as they flash continuously across an ATCO’s radar screen. The Air Traffic Safety Page 120 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) support the smooth functioning of the system. And it is vital for these professionals to liaise seamlessly to ensure the safety of every flight, from departure to arrival. At the same time, modernisation of the air navigation system continues, bringing automation and the need to rethink training and competencies. A move away from a prescriptive set of rules to training designed around the desired competency for each individual will better meet the new requirements. Recognising that there were no formal training guidelines for ATCOs and ATSEPs, ICAO’s NGAP Task-force took the lead to build guiding principles on key global requirements – the deliverables being a revised PANS training with a competency framework and associated guidance material in the form of training manuals through the ATM sub-group. The Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Task Force developed competency frameworks for air traffic controllers (ATCOs) and air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) to support the progressive implementation of competency-based training practices for ATM personnel. This second edition of the PANS-TRG has been restructured and divided into different Parts dealing with each category of personnel. The PANS-TRG addresses competency-based training and assessment program that stakeholders may choose to implement. 10.1.14. Competency Based Approach The PANS training will be built on a competency framework which is the basis for the training manual. This training manual will serve as guidance material to ANSPs in implementing a competency based approach to training ATCOs and ATSEPs. As each local environment and situation is different, the competency framework will be used as a ‘menu’ from which to choose the appropriate and necessary competencies to be trained, adapting to each local situation. Each Page 121 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 component of the framework is also adapted to the phase of training; from initial training, through site-specific unit training and on to continuation and development training. In other words, this framework enables the training organization to develop their training materials such as courses and syllabi which will raise the trainee’s competence to the required standards for the tasks and activities needed to perform their job autonomously. This framework will then maintain and further develops those aptitudes. The commonality of the competency framework brings harmonised training across the globe, thereby enhancing mutual recognition. Harmonisation of initial training is a fairly easy task, conceptually, as the trainee is taught the fundamental skills of the profession, which are very similar in each location. The greater challenge, however, is the site-specific unit training. Local geography, topography, aerodrome layout, airspace, procedures, types of user and system specifics determine the requirements and will necessarily differ for every single unit, facility and geographical location. Consequently, harmonisation of training can only be achieved in the competency framework itself. Common competencies and standards will be recognised and applied, but the way in which they need to be performed will vary greatly from one unit to the next. The competencies required for the ATCO of the future are not the same as the human skills, qualifications and requirements for today’s ATCO. The change required can only come through well-constructed and well-targeted training schemes to ensure that the actual competencies required can adapt over time, even though the framework for that training should not need to. 10.2. Analysis of the current situation 10.2.1. The high level of automation and interdependence of the current system gives rise to several problems related to human resources and human factors and the interaction with their environment and other persons. The experience gained in this Page 122 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 area indicates that the human element should be considered as the critical part of any plan for the implementation of new technologies. Achievement of the ATM operational concept will be dependent on the competence of the human resources. 10.2.2. The challenges and the development of human resources will multiply during the transition period to the ATM Operational Concept. Since the existing and emerging air navigation technologies will work in parallel for some time, civil aviation personnel will have to develop new skills while maintaining those necessary for the operation and maintenance of the existing systems, using a collaborative approach for civil aviation training. 10.2.3. The analysis of the current situation reveals existing weaknesses and emerging threats. Weaknesses include, inter alia: i. Lack of sufficient personnel; ii. Lack of and duly trained personnel; iii. High cost of training (initial, specialised, recurrent, remedial); iv. Inadequate and Insufficient amount of simulators for training; v. Instructors with insufficient knowledge and qualifications to meet current needs; vi. Procedures and training for use of new system and its use in parallel with the current system vii. Human/machine interface issues for new system and its use in parallel with current system viii. Operator/user confidence and competency in new system ix. Selection criteria for operators/users of new system x. Automation issues xi. Operator knowledge of system mix xii. lack of suitable profile for the selection of candidates; 10.2.4. Emerging threats include inter alia, a) The need to implement new training methods; Page 123 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 b) The need to develop new competencies to address new technologies; c) Increased traffic volume; d) Change of mindset to embrace a collaborative approach; and e) Change in mindset to accept technological and operational developments. 10.2.5. The Civil Aviation Training College (CATC), Allahabad is the premier training establishment of Airports Authority of India (AAI). It meets training requirement in the field of ATM and CNS, as laid down in ICAO standards. With the increased requirements for qualified Controllers and technical personnel, the following additional centre(s), have been established: a) Hyderabad Training Centre capable of handling ab-initio and Area Control (Procedural) training for controllers (Since 2006) b) National Institute of Aviation Training Management (NIATAM) Gondia for handling ab-initio Aerodrome and Approach control courses (Since 2010) 10.2.6. Civil Aviation Training College, Allahabad, has achieved the Trainair Plus full membership status since June 2013, after successfully completing all the requirements including production of a Standardized Training Package. 10.2.7. Trainair Plus full membership status will play a vital role in the development and sharing of valuable course materials permitting CATC Allahabad to meet its mandate and challenges with regard to training activities. The competency acquired by CATC’s course developers and use of standardized training methodology contained in the ICAO Trainair Plus Training Development guide – Competencybased Training Methodology (Doc 9941), which embraces the members of ICAO competency based approach, will surely enhance the quality of training courses developed by the college. 10.2.8. The Trainair Plus full membership will provide the required impetus in grooming the next generation aviation professionals of India to meet the challenges of the aviation industry. Page 124 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 10.2.9. AAI is setting up of four Integrated ATS Simulators (IATS) at regional training centers (RTC) located at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. The IATS will be used to bridge the gap between basic training at CATC and the on-job-training (OJT) of ATCO’s. 10.3. Strategies for the implementation of performance objectives 10.3.1. With an expected doubling of air traffic in a 15-20 year horizon, the demand for qualified aviation personnel is likely to increase across all domains. With demand exceeding capacity in India, an increase in productivity is required to maintain the industry’s cost-effectiveness. 10.3.2. Detailed estimates for the future requirements of ANS personnel is critical for AAI. This analysis should take into account the projected growth in traffic, the impact of new technology, and the expected attrition of manpower as a result of qualified personnel retiring or moving to other geographies or industries. In order to be keep pace with growth requirements AAI will need to ensure that it has appropriate systems in place to recruit, train and retain controllers and engineers. 10.3.3. The capacity of the available training infrastructure to support the development of the requisite skills from Ab-initio through to upgrading the capabilities of existing controllers and ATSEP personnel on new technologies and procedures must also be determined. Significant investment is required in order to update equipment and install the latest simulation technology at the training institutes. 10.3.4. All the areas involved in ATM will be required to initiate planning of the development of human resources and training requirements, including operations and maintenance personnel. The planning should be done keeping in mind that the role of each individual within the ATM Operational Concept, taking into account the guidelines of Document 9750 – Global Air Navigation Plan, the Global ATM Operational Concept and other related ICAO documents. 10.3.5. The Air Navigation system should be designed to reduce potential errors optimizing their detection and mitigation. To this end we need the application of a fair culture Page 125 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 that includes a voluntary incident reporting system enabling organisational learning. 10.3.6. ICAO programmes concerning the formation of the new generation of aviation professionals (NGAP) must be taken into account, using the results of this panel for planning the courses. 10.3.7. To facilitate the development of training programmes and materials the following strategies may be kept in mind; i. Early identification of training needs and priorities for Air Navigation Systems personnel: Given the diverse and specific training that will be needed for the new systems, as well as the need for standardization, it is essential to establish a collaborative plan of services required. However, an effective plan will only be formulated once the training needs and priorities have been clearly identified; and ii. Coordination and planning of training for Air Navigation Systems personnel at local level: Effective planning and coordination for the preparation of the appropriate materials should be done at local level to achieve standardization. 10.3.8. The civil aviation training centres should prepare their instructors on the ATM Operational Concept and the supporting systems for its implementation, such as ASBU. 10.3.9. When planning specialized training, provisions should be made for inclusion of basic training in other areas, so that there will be acknowledgement of the work carried out in other units, and awareness of the impact of the task in the consideration of the global ATM. Personnel will be aware of the work done in other units and of the impact their tasks have on the overall ATM. 10.3.10. As a strategy, the planning of personnel competence management shall consider three stages: Page 126 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 i. Basic training: This stage shall include the new operational ATM concepts, the communications systems, all aspects involved in the operation of the air navigation systems, the new surveillance systems, the new aeronautical information vision and the meteorology system; ii. Training for those who plan and implement: Training is required at the top management level in order to provide decision makers the necessary basic information for planning the implementation of ATM systems. This type of training is required for executive staff responsible for planning ATM systems, as well as for those responsible for planning supporting systems. iii. Task-specific training: if training is required for ongoing management, operation and maintenance of systems. This category accounts for most of the training needs and is the most difficult to plan, develop and implement. 10.3.11. Planning has been based on the issues listed as below: a) Planning training to develop air navigation systems personnel skills b) CATCs shall actively accompany the planning and development of update and training courses on the ATM Operational Concept to comply with the roadmap developed by ICAO. 10.3.12. The following should be established to support human performance in the delivery of a Seamless ATM service. The systems should consider all the elements of the SHEL Model (Software, Hardware, Environment and Liveware – humans), in accordance with the ICAO Human Factors Digest No. 1 and related reference material: i. human performance training for all ANSP managers, including: ii. assessment and management of risks related to human capabilities and limitations; iii. effective participation in a team and team management iv. effective safety reporting systems; v. human factors in air safety investigation; Page 127 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 vi. fatigue management approaches; vii. enhancement and improved application of ATC simulators; viii. safety teams comprising multidisciplinary operational staff and managers which review safety performance and assess significant proposals for change to ATM systems; 10.3.13. Human performance-based training and procedures for staff providing ATS, including: 10.3.14. a) the application of tactical, surveillance-based ATC separation; b) control techniques near minimum ATC separation; c) responses to ATM contingency operations and safety net alerts; and d) the importance of an effective safety reporting culture. Prevention of fatigue systems should be established to support human performance in the delivery of a Seamless ATM service. The systems should be consistent with guidance within ICAO Doc 9966 FRMS – Fatigue Risk Management System. 10.3.15. The ANS Strategic plan takes note of the development of PANS-TRG document by ICAO and also development of related documents for ATCO training and ATSEP training. The focus of skill development of ANS personnel will continuously be monitored, assessed and suitably modified so as to align with the best practices and the SARPS. 10.4. DEVELOPING INDEGENOUS R&D CAPABILITY 10.4.1. Despite handling challenging air Traffic Growth , the much-needed Research and Development capability in Air Traffic Management did not exist in AAI and hence had to heavily depend on Foreign ANSPs and vendors for the ATM and the Automation related Systems and solutions. 10.4.2. With a view to developing innovative and self-reliant ATM solutions and implementing new Technology based on sound research compatible with India’s requirements, AAI has set up ANS R & D facility in Hyderabad . Page 128 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 10.4.3. The R&D centre would also exploit the readily available expertise and talent of the current ANS Personnel as most of them have either research or Engineering background. 10.4.4. The ANS R & D centre would provide comprehensive laboratory capabilities to support AAI's daily air traffic management operations and maintenance, besides carrying out performance analysis and R&D. 10.4.5. The capability will provide AAI access to latest technological advancement in the field of air traffic management, CNS & Automation equipment and software development to cope with the challenging ASBU requirements and contribute to Safe and Seamless ATM. 10.4.6. The ANS R&D center will derive its performance objectives from the ANS Strategic Plan operational objectives and play an important role in harnessing indigenous capabilities to develop solutions to meet the challenges. 10.5.Alignment with ASBU 10.5.1. The development of human resources and competency management is an essential element for the implementation of all the ASBU Block 0 taken under consideration in the planning and design phases of new systems and technologies, as well as in their implementation phase, as part of a safety management scope. Page 129 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 11. SAFETY MANAGEMENT 11.1.Introduction 11.1.1. The Global Aviation Safety Plan The 2014-2016 Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) (Doc. 10004) establishes specific safety objectives and initiatives, guaranteeing the efficient and effective coordination of safety-related complementary activities among all interested parties. One of the main priorities of GASP is to continuously reduce the global accident rate through a structured and progressive approach which comprises short, medium and long term objectives. As the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), the objectives of GASP are compatible through specific safety initiatives classified in accordance with the various safety performance areas. These performance areas are common to each of the global objectives. The objectives of the ICAO GASP and their corresponding target dates are applied to the global aviation community. Nevertheless, each of these objective include specific initiatives and milestones that can be continuously implemented by States on the basis of their various operational profiles and priorities. In this manner, the initiatives in GASP will lead towards making progress as per each State’s safety surveillance capabilities, the States Safety Programmes (SSP) and the safety processes necessary to support the future air navigation systems. 11.1.2. Objectives of GASP The short term objectives of GASP are oriented towards the implementation of the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) related with State authorization, certification, approval and emission of licenses as they are pre-requisites enabling air traffic growth in a safe and sustainable manner. States lacking these capabilities will ensure they count with the resources, as well as with the legal, regulatory and organizational Page 130 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 structures necessary to comply with their fundamental obligations regarding safety supervision. States having a mature safety surveillance system should centre in the continuous application of safety management in the short term. The target implementation of this objective is 2017. The GASP medium term objective urges all States to achieve full implementation of SSP and Safety Management Systems (SMS) worldwide, to facilitate a dynamic management of the safety risks. Through the application of SSP, States will complement fundamental safety surveillance functions with the management of risks and analytical processes that can proactively identify and mitigate safety problems. The implementation target date is 2022. The long term objective is the application of predictive systems to convert in the integral part of the future aviation systems. The objective is to support an operational environment defined by the increase of automation and the integration of ground and air advanced capabilities, as shown in the ASBU. The target date of this implementation is 2027. 11.1.3. Framework of GASP The GASP can be mapped by using a safety strategic diagram, as the one shown in the figure (Figure 7) below. This diagram shows how the safety initiatives and the GASP objectives joint to compose the safety improvement strategy. The columns show the evolution of the Plan objectives. Every row represents the performance area that creates a common subject thread in support of GASP objectives. Page 131 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 FIGURE 7: GASP SAFETY FRAMEWORK 11.2.Regional Aviation Safety Groups 11.2.1. The ICAO Regions are currently resolving safety issues through different mechanisms established by the States themselves and the industry. The Regional Aviation Safety Group – Asia and Pacific Regions (RASG-APAC) was established in October 2011. This Group was established as a focal point to ensure harmonisation and coordination of safety efforts aimed at reducing aviation risks in the APAC States, and the promotion, by all the stakeholders, of the implementation of the resulting safety initiatives. 11.2.2. Current requirements on State safety management have been consolidated into Annex 19 – Safety management, effective from 2013. 11.2.3. The State administration must establish mechanisms to ensure the effective supervision of the critical elements of the safety oversight function. Furthermore, Page 132 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 it must create mechanisms to ensure that hazard identification and safety risk management by service providers is consistent with the established regulatory controls (requirements, specific operating regulations and implementation policies). These mechanisms include inspections, audits and surveys to ensure that safety risk regulatory controls are properly integrated in the SMS of service providers, that they are implemented as designed, and that they have the expected effect on safety risks. 11.3.State Safety Programme (SSP) 11.3.1. The introduction in the SARPs of requirements related to the State safety programme (SSP) resulted from the growing recognition that safety management principles impact most of the civil aviation management activities, including regulation, policy-making and safety oversight. 11.3.2. State Safety Programme (SSP) describes the arrangements of the management of aviation safety in a State. It is a package of state civil aviation system that includes policy, legal framework, organization and mechanism available in a state for the establishment and maintenance of acceptable level of safety. 11.3.3. International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in the ICAO Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing, Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Annex 8 — Airworthiness of Aircraft, Annex 11 — Air Traffic Services, Annex 13 — Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation and Annex 14 — Aerodromes require ICAO Contracting States to establish a State Safety Programme (SSP) in order to achieve an Acceptable Level of Safety (ALoS). 11.3.4. The SSP is based on comprehensive analysis of the State's aviation system, safety policies and risk management, safety assurance and promotion. Safety oversight of DGCA is now focused on areas of significant safety concerns or higher safety risks. Thus, SSP provides the means to combine prescriptive and performancebased approaches to safety rulemaking, policy development and oversight by DGCA India. Page 133 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 11.3.5. In order to manage the SSP and ensure implementation of requirements of Safety Management Systems (SMS) by stakeholders, a State Safety Programme and Safety Management Systems (SSP/SMS) Division has been established in DGCA. A regulatory framework after introduction of SSP in DGCA and SMS amongst stakeholders has been established. 11.3.6. Safety Management System (SMS) 11.3.7. The States will require, as part of the State safety Programme, that the air navigation service provider(s): ATS, AIS, CNS, MET, SAR and AGA implement a safety management system acceptable to the State and that, at least: i. Identifies safety hazards; ii. Ensures the implementation of the necessary corrective measures to maintain the agreed level of safety efficacy; iii. Provides for ongoing monitoring and periodic assessment of safety efficacy; and iv. Seeks to improve the general status of the safety management system on a continuous basis. 11.3.8. The SMS will clearly define the lines of responsibility for safety within the organization of the air navigation service provider, including the direct safety responsibility of high managerial staff. 11.3.9. In order to maintain acceptable safety levels, AIS and MET services must implement Quality Management Systems. 11.3.10. According to ICAO Annex 11, any significant change in the ATS system related to safety, including the implementation of reduced separation minima or a new procedure, will only become effective after a safety assessment has shown that they will meet an acceptable level of safety and that users have been consulted. When applicable, the responsible authority will make sure that the appropriate measures are taken for post-implementation monitoring to verify that the established level of safety is being met. When the acceptable level of safety Page 134 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 cannot be expressed in quantitative terms due to the nature of the change, the safety assessment may rely on operational judgment. 11.4.Analysis of Current situation (2014) 11.4.1. Airports Authority of India developed its first Corporate Safety Management System Manual in 2005. This manual was developed on the basis of best industry practices and contained all the elements present in the then draft Safety Management Manual issued by ICAO. 11.4.2. ICAO published its first edition of Safety Management Manual (Doc. 9859) in 2006. Accordingly, Airports Authority of India revised its Corporate Safety Management Manual in 2009 as per ICAO SMS framework. This Corporate Safety Management Manual was accepted by DGCA in 2009. 11.4.3. The DGCA issued a Civil Aviation Requirement Section – 1 General Series ‘C’ Part I on July 20, 2010 for the “Establishment of a Safety Management System” (SMS) based on the guidelines contained in the second edition of Safety Management Manual (Doc 9859), which was published by ICAO in 2009. It details the various requirements that need to be fulfilled for establishing a SMS and calls for a phase wise implementation of SMS. 11.4.4. The first phase of SMS implementation was successfully completed by AAI in 2010 wherein the Safety Policy & Objectives of AAI were revised. Gap analysis with regulatory requirements & SMS Implementation Plan were also prepared. Most of the elements required for the other phases of SMS Implementation are already in place and are being followed in AAI. The Safety Management Manual of AAI has now further been revised and redesigned as per the DGCA CAR. It contains all the components and elements of SMS as envisaged by DGCA CAR. The DGCA accepted AAI corporate SMS manual in 2013. 11.4.5. Safety accountabilities, responsibilities and authorities of top management of AAI have been defined, documented and have been included in the revised version of the Corporate Safety Management manual. The Manual has also been simplified Page 135 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 for easy reading and an effort has also been made to make its practices and procedures user friendly. 11.5.Strategy for the Implementation of Performance Objectives 11.5.1. Planning has been based on implementation of Safety Management System in the provision of ANS Services. 11.5.2. An Air Traffic Service provider, a licensed aerodrome or an aerodrome applying for aerodrome licensing are required to establish and maintain Safety Management Manual as per DGCA CAR on SMS. 11.5.3. Accordingly AAI, which is both ANS Provider and Airport Operator has established Safety Management System in AAI. The SMS manual is available on AAI website. 11.5.4. The Corporate SMS Manual (2013) provides guidance for the establishment of Safety Management System in Airports Authority of India in accordance with ICAO and DGCA regulations and guidelines. This manual sets “Safety Requirements” which must be met to achieve this objective. It also details the practices, processes and procedures to achieve these Safety Requirements, which are essential for the safe and efficient Air Navigation Services in Indian administered air space and at airports, where services are provided by AAI. It is published for the use and guidance of AAI personnel. Page 136 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 12. Summary of ANS Strategic Plan Operational Objectives 12.1.The following is a summary of ANS Strategic Plan operational objectives in the short term and medium term time frame. The long term operational objectives are also indicated for which the preparations need to begin in the medium term time frame. ANS Strategic Plan Operational Objectives PBN Implementation Enroute Short Term Medium Term Long Term Reduced Horizontal Separation ( RHS); RHS; RNP 4; RNAV 5; RNP 2 RNP 10 in Oceanic; RNAV 2 RNAV-5 in continental TMA RNAV 1 SID/STAR; RNAV 1 SID/STAR at all airports; RNAV 1 SID/STAR at all airports; APV;LNAV RNP 1 SID/STAR at all possible airports; RNP 1 SID/STAR at all possible airports; CCO/CDO Precision APP, Precision APP, APV;LNAV APV;LNAV RNP 0.3 ( for helicopters) RNP 0.3 ( for helicopters) CCO/CDO CCO/CDO Non-exclusive Non-Exclusive/ RNP 1 SID/STAR; Precision APP, Airspace Non-Exclusive Exclusive Classification of Airspace Page 137 of 171 Upper Airspace – Class A Oceanic Airspace – Class A Four layer concept TMA – Nonexclusive PBN/ ADS-B airspace for service priority TMA- Exclusive ADS-B/ PBN airspace Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Communication VHF VHF Coverage (above 10,000 ft.); VHF - 8.33 KHz VHF – 8.33 KHz VDL M2 VDL M2 Cross coupling- for UAH RCAG Navigation Surveillance Page 138 of 171 HF HF Coverage as back up to CPDLC HFDL HFDL SATCOM/ SATVOICE SATCOM In oceanic airspace SATCOM SATVOICE AMHS As per APAC AMHS plan AIDC AIDC within India AIDC with adjacent countries DME/DME Ensure coverage for RNAV-5 Extend coverage for RNAV-2 VOR As a backup to PBN routes ILS At all international airports GNSS ( SBAS ) As per GAGAN Road Map GBAS Pilot project PSR At all TMA and critical airports SSR / Mode-S At all International airports; Enroute service At all high density airports ADS-B As standalone and to supplement surveillance coverage As standalone and To supplement surveillance at critical airports As a replacement for en route SSR radars ASMCGS At all international airports , affected by weather At all international airports Upgrade to L3 and L4 MLAT At selected airports / airspaces Extension of coverage Consider WAM for en route surveillance Surveillance Data fusion To appropriate ATS automation Centers To appropriate ATS automation Centers and C-ATFM Full AIDC At all high density airports Assess and Extend to other airports GBAS CAT II / III Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Begin FTI for SWIM infrastructure FTI and integrate AIM , MET AIS to AIM AIS to AIM Phase 1 and Phase 2 AIS to AIM Phase AIS to AIM Phase 3 1 and Phase 2 PANS-AIM Recommendations ATFM Phase I Phase II MET For ATFM , For ATFM Aerodrome OPMET operations, Forecasts Exchange within India OPMET exchange between States Aerodrome Capacity Initial Capacity Analysis Refine capacity analysis Predictive capacity analysis A-CDM At selected airports At all International airports Integrate with ATFM Aerodrome Infrastructure Coordinated efforts for augmenting capacity based on ANS Strategic Plan SWIM AGA/AOP HR Page 139 of 171 With AIM, MET and ATFM ANS Plan Recommendations Progress towards SWIM Phase III PANS –TRG Recommendations Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 13. APPENDICES A. Traffic Statistics B. Relationship between ASBU and APSAP elements C. Relationship between Global Plan Initiatives ( GPI ) and ASBU D. CNS Road Maps AND PBN Roadmap E. Avionics Equipage Requirement F. ANS Performance Framework G. Sub Regional Initiatives- BOBASIO H. References I. Glossary Page 140 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX A: AIR TRAFFIC STATISTICS A. AIR TRAFFIC DATA FROM 1999 to 2013 Indian Air Traffic Movements - Last Decade 2000000 1800000 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Landing & take-off Overflying Page 141 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 B. AIR TRAFFIC DATA (2006/07 to 2013/14) Year(Apr-Mar) Domestic International GA Total 2006-07 826024 215569 180455 1258048 2007-08 1059091 248538 178107 1485736 2008-09 1035521 270399 171767 1477687 2009-10 1048420 282190 277330 1607940 2010-11 1093501 300145 297715 1691316 2011-12 1235360 309286 281233 1825879 2012-13 1165484 313844 288800 1768128 2013-14 1212103 338952 300352 1851407 Page 142 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 C. FREIGHT DATA (2006/07 to 2013/14) Page 143 of 171 Year freight(tonnes) 2006-07 1550906 2007-08 1714978 2008-09 1697289 2009-10 1959705 2010-11 2348900 2011-12 2279987 2012-13 2191191 2013-14 2065330 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 D. . TOP INDIAN AIRPORTS (BASED ON MARCH 2014 AIR TRAFFIC) Percentage Page 144 of 171 Airport (%) Movement Delhi 14.54 269313 Mumbai 12.86 238247 Chennai 6.08 112614 Bangalore 5.79 107330 Kolkata 4.83 89568 Hyderabad 4.68 86749 Cochin 2.26 41988 Ahmedabad 2.09 38755 Goa 1.4 26004 Guwahati 1.39 25846 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX B RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANS PLAN , ASBU MODULES AND APSAP ELEMENTS OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENT ANS ASBU MODULE APSAP ELEMENT BLOCK 0 PHASE I ELEMENTS STRATEGIC PLAN BLOCK 1 PHASE REFERENCE II AIRPORT PBN B0-APTA B1-APTA PARS I PARS II ATM ASMGCS B0-SURF B1-SURF PASL 1 PASL II ATM AND CNS AMAN/DMAN B0-RSEQ B1-RSEQ PARS I PARS II ATM AIRPORT CDM B0- B1- PARS I PARS II AOP ACDM ACDM AIDC,ATN B0-FICE B1-FICE PASL I AIM B0- B1- PASL I DATM DATM B0- B1- AMET AMET MET AIM/ FTI ATM AND CNS PASL II PASL I AIM MET B1-SWIM CNS FUA, DARP, UPR B0-FRTO B1-FRTO PARS I ATFM B0-NOPS B1-NOPS PASL I ATS SUR B0-ASUR PARS / ATM PASL II DCM ATM AND CNS PASL I ATSA B0-ASEP ITP B0-OPFL Page 145 of 171 B1-ASEP PARS I ATM ATM Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 ACAS B0-ACAS PARS I SAFETY NETS B0-SNET B1-SNET PASL I PASL II ATM AND CNS CDO STAR B0-CDO B1-CDO PARS I PARS II ATM CCO,SID B0-CCO PARS I PARS II ATM ADS-C/CPDLC BO-TBO B1-TBO PARS/PASL ATM ATM AND CNS I B1-RPAS AIRPORT ATM PASL I AOP PARS I AOP AND DCM PASL I ATM PBN ROUTES PARS I/II ATM SURVEILLANCE PASL I ATM AND CNS PASL I/II ATM ALL ALL HRD ALL ALL SAFETY CETIFICATION AIRPORT CAPACITY AIRSPACE CLASSIFICATION DATA SHARING FUA HR AND COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 146 of 171 MANAGEMENT Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX C GLOBAL PLAN INITIATIVES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH ASBU MODULES AND ANS STRATEGIC PLAN GPI Enroute Terminal Area X GPI-1 Flexible use of airspace X GPI-2 Reduced vertical separation minima X GPI-3 Harmonisation of level systems Alignment of upper airspace classifications RNAV and RNP (Performancebased navigation) Air traffic flow management X Dynamic and flexible ATS route management Collaborative airspace design and management Situational awareness Terminal area design and management RNP and RNAV SIDs and STARs GPI-4 GPI-5 GPI-6 GPI-7 GPI-8 GPI-9 GPI-10 GPI-11 Page 147 of 171 Aerodro me CNS Infrastructu re ASBU MODULE REF B0-FRTO B0-FRTO X B0-FRTO X X X X B0-FRTO X X X X B0-NOPS X X B0-FRTO, B0-OPFL, B0-TBO X X B0-FRTO X X X X X X X B0-ASUR, B0-ASEP B0-RSEQ, B0-CDO, B0-CCO B0-APTA Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 GPI GPI-12 GPI-13 GPI-14 GPI-15 GPI-16 GPI-17 GPI-18 GPI-19 GPI-20 GPI-21 GPI-22 GPI-23 Functional integration of ground and airborne systems Aerodrome design and management Runway operations Match IMC and VMC operating capacity Decision support and alerting systems Implementation of data Relationship applications Aeronautical information Meteorological systems WGS-84 Navigation systems Communication infrastructure Aeronautical radio spectrum Page 148 of 171 Enroute Terminal Area Aerodro me X CNS ASBU Infrastructu MODULE re REF X B0-TBO X X B0-ACDM X X X X X B0-WAKE, B0-SURF B0-SURF X X X X B0-ACAS, B0-SNET X X X X X X X B0-DATM X X X X B0-AMET X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X B0-TBO, BOFRTO B0-FICE, Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX D CNS AND PBN ROAD MAPS Page 149 of 171 Version 1.0 COMMUNICATION ROAD MAP AIR GROUND ENABLERS DATA COMMUNICATION SERVICES 2016 TO 2018 2018-2023 VDL M2 ACARS (HF) ADS-C CPDLC FANS 1/A ASBU MODULES AIR GROUND ENABLERS VOICE COMMUNICATION 2014 TO 2015 B0-OPFL B0-TBO B0-FRTO B1-TBO VHF ( 25 KHZ) VHF ( 8.33 KHZ) HF SERVICES AMHS AIDC ASBU MODULES GROUNDENABLERS GROUND COMMUNICATION B0-OPFL BO-TBO B1-RSEQ B1-TBO IP 4 IP 6 VOICE OVER IP ASBU MODULES B0-FICE B0-DATM B1-FICE B1-DATM B1-AMET ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 SURVEILLANCE ROAD MAP GROUND ENABLERS BASED 2014 TO 2015 2016 TO 2018 2018-2023 PSR SSR/MODE S WAM ADS-B IN ADS-B IN AND OUT ADS-C SERVICES GROUND BASED SURV. SURV. DATA FUSION ASBU MODULES Page 151 of 171 B0-ASUR B0-SNET Version 1.0 B1-TBO B1-SNET ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 SURFACE ENABLERS SMR MLAT ADS B IN AND OUT SERVICES ICAO V2 ASMGCS L1 & L2 ASMGCS L3 & L4 ASBU MODULE AIR TO AIR B0-SURF ENABLERS ADS-B IN AND OUT CAPABILITIES IN TRAIL B0-ASUR B1-SURF B1-RSEQ PROCEDURES AIR BORNE AWARENESS (AIRB) VISUAL SEPARATION ON APPROACH ASBU MODULE Page 152 of 171 B0-ITP B0-ASEP Version 1.0 B1-SURF B1-ASEP NAVIGATION ROAD MAP GROUND 2014 TO 2015 2016 TO 2018 2018-2023 ENABLERS ILS; DME ; VOR BASED CONVENTIONAL NDB CORE GNSS; SBAS; GBAS SATELITE BASED CAPABILITIES SEE PBN ROAD MAP PBN CAT I/II/III LANDING PRECISION APPROACH ASBU MODULES B0-APTA B0-CDO B0-CCO B0-FRTO B1-APTA PBN ROAD MAP ENROUTE OCEANIC ENROUTE CONTINENTAL TERMINAL AIRSPACE 2014 TO 2015 2016 TO 2018 2018-2023 RNP 10; RNP4; RNP 2 RNAV 5; RNAV2; RNAV 1; RNP 2; ADVANCED RNP; RNP 0.3 RNAV 1; ADVANCED RNP; RNP 0.3 (HELICOPTERS) ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURES APPROACH RNP APCH (SBAS; LPV, BARO-VNAV; LNAV/VNAV; BASIC GNSS; LNAV) RNP AR APPCH ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX E: AVIONICS EQUIPAGE REQUIREMENT BASED ON ASBU MODULES AND STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ASBU FUNCTIONALITY AVIONICS MODULE B0-RSEQ: Improve Traffic Flow through Runway Sequencing (AMAN/DMAN) B0-APTA: Optimization of Approach Procedures including vertical guidance B0-SURF Safety and Efficiency of Surface Operations (ASMGCS Level 1-2) Page 156 of 171 GROUND REQUIREMENT EQUIPMENT This module introduces system capabilities to provide assistance for sequencing and metering to manage arrivals and departures (including timebased metering) to and from a multi-runway aerodrome or locations with multiple dependent runways at closely proximate aerodromes, to efficiently utilize the inherent runway capacity. No avionics capability is required AMAN/DMAN Automation Functionality integrated with Ground Automation Systems This module complements other airspace and procedures elements (continuous descent operations (CDO), PBN and airspace management) to increase efficiency, safety, access and predictability. Basic instrument flight rules (IFR) GNSS avionics integrated with Baro VNAV functionality to support vertical guidance SBAS avionics Aircraft require avionics to fly GBAS land system (GLS) approaches. SBAS (Ground reference stations, Master stations, GEO satellites) This module builds upon traditional surface movement guidance and control system (SMGCS) implementation (visual surveillance, aerodrome signage, lighting and markings) by the introduction of capabilities Existing aircraft ADS-B and/or SSR transponder systems, including correct setting of aircraft identification. A-SMGCS: the surface movement radar ( L1 - L2) GBAS Equipment MLAT ADS-B ( Out) Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 enhancing air traffic control (ATC) situational awareness B0-ACDM Improved Airport Operations through Airport-CDM This module is designed to implement collaborative applications that will allow the sharing of surface operations data among the different stakeholders on the airport. No airborne equipment is required No New Equipment. B0-FICE: This module was designed to improve coordination between air traffic service units (ATSUs) by using ATS interfacility data communication (AIDC) NIL ATS Systems having AIDC Functionality The move from aeronautical information service (AIS) to aeronautical information management (AIM), No avionics requirements. The main automation functions that need to be implemented to support provision of electronic AIS are the national aeronautical data, NOTAM (both national and international) and meteorological management including data collection, verification and distribution. B0-AMET: Meteorological information supporting enhanced operational efficiency and safety MET Elements such as, WAF, VAAC, TCAC No new or additional avionics requirements and brought about by this module Dissemination and display of MET information in text or graphical format B0-FRTO: Improved Operations through Enhanced En-Route Trajectories This module is applicable to en-route and terminal airspace. B0-NOPS: The techniques and procedures brought by this module capture the Increased Interoperability, Efficiency and Capacity through Ground-Ground Integration B0-DATM: Service Improvement through Digital Aeronautical Information Management Page 157 of 171 Aerodrome Met Offices : Met Information required Interconnection of different data sources to provide a common picture : Commercial Solutions available Transmission of MET Information through AOC link. Airspace Planning, FUA, Flexible routing PBN, CDM DARP, FANS 1/A Data Link No avionics requirements ATFM Systems ( Preferably integrated Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 Improved Flow Performance through Planning based on a NetworkWide view experience and state-of-theart of the current air traffic flow management (ATFM) systems B0-ASUR: The surveillance service delivered to users may be based on a mix of three main types of surveillance as defined in the ICAO Aeronautical Surveillance Manual (Doc 9924): PSR, SSR, MODE-S, ADS-B, MLAT ADS-B ( OUT) equipment This module is dealing with the short term improvements to the performance of the existing airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS). TCAS V 7.1 Nil SSR/Mode-S Transponder Ground ATS automation should have Safety Nets Tools Initial capability for ground surveillance B0-ACAS : ACAS improvement with Ground ATS Automation Systems) MODE-S Transponders Surveillance Systems ( Radars, ADS-B, MLAT ) Surveillance Data Fusion Capability Surveillance Data Processing systems connected to Flight Data Processing Systems. Current Version of ACAS II is 7.0 Introduction of ACAS II V 7.1 B0-SNET : Increased Effectiveness of Ground-Based Safety Nets B0-CDO: Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in Descent Profiles (CDO) B0-CCO: Improved Flexibility and Efficiency in Departure Profiles (CCO Page 158 of 171 This module aims to implement a baseline set of ground-based safety nets. APW, MSAW ADS-B Out This module integrates with other airspace and procedures (continuous Climb operations (CCO)), performance-based navigation (PBN) and airspace management) to increase efficiency, safety, access and predictability. Avionics requirement is Nil Nil This module integrates with other airspace and procedures (PBN, continuous descent operations (CDO), and airspace management) to increase efficiency, safety, Nil Nil Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 access and predictability; and minimize fuel use, emissions, and noise. B0-TBO: Improved Safety and Efficiency through the initial application of Data Link EnRoute COMMUNICATION Air-ground data exchanges are an essential ingredient of the future operational concepts since they can carry reliably richer information than what can be exchanged over radio FANS 1/A equipment for VHF VHF Radios ( 8.33 KHz Compatible) VHF radios capable of 8.33 and VDL M2 VDL M2 Capability Ground VDL M2 network Mode-S Mode-S Transponder ADS-B ( OUT) ADS-B ( OUT ) Surveillance Systems ( Radars, ADS-B, MLAT ) VDL M2 SURVEILLANCE ADS-C CPDLC Ground Systems for ADS-C and CPDLC Integrated with ATS Automation systems VDL M2 For continental CPDLC Surveillance Data Fusion Capability Page 159 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX F: ANS PERFORMANCE FRAMEWORK The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) encourages its Member States to adopt a “performance-based” approach to the provision of Air Navigation Services (ANS), as documented in their ‘Manual on Global Performance of the Air Navigation System (ICAO Doc 9883). The performance-based approach should focus on desired results, defined objectives, and decision making which is informed by facts and data. It is desirable that a well-managed organization must maintain a full understanding of its performance in all the areas critical to its customers and other stakeholders. A key element in achieving a performance-based approach is the definition of a framework for measurement and review of various aspects of performance. Examples of such frameworks that have been developed are: frameworks currently being followed by ANSPs in Europe, under the auspices of EUROCONTROL, and globally, the annual performance measurement exercise undertaken by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), the trade association of Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs). AAI has decided to adapt these frameworks to suit Indian circumstances. The framework, being developed by AAI, follows the European model in focusing on four Key Performance Areas (KPAs): safety, cost-effectiveness, capacity, and environmental impact. In some cases it goes beyond the European model in trying to quantify performance indicators. AAI recognizes the need to examine its own performance, and has decided to set up a performance framework for ANS services being provided by AAI, drawing on the experience of these other exercises. Objectives of the performance framework A performance framework enables AAI to benchmark its performance against other ANSPs. It can then identify areas where it needs to improve, or has particular excellence, and work on problem areas to improve its performance and hence customer satisfaction. Presently AAI is working towards developing methodology in capturing necessary data for reporting Page 160 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 performance. In future AAI will be looking to set targets as it moves towards becoming a performance-based organization. Key Performance Areas AAI has decided, in the first phase, in line with the EU performance monitoring, to focus on the four key performance areas (KPAs) of: Safety; Cost-effectiveness; Capacity (delay); and Environmental impact (flight efficiency). AAI has taken the view that its performance monitoring needs to be mature enough to understand these key areas, and to be able to set targets for them and monitor them automatically, before branching out into measuring other KPAs. The operational objectives of ANS Strategic Plan are designed to contribute to meeting these strategic performance objectives and also to drive R&D of ANS activities towards the validation of performance targets. Page 161 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX G : INDIA’S SUB-REGIONAL COLLABORATION EFFORTS-BOBASIO The exponential growth in air traffic is posing a challenge to all the ANSPs in their quest for providing safe, economical and efficient flow of traffic and at the same time satisfying the need of the Airlines for obtaining their preferred flight profile in the Asia Pacific region. All the ANSPs have taken up the challenge by embarking on many initiatives like implementation of RVSM, introduction of RNAV routes, implementation of Performance Based Navigation, Reduction of longitudinal separation minima, ATM Automation, etc. These initiatives have definitely yielded remarkable success in enhancing safety, efficiency and augmenting capacity of Air space/airport in the respective States. While such initiatives would suffice with respect to domestic operations within a particular State, the cooperation from neighboring states is the most vital ingredient for safe, efficient cross border flow of traffic. The concept of working together through a collaborative approach is not only the key for enhancing safety and efficiency of aircraft operations through seamless provisions of services but also for sharing information, technology, procedures and harmonizing ATM systems. It is with this objective of establishing a comprehensive coordination mechanism among the neighboring states and supporting a strong sub-regional ATM system, India took initiative for establishing a ATS co-ordination group in the sub-region by bringing together the neighboring states of Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean as part of an ATS Coordination platform, BOBASIO. BOBASIO would provide an excellent platform to resolve various ATM related issues concerning coordination between ATS units, search and rescue, air traffic flow management, ATS route structure, contingency plans, development of latest technologies and other related issues. India hosted the first meeting of BOBASIO region in May, 2011.The meeting was attended by delegates from Oman, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, ICAO, IATA and DGCA, India. The meeting unanimously extended support to institutionalize BOBASIO as an informal subPage 162 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 regional ATS Coordination Group. Subsequently India has hosted the second and third BOBASIO meetings in 2012 and 2013. Terms of Reference of BOBASIO: Consider adopting uniform standards for implementation of ANS facilities/procedures. Sharing the reports of investigation of any ANS related incidents between involved member states and finalizing remedial measures and disseminating the same to other member states. Arrive at decisions on exchange programs between these States by nominating ANS officials for mutual benefits of updating on latest ANS developments. To deliberate on ICAO State Letters requiring synergic and uniform response from member states particularly with respect to (i) amendments to ICAO annexes (ii) Revision of regional supplementary procedures (iii) Application of separation minima (iv)Creation/ restructuring of Routes etc. and arriving at mutually agreed decision. Revision of the SAR agreements and coordination procedures among member States once a year. Conduct joint SAR exercises between member States. Sharing expertise/information/technology on any latest ANS related developments of any of the member states and arrangement of exchange visits by ANS officials of Member States. In view of the crucial role of states in implementing seamless ATM and ASBU, the group has also desired to include airlines and airspace users of the member states, CANSO, IATA, and IFATCA. BOBASIO presents a critical platform for Asian, Middle East Asian and African countries to come together to exchange ANS information. Seamless ATM across FIRs/States means the Major Traffic Flows are not constrained by ICAO Regions. It is important to note that well-coordinated work across trans-regional boundaries will be increasingly required in this regard. To ensure uniform ANS standards and services Page 163 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 across many States and for safe, efficient cross border flow of traffic, collaboration becomes vitally ingredient. In order to achieve global interoperability and seamless ATM services, it may be necessary to consider implementation of certain modules across regions in a coordinated timeline. The application of Data link for reduced horizontal separation on ATS routes across SE Asia is an excellent example. A comprehensive deployment of Block Zero (0 ) modules to support Asia Pacific Air Navigation Concept of operations will require concerted efforts in cooperation, collaboration and participation from all member states. BOBASIO group will act as an additional platform to achieve the required coordination. It will also perform the crucial role of bringing together the Asian, Middle East Asian and African countries in extending the scope of seamless ATM from Asia to Middle East and Africa. The Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean ATS Coordination Group (ASIOACG) is the primary regional group in Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean region. BOBASIO can supplement the APAC/ASIOACG initiatives for application of seamless ATM procedures in a timely manner. India will progressively engage the adjacent States to pursue the objective of Seamless ATM in the airspace spread across from Mid-East Asia to Indian sub-continent to SE Asia. In this endeavor the BOBASIO platform will play a crucial role. AAI will continue to support and nurture the activities of BOBASIO by providing proactive leadership. Page 164 of 171 Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX H : ACRONYM GLOSSARY 4D TBOs AAI ACARS ACAS ACC A-CDM ADS ADS-B ADS-C AFS AFTN AGA AIC AIDC AIM AIRB AIS AIXM ALoS AMAN AMAN/DMAN AMC AMET AMHS AMO AMS ANS ANSPs AOC APAC APANPIRG APCH APSAP APSAPG Page 165 of 171 Four Dimensional-Trajectory Based Operations Airport Authority of India Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System Airborne Collision Avoidance System Area Control Center Airport Collaborative Decision Making Automatic Dependent Surveillance Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Contract Aeronautical Fixed Service Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network aerodrome and Ground Aids Aeronautical Information Circulars ATS Inter-Facility Data Communication Aeronautical Information Management Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness during flight Operations Aeronautical Information Service Aeronautical Information Exchange Model Acceptable Level of Safety Arrival Manager Arrival /Departure Management Airspace Management Cell ( Also ATC Microphone Check) ASBU MET Aeronautical Message Handling System Aerodrome Meteorological Offices Aeronautical Meteorological Stations Air Navigation Services Air Navigation Service Providers Aeronautical Operational Control Asia and Pacific Region Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Work Group Approach Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Planning Group Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APTA APV ART ASBUs ASD ASDE ASEP ASIOACG ASM A-SMGCS ASUR ATAG ATC ATF ATFM ATFMSG ATM ATN ATS ATSA ATSEP AUP B0-ACDM B0-DAIM B0-FICE B0-RSEQ B0-SURF B1-AMET Baro-VNAV BOBASIO C- ATFM CAMD CAPA CAR CATC CCO CDM Page 166 of 171 ASBU Module- Approach to Airports Approaches with Vertical Guidance Airspace Review team Aviation System Block Upgrades Aircraft Situation Display Airport Surface Detection Equipment Airborne Separation Arabian Sea Indian Ocean ATS Coordination Group Airspace Management Advance-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System ASBU Module- Airport Surveillance Air Transport Action Group Air Traffic Control Air Traffic Forecast Air Traffic Flow Management ATFM Steering Group Air Traffic Management Aeronautical Telecommunications Network Air Traffic Services Air Traffic Situational Awareness Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Airspace Use Plan ASBU Block Zero Module- Airport CDM ASBU Block Zero Module- Digital AIM ASBU Block Zero ModuleASBU Block Zero Module- Runway Sequencing ASBU Block Zero Module- Surface Management ASBU Block One Module- Aviation Met Barometric Vertical Navigation Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean Central Air Traffic Flow Management Central Aviation Meteorological Division Center for Aviation Civil Aviation Requirements Civil Aviation Training Center Continuous Climb Operations Collaborative Decision Making Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 CDO CFMU CNS CONOPS CPDLC CSP CVOR CWP DARP D-ATIS DCPC DCB DCL DGCA DLIC DMAN DME e-AIP e-AMDB EFB FANS FASID FDI FDPS FF-ICE FIR FMS FRMS FTI FUA GAGAN GANP GASP GATMOC GBAS GDP GLS Page 167 of 171 Continuous Descent Operations Central Flow Management Unit Communication Navigation and Surveillance Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Concept of Operations Controller Pilot Data Link Communication Communication Service Provider Conventional VHF Omni-Directional Range Controller Working Position Dynamic Airborne Routing Procedure Data link automatic terminal information service Direct Controller Pilot Communication Demand Capacity Balancing Departure Clearance Directorate General of Civil Aviation Data Link Communications Initiations Capability Departure Management Distance Measuring Equipment Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication Electronic Aerodrome Mapping Data Base Electronic Flight Bag Future Air Navigation System Facilities And Services Implementation Document Foreign Direct Investment Flight Data Processing System Flight and Flow Information for a Collaborative Environment Flight Information Regions Flight Management System Fatigue Risk Management System Future Telecommunication Infrastructure Flexible Use of Airspace GPS AIDED GEO AUGMENTED NAVIGATION Global Air Navigation Plan Global Aviation Safety Plan Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept Ground-Based Augmentation System Gross Domestic Product Global Positioning Landing System Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 GML GNSS GOI GPI GPS HF HFDL HLAPB HMI IAF IATA IATS ICAO IFSET ILS IMD IMS IOC IP ITP KHz KPA LCC LNAV LoA LPV LVP MET MLAT MIT MOCA MOD MWO NDB NGAP NIATAM NOPS Page 168 of 171 Geographical Mark-up Language Global Navigation Satellite System Government of India Global Plan Initiatives Global Positioning System High Frequency High Frequency Data Link National High-Level Airspace Policy Body Human Machine Interface Indian Air Force International Air Transport Association Integrated ATS Simulators International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Fuel Savings Estimation Tool Instrument Landing System India Meteorological Department Information Management Service Initial Operating Capability Internetworking Protocol In Trail Procedures kilohertz Key Performance Areas Low Cost Carriers Lateral Navigation Letter of Agreement Lateral Precision with Vertical Guidance OR Localizer Performance With Vertical Guidance Low Visibility Procedures Aeronautical meteorological Multilateration Miles-In-Trail Ministry of Civil Aviation Ministry of Defense Meteorological Watch Offices Non-Directional Beacon Next Generation Aviation Professionals National Institute of Aviation Training Management Network Operations Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 NOTAM OJT OLBS OPMET PANS PARS PASL PBN PDC PIA PIRG PLFs PPP PSR RASG-APAC RCAG RHS RNAV RNP RPAS RSEQ RTC SAR SARP SATCOM SATVOICE SBAS SHEL SID SIGMET SMS SSP SSR STAR SURF SVGM SWIM Page 169 of 171 Notice To Airmen On-Job-Training On-line Briefing System Operational Meteorological Procedures for Air Navigation Services Preferred Aerodrome/Airspace and Route Specifications Preferred ATM Service Levels Performance Based Navigation Pre-Departure clearance Performance Improvement Areas Planning and Implementation Regional Group Passenger Load Factors Public–private partnership Primary Surveillance Radar Regional Aviation Safety Group – Asia and Pacific Remote Centre Air-Ground communication Reduced Horizontal Separation Area navigation Required Navigation Performance Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Runway Sequencing Regional Training Centers Search And Rescue Standards and Recommended Practice Satellite Communication Group Satellite Voice Satellite-based augmentation system Software, Hardware, Environment and Live ware – Humans Standard Instrument Departure Significant Meteorological Information Safety Management System State Safety Programme Secondary Surveillance Radar Standard Instrument Arrival Enhanced Traffic Situational Awareness on the Airport Surface Satellite Voice Guidance Material System-Wide Information Management Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 TAF TBO TCAC TFG TMA TMI TWIP UAH UAV UHF UPR UUP VAAC VDL VFR VHF VNAV VOLMET VOR WAFS WAM WGS-84 WMO XML Page 170 of 171 Terminal Aerodrome Forecast Trajectory-Based Operations Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centre Traffic forecasting group Terminal control area Traffic Management Initiatives Terminal Weather Information for Pilots Upper Area Harmonization Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ultra High Frequency User Preferred Route Updated Airspace Use Plan Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers VHF Digital Link Visual Flight Rule Very High Frequency Vertical Navigation Voice Meteorological Information For Aircraft In Flight VHF Omni-directional Range World Area Forecast System Wide Area Multilateration World Geodetic System 1984 World Meteorological Organization Extensible Markup Language Version 1.0 ANS STRATEGIC PLAN 2014-2018 APPENDIX I : REFERENCES A. ICAO Documents Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept ICAO Doc 9854 Global Air Navigation Plan ICAO Doc 9750 Manual on Global Performance of the Air Navigation System ICAO Doc 9883 Performance Based Navigation Manual ICAO Doc 9613 Safety Management Manual ICAO Doc 9859 Manual on Air Traffic Management (ATM) System Requirements ICAO Doc 9882 PANS-ATM ICAO Doc 4444 Annex 11 Global Aviation Safety Plan ( GASP ) B. ICAO APAC Guidance Materials Basic Air Navigation Plan – APAC Region ICAO Doc 9708 Facilities and Services Implementation Document FASID Asia Pacific Traffic Forecast – Doc 9853 Asia Pacific Seamless ATM Plan –V1 – 2013 Regional PBN Plan V3 C. Government of India Documents Strategic Plan – Ministry of Civil Aviation 2010-2015 DGCA India Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) 12th Five Year Plan - GOI D. E. AAI Documents Ajay Prasad Committee Report AAI Strategic Plan Volume 1,2 and 3 PBN Road Map Corporate SMS Manual Publications Reports from CAPA India, Boeing , Airbus, ACI , CANSO , IFATCA Industry Reports from FICCI , Deloitte (India) Page 171 of 171 Version 1.0