MATH 221A: TOPOLOGY III Instructor: Adam Simon Levine, Office hours: TBA Textbooks: Most of the material in the course can be found in John Milnor and James Stasheff’s classic book Characteristic Classes (Princeton U.P., 1974), and Allen Hatcher’s online notes Vector Bundles and K-Theory, which can be found at hatcher/VBKT/VBpage.html. We will also use Hatcher’s Algebraic Topology for some topics. Exercises will be taken from all three of these sources. Prerequisites: Math 121ab (Topology I-II) and 110a (Geometric Analysis). 110a may be taken concurrently. Assignments: There will be regular homework assignments and a final exam, date TBA. Course outline: (1) Introduction to higher homotopy groups. (2) Fiber bundles and vector bundles. Basic examples: tangent bundles, principal bundles, Hopf bundles. Constructions such as pull-backs, Whitney sum, tensor product, associated bundles, and projectivization. (3) Classifying spaces and Grassmannians. (4) Cohomology of fibrations, Leray-Hirsch theorem, Thom isomorphism theorem, Gysin sequence. (5) Construction of Stiefel-Whitney and Chern classes via the Leray-Hirsch theorem. (6) Euler and Pontryagin classes. (7) Obstruction theory. (8) Further topics as time permits. 1